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About Forte Wares

Forte Wares is a member of Forte Consultancy Group, a

leading analytics-driven management consulting and
solutions group, providing new marketing analytics-related product and service bundled solutions for companies
that cannot avail of the high budget, difficult to implement, exhausting to maintain analytics-related offerings
in the marketplace.

Causal Intelligence Ware

CIWare is the one-of-a-kind
business intelligence platform that
automatically brings the right data
to the right people, when it matters
most. Empower your organization
and people to make timely decisions
that quickly turn into revenue generating actions, with CIWare, the
business analyst that never sleeps.

About CIWare
CIWare by Forte Wares is a proactive reporting solution
that automatically identifies and analyzes the root cause
of performance fluctuations. Focusing on change in the
business, as well as contribution of internal and external
factors to this change, CIWare enables proactive management, which is not possible with traditional BI solutions
delivering static snapshots of business indicators.
CIWare helps companies in:
Proactive Corporate Performance Management
Proactive Customer Value Management
Proactive Service Level Management
Proactive Risk Management
Proactive Channel Management
Proactive Budget and Planning

Key Product Features & Benefits

Radically faster
identification of business
risks and opportunities
Perfected ability to get to
the actual root cause of KPI
Up to 90% increased
productivity in business
Complete adoption of
business intelligence across
the organization

Use any database or data
warehouse as source
Define KPIs and their
relations in just a few clicks
Schedule alerts and
notifications by user group
Automatically receive e-mails
on performance triggers
Manually dig into data for
deepest level of insights

Zero-effort business intelligence
Business-language reporting and
Google-like search for corporate data
Touch-friendly controls for better user
In-DB processing, eliminating need for
extra hardware
Advanced caching for fastest results

Dont re-act,
According to the 2014 Big Data Survey by IDG, 53% of companies indicate their important business decisions are
delayed due to data not being available fast enough. Another 42% indicate they are losing business due to
inability to discover the relevant information on time. This is all the natural consequence of the traditional, reactive
BI approach, with data available only after a decision has been made, or available when it is too late to make one.
With CIWare, BI operates at the speed of the market. CIWare transforms the overall BI culture of an organization, by
making it truly pro-active, automatically identifying out-of-ordinary trends in data and notifies the right people in
the organization, well before their self-discovery.

CIWare can be scheduled to automatically

discover significant changes in the market
or business performance, analyze them
and deliver results to the right people
daily, weekly, and monthly.

Have IT
your way
65% of companies in the 2014 Big Data Survey indicated they are overwhelmed by incoming data. This is one of the
main reasons of the staggeringly low 10% user adoption rate of traditional BI solutions. Most companies focus on
quantity of information over quality, resulting in only a few reports being utilized out of hundreds made available.
CIWare turns the table around in delivery of information. Instead of hosting hundreds of undesirable reports at bay,
CIWare dynamically selects and delivers the most relevant and critical information to only the most relevant users
through the most convenient means. Every day, week, or month, the key decision makers or action takers receive
notifications only about indicators relevant to them, that have fluctuated enough to warrant their being notified.

CIWare automatically delivers e-mail

alerts of key performance indicators to
the relevant business users, including
verbal information in regards to what
fluctuation has occurred to warrant the
notification, and relevant findings.

Root cause identified

80% of respondents to a 2012 survey indicated that they found making business decisions effectively required too
much effort. This is mostly due to the fact that getting to the bottom of a performance problem or business
opportunity usually requires days of detailed analysis, with reworks and repeated reviews in between.
This is where CIWare steps-in, to save the day. Unlike other BI solutions, CIWare goes beyond just reporting facts,
by reporting the underlying factors driving them the root cause. Like an intelligent and meticulous business
analyst that works day and night to leave no stone unturned, CIWare analyzes all possible explanations of change
in performance, discovers change drivers, and reports its findings.

CIWare automatically discovers and

reports the root cause behind KPI changes,
through slicing and dicing across various
business dimensions and analyzing the
correlation between different KPIs.

Hidden threats discovered

Sometimes, the risk and opportunities in business are hidden beneath the surface. Looking at the overall picture
and bottom-line figures to evaluate the performance of a company is inadequate in todays complex markets. A
company performing stable in terms of the overall income statement might be losing valuable customers in
specific segments (but not know this, as positive performance in other segments masks the reality). With CIWare,
users dont just see the tip of the iceberg, but are also automatically informed about the threats and opportunities
below the surface.

CIWare automatically analyzes drivers of

key performance indicators and reports
on significant fluctuations in these
drivers, even if top-level KPIs are not
affected in the short term.

For deeper insights, CIWare provides the ability to do a vis--vis comparison of trends between different KPIs
across days, weeks, and months, in a fairly dynamic manner. Any two indicators can be compared by a simple
drag-drop action, making correlation analysis available even for the most novice user.
This feature enables complete understanding of the nature of impact root-causes have on KPIs such as
continuous, seasonal and irregular.

With the user friendly trend-comparison

feature, it is possible to simply drag and
drop trend charts onto each other to
study correlation between KPIs in more

to C
As CIWare is designed with a vision to make reporting more relevant and user-friendly to the business, even its
conventional querying mechanism is unconventional. Instead of using the common data universes, tables, and
columns for data access, CIWare uses a Google-like search mechanism for finding the desired information. This way,
business users do not need to know or care about the data structure behind their reports and can just type in the
information they are looking for.
For charts and cube operations, CIWare provides full integration into Microsoft Excel, so that business users can
make use of a tool they are already familiar with, while automatically retrieving the latest data they need.

The unique Ask CIWare feature provides

the ability to search for KPIs and filters
through auto-complete fields for most
convenient access to data. The results
can be displayed, be exported into Excel
with online data link, or be used as SQL
queries for integration with 3rd party

C to
Another frustration frequently expressed by business about BI solutions is the lack of ability to turn findings into
actions quickly and conveniently. More often than not, findings from traditional BI solutions require days of work
to be conducted before someone can translate them into an actionable list of targets, as the findings need to be
interpreted and used in other systems first (for example, once the business discovers that customers using a
specific product in a certain region and segment have decreased spend significantly, they need to first use these
specifications in a campaign management system to identify the top customers that should be targeted within
this group). With CIWare, this is as easy as the click of a button. Once a discovery is made, the user can extract the
top customers, relevant employees, or even the process cases that are affecting the performance automatically.

With CIWare, the user can select any

number of top contributors to KPI
changes and export them as a file or
integrate the list directly into other
systems (such as campaign

C to
While CIWare provides a significant competitive advantage to companies by making the most relevant facts
quickly available across the organization to the right people, its capabilities go beyond past and present. Through
advanced what-if analysis capabilities, CIWare also provides the ability for companies to foresee into the future and
prepare for various business scenarios. The potential impact of future changes in key performance indicators on
the overall business performance can be estimated with just a couple of clicks using CIWare.

The what-if analysis provides

step-by-step explanation of the impact of
change in any business input on the
output indicators, automatically.

+ 90 212 2309004

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