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members for the group. The invitation from ENFA is below. If you are a
fibromyalgia group interested in taking up this offer please contact Joop Van
Griensven at treasurer@enfa-europe.eu.

This is an invitation from the European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations

(EFNA), to inquire whether your group would like to become a member of ENFA.
Details about EFNA are below. One of the first stages in this is to expand ENFA so
that all EU countries are represented. Your membership will give ENFA a stronger
voice and it will be able to provide a clear picture of the conditions for those with
fibromyalgia throughout the whole of Europe. If you are interested in finding out
more please contact Joop Van Griensven at treasurer@enfa-europe.eu

What is ENFA?
The European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations is an international non-profit
organisation registered in Belgium in 2009. Currently, the network has 13 official
member organisations, representing 11 countries.

The network is the result of a need at the European level to increase awareness.
Indeed, over the past decade, several Fibromyalgia patient organisations have
been formed within the EU in an effort to increase awareness of Fibromyalgia
and provide support and information to patients and caregivers. While these
groups have been extremely active on a national level, there still existed a need
to increase awareness at the European level. In May 2003, several of the
national groups met to discuss the need for a European platform to share and
exchange information, to further Fibromyalgia awareness even more. Following
this initial exchange, in September 2004, representatives from patient
organisations formed the European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations

Aims and Objectives

The European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations has the aim of obtaining

recognition of fibromyalgia as a disease across the European Union and to
translate this recognition into practical measures for the diagnosis and treatment
of all people with fibromyalgia. The political activities of ENFA will improve the
quality of life of all the estimated 14 million people with Fibromyalgia in Europe.

To reach these aims, ENFA’s Objectives are:

• to provide Fibromyalgia with the recognition it deserves across Europe as

an illness in its own right
• To launch a large scale awareness campaign at the European Institutions
in order to obtain recognition of Fibromyalgia as a disease across all of
• To develop a network with European Organizations and Policy makers
• To gather and disseminate information about Fibromyalgia
• To establish contacts and make suggestions on how to heighten
awareness of the illness among the public, the business community,
professionals and politicians.
• To obtain the approval for multidisciplinary treatment for Fibromyalgia
• To facilitate the establishment of a scientific community of experts on



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