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Networking and Security Page 1 of 4


There are three questions available, you are required to select one (1) question only. The
total word count of the report should not exceed 5000 words. No marks will be awarded for
the entire assignment if any part of it is found to be copied directly from printed materials or
from another student. All submissions should be made on or before the due date. Any late
submissions after the deadline will not be entertained. Zero (0) mark will be awarded for late
submission, unless extenuating circumstances are upheld.

Select one (1) from the following questions.

Question 1
Draft a computer security policy for usage of the computer labs at APIIT. Your policy has to
cover wired and wireless connections. The policy has to be as complete and detailed as
possible leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation. At the same time the policy has
to be easily understood by staff and students. Your policy will need to be rated using any
method you see fit. Evidence of the method used to perform this rating must be clearly
shown. Results of this rating will need to be analysed and discussed for identification of
possible areas of improvement. Among requirements to be covered are:

• User Account Policy

• Group Account Policy
• Password Account Policy
• Policy for managing networks
• Policy for managing services
• Policy for managing directory and files
• Policy for usage and connection to external devices
• Policy for physical security
• Policy for logon security

Question 2
Discuss your views on computer security law (cyberlaw) or acts of any country of your
choice. Explain why these laws and acts were created and what is covered within these

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

Networking and Security Page 2 of 4

legislations. Compare available laws and regulations of the chosen country with one Asian
country and discuss the differences and /or similarities. Conduct a survey among your peers
to determine their knowledge and awareness on computer security law in general. Evidence
must be shown that the survey was conducted and results of the survey need to be analysed
to form conclusions. Among requirements to be covered are:

• Explanation of existing Computer Security Law (for the country of your

• Comparison of computer security law for the country of your choice with
an Asian country
• Survey and results analysis

Question 3
Compare and contrast 3 methods of encryption. In your research you will need to cover the
following but not limited to history and background of the method, the strategies and
mechanisms of the method, applications that use the encryption method, drawbacks and
advantages of the methods used. You may also want to relate the encryption methods with
vendors or equipment. Conduct a survey to determine their knowledge and awareness on
encryption methods. Evidence must be shown that the survey was conducted and results of
the survey will need to be analysed to draw conclusions. Among requirements to be covered

• Encryption Method 1
• Encryption Method 2
• Encryption Method 3

Guidelines for the Report:

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

Networking and Security Page 3 of 4

Document the results of your work in a professional and systematic manner, in the form of
a computerized report. One (1) softcopy and hardcopy of your documentation is to be

Your completed documentation should meet the following requirements:

1. Table of contents for every detailed chapter/section.

2. Gantt Chart
3. Work Breakdown Structure
4. Abstract
5. Introduction
6. Chapters / sections
7. Conclusion
8. Limitations / Extensions
9. Appendices
10. Bibliography or References

Assessment Criteria:

Research and Investigation 20%

Analysis 20%
Critical Thinking and Application 20%
Referencing 20%
Documentation Structure 20%

Marking Criteria:

Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis
performed, exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard
application. This includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation.
Documentation presented in a professional manner, following proper sequencing and flow.
Displayed evidence of critical appraisal.

Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of
understanding, analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms
of application. Moderate level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results
comparison. Good level of documentation presented. Some level of reflection was evident in
the documentation. Moderate level of critical appraisal.

Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of
understanding and knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. No
evaluation and analysis of facts, no results comparison performed Satisfactory or low level
of reflection displayed. No level of critical appraisal demonstrated.


Marking Grid

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

Level 2
Name 1:
Networking and Security

Documentation (20)

Referencing (20)

Analytical (20)

Applicability (20)Critical Thinking and

Research and Investigation (20)

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

Grand Total (100)
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