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Effective Communication
Claudia Proctor
Liberty University



Relationships depend on communication to maintain a method of receiving the intended

message. Communication is how individuals share messages by email, verbal and social
media. Communication consist of verbal language, non-verbal, body language and
written communication thru texting, email and social media. Finally, we will discuss the
barriers within communication.


In today society, many are lacking effective communication skills and knowing how to
maintain relationships. Communication is a process that is vital to transmitting and
understanding information (Sattees). Communication is process of exchange of information and
body gestures, ideas and emotions. Communication, message transmittal, channel, decoding,
interpreting, and feedback (Sattees). I will provide definition for the following; Sender- is the
person who is delivering the message, Channel- which is form of communication expression, the
message is given through different channels for example: telephone, written and person to
person, you have the receiver- to whom youre delivering the message to.
Non-Verbal communication is a communication process that everyone does every day,
which includes body posture, body gestures, and emotions. Verbal communication is the primary
technique of getting a message thought to another. To apply your message it can be with two
people to a group of people. Nonverbal communication differs from verbal in that it concerns
itself with the entire range and scope of communication over and above the use of words, in our
view whatever the message, whatever the channel, whatever the nature of the intensity, of
intentionality where words are not involved, the communication is nonverbal. The vast encoded
and decoded in nonverbal channels 3. Nonverbal communication then is the conveyance of
information from one entity to another without the use of verbal expression. Its results in
understanding being exchanged by those entities without the exactitude of human speech in any
form. Face-to-face or person-to person conversations allows individuals to have more of a
detailed discussions for a better understanding so there will not be any issues getting the message
cross . Written communications provide discussions on paper. Online communications have
revolutionized ways of working by providing fast, cheap, and efficient ways of interacting that


can easily be stored within files. When a person is trying to communicate, it has to be thought
out and clear. The sender is the person whom deliver message to the receiver, once the receiver
receive the message they have to decode the message then they would give there feedback in
form of email, or verbal communication.

If the message was decoded positive the feedback

would be pleasant. During communication there could be many barriers that everyone has
experienced thought out there life. When that barrier has been created the thoughts of not being
understood can cause frustration which blocks the communication process. Effective
communication you must know what you what to communication about secondly you must
understand the opposite person, thirdly try to communicate with positive body language with
respect and better pathway of getting the message through to the receiver. There are many ways
you can overcome the barriers to learn to effective communicate. Here a examples to overcome
the communication barrier, Always have a positive attitude about communication in any form,
Defensiveness interferes with communication, Listen to yourself when speaking could be a
form at improving communication skills, increased awareness of the potential ways to improving
communication, use of simple and clear words should be emphasized and use of ambiguous
words and jargons should be avoided (safaribook). Also, the greatest barriers to communication
are not being able to express one. Defined as Reveal or portray one's feelings or views through
speech, writing, some form of art, or behavior. (

Sometimes when you

have a low self-esteem you put barriers around your emotions and surroundings.

Language and Cultural Background Barrier


Secondly, Language and cultural background. Theres a communication barrier when it

comes to different cultures, three prominent aspects could be present. The barriers with the
cultures are cultural background, and language. When it comes People with different languages
words can get misconstrued then the communication gos south from there. We have to be mature
about people feelings when were trying to understand others language, everyone has their own
way of interpreting words and language.
Dealing with modern technology in our society everyone has a smartphone which allows them to
text which is another form of communication. . Also, the #1 form of communication would the
Social Networking sites that allow communication between many Individuals, due to the heavy
growth of the internet the world spends considerable amount of time on the social networking
site ranging from Facebook, twitter and Instagram, link and many more. According to author
Satterlee, 72 percent of organization participant with social networking sites for communication
among teenagers, youth, adults and major business (King, David Lee).

Social Networking sites

enable communication. By organization using social networking site it gives them direct access
to their customers and employees that will allow the organization to stay updated and
informed. Many times with social network, the media update their status with what is going on
in the community, media news. There was a study concluded which found that 51% of
Americans starting at age 12 to no ending age are using the number one social media website
which is Facebook that has over 2.0 million users and is still growing.

According to the author,

there are three reasons that were found for the desire for the use of the social networking sites
like Facebook for the desire for attention, second reason self-expression, and third reason would
be popularity. According to Satterlee, Organizations uses communication through social
networks to promote their business to enquire on new business (Satterlee).


All Christians should take up verbal communication with God, which is called praying. 1
Thessalonians 5:17 states, pray without ceasing. We are to verbally talk with God all the time.
Christians should not wait on a crisis to appear to provoke us to verbally communicate to God.
The greatest leader in history is Jesus Christ. As I mentioned in my discussion great leaders all
understand mental models and were responsible for sharing them. A mental model is an
understanding of the situation, task, and resources. Jesus situation was he was free of sin and he
was sent to save us from sin. Jesus was sent to save the world and verbal communication was a
big part of Jesus ministry. Jesus task was to spread the word of God and turn us away from sin
and toward his father God. In order to spread the word of God we must communicate verbally.
Jesus had God as his resource. God is the best resource ever. These things had to be shared and in
order to share these things there had to be verbal communication.

Satterlee, A. (2012). Organizational management and leadership: A Christian



King, David Lee. Social Media. Library Technology Reports 48.6 (2012): 23

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