Pdgp05060 Section-B Assignment-Hrm

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Assignment- HRM


The present research aims to study the relationship between components of

psychological capital (hope, Confidence, resilience and optimism) and factors such
as motivations, confidence, job satisfactions. 6 questions were asked to 10 people
who had varying work experience ranging from 6 months to 5 years. After analyzing
the data collected from the respondents, it is found that there is a positive
correlation between different component of psychological capital and these factors.

Literature reviewPositive Organizational Behavior

According to Luthens, Positive Organizational Behavior is investigating and
employing positively-oriented human forces and psychological capabilities which
can be measured, expanded, and managed for improving progress in working
environment. It is about the study and application of positive psychological
capabilities and strengths of human resources which can be developed and
measured and effectively managed for improving the performance of the personnel.
In the earlier days, Companies used to pay less attention to make investment on
human resources, while in today's scenario, Importance of attention to human
capital has significantly increased. It requires investigation of the inner aspects of
human being for promotion of human capital in any organization. A new approach,
called positively oriented psychology, has recently attracted the intention in the
area of organization and management, thereby giving rise to a new movement
called positive organizational behavior. This positivity can be developed and
invested in the employees through psychological capital for performance impact in
the organization. There are four positive psychological capacities which have been
identified as best for measuring performance impact in the organization. These
psychological capacities are- a)Self-efficacy/Confidence, b)Hope, c)Optimism and
Psychological capital is conceptualized as an individuals positive psychological
state of development characterized by

Having confidence (self-efficacy) to take optimum decision and put necessary

effort to succeed at challenging tasks;
Making a positive attribution (optimism) about succeeding in the present and the
Persevering towards goals and, when necessary, redirecting paths to goals
(hope) in order to succeed; and
When beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even
beyond (resiliency) to attain success.

Confidence:It indicates that the more confident the individuala) The more likely the choice will be made to really get into the task and welcome
the challenge;

b) The more effort and motivation will be given to successfully accomplish the task;
c) The more persistence there will be when obstacles are encountered or even
when there is initial failure.
Individuals with high levels of self-efficacy have the following characteristics:
1) Set important goals and accept difficult responsibilities for achieving those goals,
2) Face challenges and work hard to achieve those goals,
3) Their motivation is very high,
4) Make any effort to achieve their goals, and
5) Persist when faced with difficulties and barriers.

Resilience (reversibility):Resilience is defined as a capability of individual to face with life adversity, trauma,
tragedy, and even positive events, progresses, and responsibility. It enables
individuals to try more and persist for achieving success.
Resilient people have the following characteristics:
1) They easily accept the realities of life,
2) Believe that life is meaningful (this belief is usually supported by their values),
3) Have remarkable capabilities to rapidly adapt themselves with great changes.

Seligman, the father of positive psychology, believes that optimist people, facing
with failures and success, act as following:
1) Rely on general assumptions; such as I can succeed in different areas.
2) Their assumptions are constants; for example I can constantly succeed in this
3) Attribute their success to their internal capabilities; for example my own
capabilities and efforts led to my success.

Hope is defined as a cognitive set that is based on a reciprocally derived sense of
(a) agency (goal-directed determination) and

(b) pathways (planning of ways to meet goals).

Snyder has defined hopefulness as a positive state of motivation resulting from a
successful feeling of agency (energy toward goal) and planning for achieving the
goal. An individuals level of hope is related to goal expectancies, perceived
control, and positive affect.

AnalysisSix questions were asked to 10 respondents. Out of these, 2 corresponded to hope,

while the other 4 corresponded to dependent variables namely motivation, job
satisfaction, confidence etc.
People with high hope tend to be more motivated to do the work related to the
organization. They worked hard to achieve their goals, while they persisted even
when they face difficulties and barriers in reaching the store. 7 out of 10
respondents were found to be having that behavior.
while, in case of job satisfaction, 6 out of 10 respondents said that they usually
expect to give their best, when things are uncertain at their work in the
organization. They try to find out what's going on wrong with their job. It leads them
to increase their efficiency and skill for that particular job and reduce the errors in
their work.
In case of confidence, 8 out of the 10 respondents said
or at their potential in their organization. They feel
solution for a long term problem in the organization.
improve their performance in their organization
organizational goals.

that they are working close

highly confident to find a
It helps them to gradually
and achieve long- term

ConclusionThe present research proves that psychological capital (hope, confidence, resilience
and optimism) has positive relationship with all the dependent variables like
motivation, job satisfaction, confidence.
There is a relationship between self-efficacy (self-confidence) for successfully doing
jobs and organizational performance, hope for determining future goals and
identifying ways of achieving them and organizational performance, optimism for
positive outcomes and success and organizational performance, resilience (mental
calmness) for life satisfaction and organizational performance.


Bakker, A., Schaufeli W.B. (2008).Positive organizational behavior: Engaged
employee in flourishing organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29
Bandura, A. (1982). Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency . American
Psychologist, 37,122-147.[A classic article published in APAs flagship journal].

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