Top 25 Articles of Management Science

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List of Top 25 Articles of

Management Science
Oct-Dec 2014

Sr. No


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Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership

This Special Issue is the result of the inaugural summit hosted by the Gallup Leadership Institute at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2004 on Authentic Leadership Development (ALD). We describe in this
introduction to the special issue current thinking in this emerging field of research as well as questions and
concerns. We begin by considering some of the environmental and organizational forces that may have
triggered interest in describing and studying authentic leadership and its development. We then provide an
overview of its contents, including the diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives presented, followed
by a discussion of alternative conceptual foundations and definitions for the constructs of authenticity,
authentic leaders, authentic leadership, and authentic leadership development. A detailed description of the
components of authentic leadership theory is provided next. The similarities and defining features of authentic
leadership theory in comparison to transformational, charismatic, servant and spiritual leadership perspectives
are subsequently examined. We conclude by discussing the status of authentic leadership theory with respect
to its purpose, construct definitions, historical foundations, consideration of context, relational/processual
focus, attention to levels of analysis and temporality, along with a discussion of promising directions for future

Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers

Companies commercialize new ideas and technologies through their business models. While companies may
have extensive investments and processes for exploring new ideas and technologies, they often have little if
any ability to innovate the business models through which these inputs will pass. This matters - the same idea
or technology taken to market through two different business models will yield two different economic
outcomes. So it makes good business sense for companies to develop the capability to innovate their business
This paper explores the barriers to business model innovation, which previous academic research has
identified as including conflicts with existing assets and business models, as well as cognition in understanding

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these barriers. Processes of experimentation and effectuation, and the successful leadership of organizational
change must be brought to bear in order to overcome these barriers. Some examples of business model
innovation are provided to underline its importance, in hopes of inspiring managers and academics to take
these challenges on.

Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation

Whenever a business enterprise is established, it either explicitly or implicitly employs a particular business
model that describes the design or architecture of the value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms it
employs. The essence of a business model is in defining the manner by which the enterprise delivers value to
customers, entices customers to pay for value, and converts those payments to profit. It thus reflects
management's hypothesis about what customers want, how they want it, and how the enterprise can organize
to best meet those needs, get paid for doing so, and make a profit. The purpose of this article is to understand
the significance of business models and explore their connections with business strategy, innovation
management, and economic theory.

Cloud computing - The business perspective

The evolution of cloud computing over the past few years is potentially one of the major advances in the
history of computing. However, if cloud computing is to achieve its potential, there needs to be a clear
understanding of the various issues involved, both from the perspectives of the providers and the consumers
of the technology. While a lot of research is currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally
urgent need for understanding the business-related issues surrounding cloud computing. In this article, we
identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the cloud computing industry. We then
identify the various issues that will affect the different stakeholders of cloud computing. We also issue a set of
recommendations for the practitioners who will provide and manage this technology. For IS researchers, we

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outline the different areas of research that need attention so that we are in a position to advice the industry in
the years to come. Finally, we outline some of the key issues facing governmental agencies who, due to the
unique nature of the technology, will have to become intimately involved in the regulation of cloud computing.

Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd

With crowdfunding, an entrepreneur raises external financing from a large audience (the crowd), in which
each individual provides a very small amount, instead of soliciting a small group of sophisticated investors.
This article compares two forms of crowdfunding: entrepreneurs solicit individuals either to pre-order the
product or to advance a fixed amount of money in exchange for a share of future profits (or equity). In either
case, we assume that crowdfunders enjoy community benefits that increase their utility. Using a unified
model, we show that the entrepreneur prefers pre-ordering if the initial capital requirement is relatively small
compared with market size and prefers profit sharing otherwise. Our conclusions have implications for
managerial decisions in the early development stage of firms, when the entrepreneur needs to build a
community of individuals with whom he or she must interact. We also offer extensions on the impact of quality
uncertainty and information asymmetry.
Digital marketing and social media: Why bother?
Changes in consumer behavior require firms to rethink their marketing strategies in the digital domain.
Currently, a significant portion of the associated research is focused more on the customer than on the firm. To
redress this shortcoming, this study adopts the perspective of the firm to facilitate an understanding of digital
marketing and social media usage as well as its benefits and inhibitors. The second generation of Internetbased applications enhances marketing efforts by allowing firms to implement innovative forms of
communication and co-create content with their customers. Based on a survey of marketing managers, this
article shows that firms face internal and external pressures to adopt a digital presence in social media
platforms. Firms digital marketing engagement can be categorized according to perceived benefits and digital
marketing usage. To improve digital marketing engagement, marketers must focus on relationship-based
interactions with their customers. This article demonstrates how some firms are already accomplishing just

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Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand
In light of a growing interest in the use of social media marketing (SMM) among luxury fashion brands, this
study set out to identify attributes of SMM activities and examine the relationships among those perceived
activities, value equity, relationship equity, brand equity, customer equity, and purchase intention through a
structural equation model. Five constructs of perceived SSM activities of luxury fashion brands are
entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customization, and word of mouth. Their effects on value equity,
relationship equity, and brand equity are significantly positive. For the relationship between customer equity
drivers and customer equity, brand equity has significant negative effect on customer equity while value
equity and relationship equity show no significant effect. As for purchase intention, value equity and
relationship equity had significant positive effects, while relationship equity had no significant influence.
Finally, the relationship between purchase intention and customer equity has significance. The findings of this
study can enable luxury brands to forecast the future purchasing behavior of their customers more accurately
and provide a guide to managing their assets and marketing activities as well.

Ethical leadership: A review and future directions

Our literature review focuses on the emerging construct of ethical leadership and compares this construct with
related concepts that share a common concern for a moral dimension of leadership (e.g., spiritual, authentic,
and transformational leadership). Drawing broadly from the intersection of the ethics and leadership
literatures, we offer propositions about the antecedents and outcomes of ethical leadership. We also identify
issues and questions to be addressed in the future and discuss their implications for research and practice. Our
review indicates that ethical leadership remains largely unexplored, offering researchers opportunities for new
discoveries and leaders opportunities to improve their effectiveness.

Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior

The morality of transformational leadership has been sharply questioned, particularly by libertarians, grass
roots theorists, and organizational development consultants. This paper argues that to be truly
transformational, leadership must be grounded in moral foundations. The four components of authentic

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transformational leadership (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and

individualized consideration) are contrasted with their counterfeits in dissembling pseudo-transformational
leadership on the basis of (1) the moral character of the leaders and their concerns for self and others; (2) the
ethical values embedded in the leaders' vision, articulation, and program, which followers can embrace or
reject; and (3) the morality of the processes of social ethical choices and action in which the leaders and
followers engage and collectively pursue.
The literature on transformational leadership is linked to the long-standing literature on virtue and moral
character, as exemplified by Socratic and Confucian typologies. It is related as well to the major themes of the
modern Western ethical agenda: liberty, utility, and distributive justice Deception, sophistry, and pretense are
examined alongside issues of transcendence, agency, trust, striving for congruence in values, cooperative
action, power, persuasion, and corporate governance to establish the strategic and moral foundations of
authentic transformational leadership.

Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research


This article reviews event tourism as both professional practice and a field of academic study. The origins and
evolution of research on event tourism are pinpointed through both chronological and thematic literature
reviews. A conceptual model of the core phenomenon and key themes in event tourism studies is provided as
a framework for spurring theoretical advancement, identifying research gaps, and assisting professional
practice. Conclusions are in two parts: a discussion of implications for the practice of event management and
tourism, and implications are drawn for advancing theory in event tourism.
Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives
Scholarly research on the topic of leadership has witnessed a dramatic increase over the last decade, resulting
in the development of diverse leadership theories. To take stock of established and developing theories since
the beginning of the new millennium, we conducted an extensive qualitative review of leadership theory
across 10 top-tier academic publishing outlets that included The Leadership Quarterly,Administrative Science
Quarterly, American Psychologist, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of
Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision

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Processes, Organizational Science, and Personnel Psychology. We then combined two existing frameworks
(Gardner, Lowe, Moss, Mahoney, & Cogliser, 2010; Lord & Dinh, 2012) to provide a process-oriented framework
that emphasizes both forms of emergence and levels of analysis as a means to integrate diverse leadership
theories. We then describe the implications of the findings for future leadership research and theory.
Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance1The comments of Brad Barber, David Hirshleifer,
S.P. Kothari, Owen Lamont, Mark Mitchell, Hersh Shefrin,
Market efficiency survives the challenge from the literature on long-term return anomalies. Consistent with the
market efficiency hypothesis that the anomalies are chance results, apparent overreaction to information is
about as common as underreaction, and post-event continuation of pre-event abnormal returns is about as
frequent as post-event reversal. Most important, consistent with the market efficiency prediction that apparent
anomalies can be due to methodology, most long-term return anomalies tend to disappear with reasonable
changes in technique.
Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing
The 21st century has brought both opportunities and challenges in our global, boundaryless world.
Importantly, managers face a dynamic and interconnected international environment. As such, 21stcentury
managers need to consider the many opportunities and threats that Web 2.0, social media, and creative
consumers present and the resulting respective shifts in loci of activity, power, and value. To help managers
understand this new dispensation, we propose five axioms: (1) social media are always a function of the
technology, culture, and government of a particular country or context; (2) local events rarely remain local; (3)
global events are likely to be (re)interpreted locally; (4) creative consumers actions and creations are also
dependent on technology, culture, and government; and (5) technology is historically dependent. At the heart
of these axioms is the managerial recommendation to continually stay up to date on technology, customers,
and social media. To implement this managerial recommendation, marketers must truly engage customers,
embrace technology, limit the power of bureaucracy, train and invest in their employees, and inform senior
management about the opportunities of social media.

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Performance management and employee engagement

Many contemporary organizations are placing a greater emphasis on their performance management systems
as a means of generating higher levels of job performance. We suggest that producing performance
increments may be best achieved by orienting the performance management system to promote employee
engagement. To this end, we describe a new approach to the performance management process that includes
employee engagement and the key drivers of employee engagement at each stage. We present a model of
engagement management that incorporates the main ideas of the paper and suggests a new perspective for
thinking about how to foster and manage employee engagement to achieve high levels of job performance.


Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing
Social media outlets constitute excellent vehicles for fostering relationships with customers. One specific way
to do this is to create brand fan pages on social networking sites. Companies can place brand posts
(containing videos, messages, quizzes, information, and other material) on these brand fan pages. Customers
can become fans of these brand fan pages, and subsequently indicate that they like the brand post or
comment on it. This liking and commenting on brand posts reflects brand post popularity. In this article, we
determine possible drivers for brand post popularity. We analyze 355 brand posts from 11 international brands
spread across six product categories.


Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other
success criteria

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This paper provides some thoughts about success criteria for ISIT project management. Cost, time and quality
(The Iron Triangle), over the last 50 years have become inextricably linked with measuring the success of
project management. This is perhaps not surprising, since over the same period those criteria are usually
included in the description of project management. Time and costs are at best, only guesses, calculated at a
time when least is known about the project. Quality is a phenomenon, it is an emergent property of peoples
different attitudes and beliefs, which often change over the development life-cycle of a project. Why has
project management been so reluctant to adopt other criteria in addition to the Iron Triangle, such as
stakeholder benefits against which projects can be assessed? This paper proposes a new framework to
consider success criteria, The Square Route.


Role of social media in online travel information search


Social media are playing an increasingly important role as information sources for travelers. The goal of this
study is to investigate the extent to which social media appear in search engine results in the context of
travel-related searches. The study employed a research design that simulates a traveler's use of a search
engine for travel planning by using a set of pre-defined keywords in combination with nine U.S. tourist
destination names. The analysis of the search results showed that social media constitute a substantial part of
the search results, indicating that search engines likely direct travelers to social media sites. This study
confirms the growing importance of social media in the online tourism domain. It also provides evidence for
challenges faced by traditional providers of travel-related information. Implications for tourism marketers in
terms of online marketing strategies are discussed.
Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix
The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with
hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companies that provide them. Thus, the
impact of consumer-to-consumer communications has been greatly magnified in the marketplace. This article

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argues that social media is a hybrid element of the promotion mix because in a traditional sense it enables
companies to talk to their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to
one another. The content, timing, and frequency of the social media-based conversations occurring between
consumers are outside managers direct control. This stands in contrast to the traditional integrated marketing
communications paradigm whereby a high degree of control is present. Therefore, managers must learn to
shape consumer discussions in a manner that is consistent with the organization's mission and performance
goals. Methods by which this can be accomplished are delineated herein. They include providing consumers
with networking platforms, and using blogs, social media tools, and promotional tools to engage customers.
Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media
Traditionally, consumers used the Internet to simply expend content: they read it, they watched it, and they
used it to buy products and services. Increasingly, however, consumers are utilizing platformssuch as
content sharing sites, blogs, social networking, and wikisto create, modify, share, and discuss Internet
content. This represents the social media phenomenon, which can now significantly impact a firm's reputation,
sales, and even survival. Yet, many executives eschew or ignore this form of media because they dont
understand what it is, the various forms it can take, and how to engage with it and learn. In response, we
present a framework that defines social media by using seven functional building blocks: identity,
conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups. As different social media activities are
defined by the extent to which they focus on some or all of these blocks, we explain the implications that each
block can have for how firms should engage with social media. To conclude, we present a number of
recommendations regarding how firms should develop strategies for monitoring, understanding, and
responding to different social media activities.


The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance

For an organization to create optimal value from its investment in projects there must be a clear link between
the outputs created by the projects and the requirements of the organization's business strategy. This means
that organizations that have a structure in place for aligning the project deliverables with their organizational
goals will be better placed to realize their investment in projects, and achieve the value defined by their

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business strategies. This paper examines existing research, ideas and concepts of project governance and
enterprise project management, and offers a framework to build on current theory development and practice.
Synthesizing existing literature of project/program management, governance and portfolio management, this
paper proposes four key elements to improve the performance of projects and hence create value for
organizations. These four elements are (1) portfolio management: focused on selecting the right projects and
programs to support the organization's strategy, and terminating ones that no longer contribute to the
business success of the organization; (2) project sponsorship: providing the direct link between the executive
and the project or program manager, focused on the whole project lifecycle; (3) Project Management Office
(PMO): providing oversight and strategic reporting capabilities; (4) projects and program support: the effective
support and management of projects and programs are the measures of an effective governance system. The
purpose of the framework described in this paper is to provide guidance to organizations in the development
of effective project governance to optimize the management of projects.
The rise of''big data''on cloud computing: Review and open research issues
Cloud computing is a powerful technology to perform massive-scale and complex computing. It eliminates the
need to maintain expensive computing hardware, dedicated space, and software. Massive growth in the scale
of data or big data generated through cloud computing has been observed. Addressing big data is a
challenging and time-demanding task that requires a large computational infrastructure to ensure successful
data processing and analysis. The rise of big data in cloud computing is reviewed in this study. The definition,
characteristics, and classification of big data along with some discussions on cloud computing are introduced.
The relationship between big data and cloud computing, big data storage systems, and Hadoop technology are
also discussed. Furthermore, research challenges are investigated, with focus on scalability, availability, data
integrity, data transformation, data quality, data heterogeneity, privacy, legal and regulatory issues, and
governance. Lastly, open research issues that require substantial research efforts are summarized.

The theory of planned behavior

Research dealing with various aspects of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985 and Ajzen, 1987) is

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reviewed, and some unresolved issues are discussed. In broad terms, the theory is found to be well supported
by empirical evidence. Intentions to perform behaviors of different kinds can be predicted with high accuracy
from attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control; and these intentions,
together with perceptions of behavioral control, account for considerable variance in actual behavior. Attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control are shown to be related to appropriate sets of salient
behavioral, normative, and control beliefs about the behavior, but the exact nature of these relations is still
uncertain. Expectancy-value formulations are found to be only partly successful in dealing with these relations.
Optimal rescaling of expectancy and value measures is offered as a means of dealing with measurement
limitations. Finally, inclusion of past behavior in the prediction equation is shown to provide a means of testing
the theory's sufficiency, another issue that remains unresolved. The limited available evidence concerning this
question shows that the theory is predicting behavior quite well in comparison to the ceiling imposed by
behavioral reliability.
Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: An exploratory investigation of small and
medium B2B brands
Previous research has established the benefits of branding for business-to-business (B2B) organizations.
Various tools can be used to support B2B brands, including the internet and other interactive technologies. Yet
research on how organizations use Social Networking Sites (SNS) to achieve brand objectives remains limited.
This study addresses the gap by focusing on B2B SMEs and their social networking practices, particularly,
usage, perceived barriers, and the measurement of effectiveness of SNS as a marketing tool. Findings from a
mail survey show that over a quarter of B2B SMEs in the UK are currently using SNS to achieve brand
objectives, the most popular of which is to attract new customers. On the other hand, the most significant
barrier is the lack of perceived relevance for particular sectors. Notably, the overwhelming majority of users do
not adopt any metrics to assess SNS effectiveness. Almost half of the sample of SMEs that currently use SNS
have indicated their intention to increase their marketing spending on this channel, highlighting the growing
importance of SNS in a B2B context.
Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media

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The concept of Social Media is top of the agenda for many business executives today. Decision makers, as well
as consultants, try to identify ways in which firms can make profitable use of applications such as Wikipedia,
YouTube, Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter. Yet despite this interest, there seems to be very limited
understanding of what the term Social Media exactly means; this article intends to provide some
clarification. We begin by describing the concept of Social Media, and discuss how it differs from related
concepts such as Web 2.0 and User Generated Content. Based on this definition, we then provide a
classification of Social Media which groups applications currently subsumed under the generalized term into
more specific categories by characteristic: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social
networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds. Finally, we present 10 pieces of advice for
companies which decide to utilize Social Media.


We're all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem

Consumers are adopting increasingly active roles in co-creating marketing content with companies and their
respective brands. In turn, companies and organizations are looking to online social marketing programs and
campaigns in an effort to reach consumers where they live online. However, the challenge facing many
companies is that although they recognize the need to be active in social media, they do not truly understand
how to do it effectively, what performance indicators they should be measuring, and how they should measure
them. Further, as companies develop social media strategies, platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and
Twitter are too often treated as stand-alone elements rather than part of an integrated system. This article
offers a systematic way of understanding and conceptualizing online social media, as an ecosystem of related
elements involving both digital and traditional media. We highlight a best-practice case study of an
organization's successful efforts to leverage social media in reaching an important audience of young
consumers. Then, we conclude with several insights and lessons related to the strategic integration of social
media into a firm's marketing communications strategy.


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