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406 [IED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. COS724081 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL' Kuroreq 204 201408360 United States Department of State /~ Washington, D.C. 20820 x SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED June 9, 2014 NOTE FOR THE SECRETARY FROM: — S/SRAP — James Dobbins H— Julia Frifield SUBJECT: (SBU) Congressional Engagement on Recovery of Sergeant Bergdahl (SBU) Following the safe recovery of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan and the subsequent transfer of five Taliban detainees from Guantanamo to Qatar May 31, S/SRAP, in coordination with NSC, DoD, and DNI, has engaged Members of Congress and their staffs to provide details on and Justification for this action. These engagements included notification calls by Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Dobbins to the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee shortly after Bergdahl's recovery was confirmed, Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Blane’s participation in an interagency briefing to staff from House leadership and national security committees; and Special Representative Dobbins” participation in a briefing to all Senators June 3. Further Member and staff engagements with Dobbins and Blanc ave scheduled, ineluding an all-House Member briefing June 9. (SBU) Congressional Reaction: While the initial Congressional reaction to Bergdahl’s release was largely positive (and many Members had previously written to the Administration urging greater efforts on his behalf), criticism of the transfer agreement has grown significantly over the past week. ‘The criticism, led by Republicans but also voiced by some Democrats, has focused primarily on: the Administration’s failure to inform members in advance the deal had been concluded or follow the National Defense Authorization Act's 30-day notification requirement before transfers from Guantanamo can proceed; the ostensible threat posed by the five Taliban transferred to Qatar and the prospects of their return to the battlefield; the ability of the Government of Qatar to effectively fulfill the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); and the conduct of Bergdahl prior to his capture and during his time in captivity. These criticisms have been amplified by media reports, often inaccurate, portraying Bergdahl and the circumstances of his capture in a negative light. Members who are more REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, SSIFIED Senior Reviewer SENSITIVE BUT UNC UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724081 Date: 02/27/2015, )6 IED US, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724061 Date: 02/27/2015 UT UNCLASSIFI supportive of the deal have encouraged the Administration to be more forceful in correcting misreporting and to publicly disclose details of Bergdahl’s conditions while in captivity, which they believe will help positively inftuence public opinion. (SBU) All-Senate Briefing: At the all-Senate classified briefing June 3, Special Representative Dobbins joined Deputy NSA Blinken, Deputy Secretary of Defense Work, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Winnefeld, Office of the Secretary of Defense General Counsel Preston, and Deputy Director of National Intelligence Cardillo in presenting the Administration’s justification for the decision to complete the transfer agreement expeditiously in a manner not allowing for prior Congressional notification. Members on both sides focused a significant ‘amount of their questioning on the personal conduct of Bergdahi, which was strongly addressed by Winnefeld as irrelevant to the long-standing commitment to bring home soldiers captured on the battlefield. Members also expressed their frustration Congressional leadership had not been informed in advance, which they viewed as a sign of distrust from the Administration. The briefing left the impression that Congress might have more easily accepted the decision not to comply with the 30-day notification period had there been any advance consultation. Finally, several Members suggested the five Taliban transferred to Qatar pose too great a threat to U.S. security interests, which the terms of the MOU with Qatar are insufficient to address — criticisms the Department will continue to push back against in the weeks and months shead. Following the briefing, Majority Leader Reid told Blinken it was “serious, substantive, honest, forceful,” and feedback from many senators had been very positive. Attachments: Tab | - Timeline of Hill Engagements Teb 2~ List of Incoming Congressional Correspondence ‘SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLA Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724061 Date. 02/27/2015 Jase No F-2014-14491 Doc No. C0S724063 Date 02/27/2015 Department of State RELEASED IN FULL SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED ill Et nt. General updates that typically covered details of Bergdabl’s capture, status of search efforts, holding location and eaptor network, and most recent proof of life details: 02/17/2011 DIA update to Sen. Mike Crapo (R-IN) on Bergdahl 07/25/2011 SSCI Staffer visit to DIAC for Bergdahl update 06/20/2012 DIA update call to SSCI PSMs on Bergdahl 02/05/2013 a update to Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) and Rep. Andrew Barr -KY) 04/30/2014 JS update to Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) 05/08/2013 DIA/JS update to HASC PSMs on Bergdahl 07/31/2013 JS update to Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R- OH) on Bergdahl a Pe 10/28/2013 Report delivered to Congress on the status/search for Bergdahl per NDAA requirement 11/12/2013 DIA/IS update to Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) on Bergdahl 01/16/2014 SRAP/DOD/IC Calls to Hill Staff on Bergdaht ~ Proof of Life Video | SRAP/DODIC offered calls to staff from SFRC, HFAC, SACFO, | HACFO, SASC, HASC, SACD, HACD, SSCI, and HPSCI. DSRAP Blanc connected with staff from HFAC, SACFO, SFRC, and HACFO. Message was to confirm proof of life video for SGT Bergdahl, confirm his deteriorating physical condition, and say we continued to evaluate and consider all options to secure his safe return, including through possible talks with the Taliban in the context of our overall reconciliation efforts. Staff appreciated the outreach and esked we keep them updated. We told them we would keep them updated and continue to consult before taking any action. 02/19/2014 SRAP/DODAIC Calls to Hill staff on Bergdahl SRAP/DODAIC offered calls to staff from Leadership SFRC, HFAC, SACFO, HACFO, SASC, HASC, SACD, HACD, SSCI, HPSCI, Sen. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED Senior Reviewer U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14481 Doc No. C05724083 Date: 02/27/2015 UNCLA 3 Date: 02/27/21 iment of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. CO5724 ‘SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED Risch, Sen. Crapo, and Rep. Simpson. DSRAP Blanc connected with staff from Sen. Reid, Speaker Boehner, Leader Pelosi, HFAC, and SACFO. Message was to clarify we were not currently engaged in negotiations with the Taliban, but we believed doing so could ultimately lead to SGT Bergdabl’s release. If the Taliban agreed to ‘meet we would plan to pursue this and expected the Taliban would raise the issue of detainee transfers. Staff appreciated the outreach and several expressed interest in a classified briefing iffwhen we had additional information to share. We told them we would keep them updated and continue to consult before taking any action. 06/01/2014 SRAP/DODATC Calls to Members on Bergdahl Amb. Dobbins made notification calls to Sen. Menendez, Sen. Corker, Rep. Royce, and Rep. Engel and connected with Corker and Royce. Cotker was very positive and said he understood the need to waive the 30-day notification. Engel was less positive, but on balance favorable. We also connected with Menendez’ and Royce's staff ‘who appreciated the outreach. Engagements involving discussion on detainee swap/Taliban negotiations: 11/2011 Member update on Taliban S/negotiations 01/19/2012. Member update on Taliban S/negotiations 09/19/2012 SRAP/NIO for SA/ Update to SSCI Members, Sen McCain, SASC/Leadership Staff on status of negotiations with the Taliban. At request of Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Chambliss, Amb. Grossman. briefed Members on the status of reconciliation efforts with the ‘Taliban, saying that there had been no further developments since the Taliban cut off contact in March 2012. Many members, particularly Chambliss, expressed opposition to any consideration of a deal for ‘Bergdah| and the five Taliban at GTMO. Amb. Grossman said while ‘we may consider a deal in the future, he was not optimistic about it happening anytime soon. Members asked that Grossman commit to returning to consult them before any decision was made, and he agreed. 05/08/2013 DIA/JS update to HASC PSMs on Bergdah! — included discussion on current status of negotiations with the Taliban SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C0S724083 Date: 02/27/2015 SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED ss Engagements on reconciliation: 06/17/2013. SRAP/DODAC Calls to Members on Reconciliation SRAP/DOD/DNI offered calls Chair/Ranking of SFRC, HFAC, SACFO, HACFO, SASC, HASC, SACD, HACD, SSCi, HPSCI, and Sen. McCain. Amb. Dobbins connected with Menendez, Corker, Graham, McCain, and Royce. Message was to notify Members of the opening of a Taliban office in Doha and our intent to begin direct negotiations. ‘TPs did not include Bergdahl, but did say we expected the Taliban to raise the issue of Gitmo detainees. 07/09/2013. SRAP/DOD/IC Classified Briefing on Reconciliation to Senate leadership/committees SRAP Dobbins, A/ASD Lavoy, LTG Federsion, and NIO Williams briefed Senate Leadership and chair/ranking of SFRC, SASC, SSC, SACFO, and SACD. Focus of the briefing was on state of reconciliation efforts (which had stalled) and BSA. Members asked about potential for detainee swaps as part of reconciliation and Amb. Dobbins responded since the talks were not moving forward, there had been no developments on that front. 07/09/2013 SRAP/DOD/IC Classified Briefing on Reconciliation to House leadership/committees SRAP Dobbins, AJASD Lavoy, LTG Federsion, and NIO Williams briefed Senate Leadership and chair/ranking of HFAC, HASC, HPSCI, HACFO, and HACD. Focus of the briefing was on state of reconciliation efforts (which had stalled) and BSA. Members asked about potential for detainee swaps as part of reconciliation and Amb. Dobbins responded since the talks were not moving forward, there had been no developments on that front, ISITIVE Bl ‘LASSIFIE| UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724063 Date: 02/27/2015 D5 G1ED US, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724059 Date: 02/2 015 RELEASED IN FULL! smamenrusciaswnn Z2OMHOPICE EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Operations Center Overnight Brief Sonday, Jone 01,2014 590 EDT RESPONSE TO SERGEANT BERGDAHL’'S RELEASE + (U) The President praised the goverament of Qatar in helping secure Sgt. Bergdehl"s release, Regarding the ransfer ofthe five Guantanamo Bay detainees to Qatar, he std “The Qatari government has given us assurances that ‘tw putin place measures to proteci our national secu.” (White House Press Office) + (U) A Taliban statement suid the decision to release the detainees brought “great happiness and pleasure i (the) Afghan nation and particulary to the llamic Emirate Mujahideen.” (AFP) + (U) Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member James Inbofe (R-OK) and House Armed Services ‘Commitee Chairman Howard MeKeon (R-CA) said the President violated U.S. laws when he approved the exchange without providing 30 days notice to Congress. (Washington Post) + (U) Senator John MeCain (R-AZ) said, “lem eager to lear what precise steps are being taken to ensure that chese vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.” (Washington Post) IRAN EXECUTES PRISONER LINKED TO MEK (SBU) Ghotamreza Khosravi was sentenced to death in 2010 for providing Iranian military fcilties photos and Financial support tothe anti-government group Mojahedin-c-Khelg (MEK), media report, The ran Regional Presence Office comments while Khosravi's execution was widely criticized by Irenian expatriate activists on social media, there was no indication of unrest inside Iran and no expectation demonstrations would occur. Embassy Baghdad comments there has been no reaction thus far from the 2800 MEK residents living at Camp Hurriya, (Ops/fran Regional Presence Office Dubai e-mail, Ops/Embassy Bughdad e-mail, AP) INDIAN MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENTS EMPHASIZE NATIONAL SECURITY (SBU) PM Modi named Ajit Doval as national security advisor and General V.K. Singh 2s federal minister forthe northeast region, bolstering India’s stance towards Pakistan and China, media report. Embassy New Delhi comments Doval is former Intelligence Bureau chief and nota carer diplomat. The appointments reflect PM Modis desire to sirengthen networks with india's South Asian neighbors and others witha vested interest in egional stability. (Ops/Embassy New Delhi e-mail, Reuters) BAHRAIN’S SHIITE OPPOSITION ANNOUNCES ELECTION BOYCOTT (SBU) The group of mostly Shite opposition societies in Beran, knoven asthe National Democratic Opposition, sz they would not ake par in October parliamentary and municipal eletions until a politcal agrocment reflecting the will the people was reached, media report. Embassy Manama comments the opposition lef the door open to Daricipat in elections slthough the government vas unlikely to meet the oppositions demands, including full lector redistricting, paviamentary abort to approve cabinet appointments, and prisoner releases. (Opw/Embassy Manama e-mail. AP) REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer Please sce our classified website at hito:/ses state Dafed: JEBerlowBMRivage-Seut ‘Approved: IMLowel Dist Sat (a barems), NSC, OSD, NMC, JCS. CLA, OSC, NCTC, DUS, DNI SENSITIVE AUT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C0S724059 Date: 02/27/2015 5 oDIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724057 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL A01H0843.a MAY 0 6 2015 Deer Mr. Harter: ‘Thank you for youe leter of March 13 to President Obauma regarding U.S. Army Sergeant ‘Bowe Bergdahl. The Adminisratioa shares your deep concem regarding Sergeant Bergdahl’s safe return and we continue to work for his immediate release, We have been asked 0 respond on the President's behslf, Secretary Kerry and Secretary Hagel bave spoken publicly about our commitment never to leave a U.S. service member bebind, including specifically Sergeant Bergdhl. The Departneats of Defeave und Stats ae working with oer U.S. departnens end agencies to pursue ll possible means oretum Sergeant Bergdab hom’ sally, nchuding bringing io bear 1 or militry, intligencs, an diplomatic sources. We coordinate closely to ensue tat all effons ofthe Departments of Sule and Defense are mntully reinforcing and re sapponed by oer U.S, departments and egensies, We have lng siniaied tha, should we be io a position to talk cirexly with the Taliban, we wold ately pursue Sergcat Barada’ retum through thet cheael as well. We have dep eympeiy fr te Bergdatfunily and regularly apprise them of ou efor ‘We sppreciste your concer and support for Sergeant Bergdah! and his family, as well as your continued support for our service mernbers. Wo will continue to keep you and your Colleagues apprised of our efforts on his behalf. Please do not hesitate tole us know if we can ee creme § { : Sincerely, pata ype me Ei htihe iy poe i Lepislotive AMiaiss Legislative Affairs (es eae sph | “House of Representatives, CT osn003055-14 | __ —_—— UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No, C03724057 Date: 02/27/2015 )5 7.2407 FIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724071 Date; 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL, y sansa n wos aueer | ‘ane \ ‘Dnited Stars Senate waSHnTon De zsto068 5 : June 5, 2014 B i The President i ‘The White House | 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. ‘Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, As the nation discusses the retum of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Desgdahi : from captivity in Afghanistan, my attention has been redoubled towards bringing \ hhome two Marylanders, Mr. Alan Gross and Mr. Warren Weinstein, who remain imprisoned by their captors in Cuba and South Asia, xespectively. ‘The Bergdaht ase has raised the following important eoncems that I urge you to address as soon 2s possible. First in the Bergdahl case, the U.S, Government assessed that the exchange of five Guantanamo Bay detainees was warranted in order to bring Sergeant Bergdahl home safely. Regardless of the circumstances, the case has raised many questions. Specifically, does this exchange represent a new way of thinking far ‘winning the release of abducted! Americans through exchanges? If'so, does this broadened thinking apply to the cases ofall missing Americans, both civilian and military, who have been abducted? The Bergdahl case necessiiates a clear response from the Administration on these questions. More importantly, our Goverment owes it to the Gross and Weinstein families to be equitable. Second, | appreciate the importance of the credo of never leaving an American service member behind on the battlefield. I deeply respect our nation’s ‘enduring commitment to bring all military prisoners of war home. However, | am ‘concerned that the same energy and resources that we rightfully put into our nation’s prisoners of war are not being extended to our nation’s civil servants and contraciors. Both Msss. Gross and Weinstein were abducted while undertaking humanitarian and diplomatic work on behalf of USAID. | urge you to expand our q policy to be “no American left behind” and that commensurate resources and effort t are given to cases where Americans were inthe process of executing their ties for the US. Government at the time oftheir abavction. |REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724071 Date; 02/27/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724071 Date: 02/27/2015 Finally, { would like further background from the Administration as to whether the exchange or inclusion of other: also considered by the U.S. Government during negotiations for Sergeant Beradaht's release. If not, why not? If'so, why were other missing Americans not ultimately included inthe final deat? T request that details be provided to me as soon as possible, ifnecessary vie clasified channels. The families of Alan Gross and Warren Weinstein stand vigil for them every day. Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays pass without ther. Their ordeals are not over. They need to know that the U.S. Government is making every effort to bring their loved ones home safely and that we will leave no American behind. 1 stand ready to work with you to redouble and accelerate our efforts to return home these two Americans as soon as possible. Barbara A. Mikulski United States Senaror D7 1SIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. 05724071 Date: 02/27/2015 112.40 38IFIED U.S. Department of Case No. F-2014-14481 Doc No. C05724038 Date: 02 272015 RELEASED IN FULL, | 201118570 | MITCH MeCONELL REPUBLICAN LEADER =a United States Senate — ARES AN ADEPT September 28,2011 5 = ‘The Honan lary RClton eee Secretary of State ZF US. Department of State al 2201 C Steet NW. BBs Hanon be aas0 335 Dear Secretary Clinton: ‘As you know, Private First Class (PRC) Bowe Bergéeh! was captured by the Taliban in ‘Afghanistan on June 30, 2009, and has since been held captive. His wellbeing is of deep concem to me and to my constituets. Ove the past several month, T have received correspondence {rom a number of concerned Kentuckians who are asking thatthe United Stas do all they can for PFC Bergdahl. Just recently the sate director ofthe veterans group, Tesk Force Omega of Kentucky, reached out to me about this important matter. Thave already raised this isue with the Department of Defense but I nonetheless wanted to follow up on the diplomatic side ofthe edger to ensure that in the crash of events, focus remains on the safe recovery of this service ‘member and any others who may be captured inthe line of duty as they protect and defend our nation. ‘Thank you for your consideration ofthis important matter. Sincerely, MITCH MeCONNELL. UNITED STATES SENATOR REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer uav io UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724038 Date: 02/27/2015 €0572.40411ED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724041 Date: 02/27/2015, RELEASED IN FULL vrenycconnens germcmtunce: 277 ase Sort Ores Banoo AE a Bnited States Senate ) seein October 14,2011, , se ‘The Honorable Hillary R. Clinton pees Secretary of State 28m USS. Department of State 5 ay ‘2201 C Street N.W. zam ‘Washington, D.C. 20520 Ses< Bed Dear Secretary Cito: 33 As you know, during the course of Operation Enduring Freedom a U.S. soldier was eaptured in Afghanistan. Any U.S. military personel held in enemy hands is of deep concer to me end to ‘my constituents. Over the past several months, Thave received correspondence from a number of concemed Kentucky veterans who ere asking thatthe United States government do allt can to ensure the safe return of any service member captured in Operation Enduring Freedom. have already raised this issue with the Deparment of Defense. However, also wanted to communicate my request to you tht all diplomatic measures be taken to achieve the safe ‘recovery of any and all service members who may be captured in the line of duty as they protect, tnd defend our nation. ‘Thank you for your consideration of this important matter. Sincerely, MITCH MeCONNELL UNITED STATES SENATOR REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer fenoacen Same ima ae ome Raver Ea bocce UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724041 Date: 02/27/2015, 240 39FIFD US Depanment of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724030 Date: 02/2 RELEASED IN FULL! ‘THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ‘WASHINGTON October 28, 2011 ‘The Honorable Mitch McConnell United States Senate ‘Weshington, DC 20510 yol for your letter of October 14 on behalf of your constituent concerning céptured Sergeant Bowe Bergdahi. I share your deep concern over his captivity and want to assure you the Department of State is actively supporting ll efforts by the Department of Defense to bring Sergeant Bergdahl home. Sergeant Bergdahi's safe recovery is a priority for the United States, We are using every appropriate resource and means to gain his return, Since Sergeant Bergdahi was captured by terrorists known to live on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, the U.S. government has requested the aid of the Governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan to assist with his return to the United States and with bringing his captors to justice. The Department of State is working closely with the Department of Defense and Coalition forces in Afghanistan, the intelligence community, and other agencies to make every effort to facilitate Sergeant Bergdahl’s return. very much appreciate your ongoing support for our objectives in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Please do not hesitate to contact me again on this or any other issue. Sincerely yours, Ki Hillary Rodhar\ Clinton REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724039 Date: 02/2: 505724040 'FD US Deparmentof State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724040 Date: 02/27/2015, RELEASED IN FULL, 201119445 United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20820 SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED ay)! October 27,2011 ACTION MEMO FOR THE SECRETARY FROM: —S/SRAP — Jim DeHart, Acti H- David S. Adams SUBJECT: Reply to Senator Mitch McConnell on the status of recovery efforts for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl Recommendation Cpa ‘That you sign the attached letter reassuring Senator McConnell thatthe State Department is working tq facilitate Sergeant Bergdahl’s safe return. Approve e Disepprove eo Background Senator McConnell requested information to share with his constituents regarding the status of recovery efforts for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, a 25-year-old Army soldier captured by the Taliban while serving in southeastem Afghanistan in June 2009, The Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, alongside the Office for Counterterrorism, continues to work closely with the Department of Defense and other agencies to facilitate Sergeant Bergdahl's safe return, Attachments: Tab 1 ~Proposed Reply ‘Tab 2 - Incoming Correspondence REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer ‘SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C06724040 Date: 02/27/2015, 572.404 FIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. COS724043 Dale: 02/27/2018 RELEASED IN FULL, United States Department of State Raashingion, D.C, 20520 Dear Mr. Scheffimeyer and Mr. Bender: ‘Thank you for your letter on November 28th, regarding the status of | USS. efforts to ensure the retum of SGT Bowe Bergdahl who was captured | during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009. The State Department actively supports the Defense Department’s efforts to locate and bring homme missing US. troops. The safe recovery of U.S. troops isa high priority for the United States. I want to assure you that the U.S. and Coalition forces in Afghanistan, along with the intelligence community and other agencies, continue to make every effort to facilitate the safe retum of SGT Bergdahl. We appreciate your ongoing interest in our nation’s service members. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on this or any other matter. Sincerely yours, {James DeHart Director, Office of Afghanistan IREVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724043 Date. 02/27/2015 D5 0'IED US, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724050 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN PART BS Githort, StophanioS From: Ibert, Stephanie $ on beha! of SSRAP StaftAssistants Los (Mondey, February 08, 2012 10:40 AM Satine: Raz Spt Boe Bertt 86 Dear Me, Dana: ‘Thank you for your email of Janvaty 26 to Deputy Secretary Burn, who has asked that | respond on his behal. ‘appreciate your interest in the status of US efforts to ensure the retur of Staff Sergeant Ahmed Kousay ab ‘Tele, captured durtng Operation iraq! Freedom in 2006, nd Sergeant Bowe Bergdhi, captured during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in 2008. | want to assure you tat the Department of State shares your concor for ‘ther safety. The safe recovery of al service mambers and cilans who heve gone missing while carrying out our ‘attoral sions la top priority forthe Departments of State and Defonse. We, along with our coalition partners, the {ntallgence communlty, ed other agencies both damestc and overseas, continue to make every effort to fcltate the safe retam ofthese missing Americans. ‘We appreciate your ongoing concern forthe wellbelng of our nation's service members. Please do not hestate twecontact us again on this or any other matter. [REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-1441 Doc No. C0S724050 Date: 02/27/2015 2.405 31FD US Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724053 Date: 0212 RELEASED IN PART 86 ‘ 201201514 Prem: ‘Sents Thursday, Jonuary 26, 2012 11:19 AM ‘To: Dubose, Mary L (Ce Atle & Bane Mule ‘Subject: Sot Bowe Bergdahl ‘Dear Mary Dubose, have sent two letters to The Honorable Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State, Nov. 20, 201 tand Dec. 9, 2011, in regards to the release of Sot. Bowe Bergdahl, POW who was ‘captured 6/30/2009 In Afghanistan, and SSgt.. |Qusal AHTale, captured in iraq 10/23/2008. Now that we have withdrawn our troops from irag, do we forget all about ‘Ahmed ALTale. As President Barack Obama menitoned in his State of the Union ‘address a few days ago thet we are starting to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. 1 ‘ack you, “Are we Just going fo leave Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl behind in Afghenistan after wo leave"? This unacosptable. How can we ask our miliary to serve our country If wa. ‘abandon them should they become captured by the enemy. Rolling Thunder mission is ‘to publictze the POWIMIA issue and to educate the PUBLIC that many American prisoner of war ware laf behind srs past war, We dont wnt history repeating Please convey this emall to Deputy Secretary of State Wiliam J. Burns, | ‘Thank you very much for your time. Look forward fo hearing from you. Regards, Gus Dante Goverment Affairs - POW/MIA Matters National Board Member Rolling Thunder®, inc. email: 86 call: home: US Army 62-64 REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer| Rb pbisent9 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No, C0S724053 Date, 02/27/21 3G-1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724036 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL Ses: LONZACS United States Departmen of State Burvau of South and Central Asian Affairs Washington, D.C, August 22, 2011 John J. Malloy National Viemam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue #961 Washington, D.C. 20006 Dear Mr. Malloy: 1am responding on behalf of the Secretary of State to your July 25, 2011 letter expressing concern about the fate of captured Sergeant (SGT) Bowe Bergdahl. The State Department is actively supporting the Defense Department's efforts to bring SGT Bergdahl home. SGT Bergdaht’s safe recovery is a priority for the United States. Because SGT Bergdahl was captured by insurgents, many of whom are known to live on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, the United States Government requested that the Governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan, as their jurisdictions permit, assist with SGT Bergdahl’s safe return to America and with bringing his captors to justice. I assure you that the United States and Coalition forces Afghanistan, along with the intelligence community and other agencies, continue tomake every effort to facilitate SGT Bergdahl’s safe recovery. We appreciate your concer and support for our men and women in uniform, and we are grateful for your support of our continuing efforts. US. Department of State REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodget, Senior Reviewer SSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724036 Date: 02/27/2015 (0.4 G4ED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. COS724048 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL SON ABIES Roking Thunder*ine. Tennessee Chapter One P.O, Box 332534 ‘Murfreesboro, Ta, 37333-2534 Hon. Hilay Rodham Clinton Secelary of State Hany 6. Truman Bg. 22016 Street, NW ‘Bc 20820 Fox (202) 647-2288, December , 2011 Re: SSG, Atmed Qusal A-Tale, USA Sat Bown Bergdatt, USA Dear Secretary Clinton: [As you know, two current POWs from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom remain In the ‘asstody of cur enemies. We cannot wak our miltary to serve our county i we abandon them should they be captured by tho enemy. The feast wa can do for those fghting for cur freedom is to bring them home elive should ‘hey become a prisaner of wer. | em eaking thet you trade prisoners, negotiate or do whatever ft takos to bring ‘these man home ative, RRoting Thunder, ine.Tennwesee Chapter One strongly urges you to commence negotiations, in your capacity ae Secretary of State, to secure the release of Sgt. Al-Tele and Sargeant Bergdahl trom their captora. We do not ‘wart to $90 a repettion of our servicemen being left behind ae they were in Korea and Vietnam. Please foous cn ‘het release before Iti to late, ‘Your ettention to our eoncams Ie groatly appreciated, hilpson President Roling Thunderinc. ‘Tennessee Chapter One REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724046 Date: 02/27/2015 FD US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724045 Date: 02 RELEASED IN FULL * Vratead stoves J jatar tl James Phillipson President Rolling Thunder ine, Tennessee Chapter One P.O, Box 332534 Murfreesboro, TN 37133-2534 Dear Mr. Phillipson: Thank you for your letter on December 5, regarding the status of US. efforts to ensure the return of SSG Ahmed Kousay Altai, captured in Ireq during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2006, and SGT Bowe Bergdahl, captured in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009, The Department of State actively supports the Department of Defense's efforts 10 locate and bring home missing U.S. personnel. In iraq, after the withdrawal of U.S. troops, the Department of State has assumed responsibility for engagements with the Government of Iraq to locate and repatriate all U.S. personnel who are still missing from those military operations. ‘The safe recovery of all service members and civilians remains one of cur highest priorities. I want to assure you that the Departments of State and Defense, along with our coalition parmers, the intelligence community, and other agencies, both at home and abroad, continue to make every effort to facilitate the safe return of these missing Americans. We appreciate your ongoing interest in our nation’s service members. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on this or any other matter. Sincerely yours, “Jol Desocer }, Director, Office ofan Tames Defiant Director, Office of Afghanistan REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer, IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. COS724045 Date: 02/27/2015 {:1ED U.S. Department of Stat sse No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. COS724044 Date: 07/27/2015, RELEASED IN FULL { ited Slater Department of State Aes ag 032 Roger F. Lanphier President Rolling Thunder®Ine. Colorado Chapter One P.O. Box 661 Littleton, CO 80160-0661 Dear Mr. Lanphier: ‘Thanik you for your letter on December 5, regarding the status of U.S. efforts to ensure the return of SSG Ahmed Kousay Altaie, captured in fraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2006, and SGT Bowe Bergdahl, captured in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009. The Department of State actively supports the Department of Defense's efforts to locate and bring home missing U.S. personnel. In Ira, after the withdrawal of US. troops, the Department of State has assumed responsibility for engagements with the Govemument of Iraq to locate and repatriate all U.S. personnel who are still missing from those military operations, ‘The safe recovery of all service members and civilians remains one of our highest priorities. I want to assure you that the Departments of State and Defense, along with our coalition parmers, the intelligence community, and other agencies, both at home and abroad, continue to make every effort to facilitate the safe return of these missing Americans, We appreciate your ongoing interest in our nation's service members. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on this or any other matter. Sincerely yours, = x Destocher x Office of Iraq be Deft Director, Office of Afghanistan REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer, IED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C0S724044 Date: 02/27/2015 - 2.404 TIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724047 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL, ROLLING THUNDER® INC. OHIO CHAPTER 2 P.O. Box 435 Lakemore OH. 44250 wn wwiaas WW Ila KOREA $100 "VIETNAM 182 PERSIAN GULF [A POWIMIA NON-PROFIT AWARENESORGANIZATION SOIC @) EINTAX 311881135 GROUP#H37 Pros, Jim Smith 330-201-2258 ww roltingthunderghio2 org — 4on. Hillary Rodham Clinton Stercrary of State Harry S. Truman Bldg, 2201 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20520 Fas (202) 647-2283 Re: SSG Ahmed Quai ALTaie, USA Sul. Bowe Berudahl, USA Dear Secretary Clinton, At the present, two of our citizens serving their country in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom ave being held captive by our enemies. in our haste to end our commitment to the people and government of rug, we cannot forget that SSG AI-Taie is still missing in that country. Syt ‘Bongdahl is stl! rmisoing in Afghanistan, as you know, as tatks commence on cutting back troop strength there. Are we going to end that theater of operations and leave him behind, also? We cannot ‘expcet our Fighting farecs to forge ahead with the high sense of morale that is ncecled to accomplish their mission iF we abandon them shoul they become captured by the enemy. We, as a country, are ‘obligated to those who pat on the uniforn and risk their lives for our way of life. We need to bring thors home at all eosts Rolling Thunder, Ine, Onio Chapter 2 strongly urges you, in your capacity as Sceretury of Stat, 10 encourage thee negotiations to sccure the relcase of these lwo citizens, SSG Al-Taic and Set, Benda Asa Vietnam veteran, I do not want to sce a repetition of our servicemen being left behind as they 1 in that era of cur history, 2s well us in Korea und previous wars. Time is of the essence. This noeds to beuccomplistied before it is too late Ohio Chaprer 2 appreciates your prompt attention to this matter Respectfully, REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer! ? 3 / President Rolling Thunder Ob, 2 UNCLASS! S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C0S724047 Date: 0227/2015 )4SFlED US. partment of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724048 Date: 02/27/2015, RELEASED IN FULL, Page 1 of 1 Cover Sheet FIRM DEADLINE: Copy to Deputy Secretary Burns of a 1/26 email from Gus Dante, National Board Member, 201201514:(U) Rolling Thunder, Inc. to Mary Dubose re: Urging to secure the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdah! and Sergeant Ahmed Qusai Al-Tale. (eR nacard Tech: Fete, Wie) ete Processed: yeaa 3:23 {etal Dweution: Final Darton: SISRAPS:OCERDOM:PAIIESSES-CRIPS Float ations ‘spred By Pincpel Fine Aton BUR Aédrnsod Tot Prinpal Fa Action 2/6012 12:00 6 ‘Tekan ont Final Action Mots: 2b: ORIG REPLY SVGNED BY YSRAP ANASSADOR BETH JONES (NIP) U.S. Department of State REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED US. Depanient of State Case No. F-207414451 Doc No. C05724048 Date: 0272712015 Case No F-2014-14491 Doc No, CO5724081 Date’ 02 7/2015 RELEASED IN FULL! Everest - Display . Page 1 of Standard Priority FIRM DEADLINE: Copy to Deputy Secretary Burns of a Red 1/26 email from Gus Dante, National Board Member, Border Rolling Thunder, Inc, to Mary Dubose re: Urging to Tasker: — secure the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdah! and Sergeant Ahmed Qusai Al-Taie. 201201514 ~"u-icesatnes Brestaerinsmantne srt ve oo rnin Soran cmon sso sm woe mylletttre sine ttt: oreeteares Reretts a eee Scns na SepertAlwed i ae nectnim (Besant one oar ramrrest ll clesrageeca passat a nines i cnn ST 9a ee ‘S/85-CR Contac Phone #: Ext. 7-0140 Date Crostnd: 1/27/2012 2114 Bo Ua. Departnent Bs REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer npufeverest ses.sate classi eMD=8698REverestID=EV2..._ 1/30/2012 lnsslists/packages/taskerdispform.aspx UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C0S724051 Date’ 02/27/2015 @ No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. CO8724055 Date: 02/27/2015 0572.40 55iED US Department of State RELEASED IN FULL 201317960 United States Department of State & & ashingion. D.C. 20520 AUG 27 203 Dear Mr. Peters: ‘Thank you for your letter of July 9 segarding Army Sergeant Bowe Robert Bergdahl. We share your concerns regarding the safety of Sgt. Bergdahl, and we assure you that we are doing everything we can to secure his return. Our thoughts | are with the Bergdahl family. We keep the family updated on our efforts regularly and they have met several times with our senior leadership. | As Secretary Kerry expressed to the Committee on Foreign Relations on January 24, 2013, “the safe return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is of the utmost importance to me personally, the Department of State, and the Administration, Obtaining Sgt. Bergdahl’s freedom is not only an important humanitarian mission that we raust pursue for him and his family, but a manifestation of @ solemn ' esponsibility to every American serving in uniform that the United States will not rest until every missing or captured American service member is returned home.” ‘We cannot discuss all the details of our efforts, but there should be no doubt that on a daily basis — using our military intelligence and diplomatic resources — we are trying to bring Set. Bergdahl home safely. The Department of Defense is best suited to brief you on the progress in those efforts. We hope this information has been helpful, Please do not hesitate to contact t us again if we can be of further assistance, Sincerely, Coun bolton ‘Thomas B. Gibbons Acting Assistant Secretary Legislative Affairs ‘The Honorable . Scott H. Peters, House of Representatives. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviowor UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C05724055 Date: 02/27/2015 057240 65D U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. 605724065 Date: 02/27/2015 AOIH0844E RELEASED IN FULL. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA May 19, 2014 ‘The Honorable Juhn F. Kerry United States Seeretary of State United States Department of State 201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Mr. Secretary As directed by the 2014 General Assembly, | am enclosing Senate Resolution 12 ‘commending the continuing efforts to secure the release of Sergeant Bowe R. Bergdahl, U.S. Army, from the Haqqani network in Pakistan, ‘The patron of this resolution is Senator Bryce E. Reeves, P.O. Box 7021, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22404. The resolution was agreed to by the Senate on. March 3, 2014. With kind regards, 1am Sincerely yours, ‘Susan Clarke Schoar SCSite Enclosure REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer ce: The HongrgbigBryce E. Reeves UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724085 Date: 02/27/2015, 406 °/FIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14491 Doc No. C05724067 Date: 02/27/2015 RELEASED IN FULL! 2014 SESSION i | SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 12 Commanding the con secure the release us. mmanding ha coming, efor sere th reese of Srgeant Bowe R. Berd, US. Army ‘Agreed toby the Seate, March 5, 2014 WHEREAS on June 30,2009, ow 27.yeald US, Amy Saget Bowe R. Bia of Haley, i, appt aa, vig wen wil lone end i beeved it Sergeant Sega tas Sen el a prone of wa for four years by ho alibi. Haqqani nerwor in WHEREAS. the Tele comand te tee’ of five Guiza deans in exchange for Seems Bee ad ew mee by Se Ue Se gore larly ws be five deninees io Mach 2042; howeve,segodations ended ater 16 vlan wer killed by a United State serviceman in Kandabar and [WHEREAS abogh» mortise ak Oba on May 2,20, he transfer of detainees at Guantanamo to Yemea, and 90 deaiess had been cleared for release, none have Been sensfemed dae to filed talks and oppostion to a prisoner exchange oprerca! i he United Sues Sete and "WHEREAS, albough POW/MIA Recopnion Day was declared on Sepimber 20, 2013, by the ‘Oban adounition fo honor sevice embers Hela prisoners of war of missing i action end to “upper har falls many sopponers of prone of war und tice fame bllve the declaration wes ‘aauient ead ta Sled econ on pber exchange in he Uiied Sues Sense sbould be resumed, sd ‘WHEREAS, many Americans ae united ia securing te immediate release of oe Si a fs cr ng eo we 9 ‘etion; now, therefor, be it ‘RESOLVED by the Seaate of Virginia, Tit the conning efoto secu the release of Bove B Bepdl US, Army, hm be Heng sven ait bby be commands nd FURTHER That the Clef of te Senate fr hcg Far ol reszatog se of Sergeant Bowe R. Beil, US. Amy, snd, bo RESOLVED fae Seas real cps as reson to the Used suas Sonwny ef Dass! anh Usted Se Stony ofS bo ba ey uy be appl of Se aa TiIcHna wazras ! REVIEW AUTHORITY: Steve Blodgett, Senior Reviewer| UNCLAS FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14491 Doc No, C0S724067 Date: 02/27/2015 2 United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 Case No.: F-2014-14491 Segments: EAN-0001 & S/ES-0001 Jason Leopold Dear Mr. Leopold: In response to your request dated July 25, 2014, under the Freedom of Information Act (the “FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. §552, we have initiated searches of the following Department of State record systems: the Central Foreign Policy Records (the principal record system of the Department of State), the files of the Office of the Executive Secretariat, the files of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, the files of the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the files of the Office of the Legal Adviser. The search of the files of the Central Foreign Policy Records is ongoing and has resulted in the retrieval of 97 documents responsive to your request. After reviewing these 97 documents we have determined that 3 may be released to you in full, 15 must be withheld in fall, and that 79 documents either originated in, or require consultation with, other U.S. Government agencies. We have referred the latter 79 documents to the relevant agencies with a request to respond upon making a determination as to releasability. The search of the files of the Office of the Executive Secretariat is ongoing and has resulted in the retrieval of 22 documents responsive to your request. After reviewing these 22 documents we have determined that 20 may be released to you in full and that 2 may be released to you in part. Where documents are released to you in part, all non-exempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exempt material has been released. Where we have made excisions, the applicable exemptions are marked on each document. Of the information withheld in full, all was withheld under FOIA exemption 1, -2- 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1). An enclosure provides information on FOIA exemptions and other grounds for withholding material. We will keep you advised as your case progresses. If you have any questions, please contact Trial Attorney Robin Thurston at (202) 616-8188 or at Sincerely, Sura 0 Weron FO John F. Hackett, Acting Director Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated

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