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Dear ........, I wish U a wonderful, very happy & peaceful birthday. I

hope u'll have a great day, 2gether with those of U, who R special 2 U.
I hope all ur wishes will come true in the near future & most of all I
wish U happiness & success in everything U do & of course health.
Please stay as U R & never change!
Take care,..............!
"U don't know what U mean 2 me..."


I hope ur birthday is golden, without a worry or a care.

I hope U have beautiful dreams & find happiness everywhere.
I'm sorry that I can't be there 2 celebrate with U, but though there's
much distance between us, I'll be thinking of U all day, & wishing U a
wonderful & memorable holiday.
Many birthday blessings 2 U!

Dear ........, wishing U lots & lots of love & happiness 4 ur Birthday &
the future. I hope U have a really good time on the day.


Happy birthday 2 U! Dear ......, I wish U all the best, health & good luck
in the new year of ur life. Keep on smiling. (something U can do very
Love ...........


Happy birthday, dear .......!

I hope that u'll have a great day & that u'll be surrounded by ur loved
May all ur wishes come true & that u'll always be happy.
The eyes R the mirror of ur soul & the most essential things in life R
only visible through ur heart
- & I know that ur soul & ur heart, reflect how special U really R!

Hi ...........! Happy Birthday!
I hope U have a wonderful day, & may all ur dreams come true in the
year that follows.
I wish U all the best & most of all, happiness.


May all ur dreams & wishes come alive on that very special day. I just
want 2 say that U R a truly special person. May U have a very happy
birthday & enjoy life 4 many other joyful years 2 come.


Happy Birthday ................

I'm making a wish that ur new birthday year is filled with gentle
blessings & abundant joy 4 U & ur loved 1s.


Dear ............, Happy Birthday, Hope U have a great day with all ur
family & loved 1s. & may the next year bring U more fun & love.


Happy birthday ................!

I wish U every day full of sunshine, with lots of love, happiness, success
& good health.
I hope that ALL great wishes from ur friends will come true (including
mine ;-).


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ................!!!!!!

I hope ur special day brings U all of the joy in the world & I hope all of
ur wishes come true.
Love always,


I wish U a happy birthday. On this beautiful day I would like 2 thank

God 4 creating such a beautiful person on planet Earth. Please keep up
the good work. Health, happiness & love MAY surround U ever.

U're always there 4 me When things tend 2 go wrong
It's that faith U have in me That makes our love strong
It's ur loving & ur caring & knowing that u're near That special knack U
have Make my troubles disappear
A better lover no woman could want With ur sweet & gently ways &
knowing that ur love 4 me Is just as strong 2day


I'm so blessed 2 have A friend like U

This comes with many loving thoughts
& warm wishes I send 2o May ur day be filled with laughter
On this ur special day & may the finest things in life Always come ur


This birthday card I send Is as warm as it can be

I think U R so special & U mean so much 2 me.
I'm sending U my love & best wishes ur way
Hoping that ur birthday Is a very special day.
Happy Birthday !


Warmest thoughts I send 2day

2 last the whole year through
Wishes also that life is
Always good 2 U
As each & everyday goes by
Remember I love U lots I want the very best 4 U
& u're deep within my thoughts
Wishing U A Very Happy Birthday !


I'm sending U this greeting with a special birthday wish,

I write these words with love & seal it with a kiss.
U've brought me so much happiness, with no strings attached.
Ur love is such a blessing it would be hard 2 match.
Oh! I found myself a winner, of this I have no doubt.
I know 4 sure that, I 2ok the right route.
On ur birthday, I wish everything 4 U.
Peace health & happiness, just 2 name a few.
There's 1 thing I can give U & that is my love 4 U.
Happy Birthday !!


With lots of love,

This message comes 2 say
U're wished the joys U so deserve
Especially 2day.....
& may the days that lie ahead
Be extra-nice 1, 2o,
Filled with all the happiness
Thought 2 come 2 U.
!! Happy Birthday !!


On Ur Birthday......
Cherish the warm & happy memories of the past year.
Look ahead 2 newer & happier experiences in the coming future.
There's no end 2 the surprises that life could spring on us;
But hoping that they all be pleasant 1s especially 4 U.
This comes 2 fondly wish that exciting things keep happening 2 U, &
good 4tune smile on U.
Wish U A Very Happy Birthday !!


Just 4 U,
On Ur Birthday
"A Birthday is a time 2 reflect on cherished memories......
A time 2 treasure the remembrance of happy times & special people."
Wish U A Very Happy Birthday !!


Thinking of U with lots of love & lots of warm memories, 2o,

Of all the special qualities that make up wonderful U !
Wishing U a very Happy Birthday!


With Happy thoughts & wishes,

I'm sending this bouquet
2 put some extra loveliness
In2 ur special day.....
!! Happy Birthday !!


Be happy 2day, because growing older means.....

U have more smiles 2 flash,
More warmth 2 give,
More strength 2 share,
More lessons 2 teach,
More experiences 2 learn from,
More love 2 spread,
More good times 2 cherish.
Be happy 2day, because every wonderful thing about U only gets
better with time


May the wonders of this day sustain in ur fondest memories.

Have a Great Time.
I even wish 4 U 2 have some special moments 2 urself.
& of course, a really fantastic time with ur near & dear 1s.
Having fun all the way....


Special Moments filled with pleasure, memories 4 U 2 treasure

happiness in all U do,
all these things R wished just 4 U.


This says 'Happy Birthday'

but U know it's true that really
'Happy Every Day' is what it is wishing U.
Have a Wonderful Day!


A specially warm wish 4 the kind of day

in which only the best things keep coming ur way.
Happy Birthday & Happiness always.

Thinking of U on ur birthday ...
& hoping that all the happiness U have given 2 others will return 2
bless U a thousand fold.
Wish U A Very Happy Birthday !


With Warmest wishes on ur Birthday,

Wishing U a day that holds loveliness from moment 2 moment....
a life that holds happiness day after day.
Happy Birthday !!


A time 2 make a little yet warm difference 2 ur life, by adding heartfelt

wishes 2 ur special day.
May ur special day be the beginning of many dreams becoming a
... & may it add much more happiness 2 ur life, making ur Birthday a
truly extraordinary day.
Wish U A Very Happy Birthday !!


I'm thinking of the nice things U always say & do,

& I'm wishing every happiness
Will always come 2 U.
!! Happy Birthday !!


Happy birthday .............!

I wish U all the best in ur day. Have some fun & be happy.
Remember that there R a lots of people who love U & always will give
U support in everything U do. I want 2 thank U 4 making everyday of
my life happier & better...b'coz of friendship I share with U. TAKE CARE.

Hi ........! This message is 4 U 2 know how important U R 4 me not only
as a friend but as a person as well. U make everybody who meets U
very happy & make him or her feel very special & I hope U know that,
dear .......... Only very few people have this ability! I need U & ur
friendship 2 live. Take care ! Happy Birthday.

Very far away In my heart I feel ur Friendship everyday

In my thoughts & memory U shall remain From ur friendship Is much
that I've gained
I'm sorry I can't be with U On ur special day So 2 U my friend I want 2
"I wish 4 U a wonderful birthday!"


U’re a kind & generous person Who can brighten up our days Bringing
much joy 2 others With ur kind & thoughtful ways
U’re a wonderful friend Who makes cares just disappear With ur warm
endearing smile Through out each day all year
That’s why this greeting comes On ur very special day 2 wish U all the
best In a very endearing way
"I wish U a wonderful birthday!"


Wishing U....
Time 2 do everyting U desire
Health 2 enjoy doing them
Laughter 2 help U through bad times
Friends 2 share life's pleasures with
Dreams 2 keep U going
Wishing U Happiness Always !!
!!Happy Birthday friend !!


4 U Friend on ur Birthday...
Just wanted 2 express what a terrific impact U & ur friendship have
made 2 my life...
There's never a single moment when I'm bored in ur company.
I hang on 2 every word U speak & really enjoy laughing with U.
U're a superb friend &........It's always Great 2 be with U.
Wish U A Very Happy Birthday !!


I really means a lot 2 have a special friend like U

who has enrich my life in so many ways.
& sincerely hope on ur birthday that we always remain as close,
because friends like U R exceptional & rare.

Ur birthday brings 2 mind

all the reasons 4 which
I am proud 2 call U
my brother & how much
I love U 4 that.
It also brings 2 mind loving wishes,
4 the best in life 4 U.
Happy Birthday !!


I’m so lucky 2 have U as my brother

If I had 2 choose 1 I’d choose no other
When I need help U’re there 4 me
A better brother U Couldn’t be
The bond we share Will always be strong
In my eyes brother U can do no wrong
Wishing U Wonderful Happy Birthday!!


U’re there 4 me
A better brother U Couldn’t be
The bond we share
Will always be strong
In my eyes brother
U can do no wrong
Wishing U Wonderful Happy Birthday!!


Warmest thoughts I send 2day

2 last the whole year through
Wishes also that life is Always good 2 U
As each & everyday goes by Remember
I love U lots I want the very best 4 U
& u're deep within my thoughts
Happy Birthday Brother!!

Because u're some1 very special Brother,
It's so nice 2 have this chance
2 wish U the best of everything A whole year in advance
Happy Birthday Brother!!


This is a special wish Although we're miles apart

Remember dear brother, U're always close in my heart
We may not be 2gether On this very special day
I wish all the best 4 U & that it's great in everyway
Another wish I have 4 U Is that this life brings Many blessings in ur
future & a parade of wonderful things
Happy Birthday Brother!!


I'm so blessed u're my sister & also my best friend

If I ever want 2 borrow U always gladly lend
When I need a laugh or two I just give U a ring
U have this special knack 2 say the right thing
U R so very special Always there 4 me
If I didn't have U sis How different life would be
Laughter & tears we've shared
Throughout the many years & so many times U have banished my
I love U so very much This I just want 2 say U brighten up my life In so
many different ways
Happy Birthday My Lovely Sister !!


I always know ur trust I have In all that I partake & I want 2 tell U What
a difference in my life U make
Knowing that u're always behind me Has made me the person Iam
U've given me the courage 2 succeed in all I can
The success & happiness I find Is a credit only 2 U U always gave me
the strength 2 do the things I do
Sister, Happy Birthday 2 U !!


1 of life’s special gifts Is having an sister like U Some1 who makes me

laugh & lifts my spirit 2o
Thank U 4 caring & understanding me Also 4 all the little things U do so
I’m sending U this greeting & a wish 4 joy & cheer The greeting is 4 ur
birthday The wish is 4 all year.
Happy Birthday !!


It’s hard 2 put in2 words The things I want 2 say

2 tell U just how special U R 2 me each & every day
I want U 2 know What a joy it is 2 be Related 2 a person
Who means so much 2 me
Happy Birthday My Dear Sister!!


Dearest ...............,
Let this day bring U sunshine with lots of love, happiness, success, &
good health.
We wish U a great party with a great birthday cake & the warm
Happy Birthday!!!!!


U're a beautiful person, & U deserve a wonderful birthday, so I'm
sending U a
birthday wish. Just close ur eyes & make a wish, & soon ur dreams will
come true.
U only have 2 believe in U. Happy Birthday.


I'm sending U some birthday cheer! U just keep getting better every
year! I hope U have a happy, incredible, fantastic birthday filled with all
of the good things life has 2 offer!
Happy Birthday.


It's ur birthday, & I can't be there, but I'll send U, a special birthday
wish, & a little prayer. Have a happy birthday. I hope that all of ur
birthday wishes come true. May U have a great time, 2day & find
happiness in everything U do.


Happy Birthday! I just wanted 2 send U some birthday cheer. Have a
great day, because U deserve it. I hope it will be the best birthday yet,
bringing U happiness u'll never 4get. & remember, no matter what U
do, 2 blow out the candles, because birthday wishes always come true.

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