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EE-4450 Power System Analysis and Design Syllabus- Spring 2015

Lecture Hours:
Office Hours:

Gholamreza Dehnavi
324 Engineering Hall

M, W, F, 2:00pm - 2:52pm.
As posted on the office door

1. Power System Analysis and Design, 5th edition by J. D. Glover, M. M. Sarma, and
T. J. Overbye, SENGAGE Leaning, 2008.
2. Power System Analysis, 2nd edition by A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Prentice Hall
Inc, 2000.

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to enhance students understanding of the fundamental issues in power
system planning and operations. This includes the coverage of technical topics such as power flow,
economic dispatch including environmental constraints, generation system reliability, and fault analysis.
On the non-technical side, the course aims to improve the students design, communication, and life-long
learning skills.

Tentative Course Coverage:

I. Background.
A. Review of single phase and three phase quantities
B. Review of Transmission Line models.
C. System Modeling
1) Per unit systems.
2) One-line diagram, impedance, reactance and admittance diagrams.
3) Bus admittance and bus impedance matrices.
4) POWERWORLD applications.

II. Load Flow (Power Flow) Analysis and Design.

1) Equivalent sources and node voltage analysis.
2) Gauss iterative, Gauss-Seidel, and Newton-Raphson methods.
3) Power flow equations and load flow problem.
4) Classification of busses and solution of load flow equations.
5) Steady state security and contingency analyses in power systems.
6) POWERWORLD in PF and contingency analysis.

III. Economic Operation of Power Systems: Design and Development of Optimum

Operating Schedules.
A. Description of economic dispatch problem.
B. Formulation of general economic dispatch problem.
C. Simplification of general economic dispatch problem and introduction of Lagrange Multipliers.
1) No line loss and no generator limits.
2) No line loss but generator limits included.
3) Operation of interconnected power systems
4) Operation of power systems in a deregulated environment.
D. Inclusion of environmental constraints and emissions into economic dispatch.

IV. Fault Analysis: Balanced and Unbalanced Faults

A. Transients in power systems. (Ultra-fast, fast, and slow transients.)
B. Three phase balanced faults.
C. Introduction to symmetrical components.
1) Introduction to sequence voltages and currents.

2) Sequence impedances of power system components.

3) Sequence networks.
D. Unsymmetrical faults.
1) Use of symmetrical components in fault analysis.
2) Single Line To Ground Fault (SLTGF).
3) Double Line To Ground Fault (DLTGF).
4) Line To Line Fault (LTLF).

V. Power system protection (if time permits),

1) Protection system components.
2) Overcurrent relays
3) Radial system protection
4) Directional relays
5) Impedance relays and zones of protection
6) Differential protection of lines generators and transformers

Student learning outcomes:


Ability to formulate and solve power flow problems

Ability to formulate and solve economic and environmental dispatch problems
Ability to do symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis
Ability to design and develop power system expansion plans including economic and
environmental constraints
5. Improved communication skills through design projects and presentations
6. Ability to use software such as POWERWORLD in the analysis and design of power systems
7. Ability to research and present new topics in class

Course Grading Policy

The grades that you will be receiving for each of your homework assignments, quizzes, projects and
exams will be converted to the percentage basis. Table I shows the weights of the grading items and
table II shows how the scores will be converted and reported.

Table I: Grading Weights

Homework and Quiz


Design Project


Research and presentation




(Exam I 15%, Exam II 20%, Exam III 20%)

Table II: Final Scores

92% - 100%

90% - 91.9%


87% - 89.9%


80% - 86.9%

77% - 79.9%


70% - 76.9%

60% - 69.9%
Below 60%


Regular attendance is mandatory. If you have to miss a class without a reasonable excuse, an
absence violation will be triggered. There is no excuse for announcements, information, etc. missed due
to absence.
You have the right to miss class for religious observances. Students wishing time off for this reason should
let me know within the first two days of class.

Delay Policy
No late assignment is acceptable without convincible excuses. If accepted, typically 10% - 50%
penalty will be applied to the late work. No late assignment is accepted after the solution is posted.

Feedbacks to me
I always welcome your feedbacks throughout the semester to improve the quality of my teaching.
You can reach out to me through my email or during my office hours or by dropping your
anonymous notes in my door box if you prefer to.

Student with Disability

If you need an accommodation due to a disability, please make an appointment to see me during my
office hours. A VISA from Services for Students with Disabilities authorizing your accommodations
will be needed. Contact 608-342-1818 for more information about SSWD.

Materials for this course can be found in Desire2Learn. To access Desire2Learn, go to Click the Log In with NetID button and enter your username and
password (the same that you use for email). Courses are arranged in order by semester. Scroll
down the page to locate this course and click on the link. Course materials can be found by clicking
on the Content link. If you need assistance with Desire2Learn, please contact the Helpdesk
608.342.1400 or email

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