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Effectiveness and Enforcement

of the CAN-SPAM Act:

A Report to Congress

December 2005

Federal Trade Commission

Deborah Platt Majoras, Chairman
Thomas B. Leary, Commissioner
Pamela Jones Harbour, Commissioner
Jon Leibowitz, Commissioner

Table of Contents
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
I. Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. Information-Gathering Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress. . . . . . . . . . . 5
A. Technological and Marketplace Developments in Email since the Enactment of
CAN-SPAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1. Since Enactment of CAN-SPAM, Spam Volume Has Begun to Decline as Has
Consumer Frustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. Anti-Spam Technologies Have Become More Effective and More Broadly
Deployed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Evolving Spamming Techniques and Types of Spam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4. Development of Effective Authentication Strategies May Counter the Rising
Threat of Malicious Spam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Consumers Are Increasingly Using Mobile Devices to Access Their Email . . . . . 20
6. Impact of Technological and Marketplace Developments on CAN-SPAMs
Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
B. International Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1. The International Nature of Spam and the Obstacles It Presents for
Law Enforcers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2. FTC Efforts to Address Spam in the International Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
C. Protecting Consumers from Pornographic Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1. Civil Enforcement of the Adult Labeling Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2. Criminal Enforcement by DOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3. Other Protections from Pornographic Email; Services Offered by ISPs and
Commercially Available Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4. State Initiatives Aimed at Protecting Children from Inappropriate Email . . . . . . . 39
5. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
IV. Conclusion: Summary of Findings and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions
Appendix 2: List of Interviews
Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report
Appendix 4: Summary of the US SAFE WEB Act
Appendix 5: FTCs CAN-SPAM Cases
Appendix 6: ISPs CAN-SPAM Cases
Appendix 7: States CAN-SPAM Cases

Federal Trade Commission

Executive Summary

Executive Summary
Section 10 of the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and
Marketing Act of 2003 (the CAN-SPAM Act, CAN-SPAM, or the Act), 15
U.S.C. 7709, requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC or Commission)
to submit a report that provides a detailed analysis of the effectiveness and
enforcement of the provisions of this Act and the need (if any) for the Congress
to modify such provisions. The Act further directs that the Commission provide
analyses and recommendations regarding three specic areas of interest to
Congress: (1) the extent to which technological and marketplace developments,
including changes in the nature of the devices through which consumers access
their electronic mail messages, may affect the practicality and effectiveness of
the provisions of the Act; (2) how to address commercial electronic mail that
originates in or is transmitted through or to facilities or computers in other
nations, including initiatives or policy positions that the Federal Government
could pursue through international negotiations, fora, organizations, or
institutions; and (3) options for protecting consumers, including children,
from the receipt and viewing of commercial electronic mail that is obscene or
pornographic. This Report responds to the directive of Section 7709.
In preparing this Report, the Commission used several information-gathering
techniques to inform its analyses of the effectiveness and enforcement of CANSPAM and the three specic areas of inquiry set forth by Congress. Of course, the
Commissions direct enforcement experience under CAN-SPAM, as well as that
of other entities empowered to enforce it, provided a broad basis for analyzing
the issues addressed in the Report. In addition, FTC staff interviewed scores of
individuals, including consumer group representatives, email marketers, Internet
service providers (ISPs), law enforcers, and technologists. The Commission
used its compulsory process powers to require the nine ISPs that collectively
control over 60 percent of the market for consumer email accounts to provide
detailed information concerning their experiences with spam. The Commission
consulted with the federal and state agencies that have authority to enforce
CAN-SPAM. The views of the general public about the effectiveness of the Act,
provided in response to various CAN-SPAM rulemakings, were also considered.
Commission staff also conducted a broad review of articles published about CANSPAM since its passage, and engaged in its own independent research. Finally,

Federal Trade Commission

the Commission retained the services of two preeminent computer scientists for
their independent evaluations of the Acts effectiveness.
Based on its own enforcement and policy work, and on the information
gleaned from the extensive research conducted to prepare this Report, the
Commission believes that the Act has been effective in achieving two desired
outcomes. First, the substantive provisions of the Act have mandated adoption
of a number of commercial email best practices that many legitimate online
marketers are now following. Second, the Act has provided law enforcement
agencies and ISPs with an additional tool to use when bringing suit against
spammers. The more than 50 cases brought to date by the FTC, the Department
of Justice, state Attorneys General, and ISPs demonstrate CAN-SPAMs
enforcement efcacy.
Some aspects of the spam problem, such as its international dimension, have
not changed materially since enactment of CAN-SPAM. In many other ways,
however, the email landscape has changed signicantly, largely for the better.
The volume of spam sent over the Internet has begun to level off, and, even more
signicantly, the amount reaching consumers inboxes has decreased, due to
enhanced anti-spam technologies. There has been a signicant decrease in the
number of spam messages containing sexually-explicit material. And, legitimate
online marketers have complied with CAN-SPAM in large numbers. Concurrent
with these developments, consumers have begun to report decreased annoyance
with spam. In essence, these developments suggest that spam has not, as once
feared, destroyed the promise of email.
However, some changes that have occurred since the passage of the Act
are troubling. For example, there has been a shift toward the inclusion in
spam messages of content that is increasingly malicious. Rather than merely
advertising products and services, spam messages now sometimes include
malware designed to harm the recipient. In addition to modifying the content
of their messages, spammers have also sought to frustrate law enforcement by
using increasingly complex multi-layered business arrangements. Moreover,
spammers continue to hide their identities by providing false information to
domain name registrars. The appreciable inaccuracy of data in domain name
registrars Whois databases and registrars failure to take reasonable measures
to verify the accuracy of information submitted by registrants continue to hamper
law enforcement.


Executive Summary
The Commission believes that three steps should be taken to further improve
the effectiveness of CAN-SPAM. First, while no modication to CAN-SPAM
is recommended, the Commission urges Congress to pass the US SAFE WEB
Act, which would signicantly improve the ability of the FTC to use CANSPAM to trace spammers and sellers whose operations are outside the borders of
the United States. This, in conjunction with ongoing international enforcement
and education efforts, will improve the ability of law enforcement to tackle the
challenges posed by the international nature of spam.
Second, the Commission believes that continued education efforts are
necessary to ensure that consumers are aware of the various ways in which they,
and their children, can be protected from receipt and viewing of sexually-explicit
spam. Tools available from ISPs and commercially available software, combined
with the protections inherent in the Act, can signicantly reduce the chance that
consumers, especially children, will be assaulted by pornography distributed via
Third, the Commission urges the continued improvement in anti-spam
technology and, in particular, domain-level authentication. This technology,
paired with reputation and accreditation systems, holds the greatest promise in
ensuring that spammers will not be able to continue to operate anonymously. The
Commission intends to fulll its promise to work to spur industry efforts to create
and deploy authentication technologies broadly.


Federal Trade Commission

I. Introduction and Overview

I. Introduction and Overview

The CAN-SPAM Act has been in effect since January 1, 2004.1 Since that
time, the Commission has brought 20 cases alleging violations of the Act, and
the Department of Justice (DOJ), state Attorneys General, and Internet service
providers (ISPs),2 have brought more than 30 additional actions in federal
court to enforce the Act. This enforcement experience provides the basis for the
Commission to full the mandate, set forth in Section 10 of the Act, 15 U.S.C.
7709, that it prepare and submit to the Congress, not later than December 16,
2005, a report that both provides a detailed analysis of the effectiveness and
enforcement of the provisions of this Act and the need (if any) for the Congress to
modify such provisions,3 and that covers specied topics of particular interest to
the Congress. Accordingly, the Commission submits this Report.
The detailed analyses of the effectiveness and enforcement of the Acts
substantive provisions, as required by 7709(a), are included in Appendix 1 of
this Report. In general, such analyses demonstrate the Acts effectiveness. The
criminal provisions of CAN-SPAM have proven useful to DOJ in prosecuting
spammers. The civil provisions of the Act have also proven effective by two
measures: by establishing or codifying an email best practices guide for
legitimate marketers most of whom have followed the Acts directives and by
enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement against spammers who out the
law. In particular, the Commission nds that CAN-SPAMs opt-out provisions
and prohibitions on falsifying header information have been useful tools for those

1. In general, CAN-SPAM sets forth a series of requirements and prohibitions relating to commercial and
transactional or relationship email messages, as dened by the Act. It creates ve new federal crimes,
and contains numerous civil provisions which, among other things, require: (1) accurate email transmission
information, (2) identication of the email senders physical location, and (3) provision of an opportunity to
opt out of receiving future mailings. Under CAN-SPAM, many federal agencies, including the FTC and the
Department of Justice, certain state law enforcement authorities, and Internet service providers, may le civil
suits to halt unlawful spammers. The Act also conferred rulemaking authority on the FTC and the Federal
Communications Commission.
2. For this Report, the Commission uses the popular term ISP when referring to an Internet service
provider, rather than the term used in the Act, a provider of Internet access service, except in Appendix
1.E.3, discussing 7707(c) (non-preemption of such entities email transmission policies). The Acts term is
derived from the denition of Internet access service in 15 U.S.C. 7702(11), which cross-references 47
U.S.C. 231(e)(4).
3. This Report discusses numerous federal statutes, including the CAN-SPAM Act, 15 U.S.C. 7701
et seq., the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 41 et seq., and certain provisions of federal criminal law relating to
computers, notably 18 U.S.C. 1037. To assist the reader, we cite uniformly to the U.S. Code throughout the

Federal Trade Commission

enforcing the Act; the remaining civil provisions have also contributed to the
overall effectiveness of CAN-SPAM.
Section 7709(b) species the particular areas of interest to Congress that the
Report must cover, namely:
(1) an analysis of the extent to which technological and marketplace
developments, including changes in the nature of the devices through
which consumers access their electronic mail messages, may affect the
practicality and effectiveness of the provisions of this Act;
(2) analysis and recommendations concerning how to address commercial
electronic mail that originates in or is transmitted through or to facilities
or computers in other nations, including initiatives or policy positions that
the Federal Government could pursue through international negotiations,
fora, organizations, or institutions; and
(3) analysis and recommendations concerning options for protecting
consumers, including children, from the receipt and viewing of
commercial electronic mail that is obscene or pornographic.
Section III of the Report provides the Commissions specic analyses
of these three issues, but rst, section II of the Report briey describes the
information-gathering methods used by the Commissions staff in preparing
this Report. Finally, section IV sets forth an overview of the Commissions
ndings and recommendations. The Report also includes several appendices.
As noted above, Appendix 1 examines the effectiveness and enforcement of
each substantive provision of the Act. Appendix 2 provides a list of persons
interviewed in preparation for this Report. Appendix 3 contains Part III of the
Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report, which explains in detail
how email communication takes place. Appendix 4 summarizes the provisions of
the US SAFE WEB Act. Appendices 5 through 7 are tables of CAN-SPAM cases
brought by the FTC, ISPs, and states, respectively.

II. Information-Gathering Methods

II. Information-Gathering Methods

In preparing this Report, the Commissions staff used a number of methods
to obtain information from scores of individuals and organizations. First, during
July 2005, FTC staff conducted interviews with 98 individuals representing 65
organizations, including consumer groups, email marketers, ISPs, law enforcers,
and technologists. These interviews, which were transcribed by a court reporter,
enabled the Commission to draw upon the skills and backgrounds of a wide
variety of organizations.4
Second, using its compulsory process powers under Section 6(b) of the FTC
Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(b), the Commission required nine ISPs that collectively
control over 60 percent of the market for consumer email accounts to provide
detailed information concerning their experiences with spam.5 The 6(b) Orders
asked for data concerning the volume and types of spam hitting these companies
mail servers and being delivered to their subscribers inboxes. The 6(b) Orders
also required the ISPs to provide detailed information regarding their anti-spam
technologies and enforcement efforts, as well as information relevant to the three
specic areas of interest that Congress set forth in 7709(b) of the Act.
Third, as required by the Act, the Commission consulted with the federal
and state agencies that have authority to enforce CAN-SPAM. These agencies
are: DOJ; the Federal Communications Commission; the state Attorneys General;
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the Ofce of the Comptroller of
the Currency; the Federal Reserve Board; the Ofce of Thrift Supervision; the
National Credit Union Administration; the Securities and Exchange Commission;
applicable state insurance authorities; the Department of Transportation; the
Department of Agriculture; and the Farm Credit Administration.
4. A complete list of interviewees is attached to this Report as Appendix 2. Citations to these transcripts
identify the organization, representative from the organization, and page number of the transcript. For
instance, the citation Oregon: St Sauver, 14 refers to a statement made by University of Oregon employee
Joe St Sauver on page 14 of the transcript. The Commission has posted the transcripts online at http://www.
5. The Commission issued 6(b) Orders to: America Online, Inc.; BellSouth Corp.; Cox Communications,
Inc.; EarthLink, Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; Road Runner HoldCo LLC; SBC Internet Services, Inc.; United
Online, Inc.; and Verizon Internet Services, Inc. The Commission, in preparation for its National Do
Not Email Registry Report to Congress, previously issued 6(b) Orders to America Online, Inc.; Comcast
Corporation; EarthLink, Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; MCI, Inc.; United Online, Inc.; and Yahoo! Inc. To ensure
that their anti-spam techniques do not become known to spammers, the ISPs have requested condential
treatment of their 6(b) Order responses. When possible, the Commission has aggregated data from these
responses. When the Commission relies on a 6(b) Order response from a particular ISP, this Report does not
identify the particular ISP.

Federal Trade Commission

Fourth, the Commission solicited comments about the effectiveness of the
Act from the general public in a March 11, 2004, Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking concerning CAN-SPAM Act rules (the ANPR). By the close of
the comment period, the Commission received over 300 comments regarding the
effectiveness and enforcement of CAN-SPAM.6
Fifth, Commission staff conducted a broad review of articles published
about CAN-SPAM and studies of spam trends conducted since the Acts passage.
This literature review included articles in the general press and technology
publications, primary and secondary legal sources, and various online sources.
Sixth, FTC staff engaged in its own independent research. For example,
the Commission staff studied 100 top online merchants compliance with CANSPAMs opt-out provisions.7 The Commission staff also studied the prevalence of
email address harvesting and the effectiveness of two major ISPs spam lters at
blocking spam sent to harvested email addresses.8
Finally, to ensure that the Commissions assessment of the effectiveness
of the Act was well-grounded, the Commission retained the services of two
preeminent computer scientists: Matthew Bishop, Ph.D., Professor of Computer
Science at the University of California (UC) Davis and Co-director of the UC
Davis Computer Security Laboratory; and Paul Judge, Ph.D., Chief Technology

6. Because the ANPR required comments to be led by April 20, 2004, the comments reect the
commenters views concerning the effectiveness of the Act just four months after CAN-SPAM was enacted.
The Commission issued two subsequent Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) pursuant to CANSPAM. In the rst, the Primary Purpose rulemaking, the Commission announced a standard for determining
whether the primary purpose of an email is commercial. In the second, the Discretionary rulemaking,
the Commission is considering modifying the denitions of sender and valid physical postal address;
shortening the time frame for honoring a recipients opt-out request; limiting the information collected
when a recipient submits an opt-out request; and adding a denition of person. Comments received in
response to these NPRMs address some areas covered by this Report, including the effectiveness of the Act,
as well as marketplace developments, international transmission of email, and protecting consumers from
pornographic email. In all, 13,890 comments were received in these CAN-SPAM rulemakings. Throughout
this Report, citations to comments received in the Discretionary rulemaking identify the commenters name,
the term Comment followed by D, and the page of the comment being referenced. For instance, the
citation LashBack Comment D, 2 refers to page 2 of the comment submitted by LashBack LLC in the
Discretionary rulemaking.
7. See Top Etailers Compliance with CAN-SPAMs Opt-Out Provisions, a report by the FTCs
Division of Marketing Practices, at 3 (July 2005), available at
8. See Email Address Harvesting and the Effectiveness of Anti-spam Filters, a report by the FTCs Division
of Marketing Practices, at 3 (Nov. 2005), available at

III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Ofcer of CipherTrust, Inc., an email solution provider.9 The Commission
retained these experts because of their extensive background in analyzing the
existence and effectiveness of anti-spam technologies and their knowledge of
marketplace changes since the passage of CAN-SPAM. Their views represent
independent appraisals of the effectiveness and enforcement of the Act.10

III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of

Interest to Congress
This section provides analyses of the three specic issues that Congress
directed the Commission to include in this Report:

the extent to which technological and marketplace developments may

affect the practicality and effectiveness of the provisions of the CANSPAM Act;
commercial email that originates in or is transmitted through other nations;
protecting consumers, including children, from the receipt and viewing of
obscene or pornographic spam.

9. The Commission has posted reports prepared by these two computer scientists online at http://www.ftc.
gov/reports/canspam05/expertrpts.htm. Citations to these expert reports identify the name of the expert
and the page of the report. For instance, the citation Bishop Report, 2 refers to a statement appearing on
page 2 of the report prepared by Matthew Bishop, Ph.D. Dr. Bishop served as a consultant to the FTC in the
preparation of the Do Not Email Registry Report, and Dr. Judge was a participant in the FTCs Spam Forum,
held in 2003.
10. The Commissions considerable prior experience with the issue of spam, including its enforcement
experience, its three-day Spam Forum held in the Spring of 2003, and the two-day Email Authentication
Summit sponsored by the FTC and the Commerce Departments National Institute of Standards and
Technology in the Fall of 2004, also guides its analyses of the issues discussed in this Report. The
Commission gained further expertise in the technological, legal, and economic issues concerning spam
through preparation of three prior reports to Congress pursuant to CAN-SPAM, each of which is available
online: (1) National Do Not Email Registry Report (June 2004),
report.pdf; (2) Informant Reward System Report (Sept. 2004),
040916rewardsysrpt.pdf; and (3) Subject Line Labeling Report (June 2005),

Federal Trade Commission

A. Technological and Marketplace Developments in Email since

the Enactment of CAN-SPAM
The Commission has identied ve technological and marketplace
developments that are relevant to the practicality and effectiveness of CANSPAM. These include:

indications that the volume of spam is declining, along with the level of
consumer frustration resulting from spam;
improvements in the effectiveness of anti-spam technologies and broader
deployment of such tools;

evolving types of spam and spamming techniques;

the development of effective authentication strategies; and

the increased use of mobile devices to access email.

The following sections discuss each of these topics in detail.

1. Since Enactment of CAN-SPAM, Spam Volume Has Begun to Decline as
Has Consumer Frustration
When CAN-SPAM was enacted in 2003, the ood of spam reaching
consumers inboxes seemed like an insurmountable problem. There was
widespread concern that the onslaught of spam was destabilizing the email
system and posing a serious threat to the burgeoning Internet economy.11 The
Commission shared this view. Indeed, in Congressional testimony delivered in
May 2003, the Commission noted that the deceptive nature of the vast majority
of spam, the network disruptions that spam may cause, and the use of spam as
a vehicle for spreading viruses together posed a serious threat to consumers
condence in the Internet as a medium for electronic commerce.12

11. See, e.g., 15 U.S.C. 7701(a)(2) (In enacting CAN-SPAM, Congress found that [t]he convenience
and efciency of electronic mail are threatened by the extremely rapid growth in the volume of unsolicited
commercial electronic mail.); Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science and Transp., Rep. on the CAN-SPAM
Act of 2003, S. Rep. No. 108-102, at 6 (2003) (Left unchecked at its present rate of increase, spam may soon
undermine the usefulness and efciency of e-mail as a communications tool. Massive volumes of spam can
clog a computer network, slowing Internet service for those who share that network.).
12. Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail: Hearing Before the Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science and Transp.,
108th Cong., 1st Sess. (2003) (testimony of then Commissioners Orson Swindle and Mozelle Thompson on
behalf of the FTC). The Commissions testimony was informed by, among other things, a consensus view
that emerged among participants in the Commissions Spam Forum in the Spring of 2003: the volume of
email had reached a tipping point, requiring some action to avert deep erosion of public condence in email
that could hinder, or even destroy it, as a tool for communication and online commerce. Transcripts from the
FTCs Spam Forum are available at

III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Today, email continues to thrive notwithstanding the dire warnings prior to
the enactment of CAN-SPAM. According to DoubleClick, a digital marketing
and advertising concern, 90 percent of those surveyed in 2005 reported using
email multiple times per day; 44 percent of those surveyed described their usage
as constant.13 DoubleClick reports that this represents an increase in email
usage over each of the previous four years, indicating that email remains a viable
means of communication.14
One particularly signicant development since the enactment of CAN-SPAM
is that the volume of spam has begun to decrease.15 MX Logic, an email ltering
company, reported that during the rst eight months of 2005, spam accounted for
67 percent of email passing through its system, a nine percent decrease from the
same period one year earlier.16 Some ISPs report an even more dramatic decline.
For example, America Online (AOL) reported that its members received 75
percent less spam in 2004 than in 2003.17 Studies from other countries similarly
report a decrease in the amount of spam reaching consumers inboxes.18 As the
Executive Director of the Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy succinctly
stated, the average inbox doesnt have that much spam anymore.19
13. DoubleClick 2005 Consumer Email Study, PowerPoint presentation, June 27, 2005 (on le with the
FTC). In its 2005 Broken Link Study, Silverpop Systems, Inc., an email marketing concern, reported that
71 percent of companies it studied regularly conducted email marketing campaigns, up from 30 percent in
2002. See
14. In a 2005 presentation, DoubleClick compared its 2005 ndings with those in its four previous annual
surveys. From 2001 to 2004, the percentage of those reporting email usage more than once a day ranged
between 72 and 88 percent. DoubleClick 2005 Consumer Email Study, PowerPoint presentation, June 27,
2005 (on le with the FTC).
15. The sources relied upon for this assertion are cited below. See infra notes 16-19 and accompanying text.
The methodologies used in these several studies to measure the volume of spam vary. Therefore, this Report
avoids comparisons of data from different sources. The Report only sets out comparative data analyses that
use year-over-year gures from single sources.
16. Press release, MX Logic Reports Spam Accounts for 67 Percent of All Emails in 2005 (Sept. 22,
2005), available at See
also MessageLabs, Spam Intercepts: Average Global Ratio of Spam in Email, available at http://www.
114633.chp.html (chart showing that, while spam rates rose from the time of the enactment of CAN-SPAM
until July 2004, they have been on the decline since, nearly reaching the levels they were at when the Act was
passed 65 percent in July 2005 versus 63 percent in late December 2003). According to MX Logic, the
decrease could indicate that improved email defense technology and high-prole prosecutions of spammers
might be having some effect.
17. See press release, America Online Announces Breakthroughs in Fight Against Spam (Dec. 27, 2004),
available at
18. See infra, section III.B.3.b (discussing the results of studies in Canada and Finland that show a decrease
in the amount of spam received by consumers in those countries, and decreasing annoyance with spam).
19. Crayton Harrison, It Cost Millions, But Users Now Protected From Most E-mail Spam, Aug. 23, 2005
(quoting Anne Mitchell), available at

Federal Trade Commission

Moreover, the burden that spam imposes on the Internets infrastructure
is actually less than that resulting from other email messages. According to
VeriSign, the manager of the .com and .net domains, during the three-month
period from July 1 to September 30, 2004, spam represented 80 percent of
trafc by volume, but constituted only 21 percent of email bandwidth because
the average size of a spam message was 3K bytes, while the average size of a
legitimate message was 40K bytes.20 Thus, while spam clearly creates costs for
operators of email servers, the volume of spam does not appear to be destabilizing
the email system.
At the same time, consumers apparently have grown more tolerant of spam,
having come to view it more as an acceptable nuisance rather than a cause for
abandoning email. An April 2005 report by the Pew Internet & American Life
Project (Pew) found that fewer consumers were annoyed with spam than the
previous year.21 From February 2004, just after the Act became effective, to
January 2005, the percentage of consumers annoyed with spam dropped from
77 percent to 67 percent. This decrease forecasts a positive trend that may be
attributable to the reduction in spam entering consumers inboxes.22
Another marketplace development is that CAN-SPAM has established a
framework for lawful commercial email, and legitimate marketers are largely
complying with it, as evidenced by a July 2005 FTC staff study of CAN-SPAM
compliance by 100 top online marketers or etailers with the opt-out provisions
of the Act.23 FTC staff found that all of the studied companies provided recipients
with both notice of their right to choose not to receive future commercial emails
and with a mechanism to enable consumers to exercise that right. FTC staff also

20. VeriSign, Internet Security Intelligence Brieng, Nov. 2004, v. 2, issue 2, at 5-6, available at http://www. Of course, bandwidth is not the only cost imposed by spam. See infra notes
21. Deborah Fallows, CAN-SPAM a Year Later, Pew Data Memo, April 2005, available at http://www. According to Pew, fewer email users now say that spam is
undermining their trust in email, eroding their email use, or making life online unpleasant or annoying.
These ndings suggest that at least for now, the worst case scenario that spam will seriously degrade or
even destroy email is not happening, and that users are settling into a level of discomfort with spam that is
tolerable to them.
22. The Pew study did not link the reported decline in hostility toward spam to any particular development
since the enactment of the Act. Technological improvements during the past two years, particularly in email
ltering technology, have resulted in consumers receiving less spam in their inboxes.
23. See Top Etailers Compliance with CAN-SPAMs Opt-Out Provisions, a report by the FTCs
Division of Marketing Practices, at 3 (July 2005), available at

III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

found that 89 percent of the companies honored opt-out requests.24 These ndings
suggest that consumers opt-out preferences are being honored by top etailers,
resulting in the receipt of less unwanted commercial email.
2. Anti-Spam Technologies Have Become More Effective and More Broadly
As explained in Appendix 3, there can be ve types of participants in the
transmission of an email message: senders, senders mail servers (the senders
ISPs), intermediate mail servers, recipients mail servers (the recipients ISPs),
and recipients. During the last two years, senders ISPs, intermediate mail
servers, recipients ISPs, and recipients all have instituted improved anti-spam
Responsible senders ISPs have instituted anti-spam measures to limit the
amount of spam being sent from their networks. These practices are particularly
effective in thwarting spammers use of zombie drones, computers on which
email server or proxy software has been downloaded which, without the
knowledge of the computer owner, causes the computer to spew out spam or to
serve as a relay or proxy for spam. As discussed further in section
III.A.3, zombies have been spammers preferred method of delivering spam,
with estimates that between 60 and 80 percent of all spam is sent via these
compromised machines.25 As described below, however, techniques for thwarting
zombie drones have been developed.
In June 2004, the Anti-Spam Technical Alliance (ASTA), a group
comprised of several major technology companies allied to develop and promote
practices that limit spam, published a list of best practices for senders ISPs
that includes blocking or limiting access to port 25, and rate-limiting outbound
email trafc.26 Port 25 is the communications channel through which Internet
mail servers usually transmit email.27 In the usual course, email sent from an
individuals computer would be transmitted through that individuals ISPs mail
24. Id.
25. See, e.g., Condential 6(b) response (75 percent of the spam received by one ISP in 2004 originated
from zombies); FTC, A CAN-SPAM Informant Reward System: A Report to Congress at 10-13 (Sept. 2004)
(including estimates that between 60 and 80 percent of all spam is sent via zombies), available at http://www.
26. See ASTA, Anti-Spam Technical Alliance Technology and Policy Proposal, v. 1.0, June 22, 2004. A
complete list of ASTAs best practices is available at
27. See Judge Report, 2; Bishop Report, 22.

Federal Trade Commission

Typical Process for Sending Email

port 25


ISP Mail Server


ISP Mail Server



How Zombie Drones Circumvent Scrutiny

port 25



ISP Mail Server


ISP Mail Server



Email Process with Blocking of port 25


port 25



ISP Mail Server



III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

server, which would route the message through port 25 to the recipients ISP.28
In order to avoid the scrutiny to which some senders ISPs subject outgoing mail
sent through their mail server, some zombie drones are congured to act as mail
servers in their own right, and are programmed to send email directly through
the senders ISPs port 25 connection without going through the senders ISPs
mail server.29 Many ISPs have now effectively foreclosed the use of port 25
by zombie drones, forcing spammers to attempt to send spam directly through
zombie drones ISPs outgoing mail server. By blocking or limiting port 25
access, senders ISPs can ensure that anti-spam technologies are applied to all
outgoing email coming from computers on their networks.
Because so many ISPs have effectively foreclosed the use of port 25 by
zombie drones, spammers now attempt to send spam directly through the zombie
drones ISPs outgoing mail server. One technique developed by ISPs to thwart
the use of their networks by spammers is rate-limiting, whereby the amount of
outgoing email that a subscriber can send is limited.30 Alone or in conjunction
with blocking or limiting access to port 25,31 limiting the number of messages that
a subscriber can send makes high-volume spamming impossible. Adoption of
both of these practices has been shown to be highly effective in combating spam
sent via zombie drones. One ISP reported that by implementing rate-limiting and
curtailing email sent through port 25, the percentage of spam sent via zombie
drones from its network in 2004 approached zero.32 While closure of port 25
and rate-limiting are effective, there are thousands of ISPs in the world.33 Unless
all senders ISPs institute such measures, spammers likely will continue to use
zombie drones.
Recipients ISPs also have taken steps to ensure that less spam enters
consumers inboxes. In their condential responses to the 6(b) Orders issued
28. See Bishop Report, 13-14.
29. Senders ISPs routinely monitor outgoing email passing through their mail servers to screen for spam.
Condential 6(b) responses.
30. See Judge Report, 12-13; Bishop Report, 22.
31. See supra note 26, at 11-12 ([B]locking port 25 can be problematic for customers who need to run their
own mail server or communicate with a mail server on a remote network to submit e-mail (such as a web
hosting company or a hosted domains mail server).). To limit inconvenience, ASTAs guidelines suggest
routing such customers mail through alternative ports and using rate limiting to block high volume sending.
32. Condential 6(b) response.
33. U.S. CIA, The World Factbook, available at
(latest available gures estimate that there were 10,350 ISPs worldwide in 2000).


Federal Trade Commission

by the Commission, nine ISPs, which collectively control approximately 60
percent of the market share for personal email service, explained that they
actively use ltering, spam blocking, and other technologies to limit the amount
of spam reaching their subscribers inboxes.34 During the past two years, those
technologies have evolved and become substantially more sophisticated and
accurate.35 According to some ISPs interviewed in preparation for this Report,
more than 80 percent of email trafc hitting ISPs servers is blocked at the point
of attempted connection to the ISPs network because it can be identied clearly
as spam.36 There are several reasons why an ISP would choose to block certain
email. For example, an ISP may block a message because it comes from an IP
address that the ISP has determined to be an open relay or open proxy used by
spammers, or because an IP address or domain is associated with the sending
of high volumes of spam. ISPs then lter the remaining 20 percent once it
enters their networks, but before it is delivered to subscribers inboxes, using a
variety of techniques to separate spam from legitimate email messages.37 In an
effort to reduce the incidence of false positives,38 some ISPs now have created
separate junk mail folders into which questionable email messages can be
sent. Recipients can review the email in their junk mail folders to determine if it
is spam or not. Using junk mail folders helps to reduce over-ltering while still
limiting the amount of spam that is delivered to subscribers inboxes.39
In addition, recipients ISPs have instituted a number of other anti-spam
technologies. One such technique40 used by some ISPs, including AOL, involves
limiting the number of messages the ISP will allow to come into their system from
a particular IP address, a procedure known as Second Received Line (SRL)
34. See also Digital Impact: Jalli, 20-25.
35. Condential 6(b) responses; Time Warner: Jacobsen, 18; AT&T: Gasster, 18; AT&T: Barszcz, 19-20;
Aristotle: Bowles, 20; and Digital Impact: Jalli, 20-25.
36. See AT&T: Barszcz, 19-20; Aristotle: Bowles, 20 (noting that email from IP addresses that almost
exclusively send spam are blocked, and that the remainder of email messages are subjected to ltering).
According to AT&Ts representative, the messages being blocked come from IP addresses recognized as
belonging to, or having been exploited by, spammers. AT&T: Barszcz, 19.
37. Filters analyze the content of email messages including the header information looking for spam
characteristics. Messages can be scored based on this analysis, and compared to a threshold level that
determines whether the message is likely spam. This enables recipients ISPs to decide whether particular
messages should be delivered to subscribers inboxes, placed in a spam folder, or simply deleted.
Condential 6(b) responses.
38. See infra note 56 (concerning false positives).
39. Several ISPs offer this type of service, including AOL, United Online, and Microsoft.
40. A variety of other techniques were outlined by ISPs in their Condential 6(b) responses.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

rate limiting.41 The rst received line in an email header identies the senders
ISPs outgoing mail server. The second received line identies the specic IP
address from which the email was sent.42 Where a given senders ISPs outgoing
mail server is considered trustworthy by other ISPs, SRL rate limiting analyzes
the volume of email emanating from the second received line address at that
mail server, rather than the volume of email emanating from the mail server itself.
This enables recipients ISPs to be more targeted and more accurate in their spamblocking efforts.43
The Commission staffs independent research conrms that recipients ISPs
can now effectively block or lter the vast majority of spam messages. In July
and August of 2005, FTC staff studied the effectiveness of spam ltering by ISPs.
The study showed that two free web-based ISPs anti-spam lters effectively
blocked almost all spam sent to email addresses that FTC staff had posted on
the Internet. One ISP blocked 86 percent of spam messages, while the other ISP
blocked 95 percent of spam messages.44
Intermediate mail servers, which are often used in the transmission of email
messages, have also implemented anti-spam measures.45 When these servers
are open, or unsecured, they can be used as a means of distributing spam.46 A
secured email server checks to make sure that the senders computer and email
account are authorized to use that server. Only if that authorization is successful
is email sent. However, an unsecured server will forward mail even if the senders
are not authorized users of the email server. As a result of education efforts by
the FTC and other government agencies worldwide, as well as efforts by ISPs to
crack down on open proxies and relays, intermediate mail servers are more likely
to be secured today than they were at the time CAN-SPAM was enacted.47
41. See Larry Seltzer, ISPs Need to Keep Moving Against Spam, available at
42. See Appendix 3 (containing a sample header).
43. See supra note 41.
44. See Email Address Harvesting and the Effectiveness of Anti-spam Filters, a report by the FTCs Division
of Marketing Practices, at 3 (Nov. 2005), available at
45. Appendix 3 explains that while email can be transmitted in a relatively simple four-computer model
(involving only a senders computer, a senders ISP, a recipients ISP, and a recipients computer), it is
commonly the case that messages are routed through intermediate servers that narrow the destination down
to the proper receiving server. See Appendix 3, at 8.
46. See Appendix 3, at 9 for details regarding open relays and secure servers.
47. See See also infra, section
III.B.2.c (for discussion of the FTCs Operation Secure Your Server).


Federal Trade Commission

Individual recipients also play a key role in implementing anti-spam
technologies and solutions. The FTCs consumer education efforts over the past
several years have emphasized that recipients can reduce the amount of spam
they receive by taking simple steps, such as safeguarding email addresses, either
by refraining from public dissemination or by using disposable email addresses.48
To help consumers easily locate other useful tips about online safety issues,
including spam avoidance techniques, the FTC partnered with private industry,
other government agencies, and agencies all over the world to launch a new
interactive consumer education campaign called OnGuard Online in September
2005. From the OnGuard Online website (, consumers
can access up-to-date information about evolving spam scams and anti-spam
technologies, as well as access all the FTCs past publications on eliminating
unwanted spam.
Other steps can be taken by consumers in partnership with their ISP.
An example is the use of the report spam features that several ISPs now
provide, which allow recipients to become active participants in improving the
effectiveness of spam lters.49 Using another feature available from some ISPs,
recipients can create a whitelist of those senders from whom they are willing to
accept email. Messages from senders not on the recipients whitelist are subject
to challenge-response systems that require the sender to answer a question in
order to have its message delivered.50 Recipients can also have their ISPs block
email of certain senders, or even certain domains, accepting messages only from
approved senders or domains.51 As noted in the Consumer Reports 2005 State
of the Net survey, published in September 2005, the most immediate help for
consumers [in easing the spam burden] is from some leading Internet service
providers . . . .52

48. These and other tips for reducing spam are included in the FTC publication Putting a Lid on Deceptive
Spam, July 2002, available at
49. See, e.g., (Yahoo! allows users to report spam
with the click of a button). See also Condential 6(b) responses.
50. See, e.g.,
51. Condential 6(b) responses.
52. See Consumer Reports 2005 State of the Net Survey, Help on the Way?, Sept. 2005, Consumer
Reports; available at
760035&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=333133&bmUID=1128523344058 (recommending that consumers
should consider choosing an ISP based in part on its provision of anti-spam and other security features).


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Many costs associated with technological advances to block spam are borne
by consumers and businesses. For example, Consumers Union estimates that
consumers spent more than $2.6 billion over the past two years on software to
protect their computers, including money spent on ltering software to block
spam.53 Businesses reportedly spent $300 million on anti-spam products
in 2003,54 a gure that had reportedly risen to nearly $1 billion by 2004.55
Legitimate email marketers incur additional costs in the form of lost business
and customer dissatisfaction, which results when their messages are erroneously
stopped by ISPs anti-spam technologies.56
3. Evolving Spamming Techniques and Types of Spam
Spammers have used and continue to use various methods to disguise the
origin of their messages, thus eluding adverse action by ISPs or law enforcement
authorities, including: spoong, open relays, open proxies, and zombie drones.57
In addition, spammers continue to hide their identities by providing false
information to domain name registrars.58 The appreciable inaccuracy of data
in domain name registrars Whois databases and registrars failure to verify
the accuracy of information submitted by registrants continue to hamstring law
In addition, since the enactment of CAN-SPAM, spammers have begun
changing their tactics, both in the ways they run their operations and in the types
of messages they send. Spammers have embraced two strategies in particular to
53. Net Threat Rising,, available at
54. Crayton Harrison, It Cost Millions, But Users Now Protected From Most E-mail Spam, Aug. 23, 2005,
available at
55. Jon Swartz, Anti-Spam Industry Consolidating, USA Today, July 20, 2004 (Spending on anti-spam
products and services will swell to nearly $1 billion this year, up 50% from 2003, says market researcher
The Radicati Group.), available at
56. The extent of harm caused by such false positives, i.e., mistakes made by ISPs anti-spam technologies,
is difcult to calculate. Lyris Technologies, a developer of email marketing software and services that track
false positive rates, reported a signicant decrease in inappropriate spam ltering during the rst six months
of 2005. Lyris found that inappropriate spam ltering among U.S. domains fell from an average of 3.3
percent in the [rst quarter of 2005] to an average of 1.4 percent in [the second quarter of 2005]. This may
be reective of an overall trend toward more accurate and sophisticated spam ltering by ISPs and [email
service providers]. Lyris Q2 2005 ISP Deliverability Report Card, available at
57. For an explanation of each of these obfuscating techniques, see FTC, National Do Not Email Registry: A
Report to Congress at 8-10 (June 2004), available at
58. For instance, in FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC (N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12,
2005), defendants listed a non-existent Canadian address in their domain name registrations.


Federal Trade Commission

improve their odds of getting their messages into consumers inboxes: the use of
bot networks and afliate marketing programs.
Bot networks are comprised of multiple zombie drones controlled by the
same entity.59 Over the past two years, the use of zombie drones and bot networks
to send spam has increased, while the use of open relays, which were commonly
used at the time the Act was passed, has decreased.60 Estimates of the percentage
of spam being sent via zombie drones range from 48 percent61 to 75 percent of all
The second tactic involves spammers decentralizing their operations, often
through the use of afliate marketing programs. In such programs, a marketer
contracts with afliates who send spam advertising the marketers product or
service. The marketer pays a commission to an afliate whenever the afliates
spam results in a sale or drives trafc to a designated website. Marketers attempt
to use afliate programs to insulate themselves from liability under CAN-SPAM.
Although complicated afliate arrangements can make it more expensive and
time-intensive for law enforcers and others empowered to sue under the Act,
decentralizing spam operations does not effectively insulate those who, under
the Acts relatively broad denition, initiate the sending of a commercial email
message, or those senders whose product, service, or Internet website is
advertised or promoted by the message.63
A more troubling shift in spamming tactics over the past two years involves
the types of messages sent: spam advertising commercial products or services is
being replaced by spam that is potentially more harmful, as opposed to merely

59. See Appendix 3 (setting forth a detailed explanation of spammers tactics to remain anonymous while
sending large volumes of spam).
60. Joe St Sauver, Spam Zombies and Inbound Flows to Compromised Customer Systems, presented at the
Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG) General Meeting, Mar. 1, 2005, available at http://
61. Press release, MX Logic Reports Spam Accounts for 67 Percent of All Emails in 2005 (Sept. 22, 2005),
available at
62. Condential 6(b) responses.
63. 15 U.S.C. 7702(9), (16). The Act denes the term initiate to include not only the origination of a
message, that is, pushing the button, but also procuring the origination of such message. The Act denes
the term procure to mean intentionally to pay or provide other consideration to, or induce another person
to initiate such message on ones behalf. 15 U.S.C. 7702(12). Thus, any entity paying another party to
send commercial email messages or inducing them to do so, is responsible for CAN-SPAM compliance. This
is one of the strengths of the CAN-SPAM Act.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

annoying.64 For example, phishing spam, which attempts to trick recipients into
providing personally identiable information to scam artists posing as legitimate
businesses, has increased signicantly since the enactment of CAN-SPAM.65
The Act does not cover phishing emails because they fall outside its denition
of both commercial electronic mail message and transactional or relationship
message. The FTC does not recommend that the Act be modied to cover
phishing emails because existing laws already enable criminal and civil law
enforcement authorities to bring suit against those perpetrating phishing scams.
By way of example, the FTC has brought actions against phishing schemes
using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act.66 DOJ has also prosecuted
Another troubling development is an increase in the use of spam that deploys
malware68 on recipients computers.69 This can occur when a recipient clicks
on a link in spam that lures the recipient to a website where his computer will
become infected with spyware or other types of malware. In some instances, even
less action is required on the part of the recipient. Instances have been reported
where merely opening a malicious email can subject the recipient to harm from
malware.70 Surreptitious deployment of this kind of code can result in: slowed
computer performance; installation of key-logger software that can record and
report every keystroke on a consumers personal computer; deployment of

64. Condential 6(b) response.

65. Statistics available from the Anti-Phishing Working Group, an industry association, show that in January
2004, only 176 unique phishing attacks were reported. That number increased signicantly to 14,135 unique
attacks in July 2005. See See also CAN-SPAM A
Year Later, Pew Internet & Am. Life Project, Apr. 2005 (35 percent of those surveyed said they had received
unsolicited email requesting personal nancial information). Recent reports suggest that they comprise less
than 10 percent of all email sent. See Fight Fraud and Phishing with New Tools, PC World, Apr. 25, 2005,
available at,aid,120501,00.asp.
66. See, e.g., FTC v. Minor (C.J.), No. 03-CV-5275 (C.D. Cal. led July 24, 2003); FTC v. Hill, No. 03-CV5537 (S.D. Tex. led Dec. 3, 2003); FTC v. Minor (M.M.), No. CV-04-2086 (E.D.N.Y. led May 18, 2004).
67. For a description of criminal cases brought by DOJ against phishing scams, see U.S. Department of
Justice Criminal Division Annual Report, at 51-53 (2004), available at
68. Malware, short for malicious software, is a term used to refer to a wide variety of harmful programs
that can be installed, often surreptitiously, on computers. Examples include spyware, viruses, and trojan
horses. The harm resulting from malware can range from invasion of privacy, such as in cases when spyware
monitors the Internet browsing habits of victims, to serious nancial consequences, when data is destroyed or
keystroke logger programs are used to facilitate identity theft.
69. See Condential 6(b) responses; John Leyden, Anti-spam Success Drives Malware Authors Downmarket,
The Register, June 30, 2005, available at
70. See Judge Report, 17-18.


Federal Trade Commission

viruses; and exploitation of vulnerabilities in unsecured machines that renders
them zombie drones.71
The most promising tool to combat these new spammer techniques is
authentication technology that would remove the cloak of anonymity under which
spammers currently operate. Developments in authentication technology are
discussed in the following section.
4. Development of Effective Authentication Strategies May Counter the
Rising Threat of Malicious Spam
While existing server-level and consumer-level anti-spam measures appear
to have begun to turn the tide on the types of spam addressed by the Act,
authentication technologies are needed to combat the increasing amount of
spam serving as a vector for viruses and malware. As the Commission noted
in its Report to Congress on a National Do Not Email Registry, one of the most
encouraging marketplace developments regarding email involves the creation
of domain-level email authentication systems that are designed to combat the
fundamental problem facing the email system today the ability of spammers to
send email anonymously.72
The current email system (SMTP) does not require that an email message
contain accurate routing information, except for the intended recipient of the
email.73 Therefore, a spammer may spoof or falsify some portions or all of the
header of an email message, making it virtually impossible for investigators to
identify the true source of an illegal email message. Domain-level authentication
technology addresses this problem by enabling a receiving mail server to know if
71. Purely malicious spam spam that is not primarily commercial in nature is not covered by CANSPAM. Such malicious spam can be a means to disseminate spyware, or other malware that causes some of
the same problems as spyware. The FTC has actively pursued spyware companies using its authority under
Section 5 of the FTC Act. See FTC v. Seismic Entertainment, No. 04-377-JD, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22788
(D.N.H. led Oct. 21, 2004); FTC v. MaxTheater, No. 05-CV-0069 (E.D. Wash. led Mar. 7, 2005); FTC v.
Odysseus Marketing, No. 05-CV-330 (D.N.H. led Sept. 21, 2005). Additionally, the FTC has taken action
against marketers that use deceptive spam to trick recipients into believing that their computers have been
infected with spyware. In FTC v. Trustsoft, the defendants spam allegedly made false claims that convinced
consumers to conduct free scans of their computers. These scans identied innocuous software as spyware,
which coaxed consumers into purchasing defendants spyware removal products. In this case, because
defendants spam was commercial in nature, and not purely malicious, the Commission alleged violations of
both the FTC Act and CAN-SPAM. See FTC v. Trustsoft, No. H-05-1905 (S.D. Tex. led May 31, 2005).
72. FTC, National Do Not Email Registry: A Report to Congress at 8-13 (June 2004), available at http:// Authentication technologies also serve to limit false positives.
See Judge Report, 9-11.
73. SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol. See Appendix 3 for a description of how the current
email system works.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

an email was sent from an IP address that is registered to the purported sender. In
other words, if an email message purported to come from, domainlevel authentication would make it possible for a recipient to know if, in fact, the
email came from the domain.
One of the current proposals in the marketplace, Sender ID, would require
all email senders to register the IP addresses from which they send email in the
domain name system (DNS).74 Receiving mail servers could then compare
the IP addresses listed in the header of an email message with the IP addresses
in the DNS to authenticate the domain from which the message was sent.
Authenticated email would be given a positive score, and non-authenticated
email a negative score. These scores can be used by existing ltering technology
as an additional indicator of whether an email message is spam. While lack of
authentication alone may not prevent delivery of an email message, it will be
an additional criterion applied by existing anti-spam ltering policies, making it
more likely that non-authenticated messages will be blocked.75
In the National Do Not Email Registry Report, the Commission pledged to
encourage rapid development of domain-level authentication standards. Toward
that end, the Commission, together with the Department of Commerces National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), conducted a two-day Email
Authentication Summit in November 2004 to advance the dialogue on nascent
domain-level email authentication protocols and to encourage rapid movement
by industry in this area.76 Over 300 people attended the Summit, including
representatives from ISPs, small and large businesses, consumer groups, and
technology rms.
During the Summer of 2005, industry representatives took the next step,
and organized an Email Authentication Implementation Summit.77 Over 500

74. There are other authentication technologies being developed in the marketplace, including DomainKeys
Identied Mail (DKIM), which uses public key cryptography to verify the source and contents of email
messages. For further discussion, see infra notes 76-77.
75. See The Urgent Need to Implement E-mail Authentication: A Value Proposal for Senders, Users, and
Domain Holders, Craig Spiezle, June 6, 2005, available at
76. In preparation for this Summit, the Commission and NIST solicited comments to help shape the agenda
in this rapidly-evolving area. Forty-three comments were received and posted on the Summit website. The
comments are available at
77. See A second industry summit is planned for April 2006. See http://


Federal Trade Commission

attendees participated in the one-day event, discussing specic case studies on
implementation and reviewing primary authentication proposals. At this event,
industry members proposed a timeline for the implementation of domain-level
email authentication. According to that timeline, beginning in November 2005,
non-authenticated email messages are subject to heightened scrutiny.78
Much of the promise of domain-level email authentication technology lies
in how it can vastly improve other anti-spam technologies. For instance, the
utility of accreditation and reputation services will increase substantially when
domain-level authentication systems are widely deployed. Accreditation services
certify that a particular sender uses best practices.79 Reputation scoring looks at
the practices of senders and assigns a reputation score depending on whether the
messages sent appear to be spam or legitimate email.80 ISPs anti-spam lters
can incorporate accreditation and reputation scores into their algorithms. Used in
conjunction with domain-level authentication, a recipients ISP could have a fairly
good measure of certainty that an email that purports to be from an accredited
sender or a sender with a positive reputation actually came from that sender.
5. Consumers Are Increasingly Using Mobile Devices to Access Their Email
This section contains 7709(b)(1)s required analysis of changes in the
nature of the devices through which consumers access their electronic mail
messages and the way these may impact the effectiveness of CAN-SPAM.81
Since CAN-SPAMs enactment, there has been a measurable increase in the
number of individuals who view their electronic mail via mobile devices, such
as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and cellular phones. Although the types
of devices used to view email have not changed much since passage of the Act,82
the increased usage of mobile devices to receive and view email is a notable
78. See, slide n.8. The FTC will
continue to monitor the industrys progress toward domain-level email authentication technologies. The
Direct Marketing Association is advising its members to start authenticating their email or face disciplinary
action by the DMA. See press release, Direct Marketing Association, DMA Requires Members to Adopt
E-Mail Authentication Systems (Oct. 17, 2005) available at
79. See Judge Report, 6-7.
80. See Judge Report, 6-7.
81. 15 U.S.C. 7709(b)(1).
82. Cellular telephones with email capability, known as smart phones, and PDAs remain the two primary
methods by which mobile users access their email, as was the case in late 2003. Newer models, some
including features allowing or improving access to email from these devices, have been introduced, but the
fundamental access method remains the same.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

development.83 By 2005, nearly ve percent of the 191 million U.S. wireless
users were accessing e-mail via mobile devices.84 The growth in adoption of
these kinds of devices as a means to access email and the Internet has been
accompanied by a concomitant growth in the number of spam messages received
by users of the devices.85
By their very nature, mobile devices differ from most desktop or laptop
computers that consumers use to receive and view email messages. The most
important difference, of course, is their diminutive size and weight, making
these devices conveniently portable. Most t comfortably into the palm of ones
hand, and many weigh just ounces. Despite their miniaturized size, though,
many mobile devices allow for access to email and the Internet, as well as other
In preparation for this Report, the Commission sought to determine whether
certain CAN-SPAM provisions are less effective when a consumer receives and
views electronic mail on mobile devices, in particular because of the reduced
screen size. The weight of the evidence leads to the conclusion that CAN-SPAM
is equally effective for those using mobile devices as for those using conventional
computers to receive and view email.87
83. According to some predictions, growth of these devices, however robust to date, is set to explode over
the coming years. See BlackBerry: Bring It On!, Newsweek, Sept. 26, 2005 (noting that there are only six
million wireless e-mail accounts in use today, but that the potential demand with more than 650 million
corporate e-mail accounts alone is potentially enormous). See also Condential 6(b) response.
84. See The Utilitarian Life of the Mobile Internet,, Sept. 9, 2005, available at http://www.clickz.
85. See, e.g., press release, Mobile Spam Volume Doubles to Forty-Three Percent, Wireless Services
Corporation (Feb. 28, 2005), available at
htm. The FCCs CAN-SPAM rules do not apply to all mobile spam. Pursuant to 7712(b) of the Act,
the FCC was charged with developing rules to enable consumers to avoid receiving unwanted mobile
service commercial messages (MSCM), dened as a commercial electronic mail message[s] that [are]
transmitted directly to a wireless device that is utilized by a subscriber of commercial mobile service. 15
U.S.C. 7712(d). In publishing the Order implementing its Rule, the FCC claried that the denition of
MSCM includes any commercial electronic mail message as long as the address to which it is sent or
transmitted includes a reference to the Internet and is for a wireless device. . . and specically noted that
messages sent using Internet-to-phone SMS (short message service) technology would be covered under
the CAN-SPAM rules. CAN-SPAM Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 15933-34, 16. The FCC further explained,
however, that because phone-to-phone SMS messages do not reference Internet domains, they are not subject
to CAN-SPAM; rather, they are regulated under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Id. at 17.
86. In addition to facilitating communication, many mobile devices allow users to synchronize the data on
their personal computer with their mobile device, use global positioning services, take photographs, and store
and access media, such as pictures and music.
87. Condential 6(b) responses largely suggested that there is no data on whether new methods of accessing
email are impacting the practicality and effectiveness of the Act. However, one response noted that an
increase in exploits targeting smart phones and other mobile devices has been observed. These include
phishing and malware installations, neither of which is covered by the Act.


Federal Trade Commission

Some sources consulted for this Report pointed out that email-receiving cell
phones and PDAs have been in use for the past several years.88 While mobile
devices are gaining in popularity,89 they are rarely the only means through which
recipients view email.90 Rather, most recipients receive email both on their
primary computer and on their mobile device. Thus, email sent to a recipient
would be viewable through both the recipients primary computer and his PDA.
When asked whether increased usage of mobile devices to view and receive
email impairs CAN-SPAMs effectiveness, most of those consulted believed that
it did not. Even with the smaller screen size of mobile devices, commenters said
that recipients would be able to read the subject line, and that opt-out links and
mechanisms would generally function.91 Some suggested, though, that opt-out
mechanisms that required accessing the Internet, such as web-based forms, might
be inoperable from a mobile device or could cause recipients who choose to opt
out from their mobile device to incur airtime costs.92 However, others countered
that these concerns were unfounded, stating that recipients typically manage
email deletion and opt-out functions from their primary computers, not from their
mobile devices.93
Currently, it appears that consumers who receive email on mobile devices
from legitimate marketers can effectively opt out of receiving future messages
either directly from their mobile devices or from their personal computers.94
Therefore, the Commission concludes that while more consumers are accessing
their email from mobile devices today than when CAN-SPAM was enacted, the
protections afforded by CAN-SPAM currently are not diminished when email
is viewed from a hand-held device. Thus, at this time the Commission does not
88. Microsoft: Goodman, 14-15; DMA: Cerasale, 12; Skylist: Baer, 19.
89. IETF: Levine, 9; Condential 6(b) responses.
90. Microsoft: Goodman, 14-15; DMA: Cerasale, 12; Skylist: Baer, 19.
91. Aristotle: Bowles, 15; Microsoft: Goodman, 14-15; Skylist: Baer, 17; Acxiom: Colclasure, 9-10
(describing the care taken by companies to ensure that marketing messages sent to mobile devices comply
with CAN-SPAM).
92. Oregon: St Saveur, 11-12 (noting that subject lines may be truncated and that certain anti-spam software
programs are not designed to be used on mobile devices); Columbia: Bellovin, 12 (noting that SMS messages
often cost the recipient money).
93. Aristotle: Bowles, 15; Microsoft: Goodman, 14-15; Skylist: Baer, 17.
94. To increase the ability of consumers to exercise their opt-out rights directly from their mobile devices,
the Commission notes that a best practice for marketers would be to include an email-based opt-out
mechanism in every commercial message. With such a mechanism, the user of a mobile device that does not
include an Internet browser would be able to opt out of receiving future commercial email messages using the
mobile device.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

recommend any modication of the Act explicitly to address the use of mobile
devices to view email. Nevertheless, given the rapidity with which technological
changes can occur, the Commission intends to continue monitoring changes in the
ways that consumers receive and view email to ensure that the Acts protections
are not thwarted by new developments.
6. Impact of Technological and Marketplace Developments on
CAN-SPAMs Effectiveness
When enacting CAN-SPAM, Congress found that [t]he problems associated
with the rapid growth and abuse of unsolicited commercial electronic mail
cannot be solved by federal legislation alone. The development and adoption
of technological approaches and the pursuit of cooperative efforts with other
countries will be necessary as well.95 The past two years have borne out
Congresss nding. With most legitimate marketers complying with CAN-SPAM
and technological advances making a dent in the volume of spam, there is reason
to believe that legislation and technology together are helping to solve the spam
Compliance with CAN-SPAM by top online marketers is high, and has been
unaffected by any of the technological or marketplace developments described
above. Moreover, CAN-SPAM provides law enforcement and ISPs with certain
useful weapons in the ght against spam. However, CAN-SPAM has no impact
on and does not even apply to the growing proportion of spam that serves
as a vector for viruses or malware and contains no commercial message. The
Commission believes that technological advances provide the greatest promise
in stopping outlaw spammers that send virus-laden messages or hide their
identities and locations. Still, as explained in the next section, passage of the
US SAFE WEB Act96 would improve the Commissions ability to enforce CANSPAM against senders who operate from or transmit their spam through foreign

B. International Issues
Section 7709(b)(2) of the CAN-SPAM Act requires that the Commission
provide analysis and recommendations concerning how to address commercial
electronic mail that originates in or is transmitted through or to facilities or
95. 15 U.S.C. 7701(a)(12).
96. See infra section III.B.3.a.


Federal Trade Commission

computers in other nations, including initiatives or policy positions that the
Federal Government could pursue through international negotiations, fora,
organizations, or institutions. Accordingly, this section of the Report:

provides background on both the international nature of spam and

obstacles that international issues have posed for anti-spam law
describes FTC efforts to address these obstacles; and
sets forth the FTCs recommendations in this area, including passage of
the US SAFE WEB Act.

1. The International Nature of Spam and the Obstacles It Presents for Law
The Commission has found no reliable statistics on the percentage of spam
that comes from marketers located within or outside of the United States.97
Rampant spoong, and the use of open relays, proxies, and zombie drones often
make it impossible to determine the country from which a spam message has
Despite the difculty in determining where spam messages originate, it is
clear that spam is often transmitted through facilities or computers in countries
other than the U.S. or contains hyperlinks to websites registered or hosted
abroad.99 This international aspect of spam frustrates FTC law enforcement
efforts because the Commission has no mechanism to compel information from
third parties located abroad about spam that may have come through their systems
or about websites registered or hosted offshore.

97. During numerous teleconferences among the FTC, ISPs, technologists, and others in July 2005, no
participants offered calculations in this regard. See, e.g., Pew: Fallows, 35 (I nd it very difcult to sort
through [the wide-ranging origination gures being reported]). MX Logic described the reported gures
of spams origin as cloudy and murky and very complicated because origins can be so easily masked,
for example by proxies and zombies. Telephone conversation with MX Logic (Aug. 24, 2005); Word to
the Wise: Adkins, 43-45 (noting that the term origin is ill dened [in the reporting] . . . [Different reports
measure] different things, some of them are measuring where the website happens to be hosted. Some
of them are measuring the language the spam is sent in. Some of them are measuring the compromised
machines that were used to send it. Some of them are measuring the spammers they believe were responsible
for it, where they live . . .); Microsoft: Goodman, 32 (determining where a spam message came from is a
difcult technical question because there are so many ways to obscure its origin).
98. FTC, National Do Not Email Registry: A Report to Congress at n.123 (June 2004), available at http://
99. Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail: Hearing Before the Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science and Transp.,
108th Cong., 1st Sess. (2003) (testimony of then Commissioners Orson Swindle and Mozelle Thompson on
behalf of the FTC).


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Even when a spammer cannot be identied, CAN-SPAM makes it possible
for the Commission to take action against the seller who prots from the spam.100
Nevertheless, law enforcers can encounter signicant obstacles in locating sellers
as well as spammers. Obtaining information is one such obstacle. For example,
investigations often involve spam advertising a commercial website that may be
registered with a foreign domain registrar. The Commission is unable to compel
foreign registrars or other foreign entities to disclose information; therefore, the
Commission is unable to identify the party responsible for the website. Another
obstacle is the Commissions inability to require that an investigation be kept
condential. Investigations often involve civil investigative demands (CIDs)101
sent to third parties such as ISPs and domain registrars to obtain information
about subjects under investigation. The success of an FTC action against a
spammer often depends upon the investigation remaining condential so that
the subjects are not prematurely tipped off. Once notied of an impending FTC
action, a target of an investigation may disappear and move assets offshore
beyond the reach of U.S. courts. A third obstacle is locating and compelling
repatriation of assets. Like typical fraud operators, spammers often hide their illgotten gains in foreign bank accounts. It is difcult for the Commission to obtain
information about these assets. Even if the Commission may locate these assets,
it is difcult to recover them and provide redress to defrauded U.S. recipients of
spam or use them to pay court-ordered penalties.
These obstacles are formidable, and in some instances, insurmountable.
Despite the Commissions successes in stopping some spammers and sellers
who take advantage of international borders,102 the FTC needs additional tools

100. See Appendix 1.C.

101. The FTC Act permits the Commission to issue compulsory process through a type of administrative
subpoena known as a civil investigative demand. 15 U.S.C. 57b-1; 16 C.F.R. 2.7.
102. Examples of successful enforcement of international spam cases under CAN-SPAM include the
following: (1) FTC v. Phoenix Avatar, No. 04C 2897 (N.D. Ill. led Apr. 23, 2004) (U.S.-based defendants
caused spam promoting websites whose domain names were registered with Swiss and French registrars
to be sent to U.S. consumers from various locations around the world; settlement obtained in March 2005
with defendants agreeing to an injunction and a judgment of $230,000, suspended but for $20,000 based
upon inability to pay); (2) FTC v. Creaghan Harry, No. 04C 4790 (N.D. Ill. led July 21, 2004) (U.S.-based
defendant caused spam to be sent to U.S. consumers from computers around the world, forwarded proceeds
to Latvia, and used a Swedish address for contact information; settlement obtained in June 2005 with
defendant agreeing to an injunction and to pay $485,000 in consumer redress); and (3) FTC v. Cleverlink
Trading, No. 05C 2889 (N.D. Ill. led May 16, 2005) (U.S.-based defendants operated a company registered
in Cyprus and caused adult-oriented spam to be sent to U.S. consumers from computers all over the globe;
temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction obtained after the FTC, with assistance from the
Cypriot government, linked the defendants with the Cyprus corporation).


Federal Trade Commission

to help overcome the obstacles present in the international context and to allow
the Commission to proceed against spammers more quickly and efciently. The
specic recommendations discussed in section III.B.3 below, if implemented,
would give the Commission some of these tools and would enhance the
Commissions ability to enforce CAN-SPAM.
2. FTC Efforts to Address Spam in the International Arena
In working to overcome the obstacles discussed above, the FTC has
taken steps to leverage international resources in combating spam by building
international enforcement cooperation, advocating the multifaceted approach
to combating spam adopted by the U.S.103 at every opportunity in international
conferences and policy discussions, and undertaking international initiatives to
educate businesses.

Building Enforcement Cooperation

During spam investigations and litigation, the FTC often requests help
from its foreign counterparts to obtain information, such as corporate records,
telephone number subscriber information, court pleadings, and reports. To
improve this type of international cooperation, the FTC has undertaken efforts to
build informal enforcement cooperation networks.104
The London Action Plan on International Spam Enforcement Cooperation
(LAP) is one example of such collaboration. Begun by the FTC and the
United Kingdom Ofce of Fair Trading in 2004, the LAP is an informal
network of government agencies responsible for spam enforcement and private
sector representatives interested in enforcement of spam laws. Currently,
LAP membership spans ve continents, with 33 government agencies from 23
participating countries, as well as 24 private sector entities participating.105 LAP
members exchange information about spam investigations and enforcement
actions, mainly through periodic telephone conference calls.
103. The anti-spam approach adopted by the U.S. involves several components, including: enforcement,
regulation/legislation, encouragement of the development of technological solutions, encouragement of
self-regulatory efforts by industry, and education of consumers and businesses about spam and their role in
limiting its negative effects.
104. The international dimension to the spam problem affects criminal, as well as civil, law enforcement
under the Act. See Appendix 1.A. Because criminal law enforcement authority under CAN-SPAM lies
with DOJ, the Commission consulted with the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of DOJs
Criminal Division, which has principal authority over DOJs position on international law enforcement in
connection with spam, in the preparation of this section of the Report.
105. Additional information on the LAP is available at


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Another avenue for enforcement cooperation in which the FTC participates
is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN),
which consists of governmental agencies responsible for consumer protection
enforcement. Though many countries do not yet have anti-spam laws, members
of ICPEN do have the authority to enforce laws against deceptive practices.
Because much of spam contains false representations,106 many ICPEN agencies
use these laws to take action against deceptive spam. ICPEN also encourages
international cooperation among its participating agencies. For example, the FTC
and the U.K. Ofce of Fair Trading have used the ICPEN network to promote
participation in the LAP. Finally, the FTC has entered into two Memoranda of
Understanding (MOU) with foreign agencies that focus on spam enforcement.
The rst is among the FTC and government agencies in the United Kingdom
and Australia, and the second is between the FTC and Spains data protection
authority, Agencia Espaola de Proteccin de Datos. These MOUs are best
efforts agreements intended to improve cooperation on spam enforcement among
participating nations.107
These informal cooperation arrangements are extremely helpful in building
contacts to assist in FTC spam investigations and cases. For example, as a result
of the MOU with the Australian agencies, the FTC obtained assistance in one
spam case targeting unsubstantiated health and diet claims. In this case, the
defendants were located in Australia, but they caused illegal spam to be sent to
U.S. consumers. The Australian agency provided information and helped the FTC
serve the defendants.108
Although useful, the informal information-sharing networks that the FTC has
cultivated have limitations. Often, foreign agencies will not share information
with the FTC because of the Commissions inability to reciprocate; current law
prohibits the FTC from sharing with foreign agencies certain information that the
106. FTC staff, False Claims in Spam at 10 (2003), available at
107. DOJ supports the FTCs efforts to develop these new information-sharing arrangements in connection
with enforcing the civil provisions of CAN-SPAM. However, DOJ utilizes existing criminal enforcement
information-sharing channels for international cooperation to combat criminal spam, as well as other
computer crimes that are facilitated by spam (e.g., online fraud, spyware, and virus and worm transmission).
For example, the U.S. government, led by DOJ, advocates use of the Council of Europes Convention on
Cybercrime as an existing multilateral tool to address the problems posed by criminal spam. Thus, DOJ
believes that any additional international arrangements that relate to spam enforcement cooperation should be
limited to cooperation among civil agencies.
108. FTC v. Global Web Promotions, No. 04C 3022 (N.D. Ill. led Apr. 28, 2004).


Federal Trade Commission

FTC obtains during investigations.109 Foreign agencies are also unwilling to share
information with the FTC because the FTC cannot guarantee the condentiality of
the information provided there may be circumstances when the FTC is required
to disclose the information. The FTC believes that legislative changes are needed
to address these issues, as discussed further in section III.B.3 below.

International Advocacy

The global nature of illegal spam necessitates a global approach to combating

the problem. Spammers, unlike enforcement authorities and courts, disregard
international borders. Thus, the FTC has energetically advocated the interests of
U.S. consumers in various international fora.110
The goals of the FTCs advocacy have been threefold. First, the Commission
has encouraged other countries to enforce their anti-spam laws aggressively.
Second, the Commission has urged other countries to be mindful of the tension
between the need to combat spam and the need to preserve the convenience and
speed of global email communication. Toward this end, the FTC has discouraged
attempts to combat spam by blocking email from particular countries an overly
broad measure that could result in unnecessary restriction of the ow of email
worldwide. Third, the Commission has assisted in efforts to educate foreign
governments, businesses, and consumers about how to combat illegal spam.
One of the various fora in which the FTC has worked to advance these goals
is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Spam Task Force. One of this task forces activities has been to develop an
anti-spam toolkit for OECD member and non-member countries to use in their
ght against spam. The toolkit will include a presentation of spam statistics,
guidance on fostering and developing technological solutions, a survey of antispam legislation in different countries, and recommendations on cross-border
enforcement cooperation to combat spam. The FTC also participates in working
groups within the Asia Pacic Economic Cooperation forum and the World
Summit on the Information Society, both of which work to counter spam.

109. See infra note 117.

110. DOJ also participates in these international fora and advocates the U.S. approach to spam. At these
meetings, DOJ often emphasizes to other countries that the law relating to spam in the U.S. is unique in that
one of the penalties for criminal spam is incarceration.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress


International Education Campaigns

The FTC has also worked to educate governments and businesses

internationally about what they can do to help combat illegal spam. For example,
the Commission has provided technical training to foreign governments on how to
conduct spam investigations. Two of the most recent training sessions were held
in Colombia in May 2004 and Korea in June 2005.
Moreover, the FTC has worked to educate small businesses through several
international education initiatives designed to alert small businesses that they may
unwittingly become spammers if their computers are not secured. The FTC has
undertaken two major initiatives in this regard.
Most recently, in May 2005, the FTC announced Operation Spam Zombies
in partnership with over 30 agencies from around the world.111 In this educational
campaign, participating agencies sent letters to more than 3,000 ISPs worldwide
to urge them to take measures to prevent their subscribers computers from
becoming zombie drones. The letter included recommended practices for ISPs,
such as (1) blocking port 25 and (2) applying rate-limiting controls.112 The next
phase of this ongoing campaign will be to identify ISPs with zombie drones
on their networks, inform those ISPs, and urge them to implement corrective
measures, e.g., blocking port 25 and implementing rate-limiting controls.
Previously, in 2004, the FTC launched a similar campaign, Operation
Secure Your Server, a joint project of agencies of nearly 30 countries to educate
businesses about how to protect their servers from being used as open proxies or
open relays to send spam.113 As part of this project, participating countries sent
letters to the managers of potentially unsecured servers worldwide explaining the
problems caused by such servers and how to solve them.
3. Recommendations
The FTC intends to continue its strategic participation in international
discussions to build enforcement cooperation, promote technological solutions,
and provide technical assistance. Greater results could be achieved, however,
if Congress were to enact the Undertaking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud

111. See

112. See supra section III.A.2 for a description of port 25 and rate limiting.
113. See


Federal Trade Commission

Enforcement With Enforcers beyond Borders Act of 2005 or the US SAFE
WEB Act of 2005.114

Passage of the US SAFE WEB Act

As explained above in section III.B.1, the international nature of spam

signicantly limits the FTCs ability to enforce the CAN-SPAM Act. To help
overcome these limitations, the FTC recommends that Congress enact the US
SAFE WEB Act.115 The US SAFE WEB Act would give the FTC new tools
to better trace spammers and sellers whose operations are, in whole or in part,
beyond U.S. borders.
In a report to Congress in June 2005, the FTC described how the US SAFE
WEB Act would improve the FTCs cross-border enforcement efforts in several
areas.116 For purposes of this Report on the effectiveness of CAN-SPAM, the
Commission highlights two specic areas in which the US SAFE WEB Act would
help the FTC in spam investigations.
First, as noted above, under current law, the FTC cannot share certain
information it obtains in spam investigations with its foreign counterparts. By
way of example, even if the FTC and a Canadian agency were investigating a
Canadian spammer that is defrauding U.S. consumers, in many cases the FTC
could not share information it obtained pursuant to CIDs with the Canadian
agency. This is true even though a Canadian action against the spammer would
benet U.S. consumers.117 This is not a hypothetical concern: in one recent
case, the FTC obtained an order against a spammer defrauding U.S. consumers
and found that the spammer had an afliate that was perpetrating the same scam
from a foreign country, targeting both U.S. and foreign consumers. The FTC was
prevented by current law from sharing the information it obtained pursuant to CID

114. S. 1608, 109th Cong. 1-13 (2005).

115. Predecessor legislation entitled the International Consumer Protection Act, which was virtually
identical to the US SAFE WEB Act, was passed by the Senate and three House Committees in the 108th
116. The staff of the FTC issued a Report to Congress, The US SAFE WEB Act: Protecting Consumers
from Spam, Spyware, and Fraud, in June 2005. That report is available at
ussafeweb/USSAFEWEB.pdf. For a summary of the major provisions of the legislation, see Appendix 4 of
this Report.
117. The Commission cannot disclose documentary material, tangible things, reports or answers to
questions and transcripts of oral testimony that are received by the Commission pursuant to compulsory
process in an investigation without the consent of the person who submitted the information, except as
specically provided. 15 U.S.C. 57b-2(b)(3)(C); 16 C.F.R. 4.10(d).


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

with its foreign counterpart. The US SAFE WEB Act would allow the FTC to
share such information and provide investigative assistance in appropriate cases.
Second, the US SAFE WEB Act would improve the FTCs ability to gather
information, whether it be about spammers, sellers, or related persons, in spam
investigations. In such investigations, the FTC often relies on CIDs sent to
third parties such as ISPs and domain registrars to obtain information about
persons involved. The success of FTC actions against spam often depends on
investigations remaining condential so that the subjects are not prematurely
tipped off. Once notied of an impending FTC action, these subjects can
disappear and move assets offshore, beyond the reach of U.S. courts, making
it much more difcult to obtain redress for U.S. fraud victims. The US SAFE
WEB Act contains provisions that would give the FTC authority already granted
to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission to obtain information from third parties without tipping off
Although not a panacea for all of the problems faced by the FTC in its
spam investigations, the US SAFE WEB Act would give the FTC new tools to
better trace spammers that try to use geographical borders as a shield from law
enforcement. Thus, to help the FTC combat spam, the Commission recommends
that Congress enact the US SAFE WEB Act.

International Policy Recommendations

Section 7709(b)(2) of CAN SPAM requires that the Commission make

recommendations on initiatives or policy positions that the Federal Government
could pursue through international negotiations, fora, organizations, or
institutions. As outlined above, the FTC and other government agencies
participate in a number of international initiatives aimed at combating spam. The
Commission recommends a continuation of these efforts.
The Commission notes, however, that just as studies conducted within the
U.S. are showing that consumers seem to be less annoyed by spam,119 studies
undertaken overseas show similar results. One 2004 public opinion survey in
118. 15 U.S.C. 78u(h). See FTC staff report, An Explanation of the Provisions of the US SAFE WEB
Act at 9-10 and nn.38-39 (June 2005), available at
119. See supra section III.A.1 regarding the drop in spam messages reaching consumers inboxes and rising
level of tolerance toward spam messages that consumers do receive.


Federal Trade Commission

Canada reported that Canadians believe they are receiving less spam now than
a year ago.120 A recent Finnish study indicates that while it may be a nuisance
factor for some users affecting their email use, spam is not a very serious
problem in terms of quantities.121 These results seem to mirror the conclusions
of studies conducted within the U.S. that show a decrease both in the amount of
spam received by consumers and consumer annoyance with spam.
Despite studies suggesting a lessening of the spam problem, there continues
to be a proliferation of international policy initiatives, meetings, discussions,
and agreements on spam.122 Rather than expending resources on a multitude
of international policy initiatives, the Commission recommends that the U.S.
government strategically focus its resources on practical international initiatives
that further the specic goals outlined below:

Building Enforcement Cooperation Building spam enforcement

cooperation across borders is critical. To be successful in combating
spam, enforcement agencies must cooperate in sharing information,
tracking spammers, exchanging evidence, and enforcing anti-spam laws.
Informal enforcement networks such as the London Action Plan and
ICPEN are particularly useful fora in which to build this cooperation.
Advocating Technological Tools to Combat Spam One of the inherent
limitations of international policy discussions on spam is that they tend
to be led by governments. By contrast, it is industry that must lead in
developing technical tools. The U.S. government should encourage its
foreign partners to support industry-led efforts to develop technological
tools to combat spam, such as ltering and authentication. Indeed,
email authentication promises to be one of the most potent tools for
combating spam, as it would allow for better anti-spam ltering and could
facilitate the tracking of spammers by enforcement agencies. The FTC
energetically encourages the private sector to develop authentication

120. See Canadians Winning the War Against Spam; Spam Volumes Dropping for the First Time in Four
Years, and Attitudes Towards Email As a Communications Tool are Improving, Canadian Inter@ctive Reid
Rep., Mar. 10, 2005, press release available at
121. See Finnish Peoples Communication Capabilities in Interactive Society of the 2000s, Statistics Finland,
Reviews 2004/7 (on le with the FTC).
122. For example, several groups within the Asia Pacic Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum have
work plans relating to spam, including the APEC Electronic Commerce Steering Group and the APEC
Telecommunications and Information Working Group. As discussed earlier, the Spam Task Force of
the OECD has been organized to, among other things, facilitate international cooperation on spam. The
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has also organized a study group to discuss spam. The
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), an ITU-organized summit, has held meetings on spam
and continues to be active in efforts to combat spam. In addition, the eCommerce Group of the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North America (whose members are the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) has included
spam in its work plan.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

standards.123 These efforts to foster private sector development of email
authentication standards and related technologies should be advocated

Providing Targeted Technical Assistance In many developing

countries, the promise of a global electronic marketplace cannot be
realized because governments and businesses may not know how to
alleviate security risks posed by spam to their networks. Additionally,
consumers may not know how to alleviate similar risks to their personal
computers. Moreover, developing countries with fewer resources and
weaker Internet infrastructures can unknowingly become havens for
fraudulent spam sent around the world. At a July 2004 meeting of the ITU
and WSIS, developing countries acknowledged the problems they face
with spam, and they called for more support from the developed countries
and the international community in this area.124 The FTC recommends
that the U.S. government work with private sector partners to educate
developing countries about various technological solutions to alleviate
spam and ways in which enforcement actions can be brought against
spammers. This will help U.S. consumers by fullling the promise of the
global marketplace and by protecting consumers from spam that emanates
from overseas.

C. Protecting Consumers from Pornographic Email

Section 7709(b)(3) of the CAN-SPAM Act requires that the Commission
provide analysis and recommendations concerning options for protecting
consumers, including children, from the receipt and viewing of commercial
electronic mail that is obscene or pornographic.125 This section of the Report
responds to that directive.
In passing CAN-SPAM, Congress found that some commercial email
contains material that many recipients consider vulgar or pornographic
in nature.126 This nding reects consumers serious concern regarding
pornographic or obscene content in email messages. Prior to CAN-SPAMs
123. See supra section III.A.4 for a discussion of domain-level email authentication. The most recent action
by the Commission in this area was the launch of a website where technologists can share the results of tests
on various authentication standards. See
124. See ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam, Spam in the Information Society: Building
Frameworks for International Cooperation, paper available at
Background%20Paper_Building%20frameworks%20for%20Intl%20Cooperation.pdf. The ITU chairmans
report from the meeting, which concludes that developing countries require technical assistance, is available
125. 15 U.S.C. 7703(b)(3).
126. Id. 7701(a)(5).


Federal Trade Commission

enactment, a report issued by Pew in October 2003 found that 53 percent of
computer users considered pornographic email to be the most offensive of the
email they receive.127 Noting this, the Commission is encouraged by several
recent reports suggesting that the amount of pornographic email has decreased
signicantly in the two years since the Act was enacted in late 2003.128
For instance, in April 2005, Pew reported that the number of users who
reported ever receiving pornographic spam had decreased from 71 percent to
63 percent over the previous year.129 Similarly, in July 2005, Clearswift, an
Internet security company, reported that pornographic email accounted for only
ve percent of spam the company analyzed that month, nearly one-fourth of
the amount it reported in 2003.130 One major ISP has observed a similar trend,
reporting that sexually-oriented email accounted for only six percent of email it
received in January and February 2005, as compared to 23 percent for the same
two-month period in 2004.131 While the decline in pornographic email cannot
be directly attributed to any single development, recent law enforcement actions
and enhancements in spam ltering technology likely have contributed to the
In the sections that follow, this Report discusses:

civil law enforcement under the Adult Labeling Rule issued by the
Commission pursuant to CAN-SPAM to require subject line labeling of
sexually-explicit email messages;
criminal law enforcement under CAN-SPAM by DOJ;
technologies that consumers may use to protect themselves from receiving
and confronting such material;

127. Deborah Fallows, Spam: How It Is Hurting Email And Degrading Life On The Internet, Pew Internet &
Am. Life Project, Oct. 22, 2003.
128. AOL: Archie, 37 (noting that AOL has seen a dramatic drop in the amount of pornographic email
consumers are receiving); Microsoft: Goodman, 38 (commenting that Microsoft has seen fewer pornographic
emails entering its system).
129. Deborah Fallows, CAN-SPAM a Year Later, Pew Data Memo, Apr. 2005. In addition, of those who
have received pornographic email, 29 percent said they were receiving less than in the prior year, compared
to 16 percent who said they received more and 52 percent who saw no change. See also Pew: Fallows, 46.
130. See Pornographic Spam in Decline, Clearswift, July 13, 2005, available at
131. Condential 6(b) responses (2004 and 2005). The ISP analyzed all pre-ltered email it received during
January and February of both years. Pre-ltered email constitutes the messages that enter the ISPs servers,
before it applies its anti-spam lters.
132. Columbia: Bellovin, 80; ESPC: Hughes, 57; ICC: Halpert, 39 (noting that CAN-SPAM has made
pornographic spam a risky business because marketers are more concerned about prosecution).


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

state initiatives to establish electronic registries in an effort to protect

children from unsuitable material; and
the Commissions recommendations on protecting consumers, including
children, from receiving and viewing commercial email that is obscene or

1. Civil Enforcement of the Adult Labeling Rule

Section 7704(d) of CAN-SPAM provides that sexually-oriented133
commercial email must: (1) contain a mark or notice in the messages subject line
that alerts the recipient to the messages content; (2) exclude from the initiallyviewable area of the message any sexually-oriented material; and (3) include in
the initially-viewable area of the message only the required mark or notice, the
senders valid physical postal address, an opt-out mechanism, and instructions on
how to access the sexually-oriented material.134
Pursuant to 7704(d)(3) of CAN-SPAM, the Commission promulgated a rule
that prescribed the phrase SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT: be included in the subject
line and initially-viewable area of any commercial email containing sexuallyoriented material. This Adult Labeling Rule (ALR) took effect on May 19,
CAN-SPAM and the ALR afford consumers two useful protections with
respect to unwanted pornographic email. First, the required subject line label
alerts recipients that the email contains sexually-explicit content and makes it
easier for recipients to lter out those types of messages. Second, if consumers
inadvertently open such messages, they are protected from being exposed to
sexually-explicit content because the Act and the ALR specically prohibit such
content from appearing in the portion of the email the recipient initially sees when
the message is opened. This virtual brown paper wrapper offers consumers a
second layer of protection from unwitting exposure to pornographic or obscene
commercial email.
While the Commission is not aware of reliable statistics relating to
compliance with the ALR, as previously noted, studies and anecdotal reports
133. Under the Act, sexually oriented material means any material that depicts sexually explicit content,
as sexually explicit content is dened in 18 U.S.C. 2256.
134. 15 U.S.C. 7704(d)(1). These requirements do not apply if the recipient has given prior afrmative
consent for the receipt of such message. Id. 7704(d)(2).
135. 16 C.F.R. 316.4.


Federal Trade Commission

indicate that pornographic spam is on the decline.136 Aggressive law enforcement
by the Commission and DOJ likely contributes to this development.137
In January 2005, the Commission led an action against Global Net
Solutions, Inc., its rst case alleging violations of the ALR, and obtained a
temporary restraining order (TRO) and an asset freeze against the defendants.138
The court entered a stipulated preliminary injunction in that case, and the case
later settled. In its second case, in May 2005, the Commission charged Cleverlink
Trading Limited with violating many provisions of CAN-SPAM and the ALR,
and sought consumer redress, restitution and disgorgement of the companys illgotten gains.139 Like the earlier case, the court issued a TRO, halting Cleverlinks
allegedly unlawful spamming practices and freezing the defendants assets. The
court entered a stipulated preliminary injunction in that case in June 2005, and the
matter remains in litigation.
In July 2005, the Commission announced seven additional cases against
senders of sexually-explicit email that violated the ALR.140 In these cases,
brought by DOJ at the FTCs request, the Commission sought civil penalties
for the ALR violations.141 The defendants in these actions operated afliate
marketing programs in which they paid others to send spam on their behalf.
Settlements in four of the cases imposed over $1.1 million in civil penalties.
Each settlement bars illegal email practices in the future and requires that the
defendants closely monitor their afliates to ensure they also do not violate
136. See supra notes 129-132 and accompanying text. In 2005, one major ISP analyzed two months worth
of pre-ltered sexually-oriented email and found that 25 percent contained the SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT:
label in the subject line. Condential 6(b) response.
137. The FTC consulted with two DOJ units in the preparation of this section of the Report: the Civil
Divisions Ofce of Consumer Litigation (OCL) and the Criminal Divisions Child Exploitation and
Obscenity Section (CEOS). To date, OCL has led three civil suits and four civil settlements in federal
court at the Commissions request; and CEOS has brought criminal charges against four individuals for
sending allegedly obscene spam.
138. See FTC v. Global Net Solutions, No. CV-S-05-0002-PMP-LRL (D. Nev. led Jan. 3, 2005).
139. See FTC v. Cleverlink Trading, No. 05C 2889 (N.D. Ill. led May 16, 2005).
140. See United States v. Impulse Media Group, No. 05-CV1285 2:05-cv-01285-RSL (W.D. Wash.); United
States v. Cyberheat, No. 4:05-cv-00457-DCB (D. Ariz.); United States v. APC Entertainment, Inc., No. 05CV-61194 (S.D. Fla.); United States v. MD Media, No. 2:05-cv-72836-JF-WC (E.D. Mich.); United States v., No. 1:05cv21964 (S.D. Fla.); United States v. Pure Marketing Solutions, No. 8:05-cv-01353RAL-EAJ (M.D. Fla.); and United States v. TJ Web Productions, No. 2:2005cv00882 (D. Nev.). All seven
cases were led in court on July 20, 2005. Additionally, ISPs have used CAN-SPAM as a tool to pursue
senders of unlawful sexually-explicit email. Earthlink and Yahoo! have led two civil lawsuits in this area,
but did not allege violations of the ALR in those cases. See Appendices 5 through 7 regarding civil suits.
141. Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 56(a), in an action where the Commission seeks civil penalties, the FTC refers
the case to DOJ, which proceeds with the litigation on behalf of the FTC with the United States as plaintiff.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

CAN-SPAM or the ALR. In the three remaining cases still in litigation, the FTC
through DOJ seeks, among other things, civil penalties and a permanent bar on
the illegal spamming practices.
2. Criminal Enforcement by DOJ
In August 2005, DOJ announced its rst criminal CAN-SPAM actions
targeting senders of pornographic spam messages.142 A grand jury in Arizona
charged three individuals with criminal violations of the Act for allegedly sending
spam advertising pornographic websites with obscene images embedded in the
email messages.143 Earlier, in February 2005, a fourth individual pled guilty to
related criminal charges, including a CAN-SPAM count and conspiracy.144
3. Other Protections from Pornographic Email; Services Offered by ISPs and
Commercially Available Products
Beyond CAN-SPAMs legal protections, ISPs offer their subscribers a
variety of technological features to help safeguard consumers and children from
pornographic material. Commercially-available software programs also may
provide a line of defense against sexually-explicit spam.145
One of the most signicant software features offered by ISPs is the ability
to block certain images that may appear in email messages.146 Many email
programs147 also offer this capability. Rather than embed an image directly in the
body of an email message, email marketers typically host their images on a web

142. See Three Defendants Indicted, Fourth Pleads Guilty in Takedown of Major International Spam
Operation, Aug. 25, 2005, DOJ press release available at
releases/2005_4197_ereadattachment_Service.pdf. See also Appendix 1.A for a discussion of other criminal
CAN-SPAM actions brought by DOJ.
143. Id.
144. Id.
145. As mentioned in section III.A.2 supra, OnGuard Online offers practical advice about computer safety,
including ways to protect children while online. See
146. Such image-blocking features have practical implications for email messages viewed in HTMLenabled email programs. An email message viewed in these programs can display a variety of content, such
as images and links to other documents. Text-based email programs cannot display images so an imageblocking feature would be unnecessary.
147. This section uses the term email programs to refer to both email clients and web-based email
programs. An email client is an application that runs on a personal computer or workstation that enables
one to send, receive and organize email. Microsofts Outlook, Mozillas Thunderbird, and Eudora Mail are
some examples of email clients. Web-based email programs, or webmail, offer functions similar to email
clients although typically not as advanced but are accessed via the Internet, and are often free to their
subscribers. Yahoo! Mail, Googles GMail, and Microsofts Hotmail are some examples of web-based email


Federal Trade Commission

server.148 When the recipient opens the message, the recipients email program
downloads the image from the web server so that it can be viewed within the
email.149 To prevent certain potentially offensive images from automatically
downloading, ISPs and email programs use image-blocking software to interrupt
this process; many do so specically for messages that have been identied as
spam.150 Several sources with whom the Commission consulted regard image
blocking as a very useful tool for consumers to protect themselves and their
children from viewing pornographic, obscene, or otherwise unwelcome visual
content in commercial email messages.151
In addition to image blocking, ISPs provide other technological options that
specically aim to protect children online. Many ISPs provide parental controls
in their various email packages and allow parents to customize protection settings
based on a childs age.152 These parental controls facilitate blocking access
to known pornographic websites and monitoring a childs online activity by
maintaining lists of websites the child has visited.153

148. A web server is a computer that delivers (serves up) les. See Bishop Report, 23.
149. See Bishop Report, 23.
150. For example, Google and AOL state that some of their products disable images in email from unknown
senders. Microsoft states that its Hotmail email program disables all images directed to a recipients
junkmail folder. Yahoo! offers its email users different levels of image blocking protection. Thunderbird,
an open source email program, states that it blocks remote images by default unless the sender appears in
the recipients personal address book. See;
thunderbird/changes.html; Microsoft: Goodman, 40. See also AT&T: Barszcz: 40 (AT&T offers its
subscribers image blocking as well). Microsofts Outlook 2003 blocks images by default unless the sender
appears on the recipients safe list. See
151. Oregon: St Sauver, 44; Bigfoot: Della Penna, 54; Nortel: Lewis, 54; Microsoft: Goodman, 38. The
Commission notes that image-blocking also can protect consumers from material that may not constitute
sexually explicit content that is regulated by CAN-SPAM and the ALR, but nevertheless may be offensive
or inappropriate for children. However, the typical image-blocking feature blocks all images, not just
those that contain sexually-explicit content. This fact may implicate CAN-SPAM disclosure requirements,
which are discussed in detail in Appendix 1 sections B.3 to B.5. To remain compliant with CAN-SPAMs
requirement for conspicuous disclosures, marketers must ensure that all the mandatory CAN-SPAM
disclosures are clear to recipients even with images disabled, such as by including disclosures in plain
text, even when the image-blocking feature is turned on. See also Word to the Wise: Adkins, 55; Cantor
Comment D, 1 (expressing frustration with marketers who embed the required opt-out notice in an explicit
image. Thus, in order to take advantage of the opt-out mechanism, the recipient must download the explicit
image); LashBack Comment D, 2 (If the user has images disabled in their email client to protect [their]
privacy or [if] the image fails to load, then the user has no way of knowing there is an unsubscribe option.).
152. See, e.g., (MSNs parental controls); (AOLs parental controls);
parentalcontrols/tour/control/ (Earthlinks parental controls).
153. Id.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

Moreover, ISPs general anti-spam tools can reduce the likelihood that
consumers will receive sexually-explicit spam. Most ISPs offer a feature known
as whitelisting in which an email program will accept email only from friends,
known senders, and legitimate companies whose email addresses the subscriber
has entered into the email programs address list.154 Some of these whitelisting
programs are specically designed to protect children. For example, several ISPs
allow parents to establish childrens accounts so that email is received only from
senders that their parents have approved.155
In addition to the tools offered by various ISPs, several commerciallyavailable products can protect children from viewing pornographic material,
whether in an email message or on a website. For example,, an arm of Consumers Union, rates several Internet lters
that block inappropriate content for children.156
Finally, parents and guardians vigilance provides some of the best protection
for children online.157 A Pew report, Protecting Teens Online, found that 73
percent of online teens say their Internet computer is located in a public place
inside the house. The report also found that 64 percent of parents of online
teenagers say they set house rules about their childrens online usage.158
4. State Initiatives Aimed at Protecting Children from Inappropriate Email
In recent months, two state laws became effective that aim to protect children
from receiving various types of adult content, including pornographic email. The
Michigan Childrens Protection Registry Act159 and the Utah Child Protection

154. Consumers appear to be taking advantage of whitelisting. A survey conducted by Bigfoot Interactive,
an email marketing company, reported that over half of those surveyed always added legitimate senders to
their address books. Email and Spam: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors, Bigfoot Interactive, Feb. 2005.
Similarly, DoubleClick reported that 85 percent of respondents have utilized the Add to Address Book
function in email programs. DoubleClick 2005 Consumer Email Study, PowerPoint presentation, June 27,
2005 (on le with the FTC).
155. See, e.g.,;
product/parental.adp and Earthlink Premieres Parental Controls Software, Sept. 30, 2003, Earthlink press
release available at See also Columbia: Bellovin,
49 (noting that whitelisting is the simplest and best solution for young children).
156. See
157. Pew: Fallows, 54; Digital Impact: Jalli, 63.
158. Amanda Lenhart, Protecting Teens Online, Pew Internet & Am. Life Project, Mar. 17, 2005.
159. Mich. Comp. Laws 752.1061 - 752.1068.


Federal Trade Commission

Registry Law160 establish child protection registries on which minors can register
their electronic contact information.161 The laws make it illegal to send prohibited
adult content to children whose information is listed on the registries.162 Similar
legislation was considered in Illinois.163
The Commission generally supports initiatives that protect children from
inappropriate content, but state registries that maintain sensitive information
belonging to children raise troubling issues. The Commission has serious
concerns about the security and privacy risks inherent in any type of do-not-email
registry. In its report to Congress on the feasability of a national do-not-email
registry, the FTC detailed these risks at length. Indeed, that report concluded
that any registry that earmarked particular email addresses as belonging to
or used by children would raise very grave concerns. . . [and] the possibility
that such a list could fall into the hands of the Internets most dangerous users,
including pedophiles, is truly chilling.164 Although difcult to quantify, the
risk of pedophiles or other dangerous persons misusing the registry data to
discover the email address of a minor is certainly real. First, such a list could be
misused by registry personnel. Second, such a list is subject to direct hacking by
technologically sophisticated persons. Third, the operator of such a registry is
unlikely to be able to screen every single individual who might seek, or to whom
it might provide, registry access. Several sources with whom the Commission
consulted on this Report raised similar security and privacy concerns.165 Others

160. Utah Code Ann. 13-39-102 - 13-39-304.

161. Under the laws, such information can include email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and
instant messaging (IM) identities.
162. The Michigan statute prohibits the sending of messages if the primary purpose of the message is to,
directly or indirectly, advertise or otherwise link to a message that advertises a product or service that a
minor is prohibited by law from purchasing, viewing, possessing, participating in, or otherwise receiving.
Mich. Comp. Laws 752.1065(1). The Utah statute prohibits sending a communication that (a) advertises
a product or service that a minor is prohibited by law from purchasing; or (b) contains or advertises material
that is harmful to children, as dened in Section 76-10-1201 [i.e., pornography]. Utah Code Ann. 13-39202.
163. H.B. 572, 94th Gen. Assem. (Ill. 2005). See also FTC Staff Comment to the Honorable Angelo Skip
Saviano Concerning Illinois H.B. 0572 to Create a Child Protection Registry, available at http://www.ftc.
164. See In the year and a half since the Commission
issued that report, there have been no technological advances that would alleviate the risk that pedophiles and
spammers would misuse registry data. Bishop Report, 20-21.
165. ESPC: Hughes, 58; DMA: Cerasale, 59; and EFF: Newitz, 51-52.


III. Analyses and Recommendations Regarding Areas of Interest to Congress

suggested that these laws, if not expressly preempted by CAN-SPAM, certainly
undermine the intent of CAN-SPAMs preemptive powers.166
5. Recommendations
Overall, since the enactment of CAN-SPAM, the email landscape has
improved with regard to pornographic spam. Statistics show a decline in the
amount of such spam that is being sent, and consumers report receiving less in
their inboxes, likely due in part to improved blocking and ltering technology and
vigorous enforcement of the ALR. Despite these improvements, the Commission
recommends continued vigilance to ensure that consumers, especially children,
are protected from pornographic spam. Specically, the Commission has
three recommendations, which, if adopted, will provide continued or increased
protection for consumers from receipt and viewing of pornographic spam:

continued vigorous enforcement of the civil and criminal provisions of

CAN-SPAM and the ALR;
passage of the US SAFE WEB Act167 to strengthen the Commissions
ability to pursue pornographic spammers who exploit international borders
to evade prosecution; and
redoubled efforts to educate consumers about available technologies to
protect children from viewing sexually explicit spam.

In addition, the Commission would caution against legislative action on the

state level to adopt registry-style laws in the hope they may effectuate improved
protections for children in the online environment. The Commission believes that
grave security and privacy concerns argue decisively against such measures.

166. EFF: Newitz, 51; Experian: Goodman, 59-60 (noting that CAN-SPAM preempted many disparate state
laws and the implications of complying with multiple laws is impractical for legitimate senders). See also
Appendix 1.E.2 for a complete discussion of the preemption provision.
167. The need for this legislation is discussed in detail in section III.B.3.a supra. We reiterate this
recommendation here with respect to this specic type of spam.


Federal Trade Commission

IV. Conclusion: Summary of Findings and

The CAN-SPAM Act has been effective in providing a roadmap for legitimate
marketers to use in crafting their email campaigns. Compliance by legitimate
online marketers is high, as discussed in detail in Appendix 1, and consumers and
businesses benet from having a set of best practices, articulated within the Act,
adopted by legitimate emailers. The Act has also increased the ease or efciency
of enforcement against spammers. Yet, while recent trends indicate a decrease
in the amount of spam reaching consumers inboxes, spam is increasingly
becoming a vehicle for identity theft (through phishing) and for the delivery of
viruses and other forms of malware, such as spyware. As Congress found when
enacting CAN-SPAM, the spam problem cannot be solved by legislation alone;
technological approaches and international cooperation are key. The Commission
has actively prodded industry to deploy domain-level authentication, and it should
be in place in the near future. Finally, passage of the US SAFE WEB Act would
enhance the ability of the FTC to combat illegal spam sent internationally.


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

Table of Contents
A. 15 U.S.C. 7703 Criminal Provisions of CAN-SPAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1


18 U.S.C. 1037(a) Substantive Criminalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

a. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(1) Accessing a Protected Computer without
Authorization to Send Multiple Commercial Email Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
b. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(2) Using Open Relays with Intent to Deceive in
Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
c. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(3) Using Materially False Header Information in
Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
d. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(4) Falsely Registering Email Accounts or Domain
Names in Connection with Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages . . . . A-3
e. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(5) Falsely Claiming to be the Registrant of Internet
Protocol Addresses for Sending Spam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
18 U.S.C. 1037(b) Statutory Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
18 U.S.C. 1037(c) Asset Forfeiture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
28 U.S.C. 994 (note) Sentencing Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
15 U.S.C. 7703(c) Sense of Congress to Use All Law Enforcement Tools . . . . . . A-6

B. 15 U.S.C. 7704 Major Civil Provisions of CAN-SPAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1) Prohibition of False or Misleading Transmission

Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
15 U.S.C. 7704 (a)(2) Prohibition of Deceptive Subject Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3), 7704(a)(4), and 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) Opt-out Provisions . . A-11
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i) Notice of Advertisement or Solicitation . . . . . . . . . . A-15
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii) Valid Physical Postal Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-18
15 U.S.C. 7704(b) Aggravated Violations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-20
15 U.S.C. 7704(d) Requirement to Place Warning Labels on Sexually-Explicit
Commercial Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-21

C. 15 U.S.C. 7705 Seller Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-21

D. 15 U.S.C. 7706 Civil Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23
E. 15 U.S.C. 7707 Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25

Federal Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25

State Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26
Internet Access Service Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28

F. 15 U.S.C. 7712 Application to Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

This Appendix contains the Commissions analyses of the substantive provisions of the
CAN-SPAM Act, as mandated by Section 7709(a).1 In preparing these analyses, FTC staff
conferred with all of the federal and state entities granted enforcement authority under the Act.
Staff also consulted with several major ISPs, which also are authorized to bring CAN-SPAM
cases, as well as other interested parties.2 The Commission nds that most of the substantive
provisions of CAN-SPAM are being used in enforcement actions against unlawful spammers.
Perhaps equally importantly, CAN-SPAM is serving an invaluable role in dening best practices
for commercial emailers.

A. 15 U.S.C. 7703 Criminal Provisions of CAN-SPAM

15 U.S.C. 7703 criminalizes ve types of activities in connection with email, sets forth the
maximum penalties for each type, and calls for the U.S. Sentencing Commission to consider new
sentencing guidelines.3 Because the Commission possesses only civil law enforcement authority,
responsibility for enforcing CAN-SPAMs criminal provisions lies with the Department of
Justice (DOJ).4 Therefore, much of the information in this section was provided by the
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section within the Criminal Division of DOJ.5

1. In addition to the substantive provisions analyzed in this Appendix, the Act contains several sections which
are either procedural in nature or the subject of other extensive reports to Congress by the FTC. These sections,
not discussed in this Appendix, include: Section 1 Short Title; Section 2 Congressional Findings and Policy;
Section 3 Denitions; Section 9 Do-Not-Email-Registry (a separate report to Congress was submitted addressing
this section on June 16, 2004; see; Section 11 Improving
Enforcement by Providing Rewards for Information about Violations; Labeling (the FTC has submitted two separate
reports to Congress addressing this section: one on September 16, 2004, see
040916rewardsysrpt.pdf; and one on June 16, 2005, see
pdf); Section 13 Regulations; Section 15 Separability; and Section 16 Effective Date.
2. For a detailed description of the parties and sources consulted in the preparation of the Report overall, see Report
section II and Appendix 2.
3. 15 U.S.C. 7704(d) contains the only other criminal provision in the Act, providing up to ve years in prison for
unlawful transmission of sexually-oriented spam. See Report section III.C.2.
4. DOJ has authority to enforce all of CAN-SPAMs criminal and civil provisions, except 15 U.S.C. 7705 (civil
seller liability).
5. The Commission also contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to consult on the drafting of this
Report. FBI personnel did not respond with input before press time, due to demands associated with Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita.


Federal Trade Commission

During the early months of CAN-SPAM, DOJ focused on two goals as it would with any
new statute instituting criminal prohibitions: (1) ensuring that prosecutors and agents were well
informed of the Act; and (2) initiating investigations into prohibited conduct. Having met these
goals, DOJ now has brought four criminal prosecutions under 15 U.S.C. 7703, and defendants
in each of those cases have pled guilty.6 Numerous other non-public investigations are ongoing.
1. 18 U.S.C. 1037(a) Substantive Criminalization
15 U.S.C. 7703(a) criminalizes ve activities that spammers have used to evade ISPs
anti-spam lters and avoid detection by law enforcement. Each of the following ve activities
constitutes a new crime under 18 U.S.C. 1037(a).

18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(1) Accessing a Protected Computer without

Authorization to Send Multiple Commercial Email Messages

This provision criminalizes hacking into computers to send spam, including through the use
of zombie drones.7 To date, DOJ has completed three prosecutions under Section 1037(a)(1).
First, in September 2004, Nicholas Tombros pled guilty in the Central District of California
to a violation of this section, after admitting to sending spam through wireless home networks
that had not been properly secured.8 Second, in February 2005, in the District of Arizona,
Andrew Ellifson pled guilty to a violation of this section, in addition to a conspiracy count, in
connection with sending obscene spam.9 Third, in June 2005 in the Northern District of Georgia,
Peter Moshou also pled guilty to a violation of this section, after admitting accessing an ISPs
computers without authorization in order to send spam promoting vacation timeshare services.10

6. As discussed in more detail below, guilty pleas have been obtained from Jason Smathers in the AOL spammer
case, Nicholas Tombros in the wi- spammer case, and Peter Moshou in the timeshare spammer case. A fourth
criminal prosecution in Arizona involving obscene spam and four individuals, one of whom has pled guilty to a
CAN-SPAM count, is discussed in section III.C.2 of the Report.
7. See section III.A.2 of the Report and Appendix 3 for more information about zombie drones.
8. See Tombros sentencing has been postponed.
9. See Report section III.C.2. Ellifsons sentencing has been postponed.
10. Bill Montgomery, Guilty Plea a Win for Spam Act, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 1, 2005, at 4E. On
November 17, 2005, Moshou was sentenced to 12 months in prison and was ordered to pay $120,000 in restitution.


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

DOJ believes that the three-year maximum penalty for violations of Section 1037(a)(1) has made
Section 1037(a)(1) the most effective CAN-SPAM criminal provision to date.

18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(2) Using Open Relays with Intent to Deceive in

Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages

This provision was primarily designed to protect consumers against spammers who use
open relays and open proxies to disguise their identities.11 DOJ has completed one prosecution
under this paragraph of Section 1037. In February 2005, Jason Smathers, a former America
Online (AOL) employee, entered a plea of guilty to conspiracy to commit a violation of 18
U.S.C. 1037(a)(2). Smathers admitted stealing a proprietary AOL database containing screen
names and offering those screen names for sale to another individual who intended to send email
through open relays and open proxies. Smathers was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment in
August 2005.12

18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(3) Using Materially False Header Information in

Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages

This paragraph criminalizes the insertion of materially false information into email
headers,13 which makes it more difcult for recipients and ISPs to distinguish legitimate email
from spam. To date, there has been no prosecution solely under Section 1037(a)(3), although the
prosecutions under Sections 1037(a)(1) and 1037(a)(2) have also involved instances of header

18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(4) Falsely Registering Email Accounts or Domain

Names in Connection with Sending Multiple Commercial Email Messages

This provision criminalizes email account churning, a technique by which spammers

send large quantities of spam from numerous email accounts or domains. By registering a
large number of email accounts or domain names using false information, a spammer can
11. See Appendix 3 for more information about open relays and proxies.
12. See
13. Header information is dened by the Act as the source, destination, and routing information attached to
an electronic mail message, including the domain name and originating electronic mail address, and any other
information that appears in the line identifying, or purporting to identify, a person initiating the message. 15 U.S.C.


Federal Trade Commission

send messages from one account after another, hiding the true source, size, and scope of the
spammers collective mailings. There has been no prosecution under Section 1037(a)(4) to date.

18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(5) Falsely Claiming to be the Registrant of Internet

Protocol Addresses for Sending Spam

This provision criminalizes a fraudulent technique used by spammers to obtain IP addresses

not listed on spam blacklists.14 Using this technique, a spammer would identify blocks of
IP addresses that had not been assigned, that had been assigned to a defunct company, or that
belonged to an existing company (not afliated with the spammer). The spammer would then
contact the relevant IP registration authority to trick the registration authority into reassigning
the address to the spammer. For example, the spammer might represent himself to be the entity
actually assigned to the IP block, or a successor to that entity. By such false pretenses, the
spammer gains control over IP addresses assigned to others. When the spammer sends messages
from such an IP address, ISPs lters might treat the spam as legitimate email. There has been no
prosecution under Section 1037(a)(5) to date.
2. 18 U.S.C. 1037(b) Statutory Penalties
18 U.S.C. 1037(b) contains statutory maximum penalties for violations of Section 1037s
new criminal provisions. The penalties fall into three tiers.
First, a ve-year statutory maximum applies when the CAN-SPAM violation is in
furtherance of any felony under state or federal law, or when the defendant has been previously
convicted of an offense under 18 U.S.C. 1037.15 This top penalty tier has not yet been applied
in a case. Second, a three-year statutory maximum applies for convictions under either Section
1037(a)(1) or for convictions under Section 1037(a)(2)-(5) when one of several additional

14. See Judge Report, 6-8; Bishop Report 20-21. Blacklists are lists of known spammers, their IP addresses, and/
or their ISP (Internet service provider). Using this information, spam lters can block all messages coming from
known spammers and/or their ISPs. ISPs that fail to discipline spammers may nd all email from their legitimate
customers blocked by large numbers of recipients. This tactic forces the ISP to take action against spammers using
their systems because legitimate users do not want to be inconvenienced by having their email blocked. See
CipherTrust glossary available at
15. A prior conviction under 18 U.S.C. 1030 a similar criminal section concerning fraud and related activity in
connection with computers may also lead to the ve-year statutory maximum. 18 U.S.C. 1037(b)(1)(B).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

conditions applies. The conditions relate to measures of the economic gain or loss, the volume
of email sent, the number of false registrations used, or whether the defendant had a leadership
role in the offense. This has been the penalty tier applied in CAN-SPAM prosecutions completed
to date. Finally, a one-year statutory maximum applies for any other violation of Section 1037.
At this time, DOJ has not acquired sufcient experience with the application of these penalties to
conclude that the penalties are either too lenient or too harsh.
3. 18 U.S.C. 1037(c) Asset Forfeiture
18 U.S.C. 1037(c) enables DOJ to seek the criminal forfeiture of both property obtained
from spamming prots and the computers used to send the spam. This provision protects
consumers by helping to disgorge the ill-gotten gains of spamming. Forfeiture has not yet been
litigated in criminal prosecutions under CAN-SPAM. DOJ believes that the ability to obtain the
proceeds and instrumentalities of violations of Section 1037 is important; yet, it does not have
enough data at this time to render a considered opinion on the long-term efcacy of the forfeiture
provision of the statute.
4. 28 U.S.C. 994 (note) Sentencing Guidelines
15 U.S.C. 7703(b) directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to review and amend, as
appropriate, the federal sentencing guidelines to provide proper penalties for violations of 18
U.S.C. 1037. In particular, 15 U.S.C. 7703(b)(2)(A)(i) proposes sentencing enhancements
for address harvesting and dictionary attacks.
The Sentencing Guidelines revision applicable on November 1, 2004 implements this
provision of CAN-SPAM. Defendants convicted under 18 U.S.C. 1037 will have their
sentences calculated under the main Fraud/Theft guideline section (USSG 2B1.1) which
increases penalties based upon the amount of loss suffered by the victim(s) of the offense. The
Fraud/Theft section of the Guidelines recommends that individuals convicted under Section 1037
be given an increase in the base offense level for engaging in mass-marketing. It also provides
an additional enhancement to the recommended sentence if the Section 1037 offense involved
obtaining electronic mail addresses through improper means, which is dened as including


Federal Trade Commission

the unauthorized harvesting of electronic mail addresses of users of a website, proprietary
service, or other online public forum. Other sentencing enhancements (such as for using
sophisticated means in the commission of the offense) may also apply depending on the facts of
the particular case.
As with CAN-SPAMs statutory maximum penalties, DOJ does not yet have enough
information to conclude that the Sentencing Guidelines are either too lenient or too harsh. DOJ
does believe that the Sentencing Commission acted appropriately in treating CAN-SPAM
under the Fraud/Theft guideline, and believes that the enhancements for particular conduct
are appropriate. Finally, DOJ is still examining the effects of the Supreme Courts decision in
United States v. Booker, which has given courts greater latitude to sentence defendants within the
statutory range without mandatory application of the Sentencing Guidelines.16
5. 15 U.S.C. 7703(c) Sense of Congress to Use All Law Enforcement Tools
DOJ continues to use a number of its tools to address the problem of spam. Two recent
cases provide illustrations. First, in March 2005, DOJ obtained a conviction of Anthony Greco
in federal court in Los Angeles on one count of threatening to damage computers with the intent
to extort.17 Greco was charged with that violation, plus two others including a violation of
CAN-SPAMs criminal provision against unauthorized computer access, 18 U.S.C. 1037(a)(1)
for sending waves of spam to an online messaging service. Greco had contacted the messaging
service and sought employment, stating that if he were not hired he would share his instant
message spam (spim) techniques with other spammers; as a result, he indicated, the ood of
spam might shut down the messaging service. Grecos sentencing has been postponed. While
not a conviction strictly under CAN-SPAM, this case demonstrates DOJs aggressive willingness
to take on evolving spam threats, including the act of spimming.
Second, in August 2005, a jury in Little Rock, Arkansas convicted Scott Levine of numerous
federal law violations, including 120 counts of unauthorized access to computers. During 2002
16. ___ U.S. ___, 125 S. Ct. 738, 160 L. Ed. 2d 621 (2005).
17. See


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

and 2003, acting with others, Levine, an ofcer of a company that sent commercial email on
behalf of advertisers, hacked into the computer system of a major data management company.
Together they stole over one billion records containing consumers personal information,
physical addresses, and email addresses in order to enhance his companys email and direct mail
marketing lists. Although the criminal activity in this case preceded the enactment of CANSPAM, Levines conviction demonstrates DOJs continued commitment to protect against the
theft and illegal use of consumers personal information, including email addresses.

B. 15 U.S.C. 7704 Major Civil Provisions of CAN-SPAM

15 U.S.C. 7704 contains numerous substantive civil provisions that can be enforced
in federal court through lawsuits brought by certain federal agencies, including the FTC and
DOJ, the state Attorneys General, and ISPs.18 Sections B through E of this Appendix assess the
effectiveness of each of the substantive civil provisions of the Act according to two factors: (1)
whether the provision has served as a best practices model adopted by legitimate senders; and
(2) whether the provision has increased the ease or efciency of enforcement against spammers.
Where either of these criteria is met, the Commission believes that a given substantive
civil provision of CAN-SPAM is effective. These sections also summarize the signicant
enforcement actions taken by the FTC and other plaintiffs pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 7704.
The Commission does not believe that CAN-SPAMs effectiveness can be determined by
measuring changes in the amount or types of spam since the Acts passage because numerous
variables, such as changes in anti-spam technologies and spammers tactics, are predominantly
responsible for such changes.19

18. Such plaintiffs have led dozens of suits under 15 U.S.C. 7704 against hundreds of known and John Doe
defendants both spammers who actually send email messages and those who hire them (sellers). Initial results of
these cases are positive, as discussed in sections A through D of this Appendix.
19. See Bishop Report, 4.


Federal Trade Commission

1. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1) Prohibition of False or Misleading Transmission
Section 7704(a)(1) prohibits false or misleading transmission information in email
messages.20 The prohibition on false or misleading header information is the only provision
that applies equally to commercial electronic mail messages and to those messages deemed
transactional or relationship under the Act.21 Because this section outlaws a practice
commonly used by spammers to conceal the true source of their messages, it is one of the most
useful provisions in CAN-SPAM. Falsied headers make it difcult for recipients and law
enforcers to identify the actual sender of a message and can impede ISPs efforts to lter out
such a message. It is not surprising, then, that violations of the false header provision have been
alleged in the majority of civil CAN-SPAM enforcement actions brought to date. Twelve of
the Commissions 20 CAN-SPAM cases have alleged the use of false or misleading headers.22
Additionally, ten cases brought by various ISPs and two cases led by state Attorneys General
have alleged violations of this provision.23 Enforcement actions alleging violations of the false
header provision have targeted practices commonly used by spammers, including: (1) sending
email messages with non-existent email addresses in the from lines;24 (2) routing or relaying
email messages through a third-partys computer;25 and (3) spoong or transmitting email
messages that falsely indicate that the message originates from a third-partys server or email
Most sources with whom the Commission consulted strongly supported the false or
misleading header provision. One individual referred to it as one of the most important

20. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1).

21. Id.
22. See Appendix 5.
23. See Appendices 6 and 7.
24. See, e.g., FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC (N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005).
25. See, e.g., FTC v. Cleverlink Trading, No. 05C 2889 (N.D. Ill. led May 16, 2005).
26. See, e.g., FTC v. Phoenix Avatar, No. 04C 2897 (N.D. Ill. led Apr. 23, 2004); FTC v. Creaghan Harry, No.
04C 4790 (N.D. Ill. led July 21, 2004).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

[provisions] in the Act and another commented that it was a wonderful, very simple hook to
hang legal action on.27 Similarly, two representatives from state Attorneys General ofces noted
that the false header provision has been extremely effective in law enforcement actions, and a
provision that judges have clearly understood.28
Looking to the Commissions criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a provision,29 the
Commission nds that the false or misleading header provision has been effective. While
Section 7704(a)(1) likely has had no effect on legitimate senders because they were not falsifying
headers prior to CAN-SPAM, it has likely codied a best practice for legitimate marketers.
Equally important, the false header provision created an express law violation for use by law
enforcement where one did not previously exist. Falsied transmission information is often the
calling card of spam that violates other provisions of CAN-SPAM or deceptively promotes a
product or service.30 Because legitimate senders have no reason to conceal their identities, it is
generally only the truly bad actors that falsify headers. The new enforcement hook enables law
enforcement easily to prove a law violation against a spammer who can be identied. Measures
making it more difcult, or ideally, impossible, for senders to hide behind false or misleading
headers would bolster the effectiveness of this provision. For instance, developing authentication
technology and increasing awareness about computer vulnerabilities would contribute to the
effectiveness and enforceability of the false or misleading header provision.
2. 15 U.S.C. 7704 (a)(2) Prohibition of Deceptive Subject Lines
Section 7704(a)(2) prohibits commercial email messages that contain deceptive or
misleading subject lines.31 Legitimate email marketers are complying with the deceptive

27. Bigfoot: Cohen, 66; Word to the Wise: Adkins, 65.

28. Massachusetts Ofce of Attorney General (MAOAG): Schafer, 41; California Ofce of Attorney General
(CAOAG): Sweedler, 42.
29. See supra Section B (introduction).
30. IETF: Levine, 65.
31. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2).


Federal Trade Commission

subject line provision, as they are with other provisions of the Act.32 Some sources with
whom the Commission consulted noted that this provision is helpful to consumers because it
outlaws a practice commonly used by spammers, and it provides a clear cause of action for law
enforcement.33 One interview participant noted that the deceptive subject line prohibition was
a fantastic provision because it puts spammers in a catch-22: spammers can either use a
non-deceptive subject line and risk having their messages remain unopened, or use a deceptive
subject line and risk prosecution.34
Eight of the Commissions 20 CAN-SPAM cases have alleged violations of the deceptive
subject header provision. Additionally, the vast majority of CAN-SPAM cases brought by state
Attorneys General and ISPs have alleged violations of this provision. This provision has been
charged in instances where the subject lines: (1) indicated, falsely, that the recipient had a prior
relationship with the sender;35 (2) indicated, falsely, that the message was from the recipients
ISP or contained time-sensitive information;36 or (3) contained information that was in no way
related to the messages content.37
Using the two measures of effectiveness noted above, the Commission nds that the
deceptive subject line provision has been effective. This provision establishes a best practice
by sending a clear signal to legitimate marketers that they must ensure that their subject lines
are accurate and do not mislead recipients as to the content of their messages. As to improving
anti-spam law enforcement, prior to CAN-SPAMs passage, the FTC attacked deceptive subject
32. Although not the focus of the published study by the FTC, a review of data gathered for the FTC Staffs Top
Etailer study found that compliance with this provision among top etailers was nearly 100 percent.
33. See, e.g., ESPC: Hughes, 66-67; CAOAG: Sweedler, 44-45; MAOAG: Schafer, 45; Texas Ofce of Attorney
General: Schuelke, 45; TRUSTe: OMalley, 24-25.
34. Microsoft: Goodman, 48. Others noted that this provision has not been effective. One academic commented
that some subject lines may not be considered deceptive under the Act, but still confuse, confound, or obfuscate
the intent of the message. Oregon: St Sauver, 67. Others noted that a violation of this provision was difcult to
dene because there is a ne line between what is simply a marketing tactic and what is considered misleading.
Columbia: Bellovin, 68. See also Word to the Wise: Adkins, 67.
35. See FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC (N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005).
36. See, e.g., FTC v. Global Web Promotions, No. 04C 3022. (N.D. Ill. led April 28, 2004).
37. See, e.g., FTC v. Gregory Bryant, No. 3:04-cv-897-J-32MMH (N.D. Ill. led July 21, 2004).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

lines under Section 5 of the FTC Act.38 In this respect, the deceptive subject line provision has
not provided the Commission with a new cause of action. The CAN-SPAM provision does,
however, expose violators to civil penalties (or in state and ISP actions, to statutory damages)
which provides a deterrent to illegitimate marketers.39
3. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3), 7704(a)(4), and 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) Opt-out
Three inter-related provisions in the Act provide consumers the right to opt out of receiving
future commercial email from a particular sender. Section 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) mandates that all
commercial email messages include a notice of the recipients opportunity to opt out of future
commercial email messages from the sender. This provision ensures that recipients, regardless of
whether they are otherwise aware of their opt-out rights under the CAN-SPAM Act, are informed
of them in every commercial email message.
Second, Section 7704(a)(3) requires that commercial email messages contain a functioning
return email address or other Internet-based mechanism that allows a recipient to submit a
request not to receive future commercial email messages in other words, to contain an opt-out
mechanism.40 The Act also species that an initiator of commercial email may comply with this
38. Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 45(a), prohibits deceptive acts in commerce. Deception occurs if
there is a material representation, omission, or practice that is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under
the circumstances. See FTC v. Cliffdale Assocs., 103 F.T.C. 110, 165, appeal dismissed sub nom., Koven v. FTC,
No. 84-5337 (11th Cir. 1984). See, e.g., FTC v. Patrick Cella, No. 03-3202 (C.D. Cal. led May 7, 2003) (alleging
that subject lines containing statements such as, All members must read. Do not delete. were deceptive); FTC v.
Westby, et al., Case No. 03 C 2540 (N.D. Ill. led Sept. 16, 2003) (alleging that subject lines containing statements
such as Fwd: You may want to reboot your computer and Did you hear the news? were deceptive).
39. In an action alleging deception pursuant to Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, a federal court can use its equitable
powers to order restitution or disgorgement. CAN-SPAM has added civil penalties to the Commissions arsenal
in spam cases. 15 U.S.C. 7706(a) (citing to Section 18(a)(1)(B) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B),
consequently treating CAN-SPAM violations as if they were violations of an FTC trade rule). Courts may award
up to $11,000 per violation in civil penalty matters, regardless of consumers economic losses. 15 U.S.C.
45(m)(1)(A), as modied by 28 U.S.C. 2461, as amended and as implemented by 16 C.F.R. 1.98(d).
40. Section 7704(a)(3)(A) provides that: It is unlawful for any person to initiate the transmission to a protected
computer of a commercial electronic mail message that does not contain a functioning return electronic mail address
or other Internet-based mechanism, clearly and conspicuously displayed that (i) a recipient may use to submit, in
a manner specied in the message, a reply electronic mail message or other form of Internet-based communication
requesting not to receive future commercial electronic mail messages from the sender at the electronic mail address
where the message was received; and (ii) remains capable of receiving such messages or communications for no less
than 30 days after the transmission of the original message.


Federal Trade Commission

opt-out requirement by providing the recipient a list or menu from which to choose the specic
types of messages the recipient does not wish to receive, provided such list or menu includes
an option to allow the recipient to opt out of all future commercial email.41 Section 5(a)(3)(C)
provides a safe harbor for instances when a return email address or other mechanism is not
working due to a technical problem beyond the control of the sender, provided that the sender
corrects the problem within a reasonable period of time.42 The purpose of this opt-out provision
is to ensure that recipients actually have a means of effecting their choice not to receive future
commercial email from any particular sender.
Third, Section 7704(a)(4) of the Act prohibits any person from initiating a commercial email
message to a recipient who has previously opted out.43 A sender, or one assisting a sender, has
10 business days to process an opt-out request; sending subsequent commercial email to one who
has opted out after this grace period is unlawful.44
The FTCs recent study of top etailers compliance with the opt-out provisions shows very
high rates of compliance by such legitimate businesses.45 One hundred percent of the etailers

41. Section 7704(a)(3)(B) provides that: The person initiating a commercial electronic mail message may comply
with subparagraph (A)(i) by providing the recipient a list or menu from which the recipient may choose the specic
types of commercial electronic mail messages the recipient wants to receive or does not want to receive from the
sender, if the list or menu includes an option under which the recipient may choose not to receive any commercial
electronic mail from the sender.
42. Section 7704(a)(3)(C) provides that: A return electronic mail address or other mechanism does not fail to
satisfy the requirements of subparagraph (A) if it is unexpectedly and temporarily unable to receive messages or
process requests due to a technical problem beyond the control of the sender if the problem is corrected within a
reasonable time period.
43. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(i)-(iv) (prohibiting senders and persons acting on their behalf from initiating commercial
email messages to those who have opted out, and prohibiting the sender or any other person who knows that the
recipient has opted out from selling, leasing, exchanging, or otherwise transferring opt-out email addresses for any
purpose other than compliance with the law).
44. The Acts 10-day time period for senders to honor a recipients opt-out request is currently under review
by the Commission, which has sought comments on a proposal to reduce the amount of time allowed to honor
an opt-out request to 3 days. See 70 FR 25426 (May 12, 2005) available at
45. This is consistent with other reports of top etailer compliance since the passage of the Act. One study by
EmailLabs published in January 2004 showed that compliance with this provision, even during the rst month after
CAN-SPAM was enacted, was 95 percent. Press release, Confusion Reigns as Permission-Based Email Marketers
Comply With Some Requirements of CAN-SPAM but Not Others, EmailLabs (Jan. 27, 2004), available at http://


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

surveyed included in their commercial email messages a notice of the recipients opportunity to
opt out of receiving such messages in the future, as well as a working opt-out mechanism.46
Regarding the nal opt-out provision the requirement that senders honor recipients
requests not to receive future commercial email the FTCs Top Etailers study showed that 89
percent of etailers surveyed honored requests not to receive further email. Similarly high rates of
compliance have been found by others studying this provision.47
On the other hand, reports since the passage of the Act suggest that, apart from the top
etailers, overall compliance with all three opt-out provisions may be low. According to studies
by MX Logic, an email defense solution provider that has tracked compliance since the passage
of the Act, compliance with all provisions of the Act studied, including the inclusion of an optout mechanism, has uctuated between a low of 0.54 percent in January 2004 and a high of
seven percent in December 2004, with an average of three percent compliance overall.48
The Commission sought data regarding the percentage of recipients that avail themselves
of the right to opt out. Data from before the passage of the Act showed that the great majority
of consumers simply deleted or ignored unsolicited email from an unknown sender.49 These
46. See Top Etailers Compliance with CAN-SPAMs Opt-Out Provisions, a report by the FTCs Division of
Marketing Practices, at 3 (July 2005), available at
pdf. As noted in that study, a small percentage of top etailers messages contained a very abbreviated notice of the
right to opt-out, such as Unsubscribe or Remove Me, which, in the view of FTC staff, would be minimally
acceptable to provide adequate notice. Depending on the circumstances, the mere use of the terms Remove Me,
or Unsubscribe, may not satisfy the clear and conspicuous notice requirements of sections 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
and (5)(A)(ii) of the Act. The better practice, in the view of staff, is to include a more complete explanation of
the right to opt-out, such as This email was sent to [email address of recipient]. If you would like not to receive
further information about specials, please send us an email with the word Unsubscribe in the subject line or click
here [hyperlink to Internet-based opt-out mechanism] if you wish to unsubscribe. This compliance guidance was
included in the Top Etailers study.
47. 2004 CAN-SPAM B2C Compliance Audit, Arial Software, 2004 at 3 (nding that only 1.8 percent of the more
than 1000 top etailers studied ignored opt-out requests).
48. MX Logic reports data on CAN-SPAM compliance monthly. Data for the studies is culled from 10,000
randomly selected email messages reviewed each week. Compliance with individual provisions is not tracked, and
the reported compliance rates indicate messages that complied with all of tracked provisions (valid physical postal
address, opt out mechanism, non-deceptive subject line, and adult label). See
49. Email and Spam: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors, Bigfoot Interactive, Nov. 2003, at 12 (showing that
in a survey of adult computer users conducted in October 2003, 83 percent said that they would delete or ignore
unsolicited email from an unknown sender, while only 4 percent would either use an unsubscribe link or reply


Federal Trade Commission

data are borne out by some of those consulted for this Report, who expressed skepticism about
recipients willingness to use opt-out mechanisms, given the commonly-held belief that opting
out merely signals to spammers that they have found a live address, and could therefore result
in more spam.50 None of those interviewed were able to provide any evidence that this is, in fact,
the case, but clearly the perception persists that opting out leads to more spam. This perception
remains despite previous FTC research suggesting that opting out does not result in the receipt of
increased amounts of spam,51 and the conclusion of experts that it is unlikely that tracking optout requests is an especially effective means for spammers to gather live addresses.52
One potentially troubling concern regarding the safety of opting out has come to light.
Some reports in the media in late 2004 suggested that clicking on an opt-out link in an email
may have even more dire consequences than receipt of more spam, such as the introduction of
malware onto the computer of the individual opting out.53 The Commission has sought data
regarding such opt-out exploits from those it consulted with in preparation of this Report, as well
as from the experts retained in preparation of this Report. In the view of those experts, while
there is a risk of harm when using a web-based opt out link, there is little evidence to suggest any
pattern of such abuse.54

50. See, e.g., CAOAG: Sweedler, 50-51; MAOAG: Schafer, 51-52.

51. As part of its 2002 International Netforce initiative, the FTC and its law enforcement partners tested opt-out
links in over 200 spam messages. The results showed that the vast majority of these mechanisms were inoperable,
and that opting out did not lead to an increase in the amount of spam received. See
52. See Judge Report, 7.
53. See, e.g., Oregon: St Sauver, 14. Some reports of these opt-out exploits have been reported in the media.
See Can-Spam Mandated Opt-Out Link Can Lead to Infestation, Sept. 22, 2004, available at http://arstechnica.
com/news.ars/post/20040922-4217.html (According to Alex Shipp of security rm MessageLabs, clicking on the
opt-out link in certain e-mails will forward the user to a website presumably set up by the authors of the e-mail
bugaboo. Unpatched Internet Explorer users who scroll down to the bottom of the page looking for the unsubscribe
link will instead be hit with the drag-and-drop exploit described in [a Microsoft Security Bulletin]); Click Here to
Become Infected, Sept. 22, 2004, available at
(MessageLabs is blocking spam linking to the domains www. (space deliberately inserted) which, if
users click on the remove link and scroll down the page triggers a DragDrop JavaScript exploit. This uses an IE bug
to download and run an EXE le, currently being analyzed by MessageLabs.). FTC staff contacted MessageLabs
in October 2005 and learned that the company has no further evidence of such opt-out exploits.
54. See Judge Report, 17-18.


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

The Commission has actively enforced the opt-out provisions of the Act. In 15 of the
20 cases brought to date by the FTC, the Commission has charged defendants with failing to
include the required opt-out notice and failing to include a functional opt-out mechanism in their
messages. The FTC has alleged violations for failure to honor opt-out requests as well, in two of
the 20 cases.55 States and ISPs have also enforced these provisions.56
Applying the effectiveness criteria described above, the Commission nds that the opt-out
provisions have been effective. These provisions codify pre-existing best practices used by
legitimate etailers and require their universal application. Studies of top etailers compliance
show that the vast majority provide notice to consumers of their right to opt-out, include an
unsubscribe mechanism, and honor requests not to receive future commercial email messages.
There remains a signicant gap, however, between the practices of legitimate etailers and
spammers. In instances where spammers do not comply, the opt-out provisions provide the FTC
and others who enforce the Act with a method of penalizing spammers that is not present in other
existing statutes.57 Thus, the Commission believes that the opt-out provisions of CAN-SPAM
have been effective.
4. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i) Notice of Advertisement or Solicitation
Section 7704(a)(5)(A)(i) of the Act mandates that every commercial email message contain
clear and conspicuous identication that the message is an advertisement or solicitation.58
The purpose of this requirement is to provide notice that a message is an advertisement or

55. See Appendix 5.

56. See Massachusetts v. DC Enterprises (Suffolk Superior Court led June 30, 2004); Massachusetts v. Kuvayev,
et al. (Suffolk Superior Court led May 11, 2005); FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC
(N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005). ISPs have also alleged violations of this provision. See, e.g., Microsoft Corp. v. Lin,
et al., (W.D. Wash. led Mar. 9, 2004).
57. It is unlikely that the FTC could require that senders include an opt-out mechanism pursuant to the FTC Act.
Prior to CAN-SPAM, the Commission had alleged violations of the FTC Act not for failure to include an opt-out, but
in instances where a defendant made an opt-out representation, and then failed to honor it. See, e.g., FTC v. G.M.
Funding, No. SACV 02-1026 DOC (C.D. Cal. led Nov. 6, 2002). The Commission is not aware of any other law
enforcement agencies that could require inclusion of an opt-out mechanism.
58. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i). This provision does not apply to messages sent to recipients who have given
afrmative consent to receive email messages. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(B).


Federal Trade Commission

solicitation, which will signal to recipients that a message is commercial, presumably enabling
them to determine quickly if they wish to read it or delete it.
The FTC has found little data about compliance with this provision by legitimate marketers.
Tracking compliance with this provision is complicated by the fact that etailers who send email
messages to recipients who have provided afrmative consent to receive such messages need not
comply.59 Thus, data such as that from the FTCs Top Etailer study based on email messages
sent pursuant to such afrmative consent given by FTC staff in opting in to receive them are
not useful in providing statistics on mandatory compliance. A review of messages received in
the Top Etailer study, though, shows that 97 percent of the messages surveyed included notice
that the message was an advertisement.60 Because these etailers are providing notice even where
it is not required, the Commission believes that it may be fair to infer that where the notice is
required, top etailers compliance rates would be as high or higher.
Three of the Commissions 20 cases brought to date included allegations that defendants
failed to include clear and conspicuous notice that their email messages were advertisements or
solicitations.61 In one of these cases, the defendants email falsely represented that recipients had
inquired about mortgage services, or had a prior relationship with the defendants, and failed to
identify the email as an advertisement or solicitation.62 In another case, the Commission charged
defendants with several counts, including violation of this provision for sending email messages
falsely informing consumers that their computers had been scanned and found to contain
spyware, and directing them to websites for purportedly free software to x the problem.63 The
59. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(B).
60. A review of the messages shows that 19 percent of the messages contained an explicit notice stating that the
message was an advertisement or solicitation; 78 percent clearly contained advertisements or contained language
that mentioned an offer, sale, promotion or some other advertising language; and three percent did not include clear
and conspicuous identication that the message was an advertisement. The Commission staff believes that the
best practice is for advertisers to include an explicit notice, clearly and conspicuously displayed, that their email
messages are advertisements or solicitations, when such is the case.
61. It is worth noting, however, that in each of the three cases alleging violations of this provision the Commission
also alleged violations of 15 U.S.C. 7704 (a)(1), the prohibition on false or misleading transmission information.
62. See FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC (N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005).
63. See FTC v. Trustsoft, No. H 05 1905 (S.D. Tex. led May 31, 2005).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

third case in which defendants were charged with violating this provision involved the deceptive
sale of dietary supplements marketed through spam that failed to include the required advertising
notice.64 State Attorneys General and ISPs have also enforced this provision.65
Applying the effectiveness criteria, the Commission nds that this provision has been
somewhat effective in codifying a best practice for legitimate email marketers.66 To the extent
commercial mail messages clearly announce themselves as such, recipients can more efciently
determine which messages they choose to spend time reviewing, and which they may choose
to delete, thereby reducing wasted time and frustration. Thus, commercial email messages that
clearly and conspicuously67 are identied as advertisements or solicitations provide some value;
however, spammers whose messages purport not to be advertisements are highly unlikely to
disclose that their emails are advertising.
The identication of advertisement provision has been minimally helpful to the FTC and
other enforcers in prosecuting spammers efciently. In some cases, proving that the required
identication is missing is relatively easy compared to proving that the claims made in the email
are false or misleading. Thus, the Commission nds that this provision has also been somewhat
effective in increasing the ease and efciency of enforcement against spammers.

64. See FTC v. Pacic Herbal Sciences, No. CV05-7247 RSWL (C.D. Cal. led Oct. 6, 2005).
65. In addition to the Optin Global case, brought jointly by the FTC and California, see supra note 62,
Massachusetts has alleged violations of this provision in two actions brought in state court. See Massachusetts v.
DC Enterprises (Suffolk Super. Ct. led June 30, 2004) and Massachusetts v. Kuvayev, et al. (Suffolk Super. Ct.
led May 11, 2005). ISPs have also alleged violations of this provision. See, e.g., EarthLink v. John Does 1 -25
(mortgage lead spammers) and EarthLink v. John Does 26 - 50 (prescription drug spammers) (N.D. Ga. led Oct.
27, 2004).
66. Some of those consulted in preparation for this Report expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of these
provisions as applied to criminal spammers, who were unlikely to comply, but noted that even as applied to criminal
spammers, the provision would allow for law enforcers to exact penalties for non-compliance. See Oregon: St
Sauver, 73; Columbia: Bellovin, 73.
67. Information about how to make a clear and conspicuous disclosure on the Internet or in email is set forth in
the Commissions publication Dot Com Disclosures: Information About Online Advertising, available at http:// While the disclosure must be evaluated in the context
of the advertisement as a whole, factors to consider in determining whether the disclosure is clear and conspicuous
include placement, prominence, and repetition.


Federal Trade Commission

5. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii) Valid Physical Postal Address
Section 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii) of the Act requires that every commercial email message include
the valid physical postal address of the sender.68 In theory, this provision should provide
law enforcement with vital information a ready means of contacting the sender of an email
message. Because of the difculty in identifying and locating defendants in spam cases,
inclusion of this information theoretically would be a boon to law enforcement.69
Enforcement of this provision has been vigorous. Nearly all of the defendants against
whom the FTC has brought suit under CAN-SPAM have failed to comply with this provision. In
fact, in 18 of the 20 FTC cases brought to date, we have charged defendants with failing to list
any address or listing bogus addresses.70 States have also brought CAN-SPAM cases alleging
violations of this provision, as have ISPs.71
68. 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii). This provision of the Act is currently under review in the extant NPRM in the
Discretionary rulemaking. See Proposed Rule, 316.2(p), 70 Fed. Reg. 25426, 25438 (May 12, 2005) (discussing
the valid physical postal address provision). The Commission proposed an amended denition of the term valid
physical postal address, which claries that a sender may comply with this section of the Act by including in
a commercial email message any of the following: (1) the senders current street address; (2) a Post Ofce box
the sender has registered with the United States Postal Service; or (3) a private mailbox the sender has registered
with a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) that is established pursuant to United States Postal Service
69. According to some, inclusion of a valid physical postal address of the sender may also serve as an indicator
of legitimacy, demonstrating to recipients that the sender is complying with the law. Word to the Wise: Adkins,
81 (noting that whether a sender includes a valid physical postal address in a commercial email message is really
a measure of how closely theyre paying attention to the CAN-SPAM requirement). Concomitantly, when
spammers fail to include a valid physical postal address in their messages, they ag their messages as unlawful and
risk law enforcement action. DMA: Cerasale, 72-73. Some of those consulted in preparation for this Report suggest
that the required valid physical postal address is also to be used as a means of notifying a sender that a recipient
does not wish to receive future commercial email messages. Oregon: St Sauver, 71-72. The Act, however, does not
permit this method of signaling the desire to opt out. Rather, the Act requires that each commercial email message
contain a functioning return electronic mail address or other Internet-based mechanism . . . that a recipient may use
to submit, in a manner specied by the message, a reply electronic mail message or other form of Internet-based
communication requesting not to receive future commercial electronic mail messages from that sender. . . 15
U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i) (emphasis added).
70. See Appendices 5, 6, and 7 for a list of cases alleging a violation of this section. E.g., FTC v. Global Net
Solutions (no address at all). The FTC cases alleging violations of this provision also allege other violations of
71. State cases include: FTC and State of California v. Optin Global, No. C-05-1502 SC (N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12,
2005) (no address for some messages; false address for others, determined with cooperation of US and Canadian
authorities); and Texas v. Ryan Pitylak (W.D. Tex. led Jan. 13, 2005) (address included is the valid physical postal
address of a non-related entity). ISP cases include: EarthLink v. Gregory Lars Alsing d/b/a and
Impression Media (N.D. Ga. led Jan. 18, 2005).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

In the case of the valid physical postal address provision, as with the other substantive
provisions of CAN-SPAM, there is a clear distinction between the Act as applied to legitimate
actors and as applied to spammers. The wide disparity in compliance rates illustrates this point.
A review of data collected by the FTC in conjunction with its Top Etailer study, published in
August 2005, showed that 94 percent of messages sent by top etailers complied with the valid
physical postal address provision.72 Earlier surveys conducted by private organizations found
lower rates of compliance by leading email marketers, but still found that a majority of those
surveyed included their valid physical postal address in commercial email messages.73
The Commission found no reliable data on overall compliance rates for all senders, not
just top etailers with the address requirement. The Commission notes, however, that spammers
who seek to evade lters and law enforcement are highly unlikely to provide their true addresses
in their spam.74 Further efforts making it harder for spammers to operate anonymously, such as
the development of authentication protocols, provide the greatest promise in enhancing overall
compliance with this provision.

72. A sampling of the messages received from the 100 etailers studied shows that 94 percent included an address
purporting to be that of the sender. The validity of the address was not tested for this purpose, so the compliance
rate shows the rate at which senders included an address, not necessarily the rate at which they included a valid
73. See supra note 45 (citing to a survey by EmailLabs of top etailers compliance with this provision in
January 2004 which found that 56 percent of emails were compliant. It is not clear, however, from the published
methodology that this survey distinguished between messages that would be deemed commercial under the Act
and those that would be considered transactional or relationship messages. Because transactional messages are
exempt from this provision, counting them for the study would mean that the compliance rate is articially low. A
surprising nding from the same study showed that, in contrast to the address provision gures, 87 percent of the
messages studied offered an unsubscribe link, which, presumably, is a more burdensome provision with which
to comply.) Also, in April 2004, JupiterResearch reported that 64 percent of leading email marketers complied
with this provision; however, it is also difcult to assess the methodology used in this study. Press release,
JupiterResearch Finds Legitimate E-Mail Marketers Struggling With Federal CAN-SPAM Compliance (Apr. 20,
2004), available at
74. See Impact of CAN-SPAM? Brightmail Finds Spam is Still Flowing, Feb. 2, 2004 (There are certain
provisions of the law noting the senders physical address in the message and including an opt-out mechanism
that Brightmail has seen in spam messages for years. Spammers include this information only to evade less
sophisticated lters the addresses they use are non-existent and their opt-outs are not legitimate.).


Federal Trade Commission

Applying the effectiveness criteria, the Commission nds that this provision likely has
helped to codify a best practice.75 The valid physical postal address provision also may have a
positive effect from the point of view of improved law enforcement.
6. 15 U.S.C. 7704(b) Aggravated Violations
15 U.S.C. 7704(b) designates certain practices commonly used by spammers as aggravated
violations. These practices, which include address harvesting, dictionary attacks, automated
creation of multiple sender accounts, and computer hijacking, allow spammers to increase the
volume of messages they can send. While the Act does not make engaging in one of these
practices a per se law violation, 15 U.S.C. 7704(b) does provide that any such activity becomes
an additional law violation when committed in conjunction with an unlawful act or practice
proscribed by 15 U.S.C. 7704.
This provision has not yet been alleged by a federal or state plaintiff in federal court;
however, ISPs have invoked it in at least a dozen private suits.76 A court may award states or
ISPs up to three times the damage award otherwise available if a spammer willfully violates
this provision.77 Applying the effectiveness criteria, however, the Commission nds that this
provision has limited value.78 First, legitimate marketers eschewed these practices even before
CAN-SPAM. However, this provision may possibly serve to reign in those otherwise legitimate
marketers who might have gravitated toward these aggressive tactics in the absence of legislative
guidance to the contrary. Second, the trebling of damages has little, if any, effect on law
75. According to Trevor Hughes of the ESPC, this provision has not caused undue pain or concern in the legitimate
sending community, which views the inclusion of this information as a best practice. ESPC: Hughes, 72.
76. See Appendix 6.
77. 15 U.S.C. 7706(f)(3)(C) and (g)(3)(c), respectively. CAN-SPAM does not permit treble damages for other
enforcers, including the FTC. However, because Section 7704(d) creates an additional law violation that can be
alleged by the FTC, it can, in effect, result in a doubling of the civil penalty sought by the FTC.
78. The improved effectiveness of some ISPs anti-spam lters may be substantially lessening the impact of
harvesting and dictionary attacks. The FTC staffs recent harvesting study noted that two major ISPs effectively
ltered over 86 percent of spam sent to harvested addresses. See Report section III.A.2. To help reduce the
incidence of harvesting and dictionary attacks, the Commission has consistently urged consumers to avoid
displaying their email addresses in public places and to choose a unique address that is less susceptible to simple
dictionary attacks. See, e.g., FTC, Putting a Lid on Deceptive Spam at 2-3 (2002) (consumer education brochure),
available at


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

enforcements or ISPs ability to bring cases. The typical spam case involves thousands, and in
some cases, millions, of violations of CAN-SPAM. Tripling an already astronomical potential
monetary judgment has little value when most, if not all, defendants who would engage in these
practices would not have the resources to pay the damage award even before it was tripled.
7. 15 U.S.C. 7704(d) Requirement to Place Warning Labels on SexuallyExplicit Commercial Email
15 U.S.C. 7704(d) specically addresses commercial email that contains sexually oriented
material. Under this section, sexually oriented commercial email must: (1) contain a mark
or notice in the messages subject line that alerts the recipient to the messages content;79 (2)
exclude from the initially-viewable area of the message any sexually oriented material; and
(3) include in the initially-viewable area of the message only the required mark or notice, the
senders valid physical postal address, an opt-out mechanism, and instructions on how to access
the sexually oriented material.80
Looking to the Commissions criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a provision, the
Commission nds that this provision has been effective. First, this provision established a set of
best practices for legitimate marketers to follow. Second, this provision created a new tool for
law enforcement to pursue senders of sexually-explicit commercial email without having to show
that the email message or underlying content constitutes a deceptive act or practice.

C. 15 U.S.C. 7705 Seller Liability

15 U.S.C. 7705 makes it illegal for a seller to permit a spammer to promote the sellers
goods or services through spam containing false headers if the seller: (1) knows or should have
known in the ordinary course of business that the goods or services were being promoted through
spam containing false headers; (2) received or expected to receive an economic benet from
79. Pursuant to its mandate under Section 5(d)(3) of the CAN-SPAM Act, the Commission engaged in a
rulemaking proceeding to establish the required mark or notice. The Commission prescribed the phrase
SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT: to be included in the subject line and initially-viewable area of any commercial email
containing sexually oriented material. The resulting rule, the Adult Labeling Rule, (ALR) took effect on May
19, 2004. 16 C.F.R. 316.4. See Report section III.C.1 for a discussion of the enforcement of the ALR.
80. 15 U.S.C. 7704(d)(1). These requirements do not apply if the recipient has given the sender prior afrmative
consent for the receipt of such a message. Id. 7704(d)(2).


Federal Trade Commission

such spam; and (3) took no reasonable action either to prevent the transmission of the spam or
to detect the transmission and report it to the Commission. A third party who provides goods or
services to such a seller, however, is not liable for violating this provision unless the third party:
(1) owns or has a greater than 50 percent ownership or economic interest in the seller; (2) has
actual knowledge that the goods or services are promoted by spam containing false headers; and
(3) receives or expects to receive an economic benet from such promotion. This provision may
only be enforced by the FTC, and not by state Attorneys General or ISPs.
The goal of the provision was to permit the Commission to pursue sellers who received
an economic benet from spam containing false headers. According to CAN-SPAMs primary
sponsors in the Senate, Senators Burns and Wyden, [15 U.S.C. 7705] does not require any
showing that the merchant actually hired or induced the spammer to send spam. . . [I]f the
spammer is hard to nd and his contractual relationship with the merchant has been obscured
by under-the-table dealings, the FTC doesnt have to spend time and effort trying to prove the
Applying the Commissions criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a CAN-SPAM
provision, the Commission sees little evidence that the provision has established a set of best
practices for sellers. The Commission reaches this conclusion because the provision only
imposes liability on those sellers who knew or should have known that their products were
being promoted by spam with false headers and who took no reasonable action to prevent the
transmission of the spam or to detect it and report it to the Commission. This is problematic
in two respects: rst, sellers who know that their products are being promoted by spam
violating other provisions of the law (such as spam containing no opt-out mechanism or a false
or misleading subject line) remain unaffected by this provision. Second, the parameters of
what might constitute reasonable action to prevent the transmission sufcient to exonerate a
seller remain untested. It is worth noting, however, that, in the two years since CAN-SPAMs

81. 149 Cong. Rec. S15945 (daily ed. Nov. 25, 2003).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

enactment, we are unaware of even a single seller informing the Commission that it has detected
spam with false headers advertising its products or services.
Applying the second effectiveness criteria, the Commission has not brought any cases
alleging a violation of this section because it would come into play in a very narrow set of
circumstances, none of which have presented themselves in the two years since CAN-SPAMs
enactment. First, the provision would apply when the Commission could prove that the seller
knew or should have known that its goods or services were being promoted by spam containing
false headers. This knowledge requirement creates a signicant evidentiary burden. A spammer
is unlikely to inform a seller that it will be using spam containing false headers to promote the
sellers goods or services. Second, this provision requires the Commission to prove that the
seller received or expected to receive an economic benet from spam containing false headers.
And, third, in many instances, the Commission may have difculty in proving that the seller took
no reasonable action to prevent the transmission of the spam.82
Nonetheless, the Commission has vigorously pursued sellers of products being promoted
by illegal spam pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 7704 by charging the sellers as initiators of the
spam. Under 18 U.S.C. 7704(a), an initiator a person who originates or transmits the spam
or procures its initiation or transmission is liable for illegal spam. In most instances, CANSPAMs broad denition of initiate enables the Commission to pursue sellers who have caused
spam to be sent to consumers.

D. 15 U.S.C. 7706 Civil Enforcement

15 U.S.C. 7706 empowers the FTC and various other federal agencies, state law
enforcement agencies, and ISPs, to bring suit in federal court against spammers who violate the

82. The sections exemption from liability for third parties who provide goods or services to a seller imposes
additional evidentiary burdens on the Commission. If a seller were to create a straw middleman through which
it entered into contracts with the spammer, the Commission would need to demonstrate that the seller owned
more than 50 percent of the straw middleman or had actual knowledge that the spammer would be sending spam
containing false headers.


Federal Trade Commission

civil provisions of the Act.83 The FTC has brought 20 civil cases against a total of 64 known
defendants, including ten cases against defendants responsible for sexually-explicit spam.84 In its
actions under CAN-SPAM, the Commission may seek civil penalties and equitable relief, such as
injunctions, disgorgement, and consumer redress.85
In four of the FTCs CAN-SPAM cases involving sexually-explicit email, the Commission
has obtained settlements totaling $1.159 million in civil penalties, barring defendants from
violating the Act, and requiring defendants to monitor their afliates to ensure they are not
violating the law.86 To date, the Commission also has successfully concluded four other CANSPAM matters, obtaining permanent injunctions and redress.87
At the state level, three Attorneys General have led a total of three actions one with
the FTC as co-plaintiff in federal court naming 15 defendants pursuant to the Act.88 State

83. In addition to the FTC and DOJ, federal entities with enforcement authority under the Act are the FCC, the
Ofce of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission,
the Ofce of Thrift Supervision, the National Credit Union Administration, the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Agriculture, and the Farm Credit Administration.
15 U.S.C. 7706(b). CAN-SPAM also grants enforcement authority to ISPs, state Attorneys General, and state
insurance commissioners. 15 U.S.C. 7706(g), (f), and (b)(6), respectively.
84. See Appendix 5. In seven of those 20 cases, the Commission sought civil penalties in addition to other equitable
relief for CAN-SPAM violations. The Ofce of Consumer Litigation, working with the U.S. Attorneys Ofces in
the various districts, led the cases pursuant to DOJs authority to seek civil penalties as a remedy on behalf of the
Commission. 15 U.S.C. 56(a). The Commission is aware of no federal entity, other than the FTC and DOJ, that
has initiated a civil action under CAN-SPAM.
85. 15 U.S.C. 7706(a) and (d). The other federal agencies with civil enforcement authority under the Act may
seek remedies provided by their own statutory grants. 15 U.S.C. 7706(c). Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science.
and Transp., Rep. on the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, S. Rep. No. 108-102, at 20-21 (2003).
86. See
87. FTC v. Phoenix Avatar, No. 04C 2897 (N.D. Ill. judgment entered Mar. 29, 2005) (settlement of $15,000 and
suspended judgment of $230,000); FTC v. Global Web Promotions, No. 04C 3022 (N.D. Ill. judgment entered
June 16, 2005) (default judgment including $2.2 million in consumer redress); FTC v. Creaghan Harry, No. 04C
4790 (N.D. Ill. judgment entered May 5, 2005) (settlement of $485,000, with $215,000 payable immediately, and
suspended judgment of $5.9 million in consumer redress); FTC v. Global Net Solutions, No. CV-S-05-0002 (D. Nev.
orders of Aug. 4 and Sept. 8, 2005) (judgments totaling $700,018 in disgorgement).
88. See Appendix 7. The Commission is not aware of any action under the Act led by a state insurance


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

enforcement entities and ISPs may seek injunctions and damages, including statutory damages,
for violations of the Act.89 The state cases remain in litigation.
ISPs have also led CAN-SPAM suits initially against more than 100 known defendants and
more than 580 unknown (John Doe) defendants.90 Most of these cases are still in litigation, but
some have settled.91
In assessing the effectiveness of this section of the Act, the Commission notes the
inapplicability of the rst effectiveness criterion. This section imposes no obligations on email
marketers. Turning to the second criterion, the Commission nds that this section has been
effective because it has provided the FTC and other federal agencies, state Attorneys General,
and ISPs with useful new tools in the ght against spam.

E. 15 U.S.C. 7707 Preemption

Section 7707 of CAN-SPAM deals with the effect of the Act on other federal and state laws,
as well as on the policies of Internet access service providers.92 These provisions are discussed
in turn, below.
1. Federal Law
Section 7707(a)(1) of the Act claries that CAN-SPAM does not limit the ability of the
FCC to enforce certain sections of the Communications Act or of DOJ to enforce a variety of

89. The maximum per-violation statutory damage gures are $250 for state Attorneys General and $100 for ISPs;
however, where certain techniques were used to send the spam, such as address harvesting, dictionary attacks and
hacking, the statutory damages may be tripled. 15 U.S.C. 7706(f)(3) (for states) and (g)(3) (for ISPs) (both
referencing the aggravated violations of 15 U.S.C. 7704(b)). One commenter with the State of California told the
Commission that CAN-SPAM could be improved for state enforcers by changing the legal remedy of damages to
penalties. CAOAG: Sweedler, 62 ([the mere] receipt of spam doesnt cause substantial economic damage to the
individual consumer) (emphasis added).
90. See Appendix 6. The FTC conducted an extensive literature review and contacted major ISPs in compiling
these data. These gures represent collective litigation data as of September 1, 2005.
91. For example, Microsoft obtained a $7 million settlement against defendant Scott Richter, and AOL received a
$13 million judgment against Braden Bourneval and Davis Wolfgang Hawke. See Elizabeth M. Gillespie, Microsoft
Receives $7M in Spam Settlement, Associated Press, Aug. 9, 2005, and Mike Musgrove, AOL Wins Judgment
Against Spammers, The Washington Post, Aug. 11, 2005, at D5.
92. See Report note 2.


Federal Trade Commission

criminal laws.93 In our consultations with the FCC and DOJ, neither raised concerns regarding
this provision, nor did any other sources the Commission consulted with in preparation for this
Section 7707(a)(2) of the Act claries that the FTC may continue to bring spam cases under
the FTC Act.94 Of the 20 cases that the Commission has brought against spammers since the
passage of the CAN-SPAM Act, nine have alleged violations of both the FTC Act and the CANSPAM Act. The Commission determines on a case-by-case basis whether to plead violations of
the CAN-SPAM Act, the FTC Act, or both.
In assessing the effectiveness of this provision, the Commission notes the inapplicability
of the rst criterion. As to the second factor, the Commission views this provision as effective
because it preserves the ability of federal agencies to determine the most efcient means of
pursuing spammers.
2. State Law
Pursuant to Section 7707(b) of the Act, state laws that expressly regulate commercial
email messages are preempted by CAN-SPAM, except to the extent that any such statute,
regulation, or rule prohibits falsity or deception in any portion of a commercial email message
or information attached thereto.95 The Act does not, however, preempt state laws that are not
specic to email such as trespass, contract or tort law, or other state laws to the extent those laws
relate to acts of fraud or computer crime.
This provision was the subject of considerable discussion by the parties consulted in
preparation for this Report. Some parties criticized the preemption provision as unnecessarily
93. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to impair the enforcement of section 223 or 231 of the Communications
Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223 or 21, respectively), chapter 71 (relating to obscenity) or 110 (relating to sexual
exploitation of children) of title 18, United States Code, or any other Federal criminal statute. Id. 7707(a)(1).
94. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect in any way the Commissions authority to bring enforcement
actions under the FTC Act for materially false or deceptive representations or unfair practices in commercial
electronic mail messages. Id. 7707(a)(2).
95. In full, the section states: This Act supersedes any statute, regulation, or rule of a State or political subdivision
of a State that expressly regulates the use of electronic mail to send commercial messages, except to the extent that
any such statute, regulation, or rule prohibits falsity or deception in any portion of a commercial electronic mail
message or information attached thereto. 15 U.S.C. 7707(b).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

limiting the avenues that states might use in pursuing spammers. For example, a representative
of the California Attorney Generals Ofce expressed the view that preemption of state laws that
were consistent with CAN-SPAM harmed state law enforcement efforts because it prevented
states from seeking additional remedies that would be available under state law.96 Privacy
advocates also spoke out against the provision, noting the states have been faster to react to new
consumer protection problems than the federal government has.97 Other interview participants,
though, supported the preemption provision, noting the importance of having a single federal
standard for legitimate companies to follow in executing their email campaigns.98 According to
the Email Service Provider Coalition, the preemption provision is one of the most important
things that the CAN-SPAM Act did, because it created a common platform for legitimate
businesses to understand what was onside and what was offside with regards to commercial

96. CAOAG: Sweedler, 69-70 (noting that state penalty remedies are more reasonably obtainable through
prosecution . . .). The representative further noted that state laws often contain a right of private action, as well,
which would enable individual recipients to enforce the laws. CAOAG: Sweedler, 70-71. Some of those consulted
in preparation of this Report agreed that a private right of action would increase enforcement of the Act and benet
recipients who would aggressively pursue their legal rights. See, e.g., Oregon: St Sauver, 74. Still others disagree.
See, e.g., Columbia: Bellovin, 74 (agreeing that a private right of action would be of little practical use because
individuals would not have the resources, in most instances, to identify and track spammers). In addition, at
hearings held on the operation of the CAN-SPAM Act in May 2004, Senator McCain expressed skepticism about the
value of a private right of action. See CAN-SPAM Act: Hearing Before the Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science
and Transp., 108th Cong., 2d Sess. (2004) (I do not believe, however, that authorizing broad private rights of action
will improve enforcement efforts. If industry and government authorities spending vast resources in this effort
can only muster enough evidence to bring a grand total of 8 spam cases over the past 5 months, then private rights
of action will produce little more than expenses for legitimate businesses to fend off opportunistic trial lawyers.
Spammers will remain at large.).
97. EPIC: Hoofnagle, 64. See also Oregon: St Sauver, 83-84 (questioning whether uniformity in a domestic legal
scheme regulating email is necessary given the international nature of the medium and the multitude of international
laws and regulations with which marketers already must be comply).
98. Columbia: Bellovin, 83 ([T]o the extent that there is legitimate email advertising going on, and there certainly
is some of that by reputable companies, thats where preemption is good because then they only have to comply
with one set of rules.). Professor Bellovin went on to suggest that, ideally, state laws would only be preempted
with regard to those legitimate rms in compliance with CAN-SPAM, as a sort of safe harbor, leaving states free to
pursue bad actors under their own laws as well as CAN-SPAM. Id.
99. ESPC: Hughes, 75. See also DMA: Cerasale, 78-79. But see EPIC: Hoofnagle, 65 (expressing skepticism that
companies that can use sophisticated proling systems, that can in fact prole people down to the ZIP+4 level
cannot use similarly sophisticated technology to comply with a myriad of state email marketing laws).


Federal Trade Commission

One interview participant not only praised the preemption provision, but argued that it may
need to be strengthened to prevent attempts, such as the child do-not-email registries adopted
by the legislatures of Utah and Michigan100 to create criminal violations as a means to try to
get around the CAN-SPAM Act.101 Another noted that, within the bounds of the preemption
exception set forth in CAN-SPAM, state laws aimed at fraud and deception are welcome as an
additional means of spam enforcement.102
The Commission believes that the preemption provision has been effective in creating a
single regulatory scheme for businesses to adhere to when conducting national email marketing
3. Internet Access Service Providers
Section 7707(c) of the Act states that: [n]othing in th[e] Act shall be construed to have
any effect on the lawfulness or unlawfulness, under any other provision of law, of the adoption,
implementation, or enforcement by a provider of Internet access service of a policy of declining
to transmit, route, relay, handle, or store certain types of electronic mail messages. No one
interviewed for this Report raised concerns regarding this section. Nor was it a topic raised by
ISPs in response to the Commissions Section 6(b) orders. This provision, however, was the
focus of recent litigation. In an August 2005 ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit held that the University of Texas (UT) lawfully ltered email messages from an
online dating service sent to recipients on the UT servers. According to the Court, although UT
was a state entity, it was acting as an Internet access provider. UTs ltering of email therefore
was permissible under 7707(c), which provides that CAN-SPAM does not affect an Internet

100. See Report section III.C.4.

101. See DMA: Cerasale, 77-79.
102. See ESPC: Hughes, 75-76 (noting that the Virginia anti-spam statute, in particular, has been a positive example
of a state law that supplements CAN-SPAM).


Appendix 1: Analyses of CAN-SPAMs Substantive Provisions

access providers anti-spam policies.103 Turning to the effectiveness criteria, the Commission
believes that this provision is effective in enabling those who provide Internet access service to
set their own ltering policies independently, without interference from the operation of the Act.

F. 15 U.S.C. 7712 Application to Wireless

15 U.S.C. 7712 directs the FCC to promulgate a rule to protect consumers from unwanted
mobile service commercial messages. After a public comment period, the FCCs nal rule was
announced in September 2004,104 and it became fully effective in March 2005. This rule has two
primary effects: (1) the creation of a publicly-available list of Internet domain names exclusively
associated with wireless services; and (2) a general prohibition on sending spam to an address at
any such domain.105
Consulting with the FCC during the preparation of this Report, the FTC learned that the
FCC has conducted outreach to wireless carriers to ensure that the list of domain names is
as accurate as possible. The FCC has also endeavored to educate consumers about the new
rule through speeches, press releases, and a wireless-spam fact sheet available on its website.
The FCC reports that, since the beginning of enforcement in March 2005, it has not received
signicant numbers of consumer complaints alleging violations of the rule. As a result, the

103. 15 U.S.C. 7707(c). See White Buffalo Ventures, LLC v. University of Tex. at Austin, m 04-50362 (Aug. 2,
2005) (nding that while UT was a state subdivision, and thus arguably subject to the Acts preemption provision,
7707(b)(1), the university also clearly met the Acts denition of a provider of Internet access service, and was
thus entitled to set its own ltering policies).
104. FCC Order 04-194, adopted Aug. 4, 2004, available at
FCC-04-194A1.pdf, published at 69 Fed. Reg. 55765 (Sept. 16, 2004).
105. The rst posting of the wireless domain names list on the FCC website occurred on February 7, 2005, thirty
days before the start of enforcement. FCC Notice DA05-331, available at
attachmatch/DA-05-331A1.pdf. The list may be viewed at


Federal Trade Commission

agency has taken no enforcement action thus far, but it stands ready to take action against any
entity once its violations become apparent.106

106. The FCCs unique statutory enforcement scheme involving notice of unlawful conduct could impact the
agencys ability to enforce violations of this new rule effectively. Under the Communications Act, if a violator is
not an FCC licensee, the agency must rst issue a warning citation before it can issue a monetary forfeiture penalty.
47 U.S.C. 503(b)(5). CAN-SPAM violators typically are not FCC license holders; thus, the statutory citation
requirement is likely to be triggered in many FCC CAN-SPAM enforcement cases.


Appendix 2: List of Interviews

Appendix 2: List of Interviews

Name (Last, First)


Date of Interview

Addicott, Kimberly



Adkins, Steve

Word to the Wise


Alonzo, Mercedes

Connecticut Ofce of Attorney General


Archie, Jennifer



Baer, Josh

SKYLIST and UnsubCentral LLC


Barszcz, Jim



Bays, Julie

Oklahoma Ofce of Attorney General


Bellovin, Steve

Columbia University


Berkower, Elise



Bolton, Barbara

Federal Trade Commission


Borenstein, Nathaniel



Bowles, Elizabeth


Brady, Betsy

Microsoft Corporation


Castelli, Eric

LashBack LLC


Cerasale, Jerry

Direct Marketing Association (DMA)


Chavez, Esther

Texas Ofce of Attorney General


Clocker, Kimberly



Cohen, Jordan

Bigfoot Interactive


Cohen, Stephen

Federal Trade Commission


Colclasure, Sheila

Acxiom Corporation


Coleman, Sana

Federal Trade Commission


Collier, Lloyd

Federal Communications Commission


Dailey, Thomas



DeGraff, Kenneth

Consumers Union


Della Penna, Michael

Bigfoot Interactive


Devlin, Brian

Michigan Ofce of Attorney General


Edelman, Ben

Harvard University


Everett-Church, Ray

PrivacyClue LLC


Fallows, Deborah

Pew Internet & American Life Project


Fisher, Ashley

Arkansas Ofce of Attorney General


Fox, Jean Ann

Consumer Federation of America


Free, Peter

Wyoming Ofce of Attorney General


Gasster, Liz



Federal Trade Commission

Name (Last, First)


Date of Interview

Gerdes, Michael

Pennsylvania Ofce of Attorney General


Goodman, Joshua

Microsoft Corporation


Grant, Susan

National Consumers League


Hadeishi, Hajime

Federal Trade Commission

Hadley, Tony



Hagan, Deborah

Illinois Ofce of Attorney General


Halpert, Jim

Internet Commerce Coalition


Hawes, Gary

Connecticut Ofce of Attorney General


Hedges, Chris

West Virginia Ofce of Attorney General


Hochberg, Jane

Idaho Ofce of Attorney General


Hodapp, Larry

Federal Trade Commission


Hoofnagle, Chris

Electronic Privacy Information Coalition (EPIC)


Hughes, Trevor

Email Service Provider Coalition (ESPC)


Ingis, Stuart (Stu)

AOL Time Warner (Piper Rudnick for)


Ingles, Sherry

Wisconsin Ofce of Attorney General


Isaacson, Ben



Jacobsen, Jennifer

AOL Time Warner


Jaglowski, Mary

State of Connecticut


Jalli, Quinn

Digital Impact


Jansen, Mark

Montana Department of Justice


Kornblum, Aaron

Microsoft Corporation


Leuer, Jennifer



Levine, John

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Anti-Spam

Research Group (ASRG)


Levy, Leslie

Nebraska Ofce of Attorney General


Lewis, Chris

Nortel Networks


Lieb, Rebecca

ClickZ Network


Litwin, Hedda

National Association of Attorneys General


Malmerg, Kristin

Federal Trade Commission


Mansourkia, Magnolia



Matties, Deborah

Federal Trade Commission


McClellan, Bill

Electronic Retailing Association


McDonald, Susan

Federal Trade Commission


McEldowney, Ken

Consumer Action


7/26/05; 7/27/05

Appendix 2: List of Interviews

Name (Last, First)


Date of Interview

Meyer, Jennifer

Illinois Ofce of Attorney General


Miller, Jay

Federal Trade Commission


Moriyama, Michael

Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs


Neumon, John

Connecticut Ofce of Attorney General


Newitz, Annalee

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)


OMalley, Colin



Osburn, Alice

General Motors


Petroff, Jim

Ohio Ofce of Attorney General


Roberts, Lee Ann

Tennessee Ofce of Attorney General


Rohlich, Nelle

Wisconsin Ofce of Attorney General


Saulnier, Julie

Federal Communications Commission


Schafer, Scott

Massachusetts Ofce of Attorney General


Schuelke, Brad

Texas Ofce of Attorney General


Selis, Paula

Washington Ofce of Attorney General


Sherry, Linda

Consumer Action


Shull, Andrew

Oregon Department of Justice


Silversin, Louis

Federal Trade Commission

Singh, Tony

Department of Justice


St Sauver, Joe

University of Oregon


St. Clair, John



Stansell, Maxine

Federal Trade Commission


Stratton, Connie

New Hampshire Ofce of Attorney General


Swanson, Jodi

South Dakota Ofce of Attorney General


Sweedler, Ian

California Ofce of Attorney General


Taff, Thomas

National Association of Attorneys General


Teeluckingh, Anthony

Department of Justice


Teter, Carolyn

Wyoming Ofce of Attorney General


Weintraub, Ann

Federal Trade Commission


Welch, Susan

Procter & Gamble


Williams, Bridgette

Mississippi Ofce of Attorney General


Winterrowd, Dana

California Department of Consumer Affairs


Worley, Harriet

North Carolina Department of Justice


7/26/05; 7/28/05

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not

Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 3: Part III of the Commissions National Do Not Email Registry Report

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 4: Summary of the US SAFE WEB Act

Appendix 4: Summary of the US SAFE WEB Act

Background: The Internet and electronic commerce know no boundaries, and cross-border
fraud and deception is a growing problem for consumers and businesses in the U.S. and abroad.
The US SAFE WEB Act provisions are needed to help the FTC to protect consumers from
cross-border fraud and deception, and particularly to ght spam, spyware, and Internet fraud and
deception. The key provisions are summarized below:

Broadening Reciprocal Information Sharing. (US SAFE WEB Act 4(a), 6(a))
Allows the FTC to share condential information in its les in consumer protection
matters with foreign law enforcers, subject to appropriate condentiality assurances.
Similar to longstanding SEC, CFTC, and federal banking agency authority. Needed
to allow the FTC to share information with foreign agencies to help them halt fraud,
deception, spam, spyware and other consumer protection law violations targeting U.S.
consumers. Also needed for the FTC to obtain, in return, foreign information required to
halt such illegal practices.
Expanding Investigative Cooperation. (US SAFE WEB Act 4(b) (adding FTC Act
6(j))) Allows the FTC to conduct investigations and discovery to help foreign law
enforcers in appropriate cases. Similar to longstanding SEC, CFTC, and federal banking
agency authority. Needed to allow the FTC to obtain information for foreign agencies
actions to halt fraud, deception, spam, spyware, and other consumer protection law
violations targeting U.S. consumers. Also needed to help the FTC to obtain, in return,
foreign investigative assistance in FTC cases.
Obtaining More Information from Foreign Sources. (US SAFE WEB Act 6(b))
Protects information provided by foreign enforcers from public disclosure if
condentiality is a condition of providing it. Similar to longstanding SEC and CFTC
authority. Needed because, without it, some foreign law enforcers will not give the FTC
information needed to halt fraud, deception, spam, and spyware.
Protecting the Condentiality of FTC Investigations. (US SAFE WEB Act 7)
Safeguards FTC investigations in a dened range of cases by (1) generally protecting
recipients of Commission CIDs from possible liability for keeping those CIDs
condential; (2) authorizing the Commission to seek a court order in appropriate cases
to preclude notice by the CID recipient to the investigative target for a limited time; and
(3) tailoring the mechanisms available to the Commission to seek delay of notication
currently required by the Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) or the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), to better t FTC cases. Similar to longstanding
RFPA, ECPA, and securities law provisions. Needed to prevent notice to investigative
targets that are likely to destroy evidence or to move assets offshore or otherwise conceal
them, precluding redress to consumer victims.

Federal Trade Commission

Protecting Certain Entities Reporting Suspected Violations of Law. (US SAFE WEB
Act 8) Protects a limited category of appropriate entities from liability for voluntary
disclosures to the FTC about suspected fraud or deception, or about recovery of assets for
consumer redress. Similar to longstanding protections for nancial institutions making
disclosures of suspected wrongdoing to federal agencies. Needed because liability
concerns discourage third-party businesses from alerting the FTC to suspected law
violations or recoverable assets.
Allowing Information Sharing with Federal Financial and Market Regulators. (US
SAFE WEB Act 10) Adds the FTC to RFPAs list of nancial and market regulators
allowed to readily share appropriate information. The list already includes the SEC and
the CFTC. Needed to help the FTC track proceeds of fraud, deception, or other illegal
practices sent through U.S. banks to foreign jurisdictions, so they can be recovered and
returned to consumer victims.
Conrming the FTCs Remedial Authority in Cross-Border Cases. (US SAFE
WEB Act 3) Expressly conrms: 1) the FTCs authority to redress harm in the United
States caused by foreign wrongdoers and harm abroad caused by U.S. wrongdoers; and
2) the availability in cross-border cases of all remedies available to the FTC, including
restitution. Needed to avoid spurious challenges to jurisdiction in FTC cases and to
encourage the full range of remedies for U.S. consumer victims in foreign courts.
Enhancing Cooperation Between the FTC and DOJ in Foreign Litigation. (US
SAFE WEB Act 5) Permits the FTC to cooperate with DOJ in using additional staff
and nancial resources for foreign litigation of FTC matters. Needed because, without
additional resources to freeze foreign assets and enforce U.S. court judgments abroad,
fraudsters targeting U.S. consumers can more readily use the border as a shield against
law enforcement.
Clarifying FTC Authority to Make Criminal Referrals. (US SAFE WEB Act 4(b)
(adding FTC Act 6(k))) Expressly authorizes the FTC to make criminal referrals for
prosecution when violations of FTC law also violate U.S. criminal laws. Similar to
existing FTC authority to provide information to criminal authorities, a narrow express
criminal referral provision in the FTC Act, and an SEC provision. Needed because
foreign agencies that address consumer fraud and deception as a criminal (not civil)
law enforcement issue would be more willing to share information if FTC has express
authority to share information with criminal authorities.
Providing for Foreign Staff Exchange Programs. (US SAFE WEB Act 9)
Provides for foreign staff exchange arrangements between the FTC and foreign
government authorities, and permits the FTC to accept reimbursement for its costs in
these arrangements. Needed to improve international law enforcement cooperation in
crossborder matters.

Appendix 4: Summary of the US SAFE WEB Act

Authorizing Expenditure of Funds on Joint Projects. (US SAFE WEB Act 4(b)
(adding FTC Act 6(l)), 4(c)) Authorizes the FTC to expend appropriated funds, not
to exceed $100,000 annually, toward operating expenses and other costs of cooperative
cross-border law enforcement projects and bilateral and multilateral meetings. Similar
to SEC authority. Needed to allow the FTC to help support valuable international
cooperative organizations and projects such as the website or consumer education
programs of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN)
that foster the FTCs mission.
Leveraging FTCs Resources Through Reimbursement, Gift Acceptance, and
Voluntary and Uncompensated Services. (US SAFE WEB Act 11) Authorizes the
FTC to accept reimbursement for providing assistance to law enforcement agencies in the
U.S. or abroad, and to accept gifts and voluntary services in aid of the agencys mission
and consistent with ethical constraints. Similar to the authority of numerous regulatory
agencies, including the SEC and the CFTC, and of the FTC and DOJ in the antitrust
context, to accept reimbursements from foreign counterparts. Needed to assure that in
appropriate circumstances a foreign agency bears the costs of FTC efforts on their behalf,
and to enable the FTC to employ volunteers as our Canadian counterparts have done
successfully for years.
Requiring Report to Congress. (US SAFE WEB Act 13) Requires the FTC to report
to Congress within three years after the enactment of this Act, describing the FTCs use of
its new authority and recounting the number and types of requests for informationsharing
and investigative assistance, the disposition of such requests, the foreign law enforcement
agencies involved, and the nature of the information provided and received. Provides for
the report to include recommendations for additional legislation as appropriate. Needed
to provide important information to Congress on FTC accountability and cross-border
trends and needs.

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 5: FTCs CAN-SPAM Cases

January 1, 2004 through December 1, 2005
Listed chronologically by date led

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM or Adult Labeling Rule Violations Alleged


Diet patch

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


FTC v. Global Web Promotions PTY LTD.; Michael

John Anthony Van Essen; and Lance Thomas
Atkinson, No. 04C 3022.
(N.D. Ill. led Apr. 28, 2004)

Diet patch and human

growth hormone

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


FTC v. Creaghan A. Harry, No. 04C 4790.

(N.D. Ill. led July 21, 2004)

Human growth hormone


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


FTC v. Gregory Bryant, Jr. and Nadira Bryant,

No. 3:04-CV-897.
(M.D. Fla. led Sept. 15, 2004)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


FTC v. International Research and Development

Corp.; Anthony Renda; Net Marketing Group,
LLC; Floyd J. Tassin, Jr.; Marcia Tassin; Diverse
Marketing Group, Inc.; Diverse Marketing Group,
LLC; and Mark C. Ayoub, No. 04C 690.
(N.D. Ill. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Automotive fuel saver

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)


FTC v. Global Net Solutions, Inc.; Global Net

Ventures, Ltd, a United Kingdom Co.; Wedlake Ltd.;
Open Space Enterprises, Inc.; Southlake Group, Inc.;
WTFRC, Inc.; Dustin Hamilton; Gregory Hamilton;
Philip Doroff; and Paul Rose, No. S-05-0002.
(D. Nev. led Jan. 3, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.1(a)(1)


FTC v. Phoenix Avatar, LLC; DJL, LLC; Daniel J. Lin;

Mark M. Sadek; James Lin; and Christopher Chung,
No. 04C 2897.
(N.D. Ill. led Apr. 23, 2004)

Appendix 5: FTCs CAN-SPAM Cases

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM or Adult Labeling Rule Violations Alleged


FTC v. Sun Ray Trading, Inc.; SR & Associates, Inc.;

Rolando Galvez-Garcia; Anneelises Flores Adino;
and Kostadin Osvaldo Marte Tavarez, No. 05-20402.
(S.D. Fla. led Feb. 10, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)


FTC and State of California v. Optin Global Inc.;

Vision Media Limited Corp.; Rick Yang; and Peonie
Pui Ting Chen, No. C 05 1502.
(N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005)

Mortgage loans and

other products

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)


FTC v. Cleverlink Trading Limited, a Cyprus LLC;

Real World Media, LLC; Brian D. Muir; Jesse
Goldberg; and Caleb Wolf Wickman, No. 05C 2889.
(N.D. Ill. led May 16, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4


FTC v. Trustsoft Inc. and Danilo Ladendorf, No. H 05

(S.D. Tex. led May 31, 2005)

Spyware removal

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i-iii)


U.S. v. Cyberheat, Inc., No. 05-cv-00475.

(D. Ariz. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


U.S. v. Pure Marketing Solutions, LLC and Internet

Matrix Technology, Inc., No. 05 cv-01353.
(M.D. Fla. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


U.S. v. APC Entertainment, Inc., No. 05-cv-61194.

(S.D. Fla. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


U.S. v., Inc.; RK Netmedia, Inc.; and

Ox Ideas, Inc., No. 05-cv-21964.
(S.D. Fla. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


Federal Trade Commission



Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM or Adult Labeling Rule Violations Alleged



15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


U.S. v. TJ Web Productions, LLC, No. 05-cv-00882.

(D. Nev. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


U.S. v. Impulse Media Group, Inc., No. 05-cv-01285.

(W.D. Wash. led July 20, 2005)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(d); 16 C.F.R. 316.4(a)


FTC v. Pacic Herbal Sciences, Inc.; Natural Health

Product, Inc.; New Star Marketing Group, Inc.; John
A. Brackett, Jr.; and Lei Lu, No. 05 7247.
(C.D. Cal. Oct. 6, 2005)

Oral sprays with human

growth hormone

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A) (i) and (iii)


FTC v. Zachary Kinion, No. 05C 6737.

(N.D. Ill. led Nov. 29, 2005)

Mortgage loans and


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)


FTC v. Matthew Olson and Jennifer LeRoy, No. C051979.

(W.D. Wash. led Nov. 29, 2005)

Fuel efciency
enhancing devices and
mortgage loans

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii) or 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)


Appendix 5: FTCs CAN-SPAM Cases

U.S. v. MD Media, Inc., No. 05-cv-72836.

(E.D. Mich. led July 20, 2005)

Federal Trade Commission

Appendix 6: ISPs CAN-SPAM Cases

January 1, 2004 through September 1, 2005
Listed chronologically by date led1

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged

Status and other


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)


America Online, Inc. v. Davis Hawke; Braden

Bournival; Jacob Brown; Mauricio Ruiz; Amazing
Internet Products LLC; and John Does 3-50.
(E.D. Va. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Sexual enhancement
products, banned CD,
and ephedra pills

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)

Final judgment.

America Online, Inc. v. Richard Hicks; Alicia Colella;

GW Consulting LLC; Amy Devoe; and John Does
(E.D. Va. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Vacation timeshares
and get-rich-quick

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)

Final judgment.

EarthLink, Inc. v. John Does 1 - 25 (the prescription

drug spammers); John Does 26 - 35 (the mortgage
lead spammers); John Does 36 - 45 (the cable
descrambler spammers); John Does 46 - 55 (the
university diploma spammers); John Does 56 - 65 (the
get rich quick spammers); and John Does 66 - 75.
(N.D. Ga. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Various goods,
includubg prescription
drugs, mortgage
services, cable
descramblers, college
diplomas, and get-richquick schemes

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


1. FTC staff compiled this Appendix from information provided by top ISPs and from publicly available sources. Other federal court cases may have been led by
other ISPs. Additionally, ISPs have led dozens of CAN-SPAM cases in state court, but these cases are not summarized in this Appendix.

Appendix 6: ISPs CAN-SPAM Cases

Hypertouch, Inc. v. BVWebTies, LLC; BlueStream

Media; and Does 3 to 10.
(N.D. Cal. led Mar. 4, 2004)

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged


Microsoft Corp. v. JDO Media, Inc.; Tony Lampert;

Timothy Roland; Erik Summers; John McLeod; and
John Does 5 - 50.
(W.D. Wash. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Automated multi-level
marketing program

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Microsoft Corp. v. Daniel J. Lin; Mark M. Sadek;

James Lin; Christopher M. Chung; Phoenix Avatar,
LLC; DJL, LLC; and John Does 7 - 50 d/b/a Super
Viagra Group.
(W.D. Wash. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Super viagra or
weight loss patches

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Yahoo! Inc. v. Eric Head; Matthew Head; Barry Head;

Gold Disk Canada, Inc.; Head Programming, Inc.;
Innite Technologies Worldwide, Inc.; and John Does
1 - 5.
(N.D. Cal. led Mar. 9, 2004)

Life insurance,
mortgage and debt
consolidation, and
travel services

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)


Microsoft Corp. v. Leonid Radvinsky; Cyberpower Pty,

Ltd; Cybertania, Inc.; Activsoft, Inc; and John Does 1
- 20.
(W.D. Wash. led Sept. 27, 2004)

Free grants

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


EarthLink, Inc. v. Christina Reese; YamboCS, Inc.;

Angela M. Nickerson d/b/a; and John
Does 1 - 25 (the ASMTP spammers).
(N.D. Ga. led Oct. 14, 2004)


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


America Online, Inc. v. James Bragg; Timothy Bragg;

Josena Perez; and Global Internet Services, LLC.
(E.D. Va. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Prescription drugs

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Federal Trade Commission



Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


EarthLink, Inc. v. John Does 1 -25 (the mortgage

lead spammers) and John Does 26 - 50 (the drug
(N.D. Ga. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Low mortgage or loan

rates and prescription

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)(B)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)(C)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(iv)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


Microsoft Corp. v. Steven Blaier; Jane Doe Blaier;

Herbal Technologies, LLC; and John Does 1 - 10.
(W.D. Wash. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Sexual enhancement

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Microsoft Corp. v. Henry Fitzsimmons; Jane Doe

Fitzsimmons; and John Does 3 - 50 d/b/a yourloanz.
(W.D. Wash. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Discounted mortgage

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Microsoft Corp. v. Kevin Hertz and John Does 2 - 50

(W.D. Wash. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Training to increase
prots on eBay

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Appendix 6: ISPs CAN-SPAM Cases

Dating websites and


America Online, Inc. v. John Baker; Stephen Herceg;

Chad Hughes; Danny Krotzer; Jason Kupis; Yaniv
Mindell; S.W., a minor; and Jesse Zimmerman.
(E.D. Va. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged



15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


America Online, Inc. v. Ambro Enterprises, Inc.;

American Renance Group; Andrew Amend; Jeremy
Brown; Joshua Ellis; Stephen Goudreault; Ernesto
Haberli; Eric Johnson; Nancy Korchick; Leadplex
LLC; Opt-In America Corp.; Payperaction LLC; Ryan
Pitylak; Timothy Saunders; Larry Schulman; Brian
Tillman; Trendy Solutions Inc.; Mark Trotter; Daniel
Walls; and Maria Walls.
(E.D. Va. Dec. 17, 2004)

Mortgage leads

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


EarthLink, Inc. v. Peter Moshou; Alice Cain; and John

Does 1 - 25 (the timeshare spammers).
(N.D. Ga. led Dec. 20, 2004)

Timeshare brokerage

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


EarthLink, Inc. v. Gregory Lars Alsing.

(N.D. Ga. led Jan. 18, 2005)

Cable descramblers
and college diplomas

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


Yahoo! Inc. v. East Coast Exotics Entertainment

Group, Inc. and Epoth LLC.
(N.D. Cal. led Oct. 27, 2004)

Federal Trade Commission



Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged


15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


EarthLink, Inc. v. Richard Nolan; Nolan Micro

Systems, Inc.; Marcus Tovar; E-Comm Consulting,
Inc.; and John Does 1-5.
(N.D. Ga. led Feb. 22, 2005)

Mortgage leads

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


EarthLink, Inc. v. Omagus, Inc.; James McCalla; and

John Does 1-5.
(N.D. Ga. led Feb. 22, 2005)

Mortgage leads

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


America Online, Inc. v. Christopher William Smith;

Advistech, S.A.; and John Does 1-20.
(E.D. Va. Mar. 29, 2005)

Cable descramblers
and sexually-oriented

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Appendix 6: ISPs CAN-SPAM Cases

Computer printer

EarthLink, Inc. v. BC Alliance, Inc. and Craig S.

(N.D. Ga. led Jan. 18, 2005)

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged


Microsoft Corp. v. Felipe Garcia; Joan Doe Garcia;

David Peterson; Judy Doe Peterson; Robert Smoley;
Jane Doe Smoley; Global Group International, LLC;
and John Does 1 - 20.
(W.D. Wash. led Mar. 31, 2005)

Prescription drugs

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)
15 U.S.C. 7704(b)(3)


America Online, Inc. v. Matthew Bagley and John

Does 1-10.
(E.D. Va. Apr. 21, 2005)

Prescription drugs

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Microsoft Corp. v. Ryan Pitylak; Mark Trotter;

Leadplex, Inc.; Leadplex, LLC; Payperaction, LLC;
and John Does 1 - 20.
(W.D. Tex. led May 23, 2005)

Mortgates, debt
consolidation and
online dating services

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Microsoft Corp. v. Jumpstart Technologies, LLC and

John Does 1 - 20.
(N.D. Cal. led July 14, 2005)

Various goods,
including mail-order
coffee, vacations, loan
consolidation, and
credit gift cards

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


Federal Trade Commission


Appendix 7: States CAN-SPAM Cases

January 1, 2004 through September 1, 2005
Listed chronologically by date led1

Goods or Services

CAN-SPAM Violations Alleged


Desktop computer
sales targeted to nonprot groups

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(i)


Texas v. Ryan Pitylak; Mark Trotter; Leadplex, Inc.;

Leadplex, LLC; Payperaction, LLC; and Eastmark
Technology Limited, LLC.
(W.D. Tex. led Jan. 13, 2005)

Numerous types of
services, including
mortgage services,
debt counseling, and
warranty services

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)


FTC and California v. Optin Global, Inc.; Vision Medial

Limited, Corp.; Rick Yang; and Peonie Pui Ting Chin.
(N.D. Cal. led Apr. 12, 2005)

Various products,
including auto
products, online college
degree programs, and
mortgage services

15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(2)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(3)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(4)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(i)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(ii)
15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(5)(A)(iii)


1. State cases led in state court, rather than federal court, include:
Massachusetts v. DC Enterprises and William Carson. Suffolk superior court; led June 30, 2004, alleging violations of 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1),
7704(a)(3)(A)(i) and (ii), and 7704(a)(5)(A)(i) and (iii) for mortgage brokering services. Settlement announced Oct. 7, 2004 including $25,000 civil penalty
and injunction;
Florida v. Scott Filary and Donald Townsend. Circuit court for 13th Judicial Circuit, Hillsborough County, Fla.; led April 4, 2005, alleging violations of 15
U.S.C. 7704(a)(1), 7704(a)(2), 7704(b)(1)(A)(ii), 7704(b)(3), and 7705 for various products, including prescription drugs, cigarettes, downloads, e-books,
and cash advances; and
Massachusetts v. Leo Kuvayev; Vladislav Khokholkov; Anna Orlova; Pavel Tkachuk; Michelle Marco; Dennis Nartikoev; Pavel Yashin; 2K Services, Ltd.; and
Ecash Pay, Ltd. Suffolk superior court; led May 11, 2005, alleging violations of 15 U.S.C. 7704(a)(1), 7704(a)(3)(A)(i) and (ii), 7704(a)(5)(A)(i) and (iii),
and 7704(b)(1) for counterfeit drugs, pirated software, pornography, and mortgage loans.

Appendix 7: States CAN-SPAM Cases

Washington v. AvTech Direct d/b/a AvTech Computers

and Educational Purchasing Services; Arlene
Sediqzad; Gary Hunziker; MD&I Corporation; and Min
Hui Zhao.
(W.D. Wash. led Oct. 26, 2004)

Federal Trade Commission

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