Jan - Feb - Mar 2015: Adult Bible Study Guide

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Adult Bible Study Guide

Jan Feb Mar 2015

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz



Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Gu

An Appeal

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This PowerPoint Show is freely shared

to all who may find it beneficial. While
intended primarily for personal use,
some find it useful for teaching the
lesson in church.
There are those, however, who add
illustrations, change background,
change fonts, etc. While their intention
may be good, this is not right. Slide #2
says designed by claro ruiz vicente.
For honest Christians, it is not
necessary for anothers creation to be

Jacques B. Doukhan, Principal Contributor

Our Goal

From the book of Proverbs

we will learn how to be wise,

but correctly, in practical
Wisdom isnt necessarily
intellectual might. The
prerequisite for wisdom is,
instead, to be humble, to

1 The Call of Wisdom
2 From Ears to Feet
3 A Matter of Life and Death
4 Divine Wisdom
5 The Blessings of the Righteous
6 What You Get Is Not What You
7 Dealing With Fights
8 Words of Wisdom
9 Words of Truth
10 Behind the Mask
11 Living by Faith
12 The Humility of the Wise

Lesson 10, March 7

Behind the


Behind the Mask

Key Text

Proverbs 25:6 NKJV

Do not exalt yourself in

the presence of the kings,
and do not stand in the
place of the great.

Behind the Mask

Initial Words

There are different ways to

deceive. One of the most

common is through language.
Some of the proverbs this week
deal with words, lying words,
flattering words, pretty words
cover ugly thoughts and

Behind the Mask

Quick Look

1. Be Glorious Mask
25:2, 3)
2. Be Wise Mask
(Proverbs 26:12, 16)
3. Be Friend Mask
(Proverbs 27:5, 6; 26:21)

Behind the Mask

1. Be Glorious Mask

Proverbs 25:2, 3 NKJV

It is the glory of God to

conceal a matter, but the
glory of kings is to search out
a matter.
As the heavens for height and
the earth for depth, so the

1. Be Glorious Mask
The Mystery of God

What makes the glory of God

different from the glory of kings

is His mysterious nature and
by implication our human
incapacity to fully understand
The Hebrew root str (conceal,
hide), from which comes our
word mystery, is often used in

1. Be Glorious Mask
The Mystery of God

On the other hand, what makes

the glory of kings is their
willingness to be scrutinized.
Transparency and
accountability should be the
first quality of leadership (Deut.
It is the kings duty to search
out a matter; that is, to give

Behind the Mask

2. Be Wise Mask

Proverbs 26:12, 16 NKJV

Do you see a man wise in

his own eyes? There is more
hope for a fool than him.
The sluggard is wiser in his
own eyes than seven men
who can answer sensibly.

2. Be Wise Mask
The Fool

What is true for one person,

or one culture, might not be
true for another is a
dangerous error, especially in
the moral realm. Certain
things are right and others are
wrong, regardless of our
personal preferences.
Gods Word must be our

2. Be Wise Mask
The Fool

In the case of fools, as seen in

this proverb, the reason to be
concerned is that the
influence of their folly will go
beyond themselves.
They are now more convinced
than ever of their wisdom;
they will therefore repeat their

2. Be Wise Mask
The Fool

They may even be so

convincing that others will
think they are wise, will honor
them, and consult them for
advice, which can lead to big
problems (Prov. 26:8). Folly
will spread, but labeled as
wisdom, it can be that much
more damaging.

2. Be Wise Mask
The Sluggard

It is ironic that lazy people

work hard to find excuses for
their laziness!
There is a lion in the road!
There-fore, it is wiser to stay
at home and not to confront
the danger.
But by doing just that, we
miss all the opportunities that

2. Be Wise Mask
The Sluggard

Just as the door swings on its

hinges but doesnt go
anywhere, lazy people turn in
their beds; they just change
position but dont go
In verse 15, is even more
startling. They can get their
hands into a dish of food but

2. Be Wise Mask
The Sluggard

But even worse is their

intellectual laziness, their
closed-mindedness and
certainty about their own
positions. Therefore, they will
always be right, wiser than
seven wise men (vs. 16), and
will not be open to other
views, perhaps wiser than

Behind the Mask

3. Be Friend Mask

Proverbs 27:5, 6; 26:21 NKJV

Open rebuke is better than

love carefully concealed.
Faithful are the wounds of a
friend, but the kisses of an
enemy are deceitful.
As charcoal is to burning
coals, and wood to fire, so is

3. Be Friend Mask
Friend as Enemy

If we are more disappointed by

our friends than by our
enemies, it is because we
expect good from our friends
and evil from our enemies.
It doesnt always work out that
way, though, does it?
Thats why Proverbs warns us
that sometimes a friend

3. Be Friend Mask
Friend as Enemy

Love will sometimes oblige us

to rebuke our friend, and it can
run the risk of appearing
unpleasant, judgmental, and
critical. We might even lose
friends if we speak out.
Yet, if we do not warn our
friends about what they are
doing, especially

3. Be Friend Mask
Enemy as Friend

Those who slander your

enemy before your face, to
make you think theyre on
your side, are really like
charcoal: they feed the
quarrel and lead you into the
fire of more troubles (vs. 21).
We should be careful not to
believe in every nice speech

Behind the Mask

Final Words

Everything that Christians

do should be as transparent as
the sunlight. Truth is of God;
deception, in every one of its
myriad forms, is of Satan....
We cannot speak the truth
unless we know the truth....
We cannot speak the truth
unless our minds are

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