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Olympic Games

We have received a notification informing that the school is going to participate in the
European tournament which will take place in Amsterdam. You will be able to interview a
famous sport person in order to publish the interview in the local magazine.

Warm up Activity

Are you good at sport?

Do you enjoy playing or watching sport? Why?
Which sports are most popular in your culture?
What football team will win the European Cup?
What football player do you think will win the Golden Ball
next year?
Can you give an example of an extreme sport?
Do you think that you will practise some extreme sport in
a near future?
Where do you go to do sports indoors?

I Which sports do you practise?

1. a)

Find someone who

Plays more than one type of sport (how many)
Likes ballet (do you like)
Is good at ice-skating (are you)
Plays handball and football
Goes horse- riding
Spends more than three hours on sport a week (how many hours)
Goes fishing (do you)
Likes boxing
has seen a football game in Camp Nou
Thinks chess is a type of sport (do you think.

b) Write the number of people that practise these sports.

2. Think of the sport you practise in PE. Did you mention some of those sports in the
previous exercise?

Write down the sports that you would like to do in your high school.



3. Listen to Tyrone calling his local swimming pool and do the exercises to practise and
improve your listening skills.


a) Are you a member of any sport clubs?

What sports do you play?

b) Write the words in the correct group. Do this exercise before you listen.
water polo
Water sports

table tennis

Indoor sports

c) Fill in this table while you listening.

Name: Tyrone
Interested in (sport):

Outdoor sports

d) Are these sentences true or false?


There are four different age groups that play water polo.
Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club.
The under 16s water polo team train three times a week.
The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday.
Water polo matches are played on Saturdays.
You have to pay to join the water polo classes for under 18s.
You need to bring a photo register at the swimming pool.
Training for the water polo team starts this week.

4. Can you name these sports?



5. Which equipment do you use to play these sports? Could you think of any?
a) What do we need for practising these sports?


a ping-pong ball


a bike


a pair of skis and ski boots



Riding a bike

a pair of skating boots


a swimming pool

Playing table tennis


Playing tennis

a racket


jogging shoes



b) Fill the following table by searching the words needed on this link .Click on equipment and history
Add more examples of different sports that you like.






Tennis court


racket, tennis

6. Sport description
a) Listen to the sport descriptions and try to guess what sport the speaker is talking
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
6. ___________
b) Work in groups and choose one sport. Describe the sport to your classmates as
you have seen in the previous exercise. They must find out what sport you are
You can use these sentences:
This sport is played outdoors/indoors/in the water
The number of players is
The aim is
Players use a ball/ a stick
You can make a list with the essential information you need (rules, place, number of
players, etc.)

Read this description of Triathlon and answer the questions.


Do you know what is Triathlon?

Could you explain the rules?
Do you know somebody who practises it?

Triathlon is a sport that consists of three parts, swimming, cycling and running. Athletes race
against each other. They swim first, cycle second and run last. Triathlon became an Olympic
Sport in 2000 at the Sydney Summer Olympics in Australia. In the Olympics athletes swim for
1.5 km, cycle for 40 km and then run for 10 km. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics in China the
womens gold medal in triathlon was won by an Australian, Emma Snowsill, who completed

the race in just under two hours. Jan Frodeno from Germany won the mens gold medal; he
finished the race in one hour and 48 minutes.
A popular triathlon event is the Sprint Triathlon. It is a shorter race. It is half the distance of the
triathlon of the Olympics. In the Sprint Triathlon athletes swim for 750 metres, cycle for 20 km
and run for 5 km. If you think that this is too short for you, you can try the Ironman Triathlon.
In the Ironman competition athletes swim for 3.86 km, cycle for 180 km and then run for 42.2
km! The fastest athletes can finish an Ironman Triathlon in just over eight hours!

a) Did you understand the story? Are these sentences true?

1. Athletes run first in a triathlon.

2. Triathlon is now a sport at the Olympics.

3. In a Sprint Triathlon athletes swim for 1.5 km.

4. The Ironman Triathlon is longer than the Sprint Triathlon.

5. The Sprint Triathlon is half the distance of an Olympic Triathlon.

b)Fill in the Blanks:

6. The Sprint Triathlon is _________ than an Olympic Triathlon.
7. The fastest athletes finish an Ironman Triathlon in just over ________ hours.
8. A triathlon has _______ parts, cycling, _______ and swimming.
9. The 2008 summer Olympics were held in _____________.
10. In a triathlon, athletes _________ last.


Using play, do and go

My sister plays tennis every weekend.
My brother likes doing yoga.
I go swimming three times a week.
a. Look at the Flashcards.
Could you explain when we use do/play and go with sports?
You can watch this video to find out the solution:


b. Practise some exercises on this page.
c. Put the following sports with the correct verb.

tennis / judo / aerobics / swimming / football / riding / athletics / karate /

hockey / skiing / skating / gymnastics / volleyball




9. Listening Ice- hockey

Pre- listening
a) Select the correct one.
Do hockey

Play hockey

Go hockey

b) Answer this questions.

Who practises this sport?
How do you feel?
Is there here an ice-hockey team? Where can you play it?

Listening- Choose the correct answer.

1) Brian's dad didn't let him play hockey because ...?
a) it was too dangerous

b) practice was too early

2) What does Fanny assume about Canadians?

c) he hated hockey

a) They like violence.

b) They all can skate.

c) They are wealthy.

3) What does Fanny say about table tennis?

a) The rules are simple.

b) The equipment is simple.

c) It is for all ages.

4) What does Fanny say about her mom?

a) She taught her how to play. b) She is a good player.

c) She hated table tennis.

What do you think?

Do you think it is dangerous?
Do you think hockey players like violence?

10. Express your opinion.

Did your high school have a good baseball team?

Do you jog more than once a week?
Do you think that parents are too involved in their children's sports
How often do you go swimming?

a) How can you give your opinion? Underline in this text the expressions that
express opinion.

I believe that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. There is always a kind of sport
which will suit you.. If you like team games, try hockey, football, volleyball or
basketball. Games for you to play with a friend include badminton, squash and tennis,
and if you enjoy doing things on your own, you may take up swimming, riding, golf or
athletics. For me, "Sport makes people healthy". No doubt, that's true. I only want to
say that they should be careful and remember that the health is given to a human
being only once, so, do your best not to lose it.
An important attraction of sport is also its competitive and challenging nature. I like
sport. In my opinion, you don't need to be good at sports to enjoy them - according to
the Olympic motto it is the participation and not winning, that matters. I like sport. I'm
sure you don't need to be good at sports to enjoy them - according to the Olympic
motto it is the participation and not winning, that matters.
I know it for sure that it's very difficult to become a good and successful sportsman. I
believe that being a sportsman means constant hard work, lack of free time and
almost absence of private life. Frankly speaking, if you want to achieve something in
the sphere of professional sport, it has to become a style of life and even a sense of it.

b) Look at this table of Communicative strategies. Then do exercises 1 and 2.

Giving your opinion

Asking for someones opinion

I believe... / I dont believe ...

In my opinion,
For me,
Personally, I think ..
I think that... / I dont think that....

Do you agree?
What do you think about this?
Do you think thats right?
Whats your view?
Are you OK with that?

1. Check your language: asking for opinion. How can we

make questions? Compare these two sentences:

I believe that doing sports is the best way to keep fit.

Do you believe that practicing sport is healthy?
2. Visit this link and order the sentences to make question.

Discuss this question in groups. Do you think that sport is

important? Why?
Now watch this video about the importance of practicing
sport and fill in the gaps.
It gives us a sense of belonging, a sense of ____________.
It teaches you to work hard ____________ and
___________with other people.
Thats all about enjoying; its like a __________ __________
that everybody understands.

12. Reading: Opinion essay


Are these points about Video games or Sports? Write V (for video games) and S (for
1. You can play basketball, water-ski or dance in your own room.
2. You can play them outside in the fresh air.
3. It's the best way to stay physically fit and healthy.
4. You can play them even when the weather is bad.
5. You can compete with people all over the world via the internet.

b) Read the text about video games. Then, circle the points which are mentioned in the


There are a lot of different types of games.

Video games are fun to play with friends.
Video games allow you to play many different sports
You can compete with people all over the world via Internet.
Playing video games is the best way to stay physically fit and
6- Its better to do exercise outside in the fresh air.
7- You can play them even when the weather is bad.
8- Playing sport is more intense than playing video games.
c) Match the words and phrases that have the same meaning. (10 minutes)
In addition,
First of all,
I believe that, I disagree that,


In fact,
In conclusion,

Firstly, _____________
I think that,______________
I dont think that,______________
To sum up,_____________________

d) Group discussion.
Are video games really good to keep fit? What do you think?

13. Read this fragment from an opinions blog Sports matter in high school. This
was written by a teenager. Prepare an opinion to answer to her blog. (90-120
Hey Sports fans! Welcome to my blog! I encourage everyone to chime in and give me your
input on anything that I choose to discuss here. Im giving my opinion, so why not give me
This weeks blog is going to circle around the poll question for Football Fridays and that is
whether or not athletics is as essential to high schools as academics.
First things first: this matters to me because when I was in high school, I played tennis and
basketball and I attribute both sports as the core of my lifestyle today. I believe that hands
down, sports are just as important as academics and for some people, it can lead to amazing
opportunities in college. I learnt discipline and I became conscious about exercising.

I believe that there are some cases when kids need to have activities to keep them busy in
order to keep them out of trouble. High school is supposed to be one of the most exciting
times of your life. You grow so much during those years. Who are some people in your life that
this has affected?
You can read the whole opinion on this link

II What is going to happen?

1. Look at this extract from a story. What tenses do you recognize in these questions?

Who is she? What will she do?

What is going to happen?

Could you answer those questions?
2. Here you have the story, read it carefully and answer the questions.

This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. She will

practice hard all week because she wants to win the tournament. The
winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes she will get first place!
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will
watch her compete. He will sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He is
going to be proud of Erica even if she does not win first place.
Erica's parents are not going to travel to the tournament. They will watch

the tournament on television. They will cheer for Erica at home. They are
going to be proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.

1. What is Erica going to do this weekend? What will the winner receive?
2. Who is going to travel to the tournament with Erica? What will he do?
3. Where will Erica's parents watch the tournament?

Do you play tennis?

Do you know anyone that has win a medal playing tennis?
How many tennis pitches are there in Lleida?
Do you play this sport in high school?
3. Watch the video future forms and practice the future forms.
Look at the question of the warm up activity and watch the video future forms.
*When do you use future simple will, going to or present continuous? Could
you write a rule? Find examples from the video.

o Will.
What football team will win the European Cup?
What soccer do you think will win the golden ball next year?
Do you think that you will practise some extreme sport in a near future?

Compare these situations, what are the differences?

Situation 1
*Do you want to go to see the football match this Friday?
- Its sounds great.
*Ok, I will take two tickets.
Situation 2
*Look at him has scored another goal. He is playing very well.
- Yes, I think he will win the golden ball this year.
Situation 3

*You told me that you were coming

- I will see your match next Sunday, I promise.

Be going to
Situation 1
*Where are you going to play this summer?
- I dont know yet.

Situation 2
*Look! He is going to score a goal!
Present continuous
*We are playing in Barcelona this Sunday.
4. Now complete this exercise with the correct form of will or be going to.
Mr Corona's holiday plans
Mr Corona is from Rome. He works at a factory in Hamburg. His work isn't very interesting, so
he's looking forward to his holidays. This year he. (take) his holiday early in
September: he's lucky because he. (get) one day more than last year. He
(spend) his holidays in Rome, of course, because he wants to see his family again and he
.. (visit) some good friends as well.
He (not fly) because it's too expensive for him. He (have) to go
by train. At least he hopes. (be able) to get a seat in the train because the journey
.(take) almost twenty hours and the train.. (be) full - so it wont be
(not be) a very nice journey.

5. When do we write a formal letter for? Write down some examples.

We write.. letters to friends, family members and people that we know well, for
example, a letter to an old school friend.
We write.. letters to people that we dont know well, for example, a letter to the
local council to enquire about childcare facilities
6. Compare these letters.
a) Are they formal or informal?

b) Complete this table


Informal letter

Formal letter

Grammar contraction

7. Read this formal letter and the tips for writing a formal letter.

Now, fill in this letter .

______________Mr. Cotton,
I am interested _________ studying at your language school and I am
writing_________ request further information about your courses.
Please could you tell me __________ there are still places available on the summer
course? I____________ also like to know how much a three-week
course___________. Finally, I would be ___________if you could send me details of
the accommodation that is available.
I look________________ to ___________ from you.
Yours _sincerely__,
Amit Khan
How are the paragraphs divided? What information do they contain?

Introduce yourself/ reason for writing

Ask information

8. Write a formal letter to the sport club you want to meet asking for an interview.
Introduce yourself. Present the purpose of your interview and explain briefly the
information you are going to ask. (100-120 words)

III Make an interview


Listen to this interview about extreme sports.

- Do you read, listen to, or watch interviews with famous people, especially people
from the world of sport?
- Can you remember any details?
What extreme sports do you know?
- What are the most popular extreme sports in your country?
Now listen to the interview, then click on this link and do task 2.

Will you try an extreme sport? Why?
Have a look at the characteristics of an interview.
Introduce the topic of the interview
Ask direct questions
Thank the answers
Be polite

Try to answer the questions
Give details or examples
Use: thats an interesting question,
well,if I tell you the truth

Which ones have you seen on the video?

2. Do you remember the questions order?
a. Put these questions in the correct order.

Do/it?/you/ How/play.
sport?/you/about/Can/tell/ your/us.

Ask those questions to your classmate.

b. Work in groups and think of information you would like to know about one
player or one sport team.
Possible questions:
Where will the next match take place?
How many hours will you devote to train?
3. Watch this interview and do exercise 1 and 2 from the video. Click on learn

4. Simulate an interview with your partner, use audacity, and record the interview in
mp3 format. Use Audacity program.

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