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Drink [ edit ]
The kitchen is the result of a process of acculturation has been happening since the colonial times to the present day.
Falcon State is dedicated to the breeding of goats, the goats are very particular places, are productive economic sources in the region. The
milk of these occupies an important food for the preparation of sweets and preserves, in addition industrializing developing cheese and
butter. The kids meat is consumed profusely, fresh or salt, is a play genre that applied in the domestic market with the rest of the region
The visitor who reaches for her charms Boroj never leaves without tasting the flavors of peeled corn bread, stewed goat, iguana patties,
cheese, cream and paledonias, some of the dishes that make up the local cuisine.
Typical foods of the municipality:
The goat is prepared stew, stew, fried on grill, but the most common form is the kid with "talkar", of Indian origin, and is prepared by washing
the meat with lemon and let it drain, chop into small pieces and we add the following seasonings: salt, onion, tomato, paprika and garlic, all
chopped, oregano and cloves, one polvorada brava pepper and vinegar after mixing is allowed to stand for one hour and placed in a pot one
good amount of oil and add "curry" then adding the meat with the ingredients, you will then add potatoes and cook, then you add coconut
juice, but it must first bind it with water and throw it slowly , that is eaten with white rice.
Goat stews in its variety

Talkar goat

Chivo cassava

Goat in Coconut

Mojito goat

The typical arepas peeled region: where corn is subjected to a process of soaking lime or ash to remove the bark, but at the same time gives
a greenish color, then the beans are simmered and ground stone, with a dough balls then flatten and become rounded, then placed in hot
water to harden the surface of both sides for a short time and then roasted in the heat of the coals "griddle".
Coriano Selse: It is prepared with boiled pig head, then cured in vinegar and seasonings. Pickled costeo: Prepared with fried fish (snapper
or kingfish), vinegar and seasonings. Fish and then cured in vinegar lightly fried.
We also have a variety of sweets such as:
Dulce de leche: prepared with sugar and goat milk.
Coconut Rice: crafted from coconut, rice, sugar and cloves species.
Sweet potato: ingredients like sweet potato, sugar and water, boiled and cooled seats.
Chamomile: cooked fruit ponsigu that are introduced in the rum. The drink is aged for six months minimum.
Donkey milk: kind of punch from donkey milk, sugar and eggs, that is cooked and then allowed to cool.
Cocuy: extremely strong drink extracted from sisal stalk and grilled.
Died: strong drink made of brandy with raw meat, which is then buried and saved the time required for fermentation.
Dabudeque or Debudeque: the debudeque or dabudeque is a sweet cake made with stale bread flour and sweet brown sugar. Cut into
rectangular pieces as adoboncitos.
Mancarrn: sweet prepared with wheat flour, coconut, baking soda, brown sugar and water Cocadas.
The meals that stand in Falcon state are:
Talkar goat:Species stew made with goat meat, dressings and other condiments.
Chivo cassava: roast lamb, seasoned and accompanied by little cassava.

Chivo in coconut: dry stew prepared with goat meat, dried coconut and seasonings.
Mojito goat: very dry stew meat goat and spices.
Coriano Selse: It is prepared with boiled pig head, then cured in vinegar and seasonings.
Pickled costeo: Prepared with fried fish (snapper or kingfish), vinegar and seasonings. Fish and then cured in vinegar lightly fried.
Dulce de leche: Prepared with sugar and goat milk.
Coconut rice: Made from coconut, rice, sugar and cloves species.
Sweet potato: From ingredients like sweet potato, sugar and water, boiled and cooled seats.
Chamomile: Prepared fruit ponsigu that are introduced in the rum.The drink is aged for six months minimum.
Donkey milk: Species punch from donkey milk, sugar and eggs, that is cooked and then allowed to cool.
Cocuy: extremely strong drink extracted from sisal stalk and grilled.
Died: Strong drink brandy made with raw meat, which is then buried and saved the time required for fermentation.
Dabudeque or Debudeque: The debudeque or dabudeque is a sweet cake made with stale bread flour and sweet brown sugar. Cut into
rectangular piece as adoboncitos.
Mancarron: Dulce prepared with wheat flour, coconut, baking soda, brown sugar and water.

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