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A calling in which its members profess to have acquired special values,
knowledge, training or by experience so that they may guide others in that
special field.
Nursing is a profession
Calling service oriented
Others patients
Characteristics by profession
A accountability/liability for the result
C caring profession Central Focus
C competent
E ethics
S service oriented
S specialized scientific body of knowledge and skills
All are independent nursing actions
Promotive, preventive, curative and rehab care in all health care service
health education
utilizes nursing process
link of patients in different health care services
collaboration of patients care for continuity of patient care
train nursing students
supervision of subordinates
accurate recording and reporting
execution of valid doctors order (the only one that is dependent nursing action)
Perennial Suturing after training
Perform IE if antenatal bleeding is absent and before full delivery
A doctors order is valid when giving medication is when it is put into writing and signed
by the physician. Whatever is not put into writing is considered not ordered by the
Good Samaritan Act
During emergency, national calamity, national epidemic there is no doctor around
the life or the patient is in possible danger, then you can give drugs alone
provided you know the drugs for the patient.
RA 8344 No deposit policy during emergency cases only
Areas of Nursing Practice
1. Institutional Nursing
Hospital Based Venue
D Duties are routinary and supervised
A Acquired different learning and technical skills
C- Coordination with HCT
S Specialized areas
o Nurse Generalist community nurse
o Nurse specialist staff nurse
2. Public Health Nursing
Once a Public nurse in the community, you are focus on the preventive and
promotive of health because this is the mandate of Primary Health Care Law.
1st PHC
o Date : 1978

Place : Alma Ata

Country : Russia
Local version of F. Marcos after 1yr of Alma Ata
Conference: Letter of Instruction 949 that mandates that all public
workers to have a duty of promotive and preventive care for the patient.
Promotion of Public Health
o PD 8976 Micronutrient Supplement Act
Vit. A, iron supplements, iodine
o PD 825 (Environmental sanitation law of the Phils.)
It is cleanliness of the environment. Outside the institution (eg.
proper disposal of excreta, proper drainage system)
o PD 856 (sanitation code of the Phils.)
Involves proper sanitation of an institution that engage in food and
water supply. Inside the institution. (eg. canteen, mineral water
store, public market, Sex shop : ADONIS, PEGASUS, CHICOS)
not applicable to private sex practitioners.
Prevention of Disease
o PD 996 (EPI law)
Compulsory Immunization of children below 9 y/o
Psychological and social adjustments because you will be taking care of
numerous clients
o RA 7160 (local government code)
decentralization or devolution of care. The DOH together with
DILG and local government units (brgy, provincial) together with
community participation they made a local health board which is
the MAYOR.
Purpose of local health board : it makes quality health care
available, accessible and proximal for all
Participation is maintained with all members of the community, health care
team and family

3. Occupation Health Nursing

industrial or company health nurse
Duties :
o Curative/rehabilitative
C care for sick/injured laborers
R Referral
V Visit and ff. ups (home visits)
o Promotive/Preventive
N nutritional
S safety and sanitation
C Counseling
4. Clinical Instructor
o Qualifications :
A accredited nursing Org
M MAN in nursing or other health courses
O One yr clinical experience
R R.N.
o When was PNA founded : Oct. 22, 1922 (10-22- 22)
o Who is the founder PNA : Anastacia G. Guiron Tupas
o Purposes :
P professional well-being
U - unity
P promotes reciprocity even outside the Phils.
A advancement of the knowledge and skills of the nurse
E ethics promulgation
Proclamation Order 539

Declared by Pres. Garcia law declaring the last week Oct as the official nurses

School of Nursing in the Philippines

UPCN 1st
Schools originated in the Phil.
o Iloilo Mission hospital
o St. Lukes
o Mary Johnston Hospital
o St. Paul Hospital
o San Juan de Dios
Contracts and Consents
Characteristics of a Valid Consent
V voluntariness
O Opportunities to ask questionbe explained to pt
T treatment explained to the patient
U understood by pt
M matured both physically and mentally
Criteria of a good consent :
18 y/o above
Mentally capacitated (absence of insanity and imbecility)
If below 18 y/o and mentally incapacitated a proxy consent : in chronological
o Parents
o Guardian
o physician (if parents and guardian are dead)
Guardian Ad Litem social worker or Surgeon
Nurses and Illegal Detention
it happens if someone will limit the freedom of the patient to move or travel from
one place to another.
HIV Patient should be kept in one room
o Felacio oral sex most fastest mode of transfer
o Cannalingus tongue on clitoris
o Analingus tongue on anus least mode of transfer
Last Will and Testament
Act whereby a person is permitted by the law to have control in the manner of
disposing/ giving his estate but will take effect at the time of his death
Testate Succession son or daughter will inherit the last will of the parents
Intestate Succession without last will and testament
2 types of Last Will and Testament
o Property
Notarial/ Ordinary Will
Check LOC
Check proper location of the signature end part of all the
pages at the side
Nurses can be a witness
Holographic Will
During emergency cases
No witness involved call a persdon who knows and familiar
with the handwritten of the testator
Entire last will and testament is hand written dated and
signed by the testator
o Life Body
Advance Directives

Respectful death
Direction/ instruction of the patient in advance
DNR, donate organ, cremation

Medications and prescription

only registered medical, dental and veterinary practitioners are authorized to
prescribe drugs
3 information
o name of the AMD, address of his clinic/hosp and PTRC license #
o name of the pt, age, sex
o drug name, frequency, duration of the drug
RA 6675 Generic Act
o all prescribe drug must be written in generic and brand name or generic
name but never the brand name alone)
o Purpose : for the pt to choose what brand name they want
Remember the 10 Rs of medication
Right patient name by checking the pt wrist tag
Verbal or telephone only done during emergency
doubts or error in case there is doubt in medication, refer to the physician
IV drugs in proper training
Documentation, recording and charting
Patient Chart absolutely legal
Purpose of a patient Chart
o Communication and conitinuity of care
o Assurance of quality of care
o Research
o Legal document
o Statistics of disease
Subpoena order coming from the court
o Subpoena Duces Tecum any documents, objects, papers, materials
o Subpoena Ad Testificandum person who will testify (witness)
Dos in Charting
o F full, factual and objectively accurate
o L legible
o I immediate
o P Personal
Adendum late entry/late documentation
Donts in charting
o L language, jargons or words which are unacceptable
o I improper corrections
o S Spaces and skips
o Abbreviation
Professional Negligence
failure to do something which are reasonable and prudent nurse should have
done something under a particular situation. (eg. failure to raise side rales when
the pt is unconscious)
3 elements of negligence
o duty on part of the nurse
o failure to do said duty
o injury, harm, death most important negligence
injury, harm or death is not important in malpractice
The nurse is allowed to perform episiorrhapy
with proper training but not episiotomy

The nurse is allowed to perform IE but with 2 conditions :

o fetal aberration/ abnormal delivery
o prior to complete delivery

Crimes affecting nurses

Types of crime :
Manner of Commission
o DOLO crimes committed with deceit. Crime with real criminal intention
o CULPA crimes committed under negligence. Crimes that are intentional
stages of execution
o consummated
when the crime intended is totally committed or perfected
o frustrated
the offended performs everything to consummate the crime but it
did not happen
o attempted
crime has not happened (overt acts acts merely showing the
intention to commit the crime)
degree of participation
o principal
degree of participation is very important/indispensable because he
is the primary author of the crime.. If no principle, there is no
o accomplice
participation is merely dispensable.
Usually performs before (eg. referral by the nurse of a abortionist
to a pregnant women) or during the crime eg. OB nurse is to
perform abortion. The nurse is look out for police. The nurse is
the accomplice.
o accessory
usually performs after the crime (eg. stole a nebulizer in the
hospital. Sold the nebulizer to an asthmatic pt) This is an
accessory because he benefited from the crime
RA 7877 Anti sexual harassment law
committed by any person who exercises authority. (eg. teacher to student, head
nurse to staff nurse).
That person who is in authority is asking for a sexual favor in an exchange of
another favor.
Types of Rape
Ordinary rape
o a forcible penetration of an organ for copulation to another organ for
copulation. (eg. women are only the victim)
sexual assault
o anything that is forcible inserted to a body orifice with sexual malice.
o Also form of rape (eg. hand or an object is being inserted in the anal.
Committed in both female or male)
o Intervention :
S safety (emotional or physical safety)
R report ( 18 report to brgy.)
R referral (if father is the rapist, refer to DSWD)
is the expulsion or termination of a product of conception before the stage of
viability. (3-6month/12-24weeks)
kill the person in less than 3days or 72hrs of life.
killing another person to whom you have a relationship (mother, father, husband)

unintentionally killing another person without any relationship (eg. negligence in
giving meds)
intentionally killing another person without any relationship
Simulation of birth
committed by any person who shall substitute one child to another child or alter
his identities for the purpose of losing his civil status. (eg. the midwife failed to
report the birth of the baby, giving wrong information of the gender of the baby)
PD 651 (Birth registration act)
law any person who assist in giving birth to report within 30 days to the Local
Civil Registration Office

Law Affecting Nurses

Act 2808 (yr. 1919) first true nursing law
o It removed from the doctor the control of nurses with 3 man team (1
chairman and 2 members all nurses)
1920 1st official board exam
1st nursing school (6months)
o Iloilo Mission Hospital (1906)
o PGH School of Nursing (1907)
o St. Lukes school of nursing (1907)
o Mary Johnsons school of Nursing (1907)
o St. Paul Iloilo 1907)
o San Juan de Dios (1907)
1st college of nursing (4years) UP
RA 7164 (1991)
RA 9173 (Oct 21, 2002)
o Board of Nursing
o A Accredited Nursing Org (PNA)
o F five MAN team (1 chairman, 4 members)
o S 65 y/o 1 year interim period
o N Not convicted of any crime
o P Pecuniary interest (Absence)
o T 10 years nursing practice
o C- Citizen of R.P.
o A Accredited Nursing Org (PNA)
o S 7 MAN team (1 chairman, 6members)
o I immediately resigned upon appt.
o N Not convicted of any crime
o P Pecuniary interest (Absence)
o T 10 years nursing practice but 5 yrs must be in the
o C- Citizen & resident of R.P.
Who formulates the question of the Board Exam? Board of
In having a license it is a Privilege not a Right
Board of Nursing issues the license
PRC issues the certificate of registration
CHED are the ones who has the power to open and close a
nursing school
BON just inspects 5 consecutive years of below 80% passing rate,
the school will be closed
Powers and Functions of BON
o L Licensure exam


5 years nursing experience
Clinical Instructor
A allied in nursing or any allied health courses
M member of PNA
O 1 yr experience
R R.N.

Nursing Administrator

Supervisor/Manager H


Military Hosp

Add only
masters in
PHN or


A Accredited Org
N 9 units
T 2 yrs

RN + MAN +
5 yrs supervisor
(N.B. if primary

I Issue COR
M Monitor standards of nursing practice
E Education
C Code of ethics
H Hear and decides cases of negligence and malpractice
A Accredits different organizations
G Guides Nursing Practice in the phils

o Examinees
CGM (Good Moral Character)
Proofs of Valid Holder of Filipino Citizenship
Proofs of valid holder of a BSN Degree only from schools whose
curriculum is approved by the CHED
3 docs sub to PRC
RLE certificate
TOR with Scanned picture
List of cases
Examination fee is P900
Last day Is :
Other related laws
PD 223 PRC Act
RA 1080 Civil Service exam Cum Laude, Board passer eligible in taking CSE
RA 6425 Dangerous drugs Act
o punishable with 2 chemical substances
Prohibited drugs
chemical substance totally, abosultely cant be consumed
by human being (eg. Shabu, Mariana, Cocaine, Opium)
Regulated drugs
you can use this drug provided the pt has the prescription
and the AMD has appropriate license coming from the
BFAD or Dangerous Drugs
RA 7600 Baby Friendly Hospital.

Early bonding for mother is Early Rooming in and early baby breast
technique for early bonding Early bonding for father is thru cuddling
E.O. 51 Milk Code (Breast Milk)
o Avoid manufactured or formula milk
How to be an R.N. under 9173
o Have all qualifications
o take the exam
o acquire the required ratings
o In order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain a general
average of at least 75 % with a rating of not below sixty percent (60%) in
any subject
o An examinee who obtains an average rating of 75% or higher but gets a
rating below 60% in any subject must take the examination again but
only in the subject or subjects where he/she us treated below 60 %
(60%). In order to pass the succeeding examination, an examinee must
obtain a rating of at least 75% in the subject or subjects repeated.
RA 8981 Modernization Act.
For every 5,000, results will be released after 5days
PRC rating NAME
Text to 263 (smart) 233 (globe)

What are the grounds for nurse not to be registered?

o D Dishonorable conduct
o U Unsound mind
o M moral turpitude
o I Indecent immortal conduct

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