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Scene 1
The scene begins set in The Playroom, where it is always sunny, and always a
beautiful day. The lighting should be warm, imaginative and inviting. The
Playroom is furnished like something straight out of a childs fantasy. The
chairs, of which there should be five, are wooden, dainty and just a tad too
small, making the person sitting in them appear gigantic. The table they
surround is too small as well. The teapot and matching cups are bigger than
the average set, and brightly colored. In one corner of the room, there is a
jumbo swing set and a trampoline. There are oversized stuffed teddy bears
strewn about. In the back of the stage sits a jukebox and a jumbo treasure
Sitting at the table are Valentina, Lulu, Coco and Ziza. It is tea time and
everyone is in good spirits.
With the exception of Valentina, each girl is color coded. Their hair matches
their outfits, which should be loose, flowing silk dresses. Lulu is BABY
PINK. Coco is MINT. And Ziza is PASTEL YELLOW. Valentina wears a white gown
and a crown of flowers.
More tea, Coco?

Yes, please.
Valentina pours more tea into her cup. Coco slurps from it loudly.

And you, Lulu?

Valentina refills her cup. Lulu downs it in one gulp.

Would you care for a refill, Ziza?

Oh, I couldnt. Im much too full.

Valentina begins to gesture towards the empty seat, and then stops
herself halfway, remembering suddenly that there is no one there. She

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras


pauses and frowns with confusion, but quickly sets down the teapot then
smiles at everyone around the table.
Girls, is this not the finest tea party weve ever had? These buttered
crescents are positively scrumptious if I do say so myself.




Quite! One would be hard pressed to attend a gathering thats in any
way morehm, whats the word?
Luxurious? Extravagant? Lavish?

Fancy? Sophisticated?




No, no, no. Nice! Thats the word! There isnt a party in the galaxy as
nice as this one here!
Yeah! Its such a shame that Sir couldnt make it.
Well, its not his fault that Sir His Majesty King Prince Edward
Williamington Charles Pedigree III has to spend all his time oppressing
so many kingdoms! I mean, get real Lulu, the monarchy isnt gonna rule

Its true. But its okay because Im always happiest when Im with all
of you. You guys really are my bestest friends in the whole wide world!
Lulu, Coco, Ziza (simultaneously)
We love you, Valentina.

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras


Valentina rises and gasps as she checks the time on her wrist, even though
she is not wearing a watch.
Oh my goodness girls! Do you know what time it is?
Lulu, Coco, Ziza (simultaneously)
What time is it?
Time for a DANCE PARTY!
They all squeal in unison.
Coco and Ziza begin to set aside the chair and tables to make room.
Hit that jukebox, Lulu!
Lulu goes to the back and presses a button on the jukebox.
Scene 2
The lighting dims, with colored spotlight on the four girls. The song Mambo
No 5 by Lou Fega should begin playing. The girls dance and twirl for the
duration of the song. They hold hands, jump around and laugh. Their dresses
should flounce in emphasis of their movements and spinning bodies. When the
song ends, they collapse to the floor in an exhausted, merry heap.
Scene 3
Valentina is the first to rise. She stretches her arms and yawns loudly.
That sure was fun. But Im very tired now and its almost time for me
to go home. Shall we unwind with a story?
The girls nod in agreement.
Hm, what shall we read today?
Valentina walks over to the treasure chest, opens it, and begins to rummage
through its contents. As she does this, the girls rearrange their chairs in a
neat row and take their seats in preparation for StoryTime.
Aha! An old favorite! This should be perfect.

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras



Valentina now walks to the front of the stage, book in hand.

Today I shall be reading a passage from The Velveteen Rabbit.
The girls applaud excitedly. Valentina clears her throat and begins.

The Skin Horse had lived longer in the nursery than any of the others. He was so old that
his brown coat was bald in patches and showed the seams underneath, and most of the
hairs in his tail had been pulled out to string bead necklaces. He was wise, for he had seen
a long succession of mechanical toys arrive to boast and swagger, and by-and-by break
their mainsprings and pass away, and he knew that they were only toys, and would never
turn into anything else. For nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those
playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the Skin Horse understand all about
"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the
nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz
inside you and a stick-out handle?"
"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you.
When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves
you, then you become Real."
"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.
"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you
don't mind being hurt."
"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"
"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time.
That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or
who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has
been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.
But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to
people who don't understand."
"I suppose you are real?" said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he
thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled.
There is a loud, shrill ringing. Valentina slams the book shut.

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras



Oh! Is Playtime over already? Looks like its time for me to go home.
Ill have to finish the story later. Till next time, girls!
Valentina puts down the book and exits stage left.
Scene 4
Without Valentinas presence, the PlayRoom is dark and sinister, a contrast
to the warm and inviting tones of the previous scenes. Lulu, Coco and Ziza
fidget nervously in their seats.










Do you think shell be gone a long time?

I dont think so.
I miss her already.
Calm down, Coco. It hasnt even been that long.
I know, but it feels like forever. I hate the darkness. You know I do.
You know I do.
We know you do.
Just be patient, Coco. Shell come back soon.
What if she doesnt?
She always does.
Do you think she misses us?

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras















Of course she does.

Do you think she loves one of us more than the others?
Thats ridiculous. Im offended youd even suggest such a thing.
Whats so ridiculous about it? Whos to say she doesnt love one of you
more than me, that Im not just merely tolerated? That Im not always
on the cusp of becoming Unreal
Not this again
Its a thing! I know it is! Besides, I see the way she looks at you.
Look who she picked to choose the Dance Song today: Lulu! Why shouldnt
I be worried?
Well, last time it was Ziza who picked the Arts and Crafts Activity.
And there was that other time that you picked the Snacktime snack,
Coco. Dont be silly.
Yeah! Youre talking all crazy!
Im sorry, Im sorry. Its the darkness that does it to me. You know it
does. You know it does.
Its okay, Coco. We know.
You have nothing to worry about, okay? She loves all of us. We are all


Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras


Maybe. Maybe, maybe. All loves are equal, but the truth is, some loves
are more equal than others.
Scene 5
Valentina is traveling alone through the In-Between Room. It is dark,
except for a streak of blue light, and mostly empty except for the
jukebox in the corner. Valentina looks different here. She is still in
white, but it is not the flowing dress from the previous scenes. She is
also no longer wearing her flower crown. As Valentina merrily and
obliviously makes her way, a figure enters quietly behind her. This
figure is Winnie. She should be wearing a long, lavender hooded cloak
that obscures her face and lavender hair in darkness.
Winnie will go to the Jukebox and press a button. Once she does so, the
song Quizas Quizas Quizas by Bobby Capo should begin to play.
Valentina turns around in surprise. She halts in her steps and stares
at Winnie, confused.
Winnie now walks over to Valentina and takes her by the hands. They
begin dancing in lavish circles around the room. As the song fades into
silence, the fun takes a sinister turn: Winnie begins to strangle
Valentina. She sinks to her knees, trying to pry Winnies fingers off
her neck. When it seems that Valentina is about to be done for, Winnie
releases her grip and then takes Valentinas face in her hands and
kisses her passionately. She then runs off stage without a word.
Valentina remains on the ground, arms around her throat, gasping for
Scene 6
Coco, Lulu and Ziza are in the sitting in the exact positions that
Valentina left them in. Valentina enters the room, once again dressed
in her white gown with the flower crown to match. The lights of the
Playroom turn back on, once more warm, bright and happy. The girls
spring to life and jump out of their seats.

Yay! Youre back!

What shall we do today? A game, perhaps? Another story? A bounce on the
tramponline? Wouldnt a sing-a-long be absolutely fantastic? Can we
please, after snack time? Oh, just thinking about all the fun well
have today makes me all jittery! Im so excited!

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras




Me too! We missed you so much! Did you miss us?

Valentina is silent. She smiles sadly at Coco and Lulu tries to communicate
in gestures that she has lost her voice.


(confused) Whats wrong? Did something happen? Guys, Valentina isnt

(walks over to Valentina) Maybe shes sick? Hay debera estar medicina
en el cofre del tesero. (She slaps her hand over mouth in shock)
Everyone looks at Ziza in shock.


You speak Spanish, Ziza? Since when?

The lights turn off. The room is once again dark and sinister, the way it was
when Valentina left.

Qu pasando? Por qu se han apagado las luzes?

Yeah, smegory hazoo? (she gasps) I boys! Oh no! I boys!
Stop it! Stop it, youre scaring me! (to Valentina) Do something!
Valentina raises her hands in the air to gesture surrendering.


Wiccan no vital? Wah? Wah? Ota erna stam!

Pero, Valentina esta aqui!
Valentina. Anymore us you dont love? Anymore us you dont love?
Valentina starts to slowly back away in fear.


Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras




Ayudanos. Te necesitamos. Ayudanos, por favor.

Balondiva? No. V-v-valentina. Aye! Wiccan tuh eben zayo nam!
(panicking) Coco, lo siento! Es la verdad! Su amor no es el mismo,
algo ha cambiado. Somos Unreal? Entonces, esta oscuridad, no me gusta.
Ahora la noche me asusta tambien. Yo creo solamente ella puede

Lulu, Coco, Ziza (simultaneously)

Valentina runs off the stage as the girls chant her name in unison.
Scene 7 (a week later)
It is dark in the Playroom, and the silence is deafening. A single light
shines harshly on the girls, who are sitting, mouthing words to themselves.
They do nothing for a long moment and then, suddenly, Coco rises. She goes
over to the jukebox and presses a button. Nothing plays, but she hums loudly
to herself and reaches her arms out to Lulu and Ziza, who accept the gesture
and rise. Holding hands in a circle, they sway and spin and twirl. Soon this
gives way to laughter. Shy giggles and merry applause at first, but then it
grows louder. The girls begin just laughing at each other, and then at the
sound of the laughter itself. The laughing grows louder and louder, more
hysterical and desperate. They drop to the ground one by one, clutching their
sides, and squirming. Then it quiets for a moment, and the laughter turns to
soft weeping. The girls cry in unison for a moment and then look up at each
other. They cry harder.
And then they start screaming at the tops of their lungs.
Scene 8 (a long time later)
The girls are laying completely motionless on the ground, arms and legs
splayed outwards as if they were each making snow angels.
Winnie enters the room, humming the melody of Quizas, Quizas, Quizas. She is
wearing a dress identical to those of the others, in lavender. She kneels
down and strokes the face of each girl. Then, with a long sigh, she takes her
place besides them and lays on the floor in the same position, motionless.

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras


10 | P a g e
Scene 9 (many days later)
The Playroom is washed out in a bright, harsh white light. Lulu, Coco and
Ziza sit propped up at the table like dolls. Their faces are dull and
expressionless. A teacup has been placed before each, and Winnie hums
merrily, orchestrating the tea party.
Would you care for more tea, Coco? (as Coco) Why thank you, youre too
kind! (she brings the teacup to Cocos lips) And you, Ziza? A refill
perhaps? (as Ziza) Absolutely, Winnie! I just cant get enough! (she
refills Zizas cup) And Im sure youd love some too, Lulu. I didnt
forget about you. I never forget about anyone. I remember everything
and I remember everyone and I never forget about anything. (she sips)
Would you all like a story, perhaps? Now that weve all had our fill?
How about a passage from say, The Velveteen Rabbit?
Winnie rises and retrieves the book from the treasure chest. She walks back
over to the girls and opens to a page.
And now I shall recite to you my favorite part of the whole story! This
is after the bunny has been thrown aside with all the other toys after
the boy contracts scarlet fever, you remember! I remember! Okay, and so
this part begins with that:
She clears her throat and begins.

He was shivering a little, for he had always been used to sleeping in a proper bed, and by
this time his coat had worn so thin and threadbare from hugging that it was no longer any
protection to him. Nearby he could see the thicket of raspberry canes, growing tall and
close like a tropical jungle, in whose shadow he had played with the Boy on bygone
mornings. He thought of those long sunlit hours in the gardenhow happy they were
and a great sadness came over him.
She starts to weep, growing increasingly emotional as she continues.

He seemed to see them all pass before him, each more beautiful than the other, the fairy
huts in the flower-bed, the quiet evenings in the wood when he lay in the bracken and the
little ants ran over his paws; the wonderful day when he first knew that he was Real. He
thought of the Skin Horse, so wise and gentle, and all that he had told him. Of what use
was it to be loved and lose one's beauty and become Real if it all ended like this?

Lana C. Marilyn (Lana Ottley)

No Hay Mas Palabras


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