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THE GUARDS COUNTERATTACK Scenario 1 Rules Introduced: Sections 1—21 VICTORY CONDITIONS iniallyocupied by the Germans than they love of their own iil stone buildings to complete German occupation, OR have «favorable 3:1 ‘ato Russian German) ol unbroken suadeat gameen, To becompletly foccuped in you favor no enemy Squad or acer canbe tte ling st tame end and your forces must have ben the lst o have okie any ex {tthe building with an unbroken unt, The German wins by avoiding the Soviet victory conditions. TURN RECORD CHART STALINGRAD, October 6, 1982: Alteran extremely suessfl summer the Germanscarse uponthe Volga fortress of Stalingrad. Here the Russians ha dupa and were determined to makes nang. Sensing total victory, he Germans trew more and more troops ino the fighting But forthe fst time German inant) Lound the Rssaans her el Rebtfed bs the si. ressance, the Germans commited crak assault enginets. Gradually the {Germans cleared one blek and then another, only to lose them agin f0 ‘iden Rossin counterattacks. By October 5 the German had almost taken the Key Drstheinky Tractor Works, However. the fighting had been oumterattacked with ther crack 3th Guard to break the inthe Gera tad thrown around the factory and seinorce the defenders Board Configuration A =e 1| 2/3 [4] 5 |» | aw a. me ee 4 Ae | AA |TE] [AB LAS| TE] Als] £4 invuiing ey a3 te i i fA 48 | 3 ‘lemenis ofthe 308 RIFLE DIVISION In building Ni In building 32 In building M2 In bulding N2 * @ [Rete i & EAL US 3 ene of rt Fe Re 12 8220003 SPECIAL RULES VARIATIONS R7938 1.4 In all scenarios, units may deploy anywhere within the designate ling. no justin the designated hex ted to idem the baling. 1A: Optional upon agreement of both payers THE TRACTOR WORKS Scenario 2 STALINGRAD, October 6, 19: While pushing into the industria area of the ey. advancing ements of the 39t Infanty have soltedacoatngent ff the 30th Rie Dison in the Ke Dneterinaky Tractor Works. The Germans have decided to crush this sind of resstanee and Yo help, Re brought up crack team of anal engneer. However the Rssans have noted a erica weaken inthe ring around the Tractor Works nd BAve ‘ecded to launch a major counteatack to Feleve ther parison there Board Configuration N Rules Introduced: Sections 22—26 VICTORY CONDITIONS “The side ending the game with undisputed contro of atleast six exes othe Tractor Works (1X3) win. Aides conadered a como hex twas the last to occupy that Rex with an unbroken ani. hex containing unis of bo sides ia Cone Combat ts controlled by nite side. only onside has ‘sn unbroken unt nthe Tractor Works at game ond tat sige the winner Iaith side ends the game in control of exes ofthe Trtor Works orn Sole possession of the bulding the game is «dra TURN RECORD CHART Seopa op ee 1/2} 3 4|5[6[7 8 [so Elements ofthe 39h I Kamptgruppe Stabe UR Ta, RIT? setup second after sian 3080 units ‘Kampfaruppe Tenham—deploy in buildings Y8. CCT. AAS: | =] 44] 22] 48] 2 | [a5] se] 82 [44] 48 Co A. Asal Engineer Battalion Sd—depioy in buildings AAS, CC, YE Smoke counters are removed from game afer inal se 42 | BA) Sb) oF |e areson of the 306th RIFLE Division—set up frst in Tractor Works (bilging X3) rape | ke | AAG] 13 | EE | AR]? ae as 18 Re) me] ts] AA 274 SPECIAL RULES 2.1 German engineer’ smoke laying capacity is restricted to a total of 6 ‘ounmers inthis scenario 2.2 All Russian unite in Tractor Works et fasts benefit (26) while in VARIATIONS 2A: Optional upon agreement of both players THE STREETS OF STALINGRAD Scenario 3 Rules Introduced: Sections 27—41 VICTORY CONDITIONS ‘Winnings base upon saistyngthe victory condition of scenarios Land? Weach side full oe victory condition, the pame ia draw: If par fail one victory condition and draw the oer it win, A decse oF double victory achieved when a player fil oth victory conditions. TURN RECORD CHART STALINGRAD, October 6, 182: This scenario joins Scenario | and 2 ‘opethe as one combined game. In adition othe oem two player game, this scenario makes for a Bood team game forfour player. Board Configuration A VARIATIONS 3A: Ui Sener Mosement Seton 27. 3; Ute Armor Suppoet: Sections 28 2C: Utne both Sener Movement & Armor Suppo SD: Options upon agreement of bath players SPECIAL RULES [MU exact Onder of Bate and setup instructions provided in Scenarios np Scenario | fore prior o deploying Scenario counter ‘move on ork have of the board sans may ure Sewer Movement (27) 3.3 German armor may delay entry one turn and thereafter enter on any southern oe easter edge hes END) 3) 4/5] 6 Armor Support: Variant 38 only Enter on Turn 3 during the German Movement Phase als ar x Se?) eee a9 75° 6/-| 108 6/- on rad hex Y10 and jor GGS-GG6, Enter on Turn 2 during the Russian Movement Phase {16 * ft 76 4. AFTERMATH Both the German and Soviet attacks amped offatabout the same time, and reinforcement value was much ste. The atautenginers had done their Work and another ehunt ofthe factory was taken, but they too had taken hea eastates and thet atack soon petted out witha dc hard group of Rossans sill hanging on oa corner ofthe Works, The overl rest was thatthe Russians had recaptored afew ety blocks, but were al being eroded in the factory. Neither side, despite desperate efforts with high Easualies, was able to achieve a dechive esl tt da. In essence waka raw with both ids pouring fresh oops into those enact same Blocks Shore many more men would di inthe days ahead THE HEDGEHO Scenario 4 VICTORY CONDITIONS The Soviet plaser wins by being the lax fo occupy exclusively with an Unbroken unitallstone buldingson board. The German wins) avoxing Rusia victory conditions TURN RECORD CHART G OF PIEPSK PIEPSK, Central Russia, Nov. 4,194: Despite shea beating the Soviet, ‘rm wat stil holding the ea and in some areas, giving better than they {50 However, the German ranks were tinnng out as thelr manpower ‘esoures were called upon ime and again fight jus one mre battle. Very ‘fea, an catve ection of Ch Raw woul! be held by occoyying the et ‘ilage in that aren wth remnants ofa Battle weary company. With winter ‘often the only sheer for miles around. Plesk was one such village {atruoncd by Co, Af the 3rd Ba, 7d lafantry Regiment, Knowing that the German delenses were sparc, remnants of the Rosin 163th Rie Regiment were st to atack tnd overwhelm the hardpresied delenders at Board Configuration ~

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