Life On The Line ...

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Graham and Sharon Nichols

US Church: Lewis Memorial UMC Evans

Skype: graham.sharon.nichols


February 2015
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you
must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35 (NIV)
Saludos friends, family and church family,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us.
February News a month overflowing with the love of Jesus on the two continents
we call home! Our Pandilla (womens leadership band of the EUMC Jess de Nazaret)
planned for a day of celebration with the women of our church and community. We
had an awesome evening sharing Christ with one another and enjoying an awesome
meal together. This event was also the kickoff for our womens small group Bible
studies, giving the women of our church the opportunity to pray about being part of
a small group and get to know others with the same interests. We received a few
women to be too, as some of our ladies brought their little girls and they too were a
great joy. We are excited about all God has planned for the women of our church.

During February
our Sunday
School also
learned more of
the love of Christ
as we focused on
having a heart
like Jesus and
loving our
neighbors as
ourselves. The
little people God
gave us to love in
our ministry
communities are
precious. Even on
hard days when
their little lives
are harder than
anyones ever
should be, they
wrap their little
arms around our
necks and
squeeze love into

Just look at these sweet little faces they are learning soo much about the life of Christ
and how much He loves each of them as though there were only one of them to love.
During this past month we have also been making our way to the Cross while learning
about Cuaresma (Lent) and the great love of Jesus as He obediently walked His path to
the Cross for each of us. We are praying and singing and learning and drawing and
making some really cool examples to remind us of Gods love through our Lord Jesus.
The end of February we returned to Georgia, USA for an invitation to share the mission of Jesus among the people we
serve during Roswell UMCs 10th Annual Global Impact Celebration (GIC). Roswell UMCs GIC was awesome and we
were able to reconnect with our missionary pals, Arthur and Mary Alice Ivey, missionaries to Per and our RUMC
friends and family who graciously help to keep us in Gods service in Ecuador. Another incredible blessing for those
we serve was the generous gift of light for our Ro Verde and Montoneros families in Ecuador. Spear headed by our
dear friend and mission supporter, John Pearson who received donations and purchased Luci Lights. We serve many
families with little to no light in their homes. These solar powered light sources are an answer to prayer. The sun sets
and rises at the same time every day and night on the equator and after 6:30 PM every evening there is no light to
cook, clean, bathe and take care of their children. No light for the children in our communities to do their homework
and no light to study and read their Bibles. But thanks to these wonderful mission minded people lives are going
to be changed. We are soo incredibly grateful for the hearts of people who pray and give we are surrounded by the
Hands and Feet of Jesus who encourage us with their love for others and for us. Thank you RUMC.
After a Spirit-filled GIC we are now at our Georgia home, Lewis Memorial UMCs Parsonage in Evans, GA. God is sooo
Good to us giving us church families on two continents and a home when we are in Georgia through our home
church. It is an incredible blessing to look out our kitchen window and see the Church Steeple on the Sanctuary we
have called home for 24 years. We are grateful for all those who let God use them. Thank you LMUMC family.

Luci Lights
many of
lives will
be a little
because of
hearts who
gave light
by sharing
the Light
of the
World and
caring for
and loving
others. It
is an honor
to be an
of our USA
churches in

We continue to be blessed by those God called us to serve. Lots of days they end up teaching us how we should live,
forgive, and love one another. We see that a lot in Ro Verde. With so little materially along with big life struggles to
just get through the day they come with memories of many types of abuse among their own family members, these
little people embrace us with more love than we could have ever imagined. It is our great hope they are drawn to us
because of their Source of Hope living in us and through us. There are days when emotions are high and their hurt
and anger runs deep when the ones who are supposed to love them to the moon and back break their hearts, over
and over again. Even still, they come, and we get to love them to the moon and back. We know Jesus loves them
sooo much. We are trying our best not to judge those who hurt our children here it takes a lot of prayer to live in
this place an impossible task without the power of the Holy Spirit and the love we have for Jesus and His children
here. We pray for extra grace. There are lots of tears shed daily by these two very human missionaries not all sad
tears but lots of happy ones too when our children look to Jesus, the Source of their hope and healing to restore their
broken hearts. It is breathtaking for us, but our God is Good and pours out lots of Grace.
We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We keep putting one foot in front of the
other in the direction God is moving it is hard some days but He is sooo Faithful it
is a great privilege to get to be here for Heaven! Life keeps moving on over here and
over there. And we praise God for you!! We are praying for you! Know that we love
you! Please pray for Gods provision as we seek to please Him and serve Him in this
place He has set us down we simply cannot continue in His service here without
your prayers and financial partnership and support. Please pray about joining Jesus in
His mission alongside us feeding hungry tummies and sweet little hearts as we be
the Gospel for the people as empowered by His Spirit. There is Great JOY in being used
for the Kingdom. We are thankful and sooo very grateful!!
We return to Ecuador and all those God placed in our lives there on March 18th.
January March 2016 is our planned Stateside support raising furlough if
youd like for us to share the mission of Jesus where we live with your Church,
Sunday School class, Small Group or in your home please let us know, we are
scheduling now for 2016. May God bless you in ways you never imagined
possible as you love and serve others!

Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon Nichols
Missionaries to Ecuador serving with The Mission Society y IEMUE

All donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010

Designate gifts:
Nichols support # 368 [or]
via The Mission Societys web-site

With our adopted

family in Quito,
David and Arleth

(Click on the web address above then scroll to the

bottom of the page to donate by Credit Card or
Electronic Funds Transfer)

The thing that makes a missionary is the sight of what Jesus did on the
cross and to have heard Him say, GO. Oswald Chambers
Please feel free to forward, mail-out or print our Newsletter for your Sunday school
class, small group, Church or friends Thank you!!
Our Mailing Address in Ecuador
(Graham is known by his first name in ECU-Robert)
We LOVE hearing from you!!
Conjunto San Marino
Robert y Sharon Nichols #39
Va a la Bengala y Ro Chila-Subcentro Salud Rosales
Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador, SA
Cell: 0996758531 (MUST be written on any packages)

Bendiciones desde Ecuador!! (Blessings from Ecuador!!)

(If you received this newsletter by mistake, or simply wish to be removed from our mailing list, please
reply to this e-mail with the word "remove" in the subject line. Thank you!

Praising Jesus in word,

action and song on the

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