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MI-106 : Engineering Thermodynamics (Tutorial I)

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Tropic: Introduction and Basic concepts
1. Explain by giving suitable examples:
(a) System, surroundings, boundary, (b) Closed system, control volume, isolated system
2. Differentiate between microscopic and macroscopic approaches for the study of thermodynamic
systems. Give the problems or areas to which they have successfully been applied.
3. What is a quasi-static or quasi-equilibrium process? Can you represent a non equilibrium
process on thermodynamic-coordinate diagrams (like PV diagram).
4. For analyzing each of the listed events, specify the kind of system you would use and sketch the
system boundary, showing energy or mass interaction:

Inflating a bicycle tire with a hand pump.

Cooling the power supply of a desktop computer.
The change in size of a balloon left in the sun
The change in air pressure within a sealed package as temperature changes.
Pumping water from a lake to an overhead storage tank
A gas in a cylinder expanding against a piston to compress a coil spring
Mixing of foods by an electric mixer.
Heating water in a household gas- fired water heater.

5. Three thermodynamic quantities X, Y, Z are defined as

X ( Pdv vdP); Y P(dv vdP); and

Z ( RdT Pdv )

where R Pv / T constant. Which of these quantities X, Y, and Z are properties?

6. The water in a tank pressurized by air and the pressure is measured by a multi-fluid manometer
as shown in Fig. 1. Determine the gage pressure of air in the tank if h1 = 0.2 m, h2 = 0.3 m, and h3
= 0.46 m. Take the densities of mercury, water, and oil are 13,600, 1000, and 850 kg/m3,
Ans: 56.9 kPa
7. A gas is contained in a vertical frictionless piston-cylinder device as shown in Fig 2. The piston
has a mass of 4 kg and a cross sectional area of 35 cm2. A compressed spring above the piston
exerts a force of 60 N on the piston. If the atmospheric pressure is 95 kPa, determine the pressure
inside the cylinder.
Ans: 123.4 kPa

Both a gauge and a manometer is attached to a gas tank to measure its pressure as shown in
Fig 3. If the reading on the pressure gauge is 80 kPa, determine the distance between the fluid
levels of the manometer if the fluid is (a) mercury ( = 13,600 kg/m3) and (b) water ( = 1000
Ans: 0.6 m, and 8.16 m

9. Fresh and seawater flowing in parallel horizontal pipelines are connected to each other by a
double U-tube manometer as shown in Fig. 4. Determined the pressure difference between the two
pipelines. The densities of seawater and mercury are given to be sea = 1035 kg/m3 and HG = 13,600
kg/m3. We take the density of water to be w =1000 kg/m3. Can the air column be ignored in the
Ans: 3.39 kPa.
10. Water pipe is connected to a double-U manometer whose free arm is open to the atmosphere
as shown in Fig. 5. The local atmospheric pressure is 98 kPa. Determined the absolute pressure
at the center of the pipe. The specific gravities of mercury and oil are given to be 13.6 and 0.80,
respectively. Take the density of water to be w = 1000 kg/m3.
Ans: 156 kPa



Fig. 3

Fig. 4
Fig. 5





(c) Is there any difference between the intensive properties of saturated vapor at a






















A twophase liquid vapor mixture of H2O has a pressure of 150 bar and occupies a





A0.3m3 rigidvesselinitiallycontainssaturatedliquidvapormixtureofwaterat150C.
The water is now heated until it reaches the critical state. Determine the mass of the
and a cross sectional area of 100 cm2. If the local atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa
Apistoncylinderdevicecontains0.8kgofsteamat300 Cand1MPa.Steamiscooled
A piston cylinder arrangement is loaded with a linear spring and the outside
atmosphere. It contains water at 5 MPa, 400o C with the volume being 0.1 m3. If the
piston. The spring constant (in the spring force relation F=kx) k=0.9 kN/cm and the










u= uf+x(uguf)










Tutorial III (2014-15)

MI 106: Engineering Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Topic: Heat and work

A steam radiator in a room at 25C has saturated water vapor at 110 kPa flowing through
it, when the inlet and exit valves are closed. What is the pressure and the quality of the
water, when it has cooled to 25oC? How much work is done?


(3.169 kPa, 0.0361, 0)

A piston/cylinder contains 1 kg of liquid water at 20Cand 300 kPa.

Initially the piston floats, similar to the setup in figure, with a
maximum enclosed volume of 0.002 m3 if the piston touches the stops.
Now heat is added so a final pressure of 600 kPa is reached. Find the
final volume and the work in the process.



(0.30 kJ)

A cylinder having an initial volume of 3m3 contains 0.1 kg of water at 40oC. The water is
then compressed in an isothermal quasi-equilibrium process until it has a quality of 50%.
Calculate the work done in the process. Assume the water vapor is an ideal gas. (-13.4 kJ)


A piston cylinder contains 1 kg of liquid water at 20oC and 300 kPa. There is a linear spring
mounted on the piston such that when the water is heated the pressure reaches 3 MPa
with a volume of 0.1 m3.
a) Find the final temperature


b) Plot the process in a P-v diagram.

c) Find the work in the process

(163.35 kJ )

Air goes through a polytropic process from 125 kPa, 325 K to 300 kPa and 500 K. Find the
polytropic exponent n and the specific work in the process.


(1.969, -51.8 kJ/kg )

Two kilograms of water is contained in a piston/cylinder with a mass

less piston loaded with a linear spring and the outside atmosphere.
Initially the spring force is zero and P1 = Po = 100 kPa with a volume of
0.2 m3. If the piston just hits the upper stops the volume is 0.8 m3 and

T = 600C. Heat is now added until the pressure reaches 1.2 MPa. Find
the final temperature, show the PV diagram and find the work done
during the process.

(770C, 330 kJ)

A piston/cylinder contains 1 kg of water at 20C with a volume of 0.1

m3. Initially the piston rests on some stops with the top surface open
to the atmosphere, Po and a mass so a water pressure of 400 kPa will
lift it. To what temperature should the water be heated to lift the
piston? If it is heated to saturated vapor find the final temperature,
volume and the work, 1W2.


(143.6C, 145 kJ)

A piston cylinder setup similar to Problem 7 contains 0.1 kg saturated liquid and vapor
water at 100 kPa with quality 25%. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of
500 kPa will float it. The water is heated to 300C. Find the final pressure, volume and the
work, 1W2.

(500 kPa, 0.05226 m3, 4.91 kJ)

Tutorial III(2011-12)
MI 101: Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Topic: Heat and work

A steam radiator in a room at 25C has saturated water vapor at 110 kPa flowing through
it, when the inlet and exit valves are closed. What is the pressure and the quality of the
water, when it has cooled to 25oC? How much work is done? (3.169 kPa, 0.0361, 0)


A piston/cylinder contains 1 kg of liquid water at 20Cand 300 kPa.

Initially the piston floats, similar to the setup in figure, with a
maximum enclosed volume of 0.002 m3 if the piston touches the stops.
Now heat is added so a final pressure of 600 kPa is reached. Find the
final volume and the work in the process.

(0.30 kJ)



A cylinder having an initial volume of 3m3 contains 0.1 kg of water at 40oC. The water is
then compressed in an isothermal quasi-equilibrium process until it has a quality of 50%.
Calculate the work done in the process. Assume the water vapor is an ideal gas.
(-13.4 kJ)


A piston cylinder contains 1 kg of liquid water at 20oC and 300 kPa. There is a linear
spring mounted on the piston such that when the water is heated the pressure reaches 3
MPa with a volume of 0.1 m3.
a) Find the final temperature (404oC)
b) Plot the process in a P-v diagram.
c) Find the work in the process (163.35 kJ )


Air goes through a polytropic process from 125 kPa, 325 K to 300 kPa and 500 K. Find the
polytropic exponent n and the specific work in the process. (1.969, -51.8 kJ/kg )


Two kilograms of water is contained in a piston/cylinder with a mass

less piston loaded with a linear spring and the outside atmosphere.
Initially the spring force is zero and P1 = Po = 100 kPa with a volume
of 0.2 m3. If the piston just hits the upper stops the volume is 0.8
m3 and T = 600C. Heat is now added until the pressure reaches 1.2
MPa. Find the final temperature, show the PV diagram and find the
work done during the process.


(770C, 330 kJ)

A piston/cylinder contains 1 kg of water at 20C with a volume of

0.1 m3. Initially the piston rests on some stops with the top surface
open to the atmosphere, Po and a mass so a water pressure of 400
kPa will lift it. To what temperature should the water be heated to
lift the piston? If it is heated to saturated vapor find the final
temperature, volume and the work, 1W2.

(143.6C, 145 kJ)


A piston cylinder setup similar to Problem 7 contains 0.1 kg saturated liquid and vapor
water at 100 kPa with quality 25%. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 500
kPa will float it. The water is heated to 300C. Find the final pressure, volume and the
work, 1W2.

(500 kPa, 0.05226 m3, 4.91 kJ)

Tutorial IV(2014-15)
MI 106: Engineering Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Topic: First law of Thermodynamics (closed system)

A piston/cylinder contains 50 kg of water at 200 kPa with a volume of 0.1 m3. Stops in the
cylinder are placed to restrict the enclosed volume to 0.5 m3. The water is now heated until the
piston reaches the stops. Find the necessary heat transfer.
(Ans: 995 kJ)


10-kg of water is in a piston-cylinder device at 4500C, 0.633 m3. It is now cooled to 20C at
constant pressure. Show the Pv diagram and find the work and heat transfer for the process.
(Ans:-3115 kJ, -32276 kJ)


A piston-cylinder device contains 0.15 kg of air initially at 2MPa and 350C. The air first
expands isothermally to 500 kPa, then compressed polytropically with a polytropic exponent of
1.2 to the initial pressure, and finally compressed at constant pressure to the initial state.
Determine the boundary work for each process and the net work of the cycle.
Ans: 37.18 kJ, -34.86 kJ, -6.97 kJ, -4.65 kJ


1-kg of water that is initially at 90C with a quality of 10% occupies a linear spring-loaded
piston-cylinder device. This device is heated until the pressure and temperature rises to 800 kPa
and 250C. Determine the work done during this process.
Ans: 24.5 kJ


Saturated water vapor at 200C is isothermally condensed to a saturated liquid in a pistoncylinder device. Determine the specific work and the heat transfer in the process. Ans: 196.0
kJ/kg, 1940 kJ/kg


An insulated rigid tank contains 5 kg of saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water at 100 kPa.
Initially of the mass is in liquid phase. An electric heater (220V, 4A current) in the tank is
turned on, and the entire liquid in the tank is vaporized. Determine the length of time the heater
was kept on, and show the process is to be shown on a P-v diagram.
Ans: 153.1 min


A piston-cylinder contains 0.2 kg of water initially at 800 KPa, 0.06 m3. Now 200 kJ of heat is
supplied while the pressure kept constant. Determined the final temperature of the water and
show the process on a T-v diagram.
Ans: 721.1C.


Two tanks initially separated by a partition contain

steam at different states as shown in Fig. Now the
partition is removed and they are allowed to mix until
equilibrium is established. If the pressure at the final
state is 300 kPa, determine the temperature and quality
of the steam (if mixture) at the final state and the
amount of heat lost from the tanks.
Ans: 133.5 C,
0.3641, and 3959 kJ


A 0.2 m3 adiabatic rigid container is divided into two

equal parts. One part contains air at 700 kPa and 37C
while the other side is evacuated as shown in the
figure. Determine the internal energy change of the air
and the final air pressure when the partition is removed.
Ans: 0, 350 kPa


A closed system containing 2 kg of air undergoes an isothermal process from 600 kPa and 200C to 80
kPa. Determine the initial volume, the work done, and the heat transfer for the process.
Ans: 0.4525 m3, 547.1 kJ, 547.1 kJ.


A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is resting on top of a set of stops, initially

contains 3 kg of air at 200 kPa and 27C. The mass of piston is such that a
pressure of 400kPa is required to move it. Heat is now transferred to the air until
the volume doubled. Determine the work done by the air and the amount of heat
transfer, and show the process on a P-v diagram. Ans: 258 kJ, 2416 kJ.
The gas constant of air (R) is 0.287 kJ/kg.K

Tutorial IV(2014-15)
MI 106: Engineering Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Topic: First law of Thermodynamics (closed system)

A piston/cylinder contains 50 kg of water at 200 kPa with a volume of 0.1 m3. Stops in the cylinder are
placed to restrict the enclosed volume to 0.5 m3. The water is now heated until the piston reaches the
stops. Find the necessary heat transfer.
(Ans: 995 kJ)


10-kg of water is in a piston-cylinder device at 4500C, 0.633 m3. It is now cooled to 20C at constant
pressure. Show the Pv diagram and find the work and heat transfer for the process.
(Ans:-3115 kJ, -32276 kJ)


A piston-cylinder device contains 0.15 kg of air initially at 2MPa and 350C. The air first expands
isothermally to 500 kPa, then compressed polytropically with a polytropic exponent of 1.2 to the initial
pressure, and finally compressed at constant pressure to the initial state. Determine the boundary work
for each process and the net work of the cycle.
Ans: 37.18 kJ, -34.86 kJ, -6.97 kJ, -4.65 kJ


1-kg of water that is initially at 90C with a quality of 10% occupies a linear spring-loaded pistoncylinder device. This device is heated until the pressure and temperature rises to 800 kPa and 250C.
Determine the work done during this process.
Ans: 24.5 kJ


Saturated water vapor at 200C is isothermally condensed to a saturated liquid in a piston-cylinder

device. Determine the specific work and the heat transfer in the process. Ans: 196.0 kJ/kg, 1940


An insulated rigid tank contains 5 kg of saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water at 100 kPa. Initially
of the mass is in liquid phase. An electric heater (220V, 4A current) in the tank is turned on, and the
entire liquid in the tank is vaporized. Determine the length of time the heater was kept on, and show the
process is to be shown on a P-v diagram.
Ans: 153.1 min


A piston-cylinder contains 0.2 kg of water initially at 800 KPa, 0.06 m3. Now 200 kJ of heat is supplied
while the pressure kept constant. Determined the final temperature of the water and show the process on
a T-v diagram.
Ans: 721.1C.


Two tanks initially separated by a partition contain

steam at different states as shown in Fig. Now the
partition is removed and they are allowed to mix until
equilibrium is established. If the pressure at the final
state is 300 kPa, determine the temperature and quality
of the steam (if mixture) at the final state and the
amount of heat lost from the tanks.
Ans: 133.5 C,
0.3641, and 3959 kJ


A 0.2 m3 adiabatic rigid container is divided into two

equal parts. One part contains air at 700 kPa and 37C
while the other side is evacuated as shown in the
figure. Determine the internal energy change of the air
and the final air pressure when the partition is removed.
Ans: 0, 350 kPa


A closed system containing 2 kg of air undergoes an isothermal process from 600 kPa and 200C to 80
kPa. Determine the initial volume, the work done, and the heat transfer for the process.
Ans: 0.4525 m3, 547.1 kJ, 547.1 kJ.


A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is resting on top of a set of stops, initially

contains 3 kg of air at 200 kPa and 27C. The mass of piston is such that a
pressure of 400kPa is required to move it. Heat is now transferred to the air until
the volume doubled. Determine the work done by the air and the amount of heat
transfer, and show the process on a P-v diagram. Ans: 258 kJ, 2416 kJ.
The gas constant of air (R) is 0.287 kJ/kg.K

MI-106 : Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Tutorial - V

Topic: First law of Thermodynamics for open systems

1. Steam at 500 kPa, 300oC is used to heat cold water at 15oC to 75oC for domestic hot

water supply. How much steam per kg liquid water is needed if the steam should not
(0.795 )
2. A nozzle receives 0.1 kg/s steam at 1 MPa, 400 C with negligible kinetic energy. The

exit is at 500 kPa, 350oC and the flow is adiabatic. Find the nozzle exit velocity and the
exit area.
(438.7 m/s, 1.3 cm2 )
3. Water at 1.5 MPa, 150C, is throttled adiabatically through a valve to 200 kPa. The inlet

velocity is 5 m/s, and the inlet and exit pipe diameters are the same. Determine the state
(neglecting kinetic energy in the energy equation) and the velocity of the water at the
(xe = 0.0579, 240 m/s)
4. A liquid water turbine receives 2 kg/s water at 2000 kPa, 20 C and velocity of 15 m/s.

The exit is at 100 kPa, 20oC and very low velocity. Find the specific work and the power
(1.99 kJ/kg, 3.985 kW)
5. Consider a water pump that receives liquid water at 15 C, 100 kPa and delivers it to a

same diameter short pipe having a nozzle with exit diameter of 1 cm to the atmosphere at
100 kPa. Neglect the kinetic energy in the pipes and assume constant u for the water.
Find the exit velocity and the mass flow rate if the pump draws a power of 1 kW.
(29.43 m/s, 2.31 kg/s)
6. A large expansion engine has two low velocity flows of

water entering. High pressure steam enters at point 1 with

2.0 kg/s at 2 MPa, 500C and 0.5 kg/s cooling water at 120
kPa, 30C enters at point 2. A single flow exits at point 3
with 150 kPa, 80% quality, through a 0.15 m diameter
exhaust pipe. There is a heat loss of 300 kW. Find the
exhaust velocity and the power output of the engine.

(131.2 m/s, 1056 kW)

7. An initially empty bottle is filled with water from a line at 0.8 MPa, 350 C. Assume no

heat transfer and that the bottle is closed when the pressure reaches the line pressure. If
the final mass is 0.75 kg find the final temperature and the volume of the bottle.
(520oC, 0.342 m3 )
8. A rigid 100-L tank contains air at 1 MPa, 200C. A valve on the tank is now opened and

air flows out until the pressure drops to 100 kPa. During this process, heat is transferred
from a heat source at 200C, such that when the valve is closed, the temperature inside
the tank is 50C. What is the heat transfer?
(+25.7 kJ)
9. A 1-m , 40-kg rigid steel tank contains air at 500 kPa, and both tank and air are at 20C.

The tank is connected to a line flowing air at 2 MPa, 20C. The valve is opened,
allowing air to flow into the tank until the pressure reaches 1.5 MPa and is then closed.
Assume the air and tank are always at the same temperature and the final temperature is
35C. Find the final air mass and the heat transfer.
(16.96 kg, 468.9 kJ)
10. A 200 liter tank initially contains water at 100 kPa and a quality of 1%. Heat is

transferred to the water thereby raising its pressure and temperature. At a pressure of 2
MPa a safety valve opens and saturated vapor at 2 MPa flows out. The process continues,
maintaining 2 MPa inside until the quality in the tank is 90%, then stops. Determine the
total mass of water that flowed out and the total heat transfer.
(8.90 kg, 25.46 MJ)

Pb 1

Pb 2

Pb 3

Pb 4

Pb 5

Pb 6

Pb 7

Pb 8

Pb 9

Pb 10

Tutorial V -A(2014-15)
MI-106 : Engineering Thermodynamics
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Topic: First law of Thermodynamics for open systems
1. A desuperheater mixes superheated water vapor with liquid water in a ratio that produces
saturated water vapor as output without any external heat transfer. A flow of 0.5 kg/s
superheated vapor at 5 MPa, 400C and a flow of liquid water at 5 MPa, 40C enters a
desuperheater. If saturated water vapor at 4.5 MPa is produced, determine the flow rate of
the liquid water.
(0.0757 kg/s)
2. An open feedwater heater (Fig. 5.1) in a powerplant heats 4 kg/s water at 45oC, 100 kPa by
mixing it with steam from the turbine at 100 kPa, 250oC. Assume the exit flow is saturated
liquid at the given pressure and find the mass flow rate from the turbine.
(0.358 kg/s)
3. A condenser (heat exchanger) brings 1 kg/s water flow at 10 kPa from 300C to saturated
liquid at 10 kPa (Fig. T5.2). The cooling is done by lake water at 20C that returns to the
lake at 30C. For an insulated condenser, find the flow rate of cooling water.
(69 kg/s)
4. A steam turbine receives steam from two boilers. One flow is 5 kg/s at 3 MPa, 700C and
the other flow is 15 kg/s at 800 kPa, 500C. The exit state is 10 kPa, with a quality of 96%.
Find the total power out of the adiabatic turbine.
(21.99 MW)
5. A steam turbine receives water at 15 MPa, 600C at a rate of 100 kg/s, shown in Fig. T5.3.
In the middle section 20 kg/s is withdrawn at 2 MPa, 350C, and the rest exits the turbine at
75 kPa, and 95% quality. Assuming no heat transfer and no changes in kinetic energy, find
the total turbine power output.
(91.57 MW)

A 2-m3 insulated vessel contains saturated vapor steam at 4 MPa. A valve on the top of the
tank is opened, and steam is allowed to escape. During the process any liquid formed
collects at the bottom of the vessel, so that only saturated vapor exits. Calculate the total
mass that has escaped when the pressure inside reaches 1 MPa.
(27.24 kg)


A 1-m3, 40-kg rigid steel tank contains air at 500 kPa, and both tank and air are at 20C. The
tank is connected to a line flowing air at 2 MPa, 20C. The valve is opened, allowing air to flow
into the tank until the pressure reaches 1.5 MPa and is then closed. Assume the air and tank are
always at the same temperature and the final temperature is 35C. Find the final air mass and the
heat transfer.
(16.96 kg, 468.9 kJ)


A 200 liter tank initially contains water at 100 kPa and a quality of 1%. Heat is transferred to the
water thereby raising its pressure and temperature. At a pressure of 2 MPa a safety valve opens
and saturated vapor at 2 MPa flows out. The process continues, maintaining 2 MPa inside until
the quality in the tank is 90%, then stops. Determine the total mass of water that flowed out and
the total heat transfer.
(8.90 kg, 25.46 MJ)

Fig T5.1
Fig T5.2

Fig T5.3

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