Quarks and Leptons Halzen Solutions

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Ei Ae ME | HE i _—«[PHYSI¢s 225 A- Homework we [A Co) 4 Or) T spinless, aC angur momentum orbitad Poa C1) => Tota 2t This does not expen quentum numbers of ecteal mesons, 24 TA OF ) Plavyys YC +E! L=o — J=4 —» 47 [ees wrth Lod —¥ Tr04,2 —» 07,4721. | preudosca@ar meson L220 —e Jo4,2,.3 —e 17/25/34 Quentum number (0) 3@3 = 663 (Walzer aud Martin, Figure 2-6) ©) 6 bn Flovor symmetic , one isospin Hiplet 7 One tsespin doubler ne —Isespin Stnglex | By Flevor outisymmetitc one isospin doublet v7 "ene (sespin singer | (e) Lowest mon, boo => Ps (-1h = + [Y>= Ispind [Spaced |Flevor> [cole > syyanotuie X ant isymuetic for Le? S-4 symmeticc => 6 rep tseutition ~—P xe qt Sao auticymmetiuc —> ZB represeatebon Tot ’ Ete eee EE HUE EEE EME (2) @® Halzen ond Movin 247 | 30303: 4@8@ Bed The 10 i filly symmetice — U0%yoz Ee (ude + usd s dus s sud rsdu sds The 1 i totally ontisymmotiic [tu = Fe (ads -usd das - sd +sudtdus) “Was must be because (4) dll feces muct oppear witti | Squat footsgs | &) Acting wit Te, Ut Ve D mst | dllgeys get zero. | There ore four more uds states belonging to He tuo 8 | P, 'S" and “A" refer te symmetiy Joust syrmnohiog undor intercecuge fh 1472 Re fe [ (udeds) a - auud | Holeen & Hortin 2.62. fy = & [nd-du]o Holzer ¢ Herkin 2.60 | Roisiug, ad Powering operctirs | Ms, ye d 4 | OK: MY | | Vv. UL | This ts is dso Sbnous becous. it i Hae only coulis a rd WP z, [ees multiplicative content — T will resfore normabizetion ob the eud : (Ei ~ ws-252) a 5 ~ Gs-si)e+(urss)d : | So = & (dsu-sdu sued -sud) | (Redor of % Faw ornobret) The singlet state Ap must be (1) outisym wrth respest ® 1e>2 @ Grth ofonel te Se us F cou vate Wess 2 { [es -sd)u + Den us Je =[d-d-]3} G24 5 Cas -sdJou + (us-s9d3 | Clearly ER ond | Ry, cre orthegone& | 2STAEDTLER' | Ni, wi be something ike Ne ~ @ (ds-sdJu + blus-sjd + cfud-de]s (Tr eadar for Ag eto be orthogonal 4 Ey ae-b a> OM} 9 [ds-sd]un sa fsuus]dt eLad-di]s | Bur e2-20 | And_+o get the nowiclizetion vig BAT | |, ae ' [as-sd Ja + [5-usiJd ~ 2G duds 3 \ [abe Ure St Or elo lced Zo ~Gses)u-wes BEER GerDietsey, STAEDTLER’ | | eC BP~ DES ~dsisdu sseadd —2uds-2dus Resteriug tre normeZizetion |= He [ered ue Dredd ~ 2h h]53 | Ng must be © Symmetie 12 © orthogonal to = 2 . orthogonal te Mor Wate Age ~ afdse sdJu + bluse sud + ¢ Gada dus | Oelb <=o =P etbic =n Seluhon is cz ,as-b A= £ § [as-saJu - bsvs}4} @ Holeen oud Kettn 24% aur Cia aad Faas dss ss Es Hs wocePunckton com be obtiined fou the proten with the tep€ecenent d—o>s = Since fe (4 fu-hy ) Yes “Eppa Sat ee = 1) Some ao neation | bu with ups ee $444 1, =: Seume © proton, but unth Us de on lp) [= + Some 57 buk wth sea dos & y 5 a 5 hi a | [We can obtain the E° wevePanction frou the S* (obtained from the protn with dos) ot pPeying, amas Jett > : i Jutus sts ubutst -2ututsy + permatitions | ||e°t>- iE [itus st ut dy cts dvutste udtst ~2dtutst —2utdtsy + permueton] ee ag [Oaehemd) (Meda tps) + (Purrerre (pot pa te) +4 (Mabe Ac) 44 ha tus apy] x3 © se: [A (1-4-4 44 44 44) ts (detent 44 4 Reale Ma l-t44-44444 7] 5 4 Bya + 8fu- the) hae 2 a [Bhat pap | The A ib om isospin singlet Somety boxer ktetens| ell us thot we con ony arite Ue oo |at> = [ [ut ab - daub) st — (usdt-dbut) st + permutetions | bye % (Qernettey © Ou bathe + (Heth ope) + -Atporn a 7g [A (t-to4) thy (-4 44 t4-4) + Ms (1444 te4))| SEDTLER | | © Nous nutri colly : “taming perfec Suis) eS Bu? -2fg~-2fhs Mer 3 lta)? & 3 (- BM Ma)= 3 Also Je 2.79 oy => by = - 093 My, | nucleo GATAD mosnckor | Lnetlentalds ; eet aoe meen: Pe 3 am, en an 2my | Nucleon | Then es C43 My Hv My 0.36 m, Speers emp = | Bagion CALCULATED ja Su (3) APFROK DATA P 45 (4uu) 3g 279 uy Cuno) | n Ya UMa- fe) —® 2M = 186m, 1 My, | ae % (4fa-Be) —e - 3M = 2.78, 2046 My, % (4fa-Ms) ——> = 2.43 y= lel My sie 5 (2 fat 2h ho). > =H, > 4098), ie = a (4Ms- Mag) My = By —O.8S ty) | Sere evi (4s -Mu) b> 24, = - (86h 125 Ky A Ms a 2-8 93 y, =2.61 py, ial ae RL Re (©) Hobaen = Hontin ZIG | let? [& Xe (usd - BX (May fee G (addin ee [(udedudu-auudy % (Wa) =f (tut - Lor) X (Me) = PE [Mt vt#- 2174) (Tends a, [ude aun (Ntevtt- 20) ] + -é, [wens du -2uud) (Ay t- 41) ] tt ‘lets [ we (2 Vtt 2910) + dun (oOG8 -2 741) taund (Nbt- vet) | @STHEDTLER’ Pes 2a | fa +4 ha tM tts +s +4) = Yy For the neation, TF pus replere Uae d = Aye My | So My 2 fu bak fye-2hy = 4/4 | Fa acecesul aac en Heber oud Mertin 230 - 2 Se 5% He = 208-8) 25, | Gea ota EZ. ash |W Se SS & (494) = %& st, 2 $(St1) Also Beis, S> G'r3 anol GAZ Equotion 1) becomes | | B43 4+ 2G 245054) No. 937 8 Engi 2)/STAEDTLER® = Wade = 25(SH)-3 for the 1 [r= met my 3a. ea Se Paty * Por the Kk |e mam, +2 Sina] Sed | Mats | | Thea, 1 unts of Gev) az O16 mo = 0, 01s4 4, t 2m.-2,: 2+ 16S - 3+ 0.0184 ~ 3.2q Gey expt 2.98 GeV etsy Sao are Uhh: amet Bs 27 LOS +O.0184 = 234 Gey expt 3.lo Gel te O655e Tae D = |65+ 0314 - Zo0Sy _ 1,83 GeV a Q69).8-8) expt 1 BFGev Do (FV! Mer ms - Be = 1.654048 - eos )* 2ZOLGEY mem. 65) (0.48) a HU expt 14RGel- * D s Me smy + A 2 AW GeV expt 2.01GeV meme foe — DS (FA): meamp +e . 2s Gel expt 2.ll GeV Mam, — 3%. 0.14 GY expt O14 GeV Met my + 2 2 O1BGEY expt 077%Gelr Myetmse 32 . O46 Ge expt O49 Gol Prams MxM +_%@ = 0.89GV ee, 0.62 Gel eeu = 289 Gol pt. Ue eel~. | Shyer te, 2m, + a = ).03Gey expt 1-02 ev as eee Me-m, = MAG 0.63 GeV Memes [m(0t)- m(ns)] = 415 eV (Gse-RY -4st, = 2 a A 2 ERE = 4 She, oy 6 O23 (see previous problen) = 2 a a q+ 2 By 8a 4Smr , FG + 2 her Ye en ed o 1S 54 For the AB, Sort & (Ba) =! For the ON, subs (ee = % | Then | using mysmg=m m (AB): 8m+ a! S days amea) Pe 97. amy 3a! art ame L a2 @ 2m? h(N)= Bm4 0! SES = mis’ [2-4 Se, 2me oy peels vate 3a. m(A)-m(n\: @ 6a’. ga’ 2m? tm Bor the T, prenous proble mm) 22m ~ 3a ae | For the P, previous problen. m(e)22m4 a : a. |a=2 4 ea we get eae} Ms [me)- m(k)] = 0.62.6 i Fn()-meay)= NdSéel ™m(P)- mer) = 42! , oT Im (4)-m(w)= % [mie)-meny| : Habeen ond Hertin 2,32 2! Nel Tet Tae Se toahe 2” hw T=! Ty+-| EB ~ dds | 2S? coupdlés te tint F°~ (udidu) s A ea he ae q Ground stele ,L>0 > 94 ie weve function symmeteie Total each ch Wate bo orga | Fir %, 99 Aavor symmelie => Spin symnetire =P Saget | 2SAEDTLER® For A 99 Hever antisymmetric @ Spin eutsymmetuc => Seqeo Sip = GSE) BP SiS a Gee Se sty br €: Feo = Z (alter) ~ BE) 4d) ] = 4 ro Al ts 3, 4 [e+)- 44) 2] =~ % Now consider FPA (F + Be (Se BY I: Spr 2S, + 2 Swe Ss Se Sr 5% = (S42 [3*~ Sek 53) ° ae Ns 38% Servo S24 => (S45)8, 2 0 | 2: T2K Seri Spee 2 (8 48)5 = -t o x oe 252 52% Smee! S42 aGeB)G ark = ae _@ | Equetion (2. 42), using th Myitty dud 5-4 (hd using the tesult Yrom HPH~2.30) = ey ay ras 5 ey a m (Ag) = 2my+mq + 2 At Sa J+ mo Ba m (ZQd= 2ma + mg +20 ae ¢ cw 2 Mgt 28! [1 By cana mele ma — Im (2%) \F 2mq+ mgt se 2: im, +2 fee i Be Then m(&)-m(A,) 2 2a’ » 3a” ga! #8 (2,)-m(A.) B®, int” Fe Ga a] = OMe ra §j e 5 | m (2)-m (A) = pera 5 @ | AM(c)= 20’ m,-m, eu AM(s)= Mem, | Me Me me Ms 2 AM (s) MH Ms Me Hobzea oud Metin 2.22 | D> Kitt lea> > [sa>+ lud> ‘ < K | c Do KUT 7 ALLOWED 16 DTT” no stauge quorte in Pinel state Stace ews , ts does not occur (Well, i docs, but it 1s suppresteel ) cowed rons ton) | Da kt two sheuge quorks m final state - | Tne Con come fiom C—>s _ The ofte— One Cannot come frou $755 unless Hare ¢ (S @ stracge perticle- Nor ollowed _ | (Atially this be occurs but if 1S suppressant Cad wh gas | gore) | E ; a fe Die kl hh eta see | (Actucly it occurs, but it rs Suppressed tice CW's ; | | Gar Bakr pos eee Gabe ae < DSi [bed | eta b bos bit he coe: zl DQ hy S+-3 (strougeness ) D=0 wen | Bet Kz472 Mev ig | Heong wnat lech rou eguete Wlerections conserve | Stree peness- for this to Aopen, 3 poss) biltes |) Gould decay nts Lge bergen , Sty Pern cud 3K _ Ml2>) - Kp) = 72-138 He’ = 73¢ Kev = i) But M(kK)= 494 MeV, BM(K) > 134 Nev (“or pessietd z | () Could decey info S=-2 boryon + Z keons | &2 foryon, ="? WE) = 195 Hey M(a0) - H(Z)= Wt -13/5= 357 Ke eos | But BM(k) > 35% fev | / Wor fossl8le / | ©) Coald deceg mis S2-1 bowen + 2 Keons Se-1 baryon , lightest 6 A HX) -H(A)= 672 - WS = 552 Hey But 2k) > 957 Mev | Then, We oe oft wth Weok econ & the only psi bilby k ij a B a | @) Wate af id sketes They must be sfumeliic | | ude 4252 becouse J(B)=0 so Ltmm=o | The, welll decagde decompose the physcal eles | Setemils isospin._pieces _ | Denote phyeied stotes by [e-> , [#07 , lo o> Jt = iB jac pe é [rr > = é [2 l20> + 24> ged] I i. [gl2*> -Rlk D th (0 o> 5 | | Q ko-k g lee [E [o> | : | e@ | &®: lrry bo Ble - glee> | bos glee glee: gf br. dla ]+ BAR O- gkO] i) Birr a Al-% ee Add. a spurion s e isospin | 3? to the left site AY: & of Sx, | BSP = <2 418s, [ Bis? | Be [ateo= 1b 491k De BO ah? DK Loti Ss) 24 Nw rn\el + ~ ne ~~ Ww aw fe & V ie ow Nee iN 5 eS 26 ® STAEDTLER® _—__—_1 Co 6 4 Basls [24> 3, % [ee B Se, [here Ss, br Shorthoud for the ompltude | £2 Tg) 54,12 Ted which dees not depend | on Tz} | oe (Bot T her o O12-% & AT=% components | [Introduce two Sparions ho |s>- |% 4> [4 |a’> - L-[S2, [B's + L+-154] B's’ D> |[Bs> 2 le 451% 42> Gods yleedD (Ws d= lk -4>|4 a>=@leor+ @lee> hese lt -D ont hes Too & Far cou bones , tus becomes (use [x -7= 2 o> © Fle o> ) aes ze ol Sz,|2 o> “F Lo ol Syl ee0> 6 \ | A = ont Boe [Bor hen MJ-% & AY- 5 Components A’: Hl F%,| Bs> + S01] 4%) Bs D> | hdreae Wo howe ool, warbed out [BD & [Bte> Mso, wi >= [lz - zz loo> => fp": Bade! Ss) 20> - 2% eel Se leed gos | a Ih ° Sa" GO Now verity Computation Pad @ STAEDTLER' a- Se : : > Brw. Pssible Bom” pexpuns ore Oe But diegre Bro 1 (uz) o Brom (d7) Sunuing Hen & BY ai (ured) Buk the Tt uaodd wet uaedd ie Jz

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