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Exit Administration Policy

Corporate Human Resources Department

Version: 1

August 2014


For Official Use Only.

This document is the property of ETA Group in Dubai (UAE). Neither the whole nor part of this document should be copied without prior
written consent.

Exit Administration Policy

ETA Group Corporate Human Resources

Document Control
Department Manual Author



August 14 2014

Muhammad Owais






Title and Department





August 14th 2014

Nadim Kiyani

Group HR & Administration Head


August 14th 2014

Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair

Group Chairman




Reference Section

Amendment Content

Amendments Table


Author: refers to the individual who carried out the initial task of preparing or revising the document
Reviewer: refer to the individual(s) who took part in assessing, providing comments and endorsing the changes to the document
Approver: refer to the individual(s) with the authority to approve the document so that it can issued and implemented

Document ID : HRP031

Date of Issue : August 14th 2014

Rev. No.:

For Official Use Only

Page 2 of 4

Exit Administration Policy

ETA Group Corporate Human Resources


A. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to effectively manage the exit process and all related administration as per
relevant Company policies and UAE Labor Law.

B. Definition
Exit Administration includes all documentation and separation processes to ensure a smooth employee exit
from the Company and to ensure the interests of the Company and the Employee are safeguarded.

C. Policy Description
Exit Interview

HR will undertake an Exit Interview to understand the employees reasons for resignation in order to
gather data on the employment experience and take corrective actions and improve efforts to
strengthen engagement and retention.

1.2. Employees must participate in an exit interview to share experiences and learnings and to provide
feedback on team effectiveness, opportunities to enhance employee culture, systems and processes.
1.3. The Employee is responsible to contact HR and must complete the Exit Interview and Exit Interview
Form before the last working day.
1.4. Exit interviews will be conducted by HR to provide the Employee with a safe and comfortable
environment for discussion and minimal conflict of interest:

Grade 19 and above: Corporate HR

Grade 15 to Grade 18: Business Unit HR
Grade 14 and below: Operating Unit HR

Handing over and Clearance

1.5. Exiting employee must ensure to return all Company assets, confidential records, documents etc. in
possession as per the Exit Clearance Form.
1.6. Based on the hand-over, Employee must obtain necessary signature/approval on the Exit Clearance
Form from all concerned authorities and submit the original Form to HR.
1.7. If the Employee is under the Company sponsorship and holding custody of the passport, the Employee
must handover the Passport to HR along with the Exit Clearance Form prior to Last Working Day.
1.8. If the Employee is unable to complete the Exit Clearance Form due to any circumstances the Employee
or the Manager must designate a colleague or inform HR of the process to be completed.
1.9. In the case the Exit Clearance Form is not provided, the End of Service Benefits will not be processed,
without exception.
Cancellation of Employment and Residence Visa
1.10. The cancellation of the work permit and visa formalities of the departing Employee will be carried out in
accordance with the UAE Labor Law.
1.11. Employees Residence Visa and Labor Card will be cancelled on the Last Working Day of the Employee.
The Employee may be provided a Grace Period up to 1 month for the cancellation of Employment Visa
based on the approval of BU Head.
1.12. The Passport with the cancelled Visa will be submitted back to the Employee at the time of signing the
Acceptance of End of Service Form post the Last Working Date.
Document ID : HRP031

Date of Issue : August 14th 2014

Rev. No.:

For Official Use Only

Page 3 of 4

Exit Administration Policy

ETA Group Corporate Human Resources

1.13. Company may recommend for imposing a ban on further employment of departing employees, while
cancelling their work permit and residence visa on the following circumstances:

Where an employee joins a direct competitor

Where an employee is dismissed for serious disciplinary reasons, substantial material damage or loss

Documentation and Record Keeping

1.14. Complete process documentation and information concerning the separation of the employee should
be followed and recorded in the employees personnel file such as resignation/termination letters, Exit
Clearance Form, handing over documents, visa/work permit cancellation documents, exit interview
report, service letter, leavers settlement report (with employees signature), bank transfer letter, etc.
1.15. The personnel file of the departing employee should be kept on record for a minimum period of 5 years
from Last Working Day.

Document ID : HRP031

Date of Issue : August 14th 2014

Rev. No.:

For Official Use Only

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