APUSH Ch. 21-23 Study Guide

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Juliana Meyers & Alexa Zvinys

APUSH Ch. 21-23 Study Guide

Important Terms/Individuals:
Selective Service Act:
result of the US military being unprepared for WWI
Newton D. Baker
required all men 21-30 to register with local drafts; you could no longer hire
someone to fight for you
Henry Cabot Lodge v. Wilson:
Lodge was included in group of Republican senators who signed a letter rejecting
the form of the League of Nations Wilson originally wanted, then when Wilson sent the
Treaty of Versailles to Senate for ratification, Lodge dragged it through Foreign Relations
to rally opinion for his cause, Wilson went on a speaking tour and
worked himself to exhaustion
FRC sent treaty to senate with amendments, and senate split into 3 groups
1- Democrats who supported the League without changes
2- Republican Irreconcilables led by Hiram Johnson Robert La
Follette and William Borah who opposed league completely
3- Republican Reservationists led by Lodge, demanded
amendments for their support
objected especially to Article 10 (pledged each
member to preserve other nations political independence and territories)
WWI Nativism/Immigration Restriction:
Wilson promoted vigilance against anti-war and pro-Germans
distaste for German books, names, food, music etc.
gentleman's agreement - US schools couldnt segregate Asian students but
Japan would have to halt emigration to the US
Schenck v. US:
justified convictions of war critics in cases where 1st amendment exercise posed
danger to the nation
like fire in a movie theatre - persecution of anyone who didnt meet expectation
of 100% Americanism
Committee on Public Information headed by George Creel
wartime propaganda agency established in 1917
publicized gov's version of events and discredited critics
Harlem Renaissance:
African-American cultural rebirth

high concentration of blacks in Harlem; close to Broadway

theatres, record companies, book publishers, NAACPs hq
paintings, sculpture, songs, dancing, black Bway musicals (Shuffle Along, Savage
& Porgy)
came with white misunderstanding and attempts at control
romanticized Harlem nightlife, ignoring poverty and social
blacks idealized as spiritual or primitive
Langston Hughes:
African-American poet
drew on southern black oral traditions in The Weary Blues
his poems confronted gritty realities of black life in America; some white fans
withdrew support
Great Migration:
blacks moved to urban areas for promise of better opportunity and less racism
new churches and missions to meet social needs; NAACP grew
heightened racial consciousness and activism
Harlem Renaissance
Red Scare/Palmer Raids:
Bolshevism in Russia fears it would happen in the US
reds bc the stereotypical color of revolutionary flags
Justice Dept set up anti-rad division; deportation of Russian-born aliens; refusal to
seat socialist Victor Berger
Palmer Raids- General Palmers red raids
raiding of homes of suspected radicals or radical HQs
popular stereotype of a pleasure-mad woman; started with magazine image of
woman w/ flappy boots
symbolized youthful rejecting of stereotypes and women as sexual objects
W.E.B. Du Bois:
co-founder of NAACP, fought for full rights for African Americans
wanted to end segregation immediately
Lost Generation:
generation that came of age during WWI
used by Hemingway in The Sun Also Rises
Margaret Sanger:
womens rights advocate
coined term birth control; opened first BC clinic; Birth Control Review and
American Birth Control League
Andrew Mellon:

Pittsburgh financier, Hardings Sec. of Treasury

promoted income tax cuts for the rich
Birth of a Nation:
D.W. Griffiths 1915 film that disparaged blacks and glorified the Ku Klux Klan
regarded as classic by Wilson
Farmers in 20s:
grain prices plummeted when govt purchases for the army dwindled
revived Euro agriculture US high tariffs depressed exports
new technology increased farm production weaker prices
TR coined nickname for US journalists obsessed with exposing the worst parts of
American life
Upton Sinclair- The Jungle
exposed foul conditions in meat-packing plants; led to PF&DA and
MIA (see below).
Jacob Riis- How The Other Half Lives
exposed grim life of NE immigrant workers
Pure Food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act:
passed in response to Sinclairs The Jungle hysteria
outlawed sale of adulterated foods or drugs and called for accurate
ingredient labels
outlines strict sanitary rules for meatpackers and a federal meat
inspection system
Roosevelt Corollary:
Big stick diplomacy
(1904) - TR declared that chronic wrongdoing by any Latin American nation
would justify US intervention
Square Deal:
TR gave high priority to trustbusting
called for this deal for all Americans and denounced special treatment for
didnt want to get rid of big business for, just wanted to get them to
serve the public good
Dollar Diplomacy:
the foreign policies of Taft
focused on advancement of US commercial interests
New Freedom:
what Wilson called his political vision
warned against big corporations; evoked an era of small govt, small business and
free competition
history of liberty is the history of limitation of power
Treaty of Versailles:

Wilson brought his 14 points but the other powers didnt agree
European powers at peace conference wanted complete revenge on Germany for
wartime losses and blame
reflected hostility to bolsheviks and communist Russia for withdrawing from the
Allies and the Treaty was set to weaken Russia
Germany disarmed, stripped of its colonies, forced to take sole
blame for the war and make reparation payments
France regained territories lost to Germany and took control of
some GER territories
League of Nations:
only part of Wilsons 14 points included in Versailles
reflected Wilsons vision of a new world order of peace and justice
rejected by most of the Senate and not passed by Congress; US didnt join
Wilson got sick from rallying for League support. (see Lodge v.
Election of 1912:
The Four-Way election of 1912
Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and Debs (socialists)
TR under Progressive Party (Bull Moose) - business regs, abolished child labor
Rep votes split between Taft and TR, Wilson only Democrat = clear victory
(see Wilsons New Freedom)
Federal Reserve Act:
created federal banks that made dollar legal tender, ruled by individual bank
leaders and the Federal Reserve Board

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