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A Guide to Hysys

P. Johnson

A Table of Tutorials is located at the back of the document

Table of Contents


INTRO TO HYSYS FOR 2 YEAR .................................................................................................................... 3

WHY USE HYSYS? (OR SIMULATIONS).............................................................................................................. 4
GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................... 5
GOOD HABITS .................................................................................................................................................. 8
KEY ELEMENTS IN THE HYSYS WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 8
UNIT OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 9
SELECTING INPUTS TO USE ............................................................................................................................. 14
DEALING WITH THE SPREADSHEET FUNCTION ................................................................................................ 16
USEFUL NOTES ............................................................................................................................................... 18
CHNG 2801 (FLUID MECHANICS) .................................................................................................................. 20
FLUID MECHANICS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 21
PIPES .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
USING CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................................................................... 30
PUMPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
ENERGY BALANCES........................................................................................................................................ 46
MASS TRANSFER ............................................................................................................................................ 49
CHANGING SYSTEM PROPERTIES IN THE MIDDLE OF A SESSION ..................................................................... 52
SIMPLE REACTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 54
CHNG 2804 (THERMODYNAMICS) ................................................................................................................ 56
THERMODYNAMICS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 57
GAS COMPRESSION......................................................................................................................................... 57
ITEM TABLES .................................................................................................................................................. 62
GAS EXPANSION ............................................................................................................................................. 64
POWER CYCLES .............................................................................................................................................. 66
HYSYS STEADY STATE CONTROLS (SET/ADJUST/RECYCLE) .......................................................................... 74
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING ...................................................................................................... 74
THERMODYNAMIC PACKAGE CHOICES................................................................................................... 82
PACKAGES INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 83
VLE SIMPLE SELECTION ................................................................................................................................ 83
THERMODYNAMIC PACKAGES ........................................................................................................................ 85
BAD THERMODYNAMIC PACKAGE EXAMPLES ................................................................................................ 93
CHNG 2806 (ANALYSIS PRACTICE 2) ........................................................................................................... 95
ADDITIONAL 2ND YEAR HYSYS UNIT OPERATIONS ......................................................................................... 96
PHASE SEPARATORS ....................................................................................................................................... 96
BASIC DISTILLATION CONCEPTS (COMPONENT SPLITTER) ............................................................................. 97
AIR COOLERS ................................................................................................................................................. 99
INTRODUCTION TO 3RD YR........................................................................................................................... 100
MORE UNIT OPERATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 100
COMPONENTS FILTERS ................................................................................................................................. 102
CHNG 3801 (REACTION ENGINEERING) ................................................................................................... 103
REACTION ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 104
HARDER DISTILLATION ................................................................................................................................ 107
CHNG 3802 (PROCESS CONTROL)............................................................................................................... 111
LINKING DRIVE SHAFTS ................................................................................................................................ 112
DYNAMIC MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 112
ENTERING DYNAMIC MODE ......................................................................................................................... 117
SIMPLE DYNAMIC EXAMPLES ....................................................................................................................... 119
CONTROLLERS .............................................................................................................................................. 120
CONTROLLER EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................................. 122
CHNG3806 (PRODUCTS AND VALUE CHAINS) ........................................................................................ 125
STREAM PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................... 126
DETERMINING WHAT SOLIDS OPERATION TO USE......................................................................................... 128
OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 129
10 ADVANCED MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................. 131
PIPESYS ........................................................................................................................................................ 131
11 NOT SO CLEVER APPLICATIONS OF HYSYS .......................................................................................... 134

1 Intro to Hysys for 2nd year

This first section of the guide has the descriptions of some unit operations and the meaning of the
most common warnings together with the reason for the different colours used for operations, lines
etc. This section should be useful if there are problems with the use of Hysys.

Table of Contents for Section 1

WHY USE HYSYS? (OR SIMULATIONS).............................................................................................................. 4
GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Can the Process be simulated using Hysys? ............................................................................................... 5
Stating Hysys............................................................................................................................................... 5
GOOD HABITS .................................................................................................................................................. 8
KEY ELEMENTS IN THE HYSYS WORKSPACE .................................................................................................... 8
UNIT OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Material Stream .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Energy Stream............................................................................................................................................. 9
Tank/ Separator .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Cooler/ Heater .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Heat Exchanger ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Pump ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Compressor/ Expander ............................................................................................................................. 11
Gas Pipe/ Pipe Segment............................................................................................................................ 12
Valve ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Mixer/ Tee ............................................................................................................................................ 12

The Mixer .........................................................................................................................................................12

The Tee.............................................................................................................................................................13

Spreadsheet .......................................................................................................................................... 13
SELECTING INPUTS TO USE ............................................................................................................................. 14
Degrees of Freedom.................................................................................................................................. 14
Finding the Physical Properties of a Stream ............................................................................................ 14
DEALING WITH THE SPREADSHEET FUNCTION ................................................................................................ 16
Importing Information .............................................................................................................................. 16
Exporting Information .............................................................................................................................. 16
How to Find Help with Formulas ............................................................................................................. 16
USEFUL NOTES ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Colours of Items........................................................................................................................................ 18


Material Stream ................................................................................................................................................18

Energy Stream ..................................................................................................................................................18
Unit Operations.................................................................................................................................................18
Item Status Strips Screens.................................................................................................................................18
Parameter Text..................................................................................................................................................18

Warnings................................................................................................................................................... 18

Overdefined ......................................................................................................................................................19
Calculation Error ..............................................................................................................................................19
Incremental Error..............................................................................................................................................19
Not Solved ........................................................................................................................................................19
Input not Valid..................................................................................................................................................19
Temperature Cross............................................................................................................................................19
Other Errors ......................................................................................................................................................19

1.1 Why use Hysys? (or Simulations)

Hysys is a simulator that was designed for chemical engineers particularly in the field of
petrochemicals. However over the years the package has grown to handle aqueous systems and
particle flows.
The simulation is only as good as the assumptions made, correlations, thermodynamic packages and
data available. That means an appropriate thermodynamic package needs to be chosen and your
thermodynamics text books will be a useful guide for this.
Simulations are used in two major areas, these are Design and Operation. Simulators are useful in
design due to the high speed of calculations on sizing, costing, timing and error analysis. The
Operational side of simulators are in optimisation of plant maintenance, feedstock costs, chemical
reactions and rating equipment. Rating equipment is determining if the equipment performs as
desired. Another part of operational simulation is to remove bottlenecks in the process by
experimenting with the chemical or energy pathways to give a more efficient process.
Properly used simulations save time and money in day-to-day operation of chemical systems. Hysys
is a very powerful simulation tool, but must be operated by someone that has the correct
understanding of the background knowledge that is used within Hysys. Such as what fluids package
to use and when, how many recycle streams are possible, and knowing when a unit operation is too
large for a real life construction to take place.
These are all examples of things that Hysys cannot give us because Hysys is only a big calculator
and is not designed to make the decisions for us. Hysys has 3 major levels of functionality; these are
initial flow sheeting with simple mass and energy balances, basic equipment sizing and design, and
dynamic simulations. The operator needs to understand the key concepts of design and optimisation
to use this tool effectively. For much of this book only Flow sheeting and some sizing will be
-Master the program, dont be mastered by it.

1.2 Getting Started

1.2.1 Can the Process be simulated using Hysys?
Hysys has a large range but by no means all of the chemicals or unit operations that are available to
chemical engineers, so we need to determine if the process can be simulated.
Before using a flow sheet it is best to write out and chemicals, reaction paths, operations and what
operating conditions are necessary.
In general advanced materials and Bio-chemicals/ Organisms are not catered for in Hysys. Unit
operations that are missing may be estimated using the simple pallet.
The next thing that needs to be determined is what fluid package to use. There will be a guide in
Section 4 Thermodynamic Package Choices, up to this point one will be given to you to use.

1.2.2 Stating Hysys

Before you start learning how to work Hysys it is required to know how to start the program and get
into the simulation screen.
Firstly we need to open Hysys. This may be found by following these folders in the start menu of
the schools computers:
Aspen Engineering Suite
This will bring up a blank window that looks like the picture
Figure 1-1 to the right. To start a new file, click the new file
button (B1). Then a new screen will pop up which looks like
Figure 1-2 below.

Figure 1-1: The Starting Screen



Figure 1-2: The Basis Manager screen on the Components Tab

From this screen all of the workings behind the simulation may be assembled such as the
components or materials, fluids packages, Hypothetical components, reactions and others. These are
the key factors in any chemical process simulation. There is a list of tabs towards the bottom of this
window, which allow each different function to be explored. In order to return to this menu at any
time simply click on the Enter Basis Environment button (B2)
Lets start simple, click on the Add button (B3) then you will see another new screen pop up.
This is shown below in Figure 1-3.
At this screen it is possible to use the in built search engine for a material that will be used in the
For the demonstration below air was chosen and added into the match box (R1). This found the
material in the list and the <--- Add Pure Button (B4) was pressed when air was selected. To
delete a component from the list just highlight the wring component and press the Remove --->
button (B5) and try again.
When you have finished, simply close the window. This may be done using the button at the top
right of the window (x).
NOTE: Air is a combined property set for an Oxygen/Nitrogen mixture. If oxygen is required define
the air as the multi-component system with Oxygen and Nitrogen. This is particularly important for
reactions such as combustion.



List of

List of

Figure 1-3: The Components Selection and search screen

Next a fluid package must be selected. In order to do this we need to find the Fluids Package tab on
the basis manager screen (Figure 1-2). The screen should now look like Figure 1-4 below. From this
screen you are able to view any active fluids packages and create some new ones. To create a new
fluid basis, simply click the Add button (B6).


Figure 1-4: The Fluids Package Tab

The following window will appear once this is done. This can be seen below in Figure 1-5.


Figure 1-5: The Fluids package selection screen

If you are unsure of which Fluids Package to choose, click on the Launch Property Wizard
Button (B7a). This will bring up a new window that looks like the one in Figure 1-6 below. Follow
the prompts until a few options are given to you. Commonly used packages are Peng-Robinson for
general purpose, ASME Steam or NBS Steam for water systems and PRSV or UNIQUAC for polar
mixtures such as Water/ Ethanol. There are a variety of Fluids packages in Hysys, their uses will be
discussed later in Section 4.
For now scroll down and select Peng-Robinson. Once
this is completed close this window. This will return you
to the Fluids package tab where your new fluids package
will be shown in the list.

Figure 1-6: The Property Wizard Window

Now Hysys is ready to run a several simulations. This

may be done by entering the simulation environment. By
pressing the Enter Simulation Environment button
(B7- in Figure 1-4 above). A green Background will

1.3 Good Habits

There are some good habits to get into in order to make life a little easier for other group members,
tutors and yourself to down the track. These include having most of the streams flow in the same
direction, generally left to right and top to bottom, the exception being recycle streams and cyclic
systems. This may be achieved by placing the units on the page before any streams are added.
Another approach is to draw out the layout by hand. It is also a good idea to give names to the
units/objects to help determine what things are.
For larger and more complex configurations it is easier to label streams with designated letters such
as S for material streams and an Individual 3-digit number for each letter. It is also a good idea to
label from the mainstream and outwards from there as you go along. Try to keep the different types
of energy separated; (I use Q-Electrical, H-Heat), this is because Hysys cant differentiate
between types of energy for you. Mixing up the energy types may cause a violation in the second
law of thermodynamics.

1.4 Key Elements in the Hysys Workspace

In order to find the tool bar, which has the entire set of unit operations on it, simply click on B8
shown in Figure 1-7 below. This will bring up the toolbar (R2). Other key interface areas of the
screen are the Object status list (R3), Response/ Action (R4) and the Zoom to all button (B9).




Figure 1-7: The major features of Hysys on the screen.

1.5 Unit Operations

Hysys has a wide range of unit operations and they may be found on the tool bar (R2) above. In
each section of this there will be an illustration of the position of the item on the toolbar shown on
the right of the screen. The commonly defined variables are highlighted.

1.5.1 Material Stream

This is a generic connection intermediate unit. It is used for material transit to
and from a unit operation. These are where most of the specifications go for
the system to work. The common specifications are listed below. On the
toolbar it is a BLUE arrow. (Figure 1-8)
Volumetric Flow
Molar Flow
Cost Factor
Mass Flow
Vapour Fraction*
*(Only define for critical limits) such on distillation columns streams and
finding the Dew/ Bubble point temperatures.

Figure 1-8:
Material Stream

The most commonly defined parameters are Temperature, Pressure,

Composition and Flow

1.5.2 Energy Stream

This is the energy transport operation. This can be either electricity or heat.
However when these are connected between different systems make sure the
energy type is correct. Hysys works with heat and work equivalent heat. This
means it wont stop the user from violating the second law of thermodynamics.
NOTE: These are not related to Temperature. A method for avoiding the mix up
is discussed above in Section 1.3.

Figure 1-9:
Energy Stream

These are usually placed from inside the operation that requires them. There are only a few
specifications that can be made in these. However these items are usually left alone and are
calculated from unit operations. The energy stream is used in two ways; finding the required energy
or the effects of a certain amount of energy, (temperature and pressure changes). The location is
shown as a RED arrow on the toolbar. (Figure 1-9)
Energy Flow

1.5.3 Tank/ Separator

This is a generic closed tank with multiple inlet and outlet options. Hysys does
not detect Overflow or an open tank initially. These can however be estimated
by defining more parameters within the system. The available parameters are
listed on the next page. The tank is the unit operation on the far right of the top
row as indicated on the right, (Figure 1-10). The two units on its left are the
separator on the far left and a 3 phase separator in the middle.
Figure 1-10:
Tank/ Separator

Inlet Delta P
Tank Geometry
Tank Type
Tank Volume
Vapour Outlet Delta P
Heat Loss Type
Liquid Level (%)
The commonly used parameters are the Inlet and Outlet Delta P, Tank Type/Geometry and

1.5.4 Cooler/ Heater

The cooler and heater are simple heat exchangers to use when developing a
flow sheet, they are best used as a pair. A simple heat integration and energy
balance could be done by combining a cooler or heater to an empty energy
stream. This function allows for a good indication of the units scope by
giving energy in the form that is relatable to the user such as material
flowrates. The major considerations when using these functions are to keep
the materials streams realistic because Hysys does not calculate the
efficiency or logic of the process. Ie. Dont have Cooling Water heating
Steam. This would be a violation in the second law of thermodynamics.
These problems are different to those of the heat exchanger unit operation
described below.

Figure 1-11: Heater

and Cooler

The Heater and cooler are simple in comparison to the heat exchanger units that Hysys has to offer.
These simple operations are important for initial heat exchange design of any plant. These functions
may be found where indicated on the right. Blue is cooler, Red is heater, (Figure 1-11). For later
stage design it is better to replace these couples with the Heat Exchanger unit, this is a much more
detailed of the heat exchanger with construction materials taken into account.
The available specifications for these units are listed below. It is better to define most of the
variables in external streams leaving only one variable left to be calculated.
Delta P
Delta T
Duty/ Heat
Heat Loss
Various other variables that are not necessary for 2nd and 3rd year Hysys
The most commonly used variables are the Pressure and Temperature change.

1.5.5 Heat Exchanger

There are two (2) types of complex heat exchanger in Hysys. These are the Shell and Tube Heat
exchanger and the LNG Heat exchanger (LNG stands for Liquefaction of Natural Gas). We will
only be using the Heat exchanger located directly below the Cooler operation on the toolbar. This is
a little more difficult to use and should not be attempted before the Heater/Cooler couple has been
There are several different variables that may be defined in this unit, as it is very flexible in its use.
These will not be shown here due to the complexity and quantity. The main purpose of the heat


exchanger is to transfer heat efficiently from one stream to another. The heat exchanger function
simulates heat loss and transfer rates for sizing options and handles 2 stream sets; these are
described as the Shell and Tube sides. (The LNG heat exchanger handles multiple streams and has
complex design options such as layering).
These heat exchanger functions do detect temperature crossovers and will even warn when the Ft
Factor is too low. The heat exchangers design or configuration may be changed to fix this type of
error. In practice you do this by having 2 or more exchangers. For simplicity you can increase the
Tube Passes per Shell or change the Shell TEMA Type to F as an approximation to this.
NOTE: Ft Factors are a measure of heat exchanger design efficiency.
It is not recommended to alter any other parameters until they are understood, simply leave the
assumed figures. These other parameters will be discussed later on, usually during the CHNG 380x

1.5.6 Pump
The Pump unit operation is used for liquids or slurries only. There is a lot
you can do with a pump but we only want to concentrate on the basics for
now. In complex dynamic design you can model the pump curves and
motor efficiency. In the following examples we will go through how to
define a pump. The specifications that are available for simple calculations
are listed below. This unit operation may be located on the toolbar at the
indicated location. (Figure 1-12)

Delta P

Duty/ Power

Pump Curves


Adiabatic Efficiency (Default value of 75 %)

The pump is commonly defined by flows Delta P and Power.

Figure 1-12: Pump

1.5.7 Compressor/ Expander

In Hysys, a Compressor/ Expander handle gases and supercritical fluids
only. A Compressor increases the systems pressure while the expander
lowers the system pressure. For low pressure systems before a compressor
the operation is simulating a Blower (i.e. from atmospheric to just above it
~0.5barg). For any other operations the operation simulates a compressor.
The expander unit operation simulates turbines or a flash device. There is no
realistic type of compression or expansion device that is able to handle multi
phase systems. Two Phase Flow in Turbines and compressors is not Figure 1-13:
recommended due to the erosion and equipment destruction. So split up the Expander and
phases using a separation device and pressurize/ expand from there. The Compressor
expander may be found to the right of the pump while the compressor is to
the right or the expander. (Figure 1-13)
Delta P
Polytropic Efficiency
Duty/ Power
Adiabatic Efficiency (Default value
of 75 %)
Pump Curves
The most commonly defined variables are Delta P or Power.


1.5.8 Gas Pipe/ Pipe Segment

A gas pipe/ pipe segment is a functional group in Hysys that simulates
pressure drops and flow properties for pipe systems, even allowing for
roughness properties of basic construction materials. The piping system may
be defined using these functions including heat transfer, sizing, materials and
even bends in the tube. This is useful for fluid considerations in the process
for pumping requirements and overall design. The location on the toolbar is
indicated on the right. The one with the G on it is the gas pipe segment.
(Figure 1-14)
Figure 1-14: Pipe
These are summarised below.
Ambient Temperature
Construction Material
Delta P
Schedule Number
Overall Heat Transfer Co-Efficient
Calculation Method
The most commonly defined variables are the pipe length, elevation, Schedule number, Material
and Nominal Diameter.

1.5.9 Valve
The valve has limited uses in flow-sheeting, but is useful in Fluid Dynamics
and in a refrigeration cycle explained below in Section 3.6; apart from this the
valve is an important operation that is used in commonly in Dynamic mode,
primarily for control. The considerations for a simple valve are listed below.
The use of Relief Valve will be explained in Section 8. The valves are
located at the indicated position on the toolbar. (Figure 1-15)
Delta P
Valve Position
The valve position is assumed to be 50 % open.


Mixer/ Tee

Figure 1-15:
Simple Valve

These are very simple unit functions that combine and split streams. The Mixer

The mixer mixes everything in two or more streams, including energy
streams. Give the mixer a set of streams with different Compositions,
Temperatures and Pressures and this will mix them given some very simple
assumptions on the users part. These even accept energy streams like
electricity. This is a universal mixer where the only thing you need to
specify is if you equalise pressure and temperature or set it to the minimum
input value, this is useful for multi pressure equalization in the system
(Useful for pressure and temperature mixing).

Figure 1-16:
Mixer and Tee.

NOTE: Be careful not to mix different types of energy.

12 The Tee

The Tee splits everything given the required flows or splits, that is a ratio of flow one way or the
another. This is not a type of separator/splitter but similar to a pipe junction. The Tee does not split
energy streams. The Tee splits a consistent flow into the desired ratios for easier heat regeneration
considerations and simple recycling options.
The location of these on the toolbar is indicated on the right. (Figure 1-16)



The spreadsheet is not a functional unit operation. The spreadsheet function is

not as complex as Microsoft Excel and does not have as many functions but
acts in the same way. Spreadsheet is able to do simple maths calculation;
addition etc. Spreadsheet applications should be understood before
progressing to the more complicated Case Study function or other
complicated dynamic control. This item may be found near the base of the
toolbar. Its position is indicated on the right. (Figure 1-17)

Figure 1-17:


1.6 Selecting Inputs to Use

The user needs to get a feel of what inputs are required and what they need to find. In Hysys this is
quite difficult. In order to solve problems easily, set out the question and variables on paper so that
you know what there is to use and what it is that you need to find. This makes solving the problem a
lot easier as there is no uncertainty of what needs to be done. There are some worked examples
further on that show how easy this makes the process. Dont try to overcomplicate the problem
there are simple answers to most problems. For example using a the heating/ cooling function as
heat exchangers until there is enough information to replace it with the proper heat exchanger

1.6.1 Degrees of Freedom

This is a mathematical rule shown below, that allows for basic understanding on how many
variables are needed to solve a problem.
DoF= # of Variables - # of Equations
DoF < 0; the system is over specified
DoF = 0; the system has at most 1 solution
DoF > 0; the system has multiple solutions
(DoF is Degrees of Freedom)
This rule applies to not only each operation but the entire system as a whole. If the solver is
running, Hysys will solve each operation once the DoFs=0. The spreadsheet can be used to do
calculations and export values to define some of the parameters. Therefore a degree of freedom can
be removed. Many warnings tell you to add a specification, it is best to follow the instructions. If a
warning tells you it cannot solve or is Over Specified. Try to understand what variables will solve
the problem. These are all degree of freedom errors which will be described below. The more
complex operations such as distillation columns will require a lot of specifications will tell you how
many specifications or degrees of freedom available to fill.

1.6.2 Finding the Physical Properties of a Stream

These may be found on the Worksheet tab Properties menu of any material stream. These may
include Viscosity, Densities of different phases and other properties that may be useful. A
screenshot is shown below in Figure 1-18.


Figure 1-18: The Properties Menu View


1.7 Dealing with the Spreadsheet Function

1.7.1 Importing Information
The first step is to set up the spreadsheet by placing it onto the desired worksheet.
The next step is to open the object, by double clicking on the object.
Figure 1-19 shows the variables that are being imported and exported.

Figure 1-19: The Spreadsheets Import/ Export Screen

To input a variable, click on the Add Import button located on the right hand side of the top
table. This will bring up the screen shown in Figure 1-20 below. There are multiple options on this
screen, so select the variable from left to right.

Figure 1-20: The import variable selection screen

1.7.2 Exporting Information

This process may be completed using the same process as above.
The difference is that you click the Add Export button located on the right hand side of the
bottom table.

1.7.3 How to Find Help with Formulas

This is an important resource because the formulas and reserved symbols are different to Microsoft
Excel. Figure 1-21 shows the location of the Function Help button (B10) and what the blank
spreadsheet looks like, Figure 1-22 shows the import and export variables with their assigned cells
(highlighted). Figure 1-23 shows the spreadsheet with the new data in their respective cells. Figure
1-24 shows the Function Help window. The spreadsheet will continuously update the results if
there are iterations or disturbances to the data.



Figure 1-21: A blank spreadsheet

Figure 1-23: The data in the spreadsheet

Figure 1-22: The Import/Export screen

Figure 1-24: The Help Window


1.8 Useful Notes

1.8.1 Colours of Items
An important thing to look for is the colour of items in the workspace and in the item windows. The
various colours and meanings are listed below in colour code for easy reading. Material Stream

LIGHT BLUE means stream is not fully defined
DARK BLUE means that the stream is fully defined Energy Stream

LIGHT RED means stream is not fully defined
MAROON means that the stream is fully defined Unit Operations

RED means the item is not fully connected.
YELLOW OUTLINE means the item is connected but not fully defined (or has an error)
BLACK OUTLINE means the item is ready and fully functioning Item Status Strips Screens

These colours are found in the status strip at the bottom below the tabs listings.
YELLOW strip means there is an error or something needs to be defined. This usually includes
instructions or the type of error.
GREEN strip means the item is ready and working Parameter Text

This is quite simple;
RED is assumed
BLUE is user defined
BLACK is calculated by Hysys

1.8.2 Warnings
These are displayed in the status strip of an item screen and in the Object status list (R3) in Figure
1-7 above. A list of common warnings and solutions will be listed on the following page. As a rule
of thumb follow any instructions given by Hysys, or remove some specifications and start again.
This allows for the option of seeing where the problem stemmed and if specifications were not
needed. To avoid most complications either add in all of the operations and streams then connect
them up as start defining parameters, or add in the operations one by one and define the parameters
as you go along the lines.

18 Overdefined
This is when you have supplied too many specifications.
Remove at least one specified variable. Calculation Error

One of the defined variables gets re-calculated by a unit operation and is different to the defined
number. A window with some confusing tables will pop up. Look for the conflicted parameter in
the top table.
Remove that specified value and define another parameter. Incremental Error

This can vary but may be found in piping calculations.
This solution will not stop any calculations; its only warning that there isnt enough data points to
interpolate proper results. To solve this for completion, increase the number of calculation
increments. Not Solved

This is usually complemented with a warning dialogue box when it first pops up. This is the most
common and most vague error.
Try a hand calculation over the unit and see what parameters are unreasonable or which variables
are defined that shouldnt be. The system will need redefining until this error has been solved.
These errors will become less common with experience in the program. Input not Valid

This will only show up in the Object status list and the problem is that a wrong assumption has
been made for calculations such as defining the outlet temperature with multiple pipe segment
including fittings. The operation will then not calculate the system properties but it will complete
the stream properties.
Change the parameter to an internal system parameter. Temperature Cross

This error may occur in heat exchangers, cooling towers and other heat transfer equipment. This
error is warning of heat transfer calculations for either a badly designed heat exchanger or
something more serious. For example the cooling stream reheating the hot stream within the system.
Check that the flows are in the correct direction and that the defined variables are not unrealistic or
there is a large enough temperature difference between the streams. Other Errors

Any other types of errors consult either the Hysys Help file, accessed by pressing F1 or by asking
your tutor.


2 CHNG 2801 (Fluid Mechanics)

This section is designed to assist in the learning of the basics of Fluid Dynamics, heat and mass
transfer, and reaction engineering. This section also gives an introduction into the abilities of Hysys
in terms of piping, pumping, heat integration, and reaction techniques.

Table of Contents for Section 2

FLUID MECHANICS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 21
Streams ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
PIPES .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Flow Properties Examples ........................................................................................................................ 23
Calculating Pressure Drop along a Pipe Section...............................................................................................23
PIPE WORKSHOP ..........................................................................................................................................................23


Further uses of Pipes ................................................................................................................................ 25


Finding the Flowrate.........................................................................................................................................25

Pipe Characteristics ..........................................................................................................................................26

Valves........................................................................................................................................................ 26

Valve Descriptions ...........................................................................................................................................26

Gate Valves ......................................................................................................................................................26
Globe Valves ....................................................................................................................................................27
Ball Valves .......................................................................................................................................................27
Butterfly Valves................................................................................................................................................27
Other Valves.....................................................................................................................................................28

Pipes with Heat Transfer .......................................................................................................................... 28
USING CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Using the Pipe as an example................................................................................................................... 30
PIPE TUTORIALS...........................................................................................................................................................31

PUMPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
Standalone Pumps..................................................................................................................................... 39


Pumps and Pipe Combination................................................................................................................... 40


Finding Power given Delta P and Flow ............................................................................................................40

Flow Given Power and Delta P.........................................................................................................................41
Finding Delta P given Flow and Power ............................................................................................................41

Pumping Curves........................................................................................................................................ 41


Finding Power given Delta P and Flow ............................................................................................................39

Finding Delta P given Power and Flow ............................................................................................................39
Finding Flow given Delta P and Power ............................................................................................................40

Pump Affinity Laws .........................................................................................................................................42

Pumping curves in Hysys .................................................................................................................................42

NPSH Inclusion......................................................................................................................................... 44
Pump Location.......................................................................................................................................... 44
Other Considerations................................................................................................................................ 44
Type of pump ...................................................................................................................................................44
PUMP TUTORIAL ..........................................................................................................................................................45

ENERGY BALANCES........................................................................................................................................ 46
Hysys Energy Balance .............................................................................................................................. 46
Heat Integration (Heater/ Cooler Couple) ............................................................................................... 46
Heat Exchangers....................................................................................................................................... 46
HEAT EXCHANGER TUTORIAL .................................................................................................................................48

MASS TRANSFER ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 49


Absorber ................................................................................................................................................... 50


Bubble Point Calculations ................................................................................................................................49

Dew Point Calculations ....................................................................................................................................49
Setting up the Absorber ....................................................................................................................................50
Getting the Results............................................................................................................................................51
Common Convergence Setbacks ......................................................................................................................52

CHANGING SYSTEM PROPERTIES IN THE MIDDLE OF A SESSION ..................................................................... 52

MASS TRANSFER TUTORIAL .....................................................................................................................................53


SIMPLE REACTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 54


2.1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction

Fluid mechanics is a key area of chemical engineering and every engineer need to understand
pumping and piping, pipe and pump costs, insulation, size, fittings and materials requirements are
essential. Hysys could estimate a range of different piping and pumping calculation and correlation,
such as pipe scoping calculation and pump curve integration.

2.1.1 Streams
The following section will be a continuation from the example in Section 1.2.2. Streams are the
most used item in the program, and the easiest to manipulate. To use one simply add one to the
workspace and simply double click on it. This will bring up the following screen in Figure 2-1
Define the system by the specifications below in Table 2-1, and then we can proceed. In order to
define the stream, try to follow the instructions in the yellow strip at the bottom of the window.
For this message, (Unknown Composition), click on Composition located in the menu on the left
of the box; this will bring up a new view in the same box; this is displayed in Figure 2-2 below.
Entering a fraction into one of the materials will bring up a dialogue box similar to the one shown in
Figure 2-3 located over page.
From this screen define the composition of the stream and type Enter or click OK to finish. You
will notice that a new message pops up, (Unknown Temperature), to define the temperature simply
click on the Conditions Menu item located at the top left of the window, this will bring up the
table shown below in Figure 2-1.
Insert a temperature of 25 oC, a new message will appear at the bottom of the window, (Unknown
Pressure), Insert 1 into the Pressure box and select atm from the drop down menu that appears,
this is shown in Figure 2-4 below.
Notice that Hysys will automatically change the units back into the standard SI units, which has
been set as default. The next message will say Unknown Flowrate; this is where things become
difficult. There are three (3) different possible flow options, enter 60 into Mass Flow to see what
happens. All of the undefined data will be calculated and that data will be filled in with black text.
NOTE: that all of the defined data is in Blue as shown below in Figure 2-5.
Table 2-1: The System Settings
Fluids Package



Figure 2-4: The Drop down Menu for Pressure

Figure 2-1: The Empty Stream Properties Window


Figure 2-5: The Defined Stream

Figure 2-2: The Composition View

Figure 2-3: The new Dialogue Box


2.2 Pipes
One of the first things you will notice at any chemical plant or building is the large number and
variety of pipes. Hysys is a very useful in performing calculations around pipes. There will be a
series of walkthroughs and tutorials that will assist in learning fluid mechanics subject material.

2.2.1 Flow Properties Examples Calculating Pressure Drop along a Pipe Section

The process of finding the Reynolds number and frictional pressure drop is shown below. Firstly we
can do some hand calculations as shown in class. Work out the Friction Factor from a chart or
formula (Equation 2-1) and Reynolds Number (Equation 2-2) based on the following parameters in
Table 2-3. The next step is to work out the frictional pressure drop along the pipe. Remember there
are several different definitions of Friction factor that are used in different books. Hysys does not
give us a friction factor but it gives a friction profile along the pipe length.
Equation 2-1: Swamee-Jain equation for Friction

f =



log10 3.7 D + Re 0.9

where :
f = Friction Factor
= Absolute Internal Pipe Roughness
Re = Reynolds Number
D = Characteristic Length (Inside Diameter)
Table 2-2: The Hysys Setup
Fluids Package
ASME Steam

Equation 2-2: The Reynolds Number

Re =


where :

= Fluid Density
v = Fluid Velocity
D = Characteristic Length (Inside Diameter)

= Fluid Viscosity
Table 2-3: Data for hand calculations
Pipe Inside Diameter
Pipe Outside Diameter
Height Change
Pipe Length

To complete the same task in Hysys complete the following steps.

Set up Hysys with the data in Table 2-2 above.
Then insert a Pipe unit. Next we need to define the streams as shown in Table 2-4 below. Do not
worry if you do not understand where to put some of the data, it will be illustrated below. Notice
that Hysys will never ask for Physical Properties for any chemical that is being used. This is
because they are being calculated from the selected fluids packages. To view the physical properties
of a stream simply go to the Worksheet tab, Properties menu. You will notice that the values
of density and viscosity are a little different to the assumed values above. However for this example
those assumptions are sufficient for a close answer.


Table 2-4: The data to enter for the pipes pressure drop
TAB/ Menu
Worksheet/ Conditions
25 oC
1.5 atm
Vol. Flow
8 m3/hr
Worksheet/ Composition
*Worksheet/ Conditions
25 oC
*NOTE: This specification will be discarded once heat transfer is discussed. It will
be calculated with the heat transfer specifications defined.
Design/ Connections
Rating/ Sizing
10 m
Elevation change
0 m
Plastic Tubing
Rating/ View Segment
Pipe Schedule
Available Diameters
25.4 mm

The information that may be difficult to enter from the table above is the sizing and segment
information; the following instructions will guide you through these.
These may be entered by clicking on the Append Segment button (B11) and then the segment
information on the left of Figure 2-6 may be entered. Do not enter the Diameters. To finalise the
pipe segment click on the View Segment button (B12), doing this will bring up the window on
the right. Enter the pipe schedule and the table at the base of the window will be filled out. Select
the top left value and click Specify (B13). From here the pipe should solve.




Figure 2-6: The View Segment Window

Next we need to see the results for the pressure drop and other calculations that Hysys has
To do this, go to the Performance Tab, and then click on View Profile, this action will bring
up a new window filled with data that Hysys has calculated. Maximise this window and find the
relevant data such as Length, Liquid Re, Pressure, Friction Gradient and Liquid Velocity.
Re =120,000, Friction Gradient ~= 5.99 kPa/m, Liquid Velocity ~4 m/s. This window is
demonstrated below in Figure 2-7.


Figure 2-7: Preview of the View Profile Table

Notice that the number of rows or results is the same as the number of increments within the pipe.
Compare the Hysys Reynolds number, frictional gradient, pressure drop and liquid velocity
values to the ones you calculated.
Comment on how the pressure drop and flow calculations may be different from the ones
done by you.

2.2.2 Further uses of Pipes Finding the Flowrate
From the previous example, remove the flowrate from the feed stream.
Set a pressure either in the feed stream or set a pressure difference in the Design Parameters Page.
You should get a Volumetric Flow of: 8.01 m3/s.
Table 2-5: Basic Requirements to calculate the Flowrate
TAB/ Menu
Fluids Package
Worksheet/ Conditions
Worksheet/ Composition
Worksheet/ Conditions
Design/ Connections
Delta P
Rating/ Sizing
Elevation change
Rating/ View Segment
Pipe Schedule
Available Diameters

ASME Steam
25 oC
1.5 atm
25 oC
60 kPa
10 m
0 m
Plastic Tubing
25.4 mm

25 Pipe Characteristics

These are important, Hysys defines most of these based on materials selection and other user
defined variables. It is possible to define these variables from manufacturers specifications in
Hysys, the process is simple enough. Just input the new variables into the required pipe segment
windows. This is for later stages like rigorous pipe design; this may be used in 4th year Design.
Typical Properties include Thermal Conductivity, Roughness (absolute) and Specific Dimensions.

2.2.3 Valves
This section will introduce the different types of valves, where to use them and why.
Most of this information will not be necessary until later when the design of valves is required. Valve Descriptions

Valve types are used to describe the mechanical characteristics and geometry (Excluding gate, ball
and globe valves)1.
Using valve characteristic to refer to how the valve travel or stroke (openness) relates to the flow
and the rules of thumb are:
1. Equal Percentage: equal increments of valve travel produce an equal percentage in flow
This is the most commonly used valve characteristic type
a. Used in processes where large changes in pressure drop are expected
b. Used in processes where a small percentage of the total pressure drop is permitted by the
c. Used in temperature and pressure control loops
2. Linear: valve travel is directly proportional to the valve stoke
a. Used in liquid level or flow loops
b. Used in systems where the pressure drop across the valve is expected to remain fairly
constant (ie. steady state systems)
3. Quick opening: large increase in flow with a small change in valve stroke
a. Used for frequent on-off service
b. Used for processes where "instantly" large flow is needed (ie. safety systems or cooling
water systems) Valves
Best Suited Characteristic: Quick Opening
Recommended Uses:
1. Fully open/closed, non-throttling
2. Infrequent operation
3. Minimal fluid trapping in line
Applications: Oil, gas, air, slurries, heavy liquids, steam, non-condensing
gases, and corrosive liquids

Sourced from


1. High capacity
2. Tight shutoff
3. Low cost
4. Little resistance to flow

1. Poor control
2. Cavitate at low pressure drops
3. Cannot be used for throttling Globe Valves

Best Suited Characteristic: Linear and Equal percentage
Recommended Uses:
1. Throttling service/flow regulation
2. Frequent operation
Applications: Liquids, vapours, gases, corrosive substances, slurries
1. Efficient throttling
2. Accurate flow control
3. Available in multiple ports

1. High pressure drop
2. More expensive than other valves Ball Valves

Best Suited Characteristic: Quick opening, linear
Recommended Uses:
1. Fully open/closed, limited-throttling
2. Higher temperature fluids
Applications: Most liquids, high temperatures, slurries
1. Low cost
2. High capacity
3. Low leakage and maintenance
4. Tight sealing with low torque

1. Poor throttling characteristics
2. Prone to cavitation Butterfly Valves

Best Suited Characteristic: Linear, Equal percentage
Recommended Uses:
1. Fully open/closed or throttling services
2. Frequent operation
3. Minimal fluid trapping in line
Applications: Liquids, gases, slurries, liquids with suspended solids


1. Low pressure drop
2. High capacity
3. Good flow control
4. Low cost and maintenance

1. High torque required for control
2. Prone to cavitation at lower flows Other Valves

Another type of valve commonly used in conjunction with other valves is called a check valve.
Check valves are designed to restrict the flow to one direction. If the flow reverses direction, the
check valve closes. Relief valves are used to regulate the operating pressure of incompressible flow.
Safety valves are used to release excess pressure in gases or compressible fluids.

2.2.4 Pipes with Heat Transfer

NOTE: This section may be best left until Heat Transfer Co-efficients and Thermal Conductivity
has been covered.
Sometimes we need to find out the natural heat loss through a length of a pipe. This is important
particularly if the liquid is either much hotter or much colder than the ambient conditions such as
Cryogenics (Super cold) and Super-heated fluids (such as steam in a Rankine Cycle).
From the pipe example, above in Section (Pipe with ND 1 inch, Length 10 m, flowrate 8
m3/hr), remove the outlet temperature specification, and change the Inlet Temperature to 60 oC.
Next go to the Rating tab, Heat Transfer menu. The view in Figure 2-8 below should appear.
Click on the Estimate HTC (HTC is Heat Transfer Coefficient) button (B17). The view will
change to the one in Figure 2-9 below.
Select the options in Figure 2-9 below, select Include Pipe Wall, Inner HTC, Insulation
and Outer HTC to include these specifications in the heat transfer calculations.
Click on the Segment HTC button (B16). Enter 25 oC in every available cell of the Am. Temp.
column. (Alternately if you select Global in the estimation screen the Ambient Temperature should
be entered into the Overall HTC (B15) screen).
NOTE: Ambient Temperature is the temperature of the surroundings; 25oC for air is a good
assumption, but it depends on where your plant is situated, the time of day/year and other heat
The pipe should now solve. Go to the Heat Loss screen again by clicking the Heat Loss Button
(B14). Notice that the Heat loss has been calculated. Check out the other specifications in the outlet
stream to see the effects. Compare this with the results of the example in Section


Equation 2-3: The Sieder-Tate Correlation

Nu = 0.027 Re 4p/ 5 Pr 1 / 3
Where :





Nu = Nusselt number
Re = Reynolds Number
Pr = Prandtl Number

= Viscocity of the Fluid

w = Viscosity of water at STP
Limitations :
Figure 2-8: The Heat Transfer\ Heat Loss screen

0.7 Pr 16,700
Re 10,000
L/D 10

Figure 2-9: The Heat Transfer\Estimate HTC


Table 2-6: The Estimate HTC settings

By Segment
(Button above Table)
Sieder (This represents
Equation 2-3)
Insulation Type
Polystyrene Foam
100 mm
Ambient Medium
5 m/s

Figure 2-10: The Segment HTC screen completed

You should get a temperature increase of around 0.01 oC.


2.3 Using Case Studies

Case studies ability to compute multiple simulations is an important part of Hysys. This lets you
compare the effects of changing operating conditions. It is best to start with only one or two

2.3.1 Using the Pipe as an example

Firstly open up the pipe example where you are finding the flowrate (Section In order to
use a case study we need to open up the Data Book tool; this may be found by clicking on Tools
on the standard toolbar located at the top of the screen. Follow the drop down menu to Data Book
easily noticed due to the white symbol located next to the words. Click on Data Book and a new
window will appear. From here you can import variables (and calculated variables); by clicking on
the Insert button located on the right, this will bring up another window, both of these are
displayed in Figure 2-11 below. From this screen simply select the variables that are required.

Figure 2-11: The case study variables screens

Figure 2-12: The case studies tab and setup window

Then click on the Case Studies tab on the Data Book window. This should change the view to
the one at the base of Figure 2-12. From the new screen click Add then your variables will appear.
Select which variables are independent (the ones that you want to change) and the dependent
variables (the ones that are calculated- These usually have the independent box crossed/ shaded
out). Then click on View, located below the Add button. A new window should appear like the
one on the top half of Figure 2-12. Enter the low and high bounds on the independent variables,
including a step size, 5 to 10 steps is enough to start with, the step size can be narrowed with the
field later on. Remember the more steps there are the longer Hysys will take to find the values but
will give a smoother curve.
To finish up click on Start, Hysys will take a few seconds to calculate the case study.
To view the results, click on the Results button near the bottom left of the window.
This will bring up a table or a graph representation of the data in a new window. (Maximise this
window for the best view)
To switch between the two click the tabs at the base of this window.


Std Ideal Liq Vol Flow.

For all of these pipe tutorials the only component will be Water and the fluids package is ASMESteam, there are no elevation changes, and assume no heat loss.
For all of these examples the schedule is 40.
System A simulates a straight piece of pipe.
System B simulates a pipe with a change in diameter and back
System C simulates the effects of bends and elbows
System D simulates Tees as bends and stream splitting.
System E simulates a simple Pipe Network
System F (not shown) simulates the different valves
Piping/ System Curves (Case Studies)

In this Tutorial we will be trying to find the friction factors and frictional pressure drop along a
length of pipe. Assume no temperature change for A and no heat loss for B and C (i.e. set heat
loss to zero (0) in the heat transfer menu).
Complete a series of calculations based on the Flowrate ( V& ) or Head Loss (h ). For system

B and C calculate the overall pressure drop and determine an average friction factor.
Have the outlet pressures at 1 atm, to allow for large pressure drops.
These relationships between head loss and flowrate will give the system curves.
Under different flowrates (4-52 L/min, step change 12 L/min) determine the theoretical head
loss using the relevant correlations and compare these with the values calculated by Hysys.
Use the table below to help you with this analysis.
Plot the head loss against the volumetric flow, (this may be done using the case study tool
for the simulation and excel for the calculated values).
Evaluate and discuss the trend/relationship.

NOTE: These are system curves which may be used for the pump systems and pump selection later
NOTE: Some results may need the assistance of the spreadsheet functions

Give a discussion based on the head loss calculations and determining the friction factor.


Build up the pipe systems (A, B and C) described below.

Pipe System A contains:

One section of 1 inch ND (nominal diameter), Plastic Tubing, 5 m in length
Table 2-7: Table of Answers for System 'A'
Set 1
Set 2
Hysys Head Loss hv (m)
Flow (L/min)
Flow V& (m /s)
Flow Speed v (m/s)
Pipe Roughness (mm)
Reynolds Number
Pipe Friction Co-efficient
(Blasius Eqn.)
(Swamee Eqn.)
Calculated Head Loss hv
Difference in hv %


Set 3

Set 4

Set 5









Pipe System B contains:

One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1 meter in length
One Multi Diameter Joint of 1 inch ND
One section of 2 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 3 m in length
One Multi Diameter Joint of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1 m in length
Table 2-8: Table of answers for system 'B'
Set 1
Set 2
Hysys Head Loss hv (m)
Flow (L/min)
Flow V (m /s)
Flow Speed
v (m/s) (1in)
v (m/s) (2in)
Pipe Roughness (mm)
Reynolds Number
Re (1 in)
Re (2 in)
Pipe Friction Co-efficient
(Blasius Eqn.)
(Swamee Eqn.)
Calculated Head Loss hv
Difference in hv %


Set 3

Set 4

Set 5










Pipe System C contains:

One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1 meter in length

One 90o standard elbow of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 0.5 meters in length
One 90o standard elbow of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1 meters in length
One 90o bend (r/d=4) of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 0.5 meters in length
One 90o bend (r/d=4) of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1 meters in length
One 45o Standard elbow of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 0.707 meters in length
One 45o Standard elbow of 1 inch ND
One section of 1 inch ND, Plastic Tubing, 1.5 meters in length

NOTE: Remember to use the Coupling/Union segment for any multi diameter joints mentioned.
Have the internal diameter the same as the smaller pipe diameter
Table 2-9: Table of Answers for system 'C'
Set 1
Set 2
Hysys Head Loss
hv (m)
Flow (L/min)
Flow V (m /s)
Flow Speed
v (m/s)
Pipe Roughness (mm)
Reynolds Number
Pipe Friction Co-efficient
(Blasius Eqn.)
Pipe Friction Co-efficient
(Swamee Eqn.)
Calculated Head Loss
hv (m)
Difference in hv %


Set 3

Set 4

Set 5











Open the file specified by the tutor. (/PipeTees.hsc)

This file contains the parallel system D

This system will help with the understanding of the effect of flows through splitting and nonsplitting tees in a pipe system. We will be using standardised 45o and 90o Tees.
NOTE: The effects are negligible to pressure drop, also shown in Table 2-10 below.

Plot the system curve (Flow 4-52 L/min) and compare the curve with the ones from A, B
and C.

Pipe Network

Open the file specified by the tutor. (/PipeNetwork.hsc)

This file contains the parallel system E

The object of this tutorial is to see the effects of different types of valves on the system.
Notice that the system could not be defined in a single pipe unit. This is because the pipe segment
cannot handle split flows. Set the split pressure drops and then split the flows externally. Plot the
system curve (Flow 900-1005 L/min) and compare the curve with the ones from A, B and C. Make
sure the outlet pressures are as close to 1 atm at all times.
NOTE: The pressures from all incoming streams to the mixers are assumed to have equal
pressures. In practice inlets will flow in the reverse direction if the pressure in that stream is low,
(predicted by Hysys). The split ratios that are to be used in the inlet Tee (Tee-100) are 0.55000.5512 (recommended running at 0.5510). These are near the system limits for the inlet splits.

Discuss why the stream splits at Tee-100 are so narrow for the system to function. Use the
illustration above to help if required.
Change set the flow at 1000 L/min and run a study for the system curve on the inlet pressure
from 3.4 atm to 100 atm.


Valve Type

Set up a pipe segment in Hysys.

Set the inlet and outlet Temperatures (25 oC) and outlet Pressure (1 atm).
The following pipe segments are to be defined:
One section of 1 inch ND, Mild Steel, 0.1 meter in length
Insert a Gate Valve: Half
One section of 1 inch ND, Mild Steel, 0.1 meter in length
Find the pressure drop vs. Flowrate
Replicate (copy) the simulation with the following valves replacing the Gate Valve: half:
Insert a Butterfly Valve: angle 40o
Insert a Angle Valve: 45 deg open
Insert a Globe Valve: Half
Insert a Diaphragm Valve: 60o
Plot a system curves for the defined systems.

Complete any calculations by hand (Swamee-Jain Friction Factor, Co-efficient of resistance,

Reynolds number, Pressure loss) at 4, 16, 28, 40 and 52 L/min using any relevant data
Discuss the effects on pressure drop using the information provided in Section 2.2.3
(Valves) above.

Pipe Heat Transfer

1. Insert a 100m pipe segment with 1 inch ND. (Mild Steel)

Set the inlet conditions at 80 oC, 1.5 atm and 10 L/min.
Set the internal, external and wall HTCs
(Dittus correlation)
Set the ambient temperature at 25 oC.






Write down the Delta P, Delta T and Energy loss.

Now run a case study the effect of flowrate (0.1 50 L/min) on Delta P and Delta T and the
Heat stream value.
2. Swap the ambient temperature with the inlet temperature. (inlet = 25 oC, ambient = 80 oC)
Write down the pressure drop, temperature drop and energy gain.
Now run a case study the effect of flowrate (0.1 50 L/min) on Delta P and Delta T and the
Heat stream value.
3. What variables are required to work out the flowrate required to remove a set heat
requirement (Question 1). The answer should be based on 10 kW. With a temperature approach
of no less than 10 oC (i.e. outlet temp must be more than 10 oC greater than the set ambient
temperature), and the system does not go below atmospheric conditions. Copy the case study
results down and hand them in.


Equation 2-4: The Pipe Tutorial Equation Sheets
Flow Speed


d 2

Pressure Loss
P pipe =

L pipe

P fitting =

v 2

= (VH )

Ptotal =


pipe (i )

fitting ( j )

P pump +

(v12 v 22 ) + g (h1 h 2 )

NOTE : To Convert between Delta Head and Delta Pressure use the pressure equation.
P = gh
Re =


Blasius Friction Factor (smooth pipe assumption only)


Colebrook Friction Factor

= 2 log 10

Swamee - Jain Friction Factor



log 10
Re 0.9
3 .7 d

Co - efficient of resistance (with diameter change factor)

d 2 1 l 1 d 2 2 l 2

1 4
d d + d

v 22

Co - efficient of resistance (without diameter change factor)





v 22

2l 2


Where :
= Absolute Internal Pipe Roughness

d = Characteristic Length (Inside Diameter)

h = Relative Height
= Fluid Viscosity
P = P2 -P1

= Fluid Density
v = Fluid Velocity
VH = Velocity Heads


Table 2-10: VH's used by Hysys for fittings (Perrys Chemical Engineering handbook)
Type of Fitting or Valve
(VH), K
Type of Fitting or Valve
(VH), K
45 elbow,
Plug disk
0.35 open
Long radius
0.20 open
90 elbow
0.75 open
Long radius
0.45 Angle valve
Square or mitre
1.30 Open
1.50 Y or blow-off valve
180 bend
Close Return
1.50 Open
Plug cock
Standard, along run, branch blanked off
0.40 = 5
Used as elbow, entering run
1.00 = 10
Used as elbow, entering branch
1.00 = 20
Branching flow
1.00 = 40
= 60
Gate valve
0.17 Butterfly valve
0.90 = 5
4.50 = 10
24.00 = 20
= 40
Diaphragm valve
2.30 = 60
2.60 Check valve
4.30 Swing
21.00 Disk
Globe valve
Bevel Seat
Water meter
6.00 Disk
9.50 Piston
Composition Seat
Rotary (star-shaped disk)
6.00 Turbine-wheel
8.50 Coupling
15.00 Union
Foot valve

Figure 2-13: Co-efficient of Resistance Plot


Figure 2-14: Friction Factor vs Reynolds number (Moody Plot)


2.4 Pumps
2.4.1 Standalone Pumps
For simple problems a pump may be used on its own. Give stream properties on either side of the
pump the system will solve. Firstly open up a Pump unit operation by placing one in the workspace
and double clicking on it. The view should be similar to Figure 2-15 below. There are a few
options that will create a solution in Hysys. Given 2 of the 3 variables it is possible to achieve the
other one. (POWER, FLOWRATE and DELTA P) Given an initial guess for an outlet or inlet set of
conditions such as temperature and pressure are required for an initial solution. The result is still the
same with these conditions changed.

Figure 2-15: The Design, Connections view of the pump Finding Power given Delta P and Flow

Define the following system, presented in Table 2-11 below.
Table 2-11: Defining the power requirement of the Pump
Tab/ Menu
Worksheet/ Conditions
Molar Flow
Worksheet/ Composition
Design/ Connections
Design/ Parameters
Adiabatic Efficiency
Worksheet/ Conditions

75 %



The power requirement should be 0.3391 kW.

This Result may be seen in the energy stream on the Workspace, workbook tab or the Duty field
on the design parameters page.
NOTE: Alternatively to the outlet pressure being defined it is recommended to set the Delta P of
1atm in the Design Tab, Parameters Menu. Finding Delta P given Power and Flow

From the previous example delete the outlet pressure specification. Then in the Design tab,
Parameters menu view, add in Duty as 2 kW. The outlet pressure is re-calculated; this then
calculates the pressure increase from the pump. You should get a figure of approximately 6 atm.

39 Finding Flow given Delta P and Power

From the example above remove the flow specification in the inlet stream (S-100). Then add in a
Delta P across the pump. This may be done in one (1) of two (2) ways. Either define an outlet
pressure in the outlet stream (S-101) or define a Delta P in the Pumps Design tab,
Parameters menu.

2.4.2 Pumps and Pipe Combination

This section is to help give an understanding of how Hysys links systems together and that some
variables that are usually defined are now calculated in complex systems, this will give you a brief
understanding of how real plants may be complicated. From the pipe segment described in the PIPE
WORKSHOP attach a pump unit operation. The following examples are of more realistic examples
of how pumps are used. For all Pressure-Flow calculations the Pipe should be the solver of the
Pressure Drop, this is because it has a slimmer range of solution than the pump. Finding Power given Delta P and Flow

To calculate the power requirement the pressures, compositions and flows need to be known.
The next step is to add a pump unit operation into the worksheet. Now define the variables in Table
2-12 below. Notice that all of the streams (S-101 in particular) do not need to be defined, and that
some of the properties that were required for the pipe are no longer needed. This is because systems
with more than one operation may take care of some of the variables for other operations.
Table 2-12: The variables required to solve the problem
Tab/ Menu
Worksheet/ Conditions
25 oC
1 atm
Molar Flow
500 kgmol/h
Worksheet/ Composition
Design/ Connections
Design/ Parameters
Adiabatic Efficiency
75 %
Design/ Connections
Rating/ Sizing
From Figure 2-16 below
Rating/Heat Transfer
Heat Loss
0 kJ/h
NOTE: Segments 1-8 are schedule 40, 101.6mm nominal diameter spec Mild Steel, (102.2604mm iD), while Segment
9 is schedule 40, 50.8mm nominal diameter (52.5018mm iD).

Worksheet/ Conditions




Figure 2-16: The pipe segment properties


If you attach all of streams up and define the parameters from the pump to the pipe you will notice
the system will not solve. Disconnect the pump from S-101 and set the flowrate and temperature in
the pipe outlet stream (S-102). The pipe segment will now solve on its own. Re-connect up the
pump and the pump will now solve. Remove all but the pressure specification in S-100. This is so
that if you change a parameter the system will not be over-defined. This will also solve if you set
the flow and temperature outlet without disconnecting streams. Flow Given Power and Delta P

This is useful if the pumps power properties are known and you want to determine the flowrate that
will achieve this. This calculation is useful if dealing with retro-fitting an existing piping system,
with a pre-purchased pump or checking the pump operation.
Unlike the above example we cannot rely solely on the pipe to solve the problem first. From the
above example remove the Flowrate specification from S-102. This will cause the whole system to
become un-solved. Next we need to define the Power of the pump. This may be done in the
Design tab within the Parameters menu, under Duty, Insert 2 kW.
Notice that Hysys does not want to solve the whole system. This is because Hysys does not do
calculations from the inside out; that is Hysys calculates from the ends. However there are some
functions that will allow for this type of calculation to take place, such as the Adjust function which
changes one variable to match a calculated value to a specification in the system. This will be
shown later in Section 3.5.4.
To short cut this solution Insert a pressure of 4.5 atm in S-101 and remove the pressure specification
in S-102. The outlet pressure should solve to be 1.56 atm or 158 kPa while the flowrate should
solve to be 842 kgmol/hr. An iterative solution may be reached by manually changing the pressure
Try to solve the problem by modifying some values or by iteration. Use 4.5 atm as an initial guess
for the Pressure at S-101. Finding Delta P given Flow and Power

This is by far the easiest way to solve the pumping problem.
Remove all of the specifications surrounding the pipe.
Set the Pump inlet pressure as 1 atm, 17 m3/hr and 25 oC.
Define the Power of the pump to 2 kW. The system will now solve.
Giving a Delta P of 317.3 kPa across the pump.
NOTE: Even though this solution path is possible it is not recommended. The pipe has less solution
pathways and should be solved first. It is fine if there is no pipe segment to use this path if the data
requires it.

2.4.3 Pumping Curves

These are very important for pump design and selection. Defining a pump curve by plotting Flow,
Head and Efficiency are enough to define the pumps working conditions and possibilities. Changing
the flow will ultimately change the efficiency and pressure capabilities. For the above examples the
efficiency was assumed to be 75 %, however for a centrifugal pump the efficiency is based on the
fluid properties such as flow and pressure. Below is the procedure for defining a pump based on the
DINFLOW pump curve obtained in class.

NOTE: There are several figures that are important for the ease of curve creation. These are Speed
RPM, Maximum efficiency, Flow and Head. Pump Affinity Laws

The affinity laws express the mathematical relationship between the several variables involved in
pump performance. They apply to all types of centrifugal and axial flow pumps. They are as
Equation 2-5: With Impeller D held constant
= 1
Q2 N 2
H 1 N1

H2 N2


BHP2 N 2

Equation 2-6: With speed N held constant

Q1 D1
Q2 D2
H1 D1

H 2 D2


= Capacity, GPM
= Total Head, Feet
BHP = Brake Horsepower
= Pump Speed, RPM
When the performance (Q1, H1, & BHP1) is known at some particular speed (N1) or diameter (D1),
the formulas can be used to estimate the performance (Q2, H2, & BHP2) at some other speed (N2) or
diameter (D2). The efficiency remains nearly constant for speed changes and for small changes in
impeller diameter. 2 Pumping curves in Hysys

For this example the starting point will be at the end of Section (Finding Power given Delta
P and flow). To enter a pump curve, remove the duty, Delta P and Efficiency specifications. Then
go to the Rating tab, Curves Menu. You will notice an empty table with the title of
Characteristic Curves. From here it is easy to generate a set of pump curves.
To enter the DinFlow Pump curve, given in class.
Click on Add Curve and enter the coordinates of one of the Flow/ Head curves. This is not the
preferred option however, instead of entering all of the data by hand click on the Generate
Curves button.
This will bring up a new window like the one in Figure 2-17 below. Define the variables off the
DinFlow graph.
Design flow is 32 m3/h, Design Head is 22.8 m, design efficiency is 60 %, Design speed is 1450
rpm. Leave the other values as they are. Click Generate Curves when this is done.

Pump Affinity Laws, Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook, Seventh Edition, 1997, Table 10-7, page 10-25


Three curves will be generated and their windows will open up, close these. To see where the
system has placed the operating conditions on the pump, click on Plot Curves, look for the
RED dot.
If no red dot is currently in the window. Check the Use Curves box and input a desired pump
speed, in the Pump Speed Box.

Figure 2-17: The generate Pump

Curves window
Figure 2-18: The Generated Pressure flow curves

Figure 2-19: The Generated efficiency curves

NOTE: The efficiency plot is parabolic. (Hysys has a tendency to mis-label curves)


2.4.4 NPSH Inclusion

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is the measurement of liquid pressure at the suction end of a
pump. Insufficient NPSH can cause cavitations to the pumps due to vaporisation. To avoid
cavitations, NPSHA must be equal to or exceed the NPSHR.
Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA) is the total head available at the suction end of the
pump. In an enclosed suction tank, NPSHA can be increased by raising the level of liquid in the
tank, thereby increasing the suction pressure/head.
Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR) is the NPSH required for the pump to function
properly. NPSHR is usually provided by the pump manufacturer and is generally specified in the
pump curve.3
NPSH is essential for basic and complex design. Hysys does not require this information in steady
state or normal mode. For Flow sheet development it really isnt necessary but it is far more
important for Dynamics and complex design calculations. Hysys will not give warnings of pump
cavitation in steady state mode, but that is something that the user is required to establish. To enter a
NPSH curve into the pump go to the Rating tab, NPSH Menu. From here you can enter a curve
for the pump. Click Add Curve there are two (2) data points possible here.
Hysys assumes a linear relationship, so two points are fine for most pumps. Add in the NPSH from
the DINFLOW curve. Once this is done simply close the window. Next, to activate the curves, click
on the Enable NPSH curves check box near the top of the window. Then click calculate, notice
that the required NPSH is far less than the available NPSH. This is desired for every pump system.
For this system there is a potential for more available NPSH based on the pipe profile.

2.4.5 Pump Location

Positioning of the pump is a key problem for design, however for Hysys the exact position of the
pump along the pipe is of no consequence. When designing a plant, the positioning of pumps is
critical to the pumps performance and maintainability. For example the pumps motors should
always be at ground level or below the following operations. Some pumps have to collect material
from below the surface, for these pumps have the motor on the ground with the impeller or suction
device at or just above the standing level of the material. NPSH gives an indication of where the
pump (section) should be placed. In Hysys it is best to always place the pump before a pipe segment
so as not to create the NPSH problems. It is recommended to use this function if a pump is after
another operation to ensure there is enough pressure entering the pump for it to function properly.

2.4.6 Other Considerations Type of pump
This is a very important consideration. The pump type must be decided upon before any design
calculations should be attempted. The Final selection is based on the fluid type, flow requirements,
location and minimum pressure increase requirements. These design options are not able to be
completed in Hysys but are an important part of the final design.

Hargrave Corporation Sdn. Bhd. 2007,


1. To see the effects of flowrate and the system curves from Section (Pump Curves) above
on a standalone pump with, change the flow either side of an assumed position (200 L/min) and see
if you can maximise the pumps efficiency. (use 1 to 1000 L/min with a step of 100)
You should plot the curves of Flow, Head, Efficiency and Power using a case study and save the
NOTE: Viewing the pump curves with the operating point while the case study is running is a good
way to see the results effects.
2. Work out how many of the pumps defined above running at 435 rpm, in series or parallel, are
needed for 3 atm at the outlet (thats a pressure change of 2 atm) for 166 L/min.
NOTE: Do not define the outlet pressure, simply work out how many pumps are required for that
pressure change. SET THE FLOWRATE AND RPM.
What power requirement would be needed? What is the new efficiency? Comment on any
differences in power requirements. (HINT: Change the RPM in the curves menu. Then divide the
actual requirements by what you can achieve)
Comment on the significance of these results. (I.e. why does a small change in speed result in so
many more pumps being needed)
3. If we have a Pressure outlet Requirement of 3 atm what speed would the pump need to run at?
(HINT: using Q1 remove the Speed in the curves menu and set the outlet pressure)
4. Write down why NPSH is important and how to calculate it by hand. Try to find the NPSH
system boundaries for inlet pressure and flowrate. Remember no warnings will show in Steady
State mode.
5. In dot form write down where the effects of NPSH would be most prominent, i.e. what
applications of pumps does this problem most affect?

Hand the tutorial answers to the tutor at the end of the session.


2.5 Energy Balances

Energy balances are an integral part of chemical engineering. Energy comes at a cost and its use
around the plant needs to be understood.

2.5.1 Hysys Energy Balance

Firstly insert either a heater or cooler onto the workspace. (Component: Water, Fluids Package:
ASME Steam). Define the inlet and outlet streams as desired (e.g. for a heater; Inlet: 40 oC, 10 kg/hr,
2 atm, Outlet: 50 oC, 2 atm) and determine the energy requirement from the energy stream. This is a
very simple exercise to complete. The result should be 431.8 kJ/hr for the above example. Check
the Cp using the properties view on the inlet and outlet streams. Calculations the Cp from the
energy balance by hand to confirm the figures in Hysys.

2.5.2 Heat Integration (Heater/ Cooler Couple)

Open up Hysys and define the system as defined in Table 2-13 below. The next step is to add a
Heater and a Cooler into the workspace.
Table 2-13: The system Parameters for the Heater/Cooler Example
Fluids Package
Peng Robinson

NOTE: This bit gets confusing on occasion; the name of the Heater or Cooler is given based on
the stream they are acting on.
Once this has been done add in the material streams from the heater and cooler and only one energy
stream. Connect the common energy stream to both units. Then define the heater with air as the
only component water in the cooler. Set some inlet temperatures, pressures and flows (Heater: 25
C, 1 atm, 1 kgmol/hr) (Cooler: 80 oC, 1 atm, 1 kgmol/hr). Then set the units pressure drops to zero
(0). Setting one outlet temperature should solve the system (temperature Cooler out 50 oC).
Check that there are no poorly defined values. I.e. the temperature in the hot out is cooler than the
cold out/in. Then try the system again only set the cooler outlet temperature to 5 oC.
What is wrong with the system that Hysys will not acknowledge? (The second law of
thermodynamics is violated)

2.5.3 Heat Exchangers

This will be set up exactly the same as in the above example only there is no need for an energy
stream. Insert a Heat exchanger into the workspace and open up the operation.
A window should pop up that resembles a Shell and Tube heat exchanger; similar to the one below
in Figure 2-20. Notice that there are two ends to the Heat exchanger with inlets and outlets
separated. The ends are called TUBE (R6-7) on the left and SHELL (R8-9) on the right.
You will also notice that there is a possibility to have different fluids packages on either side of the
exchanger (R10-11). This is useful if for example there is water on one side and Glycol on the other
(Glycol has its own set of Fluids Packages; for an explanation check out Section 4). Treating the
exchanger with separate packages is then advisable.








Figure 2-20: The Heat Exchanger Design, Connections Page

Insert some streams and move on to the Parameters page. A new view of the exchanger will appear
similar to the one below in Figure 2-21. Here it asks for pressure drop and UA (U is the overall
heat transfer co-efficient while A is the heat transfer area) information; ignore the UA for now. UA
will be handled later on in 3rd year Heat exchanger design; this is because UA is related to the
materials used and the sizing of the exchanger.

Figure 2-21: The Heat Exchanger Design, Parameters Page

There are currently four options in the Heat Exchanger Model drop down menu these are:

Exchanger Design (Weighted); this model approach simulates multi phase systems such as a
condenser. This model can only handle single component systems and assumes counter current
flow only. No Ft factor is considered in this model.
Exchanger Design (End Point); this model approach simulates linear heat systems (i.e. no phase
changes), other assumptions are the overall heat transfer coefficient and specific heats on both sides
of the exchanger are constant throughout the system. This simulation uses the standard Heat
exchanger design equations.


Steady State Rating; this model is required for rating the system, this mode requires the geometry
of the exchanger. This model is based on the End point model with the same assumptions.
Dynamic Rating; This will not be used in this booklet. This has a considerable more amount of
detail for rating a heat exchanger than the Steady state option.
NOTE: Hysys does assume sizes so make sure these are defined correctly.
For this example keep the default value of Exchanger Design (End Point); these assumptions are
fine if there is no phase change. Just define the streams surrounding the Heat exchanger leaving
only one variable. Hysys will calculate the remaining values and sizing information. To find the
sizing and other calculated/defined parameters are found within the radio buttons located in the
Rating Tab, Sizing Menu, Sizing Options (top left drop down menu).


Try the parameters in Table 2-14 below on a Heater/ Cooler Couple and then a Heat exchanger
(remember the model options for some of these examples keep the default values on different
models). Mark down the results and/or errors.
Swap the sides in the heat exchanger function (tubeshell and shelltube). Comment on
the difference on any calculated values such as.
Try to use other heat exchanger models on each example and comment on any differences in
any value from any tab/menu within the exchanger, if any?
Comment on the values that should not work in this application but are accepted.
Complete the hand calculations for each of the systems attempted.
NOTE: The stream names are locations for easy use.
Table 2-14: The trial runs for the heat exchanger couple.
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Cooler In
200 oC
110 oC
110 oC
1 atm
1 atm
1 atm
0.5 kg/h
Cooler Out
10 oC
1 oC
Heater In
5 C
25 oC
25 oC
1 atm
1 atm
1 atm
30 kg/h
0.5 kg/h
10 kg/h
Heater Out
110 oC
200 oC
200 oC
Delta P
0 kPa
0 kPa
0 kPa

Trial 4
1 atm
2.5 kg/h
50 oC
40 oC
1 atm
1 kg/h
45 oC
0 kPa

Trial 5
35 oC
1 atm
25 kg/h
30 oC
-10 oC
1 atm
25 oC
0 kPa

Trial 6
80 oC
1 atm
2 kg/h
45 oC
25 oC
6 bar
10 kg/h
4 bar


2.6 Mass Transfer

Mass Transfer is an important part of chemical engineering. It is often treated by analogy to heat
transfer. Examples of mass transfer are evaporation of water to air, ammonia in air dissolving into

2.6.1 Introduction
In this section we will be using Antoine as the Fluids Package.
Have n-Hexane and n-Heptane as the components; insert a material stream into the workspace.
Set the Pressure at 2 atm.
n-Hexane Composition 0.4
n-Heptane Composition 0.6
NOTE: This Question may be found on page 9 of CHNG2802 Module 1 notes. Bubble Point Calculations

To find the Bubble Point Temperature of the system define the Vapour fraction as zero (0). This is
where the first bubbles will start to form when heating the system.
Determine the Vapour Composition at this point using Hysys Dew Point Calculations

Alternatively for the Dew Point Temperature of the system define the Vapour Fraction as one (1).
This is the point where condensation or initial liquefaction occurs when cooling the system.
Determine the Liquid Composition at this point in Hysys.

Figure 2-22: The Vapour Composition at the Bubble Point



2.6.2 Absorber
This unit operation is used to simulate absorption. Examples of absorption are scrubbing and gas
cleaning. Setting up the Absorber

Firstly define the system as shown in Table 2-15; then add an Absorber into the workspace. Open
up the unit by double clicking on it. The screenshot shown in Figure 2-23 below should appear.
Table 2-15: The System parameters
Fluids Package*

*This Fluids package predicts the ionisation of ammonia in water.

NOTE: You will notice the page 1 of 3 (R13) label at the base of the screen with the page title



Figure 2-23: The Absorber setup Page 1 screen

Figure 2-24: The Absorber setup Page 2 screen

Simply define the Inlet and outlet stream names and the number of stages (R12).
Click next> to continue to the next page, Figure 2-24, Define the pressures of the outlets (1 atm
for this example) and click next> again.
Figure 2-25 should appear. You do not need to fill in anything here so just click on Done. This
should bring up the overall screen shown in Figure 2-26. If the inlet streams have been defined the
system will solve.
NOTE: Always have the liquid stream at the top of the absorber with the gas stream at the base.

Figure 2-25: The absorber setup page 3 screen

Figure 2-26: The Setup Absorber screen ready to



Define the following parameters for the Ammonia Scrubber.

Table 2-16: The Parameters for the Air  Water Ammonia Absorber
Tab/ Menu
Page 1
Top Stage Inlet
Bottom Stage Inlet
Ovrhd Vapour Outlet
Bottom Liquid Outlet
Number of Stages
Top Stage Pressure
1 atm
Page 2
Bottom Stage Pressure
1 atm
25 oC
1 atm
3.9 kgmol/s
Composition Water
1 mol fraction
25 oC
1 atm
1 kgmol/s
0.98 mol fraction
Composition Ammonia
0.02 mol fraction Getting the Results

To view the results in different convenient forms go to the Performance tab similar to with the
The screen shown in Figure 2-27 below should appear. From here navigate the menu until a result
in the form that is desirable is found. (Recommended are the composition plots or the Recovery

Figure 2-27: The Performance tab of the Absorber

Change the number of stages to two (2) on the design connections page and hit the run
button at the base of the window. What effect did this have on the recoveries of the
ammonia in the outlet streams?
Now change the water flowrate to 1 kgmol/s. What effect did changing the flowrate have on
the ammonia recoveries?
51 Common Convergence Setbacks

There is usually a lot of trouble in converging (solving for a solution) using columns; the iterative
solution path will usually loop back on it self. These are generally caused by poorly defined
systems, i.e. flows too large in one direction, liquid-liquid transfer, a liquid stream defined as
entering the bottom of the column or Bad Fluids Package selection (described below in Section 4).
In General find the correct flow ratio using a case study.
Check the compositions of the feed streams and if they are realistic for an Absorber to handle the
Look at the fluid package abilities. There are generally many choices for each application. It is best
to determine the package on known or expected results.

2.7 Changing System Properties in the Middle of a Session

Changing or adding components in the middle of the session may be required in a variety of
circumstances, for example when adding in a new operation or reactor where the reactants are being
added to the system at the new point. There may even be a need to change or add in a new fluids
package, reaction set or even add a hypothetical component, even if you forgot a component or
made a mistake with the Fluids Package, this is the easiest way to perform the correction tasks.
To go back to the System Parameters or Basis Environment Find the button that looks like a
beaker; this is shown as a close up in Figure 2-28 below.

Figure 2-28: The enter Basis Environment Icon

You will recognise all of the features here from Section 1. From here you can add, change and
remove system parameters such as components, Fluid Packages and reactions (refer to the next



We will be answering Question 3 of CHNG2802 Module 1 notes (page 10).
1. A liquid stream comprising (on a molar basis) 30 % benzene (B), 30 % toluene (T) and 40
% styrene (S) is at 1.5 atm and needs to be heated. By carrying out bubble-point
calculations, estimate the maximum temperature to which this mixture can be heated before
vapour begins to form. What would be the composition of this vapour?
2. Now we will alter the composition of the feed to determine the effects on the vapour
composition. Write down the results in the table below.
NOTE: The ratios are not actually mol. fractions, to get the mol fractions add up the ratios and
divide by the total to get a total fraction, i.e. 2:2:1=5 0.4:0.4:0.2, alternately you could enter
the ratio and hit Normalise.
Table 2-17: The Mass Transfer Bubble Point results
Liquid Comp. (B:T:S)
Vapour Comp. (B)
Vapour Comp. (T)
Vapour Comp. (S)
Bubble Point Temp.






3. Run a case study of the pressure (0.5-5.0 atm) on the system (i.e. each component vapour
compositions and bubble point temperatures).
4. Using an Absorber, determine the compositions of the outlet streams for an
Air/Ammonia/Water system using SOUR-PR as the Fluids package. Using the data already
in the table, fill out the missing data.
Table 2-18: Mass Transfer Air/Ammonia/Water Data Table
Page 1
# of Stages
Page 2





Top Stage

Bottom Stage










0. 8























2.8 Simple Reactions

This section is an introduction to reactions in Hysys. Further work will be completed as part of the
third year subject material. The need to input reactions into Hysys is important. Here we will go
through the simple steps of adding a reaction and where they can be used. For this example the
methane combustion reaction will be entered into the system. We will assume no Temperature
dependence and 100 % conversion.
At the system parameters screen. Click on the Reactions tab, an interface similar to the one below
in Figure 2-29 will appear.







Figure 2-29: The Reactions setup screen

From this screen it is possible to view reaction sets, components that are involved and associations
between fluids packages and reactions. To make life simple it is best to have appropriate names for
reactions and Groups of them.
Click on the Add Rxn Button (B21) and a new window will appear, Figure 2-30 below, asking for
what type of reaction you wish to define. These are to be chosen based on the reaction data that is
currently available; for this example select Conversion, and click on Add Reaction. Another
new window will appear, this looks similar to the one shown in Figure 2-31 below. Define the
parameters listed in Table 2-19 below to complete the reaction parameters; to add in each
component click on the **Add Comp** cell and scroll down the list until the desired item is
highlighted and click on it.

Figure 2-30: The select Reaction Type window

Figure 2-31: The Reaction Stoichiometry window


Table 2-19: The Reaction Parameters

Stoich Coeff
Stoich. Tab
Carbon Dioxide

Basis Tab

Basis Component


Equation 2-7: The Chemical Reaction Equation that is being defined

Methane (CH ) + 2 Oxygen (O ) Carbon Dioxide (CO ) + 2 Water (H O)

Once the reaction has been defined, close the window and Figure 2-29 will be in view again. The
stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants are negative because they are being used up, while the
products have positive ones.
Click on the Add to FP button (B24) to add the reaction to the simulator.
NOTE: This step is commonly forgotten!!
The reaction is now ready to use in a reactor/ tank or other accommodating vessel. Multiple
reactions may be added into Hysys and even over multiple Fluid systems (FPs).
There are several Types of reactors in Hysys. These include PFR, and CSTR simulators. These are
useful for when the reaction kinetics or reaction rates are known.
Setting up a reactor in Hysys is straight forward. Start with a CSTR. Its the vertical cylindrical
symbol with a line through it, located below the mixer on the toolbar. Enter the reaction set in the
Reactions tab. You can set the volume of the reactor on the Rating tab. The reactor should then
NOTE: The CSTR and PFR will only handle rate type reactions (Simple Rate and Kinetic).

NOTE: It is also possible to size the reactor using the solving helpers like Adjust later on.


3 CHNG 2804 (Thermodynamics)

Thermodynamics is a key area where chemical engineers integrate their knowledge of the laws of
thermodynamics with real life applications. This section will help with the understanding that
Thermodynamics is used everywhere in chemical engineering and in day to day life. Hysys is a
good tool to use for thermodynamic problems; a few examples are shown below with a few extra
functional options for Hysys. Most of these examples will be based on the Power industry.

Table of Contents for Section 3


THERMODYNAMICS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 57

GAS COMPRESSION......................................................................................................................................... 57
Compression Tutorial .......................................................................................................................................................61

ITEM TABLES .................................................................................................................................................. 62
Viewing ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
Modifying .................................................................................................................................................. 63
GAS EXPANSION ............................................................................................................................................. 64
Isothermal Expansion ............................................................................................................................... 64
Adiabatic Expansion ................................................................................................................................. 64
Turbine TUTORIAL ........................................................................................................................................................65

POWER CYCLES .............................................................................................................................................. 66
Single-Stage Steam Rankine Cycle ........................................................................................................... 66
The Turbine ......................................................................................................................................................66
The Condenser..................................................................................................................................................66
The Pump..........................................................................................................................................................67
The Boiler.........................................................................................................................................................68
Single-Stage Rankine Cycle Tutorial ...............................................................................................................................69


Multi-Staged Rankine Cycle ..................................................................................................................... 69

Multi-Stage RANKINE CYCLEs TUTORIAL................................................................................................................70


Brayton Gas Cycle .................................................................................................................................... 71
Air Compressor.................................................................................................................................................71
Combustion Reactor .........................................................................................................................................71
Adding a Reaction to a Reactor ........................................................................................................................71
Turbine .............................................................................................................................................................72
SIMPLE BRAYTON (GAS) CYCLE TUTORIAL .........................................................................................................72

The Adjust Function.................................................................................................................................. 73
Regenerated Brayton Cycle ...................................................................................................................... 73
Combined Power Cycles ........................................................................................................................... 73
HYSYS STEADY STATE CONTROLS (SET/ADJUST/RECYCLE) .......................................................................... 74
SET............................................................................................................................................................ 74
RECYCLE ................................................................................................................................................. 74
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING ...................................................................................................... 74
Refrigeration............................................................................................................................................. 74


Domestic Refrigeration.....................................................................................................................................75

Refrigerant Selection ................................................................................................................................ 77
Evaporating and Condensing Pressures ............................................................................................................77
Discharge Temperature.....................................................................................................................................77
Toxicity ............................................................................................................................................................77
Thermal Conductivity.......................................................................................................................................78
Refrigeration Tutorial.......................................................................................................................................................79


Air-Conditioning....................................................................................................................................... 80

Domestic Air Conditioning...............................................................................................................................80


3.1 Thermodynamics Introduction

You have learned about Ideal gas properties in High School. Now is the time to start putting this
information in to practice by using it in a simulation environment, more realistic and complex gas
systems can then be attempted. Heat exchangers, reactors, pumps, compressors and valves are
simulated in Hysys; all of these will be used within this section. The following worked examples
will help develop your understanding of the thermodynamic capabilities of Hysys. In these
examples I will be showing quick information gathering techniques such as item tables.

3.2 Gas Compression

In this example we will be trying to find the temperature of a gas leaving a compressor. This is to
complement the thermodynamics that you have been learning in class, for this example remember
that compressing a gas causes it to heat up. To start this tutorial, open Hysys and enter the following
parameters from Table 3-1 into Hysys. This is done using the tabs which are discussed in section
Table 3-1: The system settings
Fluids Package

Once this has been completed enter the simulation environment then the following steps may be
taken. Firstly you will notice a toolbar on the right of the screen. This is described above in the unit
operations section. Click on the Blue arrow. Then click somewhere on the blank workspace to place
the stream. Then Select the Compressor (Shown Above). Place this on the screen also. The
workspace should look similar to Figure 3-1 below.

Figure 3-1: The Stream entered onto the workspace

From here double click on the Feed stream 1. A window will pop open displaying the possible
inputs for the stream properties. We only need to fill in a few of these to remove the degrees of
freedom for the system so far.
The parameters that will be used to remove the degrees of freedom are listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2: The Parameters in for the conditions menu

Parameter Name
25 oC
Mass Flow
60 kg/h
Composition (AIR)


Figure 3-2 shows that the stream is now dark blue instead of light blue as above in Figure 3-1

New Colour

Figure 3-2: The stream changes colour to show the stream is ready

Next are the Compressor properties. From the worksheet screen double click on the compressor.
This should be coloured RED this means that it has not yet been specified. The following screen
should appear (Figure 3-3). The following information should be entered on this screen. From here
we will also be creating streams. These are the Energy stream and Outlet stream. This is
another way of creating streams apart from the menu. This is demonstrated in Figure 3-3 to Figure
3-8. Each figure will be described in detail below.
Figure 3-3 shows that there are drop down menus for each of the stream options so that it is easy to
find the one that is required. Hysys will only give you the option of using unconnected streams

Figure 3-3: The Compressor Connections screen

Figure 3-4 shows that it is also possible to create streams from these connection screens. In order to
do so just click in the connection name box and type in the stream name that is required, and Hysys
will automatically create a stream for you. Do the same for the Energy stream.


Figure 3-4: The filled out connections

Figure 3-5 shows what happens when you create streams from the compressor connections screen.
This is a much faster process than inputting the streams from the item toolbar. Notice that the
energy and flow streams are light colours and the compressor has a yellow outline. Now we need to
define either the compressors power capability or the outlet streams pressure. Figure 3-6 shows the
way to define the pressure from inside the stream properties screen. However this is not always the
best way to complete this task. In order to define the compressor completely and keep track of
errors it would be best to keep open the compressor window and define that property from in there.
This is demonstrated in Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 on the next page. There is no need to input a duty
number for any unit operation; its for Hysys to calculate, use another parameter such as pressure in
this case.

Figure 3-5: What the worksheet looks like now

Figure 3-6: The outlet stream properties screen

Go To
Worksheet tab
to see adjacent

Figure 3-7: The connecting properties tab


Figure 3-8 shows only one parameter (Pressure) is required to complete the stream. This is because
the compressor has completed the rest of the calculations for you; this includes any assumptions
that have been made. For example Hysys assumes that the compressor operates at an adiabatic
efficiency of 75 % and the motor specifications have also been filled in. These assumed values are
RED. Figure 3-9 shows the calculated values after the parameter was entered. Make a note that the
temperature has risen by over 50 oC. This is a significant temperature increase.
Try to duplicate this with hand calculations.




Figure 3-8: Entering the data from the compressor

Figure 3-9: Showing that only one parameter is needed here


The previous example has covered simple single staged compression. The following example will
demonstrate staged compression with intermediate inter-cooling.
1. Assumptions:
Use an adiabatic efficiency of 100 % for this Question
a. A centrifugal air compressor takes 0.5 kg/hr of air at 22 oC to and 1 atm to 10 atm. What
would be the power requirement for a single stage compressor to achieve this?
b. If a two stage compressor with intermediate cooling back to 40 oC is used for the same
compression (1-10 atm), what is the minimum power (kW & hp) required assuming the
intermediate pressure is 3 atm?
c. Compare the power requirements of the part a and b and comment especially on the
two outlet temperatures.
d. Run a case study on the effects of the intermediate pressure (1.1-9.9 atm) on outlet
temperature. Discuss the trend and results, where they expected?
2. Repeat question 1 with an adiabatic efficiency of 75 %.
3. Carbon Dioxide is to be compressed from 1 bar, 25 oC to 5 bar.
a. Compare the work needed using a single reversible, adiabatic compressor to twostage compression with inter-cooling. The inter-stage pressure is 2.25 bar; intercooling is to 40 oC.
b. What are the exit temperatures in both cases and why would they vary if at all?


3.3 Item Tables

Item tables are a very useful way to view results on the workspace. They can remove the need to
continuously open up streams or operations data pages. This is useful for applications as initial
condition effect analysis or scoping for a specific result.

3.3.1 Viewing
Figure 3-10 shows how to access the tables on the workspace screen. This eliminates having to
open up each item to see what the values are. This is useful if you are constantly changing the
inputs and are trying to determine the effects. Figure 3-11 shows all of the available tables for this
example. There are a variety of different tables that show similar values. Some of these numbers
can be changed to different units such as the flowrate may be changed to mass flow units such as
To get these tables to appear right click on the object that you wish to view. Scroll down the list to
Show Table and select that option. The table should appear in the workspace.

Figure 3-10: The right click menu on a stream

Figure 3-11: The different types of values in item tables


3.3.2 Modifying
In order to view different types of information available in Hysys in these tables a quick
modification step may take place. This is as follows:
Right click on a table
Select View Properties
Click Add Variable
Select the Variable you desire
If there are any further specifications select the one you wish
Click on OK
From here you can name the selected item
Close the window
These steps are illustrated in Figure 3-12 to Figure 3-14 below.

Figure 3-12: The right click drop menu of a table

Figure 3-13: The modification windows

Figure 3-14: The names are changeable


3.4 Gas Expansion

Gas expansion is important to a chemical engineer in that this process is used extensively in
industry, mainly to generate electricity.

3.4.1 Isothermal Expansion

There are two types of ideal behaviour; these are Adiabatic (described below) and Isothermal. Air
expansion can be assumed ideal under most circumstances; this allows for simple ideal gas
expansion calculations.
This example for using Hysys is only being used to allow for Hysys to mimic the Ideal Gas law
For this example we are trying to find the change in volume associated with a pressure drop across
the expander under isothermal conditions. From the example above, (so we do not need to redefine
the system properties) open the compressor window and click the option box at the bottom right that
says ignore, this will no longer complete calculations or bring up all of the warnings associated
with this item.
Close that window then find the toolbar. Find the expander unit operation; this will look like a
backwards compressor. Add this to the screen and enter the following data found in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3: The data that is required for the calculation
Parameter Name
Parameter Name
Design Tab. Connections Menu
Worksheet Tab. Conditions Menu
Inlet Stream name
Temperature S-100
Outlet Stream name
Temperature S-101
Energy Stream name
Pressure S-100
10.130 kPa
Pressure S-101
01.013 kPa
Mass Flow
Design Tab. Parameters Menu
Worksheet Tab. Composition Menu
Adiabatic Efficiency
100 %
S-100 Air

We now need to see some results. For this we will need to modify the item tables.
Insert the Actual Volume Flow Variable to the table as above. This then allows for a quick view
of the volume change over the expander.
NOTE: This example is unrealistic and will not work in practice due to the fact that work is done
by the system, this means that heat will need to dissipate. It is impossible to build a perfectly
isothermal device due to the large surface area that would be required along with frictionless
parts. This application should never be used for design or scoping calculations in Hysys. Use the
Adiabatic Expansion example to give a better estimate.

3.4.2 Adiabatic Expansion

Now for an example for Adiabatic Expansion, Lets use an expander to calculate the temperature
decrease associated with the pressure drop.
Firstly start a new Hysys file. Then input the information from Table 3-4 below. This will then get
you up and running for this question.
Table 3-4: The System Settings
Fluids Package
ASME Steam


Table 3-5: The Required Data for the question

Parameter Name
Worksheet Tab. Conditions Menu
250 oC
Molar Flow
60 kg-mol/h

Now insert an expander onto the workspace and enter the relevant information into these forms.
These are listed below in Table 3-5 above.
The Expander should now solve. Have a look around at the options that are the set standards for the
expander. Changing some of these will give different circumstances, and solutions to the problem.
Final temperature should be 122.3 oC
NOTE: Like the Pump and Compressor the efficiency is assumed to be 75 %.

1. From the Expander defined above in Section 3.4.2, run a case study on the effects of
adiabatic efficiency (0-100 %) on the outlet temperature of the system.
2. Insert a second expander with an intermediate re-heater. Set the intermediate pressure to 4
atm, and the re-heater outlet temperature of 250 oC.
3. What is the effect on the outlet temperature (percentage difference) and power production
(sum of K-xxx) in comparison to part 1?
4. Run separate case studies of the intermediate pressure (1.5-4.5 atm) on inlet and
intermediate temperature (250-500 oC) while the inlet temperature is at 500 oC, on the Outlet
Temperature and Power production. Where the results expected? (i.e. do they match up with
hand calculated answers)


3.5 Power Cycles

3.5.1 Single-Stage Steam Rankine Cycle
The steam cycle has been an important part of the power industry for over 100 years. To show how
to combine a complex system into Hysys, this section will take you through a step by step approach
to building a steam cycle in the simulator including parallel and series approaches to equipment
assembly. The basis for these examples may be found in Winnick 1997, Chapter 7 on pages 173177. For this example use Water and ASME steam as the system parameters. The Turbine

This is a good place to start the simulation, the actual starting point does not matter in cycles but for
general processes define from start to finish. We will be modifying the surrounding variables in the
case studies later on; the flowrate through the turbine makes more sense to define than any other
part because this is ultimately what changes the power output.
To simulate a turbine simply add in an expander unit to the workspace. Then add the streams and
define the properties listed below in Table 3-6.
Table 3-6: The design parameters for the Turbine
K-100 (Design/ Inlet
K-100 (Design/ Adiabatic
53.6 %
550 oC
70 bar
Mass Flow
10 kg/h
S-100 (Compn)
S-101 (Condn)
1 atm

Figure 3-15: The fully Defined Expander

One this has been completed you will see the fully defined Turbine above in Figure 3-15. The Condenser

Next we need to cool down the steam further into a sub-cooled liquid.
This is so that we know that there is no chance of vapour forming in the pump, also pressurising a
liquid is far less energy intensive than a gas. The only problem with this is that as the liquid is
cooled the energy required in the boiler increases. To add in the condenser, add in a heat exchanger.
Define the following parameters in Table 3-7 over the cooler. Notice all of the assumed
information. The real aim for real processes is to lower the temperature and pressure of the outlet to
the turbine to maximise the electricity production.
NOTE: See that the Vapour Fraction has been specified. This is because we want the limit for the
optimum efficiency.
NOTE: The intersecting stream has been labelled 2 This is because it is from another system
(utilities); this way it is easy to determine a secondary pathway.


Table 3-7: The Parameters for the cooler

E-100 (Connections)
Tube Side Inlet
Shell Side Inlet
Tube Side Outlet
Shell Side Outlet
E-100 (Parameters)
Tube Side Delta P
Shell Side Delta P
Heat Leak/Loss
S-200 (Conditions)
S-200 (Compositions)
S-201 (Conditions)
S-104 (Conditions)
Vapour Fraction






The vapour fraction is required in this example so as to specify that there is no vapour entering into
the next operation (the pump); this is the function of a condenser. The design of the condenser
should result in no vapour going into the pump with system disturbances taken into account. In
practice a set temperature of sub-cooling would be required to allow for disturbances in a real
system something along the lines of 5-10oC. To test this out set the temperature lower in this stream
after the cycle has been completed to see the effects.
Once this has been done the workspace should resemble Figure 3-16 below.

Figure 3-16: The Attached Cooler The Pump

Next we need to insert a pump. This is attached to the outlet of the heat exchanger. This is so that
we can get the water back up to pressure for the boiler to complete the cycle.
Define the pump as shown in Table 3-8 below.
Table 3-8: The specifications of the pump
P-100 (Design/Connections)
P-100 (Design/Parameters)
Adiabatic Efficiency
S-105 (Conditions)




NOTE: That the work load for a pump is significantly lower than that of a compressor/ turbine
(~0.03). This is essential for the system to produce electricity.
The product should look like that in Figure 3-17 below.


Figure 3-17: The pump added to the system The Boiler

To complete the cycle add a heater operation, this is to simulate a boiler which may be attached to a
tank or reactor later for the combustion to be added into the workspace.
Attach the outlet from the pump to the inlet and the inlet to the turbine to the outlet. Then add in an
energy stream. Solved, can you see how the system has been solved piece by piece?
The final cycle should look like Figure 3-18 below.

Figure 3-18: The Closed Steam cycle

From here it is possible to rearrange the parts to make a cleaner representation of the cycle. Right
clicking on the items and rotating the parts from the Transform menu will allow for a cleaner
representation such as the one in Figure 3-19 below. It does not matter if the loop is clockwise or

Figure 3-19: The Neat representation of the steam cycle

The power outlet is the value of Power (Q-100 Q-102).

The efficiency is the Power divided by the heat in. {(Q-100 Q-102)/H-100}
This gives us a value of 1.466 kW at 17 % efficiency.
How much Steam (cycle flow) and cooling water flow (Delta T= 8 oC) will give 500 MW?



Run the following Case Studies of the following on Cooling water Flowrate (S-200) and Total
Power. Reset the original system settings before starting a different case.
S-101 Temperature (120-400 oC) effects on the system.
S-100 Temperature (450-650 oC) with S-101 Pressure set at (1 atm)
S-100 Pressure (10-80 atm) with S-101 Pressure set at (1 atm)
S-201 Temperature (25-50 oC)
S-100 Pressure (10-80 atm) with S-101 Pressure set at (1 atm) on the effects of Temperature
in S-101 and Total Power

3.5.2 Multi-Staged Rankine Cycle

From the previous example remove the connection of S-101 to E-100.
Add in another heater and another Expander. Link up the streams using stream numbers of S-102
and S-103. Dont define the streams as of yet. The diagram should similar to the one in Figure 3-20

Figure 3-20: The new heater and turbine added in

From here define the following parameters on parts as listed in Table 3-9 below.
Table 3-9: The Extra Parameter definitions
E-102 (Design/Parameters)
Delta P
K-101 (Design/Parameters)
Adiabatic Efficiency



The system should now be completely solved. Note down any major results on the parameters listed
below and comment on the differences to the single stage steam cycle.
Total power out
Cooling water flowrate
Temperature in the stream before the condenser
Total Heat required in the system (H-100+H-101)
Efficiency: (Q-100+Q-101-Q-102)/(H-100+H-101)


An easy way to comment on the differences is to create a spreadsheet and do some simple
calculations on the Maximum Efficiency, Thermal Efficiency (Net energy out/Heat in) and outlet
Power. The easiest way to compare is to have both systems in the same workspace. Make sure the
variables heading in to the cooler are consistent for both systems.
The final view may look like Figure 3-21 below. I have labelled the single system as stream set 3.
To get the streams to have the colour scheme similar to that is shown below, change the scheme to
Temperature at (R12).


Figure 3-21: The comparison Between Single and Multi Turbine Rankine Systems


Run Case Studies of:
S-100 Pressure (10-80 atm) with S-101 Pressure set (2 atm) on the Total Power and
Temperature out of the first Turbine (S-101).
S-101 Pressure (1.5-65 atm) with S-100 Pressure set (70 atm) on Cooling water Flowrate
and Total Power.
Run the previous case study on Total Power vs. Thermal Efficiency
S-103 Pressure (1-60 atm) with S-101 Pressure set (65 atm) on Temperature out of the
condenser (S-104) and the Total Power
Run other case studies to determine the effects of different components.
What are the realistic system limitations based on the physical properties of Water and the
construction materials.


3.5.3 Brayton Gas Cycle

The Brayton Cycle is used by gas power stations. Air is compressed using some of the power from
the turbine. This uses the combustion off gases of a furnace. Set up a combustion reaction as
demonstrated in Section 2.8 above.
NOTE: Make sure you have Oxygen and Nitrogen, NOT Air as a component. Otherwise the
reaction wont work properly. Air Compressor

The compressor is a key step in the cycle. This part of the operation determines the overall
efficiency; this is because the compressor sets the gas temperatures and determines the maximum
pressure drop through the turbine. Having the fuel to air mixture also contributes to the overall
efficiency. Having a mixture that is too rich in fuel is undesirable because the fuel wont burn
completely. This reduces the heat generation and wastes expensive fuels. Having a weak fuel
mixture in the reactor means that the compressor has to compress more air; this increases the
compressors power demand and reduces the efficiency of the system. The following variables in
Table 3-10 below should be defined for the system.
Table 3-10: The compressor parameters
K-101 (Design/Parameters)
Adiabatic Efficiency


o Combustion Reactor

These are located in a special toolbar shown in Figure 3-22. Select
General Reactors and the extra toolbar will appear to the right. Select
the reactor with the C; this is a Conversion reactor. The type of reactor
is to be selected based only on the reaction specifications.
Since the reaction is exothermic, the reaction rate is very hard to control.
The reaction is heavily favoured towards the products. The easiest way to
define this reaction is to assume a 100 % conversion.
NOTE: In reality there are side reactions such as Nitrogen and Sulfur
oxides creation with incomplete combustion creating CO as well. But we
are focussed on the temperature. Adding a Reaction to a Reactor

Figure 3-22: The

location of the
reactors toolbar

Insert the reactor into the workspace, open up the reactor. Add in the
required connections. Now we need to add in the reaction to the reactor. If
the reaction was defined correctly and added into the current fluids
package then this step will be quite simple. Refer to Section 2.8 (Simple Reactions) above for a
refresher. Firstly open up the reactor screen, then go to the Reactions tab Details menu. From
the Reaction Set drop down menu select the reaction set. This is usually Global Reaction Set-1
if there is only one reaction set. If you have named the reaction set, that is what you should find.
The reaction is now ready to proceed.


Table 3-11 below has the specifications for the reactor that are required for this example.
Table 3-11: The Parameters for the Conversion Reactor
Vapour/ Phase Fraction
CRV-100 (Design/Connections)
Vapour Outlet
Liquid Outlet
CRV-100 (Design/Parameters)
Delta P
Liquid Level

6 atm
33 kgmol/hr
S-101, S-103
0 kPa
0 % Turbine
The pressurised combustion gases are expanded in the turbine. The turbine creates the electricity.
The parameters are listed below in Table 3-12.
Table 3-12: The Turbine Specifications
K-101 (Design/Parameters)
Adiabatic Efficiency



Once this has been completed the Hysys workspace should look similar to Figure 3-23 below.

Figure 3-23: The PFD of the Brayton Cycle

Initially the Combustion outlet temperatures (S-104) are excessive (2,109.4 oC). Most materials
cannot handle this kind of temperature range. This problem may be fixed by changing the flowrate
of air to extreme excess. Approximately 351 kgmol/hr is sufficient to reduce the outlet temperature
to a workable 1100 K which is below the safety limitations for most common steels.


Find the flowrate for a realistic plant. The final outlet power should be around 500 MW. Determine
the effects of the different flowrates of S-101 and S-102 on the system within the limits below. This
will show the power of the reaction calculations and the effects of rich or lean fuel to air mixtures
on excess power production and outlet conditions or compositions.

S-101 Flowrate (1-120,000 kgmol/hr) with S-102 set (45,000 kgmol/hr)

S-102 Flowrate (1-90,000 kgmol/hr) with S-101 set (11,700 kgmol/hr)

NOTE: 6 or 7 points are sufficient to see the trends.


3.5.4 The Adjust Function

This feature is an alternate route for finding a specific set of conditions based
on a required specification which Hysys has to calculate to solve the problem.
I.e. Change a starting condition to solve for a specific temperature. The only
way to do this so far is trial and error and case studies; case studies are still
better to use for more complex systems. This allows for solving of a limitation
such as the outlet temperature to a combustion chamber to be calculated with
ease. The previous example will now be solved within reasonable parameters
to allow for material limitations. This can be done by back calculating with
iterations in Hysys. Find the Adjust function. The location on the toolbar is
shown on the right in Figure 3-24.
NOTE: The Adjust is located above the spreadsheet. Set the values listed in
Table 3-13 below.
Table 3-13: The parameters for the Adjust function
Connections/Connections Object
Adjusted Variable
Molar Flow
Connections/Connections Object
Target Variable
Connections/Connections Source
User Supplied
Target Value
Specified Target Value
Maximum Iterations


The location of


3.5.5 Regenerated Brayton Cycle

Unlike the Rankine cycle the Brayton Cycle cannot simply be given more heaters and turbines.
Other problems include thermal pollution from the outlet gases and the need to scrub the outlet
gases to minimise the greenhouse gas emissions. The regenerating Brayton Cycle only returns part
of the heat from the outlet gases to the feed air stream.
Insert a heat exchanger operation. Have the low pressure exhaust gasses on the tube side of the
exchanger. One variable will need to be set; this will usually be the air outlet for the exchanger.
Follow the example on page 187 of Winnick.
Write down any difference in Power Outlet, Reactor Outlet Temperature, and Reaction extent to the
standard cycle.

3.5.6 Combined Power Cycles

These cycles are basically combinations of the Rankine and Brayton Cycles. There are alternative
power production processes that have not been covered here. The demonstrated power cycles
should be sufficient to get you started. The most simplified combined cycle is the Brayton Cycle
with a Rankine cycle using the off gasses of the system as a heat source for the boiler.


3.6 Hysys Steady State Controls (Set/Adjust/Recycle)

The adjust option was explored above in Section 3.5.4. In this section we will look into other
solving Helpers that Hysys has for us.

3.6.1 SET
This sets a variable of a stream to be the same or in a ratio to another one. For example if you have
2 flowrates that need to be solved simultaneously but you know that one is 3 times larger than the
other one. Insert the Set Unit (S in a green diamond, right of the Adjust function)
Set the Target variable and the source of the solved variable.
On the Parameters tab you can set the ratio of the two parameters with any offset.

Like the Adjust function this is an iterative solver. (R in a green diamond, far right of the Adjust
function) Whenever there is a change in composition in a cycle this is to be used. Simply attach a
Recycle unit into a returning stream. Set an initial guess for the outlet of the recycle (usually the
other inlet) and let the solution come. Make sure the initial run solves before linking the recycled
stream back, and check that any inert material is mostly removed from the recycling stream.
NOTE: The recycle may not converge if there is complete recycle or an accumulation within the
circuit, i.e. recycling of an inert gas that is also in the feed stream, this system will need a purge

3.7 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration is an important process that has lead to the development of special foods and
increased the storage time and transportation capability of spoilable consumables such as ice-cream
and meats. Air Conditioning is an important process that was primarily designed to remove
accumulated heat from large hot buildings; these are hot due to the thermal hold-up and heating
from the sun.

3.7.1 Refrigeration
Refrigeration is a complex process which has several considerations that need to be addressed
during the process of design. These include:
Refrigerant selection
Thermal expansion
Leakage direction
The general form of Refrigeration is:
Evaporation This process is where the refrigerant evaporates and takes in the energy from
the surroundings. (INSIDE)
Superheat This is to ensure that the refrigerant wont condense in the compressor
Compression Compressing the gas to a higher pressure and temperature for condensation
Condensation This is where the refrigerant is cooled down using a cooler environment
than the one it is currently in.(OUTSIDE)
Throttling/ Expansion The now higher pressure fluid expands through a valve (capillary)
to the start of the cycle at much lower pressures. (cooling the fluid down further)

74 Domestic Refrigeration

For this example we will try to mimic a domestic Refrigerator/Freezer.
This is a small application of the cycle described above. We will look for a refrigerant that performs
at below -18 oC in order to keep a freeze food. (Fisher&Paykel)
For the heat requirements in Hysys we will be assuming a temperature change range of
approximately 2 oC as the fluctuation range. We will also assume that there is fluid flow of around
1 compartment volume (i.e. the whole volume is cycled past the coils) each minute. (This
assumption makes sense with a fan at the rear of the freezer and fridge)
For a Fridge there are several other parameters that need to be addressed.
1. The freezer has higher heat losses to the atmosphere because a freezer temperature of -20 to
-18 oC is quite low, this should mean that more heat is transferred into the refrigerant than in
the fridge section.
2. The fridge temperature is approximately 2-4 oC.
3. The heat outlet coils are cooled by air at atmospheric conditions (30 oC, 1 atm).
To define the problem we must set out the conditions for the system.
Insert 3 Heat Exchangers, 1 Compressor and 1 Valve. (For industrial systems the valve is usually
replaced with a turbine or expander to recover power losses)
There are several utilities used in this cycle:
1. Freezer (S-FZx)
2. Fridge (S-FRx)
3. Atmosphere (S-ATMx)
In reality these Heat exchangers are not used. Fin exchangers are placed in the walls of the
refrigerator with insulation on one side. The Heat exchanger model only handles Shell and tube
exchangers which are not very good for simulating the Fin type or Plate heat exchangers. However
we will use them for an energy balance only since there is no need to use the sizing or heat transfer
Add in the streams as shown below in Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-25: The Domestic refrigerator cycle setup


Define the following parameters:

Table 3-14: The system parameters
Component List # and Fluids Basis
List-1 and Basis-1
List-1 and Basis-2

Fluids Package


Refrigerant 134a is otherwise known as HFC-134a, CF3CH2F or tetra-fluoro-ethane. This

refrigerant is Class A1 (Non-flammable, low range toxicity) and is suitable for general usage with a
Relative Ozone depletion of 0, Relative Halocarbon Global Warming Potential of 0.28 and
Evaporating pressure (49.8 psia@40 oF) and Condensing pressure (138.9 psia@100 oF) within our
Table 3-15: The Refrigeration Cycle Operational Conditions
Tube side Basis
Shell Side Basis
Tube side Delta P
Shell Side Delta P
Molar Flow
Vapour Fraction*
Molar Flow

Tube side Basis
Shell Side Basis
Tube side Delta P
Shell Side Delta P
Adiabatic Efficiency
Tube Side Delta P
Vapour Fraction





* Assumed to start with.

NOTE: You should use the adjust function to set the Temperature in S-102 to -6 oC by changing the
Vapour fraction of S-101.
This example is only to give a brief look at an application of refrigeration cycles. The information
for the data here is not realistic in that the vapour fraction in between the fridge and freezer would
never be set. This value would be highly dependent on the fluctuation in the temperatures in the
freezer compartment of the cycle.
The cold temperatures of the refrigerant are for Refrigeration of spoilable foodstuffs.

Handbook of Air conditioning and Refrigeration, Second Edition, by Shan K. Wang, pg 9.8-9.11
Published by McGraw-Hill 2001


3.7.2 Refrigerant Selection

There are several considerations that need to be taken into account for the selection of refrigerants4.
These include the list on the following page:
Evaporating and condensing pressures
Thermal Conductivity
Discharge Temperature

Refrigeration Capacity
Oil Miscibility
Di-electric Properties
Leakage detection ability
Ozone Depletion Potential

Some of these are described briefly below.

The most commonly used Refrigerants that are used are:
HFC-134a This is used in general refrigeration systems.
HFC-245ca This may be used for large chillers.
HFC-125 This is used mainly in near azeotropic mixtures with other refrigerants for
azeotropic refrigeration.
Other refrigerants may be found in Winnick et al. or from the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34Addenda 1992 or later. These sources are important for finding the correct refrigerant for a
particular system. Evaporating and Condensing Pressures

Having the Refrigerant pressure higher than that of the surroundings is important4. This is because
if air/water leaked into the system the condensing pressure would increase. The condensing pressure
should be low in order to avoid more rigid constructions of the compressor, pipes, condenser and
other components. With some refrigerants there is also a small but important chance of a fire, like
Ammonia. Fires can be reduced to not destroying the equipment with a highly pressurised
refrigerant. This is because the refrigerant will want to leave the system if there is a breach and will
not let the air inside to burn the fluid in the lines. Discharge Temperature

A discharge temperature from the compressor of lower than 100 oC is preferred as there is less
chance of damage to components and lubricants4. Toxicity
Due to the high pressures involved in the refrigeration systems the problem of leakage is evident4.
Since leakage is almost inevitable in older or more warn systems toxicity of the leaked gas is an
important consideration to take into account. Refrigerants need to be safe enough to use without
causing too much discomfort. In the ANSI/ASHRE Standard 34-1997, the toxicity of refrigerants is
classified as class A or B. Class A having very low toxicity in terms of exposure while class B have
exposure limitations.

77 Flammability
In the ANSI/ASHRE Standard 34-1997 there are 3 classes of refrigerants in terms of flammability4.

Class 1 has no flame propagation at atmospheric conditions. (Classed as non-flammable)

Class 2 have lower flammability limits of more than 0.1 kg/m3 at atmospheric conditions or
a heat of combustion lower than 19 kJ/g. (Classed as low flammability)
Class 3 have lower flammability limits of lower than 0.1 kg/m3 at atmospheric conditions or
a heat of combustion greater than 19 kJ/g. (Classed as high flammability)

NOTE: Safety Groups are classified as (Toxicity class letter), (Flammability class number). I.e.
Classification A2 has lower toxicity with a low flammability. Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity is closely related to the efficiency of the heat transfer in the evaporator and
condenser. High conductivity allows for higher transfer rates4. Inertness
Inert refrigerants are preferred due to the lower maintenance requirements for internal corrosion and


1. Define the following simple refrigeration cycle.

Heat Flow
Adiabatic Efficiency
Shell Side Delta P
Tube Side Delta P
Vapour Fraction



mol frac

Remove the heat specification in Q1. Insert a spreadsheet function, have the import as Q1 Heat
flow. In the cell directly below the import enter the formula:
= (import cell)/ 12000 (BTU/hr)
For the units that Q1 are in you will need to convert back to instead of the 12000
This is to work out how much ice at 0 oC we can make in tonnes per day.
How much refrigerant will it take to make 30 kg of ice a minute?
2. What other sets of specifications would solve the system for an unlimited range of flows for the
Remember any system limitations such as there is to be no liquid entering the compressor and that
overlapping temperatures (around the heater, water is flowing/freezing there) are not realistic.


3.7.3 Air-Conditioning Domestic Air Conditioning
A common type of air conditioning in house-holds is known as a heat pump and can be a ReverseCycle Air-conditioner. This essentially means that the flow of the refrigerant through the
exchangers is reversed and sends the heat in the other direction. For most simple refrigerator
systems the throttle is a capillary valve in other words the tube diameter gets very small and then
enters into another tube of significantly larger diameter. However this type of valve is not suited to
heat pumps as having the flow in the wrong direction will simply ruin such the valve. In order to
stop this from happening there are two generic solutions. Have a single diameter pipe all the way
through the system with an electronically controlled valve to control the pressures. The other option
is to have a secondary system around the valves. The general system in Hysys is illustrated below in
Figure 3-27, A shows the summer cycle, while B shows the winter cycle. This figure is
accompanied by Figure 3-26 which shows the schematics.
To define the heating half of the system, simply copy the cooling system from above but have the
flow in the reverse direction. The parameters for both of the systems are listed below in Table 3-16.

Figure 3-26: The Air-conditioning Cycle Schematics3

Figure 3-27: The Twin Cycles of the Reverse-Cycle Air-Conditioning

NOTE: Heaters and cooler couples may also be used when building these cycles.


Table 3-16: The reverse cycle Air-Conditioning parameters4

-20 oF
-10 oF
100 oF
Vapour Fraction
24 oC
1 atm
4 kg/hr
20 oC
30 oC
1 atm
5 kg/hr
65 %
Delta P Shell
0 kPa
Delta P Tube
0 kPa
Delta P Shell
0 kPa
Delta P Tube
0 kPa

Vapour Fraction
Delta P Shell
Delta P Tube
Delta P Shell
Delta P Tube






Calculate the co-efficient of performance (COP). This may be done by using the following
1kW used in the compressor will give how many kW of heating (heating efficiency) and
cooling (cooling efficiency).


COPcarnot= Tc/ (Th-Tc)


4 Thermodynamic Package Choices

Selecting the correct Thermodynamics package is essential in Hysys. The wrong choice will lead to
erroneous results leading to poorly designed equipment or an entire design plan to be abandoned.
This section will guide the user through the right choice, or at least give and option of 2 or 3
packages that are suitable for each application. This section is to be used as a guide along with the
Fluids Package Wizard. The following section has the different types of fluids packages in
categories with descriptions, this information may also be found in the Hysys help menus.

Table of Contents for Section 4

PACKAGES INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 83
VLE SIMPLE SELECTION ................................................................................................................................ 83
THERMODYNAMIC PACKAGES ........................................................................................................................ 85
Equations of State ..................................................................................................................................... 85


Activity Models ......................................................................................................................................... 88


Chao Seader (CS) .............................................................................................................................................90

Grayston Streed (GS)........................................................................................................................................90

Vapour Prediction models ........................................................................................................................ 90


Chien Null ........................................................................................................................................................88

Wilson ..............................................................................................................................................................88
Non-Random-Two-Liquid (NRTL) ..................................................................................................................88
Margules ...........................................................................................................................................................89
Van Laar ...........................................................................................................................................................89

Semi-Impirical Methods............................................................................................................................ 89


Generalized Cubic Equation of State (GCEoS) ................................................................................................86

Lee-Kesler Plocker (LKP) ................................................................................................................................86
Peng-Robinson (PR) .........................................................................................................................................86
Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) ..........................................................................................................................86
Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS) .........................................................................................................86
Twu-Sim-Tassone (TST) ..................................................................................................................................86
PR-Twu ............................................................................................................................................................87
PRSV ................................................................................................................................................................87
Sour PR.............................................................................................................................................................87
Sour SRK..........................................................................................................................................................87
Kabadi Danner (KD).........................................................................................................................................87
Zudkevitch Joffee (ZJ)......................................................................................................................................88

Antoine .............................................................................................................................................................90
Braun K10 ........................................................................................................................................................90
Esso Tabular .....................................................................................................................................................91

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................... 91

Modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin (MBWR) ......................................................................................................91

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Steam Tables (ASME Steam) .....................................................91
National Bureau of Standards Steam Tables (NBS Steam)...............................................................................91
Glycol PPkg(Requires Licence)........................................................................................................................91
Amine Pkg(Requires Licence)..........................................................................................................................91
DBR AMINE(Requires Licence)......................................................................................................................92
OLI_Electrolyte (Requires Licence).................................................................................................................92

BAD THERMODYNAMIC PACKAGE EXAMPLES ................................................................................................ 93
Combustion in UNIQUAC ........................................................................................................................ 93
3-Phase Separator Case Study with multiple-polar components .............................................................. 93


4.1 Packages Introduction

Two of the key factors to consider for choosing a Fluids Package:

Specific system under consideration (what components are involved)

Operating conditions

The basics of package choices, more information on operational conditions and functionality are
described below.
The equations of state (EoS) models, such as the Peng Robinson model, were developed originally
to deal with hydrocarbon gas systems. Although they have proven to be very reliable in predicting
properties of most hydrocarbon based fluids over a large range of operating conditions, their
application has been limited to primarily non-polar or slightly polar components. Polar or non-ideal
chemical systems have traditionally been handled using dual model approaches. In this approach, an
equation of state is used for predicting the vapour fugacity coefficients, (normally ideal gas
assumption or the RK, PR, or SRK equations of state), and an activity coefficient model is used for
the liquid phase.
However, whether an activity coefficient model can be used in a specific case depends heavily on
the pressure involved in your simulation. These models cannot be used in a generalized way or
extrapolating into untested operating conditions. Their tuning parameters should be fitted against a
representative sample of experimental data and their application should be limited to moderate
pressure. Consequently, more caution should be exercised when selecting these models for your
If the operating pressure in your simulation is too high for activity coefficient models, an equation
of state method will become the only applicable approach. In the case that your system exhibits
some degree of non-ideality, you can consider using the modified PR model, called PRSV. With an
additional component dependent parameter and a more flexible mixing rule, this model has
extended the applicability of the original PR model to moderately non-ideal systems.
These are just some general guidelines in selecting property packages. More detailed information on
different property packages and their applicabilitys can be found below.
NOTE: If there is only water, use the steam table packages. These and other specialty packages are
described in Section 4.3.5.

4.2 VLE Simple Selection

Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) conditions do change dramatically throughout different
Thermodynamic packages. The selection of the correct one is critical to the operating conditions of
many pieces of equipment. The decision tree below gives a graphical representation of different
times to use various packages. This decision tree is to be used as a guide only. More detailed
explanations of each package that is available in Hysys are given below in Section 4.3.
This decision tree is sufficient in most cases. However for the situations where it is of no help. The
Package wizard and the following explanations will solve the problem for you.
NOTE: Other considerations include Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) and Vapour-Liquid-Liquid
Equilibrium (VLLE)


Figure 4-1: The Thermodynamics Package Decision Tree


4.3 Thermodynamic Packages

There are several Types of packages in Hysys. These include packages consisting of:

Equations of State (EoS)

Activity Models (Act. Mods)
Semi-Empirical Methods (Semi-Empiricals)
Vapour Pressure Models (VPm)
Miscellaneous Models (Misc.)

Each type of model fits different conditions. Within these categories there are basic fluids packages
and modified versions of some of these.

4.3.1 Equations of State

Equations of State models have proven to be very reliable in predicting the properties of most
hydrocarbon based fluids over a wide range of operating conditions. Their application focuses on
primarily non-polar or slightly polar components.
These systems simulate ideal to moderately non-ideal behaviour. The systems that are best
simulated by these packages are generally High Pressure (>10bar) ideal gases and liquids.
Some examples of EoS packages are listed below:

Base Packages:
Lee-Kessler Plocker
Modified versions of EoS packages in Hysys:
Sour PR
Sour SRK
Kabadi Danner (KD)
Zudkevitch Joffee (ZJ)
This Type of Package is used in near ideal situations such as high pressure fluids (ideal gases are
assumed to have a large specific volume, the enthalpy of the fluid is assumed to be independent of
the density) or liquids, these packages are limited in functionality and the limits need to be
considered. The recommended starting packages are:

PR- General chemical systems

PRSV- Has greater range than PR and handles more components (even covers the Activity
model conditions, non-ideal systems)
LKP- for non-polar systems only

85 Generalized Cubic Equation of State (GCEoS)

Generalized Cubic Equation of State (GCEoS) is a fully customisable equation engine. If the
properties of each of the components are known and the models for these figures are not currently
in Hysys this model may be used to solve the problems. Lee-Kesler Plocker (LKP)

The Lee-Kesler Plocker (LKP) model is the most accurate general method for non-polar substances
and mixtures at near ideal conditions and is best suited to liquid interaction and density calculations. Peng-Robinson (PR)

The Peng-Robinson (PR) model is ideal for VLE calculations as well as calculating liquid densities
for hydrocarbon systems. However, this is not to be used for highly non-ideal systems, the use of
Activity Models are recommended instead.
The PR property package rigorously solves any single-, two-, or three-phase system with a high
degree of efficiency and reliability and is applicable over a wide range of conditions:

Temperature Range > -271 C or -456 F

Pressure Range < 100,000 kPa or 15,000 psia

For Oil, Gas, or Petrochemical applications, the PR EoS is the generally recommended property
package. Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK)

The Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) model provides comparable results to Peng-Robinson in many
cases, but its range of application is significantly more limited:

Temperature Range > -143 C or -225 F

Pressure Range < 5,000 kPa or 725.2 psia

The SRK EoS should not be used for non-ideal chemicals such as alcohols, acids or other
components. These chemicals are more accurately handled by the Activity Models (highly nonideal) or the PRSV EoS (moderately non-ideal).
In General it is better to use the PR property package as a starting point. Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS)

The Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS) model is commonly used for compression
applications and studies. It is specifically used for gas phase components that handle the complex
thermodynamics that occur during compression. Twu-Sim-Tassone (TST)

The Twu-Sim-Tassone (TST) cubic equation of state (cEoS) model uses the Twu alpha function and
TST Excess Gibbs energy mixing rules for the accurate prediction of K-values. TST also allows the
equation of state (EOS) to describe both van der Waals fluids and highly non-ideal mixtures in a
consistent and unified framework.
The generalized EoS accurately represents the vapour pressure over the entire range of temperatures
for both light and heavy hydrocarbons.
Compared to SRK and PR, the TST EOS predicts similar accuracy in the vapour-liquid equilibria of
highly non-ideal systems over a wide range of temperature and pressure.
86 PR-Twu
The PR-Twu property package is based on P-R and incorporates the Twu EoS Alpha function for
improved vapour pressure prediction of all HYSYS library components. PRSV
The PRSV model extends the application of the original Peng-Robinson method for moderately
non-ideal systems. This EOS is shown to match vapour pressures curves of pure components and
mixtures more accurately than the PR method, especially at low vapour pressures. It is successfully
extended to handle non-ideal systems giving results as good as those obtained using excess Gibbs
energy functions like the Wilson, NRTL, or UNIQUAC equations.
The advantages of the PRSV equation are:

It has the potential to more accurately predict the phase behaviour of hydrocarbon systems,
particularly for systems composed of dissimilar components.
It can be extended to handle non-ideal systems with accuracies that rival traditional activity
coefficient models.

The only compromise for PRSV equation of state is the increased computational time and the
additional interaction parameter that is required for the equation.
The PRSV equations of state perform rigorous three-phase flash calculations for aqueous
systems containing H2O, CH3OH or glycols, as well as systems containing other hydrocarbons
or non-hydrocarbons in the second liquid phase. Sour PR
The Sour PR model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state and Wilson's API-Sour Model
for handling sour water systems and can be applied to sour water strippers, hydrotreater loops,
crude columns, or any process containing hydrocarbons, acid gases, and H2O.
In the Sour PR model, the K-values for the aqueous phase are calculated using Wilson's API-Sour
method. This option uses Wilson's model to account for the ionization of the H2S, CO2, and NH3
in the aqueous water phase.
NOTE: The flash calculation is much slower than the standard EOS because the method performs
an ion balance for each K-value calculation. SRK-Twu
The Soave-Redlich-Kwong-Twu (SRK-Twu) property package is based on SRK property package
and incorporates the Twu EoS Alpha function for improved vapour pressure prediction of all
HYSYS library components. This package uses the SRK method to calculate VLE and the SRK or
Lee-Kesler method to calculate Enthalpy and Entropy. Sour SRK

The Sour SRK model combines the Soave Redlich Kwong and Wilson's API-Sour Model. Kabadi Danner (KD)

The Kabadi Danner (KD) model is a modification of the original SRK equation of state, enhanced
to improve the vapour-liquid-liquid equilibria calculations for water-hydrocarbon systems,
particularly in dilute regions.
This model should be used for any system where Hydrocarbon/water interactions are
87 Zudkevitch Joffee (ZJ)

The Zudkevitch Joffee (ZJ) model is a modification of the Redlich Kwong equation of state. This
model has been enhanced for better prediction of vapour-liquid equilibria for hydrocarbon systems,
and systems containing Hydrogen. The major advantage of this model over the previous version of
the RK equation is the improved capability of predicting pure component equilibria, and the
simplification of the method for determining the required coefficients for the equation.
The Zudkevitch Joffee property package is generally used for High H2 Systems.

4.3.2 Activity Models

The Activity Models handle highly non-ideal systems and are much more empirical in nature when
compared to the property predictions in the hydrocarbon industry. Polar or non-ideal chemical
systems are traditionally handled using dual model approaches. In this type of approach, an
equation of state is used for predicting the vapour fugacity coefficients and an activity coefficient
model is used for the liquid phase. Since the experimental data for activity model parameters are
fitted for a specific range, these property methods cannot be used as reliably for generalized
Examples of Activity Models are listed below:
Chien Null
Van Laar
The recommended packages for the general conditions stated above are:

Wilson- for general HC single liquid phase systems

NRTL- for multi-phase systems
UNIQUAC- everything if uncertain of conditions
PRSV- for nearer to boundary conditions Chien Null

The Chien Null model allows you to select the best Activity Model for each pair in your case. Wilson
The Wilson equation offers a thermodynamically consistent approach to predicting multicomponent behaviour from regressed binary equilibrium data.
However, the Wilson model cannot be used for systems with two liquid phases.
The Wilson equation gives similar results as the Margules and van Laar equations for weak nonideal systems, but consistently outperforms them for increasingly non-ideal systems. Non-Random-Two-Liquid (NRTL)

The Non-Random-Two-Liquid (NRTL) equation is capable of representing VLE, LLE, and
VLLE phase behaviour.
The NRTL property package is used for chemical systems and HF Alkylation with highly nonideal chemicals.
It has accuracy comparable to the Wilson equation for VLE systems.
The NRTL combines the advantages of the Wilson and van Laar equations.


Unlike the van Laar equation, NRTL can be used for dilute systems and hydrocarbon-alcohol
mixtures, although it may not be as good for alcohol-hydrocarbon systems as the Wilson
NOTE: Due to the mathematical structure of the NRTL equation, it can produce erroneous multiple
miscibility (LLE) gaps. Margules
The Margules model equation does not have any theoretical basis, but is useful for quick estimates
and data interpolation. HYSYS has an extended multi-component Margules equation.
NOTE: The equation should not be used for extrapolation beyond the range over which the energy
parameters are fitted. UNIQUAC
The UNIversal QUAsi Chemical (UNIQUAC) equation is capable of representing LLE, VLE, and
VLLE with accuracy comparable to the NRTL equation, but without the need for a non-randomness
The UNIQUAC equation has a good representation of both VLE and LLE can be obtained for a
large range of non-electrolyte mixtures.
The UNIQUAC equation utilizes the concept of local composition as proposed by Wilson. Since the
primary concentration variable is a surface fraction as opposed to a mole fraction, it is applicable to
systems containing molecules of very different sizes and shape, such as polymer solutions. The
UNIQUAC equation can be applied to a wide range of mixtures containing H2O, alcohols, nitriles,
amines, esters, ketones, aldehydes, halogenated hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbons. Van Laar

The Van Laar equation fits many systems, particularly for LLE component distributions. It can be
used for systems that exhibit positive or negative deviations from Raoult's Law; however, it
cannot predict maxima or minima in the activity coefficient. Therefore it generally performs poorly
for systems with halogenated hydrocarbons and alcohols.
NOTE: Due to the empirical nature of the equation, caution should be exercised in analyzing multicomponent systems. It also has a tendency to predict two liquid phases when they do not exist. The
van Laar equation also performs poorly for dilute systems and cannot represent many common
systems, such as alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures, with acceptable accuracy.
The van Laar equation has some advantages over the other activity models in that it can represent
limited miscibility as well as three phase equilibrium.

4.3.3 Semi-Impirical Methods

The Chao Seader and Grayson Streed methods are older, semi-empirical methods. The Grayson
Streed correlation is an extension of the Chao Seader method with special emphasis on hydrogen.
Only the equilibrium data produced by these correlations is used by HYSYS. The Lee-Kesler
method is used for liquid and vapour enthalpies and entropies.

89 Chao Seader (CS)

Use the Chao Seader (CS) method for heavy hydrocarbons.
The CS property package is used for the steam systems. The CS property package can also be used
for three-phase flashes, but is restricted to the use of pure H2O for the second liquid phase.
The CS method may be preferred in some instances. For example, CS is recommended for problems
containing mainly liquid or vapour H2O because the property package includes special correlations
that accurately represent the steam tables. Grayston Streed (GS)

This correlation is an extension of the CS correlation with special emphasis on Hydrogen.

4.3.4 Vapour Prediction models

Vapour Pressure K-value models may be used for ideal mixtures at low pressures. Ideal mixtures
include hydrocarbon systems and mixtures such as ketones and alcohols, where the liquid
phase behaviour is approximately ideal. These equations are traditionally applied for heavier
hydrocarbon fractionation systems and consequently provide a good means of comparison against
rigorous models. The models may also be used as first approximations for non-ideal systems. They
should not be considered for VLE predictions for systems operating at high pressures or systems
with significant quantities of light hydrocarbons.
The packages in Hysys include:

Braun K10
Esso Tabular Antoine
The Antoine model is applicable for low pressure systems that behave ideally.
Antoine property package is applicable to the following ranges:
Press (psia)
Press (kPa)
<1.6 Tci *
* Tci is the components Critical Temperature.
When using this method for super-critical components, it is recommended that the vapour pressure
coefficients be replaced with Henry's Law coefficients. Changing Vapour Pressure coefficients can
only be accomplished if your component is being installed as a Hypothetical. Braun K10

The Braun K10 model is strictly applicable to heavy hydrocarbon systems at low pressures. The
system is calculated using correction factors, this leave a high degree of uncertainty.
Accuracy suffers with this model if there are large amounts of acid gases or light hydrocarbons. All
three phase calculations assume that the aqueous phase is pure H2O and that H2O solubility in the
hydrocarbon phase can be described using the kerosene solubility equation from the API Data
Braun property package is applicable to the following ranges:
Press (psia)
Press (kPa)
0 F (-17.78 C) <T <1.6 Tci <100

90 Esso Tabular

The Esso Tabular model employs a modification of the Maxwell-Bonnel vapour pressure model.
Esso Tabular property package is applicable to the following system:
Press (psia)
Press (kPa)
<1.6 Tci

4.3.5 Miscellaneous
The Miscellaneous group contains Property Packages that are unique and do not fit into the groups
previously mentioned.
Amine Pkg
ASME Stream
DBR Amine Package
NBS Stream
Glycol PPkg Modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin (MBWR)

The MBWR property package is a modified version of the original Benedict/Webb/Rubin equation.
This 32-term equation of state model is applicable for only a specific set of components and
operating conditions. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Steam Tables (ASME Steam)

The ASME Steam property package is restricted to a single component, namely H2O. It accesses the
ASME 1967 steam tables. The limitations of this steam package are the same as those of the
original ASME steam tables:

Pressures less than 15,000 psia

Temperatures greater than 32 F (0 C) and less than 1,500 F. National Bureau of Standards Steam Tables (NBS Steam)

The NBS Steam property package is restricted to a single component, namely H2O. It uses the NBS
1984 Steam Tables, which reportedly have better calculations near the Critical Point than ASME
1967 steam tables. Glycol PPkg(Requires Licence)

The Glycol property package contains the TST (Twu-Sim-Tassone) equation of state to determine
the phase behaviour more accurately and consistently for the TEG-water mixture. The property
package contains the necessary pure component and binary interaction parameters for components
commonly encountered in natural gas dehydration process. The property package is tuned to
represent accurately, the phase behaviour of these components, especially that for the TEG-water
binary system.
The BIP databank for the Glycol property package will be updated in future releases of HYSYS.
Currently, there may be some limitations or missing BIP for certain component pairs. For example,
heavy hydrocarbons or hypothetical components which may not have any interaction parameters
available. Amine Pkg(Requires Licence)

The Amine Package contains thermodynamic models developed by D.B. Robinson & Associates for
their proprietary amine plant simulator, AMSIM. Their amine property package is available as an

option with HYSYS giving you access to a proven third party property package for reliable amine
plant simulation, while maintaining the ability to use HYSYS' powerful flow sheeting capabilities.
The amines property package is fitted to extensive experimental data gathered from a combination
of D.B. Robinson's in-house data, several unpublished sources, and numerous technical references.
The Amines method does not allow any hypotheticals.
The absorption of H2S and CO2 by aqueous alkanolamine solutions involves exothermic reactions.
The heat effects are an important factor in amine treating processes and are properly taken into
account in the amines property package. DBR AMINE(Requires Licence)

The DBR Amine Package is similar to the Amine Pkg, but is independently coded and maintained
by DBR; it can be updated anytime AMSIM thermo features and capabilities are updated. Features
include advanced solving and flowheet-composing capabilities through HYSYS, physical solvent
simulation capability by DEPG, and improved thermodynamic model predictions based on newly
availably experimental data. OLI_Electrolyte (Requires Licence)

The OLI Electrolyte property package was developed by OLI Systems Inc. and used for predicting
the equilibrium properties of a chemical system including phase and reactions in a water solution.


4.4 Bad Thermodynamic Package Examples

The following examples are to illustrate the undesired effects of poor Thermodynamic Package
choices. Any major problems will be given at the end of each example. These examples are to
reinforce the knowledge that each package is not designed for all conditions or materials. Major
problems that can occur are three and four phase theory limitations such as the prediction of an
oleic phase in water/ethanol systems, un-realistic liquids such as in the first example below and ice
formation is not predicted. There are many other predictive problems.

4.4.1 Combustion in UNIQUAC

This example is common for untrained students to attempt, even in third year.
Set up the conversion reaction that represents combustion defined in the simple reactions section.
From here define the following system described in Table 4-1 below; be careful not to define the
outlet streams. The outlet streams are where the problems will occur.
Define the Fluids Package as UNIQUAC.
Table 4-1: The reactor parameters
Item/ Location
S-100 (Worksheet/ Conditions)
S-100 (Worksheet/ Composition)
Mol fraction
CRV-101 (Design/ Connections)
Vapour Outlet
Liquid Outlet
Fluid Package
CRV-101 (Design/ Parameters)
Delta P
Liquid Level
CRV-101 (Reactions/ Ddetails)
Reaction Set






Notice any major problems with the reactor temperature or exiting streams (S-101, N-100).
Now change the package to one that works for these conditions (use the Wizard).
The actual reactor temperature for this example should be around 2126 oC and there should be no
liquid flows. (Hence the N-XXX stream name)

4.4.2 3-Phase Separator Case Study with multiple-polar components

Define a system with Ethanol, Water, Methanol, Methane and n-Decane. For this example we will
be using a multiple packages in the example. To remove any possible complications stop the solver
using the red solver button at the top of the screen in the toolbar, then change the package, confirm
its location in the streams and operations before pressing the green solver button. Insert a 3-phase
separator. (Located on the same row as the tank on the toolbar)
Define the following parameters shown in Table 4-2 below. Assume the composition is even.
Table 4-2: The Parameters for the three phase separator
Item/ Location
25 oC
1 atm
1 L/min


Firstly have the fluids package as Wilson-ideal.

Note down any errors that occur. (BIPs non-existent)
Note down what you notice to be incorrect. (Compare to Table 4-3 below)
Then try NRTL-ideal
Note down any errors that occur. (BIPs non-existent)
Note down what you notice to be incorrect. (Compare to Table 4-3 below)
Then try Antoine
Note down any errors that occur.
Note down what you notice to be incorrect. (Compare to Table 4-3 below) (Only water in
the Aqueous phase)
Then try LKP
Note down any errors that occur.
Note down what you notice to be incorrect. (Compare to Table 4-3 below) (No 3rd (aqueous)
phase detected)
Then try PR
Note down any errors that occur. (Components not recommended-Ethanol)
Note down what you notice to be incorrect. (Compare to Table 4-3 below)

The actual answer for the correctly defined system is shown in Table 4-3 below.
Table 4-3: The Correct result for the problem above (Found using PRSV)*
Mol Fraction
Total (L/min)

*Similar results were found using TST, PR-Twu and SRK-Twu.

Why was PRSV chosen for this example as the correct answer, what other packages are fine to use?
Refer to the package descriptions section above.
NOTE: In general never ignore a warning as you enter the simulation basis; However for the
purposes of this example we will.


5 CHNG 2806 (Analysis Practice 2)

The subject material within this section is for the purposes of expanding the use of Hysys for
projects and laboratory simulation and the understanding of a greater amount of major operational
equipment that are used in industry.

Table of Contents for Section 5


ADDITIONAL 2 YEAR HYSYS UNIT OPERATIONS ......................................................................................... 96
PHASE SEPARATORS ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Separator (2 Phase) .................................................................................................................................. 96
Separator (3 Phase) .................................................................................................................................. 96
BASIC DISTILLATION CONCEPTS (COMPONENT SPLITTER) ............................................................................. 97
SEPARATION WORKSHOP ..........................................................................................................................................98
SEPARATION TUTORIAL ............................................................................................................................................99


AIR COOLERS ................................................................................................................................................. 99


5.1 Additional 2nd Year Hysys Unit Operations

Basic separation equipment and peripheral systems are important in design and analysis of systems.
In this section we will be looking at cooling water systems, and separation methods. All on a level
of understanding that should be known by this stage in the course.

5.2 Phase Separators

There are 2 types of separators in Hysys, these are the separator and the three-phase separator, these
units are to simulate basic separation equipment of both liquid/gas and liquid/liquid/gas separation.
Calculations and control are usually made easier by these devices due to the way they remove
components essentially reducing the cooling or heating requirements for the total system. Further
more these are useful in terms of simulating flash specific items such as a steam trap. Both of these
units may be found on the toolbar next to the tank unit. The parameters are basically the same as
for the tank including the possibility of adding in reactions. This is useful if you wish to simulate
reversible reactions where the desired product is a liquid while the feed-stocks are all gases. For
example the Bosch process. These conditions are primary for Ammonia creation.

5.2.1 Separator (2 Phase)

This separator is designed for gas/liquid separation. The major applications for this unit operation
are flash tanks where highly volatile components are removed simply by reducing the pressure (this
is typically done using a pressure drop on the inlet). These applications would generally be required
for downstream operations that are phase dependant such as distillation columns, compressors,
turbines and advanced separation techniques to lower the energy requirement.

5.2.2 Separator (3 Phase)

This separates a vapour, and 2 liquid streams. In general this extra liquid phase is a water solution.
For these applications it is important to have the correct fluids package that can handle the
interaction of the phases, including the liquid/aqueous phase. Like its 2- phase counterpart these are
usually placed before phase dependant operation. Distillation columns generally can not handle 2
liquid phases. This is because the heavy phase will just sit at the base of the column essentially
killing the dynamic states that are required. Tray mixing between all three phases is nearly
impossible to determine, even for Hysys.


5.3 Basic Distillation Concepts (Component Splitter)

This is a useful unit operation to have in a preliminary process flow sheet. This is
due to the simplification to the distillation process while giving valued
information that can be used for the later processes. For example while dealing
with new distillation system design the component splitter is used to determine
the system pressure that needs to be used for distillation columns and other
separation devices this is because it gives a reasonable estimate for the mass and
energy balances, this is based on the cooling/heating requirements. For example
the limit of 60oC in the overhead so that the cooling water will not go above 50oC
when it enters the cooling tower. This is done primarily using a case study of
Pressure on outlet temperatures. This operation may be found in the distillation
section of the toolbar. The component splitter is the grey operation on the right of
the top row of this section of the toolbar, marked with an X within the symbol.

Figure 5-1:
The Location
of the

This is an over simplified version of a separation operation. However, this has its
advantages in that it can loosely simulate operations such as distillation,
molecular sieves and membrane facilities. It is good for flowsheeting for mass
balances over a separation system. Take these factors into consideration when using this operation.
Since this is relatively complex in comparison to the separators that have been used up till now, we
will do an example together to help our understanding of the systems and defined variables that are
NOTE: The distillation section of the toolbar is found below the unit operation section. The
columns look like Es.


Set up the system with Water, Ethanol as the components. Set the Fluids package to PRSV or
UNIQUAC. Insert a component splitter into the workspace. Add in the streams and no energy
stream for this application.
For the inlet conditions it is usually set that the temperature is slightly above that of a saturated
liquid (i.e. set the vapour phase fraction to zero, 0, or just above it 0.05). Initially set the pressure to
1 atm, 2 kg/min and the inlet composition to 20 % ethanol, 80 % water.
The splitter will now need to know the required splits for the system. These can be entered in the
Design tab, Splits menu. Set the splits to 99 % ethanol and 5 % water in the overhead outlet.
The other stream will solve.
REMEMBER: Splits are not compositions; they are more of a recovery than a concentration.
NOTE: Setting the splits to 100 % is possible in Hysys but this is highly unrealistic for most
applications. It is possible to violate azeotropes using the component splitter; this is because the
splitter can simulate complex separations such as molecular sieves in separation efficiency;
however with that operation the temperature is not as important.
After this Hysys will ask for an Overhead Pressure this may be solved in a variety of ways, all of
which may be completed from the Design tab, Parameters menu.
In this menu there are several options available to change the solving method for the splitter, these
1) Use Stream Pressure Specifications, (P) this is the default selection.
(all pressures will need to be defined here)
2) Equalise all Stream Pressures, (P) this is to be used if there is no pressure drop through the
system (useful for atmospheric columns)
(Only one pressure specification will need to be defined [Feed] and at least 1 outlet
3) Use Stream Flash Specifications, (T) this is the default selection. At least one temperature
must be defined.
4) Set lowest feed pressure for all product streams (equalise in Dynamics mode), (P) this is
the same as 2) for all of our applications. (This mode is not recommended for use at any
time, it is difficult and beyond the scope of any of our work)
5) Calculate Equal Temperatures, (T) this option sets the temperatures of the outlets as the
same. (This mode is not recommended for use at any time because it is unrealistic)
For this example we will define no pressure change (option 2) and a no vapour out of the Bottoms
(Vapour fraction = 0).
Perform a mass balance over the Splitter to mimic the results.


1. Effect of Pressure
a. Run a case study on the effects of pressure (0.1-3.1 atm) on a water-ethanol system
described in the worked example above.
b. When does the overhead stream temperature drop below 60 oC and when does the
bottoms stream temperature go above 110 oC?
Table 5-1: The Separation Tute Q1 table
Pressure (atm)
Temperature Overhead
Temperature Bottoms






2. Determine the effect of changing the feed composition (Ethanol 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95 mol
fraction) on the system used in Question 1. Set the pressure at 1 atm. What do you notice about the
temperature ranges?
NOTE: You will not be able to run a case study on this which means that the composition will need
to be changed each time.
Table 5-2: The Separation Tute Q2 table
Ethanol (mol. frac.)
Temperature Overhead
Temperature Bottoms






5.4 Air Coolers

This unit operation is to be used for cooling water regeneration cycles or air
cooling for streams such as air cooled condensers. These are very common in
industrial processes such as power generation for water cooling and any sites
with coolant regeneration cycles like cooling water systems.
The Air Cooler (also known as a cooling tower) may be found next to the
Heat exchanger operation on the third row of the operations section of the
toolbar. The air cooler has design models; these are the Air Cooler Simple
Design and the ACOL design. For any application for us in Hysys we will
be using the simple design model.

Figure 5-2: The

location of the
Air Cooler

To define the Air Cooler simply add in the inlet and desired outlet stream properties. From here it is
quite simple. Set the configuration of the exchanger on the Design Tab, Parameters menu to the
desired configuration. In general the greater the Delta T, the more passes that are required while the
greater the flowrate the more tubes that should be used.
NOTE: Calculating the flow and tube length limits are essential in later design, this is because
Hysys will not help you size the system. The ACOL design will if the licence is installed and the
application added.


6 Introduction to 3rd yr
6.1 More Unit operations
6.1.1 General Reactors
This set of Reactors (Conversion/Gibbs/Equilibrium/Yield Shift) shown in
the sub toolbar on the right of the main toolbar are important for Reactor
design and reaction completion calculations based on the different types of

6.1.2 PFR
This simulates a PFR and is located to the left of the General Reactors
button. (The button that looks like a pipe with mesh in the middle of it)
This reactor is best to be used after a general reactor has been used and
defined. This reactor is good for mass balances and reactor sizing. This type
of reactor can only handle rate type reactions.

6.1.3 CSTR
This is located to the left (far left) of the PFR button. This looks like a tank
with a stirrer in it. This reactor simulates a CSTR and is best to be used after
a general reactor has been used and defined. This reactor is good for mass
balances and reactor sizing. This type of reactor can only handle rate type

Figure 6-1: The

location of the
reactors toolbar

6.1.4 Distillation Columns

Distillation columns come in all shapes, sizes and with different
configurations. Hysys has a few pre-setup columns for use in the flow
sheets. The following list is in order from left to right, top to bottom:
Distillation Column A generic column with a condenser and reboiler
Refluxed Absorber An absorber with a refluxed overhead stream
Component Splitter A simplified separation system. This is the
first step in determining the system parameters for any column.
(pressures on outlet temperatures)
Absorber This is a standard gas-liquid absorber
Re-boiled Absorber This is an absorber with a re-boiler on the
bottoms outlet
Shortcut Distillation This is the Shortcut method which is the Figure 6-2: The
Location of all of
second step in getting the parameters for a standard distillation
Three Phase Distillation This column handles three phase the distillation
distillation. Usually aqueous as the third phase.
Liquid-Liquid Extractor This is a Liquid-Liquid absorber between
immiscible liquid phases. E.g. extracting a semi-polar substance from oil with water.
Custom Column This is for any column that has not been previously defined. This is Fully
If you are unsure of the location, just scroll over the options and a dialogue box should appear
with the names.

6.1.5 Sub-Flowsheet
The sub Flowsheet is for neatening up Complex Process Flowsheets and
linking group-work together. Simply add in a Sub-flowsheet, from here you
can import a sub flowsheet, start blank of copy cut items into the sheet.
Simply set up the links between the sub and the parent flowsheet in the
Click on Sub-Flowsheet Environment to enter the flowsheet.
The Location of the Sub-Flowsheet is shown on the right.

6.1.6 Solid-Operations
Just be aware of these mainly for second semester and for 4th year.
The Fluids package is only important for the solids interaction to the
transportation fluid.
The location of the Solid Operations Sub-Toolbar is shown right.
Within this Toolbar are several Solids Processing Tools. These include:

Simple Solids Separator A generic solids separator. This operation

handles solids in both a liquid and a gas phase.
Cyclone This is a standard solid in gas separation device that is very
common in gas systems within industry.
Hydro-Cyclone This is the same in principle to the Cyclone only the
design is for solid in liquid separation.
Rotary Vacuum Filter This operation is a rotary dryer. It uses a
vacuum to attract the solids onto the surface and dries the cake
within a gaseous zone then is scraped off the drum.
Baghouse Filter A very efficient gas cleaner with rows of filters.

Figure 6-3: The

Location of the

Figure 6-4: The

location of the
solid operations

These units are for solids separations. Hysys has only a few select solids
within the database.

6.1.7 Control Operations

These are located towards the bottom of the toolbar as shown on the right in
Figure 6-5.The PID controller function is being shown in the sub-toolbar
in the far right of the figure.
The PID controller is the only type that will be shown in the following
(GREEN CIRCLE WITH 1 line through it, the middle option on the subtoolbar).

location of the control


6.2 Components Filters

This is an essential function when dealing with special types of materials (components).
When you are at the component selection screen, click on the View Filters
button, located to the right (Figure 6-6) of the search, this will bring up the
window shown on the right.
You will notice the option to select either the fluids package filter (top) or the
Family filter (bottom) options. The property package filters are to be used for
the exclusive component packages such as BWRS. Using the family filter is
very useful for applications such as this, solids operations.

Click on Use Filter in Family Type Filter

Click on Solids

You will notice the components list gets filtered and sorted through the filter
and now only the solid materials are left. These include:

Sulphur (different kinds)


Figure 6-6: The


NOTE: To remove the filters just click on the Use Filter button again.


7 CHNG 3801 (Reaction Engineering)

Reaction engineering is important for all chemical engineering. The design of small and large scale
reactors including reactor choice is essential for an efficient process design and manufacturing

Table of Contents for Section 7

REACTION ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 104
Reaction types ......................................................................................................................................... 104


Kinetic ............................................................................................................................................................105
Simple Rate ....................................................................................................................................................105
Heterogeneous Catalytic .................................................................................................................................105

Reactor types........................................................................................................................................... 106

CSTR ..............................................................................................................................................................106
General Reactors.............................................................................................................................................106

HARDER DISTILLATION ................................................................................................................................ 107
Hand Calculations .................................................................................................................................. 107


Equilibrium Data Calculations........................................................................................................................107

Tray by Tray Calculations ..............................................................................................................................108
Method for the calculation:.............................................................................................................................108

Short-Cut Methods.................................................................................................................................. 108

Rigorous Method..................................................................................................................................... 109

Adding Column Specifications .......................................................................................................................110


7.1 Reaction Engineering Introduction

In Hysys there are several types of general reactor that has been programmed for specific reaction
definitions. There are also general reactors that can be designed to a greater extent such as tube
packing in the PFR. The major way to set up these reactors is to start with the reactor type to match
your reaction definition. From here it is possible to select workable flows and determine the effects
of the reaction on the system.
Hysys assumes that some reaction types can be controlled and the reaction temperature effects need
to be determined for Hysys to determine the inhibitive reactor conditions. Further information will
be found below in the relevant sections.

7.1.1 Reaction types

There are a few different types of reaction that are handled by Hysys. Within these types almost
any reaction can be modelled, these types are:

Heterogeneous Catalyst
Simple Rate Conversion
The conversion reaction may be defined using the components stoichiometric co-efficients and a
basis. The basis is a reactant component that is the basis of the conversion. A simple temperature
dependant equation may be used given the stoichiometric co-efficients and the reaction phase, if
unsure of the reaction phase properties select overall. Equilibrium
After the stoichiometry has been entered the equilibrium reaction rates may be defined in a variety
of ways. Set the basis to the desired setting (Activity or a concentration), the phase should be set as
either liquid or vapour phase. The temperature limitations for the reaction may also be entered if
they are available. Set the Basis units if a concentration has been selected. Keq Source (Radio
button section on the right of the basis information) is the equation type for the Equilibrium K
source. The preview of the selected K values/Equations may be seen in the Keq tab. A
temperature approach may also be entered in the Approach tab.
Most of the time Algebra will need to be completed first and some assumptions such as pressure
independence will need to be made to get the rate law co-efficients in the right form.
This reaction is of Rate Type.
NOTE: Some reactions have been pre-defined. These may be found on the library tab of the
Equilibrium Reactions option only.

104 Kinetic
After adding in the stoichiometry the Basis (same as Equilibrium) the reaction rates in both
directions (forward and Reverse) may be entered in the Parameters tab. Keep the format the same
as in the Equation Help zone (extended Arrhenius Equation) to the right of the co-efficient input
This reaction is of Rate Type. Simple Rate

The setup is the same as the Kinetic reaction type.
This reaction is of Rate Type. Heterogeneous Catalytic

This is a bit more detailed than the kinetic reaction type.
Once the stoichiometry and basis tabs have been filled in the next step is to move onto the
Numerator tab. This will look similar to the Parameters tab in the Kinetic type; however the
difference being there is a reaction order table.
In the Forward Reaction group specify the forward reaction parameters. In the Reverse Reaction
group specify the reverse reaction parameters.
In the Forward Order column, specify a value defining the order of the component. Do the same In
the Reverse Order column.
On the Denominator tab of the Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction property view specify a value
for the co-efficient A and activation energy E in the column of the Component Exponent table.
This value is used in determining the adsorption term (K).
In the remaining columns specify the exponents of the absorbed components.
In the Denominator Exponent field specify the overall exponent term n.
The Screenshot below (Figure 7-1) may be accessed by clicking on the Kinetics Help button at
the base of the window.
This reaction is of Rate Type.
Numerator = k f (basis) k ' f ' (basis)
Denominator = (1 + K1 f 1(basis) + K 2 f 2(basis) + ...) n
r (ReactionRate) =
k = AT


e RT
E '

k ' = A'T ' e RT


Ki = Ai e RT
Where :

fx (basis) = The functions of basis, the product of ' Concentration' to specified exponents
The indexes (1, 2 , ...i) in the constants K , A and E indicate the matrix location
n is the denominator exponent
Figure 7-1: The Catalytic Reaction Kinetics basic setup


7.1.2 Reactor types

There are several types of reactors that are contained within the Hysys library. For more complex
systems it is possible to have reactions in distillation column trays or tanks/separators. This is not to
be done at any stage, reactions are best left to reactors; operation extensions may be simulated
around the reactor later. PFR
A Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) is essentially a pipe with the reaction progressing along the length of
the reactor. At steady state the reaction completion is defined using the Volume/Length of the
reactor. Several extra parameters are required for this unit to solve for the volume, length, diameter
etc. CSTR
A Constantly Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) is a tank with a stirrer for mixing the reactants. Several
extra parameters are required for this unit to solve for the volume, stir rate etc. General Reactors

As opposed to a separator or general reactor with an attached reaction set, specific reactor
operations can only support one particular reaction type.
Conversion reactors only handle conversion reactions.
Equilibrium reactors can handle Rate type reactions.
The Gibbs reactor is unique in that it can function with or without a reaction set.
The Yield shift reactor functions as a reactor for reaction systems where known yields are
known, this reaction type must be defined within the reactors window.


7.2 Harder Distillation

To explain distillation an example is best used to illustrate the complexity of the process. For this
example we will be using the binary system of Benzene and Chloro-Benzene.

7.2.1 Hand Calculations

To find the scope of the problem it is best to start off with an overall mass balance.
Use these operating conditions shown in for the calculations.
Table 7-1: The Overall mass balance for the binary distillation column
Molar Flow (kg-mol/h)
Benzene (mol fraction)
Chloro-Benzene (mol fraction)
Pressure (atm)
Vapour/ Phase Fraction
0 Equilibrium Data Calculations

From the completed overall mass balance it is possible to conduct tray-by-tray hand calculations.
Firstly you must assume a constant relative volatility (). Thus equilibrium data is needed to
calculate this value. This data can be obtained from books, calculations or Hysys; Hysys being the
most convenient and accessible. To obtain this data follow the outlined procedure:

Open a new worksheet in Hysys and add the components Benzene and Chloro-Benzene.
Choose the fluid package (PRSV this is the package we will be using in Hysys) and then
enter the simulation environment.
Create a material stream and set the vapour fraction to zero (0), i.e. a saturated liquid. Set
the pressure to 1 atm, a flow of 1 kg-mol/hr and the composition of benzene to 0.05 mole
fraction. We use benzene as it is the lighter key in this system.
Open the composition window of the stream and note the liquid and vapour phase fractions
of benzene. Change the mole fraction of benzene from 0.05-0.95 in steps of 0.05 and note
down the vapour and liquid fractions for each condition. This is the equilibrium data for the
Benzene/ Chloro-Benzene system.
can be calculated from the obtained liquid and vapour fractions of benzene using Equation
7-1 below. Check that they are relatively constant. This data assumes constant volatility, for
this system is acceptable. i.e. ONLY IF is approximately constant the formula below can
be used.

Equation 7-1: The Relative Volatility equation

y (1 x)
x (1 y)
Where :

x = Mole Fraction of the more volitile (lighter) component in the Liquid Phase
y = Mole Fraction of the more volitile (lighter) component in the Vapour Phase

Now conduct tray by tray calculations using the constant relative volatility value obtained
from above, a reflux of 2.40 and the procedure found in Section Determine the
number of stages and composition of benzene vapour and liquid on each stage.

107 Tray by Tray Calculations

To model a distillation column we need to model an individual plate. Under steady state conditions,
this involves simultaneously solving an overall mass balance, component balances (i.e. one less
than the overall number of components), an energy balance, and any appropriate VLE relationships.
This is generally a simple task that can be completed iteratively for several conditions by hand or by
enlisting the fast processing speed of computers, usually using spreadsheets or simulators such as
Assumptions for these calculations:
The heat of vaporisation is the same for each component.
o This means that there is no need for enthalpy calculations for each stage. (i.e. 1 mol
evaporates for each that condenses)
o Vapour and liquid flows do not change on each plate. (except at the feed)
The liquid and vapour streams leaving the stage are at equilibrium.
The relative volatility () is a constant. This means that the vapour equilibrium abides by
Equation 7-1 above. Method for the calculation:

Based on tray numbering from top to bottom, the vapour and liquid compositions at the
reflux return stage (usually tray 1) are the same.
From the assumptions above, the equations shown in Equation 7-2 below it is possible to complete
the tray by tray calculations.
Then draw a tray diagram similar to the one below in Figure 7-2 to help keep track of the

Stage n-


(2) Vn +1 = Vn = V

Stage n


(4) y n =

Equation 7-2: The Equations used to solve for tray

by tray calculations

(1) L n 1 = L n = L

Stage n+1
Where: n is the tray number

(3) Vn +1 y n +1 + L n -1 x n -1 = Vn y n + L n x n
1 + ( - 1) x n

Figure 7-2: A simplified representation of a part of

a tray system

7.2.2 Short-Cut Methods

Graphical tray-by-tray analysis and Hysys can now be used to check the reflux ratio that was used,
the number of stages and the composition on each of the stages. Hysys is able to conduct the
graphical calculations using a shortcut distillation column. Use the procedure outlined below to
check the reflux ratio and number of stages.
Open a new worksheet in Hysys and add the components Benzene and Chloro-Benzene. Choose the
fluid package (PRSV) and then enter the simulation environment. (Or open the one from the
previous section where you worked out the VLE of the system)


Insert a short-cut distillation column. The location of this is shown on the right (Figure 6-2). The
short-cut method column is the one in the second row on the right (grey with column lines), just
under the splitter. Use the same specifications as outlined in the notes:
Table 7-2: The Specifications for the short cut method
Feed (F)
160.00 kg-mol/h
All Pressures
1.00 atm

These parameters are located on the Design tab, Parameters menu.

The feed is entering as a saturated vapour.
A minimum reflux ratio will be calculated by Hysys. Check that it is close to the minimum reflux
ratio you previously calculated by hand. Using 1.5x Rmin, input an external reflux ratio into the
shortcut column.
Hysys should now calculate Nmin, Nactual and feed position (located on the Performance tab). Note
these values and then change the feed to a saturated liquid and again note the differences.
These figures are only to be used as a guide.
NOTE: To get the actual configuration that is required you will need to define the component
recoveries in the rigorous method and return the actual reflux ratio to the short cut until the
rigorous and short cut both close to each other. This will then leave the difference in specification
effects to a minimum.

7.2.3 Rigorous Method

Once you have gotten all of your reflux and tray data from the shortcut column, insert a rigorous
distillation column into the same worksheet. Follow the set-up wizard to define the column:

Step 1: Name and define all of the material and energy streams. Select the type of
required. Set the number of stages and the feed stage for the column.


NOTE: You can define the streams to be exactly the same by clicking on the Define from Other
Stream Button located at the base of the stream properties window (below the tabs). A new
window will pop up with options such as what values you wish to duplicate.

Step 2: Set the pressure of the condenser and re-boiler. This can be approximated as the same
pressure as your feed stream.
Step 3: Ignore all the side-ops and click next. The side ops are used for pumping and piping
requirements, extra condensers/re-boilers and other useful modifications to a column. The level
controllers show up here when you enter Dynamic mode.
Step 4: Set the reflux ratio to that noted down from the short-cut model. (~2.4)
You must now define the some specifications in the column to remove the degrees of freedom.
These are generally the requested recoveries of the components.
109 Adding Column Specifications

Go to the monitor option on the design sidebar and then click on the Add Spec.. button.
A number of specifications can be defined but the most common one is the reflux ratio (which is a
Hysys default) and the Column Component Recoveries. The reflux ratio should be already set
leaving 1 more degree of freedom, of which we will use the component recovery. Set the Draw as
your distillate stream, the spec value as 0.9 (given in notes) and the component as benzene. Back in
the monitor window tick this new specification as active and then run the column. This should
produce a converged column.
Experimenting with the degrees of freedom, by changing the components or streams allows for a
more dynamic approach to column design.


8 CHNG 3802 (Process Control)

Process control is an important concept that helps with safety systems and profitability. Process
control involves Dynamic response reduction, overshoot removal and system stability analysis.

Table of Contents for Section 8

LINKING DRIVE SHAFTS ................................................................................................................................ 112
DYNAMIC MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 112
Capabilities of Dynamics........................................................................................................................ 112
Location of the Dynamics Specifications Tabs ....................................................................................... 113

Material Stream ..............................................................................................................................................113

Energy Stream ................................................................................................................................................113
Tanks ..............................................................................................................................................................113
Heater/ Cooler ................................................................................................................................................114
Pump/ Expander/ Compressor ........................................................................................................................115

ENTERING DYNAMIC MODE ......................................................................................................................... 117
Dynamics Assistant ................................................................................................................................. 117
Strip charts.............................................................................................................................................. 118
SIMPLE DYNAMIC EXAMPLES ....................................................................................................................... 119
Tank Gravity Drained ............................................................................................................................. 119
CONTROLLERS .............................................................................................................................................. 120
Setting up a Controller............................................................................................................................ 120
Gathering Data for the Control Parameters........................................................................................... 120

Using C-Station ..............................................................................................................................................121

Auto-Tuner .....................................................................................................................................................121

CONTROLLER EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................................. 122
Tank Control ........................................................................................................................................... 122

Tank Level Controller.....................................................................................................................................122

Tank with Level and Pressure Controllers......................................................................................................123
Tank (Gravity Drained) with Pressure and Level Controller ..........................................................................124


8.1 Linking Drive shafts

This is important for any multi-stage system or multiple rotational equipment designed in-line. To
link the drive shafts, simply go to the Design tab, Links menu. Set the links from start to end.
Only fill in the next link and the gear ratio.
NOTE: A gear ratio of 3 means the next link runs at 3 times the speed of the current item.

8.2 Dynamic Mode

All of the examples up to now have been in steady state simulation. For the examples in this section
the simulations will be dynamic. I.e. the effects of disturbances on the system can be seen over
NOTE: Hysys is not a real time dynamics simulator. It relies on calculates
Due to the complex mathematics involved in dynamic simulations, most of the operations in Hysys
are not simulated in Dynamic mode. The following examples are simple enough to cause major
problems if they are not defined carefully.
In this section there are a few examples of dynamic specifications on some of the operations
explained in detail above. There is even a section on how to set up a dynamic controller in Hysys.
Other unit operations are able to be used in Hysys including some of the rate type reactors and even
distillation columns (extremely hard to setup).

8.2.1 Capabilities of Dynamics

Hysys can not dynamically solve all of the units that area available in Dynamics mode. These are
listed in the following categories.
Items not available in Dynamics
Solids operations

Liquid-Liquid cyclone
Shortcut distillation

Items available in Dynamic and Steady State Modes include:

Material Stream
Valves (Including Relief valve)
Energy Stream
Mixer/ Tee
Tank/ 2 and 3-Phase Separators
All reactors
Heater/ Cooler
Heat Exchanger
Set/ Recycle
Logical/ Control operations
Pump/ Expander/ Compressor
Pipe (gas and general)
Items only usable in Dynamic Mode:
Furnace (the proper combustion chamber)


8.2.2 Location of the Dynamics Specifications Tabs

On every unit that is able to be run in dynamic mode there is a tab that allows for parameter setting
and some operations have dynamic correlations or heat transfer correlations that are not available in
Steady State mode. These tabs are usually located at the far right of the tabs lists.
Each operation will have a different Dynamics interface. A few of these are shown below in the
descriptions. Material Stream

The material stream has only two
options for dynamic specifications.
These are Pressure and Flow, Flow
specifications may be in several
different units including Molar, Mass
or Liquid Volumes. The interface is
shown below in Figure 8-1.
Pressure specifications should be
made on terminal (absolute inlet and
outlet) streams only where the
stream is exposed to a constant
pressure source such as the
atmosphere or infinite feed tank Figure 8-1: The Stream Dynamics interface.
(large tank assumption).
The pressures of internal streams should be determined by the surrounding equipment.
Flow rates should only be determined by pressure differences or by equipment such as pumps and
compressors/ expanders.
The assistant may select flow specifications for simple feed streams instead of adding equipment to
keep the case simple.
Valves should be inserted in the lines where flow needs to be specified to determine the flow and
pressure in the system. This is also true for real life situations.
Terminal streams connected to equipment with pressure flow (flow proportional to pressure
difference) capability get pressure specifications, otherwise a valve is inserted.
The natural flow proportional to pressure drop relationship needs to be activated for these items. Energy Stream

This should not be changed from Steady State Mode unless there is a need for a Temperature
controller, especially if the energy is linked between two processes. Temperature controllers will
not be shown in this guide due to the complex nature of setting one up. The only Operating Point
(OP) that is able to be defined here is the Utility Valve, in dynamics it is assumed that there are
fluid flows in the energy streams, these are called utilities. (AGAIN not explored here) Tanks
The tank units can simulate fluid hold-up, level fluctuations, heat loss (heat exchanger menu) using
heat exchanger sizing, pressure drops over the tanks and even add in a Level Controller. In order to


set up the initial setting for dynamics mode simply size the tank. 2 m3 is usually assumed for the
tank size. This menu is displayed below in Figure 8-2.
The Dynamic specification for Vessel Pressure is usually not set here but by the pressure drop into
and out of the tank with the inlet pressure set by either a pressure device such as a pump,
compressor, expander
or pipe etc.
The main dynamic
functionality of the tank
operations are the liquid
Level Controllers, these
are usually connected to
a valve on the bottoms
outlet stream with a
valve attached. If the
valve has not been
attached, one will be
inserted for you.

Figure 8-2: The Tank type operation Dynamics/ Specs menu

To add in a Level Controller simply click on the Add/Configure Level Controller Button.
More on the controller will be shown later. Heater/ Cooler

The heater and cooler are
more specific than when
they are in the Steady
state mode. For example
there are more rigorous
heat transfer calculations
with an emphasis on heat
transfer, Pressure changes
and Duty source. (Fluid

Figure 8-3: The Heater/ Cooler Dynamics Specification screen

The menu is shown to the right in Figure 8-3.

For most applications this will be used for temperature controllers.
Due to the nature of natural flow Hysys assumes that the flow is proportional to the Pressure.
The K value is the ratio of mass Flowrate to a function of Pressure and mass Density.
The natural flow proportional to pressure drop relationship needs to be activated for these items.
Each of these types of items must have either its pressure drop or a pressure flow ability enabled.
The pressure drop option should not be used because this is physically unrealistic.


Material flow is driven by pressure differences and resistances, the change in flowrate stops when
the pressures have been equalized. A fixed pressure drop specification does not allow for this
natural process. Pump/ Expander/ Compressor

These devices are generally used to control the pressure of a system.
The Dynamic interface is shown below in Figure 8-4.
If the characteristic curves have
been defined it is best to select
that option and then select either
a pressure drop specification or
the Speed option. When using a
controller the only Operating
Point (OP) within these devices
is the speed, keep this in mind
when specifying one of these.

IN GENERAL: Select three (3)

specifications in this menu. Figure 8-4: The Dynamics menu for a Pump with the curves and
Minus one (1) if the pump does Speed specifications set
not determine the flowrate.
Minus one (1) if the pumps Pressure specifications have been specified by other operations. Valves
The valve really is an important unit in Dynamics mode. These are used as the controllers of flow
and pressure. Almost all of the control loops utilise a valve as a counter disturbance device.
IN LIQUIDS the valve manipulates Flowrate.
IN GASES/Vapours the valve manipulates Pressure, which in turn changes the flowrate.
Firstly the Valve needs to be sized. Do this in steady state mode before entering Dynamics, sizing
the valve may be completed in the Rating tab of the valve, as shown in Figure 8-5 below. The
Valve Characteristics (Section 2.2.3) may also be set here.

Figure 8-5: The Sizing options for a valve. Left is the Universal Gas Sizing Parameters and on the right is the
Simple Resistance Equation Parameters


Next the Dynamic specifications need to be set. This may be done on the Dynamics Tab shown
below in Figure 8-6. In this section you can simulate the surrounding pipe, the manual actuator
specifications and flow limitations. (These are in the different menus)

Figure 8-6: The Valves Dynamic Specifications Menu

If a valve has not been sized, click on one of the Size Valve buttons on either the Rating, Sizing
menu or the Dynamics, Specs menu.
NOTE: A pressure drop and a flow must be present for the valve to be sized. Pipe
This operation changes quite a bit in Dynamics mode. Firstly the pipes duty is not calculated in
Dynamics mode. The heat loss correlations are replaced with simplified heat transfer/loss
calculations. There are 3 modes for heat loss calculations.
Simple- this involves a calculation based on the feed. Using only the Q=UAT
Detailed- this includes temperature profiles through the pipe walls
o Included are the wall Conduction /Insulation
o Included are the convection Calculations

Figure 8-7: The Pipe Dynamics Menu

There is no need to go to the dynamics Tab in the pipe segment unless a Pipe Flow model is to be
selected. These are located on the Design, Parameters menu.


8.3 Entering Dynamic Mode

In order to enter Dynamics Mode, click on the wavy red and blue line object in the Hysys toolbar
(to the left of the basis environment button) as shown in Figure 8-8 below. Once the button has been
pressed either one of two dialogue boxes will appear.
One saying Are you sure you want to switch to dynamics? which means that everything is ready,
or The dynamics assistant identified items which need attention. Would you like to resolve these
first and not run the dynamics? which means that some of the specifications have been made
incorrectly and need to be either changed or modified.
Explanation of the Dynamics assistant is below.

Figure 8-8: The location of the Dynamics Mode and steady state mode buttons

8.3.1 Dynamics Assistant

The Dynamic assistant may be used at any time. To open the dynamics assistant click on the button
directly to the right of the dynamics mode button. (It looks like the dynamics mode button but with
a yellow light bulb in the bottom left of the icon. The main purpose of the dynamics assistant is to
ensure that a sensible set of pressure flow specifications is selected and that new users are educated.
After analysing the case, it will recommend a list of changes along with a brief explanation of each
In addition the assistant will also alert you of potential trouble spots.
For serious dynamics work you will need to make additional changes such as properly configuring
control systems, adding extra equipment and so on.
The assistant can be used in steady state mode as well as dynamics mode.
You can double mouse click on items in the list to view them.
This function is very vast and complicated. If there are any modifications/errors that are not
understood browse the Tabs and menus until the same one is listed. (There are very specific tables
and lists.) Simply click on the Tell me why button located on the bottom right of the window.
This gives a good description of the general problem and possible solutions, including the one
Hysys will use as a default.

Dynamics Mode.


8.3.2 Strip charts

In all of the dynamics tabs (except on the energy stream) there is a menu option that is a strip chart.
These are similar to the case study graphs but are updated on a time scale.
To set up a simple strip chart, go to the strip chart menu and make a selection of predefined strip
charts from the dropdown menu. (Usually small dynamics is plenty) Remove the unnecessary
specifications such as volume (if that is not being calculated or changed).
For more complex strip charts, or customised ones over an entire system, go to the data book
window (the one with the case studies
setup). Enter the data that you wish to
view in the strip chart within the
Variables tab, as with the case studies.
Click on the Strip Charts tab.
The variables will appear in the table on
the right.
Click on Add. and select the variables
that you wish to view in the chart.
Figure 8-9 on the right shows the layout
of the Strip Charts tab.

Figure 8-9: The Strip Charts tab of the DataBook


8.4 Simple Dynamic Examples

The following 2 examples are simple applications of the dynamics engine.
A simple gravity drained tank. This application will utilise the Spreadsheet function as the tank
operation does not have a gravity model set in.

NOTE: If there is a major problem with the model. Return to steady state mode; redefine the
problem and start-up dynamics again.

8.4.1 Tank Gravity Drained

This is a very simple example of a tank in Hysys. Due to the inability to simulate an open tank
correctly an assumption that the feed is partially a vapour (or part air in the feed line) is allowed to
remove the problem of room replacement and pressure stability.
To set up the dynamic tank, use Air and Water in a 1:1 ratio as the components and Peng Robinson
as the package; insert a tank and a spreadsheet into the workspace.
Set up the inlet stream as 25 oC, 1 atm and 10 L/min.
Inspect the dynamics tabs of all of the components.
S-100 should have flow spec checked and set at 10 L/min
V-100 should be sized at 2 m3, with initialise from products checked
S-101 should have pressure spec checked and set at 1 atm
S-102 should have flow spec checked with some value entered
The next step is to use the spreadsheet to have the flowrate out calculated and sent to stream S-102.
Open the spreadsheet and have an import of V-100 (Aqueous or Liquid Level); this is the liquid
height in the tank.
Select an export or S-102 (Std. Liq. Vol. Flow Spec); this is the dynamic specified Volume flow.
Click the ignore check box in the bottom right of the spreadsheet window. This is to remove any
steady state conflicts that will occur.
On the Spreadsheet tab enter the formula

Make sure there is a space before and

after the rt otherwise the function will
have a false value.

=a1 rt 2 * 0.4

into a2

a1 is the liquid level in m

a2 is the exported volume flowrate
rt is the function for root

Click the dynamics button, a dialogue box

asking if you would like to use the assistant will appear. Click No. Once in Dynamics mode
uncheck the ignore box in the spreadsheet window.
Open a strip chart with the tank level, pressure and molar flowrate and temperature. Click play and
watch the effects of the system.
NOTE: If you click Yes the assistant will open and you will see that it does not want the
spreadsheet to be ignored.


8.5 Controllers
There are several types of controllers catered by Hysys,
however we will only be using the PID controller
function; this is the most generic type of controller, the
Connections tab is shown on the right in Figure 8-10.

8.5.1 Setting up a Controller

In the Connections tab, select the PV (Process
Variable- the variable that you wish to control) by
clicking on the Select PV button and selecting the item
from the lists.
Do the same with the OP (Output Target- the variable
that is used to change the system); these are usually valve
actuator positions.

Figure 8-10: The PID controller

Connections Tab with the worksheet
representation on the left.

Once inserted the controller is a generalised IC controller. However once the PV and OP have been
entered the type of controller will change to:
LIC for level control
PIC for pressure control
FIC for flow control
TIC for temperature control
XIC for concentration control
Next we need to set the boundaries for the
Process Variable.
Configuration menu, the window should
be similar to the one shown to the right in
Figure 8-11. In this menu set the limitations
on the process variable (Range box). These
are usually the limits to what the system can
handle (e.g. where the valve is at 0 % and
100 % open).
In this menu you can enter the controller Figure 8-11: The LIC Parameters, Configuration Menu
tuning parameters, set point, operational modes and the PV range.
Other menus in the Parameters tab may be used for advanced tuning, signal disturbances etc.
To view a convenient interface with the SP, PV and OP points click on the Face Plate button
located at the base of the window.

8.5.2 Gathering Data for the Control Parameters

In order to calibrate a controller the system responses must first be known.

120 Using C-Station

Before the controller is added (or when it is turned off) create a disturbance in the system (like the
inlet flowrate) and collect the data using the Strip chart.
NOTE: Using the Databook Strip Charts tab click on the Historical Button to open up a table
with all of the data in the stripchart.
Copy the data (This may be done by highlighting the data and using the copy shortcut Ctrl+C) to
a text file and save the file.
Open the file in C-Station and use the tuning tools to gather the tuning parameters. Auto-Tuner
If the controller is inserted, the ability to automatically tune the controller is available. To do this
make sure the system is in a steady state and the system is within its stable range.

Go to the Parameters tab, Autotuner menu. Figure 8-12 below shows this view.
Set the amplitude (1 % is fine) as the step change as a percentage of the current value
Click on the Start Autotuner button
Once the process has been completed (this should only take a few seconds) the bottom table
on the screen will be filled out.
Click Accept to accept the new tuning parameters

NOTE: If the autotuner does not start the system is not steady. To check this, turn the controller to
manual and find a steady state solution first. Turn the controller back on after the tuning has been

Figure 8-12: The Controllers Parameters Autotuner menu


8.6 Controller Examples

The following are simple controller examples.
The gravity drained tank from the above examples sets a new level of complication to the standard
control loops that will be explored in the tank. These examples are linear extensions of the previous
examples and should be attempted in order.
All of these examples are to be run with Air and Water as the components and Peng-Robinson as
the Fluids Package.

8.6.1 Tank Control Tank Level Controller
For this example, we will be using the
automatic tuning for a level controller that
Hysys gives us.
Figure 8-13: The tank with valve connection

Insert a Tank, Valve and 4 streams as shown

to the right in Figure 8-13, define the inlet as 25 oC, 1 atm, 10 L/min and a 0.5 mol fraction of both
Air and Water.
The Valve will now need to be sized. Set the outlet pressure at 0.8 atm so there is a pressure drop
through the valve.
Click Size valve in the Dynamics Tab. The size should be Cv= 2.00 USGPM @ 50 % open.
Double click on the tank to open up the Tank window and go to the Dynamics tab.
To insert a Pre-defined Level controller, click on the Add/Configure Level Controller button
near the bottom of the window. Close this window and open up the controller.
The controller is already defined for you. Unfortunately this is not a very good configuration and
should be modified to a faster acting set of Tuning Parameters. Both of these sets of parameters are
shown in Table 8-1 below.
Table 8-1: The Tuning Parameters Assumed and to be used


Hysys Tuned
1.31x103 minutes

Hand Tuned
0.8 minutes

Check that the following Specs are selected:

S-100 Flow spec
S-101 Pressure Spec
S-104 Pressure Spec
Add the Face Plate and set up a Strip Chart for the Tank (Level, Temperature, Pressure and Liquid
Outlet Flow). Then open up the feed stream window (S-100) then minimise the worksheet.
Change to Dynamic mode; then rearrange the new interface of tables, charts and faceplates will help
in viewing the responses. This should look similar to Figure 8-14 below. Larger Strip charts are
easier to see.

Figure 8-14: My view for monitoring response

Change the flowrate in to the tank and view the effects on the system. You can also change the set
points using the face plates. Tank with Level and Pressure Controllers

From the above example insert another valve and connect up S-101 valve outlet should be S-102.
This should be completed in Steady State mode. Size the valve so the outlet pressure is 0.8 atm, the
sizing should be close to Cv= 200.0 USGPM.
Then insert a PID controller function.
Set the PV to S-101 Pressure
Set the OP to VLV-101 Actuator Desired Position
Now go to the Parameters tab Configuration menu. Set the following control parameters.


First Guess
1 minute

Check that the following Specs are selected:

S-100 Flow spec
S-102 Pressure Spec
S-104 Pressure Spec
Setting up the same interface now with an extra face plate is required to see the effects of this new
Change the Flowrate of the Inlet or change the set points using the face plates to see the effects on
the system.

123 Tank (Gravity Drained) with Pressure and Level Controller

It is possible to integrate a gravity response into the system. Set up the spreadsheet with the flowrate
of S-104 instead of the immediate outlet of the tank.
Leave the tuning from the previous examples.
Check that the following Specs are selected:
S-100 Flow spec
S-102 Pressure Spec
S-104 Flow spec
Switch to dynamics mode and ignore any warnings, Do not use the assistant, Hysys is quite
sensitive in what can be defined. Set up the strip charts and start the solver. Ignore any pressure
warnings, the system corrects itself.
Monitor the effects of flowrate on the system.


9 CHNG3806 (Products and Value Chains)

In Chemical Engineering solids operations are very important, from pharmaceuticals to waste water
treatment to mining and beyond. Solid separation from a solvent or even gas cleaning is used in
everyday processes such as air conditioning or vacuum cleaners. This section will introduce the
solids processing on an industrial scale, from cyclones to rotary filters.
For all of these examples Carbon, Water and Air in Peng-Robinson will be used.

Table of Contents for Section 9

STREAM PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................... 126
If the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) is known .................................................................................... 126
If the PSD is not fully known................................................................................................................... 127
DETERMINING WHAT SOLIDS OPERATION TO USE......................................................................................... 128
What is the Solvent?................................................................................................................................ 128
What are the Particle Properties? .......................................................................................................... 128
OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 129
Simple Solids Separator.......................................................................................................................... 129
Cyclone ................................................................................................................................................... 129
Hydro-Cyclone........................................................................................................................................ 130
Rotary Vacuum Filter ............................................................................................................................. 130
Baghouse Filter....................................................................................................................................... 130


9.1 Stream Properties

In all of the streams that contain a solid
component (the composition needs to be defined
first) you will notice a new menu option in the
worksheet tab, PSD property, PSD stands for
(Particle Size Distribution). This menu is shown
on the right in Figure 9-1 with carbon specified in
the Composition menu as 0.2 mol fraction with
air. In this menu you can define the Particle size
distribution and an equation of best fit type model.
This is useful if the particle sizes or distributions
are known, or a range of particle sizes with an
assumed probability density.

Figure 9-1: The PSD Property menu screen

NOTE: If the PSD Property menu option is not available to you make sure the solid material has
been defined in the composition menu.
To enter a PSD, select the solid component from the list (useful if there are different types), then
click on Edit.
The window on the right should appear, Figure 9-2. In this window you can change the Particle
Density; this is the density of the particle not the fluid mixture.

9.1.1 If the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) is known

If the Particle Size Distribution is known for a
particular process inputting the PSD manually is
The particle size distribution may be represented
using a manual model with no fit parameters in
the options menu on the left of the window.
Click on the Edit Discrete PSD button to input
the PSD that you have acquired.
There are 3 options for particle size distributions.
Figure 9-2: The PSD Input window
There are also 2 types of distributions that are
handled, Mass Percent and Number Percent. These will not be discussed here. Mass % will be
used for the rest of the walkthrough.
For InSize, only the Minimum Particle size needs to be entered above the table along with some
data points (cut offs) in the table (Particle Size, Mass %).
For Undersize and Oversize, both the Minimum and maximum particle sizes need to be entered
above the table along with some data points (cut offs) in the table (Particle Size, Mass %).


If the Discrete PSD is only a simplified version of the distribution a Fit Type option may be
selected. If you are unsure of what fit to use simply click on AutoFit, this will bring up the given
distribution and the fit types on a Log-Log Plot for you. Simply select the correct one for the
NOTE: This distribution graph will only appear for the Mass Percentage basis Distributions.
Once this has been done, click OK, located at the base of the window. The window will now close
and the distribution will show in the table shown in Figure 9-2, above, the Calculations status
(bottom right with a coloured strip) will still say PSD was Not Calculated. To finish this up click
the Calculate PSD button on the bottom left of the window. The Calculation status bar should
turn green and should PSD was Calculated. The PSD has now been fully defined and ready to be

9.1.2 If the PSD is not fully known

If the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) is not known for a particular process, inputting the PSD
using a standardised model is possible.
The particle size distribution may be inputted using one of the models in the Input PSD options
menu on the left of the window; these are shown below.
Select one of these to calculate a simple PSD:
Log Probability
Log Probability will only ask for a Mean Diameter and a Standard Deviation.
Click Calculate PSD to finish.
Rosin-Rammler will ask for a Modal Diameter and a Spread Parameter.
Click Calculate PSD to finish.
NOTE: Refer to a text book for these understanding of these distribution parameters.


9.2 Determining what Solids Operation to use

This is an important part of the process design stage. However for this step we will only be looking
at the solvent, Particles and recovery.

9.2.1 What is the Solvent?

If the solvent is only a gas (air, methane, hydrogen, etc.), use a cyclone or a baghouse filter.
If the solvent is only a liquid (water, ethanol, etc.), use a Hydro-cyclone or a Rotary Vacuum filter.
If there is both a liquid and a solid solvent (ethanol near boiling or water/air mixture, etc.), use a
Simple solids separator, or split the two phases using a phase separator then separate treatments for
each solvent type.

9.2.2 What are the Particle Properties?

Are there particles of size less than 0.1 mm?
If the particle size is primarily less than 0.1 mm in a gas, a Cyclone will not be effective, so use a
Baghouse filter.
Density is important in terms of what the difference between the solvents density and the particles
density are what allows for the separation to take place.


9.3 Operations
There are several types of Solids separators. These are shown solved
with streams and the sub-toolbar with the symbols that match the
operations in the worksheet on the right in Figure 9-3.

9.3.1 Simple Solids Separator

A generic solids separator for 3-phase solids interaction (V-L-S
interaction), this is the only operation that will handle both liquid
and vapour solids separation. This operation is not recommended for
use as there are not many operations that this mimics.

To define the parameters for a simple solids separator,

(assuming the PSD has been calculated and established.)
connect up the stream.
Define the pressure drop through the separator (on the
design, parameters menu).
Then the splits need to be defined. For this there are 2
Figure 9-3: The sub-toolbar
with the matching operations
o Split fractions:
solved in the worksheet
The following parameters need to be defined.
 Solid to Vapour(S2V)- this is the split of
solids to the vapour stream
 Solids to Liquid(S2L)- this is the split of solids to the Liquid stream
 Liquid to Bottoms(L2B)- this is the split of liquids to the solids stream (i.e.
the saturated solids-unseparated liquid)
o Stream Fractions
 Mole basis
Define the S2V, S2L and L2B in mole fractions (mole split ratio)
 Mass basis
Define the S2V, S2L and L2B in mass fractions (mass split ratio)
Define the S2V, S2L and L2B in Liquid Volume fraction split ratio

9.3.2 Cyclone
This is the most common type of gas suspended solids separation device. These are used for
medium particle size separations. Defining a cyclone is easy once the PSD has been completed.
In the Design, Solids menu, select the solid that you wish to define as the basis of the separation.
Only in the cyclone can you select to separate the particles on a particle size distribution basis.
To select the particle size distribution efficiency option select the option from the left of the
window in the Efficiency Basis options box.
Define the particle efficiency in the Design parameters menu.
NOTE: To select a custom cut size select the cut size in the Solids menu before connecting up the
feed stream. Otherwise the default 1mm will be selected for you.


Also changing the configuration between High-Efficiency, High flow and User defined will not
effect the calculations; but this will affect the sizing of the cyclone and potentially the limitations on
the efficiency of the cyclone.
There will be a restriction on the maximum efficiency based on the PSD and if there are any
particles less than 0.1mm in diameter.
The calculation method should not be changed until these calculations are understood of covered in

9.3.3 Hydro-Cyclone
The Hydro-Cyclone is a similar device to the gas cyclone above but deals only with a liquid solvent
phase. Although the delta PSD calculations are not completed as in the cyclone, an overall
efficiency is calculated based on the cut size or particle diameter. I.e. only a composition split is
NOTE: The configurations are: MODE1=High Efficiency equivalent, MODE2=High Output

9.3.4 Rotary Vacuum Filter

This is a more complex solid-liquid separation device than the Hydro-cyclone. This is basically a
horizontal rotating drum submerged in the solution with a vacuum pump inside the drum sucking
the liquid into it. As the drum rotates a cake or bulk, dried solid phase forms on the surface of the
drum and is dried with the vacuum outside of the liquid phase and scraped off before the cycle is
Defining the cycle time, submergence time %, De-watering % and a filter size parameter (diameter
or width/length) are the easiest way to completely solve this operation.
NOTE: Dewatering does not mean that there has to be water in the stream. The term is used
because water is usually the solvent used for this process.
NOTE: The size parameter does not need to be entered for the mass balance to be completed.
In the Rating, Cake menu there are several options. Most of these are only for sizing calculations;
however some of these parameters are for how much water is held in the solids phase (Cake
properties table). Leave the assumed values unless these are known or have been calculated from
tables or data.
This operation assumes that the physical filter is small enough to trap all of the solids. (i.e. there are
no solids in the liquids off stream)

9.3.5 Baghouse Filter

This is a complex solid-gas separation device that has been simplified in Hysys. In order to define a
Baghouse filter, the filtration is assumed to be 100 % efficient (given the PSD). The Baghouse is
sized for you with no other parameters required. This operation is usually found after a bank of
NOTE: Change the options in the Rating, Sizing menu to change the filtration time (found in the
Performance, Results menu) to a reasonable time.

10 Advanced Material
10.1 Pipesys
Pipesys is a third party operation that simulates pipes with more advanced options, profiles and
materials than that of Hysys. This should only be used when the pipe has specific properties that the
Hysys pipe function does not allow. For more finalised design
The basics for this operation are the same as the pipe function used above.
To start up Pipesys follow these few easy steps:
Go to the standard menu bar at the top of the window
Click on Flowsheet
Click on Add Operation, or press the F12 button on the keyboard. Then the window shown in
Figure 10-1 should appear.



Figure 10-1: The Add Operation Window

Click on the Piping Equipment Radio Button (B18), then click on PIPESYS Extension (R5),
and finally click Add (B19).
This should bring up Figure 10-2; this shows the connections tab and the instructions in the yellow
strip at the bottom.

Figure 10-2: The Worksheet View and the PIPESYS properties window


From here just fill out the stream connections.

Move to the Elevation Profile tab, as instructed in the yellow strip, and insert a pipe segment.
NOTE: The larger range of options available for the materials, construction and schedules.
Click on View, this will show a new window, Figure 10-3 below.
NOTE: The distance and height is assumed for now
Go to the Dimensions Tab.

Figure 10-4: The Dimensions Tab

Figure 10-3: The pipe segment options window


Figure 10-5: The Heat Transfer Tab

Choose the Nominal Diameter of the pipe. This is required; Hysys or Pipesys will not work it out
for you. Select 2 inches. (Industrial diameters are commonly in Inches or round numbers in mm). A
new box will appear this will ask for the Pipe Schedule.
NOTE: It is not common to buy pipes of a custom diameter.


Select 40 from the drop down menu; this is one of the most common schedules for chemical
The screen should look like the one in
Figure 10-4: The Dimensions Tab
From the Choose Roughness Cell select PVC to keep similar to the above example
NOTE: The choices available such as Steel, Concrete, Iron and Fibreglass
Next we need to define the heat transfer. Go to the Heat Transfer Tab, shown in
Figure 10-5 above. From here we define the conditions around the pipe.
Select the Above Ground radio button from the top left option box (Heat Transfer Environment)
Define the Default Conduciveness as PVC in the drop down menu.
Then we need to define the Air Properties. This can be done by selecting the property and clicking
the Default button (B20)
We will not define a Pipe Coating, (Insulation), at this stage but the process is simple. Next we
need to close this window and return to the Elevation Profile screen. Now we need to define the
pipe length and elevation changes.
Enter the figures in Table 10-1 below.
Table 10-1: The pipeline length specifications
Distance (m)
Elevation (m)
Run (m)
Rise (m)

The warning in the yellow strip will now change to Insufficient Information on the Temperature
Profile screen. To solve this co to the Temperature Profile tab. Insert 25 oC into the
Ambient Temperature cell of the table.
The warning in the yellow strip will now change to Insufficient Information in the Attached
Streams. To solve this co to the Worksheet tab. Insert the following information from Table
Table 10-2: The stream properties
Inlet Stream
Outlet Stream
Mass Flow


From here the Operation should solve. This gives an outlet pressure of 173.5 kPa, with an energy
transfer of around 0.6 kW and a negligible temperature change.
To View the profile results go to the Results tab and click on one of the three viewing options.
(Detail, Report, Plot).


11 Not so Clever Applications of Hysys

The following section makes fun of Hysys bad side. Most of these things have been seen over the
years so dont make the same mistakes as some unfortunate students who brought these to the
attention of the Tutors. Only a couple of very common examples are here but there are many more
including compressing combustible materials like the reactor inlets for the Brayton cycle. DO NOT


Stream mix ups (energy crossover)

This has been visited briefly in the heat exchanger section. This section will reinforce the problem
that Hysys seems to have with the heater/cooler couple.
With any defined system. Its not important here. Insert a heater and a cooler then link the two
operations with an energy stream.
Define the following parameters.
Cooler In
Cooler Out
5 oC
Heater In
Heater Out
Assume 1 of the flowrates

Assume no pressure drops through the units.

This example is heating a hotter stream
to an even hotter stream. Check the delta T
on either side.

For a counter current exchange the LMTD would be 24.66. For a co-current exchanger the
DeltaTin/DeltaTout would be -1/3. This example defies the thermodynamic laws. Looking at this
temperature profile should ring alarm bells straight away. You cannot boil steam using the heat
from making ice. This is why I use the item tables to show the temperatures of the streams
whenever I am changing a condition that will effect such a unit.


Instantaneous energy conversions

For this one it is easier to use a liquid such as water.

Insert a compressing device (pump for liquids and compressor for gases). Insert a cooler. Have the
fluid pass through the cooler. And reduce its temperature by say 2kW from about the boiling point
of the fluid (define the energy stream). Next connect the fluid line to the compression unit. Connect
the energy stream to the same unit. Notice that this solves. This system is incorrect because we are
now using heat energy to power a compression device, yet another violation of the laws of
thermodynamics. The reason Hysys will accept this is because of electrical heaters or coolers may
be used for some applications, such as the Turbines energy going to an electrical heater.



PIPE WORKSHOP ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
PIPE TUTORIALS......................................................................................................................................................... 31
PUMP TUTORIAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
HEAT EXCHANGER TUTORIAL.............................................................................................................................. 48
MASS TRANSFER TUTORIAL .................................................................................................................................. 53
COMPRESSION TUTORIAL ...................................................................................................................................... 61
TURBINE TUTORIAL.................................................................................................................................................. 65
SINGLE-STAGE RANKINE CYCLE TUTORIAL ................................................................................................... 69
MULTI-STAGE RANKINE CYCLES TUTORIAL................................................................................................... 70
SIMPLE BRAYTON (GAS) CYCLE TUTORIAL ..................................................................................................... 72
REFRIGERATION TUTORIAL .................................................................................................................................. 79
SEPARATION WORKSHOP ....................................................................................................................................... 98
SEPARATION TUTORIAL.......................................................................................................................................... 99


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