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(1) Billing date for billing index and printout

The date on which the billing is processed and booked for accounting purposes.
If invoice dates are defined for the customer, the system proposes the billing date
from the invoice date calendar.
If no payment cards are defined, If it is order related billing it will take order creation
date, if delivery related billing it will take delivery creation date. If you are billing
services, the system proposes the date of services rendered. You can change the
date manually in the sales document.
If you are using a billing plan to bill a project, the system can propose billing dates for
the billing plan on the basis of planned or actual dates in the corresponding
In a billing plan for a maintenance or rental contract, you can specify rules by which
the system determines billing dates on the basis of other dates in the contract

We are facing problem at item level billing date field. This field should be filled with
the GI Date in schedule lines shipping tab. but, it(billing date) is not being filled with
goods issue date but, with the required deliver date at sales order header.
In VTFL for header maintain copying requirement as 003
In VTFL for item maintain copying requirement as 004 for item category
PGI date is copied into Billing date field.
(2) Rounding difference condition type: DIFF
Condition type


Alt cal type

DIFF (Rounding



Alt base

A/c key

No access sequence. Determine the rounding difference value of a particular step.

Basically used for a step number of Grand total.
To allow decimal values in condition records for any condition type:
OY04: Maintain no of decimal places required against currency. Maximum no of
decimal places allowed are 5.
(3) Is it possible to add line items at delivery level? If yes how to restrict
Yes it is possible; item category for these items is DLN.
To restrict this, in delivery document type
Item requirement: 202 (Order W Independent)
Change it to 101 ( Item)
(4) Is it possible to set a minimum value for a sales order i.e. sales order
net value should be minimum values of 10 lakhs?

Condition types AMIZ & AMIW

1. Use AMIW or your version of it. Put it into your pricing procedure and mark it as
2. In program MV45AFZZ, there is routine USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE,
write code to look up table XKOMV where KSCHL = AMIW (or your condition type).
Then compare net value of the sales order (VBAK-NETWR) to the condition value just
retrieved (XKOMV-KWERT). If net value is lower than condition value, you can give a
message to the user as well as setting the delivery block before saving.
3. Create your minimum order value condition records via VK11
4. Configure a blocking reason via OVLS
Indirect method:
VK11 - Enter your condition type - Press Enter key - Go in with the relevant access
Enter relevant price value for the material.
Then press Detail Button (Magnifying Glass) or F6 key
In the new screen you can maintain lower and upper limits for that material. Under
Amounts section.
Maintain those and Save the condition.
Once you create a sales order for that material, you can see that price automatically
comes to the sales order.
If you try to change the price above the given limits, system will issue a error
message in the sales order.
(5) How to restrict the adding of line items into a sales order for which
delivery & invoice is already happened?
(6) Use of Backflush indicator.
You can set the backflushing indicator in MRP 2 View of material master OR
Work center basic data tab page OR
With a back flushing indicator, system automatically post goods issue of component
when the corresponding operation is confirmed completely from the sloc specified.
There is no need to carry out manual goods issue ie 261 movement type.
There are following two option available for backflush. They are self explainatory 1 Always backflush
2 Work center decides whether to backflush
(7) Report to run sales order costing:


(8) How to quotation numbers to sales order numbers in production order in make to
order process?
(9) RM procurement process in make to order scenario?
F External procurement - system creates a planned order or purchase requisition
based on the choice made in the planning run parameters
E In house production Planned orders are created.
X Both - system would creates a planned order to cover the shortages and gives
the user an option to create a production order or a purchase requisition/purchase
order out of it. If quota arrangement exists then you can have a certain percentage
produced and a certain percentage procured.

(10) Payment terms picked from where into sales order?

Payer customer master record
(11) Is it possible to have different payment terms for different line items in
a sales order?
Yes, maintain more than one payer a single sold to party, maintain different payment
terms for each payer, change payer manually line item wise you can achieve it.
(12) Use of item number increment field?
Normal practice of item number increment is 10. If it is 1 & if you have BOM

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