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Project Report

TALENT MANAGEMENT with special reference to

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for Masters Degree in
Management Studies (M.M.S.)

Submitted by
Roll No: C-50

Specialization: Human Resource

Academic Year: 2013-14


Anjuman - I - Islams
Allana Institute of Management Studies (AIAIMS)

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I take immense pleasure in completing this project and submitting the final project report. It
has been full of learning and sense of contribution towards the theory and practical
knowledge. I would like to thank my project guide Dr. Rabiya Sange (core faculty at
AIAIMS) & also thanks to Mr. Shafaat Rasool (Human Resource Manager), for giving me
an opportunity of learning and contributing through this project.
I also take this opportunity to thank all those people who have made this experience a
memorable one. A successful project can never be prepared by the single effort of the
person to whom the project is assigned, but it also demands the help and guardianship of
some scholarly people, who helped the undersigned actively.
I would like to thank our Director Dr. Lukman Patel and all the faculties of AIAIMS for
their valuable guidance, keen interest, co-operation, inspiration & moral support for
completing my course.


Place: Mumbai

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Page No.


Company Overview


Title of the project






Literature Review



Objective of the study



Research Methodology



Work profile at Teckraft Infosolutions Pvt. ltd








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Teckraft Infosolutions. the leading IT services company with core competencies in Software Services, System
Integration and Infrastructure Management, is managed by a highly experienced management team along with
a resource pool of highly qualified and talented professionals and a comprehensive all India network of offices
and support centers.

With proven offshore and onsite global delivery capabilities, our commitment to quality is continuous and
unflinching as is evident from our customer base that includes the biggest names and best brands. While
striving to upgrade its portfolio continuously, we provide unmatched value to all customers. Best practice is

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followed through Best-of-Breed alliances. Knowledge management, innovation and environment friendly

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Software Licensing

Our Service

Application Service



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Software Licensing

We help our customers manage their mission and time-critical applications, by providing cost-effective
Application Management solutions over a wide range of technologies. We provide solutions that help
enterprises meet their business goats by developing custom applications and owning maintenance for them.

Custom Application Development

Application development services help you address evolving business and technology challenges by defining,
designing and building applications tailored to meet your business requirements. We deliver high-quality,
flexible applications that are easy to maintain, modular to facilitate enhancements and are reliable, secure and
easy to deploy. It is based on industry standard process quality frameworks and uses rigorous methodologies
and the expertise of our Centers of Excellence to mitigate risk and deliver cost and time-to-market benefits. We

scalable and extensible architectures that support 2417 business availability for customers as it reduces

development cycles and risks to a minimum. We provide time and cost effective customized applications that
help organizations address functional gaps and achieve business goats effectively.

Application Maintenance
Teckraft Infosolutions application maintenance services help you get the best out of
your existing IT applications. We offer off-site and on-site application maintenance
services to provide you personalized and long-term support. We use structured
knowledge management toots developed by our Maintenance Center of Excellence
to enhance the life of your systems, ensure that they evolve with your business,
reduce system downtime and help you focus on strategic initiatives by minimizing
the time spent on routine activities

Performance Engineering
Performance engineering and performance-driven development enhances the
performance of applications, resulting in better user-experience and productivity.

Our Performance Engineering services include:

1. Application code (online and batch) enhancement and optimization
2. Architecture and design assessment and optimization
3. Capacity planning and infrastructure optimization.
4. Data model refactoring and database performance optimization

Our Performance Engineering Service enables businesses to:1. Meet customer expectations by resolving performance and scalability
issues before they occur
2.Improve Return on Existing investments (ROEI) by improving application
3. Reduce risk; improve cost-effectiveness and time-lo-market for mission
and business-critical systems
4. Optimize provisioning and utilization of infrastructure

Migration & Re-engineering:We have the right tools, methodologies, and templates to create functionally
rich systems for meeting existing and future business demands. Teckraft
Infosolutions migration services can help you in eased complexities and
optimally quick migration and re-engineering of critical business

Application Integration: We have the right toots, methodologies, and templates for your enterprises
needs combined with world-class knowledge and experience.
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System Integration
System Integration Services from Teckraft Infosolutions involve solution architecting, supply of
hardware, software and integration of the entire solutions. Having strategic alliances with major IT giants
enable us to deploy, right certified & skilled consultants. Our consultants have already worked on the
proven process and have a vast domain knowledge which helps our clients to drive a better ROI from the
overall investment.

Technology Implementation Services:

Disaster Recovery (DR) Site Implementations

Database Integration

Application Integration
Desktop & OS Integration

Server Integration
Network Integration
Security Integration

Storage Integration
Data Center Implementation

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Infrastructure Management Services

IT Infrastructure Management Services from Teckraft

Infosolutions involves ITIL process driven support in
combination of people, process and tools, to ensure that our
clients IT infrastructure is always up and running.

Business Value
Improve reliability of servers and applications

Problem solution and resolution at2line of support and higher

Secure access to performance metrics through the Remote

Services Desk
Expert 24x7customer support

Powerful SupportTechnology

Commitment To Excellence

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Helpdesk Services
e-Mail Management
Servers administration

Complete offering of staffing services for Information technology needs
Teckraft Infosolutions being pioneer in IT services and solutions has formed Talent Acquisition
& staffing cell as one of our corporate arm helping our clients in providing them with highly
skilled IT resources that are trained along with industry standards and worked on our internal
projects. We can provide resources on all major technology from our pool of resources or by
sourcing them on need basis
Benefits of Staffing:-

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Process change management

Easy Talent Acquisition and demobilization

Control over long-term

Costs outsourcing of invisible costs

Specialists with wide experience

Clients & Strategic Alliance

Teckraft Infosolutions has been one of the favorable IT consultancy and service company having
successfully implemented various IT solutions for huge client base spread across the globe.

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Presence around the world:-

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with special reference to

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Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the
planning to meet those needs. The field increased in popularity after McKinsey's 1997 research and the
2001 book on The War for Talent. Talent management in this context does not refer to the management
of entertainers.
Talent management is the science of using strategic human resource planning to improve business
value and to make it possible for companies and organizations to reach their goals. Everything done to
recruit, retain, develop, reward and make people perform forms a part of talent management as well
as strategic workforce planning. A talent-management strategy needs to link to business strategy to make
The term was coined by McKinsey & Company following a 1997 study. It was later the title of a book by
Ed Michaels, Helen Hadfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod however the connection between human resource
development and organizational effectiveness has been established since the 1970s.
The profession that supports talent management became increasingly formalized in the early 2000s. While
some authors defined the field as including nearly everything associated with human resources, the NTMN
defined the boundaries of the field through surveys of those in corporate talent management departments in
20092011. Those surveys indicated that activities within talent management included succession planning,
assessment, development and high potential management. Activities such as performance management
and talent acquisition (recruiting) were less frequently included in the remit of corporate talent
management practitioners. Compensation was not a function associated with talent management.
The issue with many companies today is that their organizations put tremendous effort into attracting
employees to their company, but spend little time into retaining and developing talent. A talent
management system must be worked into the business strategy and implemented in daily processes
throughout the company as a whole. It cannot be left solely to the human resources department to attract
and retain employees, but rather must be practiced at all levels of the organization. The business strategy
must include responsibilities for line managers to develop the skills of their immediate subordinates.
Divisions within the company should be openly sharing information with other departments in order for
employees to gain knowledge of the overall organizational objectives.

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The talent management strategy may be supported by technology such as HRIS (HR Information Systems)
or HRMS (HR Management Systems).

Talent acquisition refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates
to one or more jobs within an organization, either permanent or temporary. The term may sometimes be
defined as incorporating activities which take place ahead of attracting people, such as defining the job
requirements and person specification, as well as after the individual has joined the organization, such
as induction and on boarding. Talent Acquisition can also refer to processes involved in choosing
individuals for unpaid positions, such as voluntary roles or training programs.
Depending on the size and practices of the organization, Talent Acquisition may be undertaken in-house by
managers, human resource generalists and/or Talent Acquisition specialists. Alternatively, parts of the
process may be undertaken by public-sector employment agencies, commercial Talent Acquisition
agencies, or specialist search consultancies.
The use of internet-based services and computer technologies to support all aspects of Talent Acquisition
activity and processes has become widespread and has revolutionized Talent Acquisition activities ranging
from Talent Acquisition agencies sourcing candidates through online job boards and social media, or
human resource professionals using assessment or job simulation programs as part of the selection process.

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Talent Acquisition

The word Talent Acquisition has many meaning and plays an important role. Employees leave the
organization in search of greener pastures- some retire some die in saddle. The most important thing is that
enterprise grows, diversifies, and takes over other units-all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In
fact Talent Acquisition functions stop only when the organization ceases to exist. To understand Talent
Acquisition in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining applications of job from
among from which the right people can be selected. To define Talent Acquisition we can define it formally
as it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when
new recruit are sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants
from which new employees are selected. Theoretically, Talent Acquisition process is said to end with
receipt of application in practice the activity extends to the screening applicants as to eliminate those who
are not qualified for job.
The general purpose of Talent Acquisition is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates.
Specific purpose includes:
1. Determine the present and future requirement of the organization in conjunction with its personnel
planning and job analysis activities;
2. Increase the job pool of job candidates at minimum cost;
3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number visibly under qualified or
job application;
4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited selected, will leave the organization only
after a short period of time;
5. Meet the organizations legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its workforce;
6. Being identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates;

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Factors affecting Talent Acquisition

Internal factors

External factors

The internal factors also called as endogenous factors are the factors within the organization that
affect recruiting personnel in the organization.
Some of these are: Size of the organization
The size of the organization affects the Talent Acquisition process. Larger organizations are most
likely to find Talent Acquisition less problematic than organization with smaller in size.
Recruiting policy
The Talent Acquisition policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources and external
sources also affect the Talent Acquisition process. Generally, Talent Acquisition through internal
sources is preferred, because own employees know the organization and they can well fit in to the
organization culture.
Image of the organization
Image of the organization is another factor having its influence on the Talent Acquisition process of
the organization. Good image of the organization earned by the number of overt and covert action
by management helps attract potential and complete candidates. Managerial actions like good
public relations, rendering public service like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools
help earn image or goodwill for organization
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Image of the job

Better remuneration and working conditions are considered the characteristics of good image of a
job. Besides, promotion and carrier development policies of organization also attract potential
Like internal factors, there are some factors external to organization, which have their influence on
Talent Acquisition process. Some of these are given below: Demographic factors
As demographics factors are intimately related to human beings, i.e. employees, these have
profound influence on Talent Acquisition process. Demographic factors include age, sex, Literacy,
economics status etc.
Labor market
Labor market condition i. e. supply and demand of labor is of particular importance in affecting
Talent Acquisition process. E.g. if the demand for specific skill is high relative to its supply is more
than for particular skill, Talent Acquisition will be relatively easier.
Unemployment situation
The rate of unemployment is yet another external factor its influence on the Talent Acquisition
process. When the employment rate in an area is high, the Talent Acquisition process tends to
simpler. The reason is not difficult to seek. The number of application is expectedly very high
which makes easier to attract the best-qualified applications. The reserve is also true. With low rate
of unemployment, recruiting process tend to become difficult.

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Labor laws
There are several labor laws and regulations passed by the central and state governments that
govern different type of employment. These cover working condition, compensation, retirement
benefits, safety and health of employee in industrial undertakings. The child Labor Act1986; for
example prohibits employment of children in certain employments.

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Present employees:
Promotions and transfer from among the present employees can be good sources of Talent
Acquisition. Promotion implies upgrading of an employee to a higher position carrying higher status,
pay and responsibilities. Promotion from among the present employees is advantageous because the
employees promoted are well acquainted with the organization culture, they get motivated and it is
cheaper also. Promotion from among the person employees also reduces the requirement of job
training. However, the disadvantage lies in limiting the choice of the few people and denying hiring
of outsiders who may be better qualified and skilled. Furthermore, promotion from among present
employees also results in inbreeding, which creates frustration among those not promoted. Transfer
refers to shifting an employee from one job to another without any change in the position/post, status
and responsibilities. The need for transfer is felt to provide employees a broader and carried base,
which is considered necessary for promotion. Job rotation involves transfer of employees from one
job to another job on the lateral basis.
Employee referrals:
This is yet another internal source of Talent Acquisition. The existing employees refer to the family
members, friends and relatives to the company potential candidates for the vacancies to be filled up
in the organization. This source serves as the most effective methods of recruiting people in the
organizations because refer to those potential candidates who meet the company requirement known
to them from their own experience. The referred individuals are expected to be similar in type in the
of race and sex, for example, to those who are already working in the organization

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Previous applicant:
This is considered as internal source in the sense that applications from the potential candidates are
already applying with organization. Sometimes the organization contacts though mail or messengers
these applicants to fill up the vacancies.
External sources of Talent Acquisition lie outside the organization. These outnumber internal
sources. The main ones are listed as follows:
Employment agencies:
In addition to the government agencies, there are number of private agencies that register candidates
for employment and furnish a list of suitable candidates from the data bank as and when sought by
the prospective employer. Generally, these agencies select personnel for supervisory and the higher
levels. The main function of these agencies is to invite application and short-list the suitable
candidates for the organization. Of course, the representative of the organization takes the final
decision on selection. The employer organizations derive several advantages through this source.
The time saved in this method can be better utilized elsewhere by the organization. As the
organizational identity remains unknown to the job speakers, it, thus, avoid receiving letters and
attempts to influence.
This method of Talent Acquisition can be used for jobs, Some employers/companies advertise their
post by giving them post box number of the name of some recruiting agency. This is done to
particular keep own identity secret to avoid unnecessary correspondence with the applicants.
While preparing advertisement, a lot of care has to be taken to make it clear and to the point. It must
ensure that some self-selection among applicant take place and only qualified applicant responds the
advertisement. The letters in the acronym denote that advertisement should attract Attention, gain
Interest, arouse a Desire and result in action.
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However, not many organizations mention complete detail about job positions in there
advertisement. What happened is that ambiguously worded and broad-based advertisements
may generate a lot irrelevant application, which would, by necessity, increasing the cost of
processing them.

Campus Talent Acquisition

This is another source of Talent Acquisition. Though


Talent Acquisition

is a

common phenomenon particularly in the American organizations, it has made rather

recently. Of late, some organizations have started visiting educational and training
institute/ campuses for Talent Acquisition purposes. Many Institutes have regular placement
cells / offices to serve liaison between the employer and the students.
The method of campus Talent Acquisition offers certain advantages to the employer
First, the most of the candidates are available at one place;
second, the interviews are arranged at short notice;
third, the teaching is also

met; fourth, it gives them opportunity to sell the

organization to a large students body who would be graduating subsequently.

The disadvantages of this of Talent Acquisition are that organizations have to limit their
selection to only entry positions and they interview the candidates who have similar
education and experience, if at all.
Some organizations in India also practice the word-of-mouth method of Talent Acquisition.
In this method , the word is passed around the vacancies or opening in the organization.
Another form of word-of-mouth method of employee-pinching i.e., the employee working
In another organization is offered by the rival organization. This


is economic, in

terms of both time and money. Some of the organization maintain a file applications and
sent a bio-data by a job seeker. These serve as a very handy as when there is vacancy in the
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organization. The advantage of this method is no cost involved in Talent Acquisition. However,
the disadvantages of this method of Talent Acquisition are non- availability of the
candidates when needed choice of candidates is restricted to a too small number.

Raiding or Poaching:

This is another sources of Talent Acquisition whereby the rival firm by offering terms and
conditions, try to attract qualified employees to join them. This raiding is a common feature in
the Indian organizations
Besides these, walk - ins, , acquisitions and merger, etc., are some other sources of Talent
Acquisition used by organization.

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The advantages of the internal source of Talent Acquisition include the following:
Familiarity with own employees:
The organization has more knowledge and familiarity with the strengths and

weaknesses of its

own employees than of strange on unknown outsiders.

Better use of the talent:
The policy of internal Talent Acquisition also provides an opportunity to the organization to make a
better use of talents internally available and to develop them further and further.
Economical Talent Acquisition:
In case of internal Talent Acquisition, the organization does not need to spend much money, time
and effort to locate and attract the potential candidates. Thus, internal Talent Acquisition proves to
be economical, or say, inexpensive.
The promotion through internal Talent Acquisition serves as a source of motivation for the
employees to improve their carrier and income. The employees feel that organization feel that
organization is a place where they can build up their life-long career. Besides, internal Talent
Acquisition also serves as a means of attracting and retaining employees in the organization

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Open process
Being a more open process, it is likely to attract a large number of
applicants/application. Then, in turn, widens it option of selection.
Availability of Talented Candidates:With the large pool of applicants, it becomes possible for organization to have
talented candidates from the outside. Thus, it introduces new blood in the
Opportunity to Select the Best Candidate;
With the large pool of applicants, selection process becomes competitive. This
increases prospects for selection the best candidates.
Provides healthy competition:
As the external members are supposed to be more trained and efficient. With such a
background, they work with the positive attitude and greater vigor. This helps create
healthy competition and conductive work environment in the organization.

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To understand the talent acquisition process at Teckraft Info solution Pvt Ltd.


The project consists of information derived from:

Secondary Source:
Information from secondary source was gathered using various books, magazines and
websites. References of these have been mentioned towards the end of the report. Information
gathered from these sources helped in achieving a better understanding of the topic and in
making the project more presentable and accurate.

The project also includes the work done as a Human Resource Intern in the Company which
involved the roles and responsibilities as a recruiter as well as inputs derived through
interaction with the Recruitment Team. The same has been mentioned under the heading of
work profile.

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The job involved an opportunity to perform the task of Recruitment with the Human Resource
1. Recruitment for own company
2. Recruitment for Consulting company
1. Recruitment for own company:It is a recruitment process in which the candidate is been recruited for
the company itself. I had an opportunity to recruit the candidate as Developer, Java
Developer, For the company itself.
2. Recruitment for Consulting company:It is a recruitment process in which the candidate is been recruited for
the Consulting firm. I had an opportunity to recruit the candidate as SharePoint Developer,
Lotus Notes Developer, and Management Information System Executive

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Requirement Gathering
Sourcing (,
Short listing Candidate
Scheduling for Interview
Selection Process
Selecting candidate
Approval from Top Management
Release of Offer
Ask For Acceptance
Release the official offer letter
Joining Formalities

Orientation / Induction
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1. Requirement Gathering (JOB DESCRIPTION ):

A job description is a list that a person might use for general tasks, or functions, and
responsibilities of a position. It may often include to whom the position reports, specifications
such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, or a salary range. Job
descriptions are usually narrative, but some may instead comprise a simple list of competencies.
They are developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and
sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. The analysis considers the areas of knowledge
and skills needed for the job. A job usually includes several roles. The job description might be
broadened to form a person specification.
Significance of Job Descriptions:Creating a job description is a key step in the hiring process. .A job description is also helpful in
evaluating whether you need a full-time employee or a part-timer. It can form the basis of
advertisements that you run, and can be used to present a clear picture of the job, to the job
applicants. Finally, it can play a part in evaluating whether an employee has met the expectations
you had set. Job descriptions are essential for successful development and implementation of
many HR programs, including compensation. They are essential for:
Employee recruiting and selection JDs are necessary for creating advertisements and
appropriate interview questions and for supplying job candidates with specific
Employee orientation New employees have a better understanding of job expectations
with detailed JDs.
Employee training and development Accurate job training depends on accurate JDs.

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Establishing job performance standards Without a detailed description of a job and its
essential functions, it is difficult to develop performance standards.
Benchmarking your organization's jobs JDs are necessary to benchmark your
organization's jobs with those in the external labour market.
Developing compensation programs Developing and maintaining equitable and
competitive compensation programs depend on the existence of solid JDs.
Performance reviews A well-developed JD helps employees track their job performance
goals and on-the-job progress.
Goal setting and performance management Detailed JDs ensure that your organization
can track employee and organizational goals and performance.

2. Sourcing the Candidates :

Sourcing would ideally include different sources that an HR uses to Source candidates for

Hiring manager would talk to the HR to see if Vacancy can be filled internally

Based on this interaction HR decides whether he has to publicize the vacancy through
Internal Recruitment or through External Recruitment

Some sources of External Recruitment that an HR may use are as Listed


3. Screening the Applications :

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Screening of applicants would be done basically on how good they match Job
description, their availability, flexibility and other criterias.

4. Short listing of Applications :

After the applications have been screened they are then they are called for
interview, the interview may be Face-to-Face or Telephonic Interview.

5. Scheduling for Interview :

After the candidate is been selected through telephonic interview, the interview is
to be scheduled with respect to time when the Project manager & CEO are
available in the company.

6. Selection process:
Human Resource Manager
Project Manager
CEO of the Company

7. Selected Candidate:

If the candidate is selected, he has to provide with some of the document, such as
previous company offer letter, appointment letter, last three month salary slip.



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After the document is received, it has to be verified, if they is any alteration salary
slip you can ask for monthly bank statement

9. Approval from the Top Management :

After the documents are verified, it is very important to get an approval from the
Top Management.

10. Release the offer:

It is an offer which is given to the candidate through mail & it is also called as
PRE OFFER. In which all the details are mentioned, such as Designation,
Salary (Monthly & Annually), Place of work, etc.

11. Ask for Acceptance:

When the pre offer is been released to the candidate, it is been asked to the
candidate for his acceptance & candidate is been asked to revert back soon.

12. Release of official offer letter


It is Follow up which is very important for an HR manager in which the candidate

take time of the notice period which the candidate has given to join the company,
If the follow is to be done strongly so that the candidate does not think of an
another company to join. It can be done posting good thing about the company on
the candidate mail id, talking to him twice a week.

14. Joining Formalities:

When the candidate is ready to join the company, the candidate is been asked for
the document which is necessary for the company, such as Photo Identity,
Residential Proof, Personal Proof, etc.

15. Orientation / Induction:

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When the candidate has join the company, the candidate has go through
orientation program that is may be for 3 Months or 6 months.


Candidate Assessment Form (CAF)

Candidate Name
Total Experience
Relevant Experience
Candidate's Current Location
Ready to work in Pune - at Client Site (Yes/ No)
Ready to work in 24/7 Operations (Yes/ No)
Production Support Experience (Yes/ No)
Any Bond Signed with Current Company (Yes/ No)
If Yes, Details
Notice Period (On Papers)
Minimum Timeframe to Join us (If Selected)
Current Designation (On Papers)
Current Company
Current Employment (Contract/ Permanent)
Graduation Degree
Post-Graduation Degree (If Any)
Exact Reason for Change
Mobile Number
Alternate Number

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Requirement Gathering
Sourcing (,
Short listing Candidate
Scheduling for Interview
Follow Ups

1. Requirement Gathering:
It is the recruitment process in which the job description is been given by the

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consulting company,
What type of candidate required.
How many candidates required.
What type of skills they should have.
What will be the job location?
What will be the salary package?

2. Sourcing the Candidates :

Sourcing would ideally include different sources that an HR uses to Source

candidates for vacancy

Project manager would talk to the HR to see if Vacancy can be filled internally

Based on this interaction HR decides whether he has to publicize the vacancy

through Internal Recruitment or through External Recruitment

Some sources of External Recruitment that an HR may use are as Listed

3. Screening the Applications :

Screening of applicants would be done basically on how good they match Job
description, their availability, flexibility and other criterias.

4. Short listing of Applications :

After the applications have been screened they are then they are called for
interview, the interview may be Face-to-Face or Telephonic Interview.

5. Scheduling for Interview :

After the candidate is been selected through telephonic interview, the interview is
to be scheduled with respect to time when the Project manager & CEO are
available at the consulting company.
6. Follow ups :

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The most important thing is to see whether the candidate is been selected or the
candidate is been rejected at consulting company & if selected how was the interview,
how many round of interview


Job Title

Admin MS Excel

Employment type


Candidate Availability/Urgency


If Contract then its Duration

2 months + extendable by 1 month

MS Excel,

Skill / JD

V lookup.

No of Positions

Experience Range

From : 6months
To: 1Years

Skill Category (Generic/Niche/Super Niche)


Job Location

Mumbai, Chinchpokli

Shift (Y/N) Shift details if any

(Mon Sat) business hours

Hiring Manager

Mr. SandeshNaik

CTC Range / Budget

From : LPA
To : LPA

Requirement to Recruitment date (RRD)

Sourcing Guidelines (From Hiring Manager Must and good to have
skills, Target Companies, Any specific domain preferred,
Combination of skills, any education criteria, ETC..)

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Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and
the planning to meet those needs. Talent management in this context does not refer to the
management of entertainers.
Talent management implies that companies are strategic and deliberate in how they source,
attract, select, train, develop, retain, promote, and move employees through the organization.
Talent Acquisition refers to the process of recruitment in which the candidate is been recruited
in the company, each company has recruitment process, some company does not have
recruitment process , they just have human resource manager who takes the interview and select
the candidate, he is the person who negotiate with the candidate salary, date of joining, etc.
Talent Acquisition is the main process in any company to progress because in each company
there are requirement of candidate with different skills & abilities, there comes a vital role

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