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ES1000 Basic English

Progress Test 3 (50marks)



Tutorial Group: _____

Part 1: Each numbered sentence has an error. This could be an error in clausal structure, word
form, verb tense, the use of articles, the use of transition device, the use of pronouns, or subjectverb agreement. Underline the error and correct it in the space given.
(20 marks)

Globalization is perhaps the central concept of our age. (1)Moreover, a
single definition of globalization does not exist either among academics
or in everyday conversation. (2)There are also a lack of consensus as to
whether or not globalization is a useful concept to portray current events.
(3)While most conceptions focus on different aspects of growing
interdependence whether economic, cultural, technological, or otherwise.
At a basic level globalization refers to growing interconnectedness.
(4)Some certainly do reject the notion that we have entered a
fundamental new era. (5)There are many, in addition, who see
globalization as a genuine restructuring of social organization. Most
definitions incorporate a notion of a growing magnitude of global flows
such that one can truly speak of A global society. (6)They find evidences
that human activity has become interregional or intercontinental in scale.
Although the globalization process is a long, historically rooted one, it is
not without fits and starts and is not teleological. (7)In short,
globalization is highly complex interaction of forces producing
integration and disintegration, cooperation and conflict, order and

(8)There is much debate and little consensus on whether the

globalization is a positive development. (9)Recent popular titles on
globalization, "Lexus and the Olive Tree" and "Jihad Vs. McWorld,"
attests to the seemingly contradictory unifying and divisive forces
inherent in globalization. (10)For some, globalization processes, on
balance, represents a tremendous opportunity for prosperity, peace, and
democracy. (11)Others, on the contrary, see greater potential for conflict,
extreme self-interest, unbridled corporate power, and disregard for
people and entire civilizations. Indeed, globalization has sparked unease
and discontentment in a range of groups from all parts of the world.

1. _______________

2. _______________
3. _______________

4. _______________
5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________
9. _______________

10. _______________

11. _______________

Cultural Globalization
Through the global media and communications technologies, virtually

ES1000 Basic English

everyone on earth is exposed to foreign ideas and practices. (12)Some

argue that the scale of global communication and migration have begun
to break down national identities. (13)NGOs and global social
movements are emerging as important political actors, that provide
further evidence for a new culture of global civil society.
For many, cultural globalization means Westernization or
Americanization. (14)They see that the phenomena of cultural
globalization is largely driven by corporations, rather than countries.
(15)As such, one of the central concerns are the spread of consumer
culture. For many critics, non-Western culture and practices are at risk of
being overwhelmed by homogenizing "McDonaldization".
(16)Skeptics, moreover, contend that the erosion of culture has been
overstated. (17)It points to evidence that local culture remains strong.
Cultural interactions have taken place for centuries so to argue nonWestern cultures are somehow pristine is naive. In a normative sense, the
cultural degradation argument dismisses the ability of non-Western
people to control their destiny and incorporate those attributes they may
find useful. (18)Others argued that national identities are founded on real
differences that have continued salience.

Sem 1 AY 2013/14

12. _______________

13. _______________

14. _______________

15. ______________

16. ______________
17. ______________

Intense interaction may make people more cognizant of difference and

lead to conflict. Information technology may, in fact, intensify traditional
identities. (19)Cultural globalization involves processes of unequal
power, that bring traditions and identities into question. (20)Where ethnic
and religious groups feel threatened by globalization. There is the
potential for conflict.

18. ______________

19. ______________
20. ______________

Part 2: Use of Articles

Fill in each blank in the text below with (a, an, the, ).

(7 marks)

ES1000 Basic English

Sem 1 AY 2013/14

Migration is _____ significant aspect of globalization that has not only economic but also social
and cultural effects. While migration is not unique to _____ present age, communication and
transportation technologies allow migrants _____ greater opportunity to maintain links with their
homelands. More porous borders raise questions about notions of _____ citizenship and identity.
While challenges to national identity may come from supranational entities such as _____
European Union, globalization at _____ same time may facilitate _____ triggering of more local,
particularistic identities.
Part 3: Understanding Paragraph Organisation

The following paragraph has been scrambled. Arrange the sentences in the right order so
that they have a clear sense of unity and coherence; the first two have been arranged for
you. Determine also if any of the sentences do not fit in the paragraph at all. (6 marks)
S1 Overall, however, the flow of goods, people, and messages of peace and war continue
unabated to date.
S2 Today it is a matter of a few hours by plane.
S3 There is some disagreement on where this is all going and whether globalization might come
to an end.
S4 The challenge for humanity, then, is to direct these forces in peaceful and beneficial ways.
S5 In many respects, therefore, globalization is not going away.
S6 Cultural differences are deemed to be highly resistant to change and increased interaction will
produce conflict.
S7 Great openness and interconnectedness emerged in the late 1800s.
S8 Whereas before the end of the American Civil War it took months to go by ship from one
coast of the US to the other, the transcontinental railroad cut the trip to a week by 1870.
S9 Globalisation will bring about greater progress and development for the entire human race.
S10 In some areas, such as educational exchanges, this uncertainly has had an impact.
S11 And of course, the connectedness with the rest of the world has also evolved to a level our
ancestors could not have imagined.
S12 After the September 11 terror attack, however, there was some discussion whether the need
for security would bring an end to the era of globalization.

ES1000 Basic English

Sem 1 AY 2013/14

Excerpted and adapted from Globalization by Eric Brahm (July 2005). Retrieved 31 Oct, 2013 from

The right sequence of sentences: _3, 7, ___________________________________________

Any sentence(s) that should be omitted: _______________________________________
Part 4: Study the following sentences carefully. Some of them have an error in them. Correct the
error by underlining the segment and rewriting just that portion in the space below. If the sentence
is correct, put a tick across the number.
(7 marks)
1. Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, is the inability to recognize face that
should be familiar.
2. Some patients impairment influences only the recognition of faces, others
find their deficit extends to the recognition of other objects such as cars and
3. Of course, anyone can have trouble recognizing faces and names at times,
but prosopagnosics (those suffering from prosopagnosia) cannot even identify
their own parents and relatives.
4. They rely on non-facial informations like hair color, gait, and tone of voice to
distinguish people.
5. Prosopagnosics often complain that they have trouble following movies or
television shows, because they cannot recognize characters and keep up with
6. Many also report problems with other aspects of face processing, such as
unable to judge age or gender, recognize emotional expressions, or follow the
direction of a persons gaze.
7. A substantial portion report navigational difficulties, because their sense of
direction impaired.

ES1000 Basic English

Sem 1 AY 2013/14

Part 5: Complex sentences

Combine each set of sentences into ONE complex sentence using appropriate connectors,
relative pronouns etc. Do not use and.
(10 marks)
1. Researchers have sought cures for prosopagnosia. No therapies have demonstrated lasting impact.
There have been transient benefits.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. In 2004, researchers at the Institute for Human Genetics in Germany gave
576 biology students a prosopagnosia screening questionnaire. They found
that nearly two percent reported face blindness symptoms.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Most patients develop strategies for tackling the problem. Patients may note
carefully the clothes someone is wearing. They may ask relatives to always
wear a particular distinctive item.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. They may learn how to initiate and maintain conversations. During the
conversation, they figure out whom they are talking to.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Doctors and researchers say there is no cure for the disorder. Doctors and
researchers have made progress in identifying some areas of the brain. These
areas are likely responsible for face blindness.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Texts excerpted and adapted from Living With Face Blindness by Sanjana Chowhan in The Atlantic. Retrieved 31
Oct, 2013 from

ES1000 Basic English

Sem 1 AY 2013/14

End of Test

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