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User's Guide

2008 Qualis Research

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of
information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may
accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any
other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this

Software License Agreement

The Ethnograph is protected by United States and International Copyright Law. Therefore, you must
treat this software just like a book. There is one exception. You can make copies of the software for
the sole purpose of backing-up your software and protecting your investment from loss.
By saying just like a book, this means that this copy of the ethnograph can be used by any number
of people, and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no
possibility of it being used at one location while it is being used at another. Just like a book that
cannot be read by two different people in two different places at one time, neither can this copy of the
Ethnograph be used by two different people in two different places at the same time.
Under no circumstances may you make copies of the Ethnograph for distribution to others.
Under no circumstances can you exceed or violate the terms of any multi-user or sight license
agreement that may involve this copy of The Ethnograph.
The Ethnograph is provided on an as is basis without any warrantees, or conditions, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantable quality, merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of The Ethnograph is assumed
by you. Neither Qualis Research Associates, nor any other of our dealers or distributors, assume any
liability for the use of the Ethnograph beyond the original purchase price of the software. In no event
will Qualis Research Associates nor any other of our distributors or dealers be liable to you for
additional damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential
damages, or any other types of damages, arising out of the use of, or inability to use, these
programs, even if Qualis Research Associates, or any other of our dealers or distributors has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. No oral or written information or advice given by Qualis
Research Associates, or any other of our dealers or distributors shall create a warranty or in anyway
increase the scope of this warranty.
By using this software, you agree to the terms of this license agreement. If you do not agree, you
should immediately return the Ethnograph, along with your sales receipt or invoice, or the distributor
you purchased it from.

Short Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Project Manager

Chapter 2 Create/Edit Data Files


Chapter 3 Code Data Files


Chapter 4 Code Book


Chapter 5 Memos


Chapter 6 Search for Segments


Chapter 7 Search Filters


Chapter 8 Apendix 1: The Data File Format



Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Project Manager


Project Manager
The Project Manager
The Projects Folder
Importing v5 Projects


Project List................................................................................................................................... 4
New Project .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Find Old Project/Import
v5 Project
Delete Project .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Rename Project
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Copy Project .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Combine Projects
.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Backup Project.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Restore Project.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Manually Copy
a v6 Project from Another Computer

File List

................................................................................................................................... 11

Create / Import
/ Edit Data Files (COPY)
Rename Data..........................................................................................................................................................
Delete Data File
Copy Data Files
to a Project
Move Data Files
to a Project
Combine Data..........................................................................................................................................................
Add Existing ..........................................................................................................................................................
Data Files

Chapter 2 Create/Edit Data Files



Overview ................................................................................................................................... 18
2 From Word...................................................................................................................................
to Ethnograph: A Simple Example
Setting the Paragraph
Format in Word
Typing Data in
Copy and Past
from Word to the Editor
Reformat the ..........................................................................................................................................................
Save the Data..........................................................................................................................................................
File to the Project

From Web ...................................................................................................................................
Page to Ethnograph: A Simple Example
Copy Data from
a Web Page
Paste into the..........................................................................................................................................................
Reformat the ..........................................................................................................................................................
Web Data
Save the Web..........................................................................................................................................................
Data File to the Project



Data Files
Reformat Options
When Every Paragraph
Starts the Same
When Some Paragraphs
Do Not Start with Identifiers
When Most
Paragraphs Start With Identifiers
When Few
Paragraphs Start with Identifiers
of Reformat Options



The Editor................................................................................................................................... 26
Saving a Data..........................................................................................................................................................
Saving to.........................................................................................................................................................
the Current Project
Save to Any
Save to Any
Open an Existing
Data file
Open from
Current Project
Open from
Any Project
Open from
Any Folder
Opening RTF
Editing an Existing
Data file

Chapter 3 Code Data file



The Code Data
File Screen
2 Open a Data
The File Name..........................................................................................................................................................

Attach Code
Words to the Data File
Attach Code Words
Attach a Code..........................................................................................................................................................
Word to a Segment of Data
The Code List..........................................................................................................................................................
The Code Tree


Writing Memos
While Coding
Writing Memos
Text Memo Properties
Writing Project
and File Memos


Printing Data
Printing Data ..........................................................................................................................................................
Files Overview
The Print Preview


Code Counts/Segment
Code Counts ..........................................................................................................................................................
Segment List ..........................................................................................................................................................


Clickable Code
Click a Code Word
Right Click a ..........................................................................................................................................................
Highlighted Code Word
Rename a Code
Delete a Code..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Code Word
Generate a Popup
Copy the Segment
Print the Segment
Write a Memo..........................................................................................................................................................
about the Segment
Generate a Code
Count for the Code Word
Generate a Segment
List for the Code Word


Right Clicking
Highlighted Text
The Higlighted
Text Popup Menu
Display Code..........................................................................................................................................................
List/Code Tree
Write Memo about
Highlighted Text
Print Highlighted



................................................................................................................................... 48
Popup Segments
Popup Segment




More than 12 ..........................................................................................................................................................

Popup Segments
Popup Segment
Right-Click Options
Popup Segment
Format Options


Multiple Popup
Segments on Screen
Multiple Popups
Mark Popup Segments
Print Popup Segments
Close Popup ..........................................................................................................................................................
Format Popup..........................................................................................................................................................
Shift Popup Segments
Roll Segments
Arrange Popup




Code Data...................................................................................................................................
Files Tools
Tools Overview
Find in Text or
in Code Words
Delete All Code
Tools - Code Book
and Filters

Chapter 4 Code Book



The Code Book
2 Code Book...................................................................................................................................
Code Book View
View Short or..........................................................................................................................................................
Long Definition
Add/Remove ..........................................................................................................................................................
Code Book Columns
Sort Code Book
by Clicking Column Headers
Filter Code Book
by Clicking Column Headers
Simple Filters
Custom Filters

Code Book...................................................................................................................................
Add Code Word
Edit/View Code
Word Definition
Delete A Code..........................................................................................................................................................
Merge Code Words


Customize Code
Book Display Dialog

Chapter 5 Memos


Print the Code
Print the Code..........................................................................................................................................................
Save Code Book
as an HTML or Xcell (XLS) file


Parent Codes/The
Code Tree
Create Parent..........................................................................................................................................................
View Code Book
by Code or Parent Code
The Code Tree
View Dual Code


Code Book...................................................................................................................................
Scan Project ..........................................................................................................................................................
for Code Words
Delete All Codes




Memo Form
- Writing Memos
Memo Form - ..........................................................................................................................................................


Memo Form - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Memo Properties
Attach To:.........................................................................................................................................................
Memo Type:
Date: and.........................................................................................................................................................
From: and.........................................................................................................................................................
Topic: .........................................................................................................................................................
Memo Form - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Print Memo
Memo Form Examples
Project Memo
File Memo.........................................................................................................................................................
Memo Form Text
Memo Example
Text Memo
Selecting .........................................................................................................................................................
Text for a Memo
Example of
Writing a Text Memo

Memo List...................................................................................................................................
- Sifting, Sorting, and Filtering
Memo List Overview
View Short or..........................................................................................................................................................
Long Memos
Tree Displays..........................................................................................................................................................
Sort By Properties
One Level.........................................................................................................................................................
Two Level.........................................................................................................................................................
Expand and
Close Tree Levels
Column Header
Column Header
Simple Filters
- Memo List
Custom Filters
- Memo List


Memo List...................................................................................................................................
- Viewing Memos
View Single Memo
Selecting .........................................................................................................................................................
Single Memos
View the Data
to which the Text Memo Refers
Memo Tool
Bar Buttons
Change the
Size of the Memo
Change the
Memo's Position
Roll the Memo
Mark the Memo
Print the Memo
Copy and.........................................................................................................................................................
Paste from a memo
View Multiple..........................................................................................................................................................
View Two.........................................................................................................................................................
or More Memos
Select a Group
of Memos
View Memos
with Data
Arrange Memos
Shift Memos
Change the
Size of memos
Roll Memos
Print Memos



Memo List...................................................................................................................................
- Customize Layout
Customize Memo
List Display Dialog



Chapter 6 Search for Segments


................................................................................................................................... 102
Search Overview
2 Select Code
Words: Single Code Search
Select one Code
at a Time
Select two or..........................................................................................................................................................
more Codes at a time (ctl-Click).
Select a group
of Code Words at one time (sh-Click)
Select All code
words in the List
Select a Fraction
(e.g., the First Half) of Code Words in the list
Find a Code ..........................................................................................................................................................
in the List
Saving and Reusing
Lists of Selected Code Words


Select Code
Words: Linked Code Search
Linked Codes
Table Screen
Create a Linked
Code String
Default Links
Changing a Link
in an Existing Search String
Editting Linked
Code Table Rows
Printing a Linked
Code Table
Saving, Copying,
Deleting a Linked Code Table
Code Combinations
Sequence, Proximity
and Big-Small Picture Options


Select Code
Words: Identifiers as Codes Search

Search Output:
Segment Display

Selecting Identifiers
for a Search

Organize the..........................................................................................................................................................
List of Segments Found
Sort the List..........................................................................................................................................................
of Segments Found


Search Output:
Printing Segments
Print a Single
Print Multiple
Print the List..........................................................................................................................................................
of Segments Found


Search Output:
Viewing Segments
Text formats..........................................................................................................................................................
and Code Margins
Changing the
Text Format
Turning Code
Margins On/Off
Changing Segment
Marking Segments
Roll Segments
Up down


Search Output:
Frequency Display
Sort by Column
Select Columns
Fit Columns..........................................................................................................................................................
Display Cell ..........................................................................................................................................................
Print Frequency
Save Table as
an Xcell File



Search Output:
Preview Screen
The Print Preview
Building the..........................................................................................................................................................
Send the Preview
to the Printer.
The Format of
Segment Printouts
Send the Preview
to an RTF File


The format of
the RTF output file


Search Output:
Customize Layout

Chapter 7 Search Filters



Search Filter
Types of Search
Face Sheets..........................................................................................................................................................
and Identifier Sheets


Use Identifier
The Effect of..........................................................................................................................................................
Identifier Identifier Filters
Select Identifier
Select Identifiers
from the Identifier List
Deactivate Identifier


Use Identifier
Sheeet Filters
The Effect of..........................................................................................................................................................
Identifier Sheet Filters
Select Identifier
Selecting and
Viewing Identifer Sheet Values
Deactivate Identifier
Sheet Filters


Use Face ...................................................................................................................................
Sheet Filters
The Effect of..........................................................................................................................................................
Face Sheet Filters
Select Face Sheet
Select a Numeric
Variable Filter Value
Select a Text..........................................................................................................................................................
Variable Filter Value
View Files that
Match the Face Sheet Filters
View Selected
Save Selected
Retrieve Saved
Deactivate Face
Sheet Filters


Search Filter
Using Filters..........................................................................................................................................................
in a Search
Activating Search
Combining Search


Enter Face/Identifer
Sheet Values
Enter Face Sheet
Enter Identifier
Sheet Values


................................................................................................................................... 136
Create a Template
Template Overview
Add Text Variables
to a Template
Add Numeric..........................................................................................................................................................
Variables to a Template



Use File Name
The Effect of..........................................................................................................................................................
Identifier File Name Filters
Select File Name
Select File Names
from the File Name List

Chapter 8 Appendix 1: The Data File Format



Features of
the Data Format
2 Deactivate
File Name Filters
3 Contextual
What is a Contextual
Examples of..........................................................................................................................................................
Using Contextual Comments




What is an Identifier
Typing Identifiers
Identifiers as..........................................................................................................................................................
Code Words
Examples of..........................................................................................................................................................
Using Identifiers


Chapter 1
Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager Overview

The Project Manager Window
The Project Manager lets you do house keeping chores with your Projects and Data Files.
There are no limits to the number of Projects, or Data Files you can have.
Project List has options for Managing a Project.
File List has options for Managing data files.
The Project Manager Window

Project Manager

The Projects Folder

Ethnograph projects are stored in a folder named E6Projects.
E6Projects is created when you install The Ethnograph.

Windows XP
\My Documents\E6Projects\<yourproject>

The path (or location) of E6Projects is:

o ...\My Documents\E6Projects (Windows XP).
o ...\Documents\E6Projects (Windows Vista).
When you create a project, e.g. <yourproject>, it is stored
in a folder under the E6Projects folder. (see figures at

Windows Vista

Importing v5 Projects
After you have installed v6:

Copy old v5 Project to E6Projects

v5 Projects are usually in C:\Projects. Sometimes they
are in C:\Ethno50\Projects.

Copy v5Project from

1. Copy your v5 project, <MyV5Project>, to the

E6Projects folder (as shown to the right).
The location of your v5 project is now:
o ...\My Documents\E6Projects\<MyV5Project>
o ...\Documents\E6Projects\<MyV5Project>

Tell Ethnograph to Find the Project

1. Open The Ethnograph.
2. Click Project Manager.
3. Click Find Old Project.
4. Follow the instructions in the Find Old Project section.
(next page)

Paste v5Project in

Project Manager

Project List
New Project

You must create a New Project

to start using The Ethnograph.

When you give the Project a name, a Project Folder is

created with that name, located in the E6Projects

E6Projects Folder Location

The full path to the project is:

o ..\My Documents\E6Projects\<ProjectName> (XP)
o ..\Documents\E6Projects\<ProjectName> (Vista)

Create a New Project

New Project Dialog

1. Click New Project.

2. Type a Project Name.
3. Click OK.

Find Old Project/Import v5 Project

Find Old Project

does two things:

Finds and Adds existing projects not already in the

Project Manager.
Imports v5 projects into the Project Manager.

Put Old Projects

in the E6Projects Folder

NOTE: While projects do not have to be located in the

E6Projects folder, it is strongly recommended that you
copy them into the E6Projects folder before you do Find
Old Project. (previous page, Copy old v5 Project to

Find an Old Project

Find Old Project Dialog

1. Click Find Old Project

2. Browse for an Old Project.
3. Click on a Project Folder (on the left side).
On the right side you see the Data Files in that
In the upper right corner, the project version (v5 or
v6) is displayed.
3. Click OK.
The Project is added to the Project Manager.

Project Manager

Project Manager

v5 Projects
In the above process, v5 projects are automatically
converted to v6 projects.
The original v5 project is copied to a folder named
v5<project name>

Delete Project

You can Delete a Project

from the Project Manager, or from the Project Manager and Computer.

1. Click Delete Project.

2. Select Delete Options.

Delete Project Dialog

Delete from Project Manager leaves the Project

and its Data Files on your computer.
Delete Project from Computer removes the
Project and its data files from your computer
3. Click OK.

Rename Project

Rename Project

changes the project's name and moves it to a folder with the new name.

1. Click Rename Project.

Rename Project dialog

2. Type a new name for the Project.

3. Click OK.
The Project now has the new name. It is also
located in a folder that has the new name.

Copy Project

Copy Project

makes a duplicate of the selected project and puts it in a folder with a new name.
Copy Project Dialog

1. Click Copy Project.

2. Type a name for the new Project.
3. Click OK.

You now have a duplicate copy of the original


Project Manager

Combine Projects
Combine Projects

lets you Combine (or Merge) two separate Projects.

You can combine two projects into a new third project.
Code Books

and Memos

are merged in the combine process.

Data Files with the same name are not merged.

o If two data files have the same name, e.g., FileA, the name of the file from
the second Project is changed to FileA_1.
o You should print both files so you can compare them, determine
differences, decide how to resolve those differences, and which of the two
files you want to keep in the combined project.

Select the Projects to Combine

The Current Project is automatically selected as
the First Project.

Combine Project Dialog-Select Second Project

1. Click Combine Projects.

You see the Combine Project dialog.
2. Click the drop down arrow
Second Project.

to select the
Combine Project Dialog-Type New Project Name

3. Type a New Project Name.

4. Click OK.
Now you have 3 projects. The First project,
the Second project and the New combined

Project Manager

Backup Project


lets you copy a project to another location on your computer.

This could be a folder on a hard drive, a USB drive, a network drive, or

any other type of backup device.

Backup Creates two folders on the backup drive.
A general backup folder named \E6Back (e.g., d:\E6Back).
A specific folder with the Project Name (e.g., d:\E6Back\<project name>).
Backup Tip.
Generally just select the drive name (e.g., D:\, F:\ etc. ) for the backup. Let
Ethnograph do the rest.
Don't backup to CD's. Windows sets file flags to read only when files are
copied to a CD. When you restore those files you have to manually reset the
flags through My Computer or Windows Explorer.

To start a Backup
Browse for Backup Drive

1. Click Backup Project.

2. Browse for a backup drive (D:, E:, F:,
the backup is saved to <d:>\E6Back
3. Click Backup.
4. Print the Backup Report.

The Backup Report

Backup Report
After the backup is completed you see a
report documenting the backup. If you like,
you can print a record of the backup.

Project Manager

If the Backup Folder Already has files

If the backup folder already contains files, you see the following screen:
Files Already in Backup Folder

If you click OK
The existing files in the folder are erased.
The backup is completed to that folder.
If you click Cancel
you return to the browse window and can
select another backup destination such as

Restore Project
Look for \E6BACK\<project name>
A Backup Folder is usually named ...\E6BACK\<projectname>
Browse for Backup Folder

1. Click Restore Project.

2. Browse for a Backup folder.
Use the left pane to browse for a backup
The right pane tells you if the folder
contains Ethnograph backup files
3. Click Next.

If the Restore Project already exists

If the Restore Project has the same name as an existing Project, you see this screen.
The existing Project will be deleted and
replaced with the Restore Project.
If you do not want to delete the existing
project you can:
Change the Restore Project name.
Click Cancel.
Click Start Over.

Backup Project has the same name as an existing project


Project Manager

Manually Copy a v6 Project from Another Computer

The preferred method for moving projects from Computer A to
Computer B, is to use the Backup and Restore features of the Project
The only time you should manually copy a Project from Computer A to
Computer B, is when the Project does not already exist on Computer B.
Check folder names in ...\E6Projects.
Aways make sure you have extra copies of everything before you do
anything! It makes gracefully recovering from a mistake much easier.

Manually Copying a Project from Computer A to Computer B.

On Computer B:
1. Make sure that Ethnograph is installed.
2. Make sure that the ...\E6Projects folder exists.
3. Make sure that a folder with the same name as the folder from
Computer A does not already exist on Computer B.
If the above is true do the following
1. Connect a USB drive (aka thumb drive, jump drive, etc) to Computer
2. Copy the Project Folder <My Project> to the USB drive.
3. Connect the USB drive to Computer B.
4. Copy <My Project> from the USB drive to ...\E6Projects.
After doing the above, do the following
1. Open The Ethnograph.
2. Click Project Manager.
3. Click Find Old Project.
4. Follow the instructions under the Find Old Project section (page 4).

Project Manager

File List
Create / Import / Edit Data Files (COPY)

See Chapter 2, Create/Edit Data Files

Rename Data File

You can Rename a Data File.

Rename Data File Dialog

1. Click Rename Data Files button

2. Type a new file name .
3. Click OK.

Delete Data File

You can Delete

one or more data files.

1. Select one or more data files from the File List.

2. Click Delete Files.
3. The list of data files to be deleted is displayed on the
4. Click a Delete Files From: option
Project Manager Only: All project files remain
on the hard disk in the project folder. You can
restore them by clicking on the Add Existing Data
Files button.
Project Manager & Disk: All project files are
moved to the recycle bin. You can restore them by
using the recycle bin restore function, and then by
clicking on the Add Existing Data Files button.
5. Click OK

Delete Data File Dialog



Project Manager

Copy Data Files to a Project

You can Copy

one or more data files from one Project to another Project.

To Copy a Data File to a Project:

1. Select one or more data files from the file list.
2. Click Copy Files.

Copy Data File Dialog - Select Destination

3. The selected files are displayed on the screen.

4. Select a Destination Project.
5. Click OK.
The data files are now in both the original project
and the destination project.

Copy does not update the destination project's Code Book.

After you copy a data file:
1. Open the Code Book
2. Click Tools.
3. Click Scan

the Project .

Code Words in the Data File, that are not in

the Code Book, are added to the Code Book.
Copy does not transfer Memos to the
destination projects Memo List.

Project Manager

Move Data Files to a Project

You can Move

a data file from one Project to another Project. Moving a data file deletes
it from the first Project and adds it to the Second Project

To Move a Data File to a Project:

1. Select one or more data files from the file list.
2. Click Move Files.
3. The selected files are displayed on the screen.

Move Files Dialog - Select Destination Project

4. Select a Destination Project.

5. Click OK.
The Data Files are deleted from the Source
Project and added to Destination Project.

Move does not update the destination project's Code Book.

After you move a data file:
1. Open the Code Book
2. Click Tools.
3. Click Scan

the Project .

Code Words in the Data File, that are not in

the Code Book, are added to the Code Book.
Move does not transfer Memos to the
destination projects Memo List.



Project Manager

Combine Data Files

You can combine

all or parts of existing Data Files.

1. Click Combine Files.

Combine Files Dialog

2. Type a Name for the Combined File

3. Select Combine Options
Numbered Files combines data files with no code
Coded Files combines data files with code words
Insert Source Labels:
If checked, a label is inserted at the point at which
a data file is added to the Combined file. It gives
the name of the original data file, and the original
line numbers
Allow Duplicate File Names:

If checked you can create a new data file by

combining parts of the same data file.
For example you can combine the first part of
GEORGE, lines 1 to 100, with the last part of
GEORGE, lines 250 to 303.
4. Click OK

Caution: Duplicate Data in the Project

The new combined file is put in the same Project as the files that were used to
create it. This means that parts of your data are now duplicated within your
To avoid redundant (i.e., duplicate) search results, you should do one of the
Delete the source files from the project,
Move the new combined data file to a new project to avoid redundant (i.e.,
duplicate) search results.

Project Manager

Add Existing Data Files

This feature is for data files that
are already Ethnograph data files (i.e., imported and numbered).
are in the Project Folder.
but are not part of the Project.
For example, if you inadvertantly delete a data file from the project,
but not from the computer, you can use Add Existing Data Files to put
it back in the project.
Select from Available Files

Add Files Dialog - Select Files

1. Click Add Existing Data Files

2. Select files from the Available Files list to add
to the Subproject.

Move to Files to Add to Projecgt

1. Click the arrow
to move the selected files
to the Files to Add to Project list.
2. Click OK to Add the files to the project

NOTE: This will only work with data files that

were originally part of a v6 Project. Don't try
it with data files that came from a v5 Project.

Add Files Dialog -Add To Project


Chapter 2
Create/Edit Data Files


Create/Edit Data Files

Copy from Source to Editor
You have several options for creating data files.
The most common method is to type or transcribe a data file
in your word processor, then copy and paste it into the
Ethnograph Editor.
You can also copy and paste data files from other sources
such as web pages.
Finally, you can type or transcribe directly into the
Ethnograph Editor.
No matter what method you use, eventually you end up at the
Ethnograph Editor.
It is through the Editor that your data becomes an
Ethnograph Data File.

Copy, Paste, Reformat

The process is simple.
You copy and then paste

text into the Editor

You click the Reformat Button.

You Click Save Data File to Project.
The data file becomes part of an Ethnograph Project.

From Source

to Editor

Create/Edit Data Files

From Word to Ethnograph: A Simple Example

Setting the Paragraph Format in Word
Before you begin typing a data file, you need to set the Paragraph format in word.
1. Click Format/Paragraph.
2. Make sure the settings in the Paragraph format
dialog are like those shown in the figure below.

Word Paragraph Setting Dialog

Alignment = Left
Left = 0
Right = 0
Special = none.
Before = 0
After = 0
Line spacing = Single.
NOTE: Setting "Spacing After" to anything more than
0 does not create a "real" blank line between
paragraphs. A "real" blank line is only created by
pressing Enter two times.

Typing Data in Word

Typing Rules:
Single space within paragraphs.
Separate paragraphs with a blank line.
1. Type a paragraph.
2. Press Enter twice.
3. Type another paragraph.
Plain Text Only:
Bold , Underline Tables, diagrams and graphics
will not transfer to Ethnograph data files.
NOTE: The data file in the figure at right is the
GROUP1 sample data file.

Data File in Word



Create/Edit Data Files

Copy and Past from Word to the Editor

In Word:
1. Click Edit\SelectAll.
2. Click Edit\Copy.
3. Minimize

, or Close

, Word.

In Ethnograph:

After Paste into Ethnograph Editor

1. Open Ethnograph.
2. Click Project Manager.
3. Click Editor.
4. Click Paste.

Reformat the Data

NOTE: In this example every paragraph in the Data File starts with an Identifier.
Reformatting lets Ethnograph recognize Identifiers, and use them as labels, code
words, and search filters.
After Reformat GROUP1 looks like the figure below

1. Click Reformat.
2. Click Reformat Option #1.

3. Press OK.

Save the Data File to the Project

Save to Project Dialog

1. Click Save to Project.

2. Type a Name and Click OK.
3. Close the Ethnograph Editor.

Create/Edit Data Files

From Web Page to Ethnograph: A Simple Example

Copy Data from a Web Page
Suppose your data files are editorials published in your local newspaper.
1. Go to your newspaper's web site, and view an editorial.
2. Click the "Printer Friendly" button.
The "Printer Friendly" button has different names. Usually it
takes you to a "clean" page that has only the text of the article.
No "clean page"
Some newspapers no longer show this "clean" page. The
send a "clean" version of the article directly to the printer.
Other newspapers generate oddly formatted "printer
friendly" pages (see the Denver Post site www.DenverPost.
In such cases you might be better off to copy directly from
the original web page. You can usually highlight just the
text you want.
3. Use your mouse to highlight the text of the Editorial.
Web Page Displaying "Printer Friendly" Editorial

4. Click Edit/Copy.



Create/Edit Data Files

Paste into the Editor

Web Page Data Pasted into the Editor

1. Open The Ethnograph.

2. Click Project Manager.
3. Click Editor
4. Past the editorial into the Editor.

Reformat the Web Data

NOTE: In this example no paragraph starts with an
Identifier. You need to make the Editor aware of this
1. Click Reformat

Web Page Data after Reformat

2. Click Reformat Option #2.

"Odd things" can happen when pasting text from a Web page to the
Notice that the first line in the data file, "Februrary 7, 2008 11:19PMBaby Steps" was originally two lines on the Web page. This
is because this Web page uses two different ways to mark the end of
From time to time you will need to manually clean up the "odd things"
that appear after you past and reformat text from Web pages into the

Save the Web Data File to the Project

Save to Project Dialog

1. Click Save to Project.

2. Type GROUP1.
3. Click OK.
4. Close the Ethnograph Editor.

Create/Edit Data Files

Reformatting Data Files

Reformat Options

When you click the Reformat button

, you see the following screen.

Reformating Dialog

There are four options for reformatting a data file.

The first two assume that every paragraph in a data file starts the
same way.
The last two assume that in a given data file, some paragraphs
start with Identifiers and that some do not start with Identifiers

When Every Paragraph Starts the Same

All paragraphs start the same way. This means that either every paragraph
starts with an identifier, or no paragraph starts with an identifier.
Every Paragraph Starts with Identifiers

No Paragraph Starts with an Identifier

When you Reformat in the Editor, your choices are simple. You choose
one of these two options:
Every Paragraph Starts with Identifiers

No Paragraph Starts with an Identifier



Create/Edit Data Files

When Some Paragraphs Do Not Start with Identifiers

In an interview, you may have long speeches that you have broken up into two or
more paragraphs, as shown in the examples below.
Paragraphs after an Identifier Paragraph are Continuation Paragraphs.
They continue the speech of the previous Identifier. Sometimes we call these
paragraphs Non-identifier Paragraphs.
When paragraphs do not all start the same way, you have to distinguish
paragraphs by marking them.
A Period (.) at the start of a paragraph Marks that Paragraph.
Mark either Identifier Paragraphs, or Continuation Paragraphs.
Some Paragraphs Do Not Start with an Identifier
Most Paragraphs Start with an Identifier
Few Paragraphs Start with an Identifier

The recommendation is to mark Continuation


The recommendation is to mark Identifier


When Most Paragraphs Start With Identifiers

When there are
more Identifier Paragraphs and
fewer Non-Identifier (Continuation) paragraphs,
Mark the Non-Identifier (Continuation) paragraphs.
To Mark a Paragraph
Put a period (.) at the begining of the paragraph as shown below.
The Mark (.) means that this paragraph belongs to the previous Identifier (In
this case W).
Mark a Non-Identifier Paragraph

Reformat Option:

In the Ethnograph Editor, when you reformat this data file:

Click option #4, Non-Identifier Paragraphs are Marked

Reformat Option #4

Create/Edit Data Files

When Few Paragraphs Start with Identifiers

When there are
fewer Identifier paragraphs and
more Non-Identifier (Continuation) Paragraphs,
Mark the Identifier paragraphs.
To Mark a Paragraph
Put a period (.) at the beginning of the paragraph as shown below.
The Mark (.) means that this paragraph is an Identifier Paragraph.
In the Ethnograph Editor, when you Reformat this data file:
Click option #3, Identifier Paragraphs are Marked
Mark an Identifier paragraph

Reformat Option:

Reformat Option #3

In the Ethnograph Editor, when you Reformat this data file:

Click option #3, Identifier Paragraphs are Marked

Summary of Reformat Options

Every Paragraph is the Same

Some Paragraphs Do Not Start with Identifiers

If All Paragraphs
Start with Identifiers

If No Paragraphs
Start with Identifiers

If Few Paragraphs
Start with Identifiers

If Most Paragraphs
Start with Identifiers

Do not mark any

Do not mark any

Mark Identifier

Mark Non-Identifier
(Continuation) paragraphs.

Select Option: #1
Every Paragraph
Starts with an

Select Option: #2
No Paragraph
Starts with an

Select Option: #3
Identifier Paragraphs
are Marked.

Select Option: #4
Non-Identifier (i.e.,
Continuation) Paragraphs
are Marked.

No Paragraphs have
hanging indents

Only Identifier Paragraphs Only Identifier Paragraphs
have hanging indents
have hanging indents

All Paragraphs have
hanging indents



Create/Edit Data Files

The Editor
Saving a Data File
Saving to the Current Project
Save to Current Project Dialog

1. Click File.
2. Click Save File to Current Project .
You see the Save to Current Project Dialog.
3. Type in the Name of the Data File.
4. Click Okay.
The data file is now saved to the Current

Save to Any Project

If you have more than one Project, you can also save the data file to any existing Project.

1. Click File.
2. Click Save to Any Project.
You see the Save File to Any Project Dialog.
o The right side displays a list of your
o The left side displays a list of data files
already in that project.
3. Type a name for the data file.
4. Click OK
The data file is now saved to the the selected
You can also save the data file to a second or
third project.
Also see Moving Files in Chapter 1 Project

Save File to Any Project Dialog

Create/Edit Data Files

Save to Any Folder

You can save the Data File in the Editor as a text file to any folder on your computer.
Standard Save File Dialog

1. Click File.
2. Click Save to Any Folder.
You see a standard Save File Dialog.
3. Browse for a Folder.
4. Type a File Name.
5. Click Save.
The data file is saved to the selected Folder.
The file is saved with the extension ETH (e.g.,

Open an Existing Data file

Open from Current Project
Open fromCurrent Project Dialog

1. Click Open File.

2. Click Open from Current Project.
You see the Open from Current Project Dialog.
3. Double Click a Data file.
4. Click OK.
After you have opened an existing data file, you can
o Save it to a different project.
o Save it as a text file.
o Edit the data file (see Editing an Existing Data
When you save the data file to a Project, it is saved as
an uncoded data file.
If you want to save the data file to another project as a
coded data file, use the Copy Files feature of the
Project Mananger.



Create/Edit Data Files

Open from Any Project

1. Click File.
2. Click Open from Any Project.

Open from Any Project Dialog

You see the Open from Any Project Dialog.

The right side displays a list of your Projects.
The left side displays a list of data files
already in that project.
3. Click a Project
4. Click a Data File.
5. Click OK
After you have opened an existing data file, you
o Save it to a different project.
o Save it as a Text File.
o Edit the data file (see Editing an Existing Data
When you save the data file to a Project, it is saved
as an uncoded data file.
If you want to save the data file to another project
as a coded data file, use the Copy Files feature of
the Project Mananger.

Open from Any Folder

The Editor can open Text Files (files with the extensions ETH, TXT, or ASC) and Rich Text Files (Files
with the extension RTF).
Standard Open File Dialog

1. Click File.
2. Click Open from Any Folder.
You see a standard Open File Dialog.
3. Browse for a Folder and Data File
4. Click Open.
After you have opened an existing data file, you can
o Save it to a project.
o Save it as a Text File.
o Edit the data file.
When you save the data file to a project, it is saved
as an uncoded data file.

Create/Edit Data Files

Opening RTF Files

Sources for Rich Text Files (RTF)
Rich Text Files (RTF) can be created in almost any word processor (Word,
WordPerfect, etc).
While in your word processor click Save As.
From the Save as Type drop down list select Rich Text Format.

Convert PDF files to RTF files

Adobe Acrobat Professional, and ScanSoft PDF Converter Assistant (included
with PDF Converter Professional), can also convert PDF files to RTF files.
NOTE: ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional is less expensive than Acrobat
Professional. Both do the same things. As a bonus, both include a
special PDF printer driver that lets you create PDF files from any
program on your computer that lets you print. You simply select
Print and the change the printer to the PDF printer driver.

Options for Opening Rich Text Files

Because there are some differences in the way that the RTF format is
implemented in Word, Word Perfect, Acrobat Proessional and PDF Converter
Assistant, you may need to experiement in opening RTF files.
In the upper right corner of the Editor, click Open File Preferences.
You can chose between RTF from Word DOC and RTF From Acrobat
PDF. One of these two options should produce the desired results
regardless of the RTF source.
Sometimes when you open an RTF file, especially one produced by Acrobat
Professional or PDF Converter Assistant, you will see strange lines of
characters. You may simply have to manually delete these from your data file.
You may need to experiment to find the best way to open an RTF file.



Create/Edit Data Files

Editing an Existing Data file

An Existing Data File is a data file that is already part of a Project.
While you can Edit an existing data file, if you have already coded the data
file, you need to do so carefully

Edits can add or delete lines of data.

If an edit adds or deletes a line of text in the data file, the coding from that
point forward in the data file will no longer be accurate. It will be offset by
the number of lines added or deleted during the edit process.
Fixing a small typo usually will not add or delete a line. But some times
adding a single character to a line of data can create a new line.

Before You Edit an Existing Data File

Make a copy of that file.
The best way to make a copy of the data file is from the Project
1. Create a New Project. Call it Temporary.
2. Copy the Data File to Temporary.
Print a copy of the Coded Data File.
This will help you check the data file to make sure the coding is still
1. Open Code Data File.
2. Open the Data File.
3. Click Print/Current Data File/with codes.
4. On the Print Preview Screen Click Printer to send the printed
output to the Printer, or Click PDF to send the printed output
to a PDF file.
Now proceed to make changes in the original data file.

Create/Edit Data Files

Dealing with added or deleted lines of data

If a line needs to be deleted, then add a blank line as soon as possible after
the deleted line.
1. Codes between the deleted line and the added blank line will no
longer be accurate. It will be offset by at least one line.
2. Codes after the added blank line should still be accurate. The added
blank line balances the offset created by the deleted line.
If the editing causes a line to be added, there is no work around. All
coding from the added line to the end of the file will be offset by one line.
If the coding is not accurate (i.e., offset by one or more lines) you need to
delete, and then re-enter, the inaccurate codes.


Chapter 3
Code Data file


Code Data file

The Code Data File Screen

Click the Code Data File button

on the main screen tool bar.

The figure below shows the Code Data File screen.

The Code Counts List is an optional feature of the Code Data File view.
There are several ways to change the appearance of the Code Data File view. These are
described in the following sections.
All changes in appearance are temporary unless you make those changes in Customize
Coded Data File with Code Count List

Code Data file

Open a Data File

The File Name List
When Code Data File opens, you see a list of Data Files
File Name List

To open a Data file either:

Double-click on a Data File
Click on a Navigation arrow

To open another Data file either

Click on Data Files
the above options

and do one of



Code Data file

Attach Code Words to the Data File

Attach Code Words Overview
Coding data is
Highlighting lines of text with the mouse,
Attaching a Code Word to the highlighted text.

Attach a Code Word to a Segment of Data

1. Highlight lines of text using the Mouse.

After Highlighting Click Code List button

2. Click Code List.

Code List is on the Tool bar.
OR right-click on the highlighted text. Code
List is on the Popup Menu.

3. Type a Code Word name in the Code List edit box.

Code List

4. Click OK.

Code Word Attached to Lines of Data.

The Code Word appears in the Code Margin.

A Segment Boundary is drawn to the right of
the text.

Code Data file

The Code List

The Code List

grows as you code your data.

Add a new Code Word by:

Code List

o Typing a Code Word name in the Edit Box.

o Click OK
Select an existing Code Word by:
o Double-clicking a Code Word in the list.
o Click OK.
Search for a Code Word in the List:
o Start typing a Code Word name in the Edit
o As you type, the closest match is highlighted.
o Double-click the highlighted Code Word,
All new Code Words are automatically added to the
Code Book.

The Code Tree

The Code Tree

is an alternative to the Code List

In the Code Tree your Code Words are grouped Code Tree
as parent and child codes.
o You create these groups in the Code Book.
Aside from the different appearance, the Code
Tree works the same way as the Code List.


Code Data file


Right Clicking Highlighted Text

The Higlighted Text Popup Menu
When you right-click on highlighted text you see a popup menu.
From this menu you can:

Highlighted Text and Popup Menu

Display the Code List.

Display the Code Tree.
Write a memo about the Text.
Copy the Highlighted Text.
Print the Highlighted Text.

Display Code List/Code Tree

See Code List

, and Code Tree

, on the previous page.

Write Memo about Highlighted Text


lets you

write a Memo about the highlighted text.

(See Writing Text Memos, page 44.)

Print Highlighted Text


lets you

print the the highlighted text,

(See Print Preview Window, page 43.)

Code Data file

Clickable Code Words

Click a Code Word
Click a Code Word in the Code Margin:

Highlighted Code Word and Text

The Code Word is highlighted.

The text to which that Code Word is attached is

Right Click a Highlighted Code Word

When you right-click on a highlighted Code Word you see a popup menu.
From this menu you can:

Popup Menu

Rename a Code Word.

Delete a Code Word.
Edit the Code Book Definition

for the Code Word.

Generate a Popup Segment.

Print the Segment.
Write a Memo about the Segment.
Get a Code Count for the Code Word.
Get a Segment List for the Code Word.

Rename a Code Word

Rename lets you

the highlighted Code Word.

Rename all instances

of the highlighted
Code Word in this Data File.

Rename Code Word Dialog


Code Data file


Delete a Code Word

Delete lets you

the highlighted Code Word.

Delete Code Word Dialog

Delete all instances

of the highlighted Code
Word in this Data File.

Edit Code Word Definition

Edit Code Word Definition

lets you

view and edit the Definition for the highlighted

Code Word.

Code Word Definition Dialog

Generate a Popup Segment

Popup Segment


a Popup Segment window for the Segment

attached to this Code Word.
(See Popup Segments, page 46-50.)

Copy the Segment


lets you

paste the text attached to the highlighted Code

Word into another program, such as your word

Popup Segment

Code Data file

Print the Segment


lets you

print the text attached to this Code Word.

see Print Preview Window, page 43.

Write a Memo about the Segment


lets you

write a Memo about the text attached to this

Code Word.
(See Writing Memos Overview, page 45.)

Generate a Code Count for the Code Word

Code Count

gives you

the number of times the highlighted Code

Word is used in this data file.
(See Code Counts, page 40.)

Code Count List

Generate a Segment List for the Code Word

Segment List

gives you

a list of every Segment attached to the

highlighted Code Word in this data file.
(See Segment List, page 41.)

Segment List



Code Data file

Code Counts/Segment List

Code Counts
Code Counts generates a frequency count list for every Code Word used in a data file.

1. Click the Code Counts/List Button.

Code Count List

2. Click Code Counts.

On the right edge of the screen you see a list of Code
You also see the number of times each Code Word
has been used in this Data File.

Sort the Code Counts List

Click on the Column Headers to sort the Code Counts

Column Headers

Generate Popup Segments

1. Double-click on a Code Word in the list
All the Segments attached to that Code Word
appear on the Screen as Popup Segments.
(See Popup Segments, page 46-50)

Popup Segment

Code Data file

Segment List
Segment List generates a list of every coded segment of data in this data file.

1. Click the Code Counts/List Button.

Segment List - Plain

2. Click Segment List.

On the right edge of the screen you see a list of all
Segments in this data file.
The list shows each Code Word, Start Line and Stop

Popup Segments
1. Double-click on a Code Word,

Popup Segment

The Segments attached to that Code Word

appears on the Screen as a Popup Segment.(See
Popup Segments, page 46-50)

Sort the Segment List

1. Click on the Column Headers to sort the Segment
Code sorts by alphabetical order.
Start sorts by sequence (first to last).

Column Headers



Code Data file

Sort by Codes
When you first see the Segment list it is a Plain Table.
1. Click the drop down arrow

by Plain.

Segment List by Code

2. Click "Sort by Code".

You now see the Segment List organized as a
Tree by Code Word.

Sort by Start Line

When you first see the Segment list it is a Plain Table.
1. Click the drop down arrow

by Plain.

2. Click "Sort by Start Line".

You now see the Segment List organized as a
Tree by Start Line.

Segment List by Start Line

Code Data file

Printing Data Files

Printing Data Files Overview
You can only Print a data file from Code Data File.
Print Data Files menu

Click Print

on the toolbar.

You can then Print:

The Current Data File
Selected Data Files
All Data Files

on the Screen.
from a list.

in the Project.

Print with or without Codes

For all print options you can
print with Codes.
print without Codes.

Print Part of a Data File

For Current Data File you have an additional option.
Part of the Data File (i.e., a range of lines within the Print Part of Data file
data file).

Print Selected Data Files

For Selected Data Files
you select two or more data files from a list.

Print Selected Data Files



Code Data file

The Print Preview Window

All Output is First Sent to a Print Preview window
Print Preview Window

The Print Preview Window

tells you how many pages will be printed
shows you how the printout is going to look.
From the Print Preview Window you can:
Click the Navigation Arrows
through the Preview.
Click Zoom In, Zoom Out buttons.
Click the Fit buttons
Page or Adjacent Page views .
Save the Preview as an PDF file.

to page
for Page Width, Full

Code Data file

Writing Memos While Coding

Writing Memos Overview
To write Text Memos you must either:
Right-click on a Popup Segment

Highlight Text.
Right-click on the highlighted text.
Generate a Popup Segment.
Right-click on the Popup Segment.

Then click

on the popup menu.

You see a Memo Form.

Text Memo Properties

At the top of the Memo Form are Memo Properties. Most of the Memo Properties are already filled in.

Attach to: = Text.

Memo Type: = Comments.
By: = blank.
Date: and Time: = Current Date and Time.
File: = Current File name.
From: and To: = First and last lines of either
highlighted text or the Popup Segment.
Topic: = blank.

Text Memo Properties

By: and Topic: are optional, although Topic is highly

From: and To: lines can be changed to focus the memo
on a smaller set of lines within either the highlighted text
or the Popup Segment.
NOTE: You can write 26 Memos to any line or set of
lines in the data file. The 26 Memo limit is calculated
for the From: line. (i.e., 26 Memos for each From: line).

Writing Project and File Memos

Memo Button on Tool Bar

To write a Project or File Memo click

tool bar at the upper right of the screen.

from the



Code Data file

Popup Segments
Popup Segment Overview

Popup Segments

can be generated in four ways.

Right-clicking a highlighted Code Word in the

Code Margin.

Popup Segment

Double-clicking a Code Count List

line. This
generates Popup Segments for all segments attached
to this Code Word. (See Code Count List, page 40.)

Double-clicking a Segment List

Segment List, page 41)

line. (See

Selecting two or more Segment List

clicking View Selected . This generates Popups
for all selected Segments.

More than 12 Popup Segments

Only 12 Popup Segments can be visible on the screen at one time.
If a code in a Code Count List line has more than 12 segments (see figure
at right), only the first 12 Popup Segments are displayed.

Code Count List +12

An alternative is to generate a Segment List for the Code Word.

1. Find
an instance of the Code Word in the Code Margin (See
Find Code Word, page 51).
2. Click the Code Word.
3. Right-click the Code Word.
4. Click Segment List

5. You see a Segment List that only displays Segments for the
selected Code Word.
Now, if 12 Popup Segments are displayed, you can display other Segments
Closing a visible Popup Segment
Opening a new Popup Segment by double-clicking a line in the
Segment List.

Segment List + 12

Code Data file

Popup Segment Right-Click Options

When a Popup Segment is visible there are several options available. To view the options:
Right-click on the Popup Segment
OR click on the Tool button

Popup Menu on a Popup Segment

on the Popup

You see a popup menu from which you can

Attach a Code Word to the Popup Segment
o Clicking Code List.
o Clicking Code Tree.
Write a Memo

about the Popup Segment.

the Popup Segment to your word

the Popup Segment.

Popup Segment Format Options

Popup Segments can have 3 Formats.
The default Format is Numbered.

Popup Segment - Numbered Format

You can change the Format by clicking one of the

Plain Format:
o This is the same as the Numbered Format but
without the line numbers.

Popup Segment - Plain format

Generic Format:
o This is the most flexible Format. Line length
depends on the width of the margins.
o When you copy a Generic Format Popup Segment to
your word processor, the text conforms to the
margins in your word processor.

Popup Segment Generic Format


Code Data file


Multiple Popup Segments on Screen

Multiple Popups Overview
Mutliple Popup Segments
When you have two or more Popup Segments on the
screen you have a special set of options for managing those
Popup Segments.

Popup Segment Options


to view Popup Segment Options.

Popup Segment Options include the following

Popup Segs Menu

Print Segments
Close Segments
Format Segments
Shift Segments
Roll Segments Up/Down
Arrange Segments

Mark Popup Segments

Marking Popup Segments lets you control how they behave when you select a Popup Segments Option.
To Mark a Popup Segment:

. It is now Marked

To Unmark a Popup Segment:


. It is now Unmarked

Code Data file

Print Popup Segments

Print Popup Segments menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Print Segments.
You can print
All Segments
Not marked

Close Popup Segments

Popup Segments Close Segments menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Close Segments.
You can Close
All Segments.
Not marked

Format Popup Segments

Popup Segments Format menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Format Segments.
3. Click
All Popup Segments are reformatted.



Code Data file

Shift Popup Segments

Popup Segments Shift Left/Right menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Shift Segments.
3. Click Shift
Not marked.
Popup Segments are shifted one position to either the
left or right.

Roll Segments Up/Down

Popup Segments Roll Up/Down menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Roll Segments.
3. Click Roll Up or Dn
Not marked.
Popup Segments either rolled up to just the caption
bar, or are rolled down to full size.

Arrange Popup Segments

Popup Segments Arrange Segments Menu

1. Click Popup Segs.

2. Click Arrange Segments.
3. Click
Cascade All.
All Popup Segments are Cascaded down the center
of the screen.
Cascade Part.
Only Popup Segments in the center area of the
screen are Cascaded.
Segments moved to the left or right sides of the
screen remain in those positions.

Code Data file

Code Data Files Tools

Tools Overview

Click Tools

on the tool bar menu.

You can

Tool Menu

Find words in the Data File.

Find Code Words in the Code Margin.
Open File Filters.
Delete All Codes from the Data File.

Find in Text or in Code Words


lets you find:

Words in the Data file

Code Words in the Code Margin

Find in File Dialog

You can set Find Options for:

Match Case.
Whole Words.

Delete All Code Words

Delete All Codes

lets you Delete all Code Words from the Data File.
Tools Menu - Delete All Codes

Click Delete Now.

Before Code Words are Deleted, you are asked to
confirm the action.

Restore Codes

lets you recover from a big



Code Data file

Tools - Code Book and Filters

File Filters

opens Filters.

See the Search Filters Chapter.

Chapter 4
Code Book


Code Book

The Code Book Screen

To open the Code Book click the Code Book button on the main screen tool bar.
The figure below shows the basic Code Book view with two columns: Code Word and
There are several ways to change the appearance of the Code Book view. These are
described in the following sections.
All changes in appearance are temporary unless you make those changes in Customize
Code Book - Basic Two Column View

Code Book

Code Book Views

Code Book View
There are four ways to view the Code Book:
To select a view do the following:

View Code Book Menu

1. Click View CBK.

2. Click a Code Book View from the drop down
menu .

1. The Code Book Only view

This view shows you two columns: Code Words and Definitions
Other columns are available through Add/Remove Code Book
Columns, page 58, and Customize Display, (page 72).
Code Book Only View

2. The combined Code Book + Tree view

This view adds a tree list to the Code Book.
You use the tree to organize code words into groups of Parent and
Child codes. (see Create Parent Codes, page 65)
In the example below CHALLENGE is a Parent Code. It has three
Code Book with Tree View



Code Book

3. The Code Tree Only view

This view displays the Tree only.
Code Tree Only View

4. The Dual Tree view

This view displays two identical copies of the Tree, one on the left and one on the right.
You can move Code Words from one Tree to the other Tree.
The left side can display the tree top-to-bottom, the right side can
display the tree bottom-to-top.
The usefulness of this view is explained later in View Dual Code
Trees (page 69) and Parent Codes (page 65).

Dual Tree View

Code Book

View Short or Long Definition

When you view the Code Book you can display it with either a short definition
or a long definition.

View Short Definition

The short definition shows only the first few words of a definition (as many as will fit on a single line).
1. Click Def Short.
Code Book with Short Definitions

View Long Definition

The long definition shows the entire code word definition.
1. Click Def Long.
Code Book with Long Definitions



Code Book

Add/Remove Code Book Columns

You can add and/or remove three columns to the basic Code Book view: Parent Code, Date Created, and Date

To add a column
1. Right Click the Code Book (anywhere beneath
the column headers).

Edit Code Book popup menu

2. Click Columns on the popup menu.

3. Click the check box for one or more of the

4. Click OK
Now you see the new columns in the Code
Book view.
Code Book with Added Columns

These changes are temporary. The next time you

open the Code Book it returns to the original layout.

To make the changes permanent click the Customize

Display button

in the upper right corner.

To remove a column
Repeat the above steps and uncheck columns.

Select Column Dialog

Code Book

Sort Code Book by Clicking Column Headers

You can sort the Code Book by clicking on a column header.
Column Headers

All Column Headers are clickable except Definition.

A light indented triangle

indicates a column has the sort.

The first time you click a Column Header the sort order is in ascending
(A > Z) order.
The second time you click on a Column Header the sort order is in
descending (Z > A) order.

Filter Code Book by Clicking Column Headers

You can filter the Code Book by clicking on the column filter button

on a Column Header.

Column Headers

When you click the filter button

you see a drop down box
listing all the items in the column.

Code Word Filter List

There are two types of Filters:

o Simple Filters.
o Custom Filters.

Simple Filters
Click an item in the List
If you click one of the items in the list (e.g., CHALLENGE) the table will
only display that item.
If there is more than one instance of that item in the list, all instances of
that item will be displayed. (Parent Code, Date Added, Date Modified

Turn Off the Filter

If you click (All), the filter is turned off and all items are displayed.



Code Book

Custom Filters
Click (Custom)
IF you click (Custom), you can create more complex
column filters.
A dialog box opens that allows you to specify filter
For example, to display all Code Words that begin with
the letter S, you would enter
greater than or equal to
less than


To display a range of Code Words (e.g., from

CHALLENGE to FRIENDS) you would enter
greater than or equal to
less than or equal to


Custom Filter Dialog

Code Book

Code Book Tasks

Add Code Word
There are two ways to add code words to the Code Book
1. Automatically: Each time you attach a new code word to a data file, that
code word is automatically added to the Code Book.
2. Manually: After you create a project, you can open the Code Book and
add code words to it. You can do this before you start coding your data,
and at any time after you start coding your data file.

Manually add a New Code Word to the Code Book

New Code Word Dialog

1. Click New Code.

2. Type a Code Word name.
3. Click OK/Add Another, to continue entering
Code Words).
4. Click OK, to finish entering Code Words.

You can manually assign a Code Word to a Parent Code. (See section on
Parent Codes, page 65)
You can type a Definition for the Code Word. (Highly Recommended but
not necessary. Also see Edit Code Word Definition, (see below)

Edit/View Code Word Definition

You can add and edit Code Word definitions

at any time.
Edit Code Word Dialog

1. Click the Edit Def button

2. Type a Definition.
3. There is no limit to the size of a Definition.
Shorter concise definitions will make for a more
useful Code Book.
4. Click OK.



Code Book

Delete A Code Word

You can delete individual code words

from the Code Book, and from all data files in your project.
Delete Code Word Dialog

1. Click the Delete button.

2. Check a Delete Option:
from the Code Book deletes the Code Word
from the Code Book. If you have already
attached the Code Word to segments of text in
data files, it will remain in your data files.
from all Data Files deletes the Code Word
from all data files.
3. Click OK.

Deleting Parent Codes

If the code word is a Parent Code, you have an additional option. You
can check Also Delete ALL Child Codes. This will delete all child
codes that have been assigned to this parent. (See section on Parent

Merge Code Words

Merge Code Words

lets you combine one Code Word with another Code Word

For example, you can change all CODE2's to

CODE1. To do this you would Merge CODE2
with a Target, CODE1.
1. Click the Code Word you want to Merge.
2. Click the Merge button
3. Type the name of the Target Code Word, OR
Select it from the list by double clicking.
4. Click Select.
The Target Code Word now appears in the
With Target box.
5. Click OK.
Every instance of CODE2 in your data files is
now Changed to CODE1.

Merge Code Words Dialog

Code Book

Code Book Tools

Scan Project for Code Words

This feature scans all data files

and adds new Code Words to the Code Book.

Code Book Tools Menu

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Scan.
3. Click OK.
This feature is useful when:
you add a data file to your project that has already been
coded, but one or more Code Words used in the data file
are not already in the Code Book.
Scan Data Files Dialog
you accidentally delete your Code Book, and have no
backup copy of your Code Book, but you still have your
coded data files.

Delete All Codes

Delete All Codes

lets you delete all Code Words from the Code Book, and/or All Data Files.
Code Book View menu

To Delete All Codes:

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Delete All Codes.

Delete All Codes Dialog

From the Code Book:

Click Delete All Code words from the Code

From the Data Files:

Click the Delete All Code Words from All Data
Files button



Code Book

Use this feature with care.

Before using this feature go to the Project Manager and make a Back Up,
or make a Copy, of your project .
There is a safety net.
You can restore the Code Book and/or your coded Data Files by clicking the
appropriate Restore button in the dialog box.

But you must do this before you close the dialogue box.
Oooops! After you close the dialog box
After you close the dialog box, you are ok if you had made a Backup or Copy
of your project just before you deleted everything.
You simply need to either Restore your project, or switch to the Copy of your
Oh oh! No Backup. No Copy.
Welcome to the Backup Slackers Club.
Start making a Backup of your Project at the end of every day, or before you
close Ethnograph. Someday it will make you feel like a genius.
If you did not make a Backup or Copy, there is still hope, but no guarantee,
that the deletions can be restored. Do not do anything on your computer. Call
Qualis Research right away! Do not email! Get the phone number from the Click the Contact button on the web page.

Code Book

Parent Codes/The Code Tree

Create Parent Codes
When you first add Code Words to the Code Book they are not grouped

Code Groups: Parent and Child Codes

Within the Code Book you can group Code Words.
The number of Groups is unlimited.
A Group has a Parent Code.
A Parent Code can have an unlimited number of
Child Codes (or Levels).
Child Codes can be Parents of their own children.

Code Book Tree Models

Tree Levels

A Simple Example
Using the Life Satisfaction data, we want to create a
Code group called CHALLENGE.

Ungrouped Code Words

o In this example CHALLENGE is already in the

Code Book. Also, it is conveniently at the top of
the Code List.
Three Code Words will become Children of
The following sections show how to create this Code

Add a Parent Code to the Code Book

First, if the Parent Code is not already in the Code Book, you need to add it.
1. Click New Code.
2. Type a Code Word.
3. Click OK .



Code Book

Change to the Code Book + Tree View

1. Click View

2. Click Code Book + Tree

Code Book + Tree View

Drag and Drop A Child Code on the Parent Code

This example shows how to make CHALLENGE a Parent Code for LIFE CHANG, SELF, and
To make CHALLENGE a Parent of LIFE CHANG
do the following:



1. Click and drag LIFE CHANG to

LIFE CHANGE now appears underneath
CHALLENGE in the Code Tree.
The CHALLENGE Code Group

3. Repeat the above two steps for SELF and


Remove a Child Code from a Code Group

1. Click a Child Code.
2. Drag and drop the Child Code on the vertical line at
the left of the tree.

Code Book

View Code Book by Code or Parent Code

After you have created Code Groups, you can display the Code Book by
Code Word or by Parent Code by clicking on one of these buttons:


display lists code words in alphabetical order

View Code Book by Code Word

Code Tree.

display list the code words as they are organized in the

All code words that have no Parent Codes are listed under the blank
Parent Code: heading at the top of the Code Book.
The the Child Codes of each Parent Codes are listed under the
Parent Code heading: Parent Code: CHALLENGE, Parent Code:

View Code Book by Parent Code

A +/- symbol indicates that the code word is a parent code.

Click the +/- to expand/close individual parent code groups.
Click the
Parent Code groups at once.

buttons to Expand or Close all



Code Book

The Code Tree

Expand/Close the Code Tree
You can fully expand or full close the tree by clicking one of the these

Expanded Tree

Closed Tree

If you have more than two levels, you can expand the tree to a specific
level by entering a number.
You can change the order of the Code Tree from alphabetical (A-Z) to
reverse alphabetical (Z-A) by clicking on the Code Tree Header.

Code Book

View Dual Code Trees

In a Dual Tree view

You have identical copies of the Code Tree on the left and right half of the screen.
You can edit and create Code Groups by dragging and dropping from the left to the right tree,
or from right to left.
If you have a very long tree, you can have the tree on the left in alphabetical order (A-Z), and
the tree on the right in reverse order (Z-A). This is shown in the following figures.
In this example we want to move EDUCATION from DAY-TO-DAY to MAIN TOPIC.
1. Click and drag EDUCATION from the left tree to MAIN TOPIC in the
right tree.
Drag EDUCATION to right side

2. Drop EDUCATION on MAIN TOPIC in the right tree.

Drop EDUCATION on MAIN TOPIC on right side



Code Book

Print the Code Book

Print the Code Book
When you Print the Code Book it is printed as
however it is displayed on the screen
Before printing you can:
select Short or Long Definitions.
add or remove columns.
sort by Code or Parent Code.
After generating the Print Preview you can:
print the Code Book.
save the Code Book as a PDF File.

The Print Preview Screen

Print Preview Screen

To Print the Code Book:

1. Click the Print button.
2. Click the print Code Book button.
The Code Book is displayed in a
Print Preview screen.
3. Click the Print button
Preview Screen.

on the Print

Save Code Book as a PDF File

1. Click the PDF button
Preview Screen.

on the Print

The Code Book is saved in the \<My

Project>\OUTPUT Folder as Codebook.
You can change the name and save the
PDF file in any folder.

Save Code Book as PDF Dialog

Code Book

Save Code Book as an HTML or Xcell (XLS) file

You can save the Code Book as an HTML file or an Excell (XLS) file.

Save Code Book as an HTML file

Save Code Book as HTML Dialog

1. Click Print.
2. Click Save Code Book as HTML File.
The Code Book is saved in the \<My
Project>\OUTPUT Folder as Codebook.
You can change the output file name, and
save the HTML file in any folder.

Save Code Book as Excell (XLS) file.

Save Code Book as Excell Dialog

1. Click Print.
2. Click Save Code Book as XLS file.
The Code Book is saved in the \<My
Project>\OUTPUT Folder as Codebook.
You can change the output file name, and
save the XLS file in any folder.



Code Book

Customize Display
Customize Code Book Display Dialog
You can customize the layout

of the Code Book by selecting any of the options shown below.

Whatever options you choose will be permanent layout of the Code Book.
This will be the layout you see when you open the Code Book.
You can temporarily change the layout while viewing the Code Book.
See the descriptions for each of these options in previous sections of this
Customize Display Dialog

Chapter 5



Memo Form - Writing Memos

Memo Form - Overview

You can write a memo any time you see the Memo button

on the screen.

You can attach Memos to

the Project (999 Memos).
a Data File (999 Memos per Data File).
Text within a Data File (26 Memo's to each line in a Data file).
The Memo form has two parts: Memo Properties and Memo Text.
Memo Form


Memo Form - Properties

Memo Properties
Memo Properties

Attach To:
You can attach Memos to four objects:

The Project.
A Data File in the Project.
Text within a Data File.
A Code word.

Attach to:

To Attach a Memo:
1. Click the Attach To: drop down arrow
2. Click an an object from the list.
Text Memos:
Are only permitted when lines of text are visible on the screen.
Generally you right click on the text to bring up a Text Memo
The text in the caption of the Memo Form tells you if it is a Text
Project, File and Code Memos:
can be written any time.

Memo Type:
Memo types are a user defined property of Memos.
You can add or remove items from this list as described below .

A predefined set of types is provided when a project is created.

To select a Memo Type:
1. Click the Memo Type: drop down arrow.
2. Click a Type from the list.

Memo Type:




This property is for the initials of the author of the Memo.
If you are the only person writing memos there is no need to
identify the author. Feel free to use this property in any creative
and useful way you can devise.


Date: and Time:

The Date and Time are automatically recorded as Memo Properties when the Memo form appears.
You cannot change or alter these Properties.

Date and Time:

You can view these properties in the Memo List.

(Date: and Time: are not automatically displayed in the Memo List.
You need to modify the Memo List display by clicking on Customize

This property only applies to File Memos and Text Memos.
It connects the memo to a specific data file.


For File Memos

1. Click the File: drop down arrow.
2. Click a Data File from the list.
For Text Memos
o the Data File is automatically selected and cannot be

From: and To:

This property only applies to Text Memos.
It identifies the first and last line numbers of the text about which From: and To:
the memo is written.

This property is for you to give a title to the Memo.
It is a purely descriptive item.
It is also completely optional.


Memo Form - Stuff

Print Memo
Print Memos Menu

1. Click the Print button

on the Memo Form.

For Project, File and Code Memos

o you can only print the Memo itself .
For Text Memos
o you can print the Memo with Data .

When you are finished writing a memo
1. Click Close.
2. Click YES on the Save Changes to Memo dialog.

Save Memo Dialog




Memo Form Examples

Project Memo Example
This is an example of a Memo Attached To a Project.
Use a Project Memo to record thoughts and idea that
cut across data files and coded segments.

Sample Project Memo

1. Click Memo button.

2. Attach To: is automatically set to Project.
You can Attach 999 memos to a Project.

File Memo Example

This is an example of a memo Attached To a Data File.
Use a File Memo to record thoughts and ideas about a
specific data file.

Sample File Memo

1. Click Memo button.

2. Click the Attach To: drop down arrow
Data File.

and select a

You can Attach 999 memos to each data file in your


Memo Form Text Memo Example

Text Memo Example
This is an example of a memo Attached To text within a data file.
Text Memos can only be written in:
Code Data File.
Search Procedure.

Sample Text Memo


Selecting Text for a Memo

To write a Text Memo:
1. Right-Click Selected Text
2. Click

from a Popup menu as shown below.

You can select text either by:

highlighting the text with the mouse.
OR generating a popup segment.
Right-Click on Highlighted Text

Highlighting Text with the Mouse

1. Highlight lines 5 to 31.
2. Right-click the highlighted text.
3. Click the Memo button
the Popup menu.


Alternatively you can highlight text by

a code word.
a segment boundary.

RightClick on Popup Segment

Generating a Popup Segment

1. Click a Code Word.
2. Right-click the same Code Word
3. Click Popup Segment
the Popup Menu.


4. Right-click the Popup Segment

5. Click Memo

on the Popup




Example of Writing a Text Memo

Memo Properites
After the Text Memo form appeared the Memo Properties were filled in as follows:
Automatically filled in:
Attach To: = Text.
Date: and Time: = the current Day and Time.
File: = the current Data File.
From: and To: = the first and last lines of the highlight text.
Manually filled in:
Memo Type: = Comments (selected from the drop down list).
By: = blank (not needed because only one person is writing memos).
Topic: = "Two different Career Objectives".
o Topics are always optional. In this case the Topic is. descriptive
of the content of the memo. How you use topics is completely
up to you.

Paste Data into Memo

In the figure below, text was highlighted in the Data File and then copied and
pasted into the Memo.

The Text Memo

Writing a Text Memo


Memo List - Sifting, Sorting, and Filtering

Memo List Overview
The Memo List Displays all the Memos you have written for this project.

To open the Memo List click the Memo List button wherever you see it.
The figure below shows a basic Memo List view. It shows the Memo List
with several columns sorted by Attached To.
There are several ways to change the appearance of the Memo List. These
are described in the following sections.
All changes in appearance are temporary unless you make those changes in
Customize Layout
Memo List




View Short or Long Memos

You can control the amount of Memo shown by clicking the Short/Long Memo buttons.

View Short Memo

1. Click the Short Memo button.
You see only the first line of the Memo in the
Memo List.
Memo List with Short Memos

View Long Memo

1. Click the Long Memo button.
You see the entire text of the Memo in the Memo
Memo List with Long Memos



Tree Displays
Sort By Properties
In addition to viewing the Memo List as a plain table, you can change the Memo List to a Memo Tree by
clicking on a Sort by option
The Sort By option lets you create a Memo Tree by selecting a
Memo Property.

Sort By Options

Attached To.
File name.
Memo Type.

The Property you select is the first level of the tree.

One Level Tree

In the following example you see a One Level Memo Tree sorted by File Name.
Selected Sort By Option

Memo Tree - by File Name - All Items are Closed

Two Level Tree

In the following example you see a Two Level Memo Tree sorted by File Name and by Memo Type.
Selected Sort By Option

Memo Tree -by File Name and Memo Type - First Item Expanded



Expand and Close Tree Levels

Expand/Close One Item
You can expand an item by clicking the
You can close an item by clicking the


Tree View - Sort by File Name - One Item Expanded

Now you see all the Memos written for the BETTY data file.

Expand/Close All Items

When you are viewing a Sort By display, you can Expand and
Close the entire display by clicking on the Expand and Close


Column Header Sorting

You can click a Column Header at any time to sort the Memo List by that Column.
Column Headers

The first time you click a Column Header the sort is in ascending (AZ) order.
The second time you click a Column Header the sort is in descending
(Z-A) order.

Column Header Filtering

Simple Filters - Memo List
You can filter the Memo List by clicking on the Down Arrow

on a Column Header.

Column Headers

Example - Filtering the Memo List for Data File BETTY.

To Filter the list for Memos written about Data File BETTY:
1. Click the Down Arrow

on the File Name Column Header.

2. Click BETTY
Now only the Memos written about Data File BETTY appear in
the Memo List.
This list includes both Text Memos and File Memos.
All other Column Header Filters work the same way.
Memo List showing only the Memos written to Betty

Turn off the Column Header Filter

1. Click the Down Arrow
2. Click (All).

on the Column Header.

Now the Memo List is not Filtered.

File Name Filter List




Custom Filters - Memo List

Custom Filters Let you Filter the Memo List by two or more items in a Column.

To start a Custom filter

1. Click the Down Arrow

of a Column Header.

Custom Filter Dialog

2. Click (Custom...).
You see the Custom Filter Dialog. This Dialog lets you
create complex filter rules.
On the left side of the dialog you see "equals" in an edit
box with a drop down arrow .
o In the simplest case this filter means
"File Name equals <something>".
o If you put the File Name BETTY in this rule, you
only see memos written about the data file BETTY.

Filter Rules
If you click the drop down arrow
that you can select.

you see eight rules

For example you could make the rule

"File Name does not equal <something>."
If you put the File Name BETTY in this rule, you would
see memos written about every data file except BETTY.

Custom Filter Dialog - Drop Down Rules


Filter On Two File Names

You can link two rules by And and Or.

Custom Filter Dialog - Two File Names

The filter rule in this example is

File Name equals BETTY
File Name equals GEORGE
With this rule you only see memos for Data Files
Memo List Filtered for BETTY or GEORGE

Filtering for a Range of Data files

You can construct a filter rule that displays all Data Files Custom Filter Dialog - Range
that start with the getter G.
This requires linking two rules with "and":
File Name is greater than or equal to G.
File Name is less than H.
The Memo List is filtered so that you only see memos
for data files that start with G. In this case GEORGE
and GINA.
Memo List Filtered for a Range of File Names that begin with the letter G.




Memo List - Viewing Memos

View Single Memo
Selecting Single Memos
View Single

means that only one Memo is displayed on the screen at a time.

'To display a Memo do one of the following:

Display a Single Memo

Double Click a line in the Memo List

Click a Navigation Arrow.
the Memo List tool bar.


o Each Click displays a new Memo.

You can change to View Multiple.

View Multiple Memos).



View the Data to which the Text Memo Refers

This only applies to Text Memos. It has no effect Project, File, or Code Memos
View Data with Text Memo: Data Numbered

To View the Data

1. Click the

button on the

The data to which the Memo

refers is displayed to the
right of the Memo.
To Close the Data View
1. Click the

button on the

You now just see the Memo.

Numbered Text is the Default view for Text Memo.
You can change this to Plain or Generic.

View Data with Text Memo: Data Plain

Changing the Data's format:

1. Click
Plain Text is displayed.
1. Click
Generic Text is displayed.
1. Click
Numbered Text is displayed
To make Plain or Generic the default view click
Customize Layout and select
Customize Layout

from the

dialog on the Memo List.

View Data With Text Memo: Data Generic




Memo Tool Bar Buttons

Change the Size of the Memo

The default size of a Memo is a small square. You can change this to a Tall Rectangle or a Wide Rectangle:
1. Click Size

on the Memo.
Memo Size Menu

2. Click the desired size.

This only changes the size of the current memo.
To change the size of all Memos for this session
1. Click Size

on the Memo List toolbar.

To change the default size for all memos

1. Click Customize Layout

on the Memo List toolbar.

Change the Memo's Position

There are two ways you can move a Memo around the screen
Click the Memo's caption bar, and drag the Memo.
Click the Memo's blue Shift arrows.
o There are three shift positions: Left Side, Center,
Right Side.
o Depending on the current position of the Memo, the
arrows shift the Memo to the left, center, or right of
the screen.

Roll the Memo Up/Down

You can "roll" the Memo Up and Down
1. Click the Rollup/Down button
caption bar.

on the Memo

Roll Up
: the Memo is reduced to just the
caption bar.
Roll Down

: the Memo is returned to its full

Memo Caption Bar



Mark the Memo

Marking Memos lets you perform operations on all the Memos that are either Marked or Not Marked. (See
Viewing Multiple Memos, page 92).
Mark the Memo:
1. Click the Mark button on the Memo.
An X appears in the Mark button.
Unmark the Memo:
1. Click the Mark button on the Memo.
The X disappears from the Mark button.

Print the Memo

Print Memo Menu

To Print an individual Memo

1. Click the Print button

on the Memo.

For Project, File and Code Memos you can

only Print the Memo.
For Text Memos you have the option of Print
Memo with Data.

Copy and Paste from a memo

At any time you are viewing a Memo, you can copy
and paste text from that Memo, to another Memo, or
to your word processor.

View Multiple Memos

View Two or More Memos
You can view Memos singly or two or more at at time.
The default view is Single Memo.
To view two or more Memos at one time
1. Click the View Multiple button.
Now when you click the Memo List, or the
Navigation Arrows, previously selected
Memos stay on the screen.
The maximum number of Memos that can be

Multiple Memos on Screen



displayed at one time is 12.

You can make View Multiple the default display by

clicking Customize View

on the Memo List

Select a Group of Memos

You can select two or more Memos at one time
Select Individual Memos

Select Individual Memos

1. Ctrl-Click several individual Memos.

2. Click View Selected.
Select a range of Memos.
1. Click a Memo.
2. Shift-Click Memo two or more lines from the first
3. ClickView Selected.

Select Range of Memos


View Memos with Data

This only applies to Text memos.
The default view is View Memos without Data.
To View All Text Memos with Data
1. Click View w/Data

on the Memo tool bar.

A check appears in the View w/Data button.

The data for each Text Memo is displayed for this session.
To remove the Data display for All Text Memos
1. Click View w/Data

on the Memo tool bar.

The check disappears.

The data for each Text Memo is not displayed for this session.
You can always "View with Data" individual Memos by clicking
on that memo. (see View Single Memos: View the Data., page
You can make View with Data the default display by clicking
Customize View

on the Memo List toolbar.

Arrange Memos
The default arrangement is a Cascading display in the Center of the Screen.
After you move Memos around the screen you have the option of "cleaning" up the display.
1. Click Arrange.

on the Memo List toolbar.

Cascade All returns all Memos to the default cascade

display in the center of the screen.
Cascade Part only returns Memos in the middle of the
screen to the center screen cascade.
Tile the First Six tiles the display of the first six memos.
All other memos are closed.

Arrange Memos Menu




Shift Memos
If you have several Memos on the screen, and the display is getting cluttered, you can quickly shift the
Memos to either the left or right.
1. Click Shift

Shift Memos Menu

on the Memo List Tool Bar.

You can Shift All Memos to the Left or Right.

You can shift only Marked

or Not Marked

There are 3 positions on the screen: Left Side, Center, and

Right Side.
The effect of Shift depends on the starting location of a Memo.
For example:
o If some Memos start on the right side, and you Shift
Left, they may end up in the Center position.
o To put the Memo on the Left Side, click Shift All Left
You can always reposition individual Memos by clicking the
shift arrows

on that memo.

Change the Size of memos

The Normal display size of a memo is a small rectangle.
To change the display size of All Memos for the current
1. Click the Size Button
Normal is a small rectangle.
Tall is a long rectangle that reaches to the bottom
of the screen
Wide is a wide rectangle.
The width of Tall depends on the current size of a memo.
If the Memo is Normal, the Tall memo is as wide as a
Normal memo.
If the Memo is Wide, the Tall memo is as wide as a
Wide Memo.

Change Size Menu


Roll Memos Up/Down

By default, Memos are displayed rolled down .
You can "roll up" all Memos so that only the caption
bar is visible on the screen.
1. Click the Roll Up/Dn button

Memo Caption Bar

on the Memo List tool

You can roll All Memos Up or Down.

You can roll only Marked

or Not Marked

Memos Up or

You can always Roll individual Memos by clicking Roll Up/Down

on that memo.

Roll Up/Dn Menu




Print Memos
You have several options for Printing Memos, and Saving Memos As data files.
Print Memos Menu

1. Click Print

from the Memo List tool bar.

2. Select a print option from the drop down menu.

Each print option give you the option of printing
o Memos Only.
o Memos with Data (only for Text memos).
There are two Memo List Save As options at the
bottom of the menu.

Print Options
Only the Memo List.
The Memo List is printed as it is displayed on the screen.
All memos.
Every Memo in the Memo List is Printed either with or without data.
Visible Memos.
Only the opened Memos visible on the screen are printed either with or
without data.
Selected Memos.
Memos that you have selected with a ctrl-Click or a Shift-Click are
printed wither with or without data.
Marked memos.
Visible Memos that you have Marked are printed either with or without
Save As Options
Save Memo List as HTML.
The Memo List is saved as an HTML file. You may need to edit this
file with an HTML editor.
Save Memo Grid as Xcell.
The Memo List is saved as an Xcell XLS file. You can open and edit
this file in Xcell.


Memo List - Customize Layout

Customize Memo List Display Dialog
You can customize the layout

of the Memo List by selectin any of the options shown below.

Whatever options you choose will be permanent layout of the Memo List.
This will be the layout you see when you open the Memo List.
You can temporarily change the layout while viewing the Memo List.
See the descriptions for each of these options in previous sections of this
Customize Layout Dialog


Chapter 6
Search for Segments


Search for Segments

Search Overview
Types of Searches
After you click the Search button

you have 3 ways to search for coded segments.

Single Code Search.

Linked Code Word Search.
Identifier's as Codes Search.

The Single Code Search Screen

The Single Code Search screen is the first screen you see after you click the Search Button.
Single Code Search Screen

Search for Segments

Select Code Words: Single Code Search

The Single Code search screen is displayed on the previous page (Search Overview)

Select one Code at a Time

1. Double Click on a Code word.

Select Code Words List List of Selected Code Words

The code word moves to the List of Selected

Code Words.

Select two or more Codes at a time (ctl-Click).

1. Ctrl-Click on two or more Code Words.
2. Click Add to Search.
The Code Words move to the List of Selected Code

Select a group of Code Words at one time (sh-Click)

1. Click a Code Word.
2. Shift-Click on another Code Word, one or more Code
Words away from the first.
3. Click Add to Search.

The Code Words move to the List of Selected Code


Select All code words in the List

1. Click Select All.
2. Click Add to Search.
All Code Words move to the List of Selected Code



Search for Segments

Select a Fraction (e.g., the First Half) of Code Words in the list
You have the option of selecting fractional parts of the Code
Words list for a search.
1. Click Select Part.
You can select code words by halfs, thirds, or fourths
of the Code Words in the list.

Select Part of Code Words List

2. Click the fraction you want (e.g, the First Half, or the Second
Third, etc).
3. Click Add to Search.
The Code Words move to the List of Selected Code

Find a Code in the List

1. Start typing the name of the Code Word in the Find Code
edit box.
The first Code Word that matches the letters you type
is highlighted in the Select Code words List,

Find Code Words

Select Code Words List

2. Click Add to Search.

The Code word moves to the List of Selected Code

Saving and Reusing Lists of Selected Code Words

After you have selected Code Words for a Search, you can save the list to reuse later.
1. Select a group of code words using any methods you like.

List of Selected Code Words

The List of Selected Code Words below was created

by selecting the First Third of the List.
2. Type a name for this list (e.g., First Third).
3. Click Save.
Your list is now saved for use in the future.

Saved Code Word Lists

Search for Segments

Select Code Words: Linked Code Search

Linked Codes Table Screen

1. Click Search.
2. Click Linked Codes Search.
You see the Linked Codes Table.
The table has lines for 10 Linked Code Search Strings.
Each String can Link up to 5 Code Words with "and" (+)
and "not" (-).
Linked Codes Search Screen



Search for Segments

Create a Linked Code String

A Linked Code String can link up to 5 Code Words with "and" (+) and "not" (-).

Link Codes with AND (+)

1. Double-click a Code Word (e.g., CHALLENGE).

Link a Code with AND (+)

CHALLENGE is the first code in the first string in

the table.
The first Code Word in a string always has a plus
(+) in front of it.
2. Double-click a second Code (e.g., DAY-TO-DAY).
DAY-TO-DAY as the second code in the string. It
has a plus (+) because the Default link is set to plus
You now have the string "CHALLENGE and
Only segments coded as both CHALLENGE and
DAY-TO-DAY will be found.

Link Codes with NOT (-)

1. Double-click a Code Word (e.g., CHALLENGE).
CHALLENGE appears in Row 1, Column 1.
2. Single-click a second Code (e.g, DAY-TO-DAY).
3. Click NOT.
-DAY-TO-DAY appears with a minus (-)
You now have the string "CHALLENGE but not
Only segments coded as CHALLENGE but not
DAY-TO-DAY will be found.

Link a Code with NOT (-)

Search for Segments

Setting/Overriding Default Links

Default Code Links
The default Code link is AND (+).
Every time you double click on a code word, it
appears in the table with a plus (+) in front of it.

Default Links

You can change the default line to NOT (-).

Click the radio button next to the minus.
Every time you double click on a code word it appears
in the table with a minus (-) in front of it.
The first code in a string always has a plus (+) in front of it
no matter what the default setting.
The second through fifth codes in the string can have a
plus (+) or a minus (-) in front of the code.

Overriding Default Code Links

If AND(+)

is the default link you can override it to link a code with NOT (-).

Do not double-click a Code Word.

Override Default Links

1. Single-click the Code Word.

2. Click NOT.
3. The Code Word appears in the string with a minus (-)
in front of it.

Changing a Link in an Existing Search String

You can change a link after a Code Word appears in a string.
1. Right-click on the Code Word.
You see a popup menu.
2. Click Change.
The symbol in front of the Code Word changes.
This only works for the second through fifth Code
Words in a String. It has no effect on the first Code
Word in a String.

Change a Code Words Link from + to -



Search for Segments

Editting Linked Code Table Rows

You can
Insert a blank row in the middle of a Table
Delete a row from a Table.
Copy an existing Row in the Table.
1. Click on a Row.
2. Click Row Edit.
Select an option from the drop down menu.

Printing a Linked Code Table

1. Click Print Table.
You see a Print Preview window.
2. Click Print

on the Preview window.

You can also click PDF on the preview window to

save the table as a PDF file.

Row Edit Options

Search for Segments

Saving, Copying, Deleting a Linked Code Table

Saving a Linked Code Table
You can save a Linked Code Table and its Search Strings for later use.
Save Linked Codes is in the lower right corner of the

Save Linked Codes Tables

1. Type a name for this table.

2. Click Save.
Your list is now saved for use in the future.

Copying a Linked Code Table

1. Click a Table Name in the Linked Codes Tables list.

Save Table Dialog

2. Click Copy.
3. Type a Table Name.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Linked Code Table

1. Click a Table Name in the Linked Codes Tables list.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click OK.

Delete Table Dialog



Search for Segments

Code Combinations
A Two Code Combination Example
In this example two search strings are entered in the table.
The idea is to isolate CHALLENGE segments that are also
coded DAY-TO-DAY, and to compare them with
CHALLENGE segments that are not coded DAY-TO-DAY.
The search results for this example will show segments where
CHALLENGE co-occurs with DAY-TO-DAY.
CHALLENGE does not co-occur with DAY-TODAY.
You now have two categories of CHALLENGE, with
and without DAY-TO-DAY.
You can inspect the CHALLENGE segments to see if
there are meaningful differences in the way people
talk about CHALLENGE under these two conditions
within and across data files.
You can inspect frequency counts to see if
CHALLENGE and DAY-TO-DAY occur more in
some data files than others.
The results of this type of search are not inherently
meaningful. They are only provocative, teasing, heuristic.
They set up a new direction for thinking about your data, for
reading the data yet again.
You could conclude that you need to refine your
thinking about CHALLENGE.
You could conclude that CHALLENGE is not a useful
Code Word. It might be obscuring other, more
interesting things in the data. (i.e., You need to start
thinking differently.)
Use Memo's to help you record your thoughts about

Two Code Combination Example

Search for Segments


Automatically Generate 2 Way Combinations of Linked Code Search Strings

1. Put two Code Words in the first Search String.

Automatically Generated 2Way combinations

2. Right-Click on the Search String

You see a popup menu
3. Click Combinations.
All possible 2 way combinations are generated.
The first two strings in the table are identical to the first
two strings in the "Two Code Combination" example
above. The third string adds DAY-TO-DAY segments
not also coded as CHALLENGE.
The output should keep you busy examining the
relationship between CHALLENGE and DAY-TODAY. You can

read the segments,

look at the frequencies,
read your memos about these segments.
write more memos about these segments!!!

Automatically Generate 3 Way Combinations of Linked Code Search strings

1. Put three Code Words in the first Search String.

Setting up a 3 Way Combination.

2. Right-Click on the Search String.

You see a popup menu.
3. Click Combinations.
An example of a 3 Way Combination

All possible 3 way combinations are generated.

o plus (+) means "and", minus (-) mean "but not".
The heuristic opportunities are the same as for the 2
Way combination. But a word of caution.
o The results and complexity can be both
overwhelming and rewarding.
o Do 2 Way combo's then do 3 Way combo's.
o And be prepared to spend time with the data,
thinking about its, and writing more memos!


Search for Segments

Sequence, Proximity and Big-Small Picture Options

When you do a Linked Codes search, you can tailor your output in three ways:
by Sequence.
by Proximity.
by Big vs Small Picture.

Sequence, Proximity, and Big-Small Picture Settings

The defaults are shown in the figure at right.

Big Picture vs Small Picture View

Big Picture

means that in a search for "CODE1 and CODE2"

all the lines of both segments are shown in segment

output. (see the diagram below.)
Small Picture

means that in a search for "CODE1 and CODE2",

only the lines that are shared by both segments are

shown in segment output. (see the diagram below.)
Small and Big Picture output are identical when CODE1 and CODE2 define the same segment
In the "Schematic Diagram" a right:

Schematic Diagram of Big vs Small Picture Output

the Big Picture view displays lines 10 to 25, all

lines in the two overlapping segments.
the Small Picture view only displays lines 15 to
20, only the lines shared by both of the segments.

Sequence determines if order of Code Words matters.
Sequence only applies to the first Code Word.
Once the first Code Word is found,
o the first line of the next Code Words must be the same
or greater than the first line of the first code word.
To set sequence:
1. Click Sequence.
Given the nested segments in the diagram at
right, lets assume a search string of
IF Sequence is not checked
the co-occurrence at right is found.
the order of the Code Words makes no difference.
If Sequence is checked
the co-occurrence at right is ignored.
CODE2 comes before CODE1.

Nested Segment Schematic Diagram

Search for Segments

Proximity is the number of lines separating two segments.
The number of lines separating segments is the
difference between
o the last line of the first segment,
o and the first line of the second segment.
A Proximity of 0
means that the segments must overlap or nest.
A Proximity greater than 0
means that the segments can be separated by 1
or more lines.
To Set Proximity:
1. Click Proximity.
2. Enter a Proximity Number.
In the diagram at right, CODE1 is separated from CODE2
by 5 lines.
CODE1 ends on line 15.
CODE2 starts on line 20.
If you
did a search for +CODE1 +CODE2.
set Proximity to 5.
this pair of segments would be found.

Near Segments Schematic Diagram



Search for Segments

Select Code Words: Identifiers as Codes Search

Selecting Identifiers for a Search
The Identifiers as Search Codes Screen is nearly identical to the Single Code Search screen.
The main difference is that the Select Code Words list
is now a Select Identifiers list.
A second difference is that there is no Code Groups
Identifiers as Codes Search Screen

Selecting Identifiers is the same as Selecting Code Words in a Single Code

Word Search Screen. See pages 101 and 102 for:
Select one Code at a Time.
Select two or more Codes at a time.
Select All code words in the list.
Saving and Reusing Lists of Selected Code Words.

Search for Segments


Search Output: Segment Display

Below is the search output as it appears on the Segment List screen.
On the left side is the List of Segments Found. It lists all the segments found in the search.
On the right side the first segment in the List of Segments Found.
Segment List Display

Changing the layout of the Segment List Screen

You have several options for changing the way this information is displayed. Any changes you make can be
temporary or permanent.
Temporary changes are made by clicking various buttons on this screen.
These are explained later.
Permanent changes are made by clicking the Customize Layout button
in the upper right corner of the screen.


Search for Segments

Organize the List of Segments Found

The Segment List Screen displays all the found segments in a list on the left side of the window.
The way the list is displayed affects the order in which segments are Segment Found List
Segments are printed in the order they are shown in the list.

Organize the List of Segments Found

There are six different ways that this list can be displayed.
1. Click Organize List by

Codes and Files

Files and Codes

File1 (count)
Code1 (count)
Code2 (count)

Code1 (count)
File1 (count)
File2 (count)


Code1 (count)

Sequence by Start Line

File1 (count)

File1 (count)


Search for Segments

Sort the List of Segments Found

You can sort the List of Segments Found by clicking on a column header.
Column Headers

When you click a column header the List of Segments Found is sorted by the
values in that column.
The sort order switches back and forth between ascending (e.g., A-Z) or
descending e.g., Z-A).
In this example we use the column headers for the Plain List of Segments Found. The
sorting works for all six ways the List of Segments Found can be displayed.

Sort on One Column

The Plain List of Segments Found the List is sorted by File Name in ascending
order (e.g. A-Z).
If you click on the File Name column header, the List is resorted by File Name
in descending order (e.g., Z-A).
List sorted by File Name (A-Z)

List sorted by File Name (Z-A)

Sort on Two or More Columns

You can sort on two or more columns.
Press the Shift key as you click the second column.
For example if you wanted to add a sort on Segment Size to the above sort,
hold down the Shift key and click the Size column header.
List sorted by File Name (Z-A) and Size (1..n)



Search for Segments

Search Output: Frequency Display

Below is the search output as it appears on the Frequency Table screen.
The rows are Data Files.
The columns are Code Words.
Frequency Table Display

Sort by Column Header

The table is initially sorted by Data Files.
Alternatively you can sort the table by any column by clicking the column header.
Sort by Column Header

Select Columns
The number of columns in the table depends on how you set up the search.
View Columns let you choose which of the columns you want to display on the screen.
Select Columns to View

Search for Segments

Fit Columns
Depending on the number of Code Words in a Search, and the number of characters in
each Code Word, the table can be wider than the screen width.
Clicking Fit Columns forces all columns to be displayed within the width of the screen.
When you do this, only part of each code word is displayed for each column. Depending
on the number of columns, the Code Words can be reduced to a single character.
Columns Before Fit

Columns After Fit

Display Cell Segments

A cell tells you how many segments were found for that Code Word in that Data File.
To see those segments, double click on that cell.



Search for Segments

Print Frequency Table

You can print The Frequency Table and any segments displayed while the Frequency
Table is on the screen.
Also, as described below, you can Save the Frequency table as an Xcell spreadsheet.
Print Frequency Table

Save Table as an Xcell File

You can save the Frequency Table as an Xcell (XLS) file.
1. Click Print.
2. Click Save Frequency Table as Xcell File.
You can not save the Frequency Table directly to an Xcell file. There are two indirect
Copy and Paste to an Xcell spreadsheet
1. Click Copy Now.
2. Open Xcell and paste the table into a spread sheet page.
Save as a Tab Delimited TXT file.
1. Click Save Now.
2. The file is saved to the ...\<project>\Output folder with the name FreqTable.TXT.
You can change the name and the folder location when you save the table.
The table is saved as a "tab delimitted" text file which you can open in Xcell
Options for Saving the Frequency Table

Search for Segments

Search Output: Viewing Segments

Text formats and Code Margins
Text Format Displays
You have several ways to display the text of segments on the screen. These include

Displays the text with line numbers .

o A Numbered display gives you the standard Ethnograph

data format: a 40 character line of text and line


Displays the text without line numbers.

Numbered Text

Plain Text

o A Plain display gives you the standard Ethnograph 40

character line of text line, but no line numbers.


Displays the text in a generic format

o A Generic display gives you the text as you would find

it in your word processor.
o Lines are as long as the margin and wrap when they get
to the right margin.
o There are no line numbers.
o In a Generic display you do not get to see internal nests
and overlaps.

Generic Text

Text Footnote
A Footnote appears in all three types of displays. It identifies
the Code Word that retrieved the text.
the line numbers from the source Data File where you
originally coded the segment of text.
When you copy and paste a segment to your word processor,
the Footnote is copied with the text.




Search for Segments

Code Margins
Code Margins

is a display option only for Numbered and Plain text displays. The Code Margin displays

the boundary of the segment.

the boundaries of any external or internal
overlapping or nested segments.
all the code words used to define this segment.
1. Click Code Margins
Display On or Off.

Code Margin Display

to turn the Code Margin

External Segments and Code Words

External Segment Codes are displayed in the drop down list just above the segment text.
1. Click on the drop down arrow

to view external

In this example, the red line is an external

segment. The code word for this segment is

External Segment Roll Down List

Exgternal Segment List

Search for Segments

Changing the Text Format

There are two ways to change the Text Format of a Segment.
For a Single Segment
1. Click a Format button
on a Segment to change the
Format for that Segment to Numbered, Plain or Generic.
Change the Default
1. Click the Customize Layout button
Text format.

to change the default

Custom Layout -Text Format Options

Select a Segment Text Format option.

All Segments will automatically appear with the Text
Format you have selected.
If you select Generic, then Code Margins are
automatically turned off.

Turning Code Margins On/Off

If you are viewing Numbered or Plain text formats, you can turn Code Margin display on or off.
For a single segment
1. Click the Code Margin
button in the segment to
temporarily turn Code Margins on or off for the segment.
For the current session
1. Click the
to temporarily turn Code Margins on or
off during the current session,
In either of the above cases, then select an option from the
drop down menu.
Change the default.
1. Click Custom Layout
Code Margins.

to change the default display of

Select an Appearance of Segments options.

All Segments will automatically appear with the Code
Margin Option you have selected.



Search for Segments

Changing Segment Size

Segments can be displayed in several sizes: Small, Normal, Tall, Wide and Large.
The availability of these sizes depends on Text Format
and Code Margin displays.
o When the Code Margin is displayed, the size options
are Small, Normal, Tall, Wide and Large.
o When the Code Margin is not displayed, the size
options are Small and Tall.
Segment Size Drop Down Menu

For A Single Segment

1. Click the size
button in the segment to temporarily
change the size of the segment you are viewing.
For the current session
1. Click the
on the tool bar to temporarily change the
size of all segments during the current session.
In either of the above cases, then select an option from the
drop down menu.
Custom Layout - Segment Size Options

Change the default

1. Click Custom Layout

to change the default Segment

Select a Size option.

All segments are automatically resized

Marking Segments
Segments can be Marked by clicking the white box

on the Segment.

When you mark

or unmark
a segment on the
screen, it is also marked in the List of Segments Found.

Search for Segments


Roll Segments Up down

The normal view of a segment is Rolled Down. You can Roll Up a segment so that only the caption bar is
Rolled Down Segment

For a single segment

Click Roll Up

, or Roll Down

on the segment.

Rolled Up Segment

Roll Segments Drop Down Menu

For the current session

1. Click Roll Segs UpDn

on the tool bar.

Roll All Segments:

, or Roll Down All

o Click Roll Up All
button to Roll Up/Down All segments.

Roll Marked

or Not Marked


, or Not Marked
o Click Roll Up Marked
Roll Up all Marked or Not Marked Segments.
, or Not Marked
o Click Roll Down Marked
to Roll Down all Marked or Not Marked Segments.

, to


Search for Segments

Search Output: Printing Segments

Print a Single Segment
1. Click the Print button

Segment Print Button

on a visible segment.

Print Multiple Segments

You have several options for printing multiple Segments. You can
Print All Visible Segments.
Print Segments Menu

Print Marked

or Not Marked


Print All Found Segments.

To Print All Visible Segments
1. Click Print.
2. Click All Visible Segments.
All Segments displayed on the screen are printed.
To Print Marked

or Not Marked


1. Click Print.
2. Click Marked

or Not Marked


To Print All Found Segments

Print every Segment in the List of Segments Found.
1. Click Print.
2. Click All Found Segments.
All Segments are printed.
The print order is the same as the order in the List of
Segments Found.

Search for Segments

Print the List of Segments Found

You can print the List of Segments Found as it appears on the Screen
Segment Found List

1. Click Print.
2. Click Segment Found List.
The List of Segments Found is printed as displayed.
Before printing you can change the display order, and
expanding and close the list.



Search for Segments

Search Output: Preview Screen

The Print Preview Screen
All printing is first sent to a Print Preview Screen
Print Preview Screen

The Print Preview Screen

tells you how many pages will be printed.
shows you how the printout is going to look.
From the Print Preview Screen you can:
Click the Navigation Arrows
through the Preview.

to page

Click Zoom In, Zoom Out buttons.

Click the Fit buttons
Page or Adjacent Page views .
Save the Preview as an RTF file.

for Page Width, Full

Search for Segments

Building the Preview

The Print Preview is built by finding each segment and formatting it for printing.
While the Preview is being built you see a progress meter.
Build Preview Progress Meter

You can end the building of the preview by clicking the Cancel button.

The Performance of the Build process

The amount of time it takes to build the preview depends on many factors.
The number of segments.
The capacity of your computer.
Other programs that may be running in background on
your computer.
The Number of Segments: A search with 2000 found segments
can take from 1 to 4 minutes to build the print preview. This will
vary depending on your computer. Sometimes the time it takes to
build a print preview varies on the same computer.

Send the Preview to the Printer.

1. Click the Print button

in the Preview Screen.

All results are sent directly to the printer.



Search for Segments

The Format of Segment Printouts

The segment header gives the following

Segment Printout Format

CW: QUOTES 1 of 6 [47]


The Code Word that retrieved this Segment.

1 of 6:

The sequence of the Segment in this Data File.


The total of Segments retrieved by this Code Word.

FN: GINA [7-69]

GINA: The name of the Data File in which this Segment was
[7-69]: The original line numbers for the segment in this data file.
ID: Career:
The most recent Speaker/Section Identifier.
CM: + LSTW038:
The most recent Contextual Comment.
Code Words which define External Segments that Overlap or Nest
with this Segment.
Segment Text
The text of the Segment printed either with, or without, line
Segment Boundaries:
The boundary of the Segment (CW). QUOTES
(top and bottom bracket)
External (EX:) Overlapping and Nesting
Segments. WORK (no top bracket).
Internally nested and overlapped Segments.

Search for Segments


Send the Preview to an RTF File

RTF, also called Rich Text Format, is a generic word processing format that almost all word processors can read
(e.g., Word, WordPerfect, WordPad, etc).
1. Click the RTF button.
A SaveFile dialog appears.
Save Preview as RTF File Dialog

By default, the Preview is saved to a file named

SegmentOutput.RTF in the project's Output folder.
The projects Output folder is ... \E6Projects\<projectname>
You can change the name of the file, and the destination
2. Click the Save button.

The format of the RTF output file

Segments in the SegmentOutput.RTF file appear as shown below.
Format of RTF output

The format of the RTF segments differs a little from the standard segment output.
The Segment Header (CW:, FN:, ID:, and CM:) are the same.
The External Segments (EX:) are the same.
The Co-occuring Code String (CS:) is printed above the body of the
segment text.
The body of the segment text is in generic format.
No internal segments are shown.
A Footnote appears just beneath the body of the segment showing the
Code Word used to generate this segment, the Data File from which it
came, and the original lines of the segment within the original data


Search for Segments

Search Output: Customize Layout

You can customize the layout

of the Segment Output by selecting any of the options shown below.

Whatever options you choose will be permanent layout of Segment

You can temporarily change the layout while viewing Segment Output.
See the descriptions for each of these options in previous sections of this
Customize Layout Dialog

Chapter 7
Search Filters


Search Filters

Search Filter Overview

Types of Search Filters
There are four types of Search filters:

is a list of Identifiers used in all data files. You select Identifiers
from this list. Only Segments that include a selected Identifier are "found" in a

File Names
is a list of the data files in a Project. You select File Names from
this list. Only selected data files are included in a search.

Face Sheets
, and Identifier Sheets
create, and to which you assign values.

, are lists of variables, that you

o Variables, and the values they can take, are defined in a Template.
o Each data file has a Face Sheet, and each Identifier has an Identifier sheet based
on the Template that you create.
o You then assign values to the Face Sheet for each data file, and to the Identifier
Sheet for each Identifier.
When you use Face Sheets and Identifier Sheets as Search filters:
you specify the values that variables must have for a data file, or an Identifier, to be
included as part of a search.
Based on the values you specify, Ethnograph creates lists of data files and Identifiers that
are used to Filter search results.
This chapter discusses Face Sheets and Identifier Sheets.

Search Filters


Face Sheets and Identifier Sheets

Face Sheets
Face Sheets

are attached to data files

and describe the characteristics of data files.

When you use Face Sheets as filters, you are restricting the search to data files that
meet certain Face Sheet values.

Identifier Sheets
Identifiers Sheets

are attached to Identifiers

within data files and describe the characteristics of

When you use Identifier Sheets, you are restricting the search to Segments of text that
contain Identifiers that meet certain Identifier Sheet values.
An Example of A Face Sheet


Search Filters

Create a Template
Template Overview
Template Variables and Values
A Template

is a list of variables, and the values that those variables can take. For example:

o GENDER is a Text Variable. Its Values are Male and Female.

o AGE is a Numeric Variable. Its values can range from 0 to 1,410,065,407.
Both Face Sheets

and Identifier Sheets

are built on Templates.

When you create and revise a Template, Face Sheets/Identifier Sheets for all data files
are automatically created and revised

Types of Template Variables and Values

There are two types of Template Variables: Text and Numeric.
GENDER is a Text variable which can take three Values: Male, Female and Missing
(or not known). An asterisk (*) represents Missing;
AGE is a Numeric variable, which can take a range of Numeric values,
0..1,410,065,407, and Missing (or not known). The value -1 represents Missing.
Template for a Face Sheet Example

Search Filters

Add Text Variables to a Template

Open a Template
Blank Face Sheet

1. Click Filter.
Filter opens to Face Sheets

2. Click Template.
NOTE: For an Identifier Sheet Template,
1. Click Ident Sheets.
2. Click Template.

Add a Text Variable

In the Add Variable Dialog

Adding a Variable to the Template

1. Click New Var.

2. Type a "Var Name" (e.g. GENDER).
3. Click Text.
4. Click Add.
The first Value for Gender is asterisk

Add a Value to the Text Variable

1. Click a Value Line under a Variable.
You see the Add Value Dialog.
In the Add Value Dialog
2. Click New Value.
3. Type a "Var Value" (e.g. Male)
4. Click Add.
Male appears as a Value of GENDER.

Add Values to the Text Variable



Search Filters

Add a second Value to the Text Variable

In the Add Value Dialog

Add a second Value to the Text Variable

1. Click New Value.

2. Type a "Var Value" (e.g. Female)
3. Click Add.
Female appears as a Value of
Repeat these three steps to add more Values for
the selected Variable.

Add another Text Variable

In the Add Variable Dialog

Add another Text Variable

1. Click New Var

Repeat the steps for Add a Text Variable above.

Add Numeric Variables to a Template

In the Add Variable Dialog

Adding a Variable to the Template

1. Click New Var.

2. Type a "Var Name" (e.g. AGE).
3. Click Numeric.
4. Click Add.
The first Value for AGE is -1.
Since AGE is a Numeric Variable it can Template with Two Variables
take any Value from 0 to 1,410,065,407
(that is over 1 billion).

Search Filters

Enter Face/Identifer Sheet Values

Enter Face Sheet Values
Start Filter
First Face Sheet - No Values

1. Click Filter.
The Face Sheet
for the first data
file appears on the screen.
To select a Face sheet for a different
data file, click a data file name in the
Files in Project list.

Enter a Numeric Face Sheet Value

1. Double-click on the Value for a Numeric

Select Value for Age

2. Enter a Number.
3. Click OK
The Number appears as the Variable

Enter a Text Face Sheet Value

1. Click the drop down arrow

for a Text

2. Click a Value on the drop down List.

The Value appears as the Variable

Select Value for Gender



Search Filters

Enter Identifier Sheet Values

Start Filter
1. Click Filter.
The Face Sheet
on the screen

for the first data file appears

2. Click Ident Sheet.

The Identifier Sheet for the first Identifier appears
on the screen.
To select an Identifier Sheet for a different
Identifier, click the Identifier in the Identifiers list

Enter Identifier Sheet Values

Entering Identifier Sheet Values is identical to entering
Face Sheet Values.
See the previous section for entering values for Text and
Numeric Variables

Search Filters


Search Filter Buttons

Using Filters in a Search

1. Click Search.
There are four Search Filters at the top of the
Search screen.

Search Filter Buttons

FS = Face Sheets
IS = Identifier Sheets
ID = Identifiers
Files = File Names

Activating Search Filters

When a Filter is activated, the Filter button is highlighted.
To Activate a Filter:

An Activated Filter

1. Click a Filter button.

2. Select Filter values. (see page 10)
3. Click OK.

Combining Search Filters

Search Filters can be combined in the following ways.
Face Sheets can be combined with Identifier Face Sheet + Identifier Sheet
Sheets or Identifiers.

Face Sheet + Identifier

Identifier Sheets can be combined with Face Identifier Sheet + Face Sheet
Sheets and Files

Identifier Sheet + Files

Identifiers can be combined with Face Sheets Identifiers + Face Sheets

and Files

Identifiers + Files


Search Filters

Use Face Sheet Filters

The Effect of Face Sheet Filters

Face Sheet Filters

, limit the Search to data files that meet the Filter values you select.

To use Face Sheets as Filters, you select Filtering Values for one or more
Face Sheet Variables. (e.g., GENDER = Male)
Ethnograph then generates a list of data files that match all the filtering
values you selected. (e.g., all Male data files)
Data files that do not match all selected filtering values are excluded from
the search.

Select Face Sheet Filters

1. Click Search.
Select Face Sheet Filters Dialog

2. Click the Face Sheet filter.

You see the Select Face Sheet Filters dialog.
In this example there are two Face Sheet Variables:

AGE: A Numeric Variable

GENDER: A Text Variable

Select a Numeric Variable Filter Value

1. Click the Check Box for AGE.
You see the Select Range For dialog
2. Type 20 for From:
3. Type 30 for To:
4. Click Set Range.
Only data files with an AGE between 20
and 30 years old will be part of the Search.

Select a Range for Dialog

Search Filters

Select a Text Variable Filter Value

1. If GENDER is closed click the + next to

Select a Text Variable Value

GENDER has two values: Male and Female

plus the "unknown"/"missing value" (*)
2. Click the check box next to Male or Female
Only data files with the GENDER value
selected will be part of the Search.
If you select more than one Value for a
Variable, all selected Values are part of the
In the above example, since there are only
two Values, you should only select one
Selecting all values for a variable has the
same filtering effect as selecting no values.

View Files that Match the Face Sheet Filters

1. Click View Matches.

View Matches Dialog

You see a list of data files that match this

Filter. In this case Group2.
2. Click OK.

View Selected Values

Show Selected Values

1. Click Show Selected.

Only values with checks are displayed in
the Select Face Sheet Filers dialog.
2. Click Show All Vals.
All values are displayed in the Select Face
Sheet Filters dialog.



Search Filters

Save Selected Values

Save Filter Values as... dialog

1. Click Save Values.

2. Type a Name.
3. Click OK.
The selected values are saved. You can
retrieve them for use at a later time.

Retrieve Saved Values

Select Saved Set of Filters dialog

1. Click View Saved Values.

You see a new row of buttons in the
Select Face Sheet Filters dialog
2. Click the drop down arrow.
3. Click the name of a saved set of filter values.

The selected values appear in the Select

Face Sheet Filters dialog.
NOTE: If you have saved several sets of filter
values you can browse through them by clicking
the navigation arrows.

Deactivate Face Sheet Filters

1. Click the Face Sheet filter.

2. Click Cancel.
The Face Sheet filter is no longer activated.

Retrieved Set of Saved Filters

Search Filters


Use Identifier Sheeet Filters

The Effect of Identifier Sheet Filters

Identifier Sheet Filters

you select.

, limit the Search to Segments within data files that meet the Identifier Filter values

To use Identifier Sheets as Filters, you select Filtering Values for one or
more Identifier Sheet Variables.
Ethnograph then generates a list of Identifiers that match all the filtering
values you selected.
When a Segment is found, it is tested to see if one of the Identifiers on the
list is part of the Segment.

Select Identifier Filters

1. Click Search.
Select Identifier Sheet Filters Dialog

2. Click the Identifier Sheet filter.

You see the Select Identifier Sheet Filters
In this example there are two Identifier Sheet
AGE: A Numeric Variable
GENDER: A Text Variable

Selecting and Viewing Identifer Sheet Values

1. Selecting and Viewing Identifier Sheet values is
identical to doing the same for Face Sheet Values.
see Use Face Sheet filters.

Deactivate Identifier Sheet Filters

1. Click Face Sheet Filter.

2. Click Cancel
The Face Sheet filter is no longer activated.

Search Filters


Use Identifier Filters

The Effect of Identifier Identifier Filters

Identifier Filters

, limit the search to Segments that contain Identifiers you selected.

You select from a list of all Identifiers used in your Project.

When a Segment is found, it is tested to see if one of the Identifiers you
selected is part of the Segment.

Select Identifier Filters

Search Filter Buttons

1. Click Search.
2. Click the Identifier filter.

You see a list of Identifiers

of your Data files.

used in all

Select Identifiers from the Identifier List

1. Click one or more Identifers from the list.

List of Identifiers

A check indicates the an Identifier is selected.

2. Click OK.

The Identifier Filter button is highlighted.

This tells you that the filter is activated.

Deactivate Identifier Filters

1. Click Identifiers filter.

2. Click Cancel.
The Identifiers filter is no longer activated.

Identifier Filter Activated

Search Filters

Use File Name Filters

The Effect of Identifier File Name Filters

File Name Filters

, limit the Search to data files that you select.

To use File Names as Filters, you select from a list of all the data files in
your project.
Only data files that you selected are included in the search.

Select File Name Filters

1. Click Search.

Search Filter Buttons

2. Click the Files filter.

You see a list of Data Files in the Project.

Select File Names from the File Name List

1. Click one or more File Names from the list.

List of Identifiers

A check indicates the a File Name is selected.

2. Click OK.

The Files Filter button is highlighted. This

tells you that the filter is activated.

Files Filter Activated


Chapter 8
Appendix 1: The Data File Format


Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Features of the Data Format

Ethnograph data files have three structural features:
Contextual Comments
Speaker/Section Identifiers
Text Information

Deactivate File Name Filters

1. Click the Files filter.

2. Click Cancel.
The Files filter is no longer activated.

Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Contextual Comments
What is a Contextual Comment
A Contextual Comment is an informational note, or label, inserted into your data file at the time of
There are two rules for typing Contextual Comments:
1. A Contextual Comment must begin with a plus (+) symbol at the left
2. A Contextual Comment can be no longer than 39 letters, spaces and

The use of Contextual Comments are completely optional. If they don't

make sense to you, then don't use them. For now, just be aware that they
A data file can contain as many Contextual Comments as you want.
A new Contextual Comment overrides the previous Contextual
Comment, and stays in effect until you insert the next Contextual
When you retrieve a data segment, the Contextual Comment that
precedes the segment is printed out with the segment. The comment tells
you something about the "context" in which the segment was originally
A Contextual Comment is not a type of code and cannot be used in a
search. It is simply a note, or label, that appears in segment output.



Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Examples of Using Contextual Comments

Example 1:
The following Contextual Comments were placed on the first line of focus group
transcripts about undergraduate education. They describe the participants.

In group 1 there were 3 Male physics majors, 1 Male engineering major,

and 1 Female geology major. .
When examining coded segments from this data file, the Contextual
Comments, printed with each segment, tell you the composition of the
focus group from which they came.

Example 2:
The following Contextual Comments were placed on the first line of focus
group transcripts conducted in schools.

They describe the location of the focus group, and the type of participants
in the focus groups.

Example 3:
The following Contextual Comments were placed in transcripts of newspaper
editorials. They are the titles of the editorals.

When examining coded segments from these data files, each segment is
labeled with the title and date of the editorial.

Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Example 4:
The following Contextual Comments were placed in transcripts of a staff meeting
at a hospital.
During the meeting the staff discussed several different patients.
A new Contextual Comment was inserted into the transcript each time the
discussion turned to a different patient.
The Contextual Comment also contained the type of discussion.

Example 5:
The following Contextual Comments were placed in a transcript that started as a
one-on-one interview.
During the course of the interview the spouse came home and was present
for part of the interview.
The Contextual Comments mark the points at which the spouse entered the
interview situation, and subsequently left.
The Contextual Comments label segments from before the presence of the
spouse, during the presence of the spouse, and after the spouse's presence.



Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Speaker/Section Identifiers
What is an Identifier
This section begins with the model of a conversational transcript and then suggests
other ways to use Speaker/Section Identifiers. In the example below, the speaker
Identifier is the MD: .

In an interview, focus group, or meeting transcript, an Identifier tells you

the current speaker. In other types of data, an Identifier can serve other
A new Identifier overrides the previous Identifier, and remains in effect
until the next Identifier appears in the data file.
The most recent preceding Identifier is always printed with each segment of
data. Thus, when you retrieve a segment from the middle of a long speech,
you always know the identity of the speaker, or the name of the section.
Because Identifiers can be used to represent more than just speakers, we
frequently refer to them simply as Identifiers.

Typing Identifiers
When you type Identifiers, keep in mind the following:

Identifiers begin in column 1 of the data file.

Identifiers can be up to 20 characters, spaces, and symbols long.
Identifiers are closed with a colon (:).
If the Identifier is not closed with a colon, then the program
arbitrarily treats the first 20 characters as the Identifier.

Identifiers as Code Words

Identifiers are also defacto code words. The segment defined by an Identifier
includes all of the text down to the next Identifier. The use of Identifiers as code
words, and as search filters are explained in Selecting Identifiers for a Search
(page 112) and Use Identifier Filters (page 142).

Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Examples of Using Identifiers

In an interview, focus group, or meeting transcript an Identifier names the current
speaker (i.e., speaker Identifier).

Field Notes
If you work with field notes you can use Identifiers to mark different sections of
your field notes (i.e., section Identifier).
The example below represents a field note protocol that includes sections
for reporting Data Observations (OBS:), Data Interpretations (INTERP:),
and Self Reflections (SELF:).

In this example we also used a Contextual Comment to show the date and
topic of the field note. This lets you put more than one field note in the
same data file.
When you retrieve a segment from your field notes, the Contextual
Comment names the field note from which it came.
The Identifier identifies the section in which it was located.

If your data is a set of documents (letters, emails, news articles, etc.), Identifiers
can distinguish each document (i.e., Document Identifier).

The above example represents a collection of letters between college

students and family members.
Identifiers label each letter, ToMOM:, ToDAD:, FrMOM:, etc.
Since Identifers can be used as code words, a search could be done for
every letter written ToMom.
This example also includes a Contextual Comment used to indicate the
student's name and university.
Now, when you retrieve a segment, you know from which letter it came
and whom it involved.



Appendix 1: The Data File Format

Open Ended Long Answer Survey

This data is a variation on Documents. Informants were asked to write on various
topics connected with life satisfaction.

There were twelve topics. The amount of text varied from 100 to 400
lines of text per data file.
Because Identifiers can be used as code words, a search code be done for
One code word used was CHALLENGE. Because of the way the data file
was structured, each segment defined as CHALLENGE was also labeled
with the topic it came from (e.g., Career, Health, Home, etc).

Open Ended Questionnaires

If your data are a set of questionnaire responses, you can use Identifiers to
identify the answers to each question (i.e., question Identifier).

The above example represents a questionnaire that includes three

open-ended questions.
The responses are identified as Q1:, Q2:, and Q3:.
A Contextual Comment identifies the informant.
You can repeat this basic structure for each informant.
When you retrieve a segment from this file,
the comment tells you who produced the answer,
and the Identifier tells you the question to which it was an answer.
Since Identifiers can also be used as code words and search filters, you can
retrieve all answers to Q1.

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