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from the desk of:

former State Representative Mitchell Kaye

March 3, 2015
The Honorable Tom Price
Representative, Georgia 6th District
U.S. House of Representatives
via fax: 202-225-4656
Dear Tom:
Hope you and your family are doing well! I left a message at your DC office and hope to speak with
you. I am writing as your constituent to strongly urge you to not cave on the DHS funding bill. You
can not and must not support and condone any action that will in any way fund our Presidents recent
executive action on illegal immigration.
As you know, we are a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances on all branches of
government. We are also a nation of laws. As a member of Congress, do not abdicate your
responsibility in checking the actions of the Executive branch.
The whole immigration debate is all about legalizing millions of future Democrat votes. Why would
you agree in any way to commit political suicide for Republicans and our two party system of
If I didnt know any better, the way the GOP is governing I would have thought the Democrats won big
this last November. Many Republicans appear too afraid of the media, rather than doing what is right,
just and Constitutional. If 99.99% of the government is funded, some will say there is a partial
shutdown and we must avoid that at all costs. Change the semantic debate. Be a statesman and not
worry about the perceived media/political fallout! I urge you to fund only essential DHS functions as
the House originally passed.
Tom, we have many mutual friends including many of your former partners in your medical practice
and out in the district. I liked you when we served together in the Georgia General Assembly and have
supported you as my Congressman. You have represented us well and I have hopes that as

The Honorable Tom Price

Member of Congress
March 3, 2015
page 2

Chairman of the Budget committee, former Chairman of the Republican Study Committee and as a
rising conservative star, you would one day bring the Speakers gavel back to the 6th District!
However, if you do not keep your campaign promise and vote and use your growing influence to kill
our Presidents illegal immigration action through this DHS bill, I will be a candidate for the
Republican primary in the 6th district in 2016.
Our district demands strong, principled Conservative leadership...a Representative with backbone who
is not afraid to stand and fight! I hope you are that person!
I look forward to your return call!
Respectfully submitted,

Mitchell Kaye
Marietta, Georgia 30062
Georgia State Representative, 1993-2003

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