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YOU DONT have to be Shakespeare to draft a CV that will grab the attention of your

potential employers. Mr. Vinay Grover, Director, Symbiosis Management

Consultants, offers simple tips on writing a resume that presents you as a
professional whos well- organised and meticulous about finer details.
1. Avoid overselling youself: Mentioning qualifications just for the sake of
sounding impressive will only show that you have very little to show for yourself.
2. The covering letter matters: Research your prospective employer thoroughly
before drafting the covering letter. Get the little details right before shooting it off.
3. Pay attention to the finer points: Type your resume on an A4- size white
sheet in the Arial or Times New Roman font ( size 12). Try to avoid coloured paper
for your CV as it may come across as unprofessional. Make sure there are no
grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.
4. Unless requested, avoid photographs: Photographs are distracting and
unnecessary, especially when you send your resume via e- mail. It can also make
the file heavy and prevent it from reaching the desired destination. Photographs can
be useful when you apply for jobs in the hospitality sector or in professions were
looks matter.
5. Be brief and to the point: Being specific and concise always works. Trying to
make a CV lengthy by copy- pasting the set of responsibilities from one organisation
to another will dilute the interest of your prospective employers.
6. Avoid too many references: References are generally required at the last
stage of the evaluation process. They should be provided only if youre asked for
them. Dont forget to inform your referees their names have been given by you for
the reference check.
7. Avoid clichs and adjectives: Often, potential employees try to impress their
recruiters by using adjectives such as innovative, motivated and dynamic. Steer
clear of these words and focus on quantifying your contributions.
8. Emphasise your accomplishments: Recruiters want to know how a potential
employee can make a difference to their company. Emphasise those achievements
that can possibly make a difference to your potential employer.
9. Avoid listing redundant hobbies: Mention only those that can be beneficial
for the job that you are applying for. If you cant think of any such hobbies, avoid
the section altogether.
10. Refrain from using fancy e- mail addresses: Fancy e- mail beginning with

bond, 007, queen or princess, or similar expressions, will show you in a bad light to
your employers.
11. Talk strategic, not generic: When you apply for a senior position, talk about
the strategic nature of their job, instead of mentioning every responsibility you
12. Be cautious on what you upload on networking sites: Linkedin and other
networking sites are usually searched by recruiters while scrutinising a CV, so avoid
information that doesnt match with your profile on the networking site.

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