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Mario Crochet Pattern

By Joyce Overheul

Large Mario Crochet Pattern

Needed to make this pattern:


4.00mm crochet needle.

Worsted weight yarn in the following colours: skin colour, blue, red, black, white,
brown and yellow.
A sewing needle.
Filling material.


This pattern is for personal use only.

Items made from it may not be sold.
The pattern may not be adjusted or modified, and parts of it may not be used for
other items or to put in other crochet patterns.

So lets start!
The head with skin colour.
1. Make a magic ring with 6 stitches. =6st
2. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) In every stitch. =12st
3. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every second stitch. (So, crochet 1 single
crochet (UK: double crochet) in the first stitch, and then 2 in the next stitch. Repeat
this until the end of the row.) =18st
4. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every third stitch. =24st
5. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every fourth stitch. Then, just crochet 2
single crochets (UK: double crochet). This way, the round head will in the end look
more smooth. =30st
6. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every fifth stitch. =36st
7. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every sixth stitch. Then, crochet 3 single
crochets (UK: double crochet). =42st
8. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every seventh stitch. =48st
9. Crochet 6 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet then 2 single crochets (UK:
double crochet) in the next stitch. Repeat this one more time. You now have a row of
50 stitches.
10. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in the tenth stitch. Then, crochet 5 single
crochets (UK: double crochet). =55st
11. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in the eleventh stitch. =60st
12. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in the twelfth stitch. = 65st
13. 12 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =65st
14. 11 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 12th and 13th stitch together.
Repeat this until the end of the row. =60st

15. 10 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 11th and 12th stitch together,
repeat this until the end of the row. Then, just crochet 5 single crochets (UK: double
crochet). =55st
16. 9 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 10th and 11th stitch together,
repeat this until the end of the row. =50st
17. 6 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 7th and 8th stitch together, repeat
this one more time. Then, just crochet 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet). You
now have a row of 48 stitches.
18. 6 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 7th and 8th stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. =42st
19. 5 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 6th and 7th stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. =36st
20. 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 5th and 6th stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. Then, just crochet 3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet). =30st
21. Start to fill the head with the filling material, but dont fill it all the way yet.
22. 3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 4th and 5th stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. =24st
23. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the 3rd and 4th stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. Fill the head a bit more, until its fully stuffed.

24. 1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), crochet the 2nd and 3rd stitch together, repeat
this until the end of the row. =12st
25. Crochet the 1st and 2nd stitch together, repeat this until the end of the row. =6st
26. Crochet the 1st and 2nd stitch together, repeat this until the end of the row. =3st

27. Crochet all three stitches together and cast off.

The ears with skin colour
28. Make a magic ring with 6 stitches.
29. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every stitch. Repeat this until the end of the
row. =12st
30. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every second stitch. =18st
31. 1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), increase the next stitch, 1 single crochet (UK:
double crochet), increase the next stitch, 1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), 1 slip
stitch (UK: single crochet). = 20st
32. Crochet 12 slip stitches (UK: single crochet), and 8 single crochets (UK: double
33. Crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet) and cast off.
34. Repeat step 28 until 33 for the second ear.

Nose with skin colour

35. Make a magic ring with 6 stitches.
36. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every stitch. Repeat this until the end of the
row. =12st
37. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every 2nd stitch. =18st
38. 3 rows of single crochets.
39. 1 slip stitch (UK: single crochet), crochet the 2nd and 3rd stitch together. Repeat this
until the end of the row. =12st
40. 1 slip stitch (UK: single crochet) and cast off.

The hair piece on the back of the head, with brown

41. Chain 30 stitches.
42. 4 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =30st
43. Skip two stitches, crochet 8 double crochets (UK: treble crochets) in the third stitch.
Skip another stitch, and crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the next stitch.
Repeat this five times.
44. Cast off.

The hair sideburns, with brown

45. Chain 7 stitches.
46. 1 chain stitch, turn, 7 single crochets (UK: double crochet). =7st
47. 1 chain stitch, turn, 6 single crochets (UK: double crochet). =6st
48. Cast off.
49. Repeat step 45 until 48 for the second sideburn.
The eyes white part
50. Crochet a magic ring with 6 stitches.
51. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every stitch. =12st
52. Crochet 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in the next stitch. =13st

53. Crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet).

54. Cast off.
55. Repeat step 50 until 54 for the second eyeball.
The eyes black part
56. Crochet a magic ring of 6 stitches.
57. Crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet).
58. Cast off.
59. Repeat step 56 until 58 for the second pupil.
The hat part one
60. Crochet a magic ring of 4 stitches, dont close the magic ring yet. Crochet 1 chain
stitch, and turn.
61. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every stitch. =8st
62. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat the part between the bars 4 times: [1 single crochet (UK:
double crochet), increase one in the next stitch]. =12st
63. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[2 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the
next stitch]. =16st
64. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the
next stitch]. =20st
65. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the
next stitch]. =24st
66. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[5 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the
next stitch]. =28st
67. 1 chain stitch, turn.
68. 2 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet).
69. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[5 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the
next two stitches together]. =24st
70. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the
next two stitches together]. =20st
71. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the
next two stitches together]. =16st
72. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[2 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the
next two stitches together]. =12st
73. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), crochet the next
two stitches together]. =8st
74. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 4x[crochet two stitches together]. =4st
75. 1 chain stitch, turn. Repeat 2x[crochet two stitches together]. =2st
76. 1 chain stitch, turn. Crochet two stitches together and cast off.

The hat part two

77. Chain 60 stitches.
78. Close the chain with a slip stitch (UK: single crochet).
79. 6 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet).

80. 30 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 5x[5 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), increase the next stitch]. =65st
81. 30 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 5x[6 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), increase the next stitch]. =70st
82. Repeat 3x[8 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], crochet 40 single crochets (UK: double crochet). =67st
83. Repeat 3x[7 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], crochet 40 single crochets (UK: double crochet). =64st
84. Repeat 8x[6 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together]. =56st
85. Repeat 8x[5 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together]. =48st
86. Repeat 3x[4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], repeat 3x[8 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =42st
87. Repeat 3x[3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], repeat 3x[7 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =36t
88. Repeat 3x[2 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], repeat 3x[6 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =30st
89. Repeat 3x[1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two stitches
together], repeat 3x[5 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =24st
90. Repeat 3x[crochet two stitches together], repeat 3x[4 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), crochet the next two stitches together]. =18st
91. 3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 3x[3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), crochet the next two stitches together]. =15st
92. Continuously crochet two stitches together, until the hole in the hat is closed. If it
happens that the last part you crocheted wont stay flat, crochet the last couple
times three stitches together instead of two.
93. Cast off.

The hat white circles

94. Make a magic ring of 4 stitches.
95. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every stitch. =12st
96. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every 2nd stitch. =18st
97. 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in every 3rd stitch. =24st
98. Crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet), and cast off.
The hat embroidery, with red
99. Crochet a chain of about 10 cm / 4 inches long.
100.Sew the chain onto the white circle, in the shape of the letter M.
101.When youve made the chain, dont cast it off yet when you start sewing it
onto the white circle. This way, you can adjust the length of the chain if necessary,

when fastening it onto the white part.

The moustache with brown
102.Chain 20 stitches.
103.1 chain stitch, turn, 19 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 3 single crochets
(UK: double crochet) in the last stitch. =22st
104.Continue crocheting at the bottom of the chain: crochet 19 single crochets
(UK: double crochet), crochet 3 single crochets (UK: double crochet) in the last stitch.
105.You now have one big row of 44 stitches.

106.Crochet 19 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 3x[increase the next stitch],
19 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 3x[increase the next stitch]. =50st
107.Crochet 1 single crochet (UK: double crochet), skip 2 stitches, crochet 8
double crochets (UK: treble crochet) in the next stitch. Skip another stitch, crochet a
slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the next stitch.
108. Crochet one single crochet (UK: double crochet), skip two stitches, crochet 8 double crochets (UK:
treble crochet) in the next stitch. Skip 2 stitches, crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the next
stitch, followed by one single crochet (UK: double crochet), skip another two stitches, crochet 8 double
crochets (UK: treble crochet) in the next stitch.
109. Skip one stitch, crochet a slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the next stitch.
110.Crochet 6 single crochets (UK: double crochet).
111.Repeat step 107 until 110 one more time for the bottom of the moustache.

112.Please make sure to count all stitches very securely, otherwise the moustache wont turn out well. J
113.The moustache now looks like this:

114.Crochet 35 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet one slip stitch (UK:
single crochet) and cast off.
115.Fold the moustache, it now looks like this:

116.Close it with a sewing needle. While closing it, fill it a little with some filling
The arms with red and white
117.Chain 20 stitches.
118.Close the chain with a slip stitch.
119.Crochet 25 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet).
120.Cut off the red yard. With white, crochet two rows of single crochets (UK:
double crochet).

121.Fold one side of the arms oblique to the inside, like in the picture above. This
creates volume in the arms.
122.To the other side: fold the white part back, just a little bit. Fasten it with
needle and thread.
The hands with white

Make a magic ring with ten stitches. Dont close the magic ring.
Increase every 2nd stitch, x5. =15st
Two rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =15st
Increase every 3rd stitch, x5. =20st
One row of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =20st
Skip six stitches, 1 single crochet (UK: double crochet) in stitch #7.

129.Now youve got two circles. One small one of 6 stitches, one big one of 14
130.For the thumb, crochet two rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet) in
the small circle. =6st
131.Decrease the 2nd stitch three times. =3st
132.Crochet three sitches together.
133.Cast off.
134.For the other part of the hand: Increase the 3rd stitch. Repeat this four times.
Now youve got two stitches left, just crochet two single crochets (UK: double
crochet) in those stitches. =18st
135.Divide the large round into three parts, each part containing 6 stitches, the
same way you did it to create the thumb. Each part will be one finger.
136.Fold the hand to make it flat, now you can easily see where the fingers will be.
137.Start at the left of the hand, near the thumb for finger no.1. =6st
138.Crochet 3 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =6st
139.Decrease the 2nd stitch. Repeat this three times. =6st
140.Cast off. Finger number one is now finished.
141.Repeat step 138 until 140 two more times, until youve made all three fingers.
142.Repeat step 123 until 141 one more time for the second hand.
143.Sew the hands into the arms.

Body with red

144.Make a chain of 50 stitches.
145.Close the chain with a slip stitch. =50st
146.19 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =50st
147.Repeat 10x[3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =40st
148.Repeat 10x[2 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =30st
149.Repeat 10x[1 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =20st
150.Cast off, but leave enough yarn on the belly to sew it onto the head in the

Buttons with yellow


Create a magic ring with 6 stitches.

Crochet one slip stitch (UK: single crochet).
Cast off.
Repeat step 151 until 153 for the second button.

Shoes with brown

155.Chain 4 stitches.
156.Chain 1 stitch, turn, 3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet 3 single
crochets (UK: double crochet) in the last stitch of the chain. You now have 6 stitches.
157.Crochet one single crochet (UK: double crochet) at the bottom of that last
stitch of the chain. Crochet 2 single crochets (UK: double crochet) at the bottom of
the chain (below the other stitches), and crochet 3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet) in the last stitch.
158.Now youve got an oval shape of 12 stitches.

159.Crochet 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase both next two
stitches, 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase both next two stitches.
160.Crochet 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[increase 1 stitch],
crochet 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[increase one stitch].
161.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[1 single crochet (UK: double
crochet), increase the next stitch], 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[1
single crochet (UK: double crochet), increase the next stitch]. =32st
162.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[2 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), increase the next stitch], 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[2
single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the next stitch]. =40st
163.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), increase the next stitch], 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[3
single crochets (UK: double crochet), increase the next stitch]. =48st
164.5 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet).
165.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), crochet the next two stitches together], 24 single crochets (UK: double
crochet). =44st
166.1 row of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =44st
167.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[2 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), crochet the next two stitches together], 24 single crochets (UK: double
crochet). =40st
168.1 row of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =40st
169.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[1 single crochet (UK: double
crochet), crochet the next two stitches together], 4 single crochets (UK: double
crochet), repeat 4x[3 single crochets (UK: double crochet), crochet the next two
stitches together]. =32st
170.16 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[2 single crochets (UK:
double crochet), crochet the next two stitches together]. =20st
171.Fill the shoe with the filling material. Dont fill it all the way, but just the
biggest part.
172.4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 4x[crochet two stitches
together], 4 single crochets (UK: double crochet), repeat 6x[crochet two stitches
together]. =14st
173.Repeat 7x[crochet two stitches together]. =7st
174.Fill the shoe with a bit more filling material, until its completely stuffed.
175.Close the whole with a sewing needle, and cast off.
176.Repeat step 155 until 175 one more time for the next shoe.

The pants with blue


Chain 25 stitches.
Close the chain with a slip stitch. =25st
19 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =25st
Cast off leg #1.
Repeat step 177 until 180 for the second leg.

182.Crochet both legs together with the yarn of leg #2. Continue working on leg #1
(in the 1st stitch) with the yarn of #2. This way, you crochet the legs together. Crochet
1 row of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =50st

183.13 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet). =50st

184.8 single crochets (UK: double crochet), one slip stitch (UK: single crochet),
185.Crochet 1 slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the first single crochet (UK: double
crochet) of the previous row, 15 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 1 slip stitch
(UK: single crochet), turn. =17st
186.Crochet 1 chain stitch, crochet 15 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 1 chain
stitch, turn,
187.Repeat step 186 one more time.
188.1 slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the first single crochets (UK: double
crochet) of the previous row, 14 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 1 slip stitch
(UK: single crochet), turn. =16st
189.1 slip stitch (UK: single crochet) in the first single crochets (UK: double
crochet) of the previous row, 12 single crochets (UK: double crochet), 1 slip stitch
(UK: single crochet).
190.Cast off.

The braces with blue

191.At the back of the pants, look for the 9 stitches in the exact middle of the
192.Attach the yarn to the pants and crochet 3 single crochets (UK: double
crochet) for the brace on the left.
193.36 rows of single crochets (UK: double crochet).
194.Cast off.
195.Repeat step 191 until 194 for the second brace on the right.

Almost there lets put Mario together!

1. Sew the buttons onto the ends of the braces.

2. Sew the body onto the pants.
3. Sew the braces onto the pants.
4. Fill the body and the pants with the filling material.
5. Sew the arms onto the body.
6. Sew the shoes onto the body.

How to put the head together:


What I always do myself, when Ive got to put something together which exists out of
a lot of parts, is that I first pin everything onto the head with (sewing) needles.

It then looks like this:

As you can see, I didnt put the hair parts in place yet in this picture.

So lets start!
1. Sew the ears and the nose onto the head.

2. Sew the pupils onto the eyeballs, and sew the eyeballs onto the head.
3. Sew the backpiece of the hair onto the hat.

4. Sew the sideburns onto the head, place them just in front of the ear, with the long
side of the sideburn (the side of where you started the chain) facing the ear.

5. If you havent done this yet, sew the white circle with the M onto the hat, and sew
the two parts of the hat together.

6. Sew the moustache just below the nose.

7. And the last step: place the hat on top of Marios head and sew them together. At
the back of the head, fold the backpiece of the hair upwards to make the sewing part
easier. Also, this makes the hair look a bit more playful.

Now, youve got your very own Super Mario!

Soon in our Etsy shop: crochet patterns for Luigi and Bullet Bill!

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