Questionnaire Factors Affecting For The Performance of Insurance Agents

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Factors affecting for the performance of Insurance Agents


How old are you?

(a) Less than 30 ( )

(b) 31-41 ( )

(c) 41-50 ( )

(d) over 50 ( )


How long have you been working for AVIVA NDB Insurance Bandarawela?


Is this your first job in insurance field? (a) Yes ( )


(b) No ( )

Did you work for another insurance company or AVIVA NDB insurance before?
Yes ( )


No ( )

How long? (a) less than1yr ( )


(b) 2-5 ( )

(c) 6-9 ( )

(d) over 10 ( )

Why did you join with the AVIVA NDB Insurance PLC? Please rank the reason/s.
(a) As a good social service

( )

(b) Because of the reputation of the company

( )

(c) To earn a higher income/commission

( )

(d) Interested about insurance sector

( )


Are you a full time or a part time worker?

(a) Full time ( )


Have you got a proper training about your job from this company?

(b) Part time ( )

Yes ( )


( )
a. If the answer is no, what are the fields that you expect further training?


What is the wealth planner category that you are currently performing?
(a) Premier wealth planner

( )
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(b) Privileged wealth planner 1&2

( )

(c) Senior wealth planner

( )

(d) Wealth planner 1&2

( )

(e) Associate wealth planner 1&2

( )

8. Are you doing a stressful job?

(a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

If the answer is yes, give reasons.

9. Are you satisfied with your job?

(a) Fully satisfied ( ) (b) Satisfied ( ) (c) average ( ) (d) dissatisfied ( ) (e) Fully dissatisfied ( )

If the answer is dissatisfied give reasons

10. Do you satisfied with the commission that you get with compared to the current economic conditions?
(a) Fully satisfied ( ) (b) Satisfied ( ) (c) average ( ) (d) dissatisfied ( ) (e) Fully dissatisfied ( )

If the answer is dissatisfied give reasons

11. Do you plan your work at the beginning of each week and month?
(a) Yes

( )

(b) No

( )

a. Are you taking progress report of your work and analyze the progress at the end of each week
and month?
(a) Yes

( )

(b) No

( )

b. If the answer is no, give reasons (here also same, keep sufficient space)
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12. Do the sales of insurance products differ with the customers profession?
(a) Yes

( )

(b) No

( )

a. What is the Reason for that?

13. What are the products that you usually sell? Rank them according to the number of policies
youve sold (give time period e.g last month, last year, ect..)?
(a) Pension plan

( )

(b) Pension plus

( )

(c) Savings plan

( )

(d) Savings plus

( )

(e) Investment Plan

( )

14. By selling which products you personally most benefited? Please rank them according to level of
(a) Pension plan

( )

(b) Pension plus

( )

(c) Savings plan

( )

(d) Savings plus

( )

(e) Investment Plan

( )

a. What is the reason for the ranking order?

15. How many customers do you handle per month?
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(a) 1-10 ( )

(b) 11-10 ( )

(c) 11-15 ( )

(d) 16-20 ( )

(e) above 21 ( )

16. How many new customers do you get per month? (New proposals)
(a) 01-05 ( )

(b) 06-20 ( )

(c) 21-30 ( )

(d) above 31 ( )

17. Are you briefing the following areas to the new customers when you are going to sell a new
(a) Product features

( )

(b) Competitive advantages of AVIVA NDB product

( )

(c) Disadvantages of the product

( )

(d) Premium paying methods

( )

18. How do you find out information about new customers? Rank them.
(a) By friends ( )

(b) by existing customers ( )

(d) By internally & externally collected data ( )

(c) by company records ( )

(e) other

( )

19. How do you contact your customers? Rank them.

(a) Face to face ( )

(b) Telephone ( )

(c) Internet ( )

(e) Postal ( )

20. What are the basic problems that you face when handling the customers?
(a) Communication problems

( )

(b) Lack of knowledge about the products and current market condition

( )

(c) As the most customers are busy with their work, lack of time to contact them

( )

(d) Traveling difficulties

( )

21. What are the qualifications that you think you have related to your job?
(a) Openness & experience

( )

(b) Honesty & self-discipline

( )

(b) Positive attitudes& self-confidence

( )

(c) Enthusiasm and accepting risk

( )
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(d) Patience &sensibleness

( )

22. Do you receipt the money collection of customers premiums on time? (a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

a. If the answer is no, give reasons?

23. Do you think that the new customers are having positive attitudes about the insurance sector?
(a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

24. Have you been properly informed by the branch on the policies that is laps and going to be laps?
(a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

b. If the answer is yes, what are the actions that you take to overcome that problem? Rank them.
(a) Give them a telephone call and ask to pay the premium on time

( )

(b) Go and meet the customers and ask them to pay the premium on time

( )

(c) Find out the reasons for nonpayment of premiums on time& give instructions

( )

(d) Do nothing

( )

25. According to your knowledge what are the reasons of policies becoming laps? Rank them.
(a) Bad effects Inflation & dividend rates

( )

(b) Cannot afford the living expenses due to the current economic crisis

(c) Negative attitudes about AVIVA NDB Insurance & its faithfulness

( )

(d) Other competitors try to break down the existing policies and sell their products

26. What are the major insurance companies that have become a threat for you? Rank them according
to the agents that have been a completion for you.
(a) Sri Lanka Insurance
( )

( )

(b) Janashakthi

(d) Union assurance

( )

(e) none

( )

(c) Ceylinco

( )
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27 Do you think that the companies given targets are achievable? (a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

If the answer is no, give reasons.

28. Are you properly keeping records on customer details? (a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

29. How often you update your performance in your wealth planner account?
(a) Every week ( )

(b) every month ( )

(c) every month ( )

(d) Never ( )

30. Do you usually improve / update your knowledge about the insurance?
(a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

a. If the answer is yes, mention the ways

31. How about your computer literacy?
(a) Very good ( )

(b) Good ( )

(c) Average ( )

(d) Bad ( )

(e) very bad ( )

32. Is there a good relationship among the wealth planners group? (a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

33. Do you think that working as an individual wealth planner is effective than working with a team?
(a) Yes

( )

(b) No

( )

a. If so give reasons?
34. Have you been properly appreciated by the company and the manager for covering monthly
targets? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )
35. Do you think that the branch manager & staff is corporation with all wealth planners performance
and progress? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )
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If no give reasons?

36. Does the company organize events for your entertainment? (a) Yes ( )

(b) No ( )

a. Mention them

b. Do you participate for them? Yes ( )

No ( )

c. If the answer is no, give reasons?

37. Do you think that the place where the Bandarawela branch located is attractive and an advantage
for serving customers? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )
38. What are the basic problems / threats faced by AVIVA NDB Insurance Bandarawela? Rank them.
(a) Completion by other companies

( )

(b) Unattractive Office location

( )

(c) Lack of office staff and their efficiency

( )

(d) The negative opinions of the people in Bandarawela area about insurance

( )

39. Are you satisfied with the company procedure?

(a) Fully satisfied ( ) (b) Satisfied ( ) (c) average ( ) (d) dissatisfied ( ) (e) Fully dissatisfied ( )

If the answer is dissatisfied give reasons


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40. What are the other motivations that you expect from the side of company for your performance
growth? Please rank them.
(a) Promotions

( )

(b) Commission increments

( )

(c) More appreciations by the manager, internal staff & other wealth planners

( )

(d) More guidance and instructions

( )

(e) More entertainment activities

( )

41. What are your professional major goals and objectives? Rank Them
(a) To be a premier wealth planner

( )

(b)To be a most trusted wealth planner

( )

(c) To maximize your income/commission as much as possible

( )

(d)To provide a better social service to the public

( )

(e)To have the maximum number of policy

( )

(f) To have minimum number of laps policies

( )

42. What are your attitudes towards insurance sector?

43. What are your suggestions on the progress of the wealth planners as well as the Bandarawela


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