Rubric Oral Presentation

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Rubric: Oral Presentation




Grammar and




3 Excellent

2 Good

1 Needs improvement

0 Deficient

Shows a full understanding of the

topic and can provide an insightful
opinion. Provides reasons to support
his/her point of view. The student
clearly investigated the topic of
his/her presentation thoroughly.
Student presents information in a
logical and interesting sequence that
the audience can follow.
Correctly uses vocabulary learnt
during the unit. Constructs
complete sentences using correct
word order and appropriate
grammar most of the time.
The student greets the audience and
introduces himself/herself. The topic
is presented; the outline and aim of
the presentation are presented.

Shows a good understanding of the

topic, is at ease with the subject, but
fails to elaborate.

Shows a good understanding of

parts of the topic. The student is
uncomfortable with information.

Does not seem to understand

the topic very well.

Student presents information in a

fairly logical sequence.

Audience cannot follow the

presentation because there is
no sequence of information.
Uses little or no vocabulary
learnt during the unit; many
word order mistakes.
Grammatical mistakes abound.

The topic is developed in detail but is

not repetitive and all the points
presented in the outline are
The speaker reminds the audience
the focus of the presentation,
highlights key ideas and ends with a
strong final statement. The
conclusion is based on the

The topic is developed in some

detail, but points seen in the outline
are not explained. There is some
repetition of ideas.
The speaker reminds the audience
the focus of the presentation and
highlights key ideas. The conclusion
is based on the information provided
during the presentation.

Audience has difficulty following

the presentation because the
student jumps around.
Uses some vocabulary learnt
during the unit, often incorrectly;
few complete sentences, many
grammatical and word order
The student introduces
himself/herself or not. He/she do
not greet the audience nor state
the topic, aim and outline of the
presentation. Only the title of the
presentation is given.
The topic is not developed in
detail. Many points seen in the
outline are not explained. Many
ideas are repeated.
The speaker reminds the audience
some ideas from the presentation
or none at all. The conclusion is

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Uses vocabulary learnt during the

unit although not always correctly.
Sentences are not always complete,
grammatical and word order
mistakes are evident.
The student introduces
himself/herself. The topic and
outline are presented.

The introduction is too short or


The topic is not developed


The presentation just ends.

There is no conclusion.

Rubric: Oral Presentation

Posture, eye
contact and body

and Elocution

Visual aids

Length of the

information provided during the

Stands up straight, looks relaxed and
confident. Establishes eye contact
with the camera in order to connect
with the audience. Does not look
down or read his/her notes all the
time, only occasionally. Body
language is fluid.
Student is completely prepared and
has obviously rehearsed. Uses a clear
voice and has a good pronunciation
of terms. Correct use of pauses, does
not rush.
Images are appropriate and support
the theme/content of the
presentation. Layout of images is
pleasing to the eye (size, colour).
There is the right amount of written
information (6x6 rule) on each slide.
The presentation lasts for 5-6

Stands up straight and establishes

eye contact with the camera in order
to connect with the audience but
reads from his/her notes frequently.

Sometimes stands up straight and

establishes eye contact. Reads
from the notes almost the entire
time. Very little movement.
Displays mild tension.

Slouches and reads from the

notes the entire time during the
presentation. No movement or
gestures. Displays signs of
tension and nervousness during
the entire time.

Student seems pretty prepared but

might have needed a couple more
rehearsals. Uses a clear voice and
pronounces most of the words
Images are appropriate and support
the theme/content of the
presentation. Layout is a bit
cluttered (written information more
than 6x6)

The student is somewhat prepared,

but it is clear that rehearsal was
lacking. Students voice is low and
the message is not heard clearly.

Student does not seem at all

prepared to present. The
student mumbles, speaks too
quickly or too low.

Most images are attractive but

they do not seem to support the
theme/content. The slide has too
much written information or too
many images.

No images/ or inappropriate
ones. All the information is
written on the slide.

The presentation lasts for 4-5


The presentation lasts for 3-2


The presentation is too long

(more than 6 minutes) or too
short (less than 2 minutes).

The oral presentation is 30% of the final grade for the unit.

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

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