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Mary Magdalene

At the Sphinx
Egypt November Tour 2009
Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Channelled Egypt on 15 November 2009
Copyright Notice
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit
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I am Mary Magdalene and I greet each of you as you step into the presence of light and divine
love and I ask that each of you gather close together, forming the circle of life that shall
embrace the energies which we are anchoring through each of you at this current time.
This is a sacred point of light, it is one of the places where the Akashic Records are contained
and it is an energy point which links
directly to the Pleiades.
Each system of light contained within the constellations of the stars ensure that specific
languages are transmitted to the cellular structures of individuals physical bodies. Each
physical body contains within it a divine dynamic which resonates with certain places upon
You as a group have gathered together at this current time for the purpose of bringing forth
many of the truths of that Ancients which have been encoded within the constellations of
stars. Across your planet there are specific points which are aligned with these constellations
ensuring that at specific times in Earths history groups of souls would gather to assist the
activation of these dormant codes so that the origins of light may return.
For eons of time people have been following specific traditions which have not necessarily
contained the truths of the original Divine Design of Mother/Father God. At this point where
these Akashic Records are held each of you are being granted the opportunity to attune to the
Crystal Tablets which contain this particular chapter of the collective library of the Akashic
One of the reasons why we have chosen that all of you gather at this point is because there is
also a new system of light coming to your planet. This system of light is enabling humanity
to find specific pathways which will lead them to their destiny, and the reason for this is
because time has reached its point where people cannot take their time making decisions, and

The priority of the Collective Grid which all of you are a part of is to bring these dynamics to
life in each of you, therefore we ask all of you to take a moment before you leave this place
and to consider what it is that you wish to change within the reality of life as such, and to
know that the time has come for a new pathway, a new door to open for each of you.
Here at this point we are also activating fifteen of the Magdalene Columns that have been
linked to Canada, this is to ensure that the transmissions that have been emitted through the
core of Mother Earths body, that which is coming from the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way
and the constellations linking from that point into the heart of Mother Earths body will create
a dynamic, which continues to transmit the language of the original truths which were taught
to humanity which got lost along the way because their was no ability to keep these records.
Even though the Ancient Ones transferred their stories to their eldest children much of the
truth is still hidden within the consciousness of those individuals, and now it is time that all of
I, Mary Magdalene, also wish to introduce to you the energy of a new being, not necessarily
one that has never presented itself before, it is the exact twin aspect of Alchemaya, her name
is Saffron. Saffron and Alchemaya hold the same sequences of light; the reason why they
come in the form of twins is to assist in the divine dynamic of mirroring these principles of
light. As they reflect the energies between each other, each of you will be supported during
this process to recognise the reflections which come through each person within your group,
as well as recognising the reflections which come to you through nature.
Saffron and Alchemaya are held within a physical body, which I am sure most of you have
figured out who that is, but we will not announce it unless you figure it out yourself. For the
purpose of this bringing forth of Saffrons energy, Alchemaya holds the Sirian energy and
Saffron will be holding the Pleiadian energy for this particular journey into the desert where
you will meet with the Desert Gods and Goddesses who will deliver many new messages for
each of you, but we will continue to communicate with you at that time, for now we need to
allow the energy of Saffron to be grounded and there is the sister keeper who shall watch over
Saffron and Alchemaya, and that is sister Lisa but we shall speak with you later.
May the light of all that is divine, all of that which is true and the origin of your purpose meet
you in perfect harmony and in perfect alignment with the destiny that you have chosen, the
I am Mary Magdalene and my love is with you. Au revoir.

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