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Having competitive advantages, increase productivity, performance and achieving the goal, is

what every organization nowadays tries to achieve, however different publication, books and

articles have been published the way to achieve the organization needs, and different authors

agreed that satisfying the customer, motivating employee by paying incentives, recognition etc

can increase productivity also employee involvement into decision making can also motivate

employee in order to attain the goal of the organization.

Having good performance is important for the organization success organization, but there are

some signs which reduces the employee performance, one of these signs is conflict among

employee in group, employee in different groups, between employee them selves or with their

supervisors, as well as conflicts within the employee himself/herself, and the way to reduce these

conflicts is by implementing good conflict management in the organization.

Conflict management have been defined by De Dreu C.K (2000), as process of managing the

clashes or struggle between parties. However, this research will discuss more about conflict

management and how it’s directly affecting the performance. This then leads increase in

productivity, and achieving the goals of organization at large.

1.1 Objective of the research:

The objectives of this research are as follows:

• Explain the relation between conflict management and having better performance in


• Filling the gap of literature about conflict management and how its related to better

performance in organization


2.1 Theoretical framework

Task Conflict Relationship

(IV) Conflict (IV)

High t
performance (DV)
Figure 1: Independent and dependent and relationship between conflict and good
performance, which is the dependent variable for types of conflict.

2.2 Conflict and Performance

Different authors defined and explained the term organizational performance as it comprises

the actual output or results of an organization as measured against its intended outputs

McNamara.C, (2007). Aslam khan (2009) said that different types of conflict have a great impact

on organizational Performance, which can significantly reduces it.

Conflict may cause members distress and lead them to divert energies away from their

primary tasks, which would result in decreased performance (traditional approach).

Alternatively, moderate levels of conflict may invigorate organizational members and prompt

them to find creative ways to deal with on-going problems, which results in increased

performance (inter-actionist approach). However, the two basic approaches that have been

studied by Robbins, 1974, 1991 which characterize the study of organizational conflict and,

organizational performance are as follows:

• Traditional approach

• Contemporary inter-actionist view

The traditional approach, started in the 1930s, views conflict as avoidable and detrimental to

organizational performance, and thus should be eliminated. This is reflected in a body of fifty

years of sociological research, following structural functionalists such as Merton (1949) and

Parsons (1951), that is predominantly interested in problems of adjustment and social static’s

rather than social dynamics. This work focuses on the problems of maintaining existing

structures and ways and means of ensuring their smooth functioning Even today the traditional

view, that conflict and performance are inversely related, is widely held; there is still a

"pernicious, lingering tendency to attribute largely dysfunctional effects to conflict" (Lewicki et

al., 1992, p. 214).

On the other hand, the contemporary inter-actionist view emphasizes that conflict is

necessary and should be encouraged in order to maximize organizational performance. Too little

conflict lowers performance because it leads to complacency, apathy, and stagnation. Too much

conflict lowers performance because stimulation levels are too high, resulting in chaos and a

diversion of energies. Somewhere between these two extremes is a level of conflict that

facilitates optimal performance because it leads to appropriate levels of self-criticism, learning,

and innovation

2.3 conflict at work place

Different authors define the term conflict Boonsathorn. W. (2007), and Ayoko.O and

Pekerti.A(2008) agreed that conflict is the interaction of interdependent people who pervasive

incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others.

However; the potential for conflict exists whenever and wherever people have contact. As

people are organized into groups to seek a common goal, the probability of conflict greatly

increases. Since only the most serious conflicts make headlines, conflict has a negative

connotation for many people. All conflicts are not the same. We face conflicts on all levels

(Barker et al. 1987). We have disagreements with family, friends, and co-workers. "Conflicts are

rarely resolved easily. Most conflicts are managed as individuals work out differences...."

(Barker et al. 1987).

Conflict occur when individuals dislike certain people with whom they come into frequent

contact, but may tolerate their behavior on a day-to-day basis until a situation arises where strong

feelings are at issue. Such situations almost inevitably turn up, sooner or later, within any long

term community project or program. Conflict can occur within groups (intra-group conflict) or

among groups (inter-group conflict).

2.4 Conflict management

The term conflict management has been defined by Kim.T.Y et al (2007); Green.C (2007) as

practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner. However

Yu.K.H, (2007) explained that the study of conflict management is important, as it helps to

understand and resolve the organization conflict.

2.5 Source of conflict

Fisher R,(2000), distinguished different type of conflict that might occur in the organization the

sources of conflict that have been explained by Fisher R,(2000), the following table shows the

sources of conflict in the organization.

Source of conflicts

Competition for scarce It occurs when groups are allocated, and some groups are get less

resources than what they want of resource they fight for it.

Inherent conflict It is standardized procedure, rules and policies which regulate

behavior tend to reduce the likelihood of conflict. But at the same

time, resistance to the control that they impose is fostered.

Line-staff relationship Occur when there are differences in task responsibility of line and

staff member

Organizational Conflict may occur when goals are questionable and roles are not

ambiguities clearly defined.

Differences in goal and Occur when the groups within the organization often find it

values difficult to agree on action plans because they usually develop

different goals and objectives.

Table 1: Sources of conflict which have been explained by Fisher R, (2000)

2.6 Types of conflict

There are different type of conflict that occur in the organization, and by managing it in good

manner it will reflect directly to employee performance these type of conflict that this research

will focus on are as follows:

• Task conflict (cognitive conflict)

• Relationship conflict (affective conflict)

2.6.1 Task conflict (cognitive conflict)

Task conflict means disagreement within members of a team relating in a difference of

opinion, ideas or content of decision. Disagreement is very essential for health completion and

growth of an organization. Distribution of resources, procedures, guidelines, and the

interpretation of facts are examples of task conflict (Jehn, 1994, 1995; Dipaola and Hoy, 2001;

Passos and Caetano, 2005).

Task conflict can prove to be productive and augments the team performance Jehn,

(1994). It tends to come up with better decisions. Simons & Peterson (2000) argue that task

conflict promotes team members' ability and perceptions about decision-making effectiveness.

But there is no perfect relation between task conflict and performance; however task conflict

tends to reduce members’ satisfaction and commitment. It persuades superior cognitive

understanding of the issue being discussed. Task conflict and performance form the positive

aspect of relationship. It is a likelihood that in task conflict team members would have the

prospect to voice their own perspective on issues being decided by the group (Amason, 1996).

Task conflict becomes pronounced while decision taking place are complex in nature or

highly skilled in its manifestation. It leads to negativism in the development and maintainability

of the team hence performance is being marred in such like situations (De Dreu and Weingart,


2.6.2 Relationship conflict (affective conflict)

This kind of conflict emphasizes personal incompatibilities or disputes and tends to be

emotional (Amason, 1996). It also emphasizes interpersonal problems, frustration and anxiety

among participants in the decision-making process, which may evolve into anger toward the

other decision makers (Eisenhardt et al., 1997). Laios and Tzetzis (2005) state that conflict

negatively affects individual and team performance. Amason (1996) hypothesizes that decision

makers who experience higher levels of affective conflict will produce lower quality decision s,

have lower levels of understanding of their decisions, and have lower levels of commitment and

affective acceptance to their decisions.

Given the above conclusions, in addition to the possible impact of decision quality on

firm performance (Elbanna, 2006), we expect that affective conflict will lead to negative effects

on firm performance. Previous research provides strong evidence that affective conflict is

unlikely to produce a complete and accurate analysis of strategic decisions; consequently, they

negatively affect organizational outcome s (e. g. Nutt, 1993). In conclusion, affective conflict

may lead to poor behavior in organization; this may increase the possibility of poor performance

and unsuccessful decisions.

2.7 Social-conflict theory:

It’s a theory which have been defined by Marxist based theory that argues individuals and

group within the society have different amount of material and non-material resources, therefore

the more powerful group use their power in order to exploits group with less power.

3.0 Hypothesis

H1 Task conflict has significant relation with organization performance.

The above statement means that when task conflict occurs inside the organization it can

reduce the organization performance, however managing this type of conflict can increase the

organization performance. It said that task conflict can prove to be productive and augments the

team performance (Aslam Khan. 2009)

H2 Affective conflict in organization will be negatively associated with organization


On top of the statement means that when the affective conflict happen inside the

organization it can decrease the organization performance if the manager of the organization did

not cope with the problem arise from this type of conflict. Scholar said that that affective conflict

is unlikely to produce a complete and accurate analysis of strategic decisions; consequently, they

negatively affect organizational outcomes (Elbana.S, 2009).

4.0 Discussion

The purpose of this study has been to examine the role of affective and task conflict in

determining organization performance. We find strong support for H1 and H2 that task and

affective conflict is negatively related to organization performance. The evidence strongly

supports the contention that decision makers who utilize task and affective conflict negatively

affect their firm performance.

5.0 Conclusion

As author mentioned, conflict is multidimensional, with both task and relationship forms.

Hence, it is expected that if we can manage type of conflict that author have mentioned above it

will plays a positive role in organization performance, while if organization did not manage well

the conflict will play s a negative role. However, we addressed only two type of conflict in this

study namely, task and affective conflict. Hence, further researchers might examine different

kinds of conflict in order to explain the different roles which they can play better roles in

organization performance.

6.0 Reference

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