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1 (MGT_510)

3 Marks:

Describe the stage of replacement; what is the strategy adopted by the competitors
of 20th century and why?
What is the juran's trilogy?
People usually go through four stages when learning new concepts or skills.
Suppose you are learning to play a video game for the first time, explain briefly
any three stages of learning
Briefly Define Matrix Diagram and Relations Diagram
What is the responsibility of owner process ?
What are the responsibilities of the top management in implementing a quality
strategy? And how they gain an involvement with the others mangers?
Goal and target of the organistic model?
What is the purpose of an organization and the purpose of ISO 9001?
What are the advantages and uses of fish bone diagram?
Being in charge of a fast food restaurant, what guiding principles you would
recommend to improve the customer-supplier relationship?
Why the six sigma process is initiate by building a SIPOC Diagram?
How can the problem arising in quality control be solved by using creativity?
What is the objective of process capability?
Briefly differentiate b/w the two components of strategic management
Explain appraisal costs with the help of examples.
The European Quality Award is divided into two parts to which these are
any 3 Learning stages
Define Team and enlist qualities of a good team member
Role of sponsor in core process of an organization
Flow charts is an effective tool for data collection and analysis. Comment on this
What are the responsibilities of steering committee and team members during the
awareness of group process?
What is the purpose of policy deployment?
Differentiate between inter and external customers.
What is purpose or flow chart?
Calculate the mean.0,2,5,9,12 ?
Why routine inspection creates problems in the organization?
Role of top managers in organization and how they make work force effective?
What are techniques for gathering data?
What is team and what qualities should a team member have?
duties of owner of critical success factor
How can the problem arising in quality control be solved by using creativity?

2 (MGT_510)

The Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer diagram induced a high level map

the process that map out its basic steps Explain the element of this process?
Traditional view and quality perspective approach
Policy deployment
Quality control
Components of control chart with graphical representation.
Process variation... Special & common causes, with example.
What should be the three properties of a team member?
Role of leader in implimenting a TQM approach in an organzation?
dysfunactional system characteristic
customer and financial perspective in score card
5learning disciplines,describe any two.
Define strategy and its components?
define pareto diagram?
Juran's contribution to quality philosophy
explain dysfunctional level of organization at maturity level?
why do companies use the MBQA framework?
explain any three features that should be included in quality products?
why did deming believe that business should not exit simply for profit?
How a company will specify that product requirements have been met?
You want yourself get admitted to ABC university. How would you judge quality
of education of uni?
How would you rationalize functions of QFD as a tool to translate customer
requirements into technical requirements?
How would you rationalize the role of quality function deployment as a tool to
translate customer requirements into technical requirements?
find the mean of fallowing 0, 2, 5, 9, 12
how creativity solve problem of arising in quality of production of the
organization which they faced in manufacturing of product?
People go through four stages when they learning new concept or skill.
Suppose you are going to play first time a game define the 3 stage of learning
which you learn to play the game .
How does Jurans Philosophy fit well into existing management?

How quantity is defined by the five leaders in quantity revolution?

Why did Deming believe that managers should stop decision purely based on
How can we differentiate b/w leadership and management in an organization?
What are the various responsibilities of a steering committee and how can the
leader of a team make the team members aware of the group process?
What are the basic types of statistical process control charts and how can you
compute the upper control limit and the lower control limit?

3 (MGT_510)

For small and medium scale companies which usually do not enjoy a brand
image, what benefits do they enjoy from the implementation of an ISO system?
Define a team. Enlist some of the qualities as individuals must possess as a team
Differentiate between continual and continuous improvement.
Define Big Q and Little Q?
The President of Samsung Electronics has appointed the Manager Quality as
'Management Representative'. Discuss the authority and responsibility of the
Management Representative.
What are the qualities of an effective team and the circumstances in which teams
realize that the plan is not improved?
ISO 9000 process for quality (3 marks)
What are the requirements of total quality for human resources and how can the
What are the components of Control chart. Explain control chart with the help of
Graphical representation.
Why do Companies use the BQA Criteria of framework?

5 Marks

What are the motivation factors which influence to register ISO 9000?
What are the special and common causes of the variations explain with the
example of any organization?
Do you think that empowerment has the degree of involvement of the employees
Difference between control chart and Flow chart?
Importance of empowerment
How a company will specify that product requirements have been met?
You want yourself get admitted to ABC university. How would you judge quality
of education of university?
How would you rationalize functions of QFD as a tool to translate customer
requirements into technical requirements?
Find mean 0, 2, 5, 9, and 12
Differentiate between leadership and management?
How solution is planned and implemented in seven step of problem solving?
Being CFO of ABC Company, what are pre-requisites you should ensure for
successful empowerment in your company?
Explain Demings Chain Reaction
Characteristics of developing process during Maturity levels
Benefits of Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?
Variable Statistical control and Attribute Statistical control

4 (MGT_510)

Implementing a Quality Management System

How to create organizational excellence?
Performing is one of the stages of Team Growth. What can be the feelings of
leader during this stage? Also discuss the role of a leader in Performing?
Leadership and team work
managers ensure empowerment in the organization?
Discuss the motivational factors that stimulate companies to obtain ISO
What are the various approaches that the organizations use to achieve cost
leadership for high volume products? How can the benefits resulting from cost
leadership be cancelled out?
There are various stages of team growth, what can be the feelings of a leader
during Formation stage? Also discuss the role of leadership in Forming.
Explain briefly the following perspective in balance scorecard.
The Learning & Growth perspective
The Business Process perspective
Enlist and explain core leadership skills.
Using the quality control tool of run chart, discuss that how it can help in
managing absenteeism in a production based organization.
What were the structured rationality and philosophy towards change in the
mechanistic model?
The (SPIOC) Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer diagram induced a high
level map the process that map out its basic steps Explain the element of this
Briefly explain as to how a management can be improved?
Mutually beneficial suppliers relationship and process approach benefits?
Why did Deming believe the business should not exist simply for profit?
Purpose of Malcolm Bridge award
Meeting and task facilitating behavior
What is cost of quality? Explain with examples
Management Principles of ISO9000:2000?
Why does a company focus on quality list any five points.
What is the responsibility of the manager of vicor corporation regarding
competency, awareness and training employees
What are the beneficial team behavior for successful team?
What the "how" is converted to "what" in policy deployment matrix diagram
(goal translation process)?
Which leadership skills you will consider necessary to bring quality in the
Apple Inc. needs to determine what is pertinent for the services to be designed
and developed and to create requirements specification. What specifically the
incorporation needs to address?
What does this mathematical expression imply?

5 (MGT_510)
Total Quality



What are the beneficial team behaviors for a successful team?

What are the different steps to determine the core processes from mission?

How can customer requirement can be converted to customer satisfaction?

what is deming view of variation?

what are the behviours which are apply to get a successful team?

what are the consideration for applying the quality deployment system?

The policy of ABC Machine Works Ltd. is to provide products and services that
meet the requirements of our customers in accordance with our quality policy.
How the management and employees of this company are committed to achieving
this policy?
Performing is one of the stages of Team Growth. What can be the feelings of
leader during this stage? Also discuss the role of a leader in Performing?
Explain how the solution is planned and implemented in the seven-step method
for problem solving.
Like many other companies, Toppan Printing Company wants to adopt policy
deployment. What will be the procedure to adopt such process?
Individuals must continue to learn. Complete understanding of how things work
involves learning disciplines. What are those disciplines? Explain them briefly.
As CEO of company what are some of pre-requisites you show ensure of success
of empowerment in you company.
Maturity model is intended to use as a guide for improvement project and
organization process if the statement are true then what maturity model illustrate
improvement for project and organization.
awakening system characteristics
deeming 14 points, write any five
discuss any 5 considerations that management could take in account when
measuring, analyzing and reviewing the quality management system
Discuss with reference to Deming "theory of knowledge" in comparison with
Enlist and describe five inputs of management review meeting.
Comparison between run charts & control charts? 5 M
Inputs in design and development ISO9001
What is the difference between leadership & management?
Characteristics of awakening system in the levels organizational maturity.
Explain balance score card.
Deming cycle
Organizational excellence policy

6 (MGT_510)

Attributable and variable process charts uses

How would you rationalize functions of QFD as a tool to translate customer
requirements into technical requirements?
Variable Statistical control and Attribute Statistical control
Implementing a Quality Management System role of middle management
customer and supplier relations in side of an organization
Why standardization is important for organization?
What skills leader should have to import quality in organization?
How organization and market leadership can be achieved?
How and when the fishbone diagrams constructed?
What are the requirements for total quality for Human Resources and how can the
managers ensure empowerment in the organization?
How does policy deployment process takes place according to Hashin Kanri?
How is the integration of people and performance viewed in total quality
Characteristics of developing process during Maturity levels
Benefits of QFD?
Enlist any five principles of quality management applicable on ISO 9000:2000?
Explain the implications as to when people fail to understand psychology?
In an article for quality digest, Armand Fergenbawn has explained several trends
for shaping future of quality management. What were those trends?
What is the outcome of sub-optimization in the system? Explain with the help of
Quality Planning?
ISO 9000 is viewed as a necessary evil that one must adopt to compete in certain
markets, every dollar and every hour spent on ISO 9000 will be seen as a burden
to be endured rather than an investment in the organizations future. explain
Crosby notes that most companies spend 15 to 20 percent of their sales dollars on
quality costs.
Manufacturing in the industrialized world tended to follow this craftsmanship
model till the factory system, with its emphasis on product inspection, started in
Great Britain in the mid-1750s and grew into the Industrial Revolution in the
early 1800s.
RADAR abbreviation
Problem solving tool leads to process product/service do you agree with this
statement justify your answer.
Why do companies emphasize on the standardization of quality?
What is the awakening system in the level of organizational maturity?
How is the integration of the people & performance in the quality philosophy?
How a company will specify that product requirements have been met?
You want yourself get admitted to ABC university. How would you judge quality
of education of uni?

7 (MGT_510)

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