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Std: 6

SIR (Ph): 9429976149


Q 1 MCQ/Blanks:
1). Stems of which of the following plants are
eaten? ...................................................................................
(A) Onion & beetroot (B) Ginger & radish (C) Radish & potato (D) Potato & ginger
2). Which of the following are
cereals? .................................................................................
(A) Chickpea & kidney bean (B) Wheat & rice (C) Wheat & mung dal (D) Kidney
bean & rice
3). Which of the following animals give us
eggs? .........................................................................
(A) Goat & hen (B) Camel & goat (C) Camel & duck (D) Hen & duck
4). Which of the animals have wide teeth to grind
food? ........................................................................
(A) Cow & horse (B) Giraffe & lion (C) Camel & tiger (D) Horse & tiger
5). Which of the following are examples of dairy
products? ................................................................
(A) Paneer, cheese, butter, egg
(B) Cheese, curd, butter, paneer
(C) Curd, egg, milk, honey, cheese
(D) Paneer, cheese, honey, curd
6). Which of the following is a source of simple
carbohydrate? ..................................................................
(A) Fruits & honey (B) Fruits & potato (C) Honey & corn (D) Corn & potato
7). Which nutrient is needed by our body for muscle
building? ..................................................................
8). Deficiency of which two nutrients is called Protein Energy Malnutrition
(PEM)? ..................................................................................................................
9). Deficiency of which vitamin causes night
blindness? ........................................................................
10). Which of the following food groups should be included in balanced
diet? ......................................
(A) Only milk and meat group
(B) Only fruit and vegetable group
(C) Only grain group
(D) All of these
11). Radish is an example of a ..............................................................
12). Deficiency of proteins leads to a disease
called .............................................................................

13). .............................................................................. (Mung bean/Wheat) is an

example of cereals.
14). Which of these is an animal
product? .............................................................................
(A) Egg (B) Honey (C) Milk (D) All of these
15). These organism feed on dead plants and
animals. .........................................................................
(A) Herbivores (B) Decomposers (C) Amphibians (D) Carnivores
16). Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium are examples
of ..............................................................
(A) Macro minerals (B) Trace minerals
17). Vitamins A and E are .........................................................................
(water/fat) soluble vitamins.
18). ...................................... (Sugar/Starch) are simple
carbohydrates while ........................................
(sugar/starch) are complex carbohydrates.
19). ............................................................................ (Herbivores/ carnivores)
have wide teeth for grinding food before it is swallowed.
20). Bacteria & Fungi are called ........................................................................
(scavengers/ decomposers) because they feed on and destroy dead living
21). Iron is a ........................................................................ (macro/trace)
22). Excess body fat leads to a condition
called ............................................................................. (dehydration/obesity).
23). Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of
vitamin .................................................
24). Citrus fruits are a rich source of
vitamin ...................................................................... (A/B/C/D)
25). There are ..... (four/six) main components present
fulfill the different needs of the body.
26). Milk is very nutritious and is a rich source
of ......................................................................... (proteins/carbohydrates).
27). Sugars are also called ..............
28). Starches are also called ...............
29). Deficiency of ........................ mineral causes

Q 2 Write One word:

1). The process of soaking seeds, draining the water, and leaving them
untouched till they germinate. ......................................................................
2). A sweet liquid made from nectar of flowers by
bees. ..............................................................
3). Animals that eat only plant and plant
products. .........................................................................
4). Animals that only eat flesh of other
animals. ...............................................................................
5). Animals that feed on dead plant and
animals. ....................................................................
6). Portion of the plant food that do not provide any nutrients to our
body. ..........................................
7). A condition caused by excess loss of
water. ............................................................................
8). Minerals that are needed by the body in larger
amounts. ...........................................................
9). Disease caused by deficiency of iodine in the
diet. .........................................................................
10). Malnutrition caused due to deficiency of proteins along with
carbohydrates. .................................................................
11). Disease caused due to deficiency of
proteins. ..........................................................................................
12). Condition that excess body fat lead
to ................................................................................
13). Condition due to lack of insoluble
roughage. .................................................................................
14). Simple
carbohydrates. ......................................................................................
15). Complex
carbohydrates. ................................................................................................
16). Fats that are normally solid at room temperature.
17). Vitamin that carrots have in plenty. ............................................................
Q 3 Write two examples for each:
1). Plant source of proteins

2). Water soluble vitamins

3). Macrominerals
4). Fat soluble vitamins
5). Trace minerals
6). Food items rich in sugar
7). Food items rich in dietary fibres
8). Food items rich in fats
9). Food items rich in starch
10). Food items rich in proteins
11). Dairy products
12). Herbivores
13). Carnivores
14). Omnivores

15). Decomposers
16). Scavengers
17). Roots that we eat
18). Stems that we eat
19). Leaves that we eat
20). Flowers that we eat
21). Seeds that we eat
22). Fruits that we eat
23). Vegetables that we eat
Q 4 True or False: Correct the false statement:
1). There are three main nutrients present in
food. ..................................................
2). Plants store energy in the form of starch. ................................................
3). Insoluble roughage helps in blood circulation. ...........................................

4). Saturated fats are normally solid at room
temperature. ........................................
5). Excess loss of water from the body causes
constipation. ..........................................

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