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February 3, 2015 Red Oak Grove Church Council Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Shad Rudlong. Council members attending were Shad Rudlong,
Holly Ille, Emily Elkins, Scott Basness, Beatriz Cardenas, Bob Kittelson, Ardel Swenson, Anne Rudlong,
Mike Hoffman, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland.
Opening devotions were led by Pastor Lindsay using With One Voice the Service of the Word.
Karen Gieseke, Assistant to the Bishop, SEMN Synod gave a brief overview of Christian Faith Formation that
she presented at the supper before Council met. She encouraged us to think out of the box to tell our faith
stories to all ages.
Pastors Report: Pastor will be attending Continuing Education from February 4th 14th. Worship service on
February 9th will be led by Lay Leaders of the church. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. We
will have one service in the afternoon and one in the evening. Many visits have been completed. Council as
Leaders will be held on February 22nd at 2 p.m. in Owatonna at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Secretarys Report was accepted as read.
Treasurers Report was accepted as presented with these highlights: Beginning balance $35,761.75 with
additions the total was $45,938.75. After expenses the ending balance was $26,461.39.
WELCA Report: Ardell reported that no meeting had taken place.
Deacons Report was given by Anne Rudlong. Sunday School is still going on every Sunday and that they will
be looking at several options, maybe something on Wednesday nights before Confirmation.
Trustees Report was given by Scott Basness. The restroom off the side of the kitchen needs fixing up. He
will contact Herman Beede about helping with the project.
Old Business: Discussion regarding securing people to serve coffee after Sunday services. It seems to be
difficult to have people volunteer for this project. Several ideas were discussed, including ordering cookies or
doughnuts from the bakery every Sunday and getting someone to make the coffee. Please consider taking a
Sunday for this service or if anyone has a different idea, please contact a Council Member.
Discussion was held regarding an investment account. This would be used for funds that are not necessary for
the month to month operation of the church. A closer look at amounts and where the funds could be invested
to get some type of interest on that investment is needed. A motion was made, seconded and passed to table
this until more information is available.
New Business: Discussion was held regarding welcoming meaning that when people come to the church
there are not many directions provided to help people find their way around the church. Scott will look into this
and get a report back for next month. Servers for Lenten Suppers was also discussed. Laura will make up a
schedule for next Sunday and will ask families to sign up for one of the weeks.
March Eucharist Assistant/Coffee hour organizer Angie Wagaman. Our next meeting will be Tuesday,
March 3rd at 7 p.m.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lords Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,

Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary

Pastoral Acts: Baptism - Audrey Lynn Putzier

Holy Week and Easter Schedule for Red Oak Grove

March 29th Palm Sunday Worship at 9 a.m.
April 2nd Maundy Thursday Worship at 7 p.m. with Communion
April 3rd Noon Good Friday Service at First Lutheran
April 5th Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. with Communion
7:15-8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast
9 a.m. Easter Worship with Communion
NO Sunday School

Quilting will begin on March 23rd starting at 8:30 a.m. and continue for approximately 6 weeks. A
potluck will follow the quilting session.

The Annual Meeting of the Red Oak Grove Cemetery Board will be held on
Monday, April 6th at 1:00 p.m. at the church.
All are welcome to attend.

WELCA Ladies you are invited to the Zumbro River Conference Spring Event on Thursday,
April 16th from 4:45 8:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hayfield. The evenings them, Faith Like
a Teapot, is the topic of our speaker, Lee Ann Knudson. Please give your registration fee of $12 to
Lavonne Smith by April 1st. Thank you. A flyer has been posted on the bulletin board.
Maybe youve noticed there are no Lenten Coin Folders out this Lent. We are trying a new
approach this year. Collect your coins throughout the week and each Sunday in March will include a
Noisy Coin Offering. Bring your quarters (and other coins) to toss in the bucket each Sunday.
Money collected in March will go to Real Hope for the Hungry, an organization in Austin. Check out
the flyer on the bulletin board for full details on what Real Hope is.

Fill the shopping cart! Bring your non-perishable food items and paper products
to help our neighbors in need. The cart items will be distributed to our local food
shelves. We will be collecting items through the season of Lent.

A Gideon representative will be with us during worship on March 8 th.

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