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March 2015

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Greetings from Fr. Chuck

Two men are having a
conversation over coffee. One said: Im
concerned about my wife. She talks to
herself a lot these days. The other man
chimes in, Mine does too, but she doesnt
know it, she thinks Im listening.
I listen when Donna speaks as
she is a wise woman. We all need to pay
closer attention when others speak. I
remember my mother telling me when I
was very young, God gave you two ears
and only one mouth, so you would listen
twice as much as you speak. Maybe you
got the same sage advice.
Yet, its easier said than done.
Even while Im writing this the TV news is
playing in the other room and in fact its
hard to escape the voices that surround
us. The answering machine next to me is

blinking with a reminder of a voice

needing attention. Then theres the
birthday card I bought yesterday with
a voice greeting. Silence is a rare
Many years ago Soren
Kierkegaard suggested that one of the
remedys for the worlds ills was
silence. Kierkegaard claimed that even
when the Word of God was proclaimed
it would not be heard or heeded
because of all the noise and the
busyness of the world.
The picture and the caption
above address why listening and
hearing are so important. Faith comes
from what is heard and comes through
Gods Word. Our witness to those we
meet along The Way should stress

listening as well as visioning.

The challenges of the 21st
century require both a listening ear as
well as a sense of envisioning a way
forward. Listening before we speak, if
you will.
Every morning I get up at
4:30 a.m. and listen to what God would
have me do today. I enjoy the peace
and quiet and throughout this time God
speaks. Sometimes quietly and at
other times like a blast out of the
Scripture at times
addresses this by saying You that
have ears, listen. Make time this
Lenten Season to listen to God and you
will hear that you are loved.

Visioning Ahead
St. Andrews, St. Matthews and
Emmanuel have been in a cooperative
ministry for 6 years now and we have
much in common and much to share in
our journey as members of The Diocese
of CNY. We are better when we work
together in ministry. Also, this has called

us to look at the world around us and to

consider how the many changes affect us.
We are being called by God to vision a
new way forward not business as usual.
Its all about learning new ways, changing
attitudes, changing the way we move
forward as the Church.

Our Wardens have been meeting to

vision where God is calling us. We are all
unique and gifted parishes. And in order
for us to be effective and vital we must
vision together. As we grow closer
together our sense of mission grows
stronger as Gods people.


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March Birthdays

Robyn Uhlig


Jeremy Strauss

20 Russell Ketch

28 Fred Miers

Sierra Uhlig


Rachel Ballin

21 Savanna Keator

30 Bernard Dye

Karen Banks-Lindner


Richard Mattice

22 Lisa Smith

31 Sally Miers

Curtis Woodard

Talon Schroeder

23 David Austin

Gary Muserallo


Sierra Conant

24 Bonnie Carrier

Stanislaw Chmielewski


Miranda Murphy

Lynn Murray


Barbara Higley

12 Cathy Heim Gray

Ethan Hitchcock
25 Monica Stone

Elaine Sharki

Jonathan Brummel

March Lessons

Open to me the
gates of the
Temple, I will go

in and give thanks

to the Lord.

1st Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16



Numbers 21: 4-9

Psalm 22: 22-30

Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22



Romans 4: 13-25


Mark 8: 31-38

29 1st

Ephesians 2: 1-10


John 3: 14-21

Psalm 118: 19

Isaiah 50: 4-9

Psalm 118 1-2, 19-29


Philippians 2: 5-11

Gospel Mark 11: 1-11



Exodus 20: 1-17

22 1st Jeremiah 31: 31-34

Psalm 19

Psalm 51: 1-13

2nd 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25



Gospel John 12: 20-33

John 2: 13-22

Hebrews 5:5-10

Celebrating Lent
Instead of sacrificing something for Lent, lets find new ways to praise Gods presence. We can do this in
many ways: 1) Have extra devotions; 2) Attend Lenten worship services; 3) Spend time outdoors sensing
Gods magnificence; 4)Spend time with others, extending generosity and compassion. Remember Jesus
promise that when you care for others, you care for Him. (Matthew 5:31-46), 5) Pray for little things, coming
before God in childlike trust and feeling peace., 6) Watch attentively for Gods answers to prayers, and receive
them as reminders of his presence. 7) Turn anxiety into prayer.
From Episcopal NEWSLETTER


Page 3


Dear Friend,
I invite you to join me for a day of retreat on Saturday, March 7th at St. Lukes Church in Camillus.
The theme is Jesus Save Us! (Uh, ..from what?) Our day together is for lay persons who find Lent a compelling time for self-reflection
and Preparation, but preparation from what? How does it work? We will explore the journey of Jesus through the season of Lent and how
that journey relater to the promise of new life.
There is a full description on our Compass website: Just click on the Events tab at the top of the page, and youll see
our information there. I hope you will consider joining me in conversation and exploration. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact Kathy Dengler at
May the new year bring the promise of blessing and hope to you.

Bishop Skip
St. Patrick's Day trivia
You may know that St. Patrick used shamrocks to
teach about the Trinity, but did you know these other
facts about him?
St. Patrick wasnt Irish. (His parents were Roman
citizens living in either Scotland or Wales.)
He was kidnapped and sold as a slave at age 16.
After escaping six years later, he joined a
monastery in England.
March 17 is the date of St. Patricks death, not his
birth. He died in 461 A.D.
The color originally associated with St. Patrick is
blue, not green.
The harp, not the shamrock, is the national symbol
of Ireland.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Friday @ 4:30pm

March 6, 13, 20, and 27

The devotional time gives opportunity to do
something with our spirituality offering simple
practice to think about Gods great love for each of

Please consider helping to fill the church with lilies for Easter. You can do so by
filling out this form and sending a donation to the church or putting the envelope in
the offering on Sunday. Thank You for your donation.

IN MEMORY OF ______________________________________________________

IN CELEBRATION OF________________________________________________________________


Page 4

Inside Story Headline

Let me introduce myself. My name is Fran Nash and Im the new secretary here at
Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Ive lived in Norwich for over 25 years with my
husband, Warren. We have two adult children, our daughter, Lindsay and her
husband Shawn, and our son Benjamin. Lindsay and Shawn are expecting their first
child (and our first grandchild) in August. Needless to say, we are excited for this
event to happen in our family. I enjoy spending time with my family. We all enjoy
traveling together, doing 5Ks, going to movies and dining out. Im looking forward
to working here at the church. Everyone has been so kind and patient with me so
far. My hours are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and
Thursday and Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

March 8, 2015

Condolences to the Ellis family

On the death of Minnie Ellis

Brown Bread

by Sue Ackerman

1 cup sour milk

Scant tsp baking soda
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup flour
1 cup graham flour
Bake 350 degrees for 1 hour

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Chapter 3

Introduction to Sin

by Joan Chapin

The greatest gift God has given to us is the freedom of choice. This gift of freedom does not come without its
problems. By not trusting in God, we damage our relationship with God.
It is in Genesis Chapter 3 that we are introduced to sin. In Genesis 3:1 the craftiest of Gods animals, the
serpent, is introduced. God has told the man (Adam) that he could eat any fruit in the garden, BUT the fruit
from the tree of knowledge in the center of the garden. The serpent questions the woman (Eve), asking Did
God really say you could not eat fruit from any of the trees in the garden?
The woman knows what consequences of eating the fruit will bring, and
tells the serpent that if they eat the fruit they will die.
The serpent says that is not true. If you eat the fruit of that tree you will be
like God and be able to tell good from evil. (Genesis 3:4).
The woman was tempted. She thought it would be wonderful to be wise
and the fruit looked delicious. So she ate the fruit and gave some to her
As soon as they ate the fruit, they realized they were naked and clothed
themselves with fig leaves. They were afraid when they heard God walking in the garden and they hid. God asked them why they ate the fruit. The
woman blamed the serpent.
God then shows us there are consequence when we do not follow His word. God punishes the serpent in
Genesis 3: 14-15. God says to the snake, you will from now on crawl on your belly and you will have to eat
dust as long as you live. I will make you and the woman hate each other. Her offspring will crush your head,
and you will bite their heels. He punishes the woman in Genesis 3: 16, God says I will increase your trouble
in pregnancy and your pain in giving birth, you will still have desire for your husband, yet you will be
subject to him. The man was punished in Genesis 3:17-18. God said to him because you listened to your wife
and ate the forbidden fruit, the ground will be cursed. You will have to work hard all your life to make it
produce enough food for you. It will produce weeds and thorns, and you will have to eat wild
God sends Adam plants.
and Eve out of the
God also sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and made it impossible for anyone to
Garden of Eden eat from the tree of life.
and made it
impossible for
anyone to eat
from the tree of

As we, as humans, struggle to be more like God, it drives us. Everything we do becomes
more difficult starting from the original sin.

Fr. Chuck Taylor, Rector
PO Box 370
New Berlin, NY 13411
Phone: 334-8801 or 847-6361
Editor: Fran Nash
Phone: 607-334-8801

Norwich, NY


To Know God and To Make Him Known

Remember the church in your Will!

We Worship Together
Botanists say that trees need the
powerful March winds to flex their
trunks and main branches, so that the sap
is drawn up to nourish the budding
leaves. Perhaps we need the gales of life
in the same way, though we dislike
enduring them. A blustery period in our
fortunes is often the prelude to a new
spring of life and health, success and
happiness, when we keep steadfast in
faith and look to the good in spite of
Jane Truax

Passion Sunday

Emmanuel Soul Kitchen

March 29
9:30am Emmanuel
Episcopal Church

Emmanuel Episcopal
5:30 6:30

Liturgy of Palms, Passion Narrative

Free Meal
Come for the fellowship

with celebration of the

Holy Eucharist

Hosted by
Emmanuel Episcopal Church

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