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Stray dogs maul

3-yr-old to death
Stray dogs have dragged away and
killed a three-year-old boy in a village
near Bhayli area, about 7km from Vadodara. The boy, Mayur Solanki, was
sitting in a field while his mother Saroj, a farm labourer, was working
there. She saw the dogs taking away
her child and called for help. But it
was too late. P 5

9 more die of swine flu in Guj:

Nine more people succumbed to
swine flu in Gujarat on Tuesday, raising the toll due to the H1N1 virus to
292 in the state since January this
year. Besides the nine fatalities, 138
new cases were also recorded across
the state. P 2

Roy completes a year in jail: Sahara chief Subrata Roy completed a

year in Tihar jail on Tuesday. The
group has not been able to meet the
SCs condition to deposit Rs 10,000
crore with Sebi for Roys bail. P 13

Solar flight to begin journey

from March 8? Solar Impuse 2,
which is all set to make a unique
round-the-world journey totally powered by solar energy, will begin its trip
in a few days, most probably on
March 8, and make stopovers in Ahmedabad and Varanasi in India. P 11

Avalanche kills two soldiers in

Ukhand: Two soldiers were swept
away by an avalanche on the border
with Nepal in Uttarakhands Pithorgarh district on Monday. Another soldier has been reported missing. Four
others who were buried under snow
have been rescued. P 8

the 2002 alleged hit-and-run case involving actor Salman Khan on Tuesday rejected the prosecutions plea
directing the actor to produce his
driving licence. P 10

Leakgate papers were exchanged in trains: They may never

have heard of Jonathan Pollard, but
the modus operandi of men involved
in leaking sensitive documents from
ministries wasnt any less innovative
than the American spy who sold secrets to Israel. P 10

Chinas tactics in S China Sea a

worry: Visiting US Pacific Fleet commander Admiral Harry Harris said
China was indulging in provocative
tactics in the South China Sea which
were raising tensions in the entire
region. P 10


New Delhi: The Narendra

Modi government suffered
an embarrassment in Rajya
Sabha on Tuesday when
non-NDA parties joined
hands to force an amendment to the motion of thanks
on the Presidents address to
amplify their charge that the
new regime had failed to
curb high-level corruption
and bring back black money
allegedly stashed abroad.
The amendment, moved
by CPM members Sitaram
Yechury and P Rajeeve, was
accepted with 118 votes in its
favour and 57 against it, brutally exposing the governments lack of numbers in

The amendment regrets

that there is no mention in
the (Presidents) address
about the failure of govt to
curb high-level corruption and
to bring back black money
Opposition rebuffed
parliamentary affairs minister

Rajya Sabha a handicap

which has kept it from enacting laws that it believes will
help accelerate growth.
Though the setback is
just symbolic, the deficit of
numbers is an old story
which is not going to change
any time soon. It will, however, rankle the government
because is now party to a resolution criticizing itself. In
fact, the opposition remorse-


BSE : 29,593.73
NSE: 8,996.25








Times Classifieds | P6

and Trinamool, as well

as SP and BSP voted in
favour of the amendment.
BJD too joined in

Setback highlights
tough task facing govt on
contentious bills like land
acquisition and insurance
lessly pressed home its huge
numerical advantage immediately after the PM had
stoutly rejected the charge
of failure on the black money issue. Yechury and others
in the opposition rebuffed
parliamentary affairs minister M Venkaiah Nauds repeated pleas not to press for
The opposition said it
was not allowed to seek clar-

Rattled govt tries to stall

Nirbhaya film telecast
New Delhi: The government is embarrassed, police are in a sweat, and they
have put their might behind stalling British filmmaker Leslee Udwins disturbing documentary on
the mindset that regards
women as mens property
and rape as deserved punishment.
Shocked by excerpts of
an interview with Nirbhayas rapist, Mukesh
Singh, that newspapers
published on Tuesday, Delhi police registered an FIR
under the Information
Technology Act and also invoked IPC sections pertaining to outraging a womans
modesty and insult to provoke breach of the peace.

Leslee Udwins interview of the

rapist has kicked up a storm

In the morning, police

commissioner B S Bassi
said they had registered an
FIR and requested Indian
media not to air the documentary, Indias Daughter,
but by late evening police
had obtained a restraint order against its telecast
from a court. The I&B ministry also issued an advisory to TV channels against

showing the documentary.

To avoid further embarrassment, the government
is planning to move court
with a report from Tihar
Jail director general Alok
Verma that claims that although the filmmakers had
permission to shoot, they
have flouted the terms of
agreement. With moves
afoot to stall the documentarys scheduled telecast
on March 8, International
Womens Day, Udwin announced her unit had
sought proper permission
from the home ministry
and Tihar Jail authorities
before interviewing Mukesh in 2013, under the UPA
governments watch. The
ministry has admitted this.
Continued on P 8

Gujarat heart for worlds

biggest N-fusion reactor





PM disapproves of

In Motion Of by CPM members Sitaram to press for amendments, Muftis
reaking his silence, PM
BNarendra Modi on Tuesday
saying it was not allowed to
Yechury and P Rajeeve,
Thanks To
disapproved of comments of
seek clarications from PM
accepted with 118 votes in
J&K CM Mufti Mohammad
Arch-rivals CPM
Prezs Address favour and 57 against
Sayeed giving credit to


Cant force Salman to produce

driving licence: A sessions court in


United Oppn leaves govt AAP war of words hots

red-faced in Rajya Sabha

Maharashtra bans beef: The bill

banning cow slaughter in Maharashtra, pending for several years, received the President's assent on Monday. Anyone found to be selling beef
or in possession of it can be jailed for
five years and fined Rs 10,000. P 8


Ahmedabad: International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), which is
the worlds biggest six-country scientific collaboration to
generate nuclear fusion energy in France, will get its
heart from Gujarat.
The Institute of Plasma
Research (IPR), Gandhinagar, is supervising the fabrication of reactors crucial
parts the cryostat and the
vacuum vessel at L&Ts
plant in Hazira near Surat.
The cryostat and the vacuum vessel of the ITER Tokamak fusion reactor is the
heaviest, the largest and the
most central component.
The reactor intends to pro-

The 30x30m cryostat

duce 500 megawatts of power

from 50 megawatts input.
The plant would start first
experiments by 2020.
IPR director Dhiraj Bora,
in his address at the Gujarat
Science Congress held recently in Ahmedabad, said
India will deliver the 30x30m
cylindrical cryostat. We
have started fabricating it at
L&T Hazira and it will be tak-

en to ITER site in Cadarache

in France where we have a
workshop to integrate the
components, he said. The
first consignment will be
shipped out in December.
The site is spread over 180
hectares the size of 60 soccer fields on which it has a
42 hectare platform to mount
the nine-storey reactor.
India, through IPR, has
been part of the project since
2005. The ITER Agreement
was signed by China, the EU,
India, Japan, S Korea, Russia
and the United States. The
success of the project would
determine the future of the
technology across the world
which is desperately seeking
alternatives as today 80% of
requirement is met by the
fast-depleting fossil fuel.

Pakistan, Hurriyat and

militants for smooth conduct
of Assembly polls, saying such
a statement cannot be
supported. If somebody
makes such a statement, we
can never support it, Modi
said in Rajya Saba. PTI

ifications from the PM.

This was the fourth time
when the opposition forced
amendments to the motion
of thanks on the Presidents
address all instances reflecting the mismatch in the
numbers of the two Houses
within two years of Lok Sabha elections.
Continued on P 8
Related reports P 7, 8 & 9

For the first

time, nifty
breaches 9k

Mumbai: In volatile trades,

the NSE nifty crossed the psychologically important 9,000
mark for the first time in its
history as index heavyweights like Reliance and TCS
rallied smartly in late trades.
The index, however, closed a
tad lower. The sensex closed at
29,594, about 250 points below
its all-time high recorded at
29,844 on January 30 this year.
The days gains came on
the back of expectations that
the Centres proposal to merge
FII and FDI investments under one single head may lead
to higher weight for India in
the MSCI indices, benchmarks which are followed by a
large number of global fund
managers to construct and
maintain their portfolios. A
change in any of the MSCI indices usually leads to portfolio
rejig by those fund managers
who benchmark their investments to these indices.

6-mnth freeze
in ties with
Pakistan ends
New Delhi:Foreign secretary
S Jaishankar broke the ice
with Pakistan, opening talks
with Islamabad after a gap of
six months. Jaishankar met
Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif on
Tuesday and delivered a letter
from PM Narendra Modi who
last month decided to resume
talks with Islamabad as part of
his Saarc outreach.
While both sides were
tight-lipped about the contents of Modis letter, sources
said it focused on the need to
rebuild peaceful, friendly ties
between the two nations by removing trust deficit. TNN P 7

Here Rajiv gets pride of place, in a temple

Indebted To Ex-PM,
Villagers Also Hold
A Fair In His Name

Vadodara: Braving heavy rains and

inclement weather on Sunday, hundreds of tribals thronged a fair held in
Saraswa village, a remote hamlet on
the Gujarat-Rajasthan border in Mahisagar district. They had a special
reason for not missing this event. The
fair is held in the name of late Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Temples of political leaders and celebrities are not uncommon and the
one made on Prime Minister Narendra Modis name was brought down at
Rajkot after he did not agree with the
idea. But Gandhi is worshipped in Saraswa along with a deity there.
And those who organize the event
do so not because they are fans of
Gandhi but because these tribal residents feel truly indebted to him. The
villagers of Saraswa credit the late PM
for the development in their village
that came after his visit.
Gandhi had visited the village on
March 22, 1986, when it was facing severe water scarcity. The visit came as a
boon for the village as things started
changing significantly. The village

Rajiv Gandhi visited Saraswa in March 1986,

while there was severe water scarcity and
things changed significantly later

got power, water and a road. The pond

in the village was also revived, said

Kanti Sangada, whose father Dhula

Sangada was the sarpanch of the village when Gandhi visited.
Kanti said the fair was started in
1987 by his father and others in memory of Rajiv Gandhi.
Gandhi was like a messiah for us
and hence the fair was planned on Amli Agyaras that is a holy day ahead of
the Holi festivities, he said. The fair is
held near a Shiva temple in the village.
The temple itself has a picture of
Gandhi placed at the feet of the deity
and it is worshipped along with the
Tribals from villages located on either side of the Gujarat-Rajasthan
border visit the village on the day of
the fair.

Bhushan Wants
Vice-Like Grip On
Party: Kejris Men

New Delhi: The spat between

Arvind Kejriwal loyalists and
Bhushan duo got uglier on the
day before Wednesdays national executive meeting of AAP
where the fate of the two dissident leaders is likely to be decided.
Breaking his silence, Kejriwal tweeted on Tuesday, I am
deeply hurt and pained by what
is going on in the party. This is
betrayal of trust that Delhi has
reposed in us. I refuse to be
drawn in this ugly battle. Will
concentrate only on Delhis
While Kejriwal distanced
Continued on P 10
himself from the spat and prepared to leave for Bangalore on
Wednesday morning for treatment at a naturopathy farm
and thereby also positioned
himself above the fray with his
absence from the meeting his
loyalists accused Yadav and
Bhushan of trying to unseat
Kejriwal and accused Bhushan
of seeking to have a vice-like
grip over the party.
The accusation only drew
more bitter words from Prash-

Arvind Kejriwal, 46, was

diagnosed with type II diabetes
several years ago


Against normal blood

glucose levels of 90-120mg/
dl (fasting) and under
160mg/dl (post-meal), the
CMs current levels are 190
(fasting) & 300 (post-meal)


By taking medicines and insulin shots.

The insulin dosage was recently increased
but it hasnt helped much


A fan of alternative medicine, Kejriwal is

keen on undergoing naturopathy treatment
and leaves for a 10-day course at a
Bengaluru centre on Thursday
Advocates of naturopathy treatment for
diabetes claim 100% success, but there are
few studies to support such claims
The institute offers a range of
treatments including hydrotherapy
(water massages & aquatic exercises), oil
massages and fasting therapy, in which specic
juices/soups are given as per condition
will be
decided after his
admission and

Arvind believes more in

alternative medicine. He
has travelled to all parts
of the country for his
chronic cough



ant Bhushan who said Kejriwal

was willing to compromise
for electoral politics but not
him. Bhushan said: I told Arvind you have some remarkable qualities but you have weak-

Ayush docs may get

nod to do abortions

New Delhi:This is something

ayurveda gurus like Charak
and Susrutha may not have
imagined. Modern ayurvedacharayas,
and other Ayush doctors may
soon be allowed to conduct
non-invasive abortions.
The health ministry has
amended the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
Amendment Bill to allow Ayush doctors who are registered healthcare specialists to
conduct non-invasive procedures prescribe medicines
to terminate pregnancies.
The draft bill will soon be sent
to the Union Cabinet, a senior
health ministry official told
Another key amendment
seeks to increase the period
for abortion to 24 weeks from
the present 20 weeks. The governments proposal, originally formulated taking a cue
from a study conducted by
Population Council, is aimed

vests for UP

Bareilly: The recent spate of

brazen and murderous attacks
on criminals on their way to
court from jail by rival gang
members has pushed the UP
government to order bulletproof vests for the convicts.
The unprecedented direction has been signed by the
principal secretary (home), a
senior police officer said, on
condition of anonymity, and
added that it will be implemented at the earliest. Asked
about it, IG (zone) in Bareilly,
Vijay Singh Meena, said, I
havent yet received the order.
On February 16, notorious
gangster Vikky Tyagi was shot
dead in the Muzaffarnagar district court by a 17-year-old who
had come dressed in a lawyers
robes. Tyagi was waiting for a
call to present himself before
the judge when he was riddled
with bullets.
Continued on P 7

His doctor says the spike in

glucose levels is a result of the
hectic Delhi campaign, when
Kejriwal led an erratic lifestyle,
hardly slept, ate irregularly &
even skipped medication

Worldwide, 22 million
unsafe abortions are
performed each year
In India, 7m abortions
conducted annually
50% of these estimated
to be illegal
Rate of maternal deaths
due to complications from
unsafe abortions at 8%

nesses.and you may be

wrong sometimes. I said we
must set systems so that its not
necessarily your writ that
should prevail in decision making.

3 commodity
brokers held
in NSEL scam

at increasing access to safe

abortion by expanding the
number of healthcare providers. Estimates show around 7
million abortions are conducted in India every year and
over 50% of them are said to
be illegal.
Initially, the government
had decided to allow midwives
and Ayush doctors to do even
invasive procedures for abortion, but dropped it following
objections from allopathic

Mumbai: The Economic Offences Wing of Mumbai on

Tuesday arrested three brokers in the Rs 5,600 crore National Spot Exchange (NSEL)
alleged cheating case.
The police arrested the brokers on charges of cheating,
forgery and conspiracy, among
others. Rajvardhan Sinha, additional commissioner of police (EOW), identified the three
brokers as Amit Rathi of
Anand Rathi Commodities, C P
Krishnan of Geofin Comtrade
and Chintan Modi of India Infoline Commodities. P xx
They were summoned for
inquiry and placed under arrest by the EOW. All three will
be kept at the Mumbai crime
branchs lock-up in the police
commissionerate compound
near Crawford Market, and
will be produced before a special court on Wednesday.

Continued on P 9

Continued on P 13

Mistaken identity:
Kohli abuses scribe
for Anushka story

Perth: He is the poster boy of

Indian cricket; he wears his
aggression on the sleeve and is
more than willing to take the
fight to the opposition. A bat- ENFANT TERRIBLE: Kohli hit
sman par excellence, he is out at the Indian journalist
even tipped to break almost all believing he had done the
expose on his actress girlfriend
the records before him.
Yet, Virat Kohli, the man Anushka Sharma staying with
who is being hailed as the cap- him in the team hotel in England
tain of the future, has a darker despite a BCCI ban
side which erupts from time to
As it transpired later, it
time. It did once again on a
quiet Tuesday afternoon here, turned out to be a case of miswhen Team India was train- taken identity: Kohli uning at the Murdoch University leashed himself on the hapless journalist believing that
For no rhyme or reason, he had done a story exposing
and literally out of the blue, the fact that his actress girlfthe India vice-captain started riend Anushka Sharma was
to abuse a journalist of a na- staying with him in the team
tional daily. The media contin- hotel during Indias tour to
gent and ICC officials simply England last May despite a
watched in dismay as nobody ban by the BCCI.
could fathom the reason for
his invective-laden tirade.
Continued on P 17

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