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A Tour of Ciudad Gloria

1. Westport (Harbor)
Description: One of the busiest locations in the C.G., Westport is the beating heart of the citys industry.
The automotive, petrochemical, and fishing businesses rely on Westport to get their product to the market,
and at all times of the day, it remains a complex tangle of fishing boats, container ships, tankers, and port
authority tugs. The congestion is even further compounded by weekly garbage scows, barges carrying
lumber down the Arroyo Mojado from Los Padres, and launches from the CGPD and the Customs Service.
The Coast Guard maintains its own pier here as well. On shore, an intricate maze of shipping containers,
chemical storage tanks, fuel oil bowsers, fish factories, warehouses, and other structures crams into every
square yard of available space. The whole place smells of caustic chemicals, old fish, and polluted water.
Nobody makes their home here save the most desperate. No houses exist, but that doesnt stop overworked
dockhands from sleeping in their offices.
Background: Long overdue for an expansion, Westport remains Ciudad Glorias gateway to commerce
with the growing Pacific Rim economies, even in the wake of the tech sectors ascendency. Millions of
tons of cargo pass through the port every year, not nearly all of it legitimate. Organized crime has had its
hooks in the docks since the days when its main activity was smuggling in forced railroad labor from
China. Local cops are paid very well to look the other way as the modern slave trade, drug and arms
smuggling, and illegal immigration go on right under customs officials noses.
Character: Fortitude and Sloth. Westport soldiers on, regardless of its problems with overcrowding and
crime as it always has. Ciudad Glorias largest employers depend on cargo flowing freely 24/7 without
interruption. If that requires people to look the other way when it comes to safety inspections or checking
every single box that comes off a freighter, then so be it.
System: Bribes go a long way here. Dismal pay and knowledge that the industries that service the port are
drying up mean that pretty much anyone here is willing to take a little under the table money to give a blind
eye to illicit activity that they dont really give a shit about to begin with. Bribes confer a bonus equal to
their Resources rating to Social rolls while in Westport.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety -1. Many roads and routes lead in to Westport, but the apathetic,
corrupt cops that work here are even scarcer at night than they are during the day.
Mental: Information -1, Awareness -2. People here dont care about anything that doesnt directly
involve them or their work.
Social: Prestige -1, Stability +2. The docks are taken for granted and not seen as that prominent in
the minds of citizens, but any attempt to disrupt the business coming through the port will get a
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 1, Size 4.
Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 3, Size 3 max.
Notable Locations: The Wharf Rat (a popular afterhours dive bar), Warehouse IB (a haunted warehouse
near Pear 9), and Fortuna Fish Processing Plant (One of the oldest fishing companies in the city and a long
time front for illegal activity).

2. Mill Street (Chemical Plant)

Description: Dilapidated is an understatement here. The air is a constant miasma of toxic smog generated
by two chemical factories producing industrial solvents and petrochemical derivatives and the quaint smell
of the massive paper mill on the banks of the river. A large neighborhood surrounds the factories, but it lies
abandoned and rotting except for the homeless and squatters. Grand Victorians decay and collapse on the
furthest reaches of the district while acid rain and chemical erosion has reduced most of the nearer
buildings to swampy, rubble-strewn lots.
Background: Once a prominent upper middle class neighborhood in the late 1800s, the outward expansion
of the city led to the well-off moving into newer locales and Mill Street began to go downhill. The large
houses were converted into apartment buildings for the workers in the plants that bought up vacant land on
the north end of the street. Most of the workers moved into other districts in the 1950s when the city
improved the road network. Since then the neighborhood has given over to industrial expansion and
environmental neglect. The EPA would love to shut this whole district down but the interests of the
thousands of plant employees override federal wishes in the eyes of the municipal government.
Character: Fortitude and Greed. This district just refuses to die, even as its industry pollutes the
surrounding land into utter devastation to make a fortune.
System: N/A.
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +2. As it sits along a single long street, there is only one easy way in
or out of the district. Beyond the abandoned houses, the only structures in the district are the
secured factory compounds.
Mental: Information -3, Awareness -3. Theres no one to talk to and not very many people
concerned with anything much beyond the plants themselves.
Social: Prestige -3, Stability +2. This definitely isnt a place the C.G. looks highly on, but those
factories arent going anywhere soon.
Domain Traits: Location 1, Security 4, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location 1 max, Security up to 5, Size 4 max.
Notable Locations: 1537 Mill Street (Victorian mansion converted into a meth lab and occupied by a cult),
the TyCorp Paper Mill, and the Singer Chemical Works.

3. Powers Farm (Industrial Works)

Description: Centered on the massive United Motors manufacturing plant, Powers Farm was once the most
important locale in the entire city. It has since fallen on hard times. Competition from Asia and problems
with the local unions has led to areas of the plant and its surrounding machine shops and supporting
businesses shutting down to cut cost. Its still the largest single employer in the city, though Nexgen is
beginning to catch up. What area isnt taken up by factories is instead overgrown with vehicle stowage
yards, loading docks, or small river piers for the barges that carry loads of steel and aluminum up from
Westport. While there arent very many residences in the district, restaurants and bars servicing the auto
workers crop up all over the place.
Background: Founded in 1942 to produce army trucks and the engines for naval landing craft and later
consumer cars, United Motors has employed almost four hundred thousand workers over the last fifty

years. Small supporting shops providing contract work milling spare parts or repairing equipment have
filled in the space around the plant and provided employment for even more people. However, the Asian
explosion in auto production in the 1980s has left the American automotive industry reeling. The Big 3
out East have the capability to conform to the new competition and the demands from their unions, but UM
is a minor independent producer and cant quite keep up. The plants output continues to go down and
costs continue to rise. Efforts are underway to develop what the company calls a quantum leap in vehicle
technology but current investors are underwhelmed.
Character: Hope and Pride. Powers Farm and UM built Ciudad Gloria and they wont let anyone forget it.
Still, the area is in decline and those dependent on it are desperate for a solution that will make them
competitive again.
System: Machine tools are easy to come by in this district, with or without proper authorization. Crafts
rolls on motors, vehicles, or for metalworking receive a +3 equipment bonus while utilizing this districts
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +3. Powers Farm is hard to navigate and most buildings are locked at
night, but it still has a large amount of police patrols and security cameras to deter criminals.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness -1. Graveyard shifts have been hit hard by cutbacks so there
arent a whole lot of people around, but those that are do tend to be generally well
Social: Prestige +2, Stability -1. With so many people employed here, this area is looked highly
on. The uncertainty of the future is causing quite a bit of worry though. Nobody wants this place
to turn into another Mill Street.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 4, Size 4
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 5, Size up to 3.
Notable Locations: The United Motors Powers Farm Plant, Glory Custom Auto (organized crime related
auto shop with long held connections to the Carthian Movement), and Pedros Cantina (a popular 24 hour
restaurant/bar with verified union cred).

4. Santa Fe Station (Rail Station)

Description: A sprawling junction bringing together both the north-south and east-west rail lines, Santa Fe
Station is on par with Westport in terms of moving the product of the C.G.s businesses to market, albeit for
domestic consumption rather than foreign. Dozens of lines of track, engine maintenance houses, terminals,
loading docks, storage yards, and coaling silos jockey for space over an area of a couple dozen square
miles. While not as profitable as the airport, passenger terminals do a lot of business here, connecting with
the cities of Monterey, Salinas, and Santa Cruz, as well as with the main metro terminal in downtown
Ciudad Gloria. Freight trains move tens of thousands of tons every day at all hours. A few hotels and
motels cluster around the passenger terminals, but very little exists here in terms of commercial business or
Background: Built around the original Santa Fe Railroad Terminal, the Station has grown over the years as
the regional monopolies on rail transportation have given way to large conglomerates. The passenger
business has declined over the years, but government subsidies will keep it alive for the foreseeable future.
Like the other industrialized areas of town, the mafia has had influence over this area through the unions.
No politician or group in this city will do anything to touch the Station for fear of the union vote or the mob

Character: Temperance and Wrath. This district has survived as long as it has, on not taking risks but woe
be to those who do anything to try and ruin the good thing that people have going on here.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +3, Safety -2. This place was built for ease of movement and transportation, but
its not all that well patrolled or crime-free.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness +1. News kiosks are fairly common here and people are also
aware of their surroundings given the criminal element known to frequent the area.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability +2. This area isnt seen as that great or that bad and the unions do
everything in their power to make sure nothing changes here.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 3, Size 2 max.
Notable Locations: Holiday Suites (a cheap motel near the Amtrak station known for its hourly rates) and
The Public Eye (a news kiosk in the atrium of the largest passenger terminal and local center of the citys
rumor mill).

5. Del Rio (Slums)

Description: Miles and miles of track housing, trailer parks, and mini-malls, Del Rio forms the manpower
source that feeds the industrial power of Ciudad Gloria. This is one of the largest residential areas in the
city, though admittedly it is almost uniformly low income. What few middle class areas exist in the
neighborhood belong to shift managers or union reps, but theyre not really all that much better off than
their neighbors. A few businesses exist in the area as well, ranging from used car dealerships to major retail
Background: Originally its own town until absorbed by Ciudad Gloria in the 60s, Del Rio has always
been a working class town. The industries have changed over the years, but the people never have. The
residents here have a reputation for being hard working and dedicated. People want out of this district
though, whether by hook or crook. Crime ties are strong here as they give people a way to get rich and get
out, while dreams of picking up a sports scholarship or record deal run just as strong in the neighborhoods
Character: Hope and Envy. The American Dream runs through the veins of every person in this district.
Everyone believes they can make it big even if it means drudging along at some shitty job in a factory for
now. It doesnt help that the people living here have an excellent view of upper class neighborhoods higher
in the hills. The sight stands as a daily reminder of what these people want but cant have.
System: Del Rio is one of the few neighborhoods with stores open at all hours. With so many people
working overnight shifts at the factories, its basically a requirement to stay in business. Rolls to find open
stores or specific items for sale in this district gain a 3 dice bonus.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +2. Its easy to get into the neighborhood, but individual
developments tend to follow their own setup rather than a easy to navigate grid plan. The area is
also well patrolled by the police, usually officers from this very district.

Mental: Information -1, Awareness +3. People here tend to be somewhat clannish and watch out
for each other. That also makes them very unlikely to talk to outsiders.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +1. Enough people in the city have their roots in Del Rio so its
usually cast in a good light, however, the neighborhood is under almost constant
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 5
Haven Qualities: Location 4 max, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: GreatMart Superstore (a recent arrival that has become the bane of local Mom and
Pops), 10 Acre Wood (a small kids park that has become disused after several missing children cases),
Bobs Billiards (local booze can and home to a particularly powerful Scot Lord), and the Del Rio
Community Center (formerly the Del Rio City Hall).

6. Oceanside (Slums)
Description: A rather small neighborhood near Del Rio, most people cant tell Oceanside and its larger
neighbor apart. The population here is also low income and working class, but unlike Del Rio, Oceanside
did not start as its own town. Oceanside is an outgrowth of Westport and its inhabitants make up the
majority of that districts workforce. The area definitely doesnt have the same amount of resources as
other residential areas and is mostly dead except for commuter traffic heading to or from work.
Background: While it doesnt have the detailed history of other neighborhoods, Oceanside has existed as
long as the harbor has been in business in one form or another. Shantytowns and bungalows gave way to
low-rise apartments in the 1920s. Its pretty much stayed the same since then. Not much new
development goes on in the area. Stuff would be breaking down by now, but the residents tend to be pretty
handy at repairing damage. An interesting factoid about Oceanside: the area suffered from overdue
attention from the draft boards. Nearly everyone living here is a Vietnam veteran or the child of one. They
tend to be even more insular than the ethnic neighborhoods elsewhere in the city.
Character: Prudence and Pride. Oceanside depends on the docks and it knows it. They also know how
poor they are. There isnt a whole lot of upward mobility at the docks so people know how to make do
with what they have. Those adversities have made the people here stronger for it and made them selfreliant. They know that too.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety +0. The only fast, direct routes to Oceanside are from the docks and
its not all that well patrolled by the police, then again theres not a very large criminal element
Mental: Information -1, Awareness +3. Most people here dont have a high school diploma, nor
do they give a shit about what goes on in the rest of the city. They are, however, very aware of
Social: Prestige -2, Stability +2. Most people in the C.G. cant tell the difference between
Oceanside and Del Rio (much to the chagrin of its inhabitants), but so long as Westport exists, so
will Oceanside.
Domain Traits: Location 1, Security 2, Size 2

Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 3, Size 2 max

Notable Locations: 315 Porter Place (an apartment building with huge Irish mob membership) and Pier 9
(a defunct river pier that is now a popular lower class fishing point).

7. Mission Santa Maria de Gloria (Cathedral)

Description: By far the oldest district in the city, the Mission district is built in the old Spanish Colonial
style. Most of its buildings are recent but are designed to look old. While no longer a key district of
Ciudad Gloria, it remains its namesake and the headquarters of the Catholic Church in the area. Spires
dominate the skyline here and church bells can be heard at all hours. The big bells on the cathedral ring
every hour on the hour. At night, the Mission is empty and what is airy lightness and uplifting architecture
during the day become symbols of an omnipresent judge of ones sins.
Background: The Mission stands as the first Spanish settlement in the area in the 17th century. Most of the
original structures are gone, though. The chapel evolved over the centuries into the massive cathedral that
stands today. The monastery became attached to the local school which grew massively over the years.
One of the only structures to remain untouched is the missions fountain.
Character: Charity and Sloth. This whole area is built around helping people and serving others, but they
do require that people come to them and they arent all that active in prosthelytizing.
System: The district is very open. Athletics rolls for foot chases gain a +2 bonus, as do Perception rolls
for long distance sight, especially from elevated locations.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +0, Safety +2. This area may not be laid out in a grid pattern, but it is easy to get
into and the cathedrals spires provide excellent landmarks. The area is well patrolled by police
and reasonably well locked up at night.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness -2. This area contains a fully stocked school library and
cathedral archives, but theres no one around at night.
Social: Prestige +3, Stability -1. This is one of the most highly respected areas of the city, but its
always going through constant flux, even though the buildings might not look it.
Domain Traits: Location 0, Security 3, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 1 max, Security up to 4, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: St. Ignatius Cathedral (a large Neo-Gothic cathedral with nightly Latin masses),
Loyola Academy (the largest K-12 Catholic school in California, alma mater of nearly everyone from Del
Rio), Santa Maria de Gloria Fountain (a fountain of Mary weeping, its been the site of numerous
miracles), and Mission Ciudad Gloria Jesuit Monastery (attached to the school, it provides most of its

8. Hacienda Del Rey Christos (Elysium)

Description: A small neighborhood built around the old Spanish governors ranch, Del Rey, as its known
to locals, has been mostly given over to historical sites and tourist exhibits. The area doesnt receive much
attention from the locals, though most schools take field trips here, even those from surrounding cities. The

buildings stay open until very late and there are usually shows and reenactments for the tourists. The
grounds stay open at all hours.
Background: Del Rey is based on the private ranch of Spanish governor of Alta California. Seated near
the capitol in Monterey, Ciudad Gloria was the perfect place for a tax farm to make private wealth for the
governor. When the Bear Flag Republic declared independence it became at times a customs house, a US
cavalry outpost, a private ranch, and lastly a horse stable. Part of it has still fulfilled the final role since its
conversion into a protected national landmark in the 1940s. Kindred have treated the district as Elysium
since the arrival of large numbers of settlers in mid-1800s.
Character: Temperance and Greed. The area is one of the few somber ones that is open at night and the
surrounding areas want to keep it that way. Nearly everything in this district though has been built to
fleece tourists of their money. For Kindred this place is the center of wheeling and dealing and both
attributes still apply.
System: This area is considered Elysium by Ciudad Glorias Kindred. It abides by all the rules therein.
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +3. The area is surrounded by a high wall and only accessible by a
single gateway. There are also a number of guards and very little in the way of crime.


Mental: Information +2, Awareness -1. Whether historical accounts or the latest Kindred rumors,
this area is great for getting info. The large crowds and the distracting events make
awareness difficult.
Social: Prestige +2, Stability +3. Del Rey is a local landmark and looked highly upon even if the
locals take it for granted.

Domain Traits: Location 4, Security 4, Size 1

Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: The Governors House (center of the ranch, with guided tours going through every half
hour), Rey Christos Stables (the former ranchland surrounding the House now used as private horse
stables), and El Salon de Arguello (a semi-open air ballroom rented out for private events, including

9. The Presidio (Museum)

Description: Situated on a bluff overlooking the coast, the Presidio now houses a large number of preColumbian, Spanish era, and early frontier museum exhibits. It doesnt stay open nearly as late as Del Rey,
nor does it have very many live reenactments. At night, the Presidio is nearly abandoned except for the
occasional trespasser. Even then, it remains one of the most remarkable sites of the citys skyline. The
small neighborhood that surrounds it is mostly made up of older houses and retirees.
Background: Originally a Spanish military fort, the Presidio converted to a US Army installation after the
Mexican-American War. During the early 20th century, it was turned into a coastal defense fort to protect
the harbor. The base was closed and converted into a museum in the 50s with most of the housing given
over to residential development. The area remains as quiet and inactive as ever, it guns having never fired
a shot in anger.
Character: Temperance and Sloth. The Presidio is even tempered and peaceful, but thats mostly because
there isnt really anything going on.

System: The museum exhibits are treated as Elysium by the citys Kindred, but the remainder of fort is
District Traits:
Physical: Access -3, Safety +2. The neighborhood is situated at the top of a very steep hill with no
major roads going in and out. It also helps that its a fortress. The area is very low crime beyond
occasional juvenile delinquents.
Mental: Information +0, Awareness -2. The museum exhibits have excellent information about
the citys history, but that is not entirely useful. A drawback of the neighborhoods
is that no one here is really aware of what is going on because they expect
nothing to happen.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +1. As a protected historic landmark, the neighborhood isnt going
anywhere for a while. It well looked upon by the C.G.s populace as a key part of citys
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 4, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 3, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: Culver House (the former base commanders house now given over to a frontier
museum exhibit), McFadden Battery (a preserved coastal artillery battery from WWII overlooking a 70 ft.
cliff), and Old Man Horsleys (a ready-to-be-condemned house full of local childrens urban legends).

10. CARA (Financial District)

Description: Short for Calle de Acunar de Regulador Alvarado, CARA (as its known even on the street
signs) is the citys banking district. The whole place bustles during the day. Its woefully incapable traffic
system snarls constantly and crowds fill up its sidewalks, crosswalks, and the bistros that match the same
hours as the banks around them. They do every form from financial business known from domestic
checking and savings accounts, small and large business loans, real estate, and stock trading. At night, its
a ghost town. Every business closes by 7pm.
Background: Built around the original bank and mint built here by one of the first Spanish mayors, CARA
fell on hard times for most of the 20th century. The Great Depression crippled the areas banks and only
investment from the burgeoning industries during WWII saved it from complete insolvency. During the
1970s, the district started going downhill again when investment money from the auto industry began to
dry up. It looked like most of the banks were going to be force to sell out to larger multinationals. The
arrival of the tech sector saved the day. CARA is once again floating high on investment dollars and
business loans from the dotcom businesses flowing in to the C.G.
Character: Fortitude and Greed. This district has survived a lot of adversity to get where it is and it looks
like its finally come out on top. The tech sectors money is making everyone here rich. The wealth
appears to have a never ending supply and people here are taking full advantage of that. Its a good thing
that the dotcom industry is something that will never go away.
System: Though it requires a way of operating during the day (by proxy usually), bank loans are very
easy to come by, even without good collateral. Temporary resources may be acquired here up to Resources
4, though they require an ST-stipulated payback amount of Resources dots +1 or +2 if no collateral is
District Traits:

of the

Physical: Access +1, Safety +2. The area has a very badly organized road system and the buses
and trains dont run here at night, but it is also empty. The police maintain large patrols
area and most of buildings have very good security.

have lots

Mental: Information +3, Awareness -2. Lots of confidential records exist in vaults and file
cabinets in CARA if people can get to them. The area lacks people at night, but they do
of CCTV cameras.
Social: Prestige +3, Stability -1. This is one of the most important areas of the city, but its
notorious instability makes people unsure about its future, even with todays wealth.
Domain Traits: Location 0, Security 5, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 0 max, Security up to 5, Size up to 4.
Notable Locations: Acunar de Alvarado (the first bank in the area, now a historic site), 1st Metropolitan
(largest bank in the region, its current growth rate is nearly 300%), and The Wealth of Nations (a huge
piece of abstract art in the middle of the district donated by a Nexgen investor).

11. Hearst Plaza (Media District)

Description: Hearst Plaza is the center of journalism in Ciudad Gloria. Local TV, radio, and newspaper
businesses all have their facilities here. Numerous independent photography companies also make their
offices here and the sidewalks are lined with news kiosks and cafs servicing the local workers. The whole
area is simultaneously despised and loved by the C.G. government and major corporations. Investigative
reporting has caused huge public relations disasters for nearly every company or agency in the city,
whereas their pieces of positive reporting of private charities and community outreach efforts have caused
great publicity. The neighborhood as a few upscale and incredibly expensive apartments, other than those
there are no residences in the area. Not many businesses stay open at night, but most will still have
workers in them at all hours of the night.
Background: The district was initially built through extensive private investment, namely by the man who
gave it its name: William Randolph Hearst. Hearst owned every paper and radio station in the city until his
trust was busted in 1920s. The area has had numerous media companies go out of business over the years,
but it still makes a profit for the ones that remain.
Character: Justice and Lust. The area is known for its dedicated investigative journalists constantly
rooting out corruption in the city. Whether that is due to actual scruples or a need to make headlines and
sell papers is in the eye of the beholder.
System: Investigation and Politics rolls gain a 2 dice bonus when utilizing the assets and databases found in
the areas offices.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +0. The area has a metro terminal and a regular bus route, as well as
being laid out in a perfect grid pattern. Most of the buildings dont have very good security, but
this is a low crime area.
Mental: Information +3, Awareness +1. This is the place to go if you want information about any
number of topics, though its good to avoid the locals. They always seem to be looking for their
next scoop and have no problem with accidentally violating the Masquerade to get it.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability 2. The area is as famous as it is infamous and its not uncommon
for this are to undergo massive changes in layout and composition.

Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 2, Size 2.

Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 2, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: The Daily Star (the original newspaper started by Hearst and still the largest in the
city), 91.9 WKWN (local alt-rock station known for its occult late night talk show), The Green Bean (a
popular coffee house with rumored ties to various, conflicting supernatural groups), and the Global News
Network (a local TV news station with delusions of grandeur).

12. Municipal Center (City Courts)

Description: Centered on the federal courthouse with the surrounding offices and lower courts, Municipal
Center bustles during the day and remains fairly active at night. Most prominent attorneys in the C.G. have
an office here, as do the lawyers on retainer for the big corporations. The buildings are some of the most
varied in design found in the entire city. Every architectural style from Neoclassical to Art Deco to Modern
is found in the area, often on the same block. The CGPD and sheriffs department maintain a joint
detention facility in the area that doubles as the county jail and maximum security holding tank for the
courthouse. The area is decidedly lacking in commercial or residential buildings, but the occasional
apartment can be found above a lawyers office.
Background: Greatly expanded in 1920s, the Municipal Center used to house the entire government
apparatus and city hall. The city hall and the government offices were moved in the 80s to newer facilities
downtown. The courts continue to operate in the area, though after several high profile cases involving
juror manipulation and threats during organized crime trials, some are beginning to question whether the
court should be moved to newer, more secure buildings.
Character: Justice and Sloth. As a legal district should be, this entire area is built around the concept of
people getting what they deserve. The system isnt at all perfect and people do slip through the cracks, but
it does its best. Nothing here moves quickly though and bureaucratic meddling can lead to cases sitting in
arbitration or hearings for years.
System: N/A
District Traits:


Physical: Access +0, Safety +3. The layout of the district is simple and there are plenty of mass
transit stops, but the area is extremely well patrolled by police and the buildings tend to
restricted access and good security.

there are a

Mental: Information +2, Awareness -1. There is a lot of information to be had here, though it
tends to be a little focused. People in the Municipal Center are usually distracted, but
decent number of security cameras around important buildings.

where it

Social: Prestige +2, Stability +3. This is one of the oldest and most respected areas of Ciudad
Gloria. Unless state funds magically appear to build a new court house, it is staying right
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 4, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 5, Size 4 max
Notable Locations: Shetfield Federal Court House, the Monterey County Combined Detention Center,
Brown Cohen & Montoya (largest law firm in the city, known for defending high profile criminals), and
Cassione Legal (a small private office that is famous for its discretion).

13. Castle Street (Mercantile Sector)

Description: Known for its jewelers, goldsmiths, and custom glassworkers, Castle Street is one of Ciudad
Glorias oldest commercial districts. The buildings here average out at over a hundred years old as do most
of the businesses. The area makes decent money through extreme specialization. Around the street itself
are small developments for condos and high end apartments, most occupied by the local business owners
and their families. Its very quiet at night except for the occasional person working on a last minute project.
Background: Castle Street is one of the few areas of the C.G. recognized for its hereditary businesses.
Almost every single shop has been owned and operated by a small group of families for decades. Most of
the families are Jewish and date from the time around the Gold Rush. The street was built around the
original settlement for most of the families and their money helps them retain a lot of influence with city
hall. No new shops have opened on the street since the 1940s.
Character: Fortitude and Pride. Castle Streets owners arent selling or moving anytime soon and they are
very proud of their heritage and accomplishments.
System: The whole of Castle Street is filled with precision tools and equipment for small objects.
Appropriate Craft rolls gain a +2 equipment bonus while utilizing them.
District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety +1. The area has little crime except for very, very occasional breakins, but the businesses here have the security that you would expect from a jewelers district. The
mass transit lines dont stop here and the streets dont follow a grid.
Mental: Information -2, Awareness +1. Theres not much news to be had here and the risk of
crime causes locals to be very aware even if it doesnt occur very often.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +3. Castle Street is well looked upon and remains one of the most
stable areas in the city.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 3, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 5, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Everstein Jewelers (high quality jewelry shop catering to the upper class) and Kellogg
Optics (an eyewear and optical equipment shop).

14. Campo de Las Rosas (Latin Quarter)

Description: The Field of the Roses looks year-round like something out of a Mexican folktale. The
district has large, multi-day celebrations for almost every traditional holiday and its streets are filled with
parades and revelry each month. The largest organized Day of the Dead celebration in California occurs
here. The buildings are all beautifully colored and numerous small parks break up the streets along
European style traffic circles. The area is uniformly upper middle class and possesses a highly organized
homeowners association that ensures that only those that are willing to maintain strict architectural,
decorative, and cultural guidelines can live here.
Background: The second oldest area of Ciudad Gloria, the Campo was originally farmland for Spanish,
and later Mexican, sharecroppers. As the old city grew around them, the farms began drying up and the
owners moved into other rural areas. The Shetfields, one of the citys richest and oldest families, bought

the entire area in the 1940s and revitalized it. They instituted the system to turn it into a Mexican folk
haven. Was it simply coincidental that the Shetfields also own building contractors, the local
transportation companies, catering services, florists, and other businesses that would profit from the folk
Character: Temperance and Pride. The celebrations here straddle the border between ancestral pride and
Mexican nationalism, but the local homeowners association requires everything be orderly in order to live
in the Campo.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +0. The area is as difficult to navigate as any old city in Europe and
the traffic circles only compound the problem with American drivers. The area is well
by police and has no domestic crime issues, but the large crowds on celebration
days are breeding
grounds for illegal activity.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness -2. This is a great place for learning about local history and
urban legends, but the frequent large crowds make it difficult to stay aware of ones
Social: Prestige +2, Stability +0. The Campo has history and is popular with locals, but part of its
history is its mutable nature.
Domain Traits: Location 4, Security 2, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 3, Size 2 max.
Notable Locations: Rosas Square (large festival square in the center of the district).

15. Tortuga Heights (Mercantile Sector)

Description: Another area of the old city, Tortuga Heights has always been Ciudad Glorias slaughterhouse
district. Small meat packing plants and canneries exist alongside the traditional butcher shops and delis. A
small residential neighborhood supports the district and most of the non-factory buildings have residences
above them. The area also has a number of specialty food stores ranging from kosher delis to Polish
Background: One of the first ethnically mixed areas of the city, it no longer really has a historical identity
beyond the business functions that occur here. The plants started in the area in the 1920s and since then
the entire district has resembled a cross between a commercial and an industrial district. Organized crime
uses several of the businesses in Tortuga Heights as fronts for illegitimate activity.
Character: Prudence and Greed. The Heights are built to make money and businesses that dont usually
dont last very long here. Most shops are predictably conservative with their choices.
System: Animal blood is very available here. Most businesses have arrangements that benefit local
Kindred. For Resources 1, a single dose of animal blood can be acquired from most vendors.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +0, Safety -1. The area has regular bus routes, but a very difficult layout. The
neighborhood has gone downhill since organized crime moved in and its not all that safe.

Mental: Information -2, Awareness -2. People here arent the most educated or the most aware.
Social: Prestige -1, Stability -2. Tortuga Heights is looked down on by much of the city, and its
building are usually in a constant state of flux.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 1, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 2, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Marios (a small custom butcher shop specializing in unique cuts and unusual meats),
Madame Zedells (a small store known for exotic spices), and the Thorton Meat Plant (a meat packing plant
closed down three times over the last 50 years for multiple violations).

16. Xuanlong (Chinatown)

Description: Xuanlong follows every stereotype of a West Coast Chinatown. The buildings vary between
low rise apartments and faux-Chinese/Korea/Japanese architecture. Authenticity takes a backseat to
appearance in the district. Besides the housing projects, Xuanlong has the highest population density in the
C.G. The area is mostly working class and forms a complex jumble of residential and commercial zones.
Any of a half dozen languages are spoken in Chinatown, thought the majority of its people are ethnically
Background: Xuanlong started out as a family settlement for people brought in from China to work on the
railroad. Most of them didnt come over willingly. Not much has changed today. People are still
smuggled in from Asia to work in sweatshops all along California, though Ciudad Gloria is mostly free of
those businesses. Recently, investors from Hong Kong and Shanghai have brought in money and begun
revitalizing the area.
Character: Hope and Greed. With such a high number of immigrants, Xuanlongs people have a lot of
optimism about making a better life in America. Most of their plans revolve around fleecing the locals for
all their worth, though.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -3, Safety -2. Beyond the streets at the edge of the district, this place is nighimpossible to navigate. The Tongs and the Triads have made it unsafe as well.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness +1. People here know what is going on around them as an
inborn survival instinct and this area has many sources for unusual information.
Social: Prestige -2, Stability -3. Buildings and people are constantly in flux in the area and most
of the C.G.s population looks down on the entire area as crime ridden and dangerous.
Domain Traits: Location 4, Security 1, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 2, Size 4 max
Notable Locations: Black Dragon Gate (most used entry way into the district), Tsiang-Shi (restaurant on
the edge of the district famous citywide for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cuisine on 3 floors), Jade Lotus
(Asian themed dance club near the center of the district owned by the Triads), and Benny Wongs (a secret
restaurant hidden on the 8th floor of an apartment building specializing in endangered species).

17. Kaiser Circle (Medical Center)

Description: Named for the Kaiser Permanente Regional Hospital in the district, Kaiser Circle houses a
number of different medical facilities. The CGPD operates their crime lab here, theres a state of the art
surgical facility and several small dental and optometry clinics, as well as a number of private practices.
The city maintains a life flight helipad and the municipal ambulance company has its HQ and main offices
here. The neighborhood surrounding the hospitals is a mix of gated communities for doctors and
administrators and apartments for personnel for cant afford houses in other neighborhoods.
Background: Kaiser Circle was an empty field all the way up until the 1940s when an army hospital was
built there. Originally called McCerny, the name changed when the military hospital was demolished in the
50s and the current facility was built in its place. Unfortunately, the Henry Kaiser Regional Hospital has
been in insolvency since the late 70s when the health care reforms were implemented. Local banks have
given them loans to keep the hospital in operation and the board of directors was replaced, but any
measures that can bring profitability back up are being looked into.
Character: Charity and Wrath. Most workers and patients here only care about making people healthy
again. The administrators, however, are looking for any excuse to remove staff or shut down departments,
regardless of how capable or dedicated the people involved may be.
System: Because of the new strictness in management, access to medical care without insurance or cash on
hand is almost impossible. The hospital wont simply throw people out on the street would be illegal.
They will, however, do everything in their power to frustrate patients with all but the most life threatening
of diseases into leaving. Only patients with Resources appropriate for their treatment will get seen in a
timely manner.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety +3. Between the buses, metro, and helicopters, Kaiser Circle has
many ways to get in or out. The area has its own police precinct and private security as
Mental: Information +2, Awareness -2. Medical information, both public and confidential, is
available here in large numbers, but the harried work staff doesnt tend to be very
Social: Prestige +0, Stability -1. The district is mostly overlooked by the city at large except when
they need it and the risk of bankruptcy makes its future quite uncertain.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 3, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 3, Size 4 max
Notable Locations: Henry J. Kaiser Regional Hospital, Allison Garfield CSI Center (CGPD crime lab,
named after a murdered girl whose killer was found by the lab), The Scrub Pub (a restaurant bar catering to
doctors and nurses), and Pad #3 (the disused cursed 3rd helipad of the hospital).

18. Biltmore Center (Library)

Description: A very small neighborhood, Biltmore Center is built around 3 key locations. The first is
PolyTech Genetics, a small genetic research firm working on numerous pharmaceutical and medical
developments. The second and third locations are both funded by PolyTechs investors as a way to
influence the local government make sure that they are seen favorably. The Ciudad Gloria City Library has
PolyTech funded LexisNexis links and research wing. The other location is Biltmore College. A tiny

private school, Biltmore College specializes in scientific and medical degrees. Most of its graduates feed
into Kaiser Circles clinics or PolyTechs labs.
Background: Biltmore Center used to be a series low income apartment complexes until a few years ago.
When PolyTech moved into the area in mid-85 they rapidly bought out the surrounding structures and
moved everyone out. They paid to move the city library into their district and funded its expansion. They
followed that up by building the college. PolyTech has gained a lot of good press over the last decade for
their service, but it remains that most companies are not this philanthropic. Journalists have attempted to
find evidence of wrongdoing that PolyTech might be trying to cover for, but so far nothing has come up.
Character: Charity and ?????. The PolyTech Genetics Company has been going out of its way to help the
local community. Whether they are doing this for altruism, increased profits, good publicity, or any other
reason remains to be seen.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +2. PolyTech funded an expansion of the transit system to include the
district so its easy to get into; the local government has increased police presence as well.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness -1. The area has lots of information on biology and medicine,
but the people here seem to be very focused on themselves.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +0. The area is well looked on with all the money going around
freely, but no one knows what the endgame is or what the future holds.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 5, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: the PolyTech Genetics Company, Biltmore College, and the Ciudad Gloria City

19. Marble Row (Gallery Circuit)

Description: What looks to the uninitiated like a half dozen square blocks of warehouses is actually the
center of Ciudad Glorias art scene. Painting, sculpting, metalwork, bronze casting, pottery, and stonework
all occur here in both private and communal galleries. The local universities all rent space here for their
students and many local wealthy families keep a favored artist or two on retainer. A small neighborhood of
apartments, most of them occupied by the artists or by workers from surrounding districts, is interspersed
between the galleries themselves. As some of the older warehouses are condemned and demolished a
number of parks and plazas have been built to show case different works, often on a rotating basis. The
area is reasonably busy even at night, though most crowds have disappeared by midnight, unless there is a
party or showing.
Background: Marble Row formerly acted as a series of supply warehouses and workshops for masons
constructing the old downtown areas of the city. The courthouses, old city hall, and the handful of highrises and skyscrapers built prior to the early 60s all bear granite, marble, and sandstone worked and formed
in Marble Row. When the new city center began construction in the early 70s, the architects wanted ultramodern designs. Those unfortunately rely much more heavily on reinforced concrete and glass than on
stone and one by one the masons went out of business. The first few artists moved in shortly thereafter,
enticed by the large workspace and the low cost of the facilities.

Character: Fortitude and Lust. The pursuit of creative perfection dominates all else here. It fills the mind
of every artist and gallery owner. It drives them to compete with each other and create more and more
extreme or controversial pieces of art. The saving grace is that failure is taken in stride among Marble
Rows people and is seen as only a stepping stone to further improvement.
System: Galleries here do not bear the protection of Elysium, though several artists do. Their identities are
known to the Mistress of Elysium.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety -1. There are numerous bus stops and a metro station here, but the
neighborhood has problems with petty crime and the occasional violent one.

keep their

Mental: Information -1, Awareness +1. This isnt a place that people go to for knowledge and,
beyond learning about crafting techniques, theres not much to be had. The people here
eyes open though, both due to the crime threat and the need for inspiration.

to bring

Social: Prestige +1, Stability -1. The existence of several prominent patrons means that Marble
Row is well looked on, that is, when it isnt going through scandals that have a tendency
down whole galleries.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Glass Tower Creations (a multi-discipline gallery that provides art for the C.G.s
corporations), Underworld Inc. (the cities foremost Goth Art gallery), and the Posca-Demoscinos Gallery
(the partnership of Petro Demoscinos, a noted painter and sculptor, and Alejandro Posca, a popular
architect and designer).

20. Little Broadway (Theater Circuit)

Description: There was once a time when Little Broadway was lit up with flashing lights and marquees
bearing the names of popular plays and musicals. Its still lit today, though more by neon than anything
else. Its grand opera houses, theaters, and nickelodeons still stand, though most of them lie abandoned or
nearly bankrupt today. Several music halls, smaller theaters, and movie palaces still do business, but most
money in this district comes from the burlesques and strip clubs. There are a few bars, restaurants, and
vendors serving the locality but very few residences, beyond the occasional walkup. The area is very active
at night.
Background: Little Broadway is slowly dying. Ever since the musical and cultural interests shifted in 60s
away from former high society staples the area has been going downhill. A few continue to cling to life,
though the venues have grown progressively fringe over the years. In order to make money here,
businesses have found that they must cater to the least common denominator or secure a fanatical following
by a small group of people. Both forms of theater exist here.
Character: Prudence and Gluttony. Timing and quantity is everything here, regardless of how mundane or
perverse the spectacle. Too much, too little, too soon, or too late, a misstep in planning could lead to the
failure of ones theater as ones customer base is driven away. Whatever it is though, one must keep it
coming. The patrons demand nothing less than a constant stream of whatever it is that draws them here.
System: N/A
District Traits:

Physical: Access +1, Safety -2. The area has several bus stops and queues of cabs, but no metro
access. The area has big crime problems, organized or otherwise, with a lot of it coming from its
large amount of homeless.


Mental: Information +1, Awareness -1. Peoples dirty laundry is accessible here, if you know the
right person or pay the right price. The crowds, revelry, and cliquish nature of some of
theaters and clubs make it difficult to ascertain what is going on sometimes.

fall here

Social: Prestige -1, Stability -2. While its certainly popular with people around town, Little
Broadway could not be said to be prestigious at all. The speed at which ventures rise and
also makes it highly unstable.
Domain Traits: Location 4, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Luxuria (Ciudad Glorias most popular strip club), the Paramount (a 1920s era movie
palace showing independent and foreign films), La Tuscana (a long standing opera house that still holds the
upper class interest), Carousel (known for the C.G.s fattest strippers), and the Wallace House (a small
theater known for limited run obscure plays accessible by invite only).

21. Martin Luther King Avenue (Projects)

Description: A series of tall high-rise apartment lining one avenue near the city center, MLK is at best
described as a gang and drug ridden slum. At worst, Hell on Earth better applies. The apartment
buildings suffer from extreme neglect and are in bad need of refurbishment. Multiple police busts occur
every year on meth labs and cocaine/crack houses hidden in the complex. A large number of murders occur
in the area as well, almost all gang related. Bloods and Crips control buildings right next to each other, and
the plazas and alleys between turn into warzones. No businesses can stay open for very long without a
break-in or robbery.
Background: Created in the 60s by Department of Housing and Urban Development, the low income
apartment buildings on MLK Ave started out very well. They were almost a perfect model of the success of
HUD policies. Then cocaine and crack showed up in the 70s and 80s. Crime started to become integral to
the district and it entered a downward spiral that hasnt stopped to this day, especially when crystal
methamphetamines became the drug of day in recent years.
Character: Hope and Greed. Gaining money and power are the primary goals in the MLK projects, almost
always through criminal enterprise, scams, or get rich quick schemes. All of that simply reflects the goal of
everyone living in the projects to get out and find a better life.
System: Drugs are very easy to acquire in the MLK projects. Streetwise rolls to find a dealer, negotiate
prices, and determine the value of the products gain a +2 dice bonus while in the district.
District Traits:

kick it in,

Physical: Access +2, Safety -3. The MLK projects has a single metro station, but also nearly no
locked doors. Its a common saying that locking a door only gives people an excuse to
though gang havens are the exception.

aware of

Mental: Information +0, Awareness +3. Education isnt this places strong suit. There is info to
be had about criminal activity, but no one talks about that readily. People here are very
their surroundings. The ones that arent die quickly or get run out even faster.


Social: Prestige -3, Stability +0. People avoid this block as much as they possibly can unless they
are coming to buy something. The city would love to condemn the whole place and
everyone out, but theres no money in it and no where to put them.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 0, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 1, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Appt. #1505 (a Blood-controlled crack house that has been raided 3 times in 5 years),
Appt. #3712 (an apartment used by Crips as a weapons modification shop), Appt. #61201 (a penthouse
apartment used by a Blood leader as a headquarters), and Sub-Basement C (the interconnected subbasement of each tower, known for disappearances, baseheads, and tons of urban legends).

22. Salazar (Industrial Works)

Description: Surrounding the projects is Salazar, another poor neighborhood with crime problems, but of a
different sort. Made up of low-rise apartment buildings mixed together with commercially zoned,
warehouse-like open office space, Salazar has long been in the pockets of organized crime. While there are
definitely legitimate businesses, like industrial laundries, cafeteria services, cab dispatchers, and
maintenance companies, the real money in the district is in illegal business. There are several hidden
mafia-owned textile sweatshops manned by illegal immigrants from South America and Asia. The goods
produced there are mostly designer knockoffs peddled by back alley dealers all around the city. The
legitimate fronts are usually open until late at night. The illegal ones never close, the workers sleep on site
and under guard.
Background: Salazar was an empty field until the city paid for its development shortly after WWII to
entice new businesses. They may have gotten more than they anticipated. The Irish and Russian mobs,
Mexican Mafia, and Chinese Triads have fought over control of this district for the last 50 years. Ever
since Salazar came into being, organized crime has used it to camouflage its business and launder its dirty
money. The police have shut down several businesses for violations, but bribes keep interference to a
Character: Prudence and Envy. The legit companies operating in Salazar have to be just as conservative
and careful to stay in business as the illegal ones, but everyone in this district suffers from a serious
problem with one-upmanship. The legal businesses seek improvement and to buy out their competitors and
the mafia fight to seize control of the whole district, though no one ever has.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety +1. While there are bus and metro stations connecting to this area,
most buildings have fairly good security. It may have strong crime ties, but the mafia
groups all
try their best to avoid direct conflict in Salazar. No one wants a full police
investigation to ruin
Mental: Information +0, Awareness +1. This isnt a place to go to for info, though people here are
on the lookout, usually to spot weakness in their opponents or tails by the cops.


Social: Prestige +0, Stability +0. Salazar has a habit of offices changing hands frequently, but
buildings continue to stay in business. Since most citizens dont know its crime ties and
know of Salazar as a service industry center, it doesnt get much attention from the city.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 3, Size 3

Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 5, Size 3 max

Notable Locations: 327 Brighton Road (a sweatshop hidden behind a front refrigerator maintenance shop
producing knockoff Prada bags), Metro Cab (a cab dispatchers and mechanic shop servicing a large portion
of the city), and Saves Nine (a watch repair shop used as a front for a money counterfeiter/forger shop).

23. Clockwork Corner (Industrial Works)

Description: An interesting mix of old style manufacturing plants and gleaming modern high-tech labs,
Clockwork Corner is a jointly-owned site used for the construction of numerous types of high-precision
tools and machines. They build satellite components for the government, night vision devices for the
military, shielded clean room equipment for the tech sector, and even calculators for the consumer market.
There are a handful of food vendors around the plant, but beyond that, there isnt anything to be found in
the district except the plant and the parking lots. It runs 24 hours a day, but only certain areas of the plant
are active at night.
Background: The corporations that lease or own space in Clockwork Corner began with huge government
grants during WWII. Companies here made bombsights for air force heavy bombers and analog computers
for naval artillery directions. After the war, the plant picked up government contracts for nuclear energy
and jet engine construction. The current investors focus more on the private sector than the public, but it
remains as profitable today as it did 50 years ago.
Character: Fortitude and Pride. The companies and workers in Clockwork Corner have proudly served
the country and community for several decades. They may not be as large as UM but they still employ a
few thousand workers. The specialization found here inspires confidence in the districts ability to adapt to
future changes.
System: N/A
District Traits:


Physical: Access -2, Safety +3. The area has plenty of parking space, bus and metro stations, and
an easy layout, but the buildings themselves have great security systems and restricted
Crime is basically unknown here, a fact that the CGPD and private security maintain with
Mental: Information +1, Awareness +0. People here are well educated, especially when it comes
to technology, but they are usually very focused on their jobs.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +2. As a major employer, Clockwork Corner is well looked upon by
the city and its companies have a long history of business with a strong investment base.
Domain Traits: Location 1, Security 4, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 5, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Applied Technics (a small lab creating environmental analysis tools), Allied Electric (a
major government contractor working on numerous classified projects), and The Broken Circuit (a street
side caf popular with local workers and linked to the Executive Council).

24. Big Sur Tower (City Hall)

Description: Surrounded by numerous corporate office towers, Big Sur Tower is the new center of Ciudad
Gloria. The tallest buildings in the city are located in here. When people think Ciudad Gloria, this is the
area that most people picture. There are several 5 star hotels and numerous high class restaurants in the
area as well as a mix of expensive and middle class high-rise apartments. While many of the government
and corporate offices are closed at night, the area is still very active after dark.
Background: Built during the 70s, Ciudad Glorias downtown was not considered truly complete until the
construction of Big Sur Tower in early 80s. Housing the mayors office, city council, comptrollers office,
and numerous offices for state and federal agencies, it provides a one stop shop for all government services
in the city. It is also an example of graft to an extreme degree. Rumors hold that Nexgen and other tech
sector companies paid for the construction as a way to move the city government closer to them. Certainly,
those companies have seen a large degree of investment and opportunities because of their proximity to city
Character: Temperance and Greed. Even though this is a partially public sector district, making money is
still the main focus. The corporate offices obviously focus on that, but so do the agencies. Numerous
officials are believed to be skimming off the top, but all corruption must be kept under the radar. Any
obvious graft would lead to getting shutdown.
System: While bribes arent openly accepted, gifts can go a long way towards gaining access to
prominent people, both public and private. A donation of Resources equal to the persons Status minus 1
in a respective organization can guarantee one at least a meeting.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety +2. This place is very easy to access and many buildings are either
open at night or fairly simple to break into. Its well patrolled by police.


Mental: Information +3, Awareness -2. Theres lots of information to be had here if you grease
the right palms or break into the right office, but the large crowds make it hard to follow
going on.

change for

Social: Prestige +3, Stability +2. The downtown area is considered one of the most important
parts of the city and its current heavy investment means that its probably not going to
a while.

Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 3, Size 2

Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 5, Size 4 max
Notable Locations: Big Sur Tower, 15 Big Sur Plaza (tallest building in the city holding numerous offices),
the Regency Hotel (a 5-star high-rise hotel with a rotating restaurant on top), Donatellos (an highly
expensive restaurant under an upper-class apartment building known for its political dealing), Bears and
Bulls (a piece of abstract corporate art outside the Oriental Petroleum office building), and The Coliseum
(Home of the Ciudad Gloria Stars basketball team).

25. Silicon Village (Corporate Sector)

Description: Gleaming glass and scrolling digital screens mark the citys main corporate district. Located
in downtown Ciudad Gloria, Silicon Village is dominated by the office towers of several major computer
and electronics developers. Billions of dollars flow through this district every year and it sits on the
bleeding edge of technological development. People here have their own language and culture, most of
which is considered perplexing by the city at large. What few apartments and restaurants that exist are
invariably exclusive and expensive. Most buildings have their own parking garages for members only, and

several have private subway stations. Some corporations like Nexgen are wealthy enough to afford
numerous buildings, linking them with skyways.
Background: Earning Ciudad Gloria the nickname Silicon Valley South, the Village has singlehandedly
revitalized the citys flagging economy. Exploiting tax break loopholes created by the city government in
the 70s, the tech sector found a fertile environment for their investment. While no single one company can
match United Motors for its employment, together they more than triple it. However, the demographic they
draw from is very different. These are not blue collar businesses. They require highly educated workers
and they reward them very highly for picking their corporation over another. The era of nerd ascendency in
Ciudad Gloria has begun.
Character: Hope and Wrath. The people in Silicon Village really do think that they are developing the
technologies that will make the world better. However, the growth of new money in the district and the
background of many of the people mean that the attitude of wanting to show up the people who had more
than them is prevalent.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -3, Safety +3. While the streets may be accessible, the buildings in Silicon
Village are not, advanced security and limited access bar the way for almost everyone. The area is
incredibly safe though.
Mental: Information +3, Awareness +3. The locked cabinets of Silicon Village contains
information on numerous subjects as due its databases, but people here are so ingrained with the
nature of corporate espionage that they keep their eyes open for anything suspicious.
Social: Prestige +3, Stability +3. The investment in the district ensures its place in the future and
its respect from the local population.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 5, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 5, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Nexgen (a major computer company currently working on expansion of the internet),
The Infinite Circuit (a large piece of abstract corporate art outside Nexgen headquarters), UniDyne (a
major electronics development corporation owned by Asian holding companies), Ameritech (Nexgens
largest competitor and a company that has operated in different forms in the C.G. for almost a century), and
Station 99G (a subway station acknowledged on municipal plans as existing in the district but appearing on
no map).

26. Jenning and Robar (Nightclub Circuit)

Description: Unlike most of the city, J&R lies empty during the day. At night, it pounds, vibrates. Its
filled with people, bathed in neon and black light. Strobe lights stab at the eyes, techno music assaults the
ears. The clubs on this block are all exclusive. Most require membership or good connections, or at the
very least, the right looks. Alcohol here is highway robbery. The police working the district are becoming
increasingly familiar with the words Ecstasy and Special K. This is the place where young rich
playboys and starlets go to wind down and blow off steam. And its the place where the locals clamor to
try and get in.
Background: Created a decade ago to exploit the wealth coming out of the Village, J&R has grown
continually in popularity. Most of the younger members of the old money families and the corporate new
money spend much of their time at parties in the clubs. The police have repeatedly come down hard on

designer drug dealers, but the club owners keep generous bribes to ensure that they are never implicated in
the illicit activity.
Character: Prudence and Envy. Theres always a more exclusive more restrictive venue in this district that
people are fighting to get into, however, most people also know that patience and perseverance are
necessary to accomplish those goals if one does not have the right connections.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety -1. As noted above, the clubs themselves are very difficult to get in to.
While there isnt very much open crime, assaults, kidnappings, and drug dealing occur frequently
behind closed doors.


Mental: Information +2, Awareness -3. This is a place of rumors and gossip, though one does
usually hear it being yelled over the bass line. The flashing lights, loud music, and huge
make situational awareness almost impossible.
Social: Prestige +2, Stability +1. This is definitely a place people want to go to, but business
mistakes here dont tend to be survivable.
Domain Traits: Location 5, Security 3, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Apex (a techno club owned by a Nexgen subsidiary), Blitz (a nightclub with a WWII
theme), and the Ciudad Gloria Gentlemens Club (a members-only strip club and rich hangout).

27. Glory Station (Metro Underground)

Description: Situated between the citys two most important club districts and within walking distance of
the corporate and government sectors, Glory Station is by far the largest metro station in the city. Its glassdomed underground station can hold ten trains side by side on 5 platforms. Thousands of people travel
through its turnstiles every week. News kiosks, coffee shops, and food stands line the walls and fill the
plaza at the top of the stairs. A few inexpensive hotels surround the station, but no permanent residences
exist in the district.
Background: Originally a very small and minor station, the city and the corporations (through generous
loans by CARA) funded the expansion of Glory Station in the late 80s to relieve the strain on the stations
operators and the other mass transit mediums. They half completed the job. They expanded the station by
500%, but no one expected its traffic would double that. Several near accidents by trains passing through
the station have the city very concerned, but the station cannot be expanded without tearing down the
surrounding buildings and temporarily stopping transit.
Character: Fortitude and Sloth. Glory Station does its best to keep up with the madness that goes on every
day and especially every weekend, but the pressure on them to keep people moving means that key
maintenance and timing schedules are stretched and sometimes ignored.
System: Near Glory Station is the main line switch for the metro system. Trains passing through the
station can access nearly any part of the city with a stop.
District Traits:

Physical: Access +1, Safety -1. While the district is built on moving people, its set up and
schedules are confusing to the uninitiated, theres also a decent amount of petty crime on
platforms and the trains.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness -3. The new kiosks give a degree of information about goings
on in the city, but even more can be gleaned from eavesdropping on travelers. The bustle makes it
difficult to single out specific conversations or track someone in the mix.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability -2. The area is taken for granted by most people and its desperate
need for expansion means that it will probably be going through changes in the near
Domain Traits: Location 4, Security 1, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location up to 4, Security 3 max, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Platform 4 (a subway platform with an inordinately high amount of crime and
accidents), Free Movement (a large piece of abstract art in the center of plaza above the station
suspended over the glass dome), and Cool Beans (a trendy coffee shop on the edge of the district, halfway
between the two club circuits).

28. Hammet Avenue (Nightclub Circuit)

Description: Downtowns other club district provides for those that may not be elite enough to get into
J&Rs exclusive scene. Since that includes most people, Hammet is by far more active than its sister
neighborhood. The district is not simply bar and nightclubs either. Many restaurants catering to all types
of people line the streets, providing food from a dozen countries. Several hotels, both inexpensive and
moderately expensive, can be found in Hammet, mostly used by conventioneers and corporate employees
from out of town. A handful of apartments exist in the neighborhood, but they do not have very many
occupants. The loud, flashy ambience and high costs turn off most people.
Background: Hammet Avenue predates J&R and indeed most of downtown. Clubs and bars were popular
in this area even when the city center was further south. The area has definitely been built up and improved
since the major corporations moved in and downtown was built up around it. Hammet doesnt draw in the
out-of-towners like J&R but its varied businesses bring in people from all over the city every night.
Character: Charity and Gluttony. Hammet Avenues businesses were built around the idea of provide the
services that they people want. They have no problem turning a profit, but much of it goes back into
reinvestment. It turns out that what the people want though is overindulgence. So that is what Hammet
System: Hammet Avenue is claimed by the Mayor-President himself. He has declared the district to be the
Fields for all that pay him a quarterly tithe.
District Traits:

stop the

Physical: Access +2, Safety +0. Getting in to clubs and bars here is far easier, but there still
remain a few private lounges. The area is well patrolled by police but that still doesnt
petty crime.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness -3. This is just a good a place for gossip as J&R, though from
a different class of people. It has just as many problems with awareness though.

Social: Prestige +3, Stability +0. Some businesses in Hammet are in a constant changeover of
bankruptcy and new owners; others have been active for decades. Hammet is one of the
neighborhoods that is well liked by the entire city.
Domain Traits: Location 5, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security 3 max, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: Line Drive (a popular sports bar known for its Dollar Pitcher Fridays), Blue9 (a 30
year old rock club, still popular today), Cosgroves Lounge (an out of the way jazz club), Chaos (a modern
dance and hip-hop club very popular with local young adults), and Crosss (an always busy restaurant
providing numerous types of cuisines).

29. Justice Plaza (Police Department)

Description: An ultramodern facility, Justice Plaza houses the CGPDs headquarters, the police academy,
training facilities, and maintenance shops for the PDs cruisers. The headquarters doubles as the precinct
serving downtown and the club districts. Theres also a small holding facility for high risk perps and a
drunk tank. The neighborhood around the police facility is occupied by current cops or retired ones.
Background: The Justice Plaza was built just a few years ago to relieve pressure on the old facility in
Municipal Center and to increase the police numbers to counter the upswing in gang activity and violence
in Ciudad Gloria. The on-site training facilities and police academy have vastly shortened the training time
needed to put new officers on the street, though they havent been above cutting corners to get them
through more quickly. There is currently a lot of pressure on the CGPD to get results in stopping the gang
wars and that has resulted in sending officers to the action even before their training is fully complete.
Character: Justice and Wrath. While the officers are certainly dedicated to the pursuit of the law, enough
of them have lost comrades to the gang wars that they have no real problem with busting heads or a little
police brutality to get some revenge on the gangbangers.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -3, Safety +3. The Justice Plaza is a very secure, very safe compound and the
neighborhood around it consists of well patrolled gated communities.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness +2. The officers here are constantly on the watch for anything
suspicious, but if you can get access there are a lot of confidential documents.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability +2. The city is pretty evenly split on whether they hate or respect the
police. Even though this neighborhood is new it is incredibly stable.
Domain Traits: Location 1, Security 5, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location 2 max, Security up to 5, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: CGPD HQ, the Andre Mariella Police Academy and Training Ground, and Building
1251 (a small part of the compound in between the training ground and the precinct housing the CGPDs
SWAT unit).

30. Sutters Grove (Nobility Hill)

Description: A new gated community, Sutters Grove provides most of the housing supporting the Village.
The houses here are pristine and very cookie-cutter. There are a handful of chic stores and malls outside
the gates that cater to the people inside. While most citizens awe at the beautifully constructed houses and
the manicured lawns inside, the old money families elsewhere in Ciudad Gloria are quick to remind
themselves and Sutters Groves residents that they are upper middle class, not upper class.
Background: Like all the other districts related to the recent corporate arrivals, Sutters Grove is only
about a decade old. The site where the construction occurred previously was a green belt and private farm
owned by the Sutter family. There was quite a large degree of controversy when the city declared eminent
domain shortly after downtown was built and seized the farm for the development. There were a number of
accusations of corruption, but nothing ever came from it.
Character: Temperance and Envy. The people in Sutters Grove are expected to abide by strict policies
regulating their activity if they want to live in the district. Most people justify these steps because they
believe it brings them closer to being like the upper class neighborhoods that they want to be.
System: N/A
District Traits:


Physical: Access -1, Safety +2. The gates are intimidating to most people and restrict vehicular
travel but the walls are not all the hard to cross. There is a good private security team in
district but that doesnt stop the occasional crime.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness -1. People here may be educated, but they also have a well
ingrained false sense of security.
Social: Prestige -1, Stability +2. Most people see the new rich here as pompous poseurs, but the
money flowing into this neighborhood means that it isnt going anywhere.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 4, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 5, Size up to 4
Notable Locations: 55 Leaf Street (the only house in the district built by Posca- Demoscinos) and the
Ocean Palace (an aquatic center, gym, and private bath).

31. Padres Drive (Fashion Circuit)

Description: The center of Californias Goth culture, Padres Drive is one of the larger residential areas in
the city. Not nearly as big as Del Rio, it is still home to tens of thousands of the C.G.s citizens. This is a
decidedly middle class district. Its people work in the corporate offices and the service industries, as well
as construction. But what Padres Drive is known for is its local stores and cafes showcasing the popular
Goth lifestyle in the city. Several major designers of Goth clothing reside in the district as does a small
record company.
Background: Though now know for its main thoroughfare, Padres Drive was once known as Castella, an
independent township. It was integrated in the 1960s and quickly became a major middle class stronghold.
Its population took off in the 70s as downtown was built. The birth of the Goth style in the late 70s
started a revolution in the younger people of the neighborhood and quickly took over the scene in the state.

Character: Faith and Lust. The drive to be different and non-conformist is strong here and consumes the
lives of its younger population just as much as the desire for its kids to be normal drives the parents.
Gothic nihilism has given one advantage to this neighborhood: it is the least likely to be shaken by
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +1. Theres a metro station and a number of bus stations connected to
Padres Drive and the area has a decent amount of police protection.
Mental: Information +0, Awareness +1. Theres a decent mix of well educated and selfeducated people here but most people still have enough street smarts to keep them out of
Social: Prestige +2, Stability +2. This is one of the oldest and most established middle class areas
of the city and its place as the center of Goth culture makes it well looked upon.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 4
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 4, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Pandemonium (a popular Goth coffee shop with poetry and live music), Spectral
Designs (a famed Gothic clothing designer), and Saint Pauls Church (the second largest church in Ciudad
Gloria, Episcopalian).

32. Blackrose (Nightclub Circuit)

Description: Located on a couple of blocks on the edge of Padres Drive, Blackrose has several Goth and
Industrial scene bars and clubs. It has the distinction as having more head shops than any other area of
Ciudad Gloria as well, much to the disapproval of the traditionalist areas of the city. A handful of hookah
bars and a pagan temple secure this districts reputation as being particularly alt.
Background: Originally a small set of defunct commercial buildings, Blackrose was bought out by some
enterprising young people from the community around the same time that Padres Drives Goth movement
kicked in. The clubs, bars, and specialty shops were constructed as rather ramshackle affairs, but as the
neighborhoods fame grew, more investment allowed the improvement of the facilities.
Character: Prudence and Pride. Blackrose has real Goth cred and the people here know it. Other clubs in
the city that claim to be Goth but arent in the district are nothing more than poseurs. However, with most
public opinion against the lackadaisical way laws are ignored here, the patrons must toe a fine line with
their indulgence and ensure that nothing gets too far out of hand and brings in more cops.
System: With the Goth culture and style so strong here, it is relatively easy for Kindred to masquerade as
humans by adopting those styles while in Blackrose. Rolls made to disguise oneself as human gain a +2
dice bonus.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +0, Safety +0. There isnt very much violent crime here, but there is crime
nonetheless. No buses or trains run directly to the district, but the venues arent exclusive


Mental: Information +0, Awareness +1. Blackrose may have plenty of rumors, but very few of
them lack substance. The focus people here have on style doubles as making people keep
eyes open.
Social: Prestige -1, Stability -1. Outside of its rabid fan base, Blackrose is incredibly unpopular
with a lot of the city. That puts its future under a lot of suspicion.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 1, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location up to 4, Security up to 2, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: The Waydown (one of the first clubs built in the district, its genre shifts every night)
and Dianas Circle (a small Wiccan temple located behind a head shop).

33. Deleon Marina (Harbor)

Description: Deleon Marina is mostly a rich mans play thing. From a distance, it appears to be a rippling
sea of white sails. The numerous piers are privately owned with leased space. Several touring yachts
operate from the Marina for tourists and locals, but most of the traffic is made up of private yachts,
sailboats, catamarans, and the occasional Jet Ski. Expensive restaurants cluster around the end of the piers
but there are almost no residences to be found except for a bare handful of condos. The piers are closed at
night except to those with special permission. Cruise ships occasionally dock at the Marina, but its
somewhat infrequent.
Background: Built during the 1950s, Deleon Marina was primarily funded by the older rich families in
Ciudad Gloria with some investment from newly returned WWII GIs. Unlike most of the city, it has
remained relatively stagnant. Its layout and operations have been mostly unchanged for the last 50 years.
To the resentment of the former patrons, most of the leases nowadays are owned by corporate new money.
Character: Temperance and Pride. The Deleon Marina is recognized as a place to show off ones self and
ones wealth. It has fairly strict rules about dcor though.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +0, Safety +2. There is a metro stop in the district, but its mostly closed off. As
to be expected, it has good police coverage.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness -2. The upper crust here knows a lot about the citys dealings
if you can get them to talk. The people here do seem very tied up in their own business
Social: Prestige +2, Stability +2. The money here makes it popular and others envious, and it
also ensures its place in the citys future.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 3, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 4, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: The Cormorant (multi-time winner of the yearly yacht races), La Parisian (a 5 star
French restaurant designed by Posca-Demoscinos), and The Pacific Traveler (a cruise ship that does bimonthly runs up from Mexico).

34. North Shore (Slums)

Description: Small bungalows, former warehouses, and the occasional beachside condo make up the
majority of North Shore. Located near Deleon Marina and sheltered by its breakwater, North Shore is
Ciudad Glorias main beach. Its parks, bike routes, and most of the older buildings have been taken over
by skateboarders. The beach and its excellent swells are a Mecca for surfers. The two cultures heavily
shape the character of the district. The homeless population is kind of high in North Shore, but there are
plenty of programs for them. While the surfers have mostly retired to their parties at night, the
skateboarding scene and other attractions are still very active at night.
Background: Most of the older buildings and former warehouses in North Shore are remnants of storage
sheds and equipment storerooms used by construction companies in the 40s and 50s. The surfer culture
grew in the 60s and was followed by the skaters a decade later. Most of the residents are under 40, and
quite a few of them are squatters or form the neighborhoods growing homeless population. The past few
years have brought in some much needed money from competitions and the like, but North Shore will
probably remain lower class for the conceivable future.
Character: Charity and Sloth. North Shores residents have a reputation for being lazy stoner slackers.
Not very many people here have real jobs or any real ambitions for that matter. They do take care of their
own though. The population may be poor, but no one starves.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety -2. There a several bus and metro stops in North Shore and most of
the buildings dont have locks, but the crime activity here is pretty high.
Mental: Information -2, Awareness +1. People here are not that bright to put it lightly. They
know a lot about their hobbies but not much else. The high crime keeps peoples eyes
Social: Prestige -1, Stability +0. Except for its own people, not very many of the C.G.s citizens
look very highly on district. There may be quite a few people here, but without the money to
prevent a developer from buying the whole place, its future is uncertain.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 1, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 4, Security up to 2, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Broward Arena (Home of the Ciudad Gloria Gladiators baseball team), Glory Park (a
large skater park with noted Scot ties), the Powell Street Shelter (largest homeless shelter in the city), and
Audacity (a large abstract welded steel sculpture sitting at the low tide point of the beach).

35. Cal-State University at Ciudad Gloria (University)

Description: Situated halfway in between downtown and large residential areas in the hills, Cal-State C.G.
is the largest state school for almost 300 miles. Its built in the colonial style and most of the campus is
brand new (thanks of course to generous corporate grants and CARA loans). The school is nice but its not
usually seen as prestigious. The out of state population is very low, though most college graduates from the
C.G. have Cal-State as their alma mater. Most of the residences on the campus are student dorms, faculty
housing, or Greek Row houses. The buildings are open at night and theres almost always a party going
down somewhere.

Background: Founded around the turn of the century, Cal-State University at Ciudad Gloria received a
major facelift in the late 70s. Part of the improvement was the appearance of minorities on what used to be
an all-white campus. That led to the majority of the WASPish upper class students moving to private
schools in Monterey and San Luis Obispo, it also led to an increase in federal funding. The corporate
investment in the college allowed them to vastly improve and expand the facilities in the early 90s. It also
increased the scholarship programs and brought a lot of under-privileged kids to school. Whether this was
a good or bad thing is a matter of some debate.
Character: Charity and Wrath. The pursuit of knowledge is paramount here, but that sometimes takes a
backseat to activism and class warfare. Students groups are very organized here and frequently protest
based on the latest reports out of Hearst Plaza.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +0. There is a bus station and a metro stop nearby, but the buildings
have decent security. The cops and campus security patrol actively on campus, but that
stop the drunken revelry and the crimes that come with it.


Mental: Information +3, Awareness -1. The school has a very good library and multiple research
labs with info on lots of topics. The students and faculty are quite disorganized and
lacking focus.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability +1. With so many people having gone to school here, most of the
city looks somewhat highly on it. Its recent corporate investment ensures its future
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 3, and Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Castillo Field (Home of the Cal-State C.G. Lions football team), Beta-Kappa-Theta
House (a highly exclusive fraternity with rumored occult ties), Victoria Hall (recognized as the biggest
party dorm on campus), and Building 9 (the only building on campus without a name and a long history of
supernatural events).

36. Cottonwood Hill (Nobility Hill)

Description: Ciudad Glorias traditional rich district, Cottonwood Hill overlooks the city from a bluff east
of downtown. The estates and mansions here are all large and unique. Each is landscaped and
architecturally constructed differently. The country clubs and private stores found here are fronted by
legions of luxury cars. Technically, Cottonwood is its own town. They have their own city hall, mayor,
and, most importantly, police department and school district. At night, the shops and clubs are closed, but
the occasional party does happen in the houses of the wealthy.
Background: Cottonwood Hill came into existence shortly after the arrival of US immigrants in the 1840s.
Its status as a blue blood sanctuary didnt begin until the late 19th century. What had once been a farming
community transformed overnight as most of the working class people moved to take advantage of the
readily available factory work in Ciudad Gloria. The factory owners moved into the neighborhood and
began its transformation into the way it is today.
Character: Faith and Pride. The entitlement of wealth runs deep here. Like the nobility of old, people
here are very proud of their heritage and take it very seriously. Most people believe that they are blessed
and wealthy for reasons beyond fleecing their workers for all that theyre worth and gaming the system.

System: N/A
District Traits:


Physical: Access -3, Safety +3. The communities here gated and most of the estates have their
own walls and advanced security systems. The police in Cottonwood Hill are even better
than the CGPD and are supplemented by private security.


Mental: Information +2, Awareness +2. People here tend to be in the know about the activities of
the city. In fact, they are behind a lot of them. People here are very observant, except for
occasional diva or trophy wife.
Social: Prestige +3, Stability +3. As the richest district in the city, Cottonwood Hill is the
probably the most secure and envied out of the entirety of Ciudad Gloria.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 5, Size 4
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 5, Size up to 5
Notable Locations: Shetfield Manor (Home to the richest family in the C.G., their money comes from
numerous sources), the Verona Observatory (a university run observatory on the edge of the neighborhood,
one of the few public buildings in the area), and Jdore (an expensive salon frequented by the richest of the

37. Degarin Rehabilitation Facility (Asylum)

Description: Situated behind a high wall and beautifully manicured lawns, Degarin is centered on a large
Tudor style mansion. To the city at large, it is a place for the treatment of addiction and mental illness.
Several rich families and corporate boards in the area have made public relations success by sending the
cokeheads and alcoholics in their midst to the facility to be cured. A few other public figures have been
treated for depression and other disorders. To the old wealthy families that provide most of its funding (a
lot of it directly into the directors pockets), its a dumping ground for their biggest embarrassments, a place
to hide family shame. The local police and the mafia have also taken advantage of its discretion to make
several difficult problems disappear.
Background: Founded in 1947, Degarin was originally a private spa and sanatorium used by the rich to
invigorate and bring good health. It didnt become a psychiatric facility until later in the 1960s, and it
began drug treatment in the early 80s. A massive public relations campaign over the last decade, to
include the very public treatments of local celebrities, has caused its reputation to increase massively. That
still hasnt stopped several journalists from investigating rumors of mistreatment and illegal activity at
Character: Prudence and Sloth. Degarins staff is very careful about their treatment methods. They have
a distinct fear of lawsuits arising from malpractice or incorrect drug dosage. With the wealth of several of
their patients those concerns are probably real and results in extensive quality control procedures. For the
patients that dont officially exist, neglect is about the best they can hope for. Treatment isnt a big concern
for them.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +3. While Degarin has excellent security and plenty of police
coverage, its still mostly open. Its difficult to enter if you dont have an access pass

Mental: Information +1, Awareness +2. There is some info to be had about patients and treatment,
but not much else. The staff here is very observant and will notice people who arent supposed to
be there after visiting hours.

families will

Social: Prestige -1, Stability +1. Like most mental health facilities, Degarin is looked down on by
most people, but its public relations campaign has mitigated that a little. The rich
ensure that the facility remains so long it stays their best option.

Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 4, Size 1

Haven Qualities: Location 4 max, Security up to 5, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: The Sun Deck (a large open promenade with a great eastern view), Degarin pharmacy
(one of the most stocked drug storages in the city short of Polytech or Kaiser Hospital), and Sub-Basement
B (the hidden ward for the care of unofficial patients).

38. Saint John Cemetery (Morgue)

Description: While not the only burial ground in the city, Saint John is certainly the largest. It rivals
several small residential neighborhoods in size and its population is greater than Del Rio. The edge of
the cemetery has a number of different funeral homes. The city runs its morgue on the northern edge of the
grounds and it conducts most of its criminal autopsies on site. Nearby, the CGPD and Kaiser Hospital run a
combined building housing Kaisers pathology lab and the CGPDs medical examiner. The city and a
number of the funeral homes also run a large crematory within the cemetery.
Background: Saint John Cemetery started out as small plot around an equally small catholic church. Over
the last 250 years since that church was built, it has grown exponentially. Its history was rather quiet until
late 70s. A number of serial murders occurred in the neighborhoods around the cemetery and the bodies
were all discovered within its bounds. The killer was never found. This was followed by several arrests of
supposed satanic cults operating on the grounds. These controversies have not fully gone away from the
areas reputation.
Character: Faith and Envy. This cemetery revolves around the idea that there is a greater reward in the
afterlife and that the affairs of this world have meaning. This seems to have an effect on the families with
plots here like it did on the Egyptian pharaohs. They build progressively more complex and ostentatious
tombs and mausoleums in attempts to one-up each other.
System: The cheapest graves are found in two long tunnels under the cemetery called the Catacombs. The
graves are roman style loculi, stacked holes in the walls with the coffin inserted inside with a brass cover.
For a desperate vampire, and empty loculus is a quick and easy haven, though they do have good locks.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +0, Safety +0. It has fences and walls, but Saint John is entirely lacking in police
patrols most of time.

really have to

Mental: Information -1, Awareness -2. Theres no people here beyond the night crews at the
funeral homes and city facilities. There is some information to be had here, but you
know where to look.


Social: Prestige +1, Stability +3. The citys powerful and simple are all buried in the cemetery.
That egalitarianism means that it has a reasonable rep with everyone, disregarding its
controversy. It also means that no one wants to close it and disrespect their ancestors by

Domain Traits: Location 0, Security 1, Size 2

Haven Qualities: Location 1max, Security up to 3, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: The Shetfield Mausoleum (a massive sculpted family tomb built from the original
Catholic church), the Catacombs, Marianna Funeral Home (one of the oldest and most prestigious funeral
homes in the city), and Alonzo Tower (a clock tower and surrounding tomb built by the main rivals of the

39. Charles Wilson Municipal Airport (Airport)

Description: Charles Wilson Airport (or See-wah as its known by locals) is the model of a small
regional airport. It has a handful of runways, only one of which is capable of operating (small) jetliners.
The terminal has little in the way of amenities or even advanced security measures. There are numerous
privately leased hangers for corporate and personal planes and the airport does quite a bit of noncommercial traffic. Unfortunately for people without their own plane, the lines here only operate normal
flights to surrounding states. Anywhere else is going to require a connection and probably a hefty hike in
Background: Originally Teller Army Airfield, built in 1942, the airport was transferred to civilian use
when the war ended. It has always been a small airport, never succeeding in taking over the international
flights of nearby Monterey International. In 1989, the airport was renamed to Charles Wilson Municipal
after the former California Representative. The increase in corporate business has kept the airport in the
black but its still not enough to fund expansion.
Character: Hope and Greed. The current investors and administrators of the airport are counting on
increased business bringing in international business and turning this airport into one more appropriate for a
city this large. Lately the plans have included taking out ridiculous loans from the banks and cutting back
heavily on maintenance and support.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +2. Theres multiple means of mass transit servicing the airport, but
its security isnt that great. Still very little crime occurs in the area.


Mental: Information +0, Awareness +0. People run the gamut of educated to not, but theres no
specific information that can be found here. The normal people arent very attentive, but
guards are, where they can be found anyways.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability -1. Most people in the city take the airport for granted, and its
owners expansion schemes make its future uncertain.
Domain Traits: Location 1, Security 3, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 3, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Hanger 14 (the private hanger used by Nexgens corporate fleet) and Tower #2
(disused old Army control tower with numerous urban legends).

40. Shadow Marsh (Sewers)

Description: Located northeast of Deleon Marina, Shadow Marsh sits on the banks of the Nuevo Sombra
river. In keeping with Californias strong conservationist environmental protection policies, it represents
one of the most advanced water treatment plants in the state. The facility is brand new and took over all of
the water purification operations from 3 smaller plants. The facility itself runs 24 hours a day. At night, it
is a sea of potassium lamps and gleaming steel and plastic piping covering acres of area.
Background: Compared to the previous system, Shadow Marsh is the model of efficiency. It is a vast
improvement over the clunky, multi-plant apparatus it replaced. But that has not kept it from being mired
in controversy. They range from urban legends (mind control chemicals in the water) to legal scandals (the
dumping of bodies in sewage processors by organized crime). For a while the plant was the corruption
focal point of the entire city after it came to light that the administrators were skimming from the
maintenance fund to pad their own pockets. Things have been quiet for the last few months, but for most
people it kind of just feels like something big is going to hit at any time.
Character: Fortitude and Sloth. The plant has weathered a lot of controversy, but they havent done a
whole lot to stop it. It seems as if the official policy is that if they ignore problems for long enough, they
will simply go away on their own.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety -1. The plant is closed and locked at most hours of the day and night,
but it still has its share of break-ins and people using it as cover for other illicit activity.
Mental: Information -3, Awareness -2. Unless you want to know about flow rates and purification
systems, Shadow Marsh isnt a place to go for information. It has a very small crew most of the
time, but at night only a handful of people are in the area.
Social: Prestige -2, Stability -2. The controversies and scandals have the future of plant in
jeopardy and it is seen in a bad light by most of the city.
Domain Traits: Location 0, Security 2, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location1 max, Security up to 3, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Bilero Stream (an artificial stream made from the outflow of the plant) and Tank 5 (a
deep treatment tank used previously as a dumping ground for mob bodies).

41. Cattle Creek Station (Power Plant)

Description: Situated a couple of miles upstream from the new Shadow Marsh facility, Cattle Creek
Nuclear Power Station provides most of the electric power to Monterey County. Unsurprisingly, it sits
quite some distance from the nearest structure. Regardless of its necessity, nuclear power is decidedly
unpopular in California. The station sits along the Nuevo Sombra between two bluffs where the Cattle
Creek runs down to the river, the only place where the investors could get a permit to build. Its politicallydecided location has led to more than a little trouble with the infrastructure. The roads leading to the
compound had to be blasted out of solid bedrock, as did the pilings for the high tension wires. The only
advantage that the location gives is ample cooling from the water running right next door.
Background: Ever since the permits were first signed, Cattle Creek has had problem after problem. The
unnecessarily large debt incurred by the construction has led to three changeovers in ownership since the
plants construction in 1977. The debt still isnt entirely paid off. Each changeover has been followed by a
spate of minor accidents as the new management tries to streamline operations and reduce costs. Luckily,
no one outside the executives (and a couple of well-bribed former employees) knows how close one of

those accidents almost became a full-on criticality incident. At almost seemingly random intervals, local
activists groups have organized massive protests at the station, forcing owners to incur even more debt by
creating huge public relations campaigns. The most recent cycle of "turnover, accidents, protests" occurred
just a few years ago and the reverberations are still being felt.
Character: Hope and Greed. Cattle Creek Station wishes for nothing more than its problems to go away.
They are more than willing to deal with them directly, but it seems like fate is trying to work against them.
Unfortunately, a lot of those problems are self-imposed. Debt and profit are the biggest concerns of the
owners at all times, and history has shown that they are predisposed to cutting corners and pencil-whipping
safety reports if it cuts down costs. No one is willing to voice their concerns, but more than a few are
silently terrified of Cattle Creek going Chernobyl.
System: N/A
District Traits:

so long

Physical: Access -3, Safety +2. Not only is Cattle Creek a high security facility, its isolated
location makes it difficult to get into. This also makes it a very safe area to be in, that is,
as you are supposed to be there.

looks for it.

eyes open

Mental: Information +1, Awareness +1. While the information here is a little specialized, a lot of
useful info about the city can be derived from reading power distribution charts if one
The security here is good, including many cameras, but not everyone here keeps their
like they should.

off though, and

Social: Prestige +0, Stability -2. The station has mixed reviews to say the least. Environmental
groups and local activists hate it, businesses love its low cost power, and the local
could care either way. Everyone is waiting for the next round of troubles to kick
some people feel like this next set will be the last, one way or another.

Domain Traits: Location 0, Security 5, Size 2

Haven Qualities: Location 1 max, Security up to 5, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Reactor 1 (the oldest reactor at the station, site of the most accidents, including the
near criticality incident), Cooling Tower 1 (located over Reactor 1, formerly crumbling but recently
rebuilt), and Intake G-9 (a main water intake at the junction of the Cattle Creek and Nuevo Sombra, large
enough to swim through)

42. Clement (Waste Plant)

Description: A few miles south of Cattle Creek, past Cattle Bluff and the failed Dust Canyon project,
Clement is a neighborhood centered on a state of the art garbage incineration plant and a recycling facility.
The two plants are not the only employers in the neighborhood but they are the biggest and they shape the
perception of the district. The incinerator runs pretty much non-stop and leaves a black cloud over the area;
it differs only on how the wind blows. The smell lingering near the plants is unsettling to even animals and
things that dont breathe. Most of the houses and apartments are away from the trash, but the only people
they can attract are low income and usually low class. Its not that active at night.
Background: Clement used to be a minor residential area until the Dust Canyon landfill project suffered
complete and utter ecological collapse (the last in the long line of Dust Canyon failures). After that
occurred, the city was in desperate need of somewhere to dispose of its trash. Temporary (and ridiculously
expensive) contracts were set up to ship the citys garbage upriver to Salinas, but a permanent solution was
needed. Being the nearest district to Dust Canyon, Clement was chosen as the site of the incinerator. The
plan has worked out so far. The C.G.s trash problems are taken care of, but now the people of Clement

have a new problem. The residents have begun manifesting an array of medical problems over the last few
years. The disturbing thing is that as of yet it has been cheaper to simply subsidize the populations
medical care than to actually address the source of the problems.
Character: Fortitude and Sloth. The neighborhood has marched on through its problems. Its ironic that
all of its problems are based on unchecked pollution when the neighborhood was originally built to service
the failed Dust Canyon district.
System: There is a growing black market in Clement medical insurance cards. For a sufficient fee, one (if
they can find a forger) can get a medical card that will allow them to access free medical care and
medication, at least for a while.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety -1. Security isnt really a concern here and crime comes along with
that. The district is on the edge of the city, but it still has rail access and a decent grid
Mental: Information -2, Awareness +0. The neighborhood is a good mix of aware and oblivious,
but it is uniformly uneducated.
Social: Prestige -2, Stability+2. Unsurprisingly, the garbage dump is not that highly looked on, but
its a necessary evil and isnt going anywhere.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location 3 max, Security up to 3, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: The Clement Waste Management Plant, Richland Road Clinic (a small medical center
with an inordinately large amount of uninsured patients), and Dust Canyon Drive (a blocked off road that
used to connect to the old landfill)

43. Soto (Latin Quarter)

Description: The largest of the C.G.s barrios, Soto is exactly what most people imagine when they think
of a poverty-stricken Californian Chicano neighborhood. The buildings mostly date from late 50s to the
early 70s, but no real organized effort had been undertaken to maintain them. Crime is big here. Most
homes have bars on the windows and people dont tend to go outside after dark. Numerous Latino gangs
vie for control in the district and its not uncommon for there to be several raids or violent attacks any given
week. There hasnt been any specific policy of attacking the police, but still the CGPD doesnt come out to
Soto except in force.
Background: Soto hasnt always been crime-ridden and low income. It used to be a small independent
town prior to the 1950s. Since its annexation by Ciudad Gloria, it has continued to go downhill. In the
late 60s, the Mexican Mafia got its hooks in the barrio and, despite the best efforts of the CGPD, it has
only gotten more influential and wealthy. Over the next couple decades, illegal immigrants from Central
America formed the 16th Street gang to rival the MM. It has since built a reputation as one of the most
violent criminal groups in California. So long as the drugs, guns, prostitutes, and money keep rolling in,
there is nothing to indicate that the gang problems in Soto are going to go anywhere soon.
Character: Justice and Wrath. The gangs that operate here have their own sense of Justice and codes of
conduct, though they heavily revolve around revenge, no compromise, and violent, cruel reprisals for even
the most basic slights.
System: N/A

District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety -3. The neighborhood is notoriously hard to navigate to outsiders.
This combined with Sotos horrible gang problems means that a wrong turn may lead one

into a

Mental: Information +1, Awareness +2. There is a wealth of information about criminal activities
to be had in the area, but the people here are not very trusting of non-residents.
Social: Prestige -2, Stability +1. The gangs in Soto will do everything in their power to ensure
that no one does anything to hurt their cash cow, but as they do so, they are turning public
against them.


Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 3, Size 4

Haven Qualities: Location up to 4, Security up to 5, Size 3max
Notable Locations: 24 Cazala Way (a former Soto town administrative office turned apartments turned
Mara-16 strongpoint), Vasquez Cantina (one of the oldest restaurants in the neighborhood, Mexican Mafia
front company), Station 23 (Sotos main metro station, one of the few places regularly patrolled by the
CGPD), and Substation G1 (a disused former integrated-power and water station that acts much like a
frontline between the gangs).

44. Roosevelt Park (Projects)

Description: These four housing towers on the edge of Soto are quickly becoming the most infamous area
in Ciudad Gloria. From their appearance, most people wouldnt guess that they are brand new. They are
uniformly overcrowded, badly maintained, vandalized, and unsafe. The Bloods and Crips are the true
power here as the landlords havent come back in a little over a year. The police are nowhere to be found
and its not uncommon for both violent and nonviolent crimes to occur openly in the district. Drugs flow
pretty much unimpeded and people go missing quite frequently. This would be the perfect neighborhood
for Kindred if it wasnt for the fact that it was so dangerous.
Background: Completed in late 93, the Park opened its doors just in time for the Northridge Earthquake.
Though Ciudad Gloria wasnt affected directly by the tragedy, it received a torrent of refugees from LA.
Numerous areas were set aside for use as relief camps and the still-empty Roosevelt Park development was
included. Most of the people have returned home over the last six months, but the Park has become a black
hole. The police pulled out of the area when it became unsafe and the owners are too scared to serve
eviction notices to the gangbangers and drug dealers that occupy it. The CGPD have been planning an
operation to clean out the area, but it has been shelved numerous times. The casualty estimates have scared
most of the city leadership into inactivity.
Character: ????? and Wrath. Redeeming qualities are entirely lacking in Roosevelt Park and violence here
is endemic. The worst, most vindictive elements of So-Cal gang culture are openly on display.
System: N/A
District Traits:

probably the

Physical: Access +0, Safety -3. The area itself is easy to get into, though the layouts of the
buildings are expected to be quite different than whats on the official plans. This is
most dangerous neighborhood in the whole city.

Mental: Information -2, Awareness +1. Education doesnt tend to be the strong suit of most
criminals, but they are very aware of whats going on around themwhen they arent
high, that is.
Social: Prestige -3, Stability -3. Roosevelt Parks reputation is indelibly damaged by the people
living here and the city desperately wants to shut the entire place down.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 1, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 3, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Eleanor Square (an open area between the towers that alternates between being an
open-air drug market and a demilitarized zone), Cargill Garage (a parking garage converted over to use as a
relief shelter that still has a massive tent city inside), and Tower A Floors 8 to 14 (floors gutted and sealed
off after a major fire from a meth lab, rumored to still be occupied).

45. Culver Street (Latin Quarter)

Description: In stark contrast to Sotos cholo gang-ridden barrio and Campo de las Rosas semi-fake folksy
pageantry, the C.G.s third Hispanic neighborhood is much more of the middle road. Culver Street is old
but not nearly as old as many other areas of the city. It has a lot of ethnic stores and culture, but is not
overrun by it. Its got a few gang problems, but not so much that they practically run the district. Mostly,
its working class. Much of its population commutes to jobs in other districts or works in the restaurants,
shops, and small businesses found here. Its quite active at night, a fact helped by its handful of lively
Background: Built just over a century ago from a population of Chicano immigrants to the area to exploit
the growth of its industry, Culver Street has plodded along ever since. Its history is fairly unique for
Ciudad Gloria due to it being quiet with a lack of scandals. Several groups have tried to revitalize the
area over time, but the residents have been resistant. They dont want the neighborhood to become
Character: Fortitude and Sloth. Culver Street pushes along regardless of what the rest of the city does, but
its not very motivated to find its own identity or place in the greater metro.
System: N/A
District Traits:


Physical: Access +1, Safety +1. The Street isnt far from the freeway and has good public transit,
but the layout of the neighborhood can be confusing. The area is mostly safe with
exceptions where criminal elements have gotten their hooks in.
Mental: Information +1, Awareness +0. The neighborhood is fairly complacent, but its people
tend to be reasonably knowledgeable.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability +3. Culver City is not on most peoples radar so their feelings about
it tend to be neutral. It will likely not change for many years to come.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 4
Haven Qualities: Location up to 5, Security up to 2, Size 2 max

Notable Locations: Planeta Azul (popular contemporary Spanish dance club), Azuca Nuevo (an older
restaurant/club specializing in Salsa music), and Darra Lumber (the largest lumber and construction supply
company in the city).

46. New Carmel (Mosque)

Description: Centered on the New Carmel Temple, this is the center of Ciudad Glorias non-Hispanic
immigrant population. People from a dozen different nations make their home in this area. Middle Eastern
and South Asian people predominate, but a decent number of East Asian and Eastern Europeans can be
found as well. Its mostly just residential with a few specialty ethnic shops. The vast majority of the
people here commute to other areas of the city to work, though it does have more than its fair share of
welfare recipients. New Carmel is extremely quiet and inactive at night.
Background: Named not for the city of Carmel (as popularly thought), but for Mount Carmel in Palestine,
the New Carmel Temple was built shortly after WWII. The small neighborhood surrounding the Temple
grew exponentially after a torrent of immigration in the 1970s and has steadily increased over time. It
originally had a problem with ghettos but has since become much more mixed in. It is the epicenter of
nearly every racist or xenophobic rant in the C.G.
Character: Hope and Pride. Most of the people here came searching for a better life, but they still
maintain a strong sense of culture and the values that they brought with them.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access -2, Safety +2. New Carmel has grown organically and completely independent of
city planning. It is very difficult to navigate and lacks good public transit. It is very safe.
Mental: Information +2, Awareness -1. If the topic has anything to do with foreign culture, it
exists in spades, but the areas layout does not lend itself well to being aware of ones
Social: Prestige -1, Stability +0. The area suffers from anti-immigrant bias and it goes through as
much emigration as it does immigration.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 1, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 4, Security up to 2, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: New Carmel Temple (a large and ornate Bahai temple surrounded by a beautifully
landscaped lawn), Darvishs (an out of the way, incredibly popular Indian restaurant), and The Proctors
House (an underground Kabala temple started by a priest kicked out by the local Jewish community).

47. Nova Bazaar (Mercantile Sector)

Description: Built on the edge of the New Carmel, Nova Bazaar is a large market constructed in the style
of a Middle Eastern bazaar. Consisting of a series of long halls interconnected with square rooms with
huge domed ceilings, the Bazaar holds hundreds of stalls for small time merchants and for individual
people. While most of its merchandise is flea-market fare, it also acts as the site of numerous farmers
markets and specialized sales festivals. Much of its activity is illicit, though the items themselves may not

be illegal themselves. The majority of that kind of trade occurs after dark, where patrons take advantage of
their areas odd lighting, dark recesses, and vision obstructing columns.
Background: Constructed in the late 70s by a civil bond in New Carmel, Nova Bazaar provides much of
the economic support for the surrounding areas. Though the individual trades may be small in value, the
sheer number of them brings in millions of dollars a year in sales tax revenue, for the legal trades anyway.
The market has also become the center of Ciudad Glorias black market for non-organized crime trade and
the police have had to drastically increase the number of undercover detectives in the district to investigate
illegal trading.
Character: Prudence and Greed. The entire area is built around putting the right commodity or item on
the market at the right time, but even more than that, its about getting rich.
System: The odd lighting and weird angles inside provide a +2 bonus to any roll involving stealth.
District Traits:
Physical: Access +1, Safety +2. Getting to the area is quite easy. New Carmels metro access is
less than a block away and it has bus stops on two sides. Once inside, its pretty much a
has a great deal of police coverage.

maze. It

Mental: Information +2, Awareness -3. As stated before, the Bazaar is extremely hard to observe,
but there are many rumors are to be found here as items.
Social: Prestige +0, Stability +0. Nova Bazaar is rather run of mill for a market place in the city.
Its not that thought about and also fairly stable, though individual sellers do change
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 1, Size 1
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security 1 max, Size 1 max
Notable Locations: Bab Souk (a large domed room covered in Bahai frescoes), Hussein Souk (a similar
room covered in complex geometric designs), and Bodhi Hall (a recent addition decorated with complex
Buddhist designs).

48. Castro Towers (Projects)

Description: Not towers at all but rather a series of HUD-funded duplexes and apartment complexes,
Castro Towers rounds out the low income residential districts in the city. Unlike most of the others, it
hasnt suffered from crime problems. The city has maintained reasonably good management here to
protect their investment, and with a location appealing to a backlog of young adults. They arent afraid to
evict anyone who seeks to disrupt the current order. Most of the residents are students at the local
universities or people that have just started out. The area is almost nothing but residences and is dead quiet
at night.
Background: Built in the early 80s, Castro Towers has been a model for the California Housing and
Urban Development Department. Recently, it has been under a lot of fire. Numerous accusations of
racism and graft have been charged against the managers. The accusations have quite a bit of evidence.
The development is overwhelmingly Caucasian and several minorities on the waiting list have been
dropped for seemingly no reason, while many more have been evicted for minor infractions while their
white counter parts are given warnings. Additionally, several cases of supposed bribes to bring people to
the top of the list and the use of key money to get into the door have been brought up. The city is trying
to take a hands-off approach, but it knows that if action is not taken soon, the neighborhood could be

Character: Hope and Greed. Most of the people who live here are just looking for a nice place to live, the
managers on the other hand are looking to get rich at their expense.
System: Getting a haven in this district is very hard. Except for squatting in a random location, attempts to
buy a haven cost New Dot X 2 + 1. Havens here do start with 2 free dots in Security though.
District Traits:
Physical: Access -1, Safety +2. There is public transit leading up to the district, but the area itself
is gated. It has its own security team and good police coverage.
Mental: Information +0, Awareness +1. There is a good mix of well and badly educated here, and
the grid plan makes it easy to see whats going on.
Social: Prestige +1, Stability -2. Even with the controversy, people still want to live here, though
if things go bad in the upcoming troubles, the Towers could go downhill.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 3, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 4, Size 2 max
Notable Locations: Building 19 (Site of an oddly high number of suicides over the years) and Station 6Z
(a planned-but-never-completed metro station within the district).

49. Reagan Park (Mercantile Sector)

Description: Reagan Park is a very eclectic mix. The neighborhood around it has everything from condos
to apartments to modern split-level houses. The businesses within the zone are as varied as the housing.
Several large plant nurseries compete with fresh produce shops. Handcrafted furniture shops compete with
antique dealers. The area is characterized by its independent character and its lack of corporate intrusion
and is popular with visitors from out of town. An informal system to exploit that often has two entirely
different sets of prices for locals and travelers. The restaurants and bars that can be found here are
overpriced to take advantage of the tourists but still within the range of the proprietors and their families
who live in the district. The nightlife here is quiet though many places do stay open fairly late.
Background: Not so much built as grown, Reagan Park formed from the conglomeration of a number of
smaller neighborhoods in the early 20th century. The city has kept with modifying its layout ever since so
that it remains easy to navigate for out of towners, but that has also forced quite a few closures and moves
of families that had been in the district for a while. Even though there may not be a public corporate
presence, its an open secret that several family owned shops are nothing more than complex fronts for
major corporations. They do a lot to cover up that fact, but its unlikely that trade would be that hurt even if
it came out.
Character: Temperance and Pride. Keeping up appearances and making yourself attractive to outside
customers is a big part of the work here, though over doing it will usually drive customers away.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety +2. The city has made sure that Reagan Park is easily accessible and
very safe, but its not perfect.
Mental: Information -1, Awareness +1. This isnt the place to go for information unless it's very
specialized, though the layout does lend itself well to observation.

Social: Prestige +2, Stability -1. This area is a big draw for people from out of town and brings in
quite a bit of money for the city. It is however difficult to start a business here and even
difficult to stay once youve started. And there is always the threat of the city
government taking
your property in the next round of construction.
Domain Traits: Location 3, Security 2, Size 2
Haven Qualities: Location up to 3, Security up to 4, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Calobal Nursery (largest single plant nursery in the county, known for its exotic
plants) and Fernando Antiques (one of the oldest and most respected antique dealers on the West Coast).

50. Palisades (Bus Station)

Description: Palisades is a dying neighborhood. Most of the buildings stand empty and abandoned. The
handful of people who still live here are either too poor to live anywhere else or have long roots in the
town. The only business that still gets regular business is the Greyhound Station. It is a rather large
building that may have once been grand, but has fallen into disrepair. Of note as well, Palisades is the main
way out of the city to the important suburb of Charming and thousands of people transit the neighborhood
every week on the daily commuter buses. To keep up with the work cycle in the C.G., Palisades operates
around the clock and people can be found at any hour of the day.
Background: Palisades used to be a very nice town until a few decades ago. Prior to the 1950s, it was a
prominent stop along the California Highway from inner areas of the state. The construction of the
Interstate and the airport led to the drying up of most of the traffic that kept the town alive. Ciudad Gloria
expanded to annex Palisades in the late 70s, but hasnt done much to save the town. It is unlikely that the
city will be taking any action to remedy the situation any time soon.
Character: Faith and Sloth. The people who still live here cling to memories of better times past and the
hope that the situation will improve in the future. They havent done much to get things done on their own
and most of the people who simply transit the neighborhood could care less.
System: N/A
District Traits:
Physical: Access +2, Safety -2. Like Santa Fe Station, Palisades is built around moving people
and it is just as unsafe.


Mental: Information -2, Awareness -1. Palisades is not great for learning about the city and its
rundown nature makes it hard to track peoples movement once they leave the confines of
Social: Prestige -2, Stability +1. This place isnt changing anytime soon and neither will its rep as
a broken down craphole.
Domain Traits: Location 2, Security 1, Size 3
Haven Qualities: Location up to 2, Security up to 2, Size 3 max
Notable Locations: Palisades Greyhound, 23 Horten Road (a house bought for use by a motorcycle gang
from Charming), and Plymouth Technical Works (one of the few businesses in the district, a magnetic tape

ooooo < i <3 tom. love always, sheep

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