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Medications cline may be given.

Mefloquine is taken
once weekly in a dosage of 250 mg, start-
Travelers' diarrhea is the most common travel- ing one-to-two weeks before arrival and
related ailment. The cornerstone of prevention is continuing through the trip and for four
food and water precautions, as outlined below. All weeks after departure. Mefloquine may
travelers should bring along an antibiotic and an cause mild neuropsychiatric symptoms,

Zambia antidiarrheal drug to be started promptly if signifi- including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in-
cant diarrhea occurs, defined as three or more somnia, and nightmares. Rarely, severe re-
loose stools in an 8-hour period or five or more actions occur, including depression, anxi-
loose stools in a 24-hour period, especially if as- ety, psychosis, hallucinations, and seizures.
sociated with nausea, vomiting, cramps, fever or Mefloquine should not be given to anyone
blood in the stool. A quinolone antibiotic is usually with a history of seizures, psychiatric ill-
Summary of recommendations: prescribed: either ciprofloxacin (Cipro)(PDF) 500 ness, cardiac conduction disorders, or al-
mg twice daily or levofloxacin (Levaquin) (PDF) 500 lergy to quinine or quinidine. Those taking
All travelers should visit either their personal mg once daily for a total of three days. Quinolones mefloquine (Lariam) should read the Lariam
physician or a travel health clinic 4-8 weeks are generally well-tolerated, but occasionally cause Medication Guide (PDF). Atovaquone/
before departure. sun sensitivity and should not be given to children, proguanil (Malarone) is a recently approved
pregnant women, or anyone with a history of qui- combination pill taken once daily with food
Malaria: Prophylaxis with Lariam, Malarone, or
nolone allergy. Alternative regimens include a three starting two days before arrival and con-
doxycycline is recommended for all areas.
day course of rifaximin (Xifaxan) 200 mg three tinuing through the trip and for seven days
Vaccinations times daily or azithromycin (Zithromax) 500 mg after departure. Side-effects, which are
once daily. Rifaximin should not be used by those typically mild, may include abdominal pain,
Hepatitis A with fever or bloody stools and is not approved for nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, or
pregnant women or those under age 12. Azithro- dizziness. Serious adverse reactions are
Recommended for all travelers
mycin should be avoided in those allergic to eryth- rare. Doxycycline is effective, but may
Typhoid romycin or related antibiotics. An antidiarrheal cause an exaggerated sunburn reaction,
drug such as loperamide (Imodium) or diphenoxy- which limits its usefulness in the tropics.
Recommended for all travelers late (Lomotil) should be taken as needed to slow
the frequency of stools, but not enough to stop the Long-term travelers who may not have ac-
Polio cess to medical care should bring along
bowel movements completely. Diphenoxylate (Lo-
One-time booster recommended for any adult motil) and loperamide (Imodium) should not be medications for emergency self-treatment
traveler who completed the childhood series given to children under age two. should they develop symptoms suggestive
but never had polio vaccine as an adult of malaria, such as fever, chills, headaches,
Most cases of travelers' diarrhea are mild and do and muscle aches, and cannot obtain medi-
Hepatitis B not require either antibiotics or antidiarrheal cal care within 24 hours. See malaria for
drugs. Adequate fluid intake is essential. details. Symptoms of malaria sometimes do
For travelers who may have intimate contact
not occur for months or even years after
with local residents, especially if visiting for If diarrhea is severe or bloody, or if fever occurs
more than 6 months with shaking chills, or if abdominal pain becomes
marked, or if diarrhea persists for more than 72 Insect protection measures are essential.
Rabies hours, medical attention should be sought.
For further information on malaria in Zam-
For travelers who may have direct contact with Though effective, antibiotics are not recommended bia, including a map showing the risk of
animals and may not have access al care prophylactically (i.e. to prevent diarrhea before it malaria in different parts of the country, go
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) occurs) because of the risk of adverse effects, to the World Health Organization, Roll Back
though this approach may be warranted in special Malaria, and Southern Africa Malaria Con-
Two doses recommended for all travelers born situations, such as immunocompromised travelers. trol.
after 1956, if not previously given
Malaria in Zambia: prophylaxis is recommended for
Tetanus-diphtheria all travelers. Either mefloquine (Lariam),
atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone)(PDF), or doxycy-
Revaccination recommended every 10 years
Immunizations vaccine in pregnant and immunocompro- pain, muscle aches, dizziness, or allergic
mised travelers. reactions.
The following are the recommended vaccina-
tions for Zambia: Polio immunization is recommended, due to Any animal bite or scratch should be
the persistence of polio in sub-Saharan Af- thoroughly cleaned with large amounts
Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all rica. Any adult who received the recom-
travelers over one year of age. It should be of soap and water and local health
mended childhood immunizations but never authorities should be contacted immedi-
given at least two weeks (preferably four had a booster as an adult should be given a
weeks or more) before departure. A booster ately for possible post-exposure treat-
single dose of inactivated polio vaccine. All ment, whether or not the person has
should be given 6-12 months later to confer children should be up-to-date in their polio
long-term immunity. Two vaccines are cur- been immunized against rabies.
immunizations and any adult who never
rently available in the United States: VAQTA completed the initial series of immunizations Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine is recom-
(Merck and Co., Inc.) (PDF) and Havrix should do so before departure. Side-effects mended for all travelers who have not
(GlaxoSmithKline) (PDF). Both are well- are uncommon and may include pain at the received a tetanus-diphtheria immuni-
tolerated. Side-effects, which are generally injection site. Since inactivated polio vaccine zation within the last 10 years.
mild, may include soreness at the injection includes trace amounts of streptomycin,
site, headache, and malaise. neomycin and polymyxin B, individuals aller- Measles-mumps-rubella vaccine: two
gic to these antibiotics should not receive doses are recommended (if not previ-
Older adults, immunocompromised persons, ously given) for all travelers born after
and those with chronic liver disease or other the vaccine.
1956, unless blood tests show immu-
chronic medical conditions who have less Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for trav- nity. Many adults born after 1956 and
than two weeks before departure should re- elers who will have intimate contact with before 1970 received only one vaccina-
ceive a single intramuscular dose of immune local residents or potentially need blood tion against measles, mumps, and ru-
globulin (0.02 mL/kg) at a separate anatomic transfusions or injections while abroad, es- bella as children and should be given a
injection site in addition to the initial dose of pecially if visiting for more than six months. second dose before travel. MMR vaccine
vaccine. Travelers who are less than one year It is also recommended for all health care should not be given to pregnant or se-
of age or allergic to a vaccine component personnel. Two vaccines are currently li- verely immunocompromised individuals.
should receive a single intramuscular dose of censed in the United States: Recombivax HB
immune globulin (see hepatitis A for dosage) (Merck and Co., Inc.) (PDF) and Engerix-B Cholera vaccine is not generally recom-
in the place of vaccine. (GlaxoSmithKline) (PDF). A full series con- mended, even though cholera outbreaks
sists of three intramuscular doses given at 0, occur regularly in Zambia (see "Recent
Typhoid vaccine is recommended for all trav- outbreaks" below), because most travel-
elers. It is generally given in an oral form 1 and 6 months. Engerix-B is also approved
for administration at 0, 1, 2, and 12 months, ers are at low risk for infection. Two oral
(Vivotif Berna) consisting of four capsules vaccines have recently been developed:
taken on alternate days until completed. The which may be appropriate for travelers de-
parting in less than 6 months. Side-effects Orochol (Mutacol), licensed in Canada
capsules should be kept refrigerated and and Australia, and Dukoral, licensed in
taken with cool liquid. Side-effects are un- are generally mild and may include discom-
fort at the injection site and low-grade fever. Canada, Australia, and the European Un-
common and may include abdominal dis- ion. These vaccines, where available, are
comfort, nausea, rash or hives. The alterna- Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) occur
rarely. recommended only for high-risk indi-
tive is an injectable polysaccharide vaccine viduals, such as relief workers, health
(Typhim Vi; Aventis Pasteur Inc.) (PDF), given Rabies vaccine is recommended only for professionals, and those traveling to
as a single dose. Adverse reactions, which those at high risk for animal bites, such as remote areas where cholera epidemics
are uncommon, may include discomfort at veterinarians and animal handlers, and for are occurring and there is limited access
the injection site, fever and headache. The long-term travelers who may have contact to medical care. The only cholera vaccine
oral vaccine is approved for travelers at least with animals and may not have access to approved for use in the United States is
six years old, whereas the injectable vaccine medical care. A complete preexposure series no longer manufactured or sold, due to
is approved for those over age two. There are consists of three doses of vaccine injected low efficacy and frequent side-effects.
no data concerning the safety of typhoid vac- into the deltoid muscle on days 0, 7, and 21
cine during pregnancy. The injectable vaccine or 28. Side-effects may include pain at the
(Typhim Vi) is probably preferable to the oral injection site, headache, nausea, abdominal
Toronto Travel Clinics Address Travel Medicine on Bloor
www.travelmedicineonbloor.comnew Medisys Travel Health Clinic
University of Toronto Health Service 24 - 2917 Bloor Street West www.medisys.canew
(U of T Students Only) Toronto, ON 123 Edward Street
214 College Street M8X 1B4 Suite 505 Toronto, ON
2nd Floor Toronto, ON (416) 213-1266 M5G 1E2
M5T 2Z9 (416) 944-8432 * (416) 730-5700
(416) 978-8034 Dr. Mark Smolkin (416) 813-4184 *
(416) 971-2089 * Dr. Kevin Kain
Dr. SaraTaman Travel Medical Clinic
www.travelmedicalclinic.comnew Travel Medicine Centre
North York Travellers Immunization Centre 810 Queen Street East 700 Bay Street
4700 Jane Street Toronto, ON Suite 609
Suite 202 Toronto, ON M4M 1H7 Toronto, ON
M3N 2L3 (416) 661-0004 (416) 461-2419 or M5G 1Z6
(416) 661-0810 * 416-2-TRAVEL (416) 340-8222
Dr. Mark Greenberg (416) 461-3129 * (416) 340-8190 *
Dr. Peter Garber Dr. Mark Doidge Dr. Philip Scappatura

Young Traveller Clinic MedCan Clinic MEDISYS Health Group

2100 Finch Avenue West 150 York Street www.medisys.canew
Suite 202 Toronto, ON Suite 1500 95 St. Clair Avenue West
M3N 2Z9 Toronto, ON 12th Floor
(416) 661-5997 M5H 3S5 (416) 350-5963 Toronto, ON
416) 661-9848 * (416) 350-5927 * M4V 1N6
Dr. Joseph Telch Dr. James Aw (416) 926-2698
(416) 324-7905 *
Albany Travel Medicine Clinic Occupational Health Services Dr. Dominique Tessier
200 Danforth Avenue Air Canada
Toronto, ON Box 6002, Toronto AMF Traveller's Medical Service & Geographic
M4K 1N5 3rd Floor Toronto, ON Medicine
(416) 461-9471 L5P 1B4 Sterling Tower
(416) 461-2710 * (905) 676-2400 372 Bay Street
Dr. W. Olsheski (905) 676-2402 * Suite 401
Dr. Edward Bekeris Toronto, ON
Cleveland Clinic Canada M5H 2W9
BCE Place, suite 3000 Infectious Tropical & Parasitic Diseases (416) 350-3555
181 Bay St. 75 The Donway West (416) 350-3167 *
Toronto, ON Unit 507 Dr. John Hii
M5J 2T3 Toronto, ON
(416) 507-6600 M3C 2E9
(416) 507-6610 * (416) 447-3324
Dr. Timothy Kelton (416) 447-3317 *
Dr. Philip F. Stuart

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