Journal Abortion

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Erlangga Agustino Landiyanto

Abortion Policy in Indonesia / 1

Abortion Policy in Indonesia:

Rights, Law and Religious Perspectives1

Erlangga Agustino Landiyanto2

Abortion became major issue in Indonesia. There are a lot

of controversies behind the policy of abortion, but
generally there are two poles of perspectives, pro-choice
and pro-life. This paper tries to see abortion from different
way and discuss macro-perspective of abortion from
religious and legal perspectives as well as provides microanalysis from individual perspectives to find the reasons
why the women need to do abortion. With concerning to
local and rights perspectives, this paper attempts to provide
alternative or third perspective of abortion in Indonesia and
provide alternative policy recommendation for this issue

Key Words: Abortion, religion, rights, law

ThePaper was Presented at 5th Asia and Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Social Health
and Rights, Beijing, 18th-20th of October 2009
Alumni of Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR) Mahidol University Thailand and
Faculty of Economics Airlangga University Indonesia

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Erlangga Agustino Landiyanto

Abortion Policy in Indonesia / 2

1. Background
Millions of Indonesian women become pregnant involuntarily because of
many reasons every year. Many of the women decided to terminate their
pregnancies even those abortions3 are generally illegal according to Indonesian
Law and Indonesian social system. Similar problems are also faced by their
counterparts in many developing countries where abortion is stigmatized and
highly restricted. The women who dont have access to legal abortion often try to
end their pregnancy by their-self through consume specific foods (Pineapple,
Black Beer etc) and beverages as well as do specific activities (jump many times)
those are believed can stop their pregnancy and/or look for illegal abortions that
usually performed by unskilled providers with unsafe methods that might be
danger for the mothers (Guttmacher Institute, 2008; Susilo and Lestari, 2003).
According Guttmacher Institute (2008), the death rate from unsafe
abortion4 is relatively high, about 14 to 16 percent in Southeast Asia. Based on the
research conducted by University of Indonesia that was quoted by Susilo and
Lestari (2003), the estimation number of abortions in Indonesia is about 2,000,000
per year. Based on death rate from unsafe abortion in Southeast Asia and the
number of abortions in Indonesia, we can estimate that 300,000 Indonesian
women die because of unsafe abortion every year.
There are a lot of controversies behind the policy to reduce the death rate
from unsafe abortions. On one side, human rights activists and pro-choice activists
suggest a rights based approach for dealing with abortion choices and improving
quality of the providers to reduce the death rates because of abortion
(Staggenborg, 1991; Boonin 2003). On the other side, pro-life activists are against
abortion practices, based on moral, political, legal, and religious perspectives
(Beckwith, 2007).
Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world and has strong
religious culture. Legalization of abortion as proposed by pro-choice activists will
take a lot of political and social cost. On the other hand, pro-life activists cant
seem to provide alternative ways that are appropriate for Indonesia to reduce
abortion. Based on the reasons above, it is important to find a way to reduce
unsafe abortion in Indonesia, but we cannot expect to follow both pro-life and
pro-choices. Is there alternative way to reduce number of death because of unsafe
abortion in Indonesia?
To answer the question, this paper provide macro-analysis of abortion
from religious and legal perspectives and provide micro-analysis from individual
perspectives to find the reasons why the women need to do abortion and formulate
policy recommendations for alternative intervention based on the finding of
abortion reasons to directly reduce the unsafe abortion and the need of abortion
and indirectly, we can expect to reduce maternal death because of unsafe abortion.
To accommodate the purposes, this paper will be presented as follows:
The second section of this paper will explore the discourse of religious

An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus

from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death
an unsafe abortion is the termination of an unintended pregnancy either by persons lacking the
necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards, or both

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Abortion Policy in Indonesia / 3

perspectives of abortion and existing abortion policy in Indonesia from macroperspectives. The third section will explore abortion reasons and decision making
from micro-perspectives. The fourth section will discuss the policy perspectives of
abortion and providing alternatives interventions based on discussion in second
and third section.
2. Macro-analysis of abortion

Abortion and Religion

Majority of Indonesian are Muslim. Islam is a diverse religion, and its
interpretation differs among the Muslim world. There are 5 Muslim taughts:
Hanafi, Maliki, Syafii, Hanbali, and Jafari which have difference interpretation on
Islamic law and jurisprudence (Sciortino et al, 1996). In cases where Islamic
jurisprudence is unclear, religious leaders will issue fatwa (nonbinding religious
edicts) to provide guidance to Muslim society (Mudhzar, 1993).
Discussions on abortion have a long history in Muslim thought. Most
Islamic scholars agreed abortions were allowed if pregnancies ended before soul
enters the fetus (Hessini, 2007) and because of specific reasons, which may
include: rape, specific health problem for children or physical complications for
the mother (Hewitt, 2004).
In Indonesia, there are different views among Muslim leaders about when
soul enters the human body and until when abortion permitted. Followers of Imam
Hanafi considered abortion acceptable for up to 120 days after conception
(Wahid, 1999), while followers of Syafii believed that abortion must only take
place within 40 days of conception (Guttmacher Institute, 2008).
Muslim leaders in Indonesia also have different views about the
permissible abortion. Muhammadiyahs Ulama perceived that abortion is
forbidden because of destroying value of life. In other side, most of Muslim
leaders under the umbrella of Nahdlatul Ulama, the biggest Muslim organization
in Indonesia, perceive that abortions can be done for the specific reasons
(Sciortino et al, 1996; Wahid, 1999).
The Council of Indonesian Ulama or Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)5 is
playing a significant role in discussing abortion law reform and more attention is
being given to social and medical reason for abortion. Statement of council of
Indonesian Ulama (MUI) at National Conference of Ulama on Population, Health
and Development was in line with The Muhammadiyahs belief on abortion but
also try to accommodate NUs perceptions. MUI stated that abortion practices in
any forms and any stages, including menstrual regulation, are forbidden in Islam
(haram) except if the pregnancies endanger the life of mother (Mudzar, 1993).
MUI re-formulate Islamic jurisprudence about abortion trough Fatwa MUI
No. 4/ 2005. The component of fatwa as follow (MUI, 2005):

MUI is council of Indonesian Muslim leader and expert in Muslim laws in Indonesia

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1. Abortion is haram if it done after implantation of blastocyst6 on

2. Abortion is permitted in case of emergency or hajat.
a. It is permissible to carry out abortion in case of emergency, and with
the purpose of saving the life of a pregnant woman. The emergency
cases are defined as follows:
1. Pregnant woman have severe physical illness like advanced
stage of cancer, tuberculosis caverna and other severe
illness which should be decided by medical doctor team.
2. In case pregnancy is dangerous for life of a pregnant
b. It is permissible to carry out abortion in case of hajat. The hajat
cases are defined as follows:
1. Embryo or fetus has genetic disadvantage or illness that
when he / she delivered, it will be difficult to be cured.
2. Pregnancy because of rape. Pregnancy category, whether it
is because of rape or not, is decided by team with special
authority (Victims family, medical doctor, and Muslim
c. Abortion because of point b above should be done before fetus
get 40 days old.
3. Abortion is haram for pregnancy which was caused by fornication or
Legal status of the fatwa is having no legal power and no legally binding
(Susetyo7, Personal Communication, December 24, 2008). It is only influence to
social and religious affair of Indonesian Muslim society. But, the implementation
of MUIs Fatwa about abortion is usually supported by two biggest Muslim
organizations in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, which total
member of both represent majority Indonesian Muslim and have strong influence
to Indonesian politics and legal system. It means that the fatwa might be a one of
references for political decision and policy making
Perceptions of Muslim thought on abortion are similar with other religions
like Catholic or other Christian in Indonesia. A survey result of 105 Muslim,
Catholic and other Christian religious leaders in Yogyakarta that was conducted
by Ford Foundation and Center for Population and Policy Studies, University of
Gadjah Mada (Guttmacher Institute, 2008), show that the majority of religious
leaders in survey area (82%) agreed that abortion is acceptable if pregnancy is
danger for women life. Most of religious leaders believe that a womans life is
more important than the fetuss life, because she is needed to taking care her
children and family.
The survey results also show that Muslim leaders have a more tolerant
perception on abortion than their Christian counterparts. For example, while most

The blastocyst is the structure formed in early embryogenesis, after the formation of the
blastocoel, but before implantation
Heru Susetyo is Lecturer of Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

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religious leaders did not agree that abortion can be executed if the pregnancy
would negatively affect to education of women or affect to psychological health
of women, the proportion of Muslim leaders who supported abortion of these
issues are higher than Christian leaders. Additionally, while no Christian leaders
on that survey supported terminating pregnancies because of contraceptive failure,
some Islamic leaders considered that abortion practices because of this reason are
acceptable (Guttmacher Institute, 2008).
Abortion in Indonesian legal system
Abortion and related issues have been stipulated in Indonesian law. Two
major laws that regulated abortion are Indonesian penal code and Law No.
23/1992 on Health. The implementations of both laws are supported by
Indonesian Medical Doctor Code of Conduct. Detail statements of the laws as
a. KUHP (Indonesian Penal Code)
According Indonesian Penal Code, abortion is a criminal activity and will
be punished under the law. The punishment is vary depend on who made
the decision for abortion and impact of the abortion to the mother. Who
was involve in abortion or who help abortion process also will be
punished. If a physician, the midwife or pharmacists involve in abortion,
they will not only get legal punishment but also professional punishment
(Indonesian Penal Code, Republic of Indonesia). Detail abortion related
articles on Indonesian Penal Code can be found at the annex.
b. Law No. 23/1992 on Health defines abortion as illegal except for specific
purposes. Section 2, paragraph (1 and 2) states:
In case of emergency, and with the purpose of saving the life of a
pregnant woman or her fetus, it is permissible to carry out certain
medical procedures. Medical procedures in the form of abortion, for any
reason, are forbidden as they violate legal norms, ethical norms, and
norms of propriety. Nevertheless, in case of emergency and with the
purpose of saving the life of a pregnant woman and/or the fetus in her
womb, it is permissible to carry out certain medical procedures
(Republic of Indonesia, 1992 as cited in Utomo, 2003).
c. Indonesian Medical Doctor Code of Conduct
Section 7b of the code of conduct mentioned that Medical Doctors are not
permitted to do abortion (abortus provocatus or induced abortion) except
if abortion is the only way for saving the life of mother. Medical
indication of pregnant woman that is dangerous for her continuing
pregnancy can be change by the time and medical technology
advancement. Tuberculosis or hypertension cant be used as indication to
undergo abortion anymore. Decision to conduct abortion should be done
by minimum two medical doctors with written agreement from the
pregnant woman, his husband or other closed family members. Abortion
should be in hospital which has enough appropriate facilities (Indonesian
Medical Doctor Association, 2004).

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Thus there is disharmony between Indonesian Penal Code and Law No.
23/1992 on Health. The penal code stated that abortion is forbidden. Contrary, the
Law No. 23/ 1992 stated that abortion is permitted for specific reason. For the
interpretation, we should follow the concept of Lex Specialis Derogat Lex
Generalis, which means that the recent law overrides the previous law or the
specific law overrides the general law. In this case, we should refer to the Law
No. 23 on health.
But, if we refer to the Law No. 23 on Health, we will never found practical
practical guideline about when abortion can be done. The law only mentions in
case of emergency and with the purpose of saving the life of a pregnant woman
and/or the fetus in her womb, it is permissible to carry out certain medical
procedures The law only mention about emergency condition and not other
conditions as discussion on legal law perspectives. Additionally, there is no
practical guideline about what is the emergency condition? And also
contradictive sentences about saving the life of a pregnant woman and/or the
fetus in her womb If we would like to saving the life of mother through abortion,
we cant expect to safe the fetuss life. If we would like to safes the life of both
mother and fetus, it cannot be categorized as abortion and of course there is no
laws forbid the medical procedures to save mother and fetus.
In practical guidelines, there are different interpretations about criteria of
emergency and dangerous pregnancy for women between the fatwa from MUI as
religious rule and the code of conduct of Indonesian Medical Doctor Association
as practical rule of medical doctor. The multi-interpretations about when the
pregnancy is dangerous of women will affect to incorrect decision making,
especially on the grass root level. Unfortunate if women become a victim of the
miss-understanding between medical and religious perspectives.

3. Micro-analysis of abortion
Unwanted Pregnancy
According Singh et al (1997), the major reason of both married women
and unmarried woman to find induced abortion is unwanted pregnancy. The
majorities of women who look for an induced abortion are married or live in a
stable union and have several children with economic constraint to have a more
child. The other major group is young unmarried women who look for an induced
abortion because social constraint to have baby without formal marriage.
Unwanted pregnancy may occur for various following reasons:
Millions of women and men either do not have access to appropriate
contraceptive methods. Based on Indonesian demographic health survey
2003, 39.7% of currently married women and 98% of currently married
men Indonesia have insufficient access to modern methods of
Tautz (2004) and Susilo and Lestari (2003) mentioned that there are no
100 percent effective contraceptive methods. Even if all contraceptive
users were to use methods perfectly all the time. Thus, even with high

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rates of contraceptive use, un-wanted pregnancies will occur which

women may seek to end by induced abortion. According Scortino (1998),
there is case that women in Indonesia who use IUD for 5 years and it
failed, and she have to seek for abortion because she was not prepared for
continue pregnancy.
Tautz (2004) also mentioned that many people do not have adequate
information and support to use contraceptives effectively or do not always
manage to use them perfectly. In other hand, Susilo and Lestari (2003)
mentioned that there is 9% of couples in reproductive ages who dont want
to have pregnancy but dont use contraception.
Sexual coercion and rape: Womens right of sexual self-determination is
restricted in many societies. Unwanted pregnancy caused through rape is a
particular concern in conflict and refugee situations (Tautz, 2004). In
Indonesia, it shouldnt be reason for seeking illegal abortion because
termination abortion because of rape is legally considerable.
Pregnancy status change and man irresponsibility: Pregnancies can also
change from being wanted to becoming unwanted through changing of
social status of pregnancy such as unstable or changing relationships or
rejection of fatherhood (Tautz, 2004; Utomo, 2003).
Fear of punishment: In the case of adolescents, fear of negative parental
reactions, social stigmatization to a pregnancy or of drop out from school
may lead to the decision of pregnancy termination (Tautz, 2004; Utomo,
Social and economic reasons: poverty or economic constraint is major
reason for married women to have more children. Fear of job loss and of
social stigmatization is one of reason for unmarried women in case of
unwanted pregnancy and consideration of undergo abortion (Tautz, 2004).

Abortion Decision Making:

The Indonesian life is complex, multifaceted and ruled by multiple formal
and traditional legal systems. The abortion decision of married and unmarried
women in Indonesia are affected by social constraint, legal system, unwillingness
to consult the legal medical services and desire for privacy (Surjadjaja, 2007).
According WHO (1978), the decision making process facing unmarried
women with unwanted pregnancy involve an interaction between her individual
psychology, social pressure and the willingness of services provider to undergo
abortion. According the Guttmacher Institute (2008) and Utomo (2003),
unmarried women of Indonesia with unwanted pregnancies face difficult choices:
giving birth and facing social stigmatization as well as loss of family or parental
support; or undergo an illegal abortion, risking serious injury or death by
bleeding, infections etc.
For young unmarried women or adolescents with unwanted pregnancy,
ignorance may be the first and major constraint. She might be not sure whether
she is pregnant and is ashamed to ask advice from family or friends. She is often
unaware of other sources of help, even when the sources are available. Her age,
education, social class and career expectation will affect her decision whether she

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will continue her pregnancy or do abortion. Her possibility and desire to continue
the pregnancy are subject to personal decision (WHO, 1978; Utomo, 2003).
The problem of abortion choices were faced pregnant married women are
different than unmarried women but equally complex (WHO, 1978). In Indonesia,
with strong kinship systems and strong social control on sexual, marital and
reproductive activity of the young, demand for abortion is most likely to derive
from married women who have large families and economic constraint or married
women who are not ready to have more children (Guttmacher Institute, 2008).
The decision to seek abortion depends on relationships between the woman with
her husband or her family. According Sciortino (1998), there are cases that
services provider in Indonesia would not undergo legal abortion without
permission from her husband or family.
4. Policies Analysis and Recommendation
As mentioned in section two, Indonesian Law, informal legal system, like
religious law as well as formal legal system has flexibility for women with
unwanted pregnancy to undergo abortion under specific requirement. But formal
legal system still cant able to provide clear guidelines for abortion and will bring
stakeholders on the multi-perceptions.
The one of major problem related with the Indonesian laws on abortion is
misinterpretation and lack of understanding of women with unwanted pregnancy
as well as lack of understanding of abortion provider about which one permitted
abortion and which one forbidden about abortion under the laws.
Sometimes, women with unwanted pregnancy are afraid to have a legal
abortion because they think it is illegal although in their cases might be
categorized as legal, because they have misperception about law related with
abortion and are afraid of the legal consequences.
Moreover, health practitioners sometimes are also afraid to carry out a
legal abortion and refuse the women who are seeking save abortion because they
dont have clear understanding which one permitted abortion and which one
forbidden. Because of those reasons, women with unwanted pregnancy have to
seek illegal or unsafe abortion.
Therefore, socialization about the laws with clear practical translation
should positively affect on reducing illegal or unsafe abortion in the short term. In
the long term, legal improvement, especially revision of the laws to avoid multiinterpretations, should be effective ways.
The legal improvement approach should in line with capacity
improvement to provide save abortion and counseling. We have to make sure that
the women who with rights to undergo abortion under the laws know how to and
have access to counseling and safe abortion.
The legal improvement might be able to reduce the proportion of unsafe
abortion from the women who need to undergo abortion, but the legal cant reduce
the number of women who need to undergo abortion. To reduce the demand of
abortion, we have to know what the major reasons for abortion or the root of
abortion decision making are.

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As discussed in section three, the root of abortion decision making is

unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, legalization abortion might be not right solution
to reduce unsafe abortion Indonesia, because legalization abortion not only cant
reduce unwanted pregnancy as real causes of abortion but also has huge social and
political cost in Indonesian context.
Strategies for reducing unwanted pregnancy can be effective strategy to
reduce unsafe abortion in the long term. Base on discussion about unwanted
pregnancy on part three, the strategy to reduce unwanted pregnancy can be
formulated as follow:
a. Improving access and quality of contraceptive. First and foremost,
improve access to and quality of contraceptive methods and services
should be ensured and continually. Second, eliminate barriers that
currently limit womens and mens access to contraception. In many cases
women become pregnant because contraceptive means and services are not
available, or financially, culturally, geographically not accessible, or
because they are not effective.
b. Improving knowledge, attitude, and behavior about the right way to use
contraceptive. In some cases women become pregnant because the couple
didnt have enough understanding about right way how to use
c. Men involvement. As discussed at section three, some pregnancy became
unwanted because of refusal of fatherhoods or unstable relationships, male
responsibility in pregnancy is very important. Legal advocacies to address
responsibility of men on pregnancy under the law is very important to
reduce abortion because this cause.
d. Integrating family planning with income generation and poverty
alleviation program. As discuss in chapter three, economic constraint is
one of major reason of unwanted pregnancy of married women. Income
generation can be effective arm to directly reduce unwanted pregnancy
and indirectly reduce abortion on poor women.
e. Improving access of unmarried women with unwanted pregnancy to
schooling. Fear of expulsion from school may one of major reason of
adolescent with unwanted pregnancy to undergo abortion. Advocacies to
change school policy and education system for accepting pregnant women
are one of possible strategy to reducing unsafe abortion in adolescent.
f. Improving access of women with unwanted pregnancy to keep their jobs.
Fear of expulsion from occupation may one of unmarried women with
unwanted pregnancy, especially who working for blue collars jobs, to
undergo abortion. Advocacies to change industrial relation for accepting
pregnant women are one of possible strategy to reducing unsafe abortion.
g. Social advocacy to society. We need to ensure society aware that delivers
the baby for unmarried women is better than undergo abortion. Some of
unmarried pregnant women do abortion because they afraid with social
punishment. We can advocate the right of life and we can expect that
community can provide support to unmarried women to take care with
baby with appropriate advocacy.

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5. Conclusion
Millions of Indonesian women become pregnant involuntarily, and many
of them choose to end their pregnancies, despite the fact that abortion is generally
illegal. There are a lot of controversies behind policy to reduce the death rate
because unsafe abortion. This paper provides alternatives ways to reduce unsafe
abortion trough reducing unwanted pregnancy from Indonesian perspectives.
The major strategies are legal reform, communication and advocacies.
Socialization about abortion law in Indonesia should be important part in the
strategy. Improving the quality and quality of contraceptive access as well as
advocacies for schooling, working place and society are important arm for the
implementation of the strategy.
This paper is only proposes brief of alternative ideas to reduce unsafe
abortion and demand of abortion. This paper did not provide comprehensive
strategy for it. I hope this paper can influence the development of further
intervention strategy or further research to find alternative strategies for reducing
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