Marketing Question Bank

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Q1) Discuss various approaches to marketing in detail.

Also explain the concept -Marketing

Q2) Explain the significance of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) strategies in
Q3) Buyers behavior is unpredictable, yet it is worth studying - Give your opinion. Also
discuss various factors that influence Consumer Buying Behavior.
Q4) Explain the concept of Market and competition along with various types of Market.
Q5) Define marketing. Compare traditional marketing & modern marketing concepts &
explain any 2 core concepts of marketing.
Q6) What is the significance of designing right marketing mix & altering it from time to time?
Explain with the help of suitable examples.
Q7) Write short notes on (Any Two) :
Q8) What do you mean by the term Consumer Behavior? Describe the factors influencing
buying behavior of consumers.
Q9) Discuss the nature and importance of social responsibilities of marketing Organizations.
Q10) Write notes (Any two):
Market Segmentation of Industrial Products.
Customer satisfaction Vs. Customers delight.
Buying Decision Process
Holistic marketing.
Concept of target market and positioning.
PEST Analysis.
5-step buying model.
Q11) What are the various bases of market segmentation can be done for the following productsa) Wrist watches
b) Toilet soaps
c) Foot wares.
Q12) The term selling & Marketing are frequently used in the inter changeable manner.
However, selling is merely a tip of the iceberg calling as marketing. Comment. Briefly
explain the various function of marketing.
Q13) What do you mean by marketing environments? Discuss the various types of marketing
environmental forces influencing the marketing decision.
Q14) What are the steps in buying decision Process? Explain the process of buying in case of:


A Micro-wave oven.
Formal dress

Q15) Assume that you are a marketing manager in a medium sized organization which
manufactures various types of bakery products. Now the company intends to launch
branded vegetable pizza to be sold as a bakery product all over India. Identify and
analyze the nature and extent of competition in the Indian Pizza market. Which marketing
strategies would you like to adopt deal with competition?
Q16) What do you mean by the terms-Marketing Myopia, Societal Marketing and Holistic
Marketing? Explain and distinguish between selling, concept and Marketing concept. .
Q17) "If you are able to know why and how consumers buy, what they buy, you can be
successful marketer". Explain the statement considering various aspects of consumer buying
behaviour. Describe the steps in consumer buying process.
Q18) What is meant by the terms-Macro environment and Micro environment?
Explain the term PEST analysis in the content of macro environment.
Q19) Describe the various." bases of market segmentation. As a marketing manager of a
company manufacturing variety of woolen garments, how would you segment the market for
such products to be sold all over India? Make necessary assumptions and justify your answer.
Q20) "The term marketing mix basically includes consideration of 4 Ps. However, due to
constant changes in marketing environment, few more Ps are added to the concept." Explain the
statement briefly considering the nature and importance of various elements of marketing mix.

Q. 21) Define and explain the concepts of Market Potential and Market Share.
Q. 22) Define Marketing. Distinguish between 'Selling Concept' and 'Marketing Concept'. Which
concept would you suggest for the following:
a) A super market.
b) Automobile (4 wheeler) showroom.
Q. 23) Discuss the impact of the various macro environment factors w.r.t opening of Petrol

Q.24) Describe the bases for market segmentation of consumer goods. What are the criteria for
effective market segmentation?
Q.25) Briefly describe various elements of marketing mix. Discuss the significance of suitable
marketing mix in competitive environment.
Q.26) What is meant by the term social Responsibilities of marketing organisations?
How the marketing organisations can take suitable decisions and display their responsibilities
towards various groups in the society?
Q. 27). Explain Goods & Services Continuum with the help of suitable examples.
Q.28) Explain the different Product Levels with the help of suitable examples
Q.29) Explain the concept of Product Mix with Suitable examples of your choice
Q30) ) What do you mean by Product.Explain the classification of consumer and Industrial
Product with suitable examples.

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