D - Scope and Limitations

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D .


This research paper is limited only to the Grade 7 to Grade 9 students who are now having
too many assignments of Florentino Torres High School . This is conducted in this school
specifically for 110 students few students in Grade 7 and Grade 8 and many students for Grade

These respondents have suffered not getting enough sleep thus affect their behavior in
and out of the classroom because of having too many assignments . Some of them actually like
having too many assignments while most disagreed of having too many assignments . Most of
the respondents came from Grade 9 while some came from Grade 7 and Grade 8 .

These respondents have to answer only what is given in the survey questionnaire . They
check their preferences from the choices with corresponding number of questions . The factors
found in the questionnaire are related with the behavior the students will have because of having
too many assignments and how we can solve the problem .

This research uses the descriptive method or design in the study . The researchers intend to
gather relatively limited data from Grade 7 to Grade 9 who are having sleepless nights because
of having too many assignments . The main intention in this study is to use the data in solving
the problem on what are the effects on the performance of the students in Florentino Torres High
School .

This research study is intented to 110 students who are having sleepless nights because of
having too many assignments. This made them feel sleepy and become late when going to school
so they want this problem to be solve quickly in order for them to be HAPPY. There are 6
students in grade 7 , 2 students of Grade 8 , and 102 students in the 4th Year . It seemed that you
can experience more sleepless nights as you grow older . On the day of the administration of the
survey , many were enthusiastic to answer the survey to make the teachers open their eyes to see
the hardships every students have in doing many assignments . These students were randomly
selected on more than 5000 students in Florentino Torres High School .


The researchers , together with their adviser , talk together about what instrument may be
used and come up with survey questionnaires . Formulated questions were to be answered by the
respondents . They come up with the possible effects on having too many assignments affect the
performance of the students in and out of the classroom .

The survey questionnaires have different parts namely : the title of the problem , the effects
on the performance of the students , how you feel on having too many assignments and how we
can overcome sleepless nights . Answers are indicated with what they feel on having too many
assignments .

The survey sheet contained questions about sleepless nights and accomplished by the
respondent himself by checking his appropriate responses on each questions .


Prior to the study , the researchers asked permissions on the teacher to excuse their students
for a few minutes to answer the questionnaire nicely . Permissions are also requested to the
students if they want to answer the questionnaire made by us , 4th Year students .
Students who have sleepless nights because of having too many assignments were
enthusiastic to answer the questionnaire for the questions were somewhat related to their lives .
Only 110 , 6 Grade 7 students , 2 Grade 8 students , and 102 Fourth Year students , or less than 5
% of the actual population of the students who are having sleepless nights because of habing too
many assignments were randomly selected . From these students , a quick survey was conducted
to find out the effects on the performance of the students when they had too many assignments .
The survey was conducted in selected sections of the Grade 7 to Grade 9 students .


From the collective accomplished survey questionnaires out of 110 respondents from
Grade 7 to Grade 9 students , the researchers got the percentage of every factor in the survey
questionnaire . The collective data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics . The
results of the statistics were done using the percentage .

It resulted that out of 100 percent , 97.27 % of the respondents are not in favor of having
too many assignments while 2.73 % of the respondents are in favor . 100 % of the respondents
said that they had experienced sleepless nights because of having too many assignments . None
of these respondents actually like having too many assignments for it affects the performance of
the students .

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