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Pravin Rajpal New Age Innovation Guru Inspiring Breakthrough Thinking

Pravin Rajpal has reversed the trend where the west is looking at east for
developing excellence and innovation Economic Times

Founder InnovatioNext for accelerating innovation eco-system in India. Global Innovation

Thought Leader & Strategic Futurist. ( Described as Visionary Leader Changing the World by
Informa, A U.K Based organization which conducts Global Leadership Conferences and
invited him as innovation Guru in Leaders in India ).

Creative Leadership and Innovation coach to Fortune 500 companies and top organizations
like Tata Group, Aditya Vikram Birla Group, Samsung, I.T.C, BILT etc. Helping these leading
organizations in creating sustainable futures, high growth and market leadership. His
programs are considered as the best ever that have game-changing and life changing
Receiving Standing ovation from Army Generals. Youtube link below
Receiving Standing ovation from Hindalco Leaders. Youtube link below

Developed worlds most powerful 3D idea Generator for breakthrough ideas through
gamification of ideation. Considered as leading Idea Facilitator and Red bull of creative
thinking who has re-defined innovation with new way of thinking. See video link below

Developed more than 10000 Creative Leaders and conducted hundreds of idea factory
sessions to put organizations on faster growth track in most challenging environments.

PRAVIN RAJPAL Inspiring Super Human Potential

His Cosmic Energy program is taking HR to the next level by unlocking Super Human
Potential by infusing cosmic energy in scientific ways. He activates the third eye and
develops intuitive powers in the leaders for foresight, vision and sound decision making. In
2015 Pravin Rajpal started the Sunshine movement on the Facebook to spread health,
happiness and energy with his uplifting photography for improving Quality of Life.

His InnoVedas program uplifts mind, body and soul to new heights for a life lasting impact
on the organizations. The program is creates lot of positive energy, excitement and
enthusiasm that builds the momentum for growth.

Developed Indias first Innovation framework and assessment framework for future
readiness for CII (Confederation of Indian Industries). This framework enables organizations
to measure the intangible drivers like Leadership, innovation culture, idea management
systems, collaborations, R&D, customers etc for systematic measurement and improvement.

Author of Achieving Business Excellence and 5 Thinkings to Win. Both the books are best

Developed worlds first innovation suite on smartphones for developing innovation culture
in the organization. The smartphone based innovation suite is formally approved by CII
National Membership council as a tool for developing innovation culture in Indian industries.

PRAVIN RAJPAL Inspiring Unbound Imagination & Creativity

Awards & Honours

Selected as top 30 leaders in India whose contributions have made India proud by Times of
Indias LEAD INDIA campaign.

Awarded Global HR Excellence Award for Global contribution to Training and Development
by World HRD Congress.
* See pictures of Pravin Rajpal receiving standing ovation from Hindalco leaders below:

PRAVIN RAJPAL: Standing Ovation from Hindalco Leaders

Pictures of workshop for Developing Creative Leaders , Breakthrough Ideas
and unlocking Super Human Potential for business leaders of Hindalco
Aditya Vikram Birla Group on 26 th & 27 th February, 2015

1. Developing Creativity, Passions, Mental and Change Agility

2. Facilitating Breakthrough Ideas for Growth

3. Transmitting Cosmic Energy for Super Human Potential

4. Receives Standing ovation for life changing program

Program Name: Creative Leadership and Breakthrough Innovations

Compelling Need: Empires of the future are the empires of the mind. The new age of conceptual
world is shaped by new ideas every day. Wide-angle ever evolving creative approaches, which are
participatory, interdisciplinary and multidimensional, are required to address successfully todays
and tomorrows challenges to create sustainable solutions. This program addresses the need to look
beyond best practices that potentially keep us locked into the old paradigm, and to imagine and
experience next practices that offer step-changes in realizing sustainable development outcomes.
This program is develops leading edge culture where people acquire skills to transform chaos into
order, challenges into opportunities, constraints into advantages and ideas into wealth at great
speed. The program develops mental agility and change agility so that organizations become nimble
for morphing external environments to innovate on a continuous basis.
Programs content
Creative Leadership for Future readiness
Breakthrough Ideas for Growth, Market Leadership & Sustainability
Unlocking Super Human Potential
Program duration: 2 days

Pipeline of 20 creative leaders

Breakthrough ideas for growth & market Leadership
Cosmic Energy for unlocking Super Human Potential.

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