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Tips : Jawab dulu, nanti baru dicocokin sama kuncinya, buat ngetest

A. Multiple Choice
1. My friend ............... guitar everyday.
a. Plays
B. Play
C. Playing
2. swim and swimming pool everyweek.
A. Like - go
B. Likes - goes
C. Liked - went
3. Wulan and Tetra ............ fried chicken every week.
A. Cooking
B. Cook
C. Cooks
4. Did Tian and Arie ...............the song together?
A. Sang
B. Sings
C. Sing
5. Do you .............the grass in the garden everyweek?
A. Cuts
B. Cut
C. Cutting
6.He with Dinda yesterday

Dear: Sarah
Sarah, I am writing to you just to memorize
about our holiday in your city last year.

I (7).... So happy being there with you. We (8).....many tourism objects like
Parangtritis Beach, Prambanan Temple, and Malioboro. I really enjoyed the
places. We (9).......many foods and souvenirs there. We also (10)... The pictures
scenery. We (11)... So happy spending time together.
I hope we can visit there again next time.
7. A. Is
b. Was
c. Are
d. Were
8. A. Visited
b. Visiting
c. Visits
d. Visit
9. A. Buy
b. Buying
c. Bought
d. Buyed
10. A. Take
b. Takes
c. Taked
d. Took
11. A. Were
b. Was
c. Are
d. Is
My Day
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I (12)......... Up an hour late because my
alarm clock (13)...... Off. Then, I (14)...... In such a hurry that I (15)..... My hand
when I was (16)...... Breakfast. After breakfast, I got (17)..... So quickly that I
forgot to (18)..... Socks. Next, I (19)...... Out of the house triying to get the 9:30
bus, but of course I (20)...... It. I (21)..... To take a taxi, but I didnt have enough
money. Finally, I(22)...... The three miles to my school only to discover that it
(23)..... Sunday! I hope I never (24)...... A day as the one I (25)...... Yesterday.
12. A. Wake
D. Woked

13. A. Go
B. Got
C. Went
D. Gone
14. A. Was
B. Were
C. Is
D. Are
15. A. Burn
B. Burned
C. Born
D. Burning
16. A. Make
B. Maked
C. Moke
D. Making
17. A. Dress
B. Dressing
C. Dressed
D. Drose
18. A.Wearing
B. Wear
C. Wore
D. Worn
19. A. Run
B. Ran
C. Rent
D. Running
20. A. Missing
B. Miss
C. Missed
D. Most
21. A. Want
B. Wanted
C. Went
D. Wont
22. A. Walked
B. Walking
C. Walk
D. Wolk
23. A. Was

B. Were
C. Is
D. Are
24. A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Hand
25. A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Hand
B. Essay!
1. She (meet) ............................................................. her uncle last night.
2. We (do) ................................................................. the test yesterday.
3. You did not (bring) ................................................. the dictionary.
4. Did your father (drink) ............................................ the coffee yersterday?
5. They (play) ............................................................. the game last night.
6. He (give) ................................................................ me an orange last week.
7. I (go) ..................................................................... to Medan last month.
8. She (sing) .............................................................. a song yesterday morning.
9. Mother (make)....................................................... a rainbow cake last week.
10. Ditta (wash)......................................................... her shoes yesterday morning.
11. Andy (leave)...........................................................his bag yesterday.
12. Martin (not/eat).................................................this morning.
13. She (?/talk) you?
Answer For Multiple Choice:
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. A
14. A

15. B
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. C
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. C
Answer for Essay :
1. Met
2. Did
3. Bring
4. Drink
5. Played
6. Gave
7. Went
8. Sang
9. Made
10. Washed
11. Left
12. Didn't eat
13. Did

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