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Commentary on Genesis 12:1-4a

Juliana Claassens
Genesis 12 is a chapter of new beginnings.
Following the introductory chapters of Israels Urgeschichte in Genesis 1-11, we meet Abraham in
Genesis 12 who will become in subsequent chapters the father of a large nation. But in this chapter,
one only sees the uncertain beginnings of a family who find themselves at the threshold of a new
This short pericope begins with Gods command to Abraham to go from his country, from his family,
from his father's house, to the land that God will show him. This divine command implies leaving all
that is familiar behind to face an uncertain future.
The call to Abraham though does not come alone. It is important to note that Gods command is
accompanied with a fivefold promise presented in five 1st person statements in verses 2-3a: God
says: Iwill make of you a great nation, I will bless you, I will magnify your name, I will bless those
who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. God says in no unclear terms that there is a
future waiting for Abraham and Sarah. And God is making some big promises: land to a landless
people, offspring to a barren couple.
God promises Abraham that he would be the father of a large nation -- a promise that as we will see
in subsequent chapters is rather preposterous given the fact that both Abraham and Sarah are far
beyond the years of having a child. Moreover, God will protect them wherever they go, by blessing
those that are good to them and cursing those that are not. In verse 3, one finds the additional
promise that has ramifications far beyond the little family of Abraham and Sarah. Through Abraham
and Sarah all the families of the earth shall be blessed. They will have an impact on people
So how does Abraham respond? We read in verse 4 that Abraham (and we could add Sarah) went.
Abraham and Sarah believed Gods promise, so Abraham and Sarah went. As Romans 4:18-21
describes this unwavering faith of Abraham (and Sarah): Hoping against hope, he believed that he
would become the father of many nations, according to what was said, So numerous shall your
descendants be.
He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was already as good as dead
(for he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah's womb.
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he
gave glory to God, being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

We that know the rest of the story will realize that many things still would need to happen before this
promise will come true. And some of these events in Abraham and Sarahs future are less than
pleasant. Before this story is over, Abraham will almost lose his wife in Egypt (cf. the stories of the
endangered matriarch in Genesis 12, 17 and 20 in which the patriarch passes his wife off three
times as his sister to the foreign ruler); there will be much pain with Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 16,
21); the barren couple will finally experience the joy of an own son (Genesis 18, 21); they will come
close to losing him (Genesis 22), and that is only in their own life time.
We are not even mentioning all the trials and travails that will happen in their children and
grandchildren and great grandchildrens lives, for instance ending up as slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1).
A key theme to explore in the book of Genesis and beyond is thus how the promise divulged to
Abraham in Genesis 12 is threatened but ultimately realized.
Three further perspectives regarding this text are worth exploring: First, at the heart of Genesis 12
is the theme of journey which will form a central part of Israels identity as a people on the move.
Samuel Terrien argues that the figure of Abraham is introduced as the embodiment of a new form
of society which deliberately severs its bonds with a static past in order to experiment in time. The
nomadic motif of movement through space emerges as a symbol of openness to the future (The
Elusive Presence, p 73). Genesis 12 thus employs the excitement of departing on a journey as
being representative of the new possibilities that the future may bring.
Second, Gods promise of presence and protection would prove vital in the early years of Israels
journey out of Egypt, through the wilderness en route to the Promised Land. In terms of the
Pentateuch receiving its final form during the Exile, one could argue that these promises also
received new significance during the traumatic years Israel spent in exile. This account addresses
the profound questions regarding Gods presence and power that were raised during the exile by
reminding Israel of Gods promises to Abraham.
Third, in the blessing to Abraham we already see some poignant reflection on Israels often
complex relationship with its neighbours. The promise in verse 3 that Abraham and Sarahs
descendants will be a blessing to the nations is picked up again in Isaiah 42:6 when the servant
(which may either be understood as an individual or as the people of Israel as a whole) is said to be
a light unto the nations. Throughout the biblical traditions, one sees though how the fulfilment of this
blessing is more often than not threatened and delayed. However, this promise is responsible for
the biblical witness not letting go of the ideal that Israel had a responsibility to its neighbours.
Finally, Genesis 12:1-4 speaks a powerful word today in those instances when we are called to
leave all that is known behind; to relinquish all our comforts and securities; to follow God with closed
eyes; to depart on a journey without a map. The journey may be long, sometimes much longer than
one may have thought. It is a journey with many ups and downs, many joys and sorrows. But it is

journey filled with many, many promises -- the most important being the promise of Gods presence
to show us the way.

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