Dexter Et Al 2009

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Distinguishing Milankovitch-Driven Processes in the Rock Record

from Stochasticity Using Computer-Simulated Stratigraphy

Troy A. Dexter, Michał Kowalewski, and J. Fred Read

Department of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

4044 Derring Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, U.S.A.

Repetitive patterns of facies recurrence are frequently reported from the shallow-water sedimentary rock record and
are postulated to have been driven by orbital forcing on eustatic sea level. Consequently, multiple statistical techniques
have been developed to evaluate whether patterns of stratigraphic succession are more consistent with a periodic sea
level signal or are stochastic. Previous studies focused on development and/or application of such methods to test
empirical geological records. However, the character of such records cannot be known a priori, as deposition, erosion,
and preservation influence the resultant composition, nor can those records be readily manipulated to explore the
sensitivity, robustness, and overall validity of statistical methods. Here we simulate carbonate layers using computer-
modeled successions generated by periodic sea level changes. The resulting stratigraphic records were then evaluated
statistically. Thickness distributions of simulated lithofacies were compared to distributions predicted for Poisson
processes, which by definition are not driven by cyclical sea level changes. Our results suggest that periodic processes
produce stratigraphic thickness frequencies that are difficult to distinguish from random frequencies except under
high-magnitude sea level fluctuations. Similarly, autocorrelation fails to correctly recognize cyclic patterns in such
simulated records. Models with high-magnitude sea level fluctuations (icehouse conditions) had thickness frequencies
that are suggestive of orbital forcing, whereas low-magnitude sea level fluctuations (greenhouse conditions) appeared
independent even though they were modeled using Milankovitch orbital forcing. The increasing evidence based on
spectral data from real rock successions suggests that Milankovitch drivers are common in both icehouse and green-
house periods. Because statistical approaches are unsuccessful in recognizing the cyclic driver of these simulated
records, we infer that it is difficult to disprove independence from real stratigraphy even when orbital forcing is
controlling the rock composition. Even in the necessarily simplified world of computer simulations, the numerous
factors involved in depositing stratigraphic successions work to complicate or mask any periodic signal, thus generating
the appearance of stochasticity in some successions.

The idea that changes in earth’s orbital parameters Elrick and Read 1991; Balog et al. 1997; Meyers
could affect not only climate change but also the 2008). Deeper-water pelagic deposits have also been
succession of sedimentary facies dates back to the used to track climatic changes thought to be as-
midnineteenth century (Adhémar 1842; Croll sociated with Milankovitch orbital forcing
1864, 1867). Nearly a century later, Milankovitch (Broecker et al. 1968; Fischer et al. 1991; Sageman
(1941) refined the concept of how orbital forcing et al. 1997). A number of methods (e.g., autocor-
affected climate. Sedimentary rock layers are often relation, average spectral misfit, Fischer plots, fre-
believed to be deposited in a manner suggestive of quency modulation analysis, layer thickness in-
periodic changes in sea level or lake level (Fischer ventory plots, Markov chain analysis, thickness
1964; Van Houten 1964; Goodwin and Anderson frequency distribution) have been developed for ex-
1985; Grotzinger 1986; Goldhammer et al. 1987; amining the presence or absence of a cyclic driver
in the rock record (e.g., Wilkinson et al. 1996; Hin-
Manuscript received June 6, 2008; accepted February 2, 2009. nov and Park 1998; Hinnov 2000; Bailey and Smith
[The Journal of Geology, 2009, volume 117, p. 349–361] 䉷 2009 by The University of Chicago.
All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2009/11704-0001$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/599021

350 T. A . D E X T E R E T A L .

2005, 2008; Meyers 2008). Much debate remains as software developed by S. Bowman (1989; fig. 1). The
to whether periodic signals are preserved in the program creates a two-dimensional platform based
shallow-water sedimentary record of carbonate on input variables specified by the user and is de-
platforms (Algeo and Wilkinson 1988; Wilkinson et signed to reveal the processes that control the de-
al. 1996, 2003; Diedrich and Wilkinson 1999). On position of real rock records (Goldhammer et al.
the other hand, orbitally derived cycles have been 1990; Vail et al. 1991; Bowman and Vail 1999). The
used as a means to improve the resolution of the program was selected because all the input vari-
geologic timescale (Hinnov and Ogg 2007). ables can be manipulated to allow any type of sit-
If the rock record is dependent on orbital forcing, uation to be modeled (including unrealistic models
then a cyclic, repetitive pattern should be incor- such as depth-invariant carbonate production), and
porated into the stratigraphy. Otherwise, the record it has been tested in the past as a means of mim-
must be considered independent of orbital forcing. icking real rock records (Bowman and Vail 1999;
Some investigators have suggested that such in- Scheibner et al. 2003). The software allows the user
dependence should produce a frequency distribu- to extract individual stratigraphic columns from
tion that conforms to a Poisson distribution and any location along the outcrop (fig. 1). The simu-
that correlation of real stratigraphic lithofacies to lations are determinant in that each combination
this theoretical distribution then determines the of parameters had only one possible outcome (i.e.,
probability that the composition of facies succes- there was no randomness in any simulation that
sion cannot be distinguished from independence would allow for different results from the same in-
(Diedrich and Wilkinson 1999; Wilkinson et al. put parameters). The program models carbonate
2003). Autocorrelation has also been used as a platform deposition (input data in table 1) by as-
means to demonstrate order in the lithofacies signing cells to the initial platform, which was de-
thicknesses that would be expected when a cyclic fined on the basis of the model’s profile width and
driver is controlling stratigraphic successions. Cor- number of cells. It used a driving (tectonic) subsi-
relating lithofacies thicknesses to a Poisson distri- dence rate assigned to key cells (and interpolated
bution or using autocorrelation of lithofacies thick- to intervening cells) and that is set to increase
nesses have been tested to a limited extent against across the platform (table 1). Initial bathymetry is
rock layers on shallow platforms that are believed also specified for key cells and interpolated for the
to have been driven by Milankovitch cyclicity. intervening cells (table 1). The initial bathymetry
However, the sensitivity of these methods has not defines a depositional profile on which sediment is
been evaluated using records a priori known to be deposited as the model runs (fig. 1). The platform
cyclic. morphology used in the model was a low-gradient
Here we employ simulated stratigraphic succes- ramp, which steepened slightly seaward of a spot
sions generated under conditions of periodically 140 km offshore; slopes were all below 1⬚ (fig. 1).
changing sea level and evaluate whether such rec- Calculations of all the variables for each cell are
ords can be recognized as nonrandom via these sta- done for each time slice according to a user-defined
tistical approaches. Moreover, by modifying sim- time step to allow modeling of Milankovitch band
ulation parameters, the performance of statistical sea level fluctuations, the smallest of which were
methods can be evaluated under varying circum- 19 kiloyears (k.yr.). The model calculates the var-
stances. Real rock layers that have been examined ious parameters in the simulation for each cell dur-
for a correlation to the Poisson exponential distri- ing each time step. As sea level rises and falls, the
bution have shown that some are confidently cor- program determines the water depth for each cell
related, while others are probably not independent (based on both the water level and the amount of
(Burgess 2008). Thus, computer-generated strati- sediment already built up at that location) and in-
graphic layers not only can evaluate the overall sen- puts the rate of sedimentation based on the param-
sitivity of the statistical approach, but also assess eters set for carbonate deposition rate (fig. 2). Sim-
which environmental conditions are required to ulations were run for 800 k.yr. in time steps of 2.5
preserve a recognizable signature of a Milankovitch k.yr. The program used a sea level curve defined
driver in the rock record and which conditions tend by periods and magnitude of sea level fluctuation
to appear independent of any periodic driver. assumed to be typical of a greenhouse or icehouse
world, with periods of 19, 23, 40, 100, and 400 k.yr.
(table 1). A low-magnitude 800-k.yr. period was also
used in all models to create the typical low-stand,
The stratigraphic columns were simulated using transgressive, and high-stand systems tracts (fig. 1).
the process-based program PHIL 1.5, basin analysis Some sea level curves in the model used a saw-
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Figure 1. Image of the model outcrop, lithologic unit key, sea level curve, and constituent stratigraphic columns
for the greenhouse model simulated using PHIL 1.5 basin analysis software (Bowman 1989) and modified from the
software’s output graphics. Slopes on the platforms are highly exaggerated and never exceeded a 1⬚ angle. Lithologies
are determined in the simulation by water depth and bathymetric province (tidal flat, lagoon, reef, etc.). The strat-
igraphic columns were extracted from the simulation at increasing distance along the platform using the software.
The triangles beside the stratigraphic columns are representative of missing time, with larger triangles equivalent to
a greater amount of time missing. The sea level curve shows the change in water depth throughout the model’s entire
simulation run starting at 800 k.yr.

toothed pattern of sea level rise and fall while oth- of the production function, with rate falling off into
ers used a sinusoidal pattern (table 1). The saw- the tidal zone and rapidly falling off into deeper
toothed pattern splits the period allowing for a water), and it was additionally defined by maxi-
rapid rise followed by a slower fall in sea level. The mum production rate and the water depth of max-
saw-toothed patterns used 15% of the period set for imum production (fig. 2; table 1). The width of the
the rise with 85% of the period set to fall, simu- function determined where the production curve
lating the rapid sea level rise from deglaciation fol- reached zero deposition above and below the water
lowed by slow sea level drop from glacial buildup. depth of maximum production, and the depth of
All of the magnitudes and periods in an individual maximum production for the shelf margin was set
simulation were summed together to create a sea at 5 m (Broecker and Takahashi 1966). The maxi-
level curve that determined sea level position at mum sedimentation rate was set at a value similar
each time step. in magnitude to the subsidence rate to prevent too
Sediment (color-coded according to lithology) much or too little accumulation throughout the
was added to each cell below sea level using a sed- history of the simulation. For a subset of simula-
iment production function (fig. 1; table 1). This sed- tions, in order to compare the effects of rapidly
iment production function was an exponential changing sediment production with depth, some
function centered about a designated water depth runs were done with carbonate production kept rel-
(the depth of this center being the so-called “width” atively constant (with respect to the shallow plat-
Table 1. Input Parameters Used to Model the Simulations in PHIL 1.5 Basin Analysis Software
Variable model parameters
Sea level magnitude Biogenic production on
(in m at n k.yr.) shelf margin Biogenic production on shelf
Max. pelagic Max. sed. Width of Depth of max. Max. sed. Width of Depth of max.
sed. rate rate function production rate function production
Model type 19a 23a 40 100a 400 800 (cm/k.yr.) (cm/k.yr.) (m) (m) (cm/k.yr.) (m) (m)
19-k.yr. greenhouse 6 0 1 2 2 10 1 50 40 5 15 20 2
19- and 23-k.yr. greenhouse 6 6 1 2 2 10 1 50 40 5 15 20 2
100-k.yr. greenhouse 6 6 1 7 2 10 1 50 40 5 15 20 2
High-magnitude greenhouse 6 6 1 7 5 10 1 50 40 5 15 20 2
Low-magnitude greenhouse 5 5 1 3 3 10 1 50 40 5 15 20 2
Icehouse 7 7 10 60 5 10 .25 70 40 5 30 40 2
Depth-invariant icehouse 7 7 10 60 5 10 .25 70 300 200 30 300 200
Depth-invariant greenhouse 6 6 1 7 5 10 1 50 300 200 15 300 200
Static model parameters
Carbonate sediment
Initial bathymetry Subsidence profile
Distance Depth Distance Rate
Profile parameters Value (km) (m) (km) (cm/k.yr.) Location Degrees
Total time setting 800 k.yr. 0 ⫺45 40 0 Sabkha .023
Profile width 200 km 40 ⫺20 80 0 Tidal flat .115
Number of cells 320 80 ⫺12 120 1.5 Lagoon .023
Tidal range 2m 120 ⫺10 160 2 Back reef .006
Offlap break 10 m 130 ⫺8 200 3 Foreslope 2.29
Offlap rollover width 100 m 140 ⫺5
Effective lithosphere thickness 22.68 km 150 10
160 45
180 100
200 115
Note: The variable model parameters were used to create distinct simulations. The static model parameters were unchanged
throughout all simulations (see text for further parameter explanations).
Periods use a saw-tooth pattern set at a 15% : 85% ratio.
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Figure 2. Carbonate production curves modeled by PHIL 1.5 basin analysis software (Bowman 1989). Curves are
calculated by the parameters “width of function,” “depth of maximum production,” and “maximum sedimentation
rate” (see table 1). These are the actual functions used by the software in all the simulations. A, Basic carbonate
production curve dependent on water depth. B, Carbonate production curve modified to be nearly independent of
water depth for depth-invariant simulations.

form). These depth-invariant models were created which it was deposited (e.g., algal laminites in the
by changing the carbonate production function tidal flats, carbonate boundstone in the fore reef,
“width” to 300 m (compared to 50 m for the other etc.; fig. 1).
models) and the depth of maximum production to The model output was in the form of strati-
200 m (compared to 5 m for the shelf margin pre- graphic cross sections, from which stratigraphic
viously; fig. 2B). This kept the carbonate produc- columns from designated cells can be extracted.
tion on the shallow platform relatively constant Data for the stratigraphic columns were taken
with the exception of the very rapid increase in along the depositional gradient of the simulated
sedimentation rate for the tidal to subtidal transi- shelf at 100, 120, and 140 km from the shore. When
tion (fig. 2B). Deep-sea pelagic sediment was input the model generated a cyclic stratigraphic record
as a rate dependent on thickness of the water col- further seaward (as was the case in the icehouse
umn. Subsidence related to sediment and water models), data were also taken at 160 km from the
loading was calculated using a flexural beam model shore. The lithofacies thickness data (based on the
dependent on the thickness of the lithosphere (table thickness of an individual lithology, typically con-
1). The shape of the carbonate profile of the plat- sisting of several time steps) were extracted from
form was determined by using user-defined gradi- these columns. PHIL 1.5 “Utility” software used
ents for each of the bathymetric provinces (e.g., the model data from the PHIL “Analysis” software
tidal flats, lagoon, back reef, slope; table 1). Any to create digital output for each stratigraphic col-
sediment deposited above the slope of the stable umn at every time step, and this was imported into
profile for that particular bathymetric province was Microsoft Office Excel 2003. The output recorded
redeposited seaward to the next cell (and so forth the simulation’s data for a selected column, in-
until reaching a cell whose surface was below the cluding the age, sediment type (lithology), water
stable slope profile). Missing time is denoted vi- depth, position of sea level, and the thickness of
sually in the stratigraphic columns as triangles (see each layer. In the simulations, the thickness of each
fig. 1) and digitally as time steps with layers of zero lithofacies was measured to generate the data sets
thickness. These periods of missing sediment de- for the statistical analyses from each simulated
position occur whenever the cell was brought above stratigraphic column. Lithofacies thicknesses are
sea level or when the critical slope angle for the expressed in meters and are the sum of sediment
stable profile was exceeded and sediment was trans- deposition plus sediment transported into the cell
ported downslope (table 1). The sediment deposited minus subaerial erosion (when applicable). The dig-
at each time step was given a lithologic type de- ital output is arranged in time steps, one or more
termined by the water depth and the province to often spanning a single lithofacies. Where a litho-
354 T. A . D E X T E R E T A L .

facies spanned several time steps, the individual were left for the comparison (i.e., too few layers
thicknesses of each time step were summed to ob- were left for a robust statistical test). The columns
tain the lithologic layer thickness. Similar litho- were compared using Pearson’s product-moment
facies were split only when the unit was separated correlation and the Spearman rank correlation, and
by an unconformity (marked by periods of erosion the correlation was recorded at each iterative step.
or breaks in sediment deposition). This allowed the Significance was evaluated at a p 0.05 using the
resulting data on lithofacies thicknesses to be sample size N based on the number of layers under
equivalent to those measured by geologists in real comparison for each iteration step.
stratigraphic successions. 3. Autocorrelation was also conducted on the li-
Stratigraphic column data were entered into SAS thology of each layer (boundstone, coarse grain-
9.1, and all time steps with zero sediment deposi- stone, etc.) in an individual simulation with the
tion (zero thickness) were deleted, leaving a data expectation that these rock types should be re-
matrix containing only the sediment layers present peated if the data are periodically produced. The
in the stratigraphic column. To evaluate the dis- PHIL “Analysis” software output gave the lithology
tribution of facies in the simulated records in terms of each layer (based on bathymetric province and
of a periodic driver, the following methods have water depth) as well as numerically coding each
been employed. lithology for water depth and location. The nu-
1. A theoretical independent distribution (F) meric coding used the likely water depth of the
equivalent to a Poisson process was calculated us- facies in order to rank the different facies in order
ing the lithofacies thickness frequencies of the sim- from shallowest to deepest as well as by the likely
ulated records according to the following formula distance from shore. Autocorrelation was then run
derived by Diedrich and Wilkinson (1999) and Wil- in SAS on these numeric values to look for repet-
kinson et al. (2003): itive patterns. Spearman rank correlation was used
to compare the layer lithologies at each iterative
N2 step, and significance was evaluated at a p 0.05.
F p bin size # # e [⫺t#(N/L)].
L The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was the
appropriate test because the numeric values used
In this formula, N is the total number of lithologic as a proxy for lithology were not continuous vari-
units or layers in the simulation, L is the total ables but rather ranks based on the likely water
thickness of the stratigraphic section, and t is the depth.
range of lithofacies thicknesses up to the thickest
layer size in the section. Bin size determines the
width of each frequency bin and is predefined. The
thickness frequencies of the simulated data were Eight simulations were conducted with data col-
then compared to this theoretical distribution us- lected on three extracted stratigraphic columns
ing Pearson’s product-moment correlation. from each of the stratigraphic simulations. Six sim-
2. An autocorrelation analysis was run on the ulations were modeled using greenhouse world
lithofacies thicknesses for individual simulations conditions, and two were modeled representing ice-
to locate repeated patterns of sedimentation rate. house worlds (table 1). Various periods in the green-
Autocorrelation correlates time series data to itself house simulations were selected to have dominant
in order to test whether patterns are repeated (pro- magnitudes to determine whether this influenced
ducing a sine wave appearance). The expectation of the result; a 19-k.yr. dominant model, a 19- and 23-
the autocorrelation analysis is that cyclically k.yr. dominant model, and a 100-k.yr. dominant
driven deposition should have repetitive thickness model. One greenhouse simulation had all periods
patterns in which similar repeated thicknesses with high magnitudes, and one had periods with
should be highly positively correlated (and dissim- all low magnitudes (table 1). The icehouse simu-
ilar thicknesses that should be highly negatively lations had high magnitudes for 40- and 100-k.yr.
correlated). The preserved lithofacies thicknesses periods. Two depth-invariant simulations were
of the simulated successions were analyzed in SAS conducted, one for a greenhouse world and one for
using an IML (interactive matrix language) code an icehouse world (table 1). All of the results pre-
that reproduced the column and compared it to the sented herein use bin sizes for the thickness fre-
original column. The reproduced column was then quencies that allow for a minimum of five filled
shifted a step to align the next layer with the pre- bins in order to compute the Pearson’s product mo-
vious one, and the columns were compared again. ment correlated to the theoretical distribution. The
This procedure was iterated until only five layers maximum number of filled bins for the frequency
Journal of Geology C O M P U T E R - S I M U L AT E D S T R AT I G R A P H Y 355

calculation of a simulated column was 22, and the more offshore, rapidly subsiding areas (160 km dis-
average number of filled bins for all the simulations tance onto the platform) correlate to the distribu-
was nine. tion expected for independence (i.e., they appear
All the greenhouse simulations were signifi- random).
cantly correlated to values predicted by the theo- One of the issues with carbonate facies that may
retical distribution for independence; in other act to mask cyclicity from periodic forcing is the
words, they appeared random (fig. 3; table 2). The dependence of depositional rate on water depth. In
location of the simulated stratigraphic columns rel- order to explore the affect of depth dependence on
ative to the shoreline had no effect on the green- carbonate depositional rates, simulations were run
house simulations, and all columns were signifi- holding carbonate deposition relatively invariant to
cantly correlated to the theoretical distribution for water depth (fig. 2B). When carbonate deposition
independence or randomness (table 2). In most was nearly depth invariant, the greenhouse simu-
cases, the icehouse simulations were not signifi- lation remained relatively unchanged and again
cantly correlated to a Poisson distribution and highly correlated to the theoretical independent
could not be considered independent from periodic distribution mimicking randomness (table 2). How-
drivers (fig. 3; table 2). The distance from the shore- ever, the depth-invariant icehouse simulation ap-
line appeared to have a discernible effect on the peared even less correlated to the independent dis-
outcome of the icehouse simulations, where the tribution than the depth-variant icehouse simu-

Figure 3. Simulated carbonate stratigraphic thickness frequencies compared to a theoretical distribution of inde-
pendent thicknesses. The dark lines are the expected distribution of thicknesses if they are independent of extrabasinal
forcing, and the points are the actual layer thickness frequencies of the simulated columns. All graphs were composed
from stratigraphic columns taken at 120 km into the basin except the icehouse simulation, which was taken at 140
km. All graphs were calculated using a bin size of 0.35 m. Note that all graphs are highly correlated to the theoretical
distribution except the icehouse simulation.
356 T. A . D E X T E R E T A L .

Table 2. Correlation of the Simulations to a Theoretical Distribution Indicative of Independence from Cyclicity
Bin size selected for calculating distribution (m)
Model type, distance (km) .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60
19-k.yr. greenhouse:
100 .6015 .7072 .6980 .8626 .9023 .9747 .9718 .9732 .9811 N/A N/A
120 .7278 .7373 .8879 .8920 .9352 .9290 .9254 .9917 .9542 N/A N/A
140 .6153 .7281 .8401 .9155 .9154 .9057 .9691 .9799 .9646 N/A N/A
19- and 23-k.yr. greenhouse:
100 .7680 .7853 .8242 .8417 .8587 .9067 .8919 .9370 .9199 N/A N/A
120 .7889 .8498 .8688 .8498 .8778 .9135 .9025 .9405 .9090 N/A N/A
140 .7054 .8139 .8778 .9053 .9003 .8866 .9681 .9605 .9709 N/A N/A
100-k.yr. greenhouse:
100 .5982 .7263 .7125 .8200 .8313 .8181 .8019 .8513 .7883 N/A N/A
120 .6191 .7148 .7130 .7128 .7855 .7476 .7709 .7707 .7867 N/A N/A
140 .6880 .8407 .8827 .9063 .9072 .9450 .9653 .9510 .9494 N/A N/A
High-magnitude greenhouse:
100 .5111 .5912 .6800 .7312 .7014 .8628 .7687 .7357 .8268 N/A N/A
120 .6699 .7731 .7855 .8320 .8592 .8060 .9052 .8889 .9428 N/A N/A
140 .8192 .8540 .8975 .8036 .9056 .8702 .9416 .8347 .9382 N/A N/A
Low-magnitude greenhouse:
100 .6661 .8159 .8104 .8790 .8228 .8718 .8809 .8902 .9384 N/A N/A
120 .7743 .8219 .8449 .8613 .9123 .8403 .9183 .8983 .9596 N/A N/A
140 .7843 .8516 .9392 .8973 .9698 .8880 .9508 .9807 .9943 N/A N/A
Depth-invariant greenhouse:
100 .7254 .7529 .8640 .8717 .8952 .9015 .8864 .8872 .8738 N/A N/A
120 .7297 .7516 .7898 .8244 .8978 .8517 .8854 .9208 .8866 N/A N/A
140 .6838 .6725 .6612 .6463 .7275 .8005 .8005 .8050 .8701 N/A N/A
120 N/A N/A .5394 .4976 .5425 .5681 .5732 .8171 .6899 .8402 .8573
140 N/A N/A .4173 .6458 .5550 .6557 .6060 .7779 .8397 .8098 .9067
160 N/A N/A .6782 .5151 .6828 .7235 .7716 .5353 .5616 .6856 .6444
Depth-invariant icehouse:
120 N/A N/A .4303 .6213 .6165 .6790 .7647 .7567 .8320 .7621 .8070
140 N/A N/A .4387 .9459 .6863 .6326 .5649 .8183 .9316 .8496 .9491
160 N/A N/A .4016 .4371 .5364 .5082 .5599 .6779 .8031 .8451 .7992
Note: Boldface indicates value is not significantly correlated to a stochastic distribution at a p 0.05 . N/A indicates samples where
too few bins were present to properly assess the statistical significance (i.e., either fewer than five filled bins total or a large number
of empty bins in between the filled bin).

lation, suggesting the involvement of a periodic the change of bin size can change the statistical
driver (table 2). The depth-invariant icehouse sim- decision from significant to insignificant, and vice
ulation was not correlated at greater water depths versa. When a range of bin sizes (0.1–0.6 m) was
(160 km out onto the platform) unlike the depth- used for the greenhouse simulation, all values were
dependent icehouse simulation. significantly correlated with the theoretical inde-
One of the previously underexplored effects on pendent distribution (fig. 4). When this range was
the outcome of the test was the effect of the some- used for the icehouse simulation, five selected bin
what arbitrary choice of bin size used to compute sizes were not significantly correlated to the in-
thickness frequencies for the comparison to the dependent distribution (fig. 4).
corresponding Poisson distribution for that bin size. Autocorrelation was conducted on the layer
In the case of the data simulated here, altering the thicknesses of each simulation to evaluate whether
bin size resulted in substantial changes in Pearson’s repeated patterns in sedimentation rate existed (fig.
product-moment correlation (r) used to measure the 5A–5F). Cyclically repeated data analyzed by au-
fit of the simulated data to theoretical independent tocorrelation should possess high positive and high
distribution. Namely, varying bin size within a rea- negative correlations (as similar and dissimilar pat-
sonable range (note that at least five frequency bins terns are compared), producing an output with a
with data were used as an acceptable minimum sine wave appearance. When autocorrelation was
here) produced a range of outcomes where r for the conducted on the layer thicknesses, it was difficult
same simulated data with different bin size to distinguish any pattern that would be distinct
changed by as much as 0.66 (fig. 4). Consequently, from noise (fig. 5A–5F). Only a small number of
Journal of Geology C O M P U T E R - S I M U L AT E D S T R AT I G R A P H Y 357

Figure 4. Effect of bin size on the calculated Pearson’s correlation for the 19-k.yr. greenhouse simulation and icehouse
simulation. The X-axis is the bin sizes that were selected for the formula in order to calculate the theoretical
independent distributions and compare them to the simulated frequency thicknesses. The greenhouse simulation
was calculated using a stratigraphic column at 100 km into the basin, while the icehouse simulation was from 120
km. By altering the bin size in the formula, the Pearson’s correlation ranges from 0.5678 to 0.9811 for the greenhouse
simulation and from 0.1940 to 0.8573 for the icehouse simulation. All samples had at least five filled frequency bins
in order to run the correlation statistic. All values for the greenhouse simulation were significantly correlated to the
theoretical distribution. For the icehouse simulation, 12 out of 30 were significantly correlated to the theoretical
distribution. As the formula bin size was increased, the number of filled frequency bins decreased, which brought
about an increase in the statistical correlation.

peaks could be considered significantly correlated using the thickness frequencies and autocorrela-
at an a of 0.05, with the 19- and 23-k.yr. greenhouse tion methods. The modeling software has been
simulation having the highest number of signifi- demonstrated to approximate real stratigraphy, and
cant peaks (fig. 5A–5F). When sedimentation rate the simulations for this project were specifically
was kept depth invariant, there appeared to be little designed to represent actual carbonate successions
difference in the results from the autocorrelation (Bowman and Vail 1999; Scheibner et al. 2003).
analysis, and few peaks reached statistically sig- Thus, using these tests, actual shallow-water car-
nificant correlation values (fig. 5B, 5F). When au- bonate successions that accumulated under peri-
tocorrelation was conducted on the lithology of odic sea level changes may appear to have formed
each unit (ranked numerically on the basis of prob- under the influence of a nonperiodic driver. The
able water depth rank and distance from shore), the most apparent difference in the simulated fre-
pattern produced was no different from that mea- quency distributions exists between greenhouse
sured using layer thicknesses (fig. 5G vs. 5J). The (low, precessionally dominated magnitudes) and
outcomes of depth-invariant simulations also re- icehouse (high 100-k.yr. magnitude) simulations.
mained unchanged when lithology (water depth Greenhouse simulations were exponentially dis-
rank) was used instead of lithologic thickness (fig. tributed (which would be expected if they were in-
5H vs. 5J). dependent of orbital forcing), whereas icehouse
simulations were distinctly different and suggest a
periodic driver. This indicates that when using au-
tocorrelation and thickness frequency distribu-
These stratigraphic simulations indicate that tions, the influence of high-magnitude sea level
thicknesses of lithofacies units produced synthet- changes in periodically driven carbonate succes-
ically to simulate periodic change in sea level cre- sions is potentially recognizable; this influence is
ate a pattern that was difficult to distinguish from greater where rates of carbonate accumulation were
lithologic successions due to random changes when unrelated to water depth. The offshore columns of
Journal of Geology C O M P U T E R - S I M U L AT E D S T R AT I G R A P H Y 359

the icehouse simulations tended to correlate to the of stochasticity versus periodic sea level drivers in
Poisson distribution, unlike the columns near cyclic successions. Real stratigraphic successions
shore. The more rapid subsidence of these locations appear to have a depositional and preservational
prevented subaerial exposure, and they possessed bias that can distort the original cyclic signal pro-
the widest range in lithofacies thicknesses (from duced from orbital forcing. This signal loss is fur-
0.41 to 11.48 m in the “160 km” column of the ther demonstrated by the autocorrelation tests. Few
icehouse simulation). This lack of subaerial expo- of the peaks are significantly correlated above an a
sure allowed for the preservation of a greater num- of 0.05 for the autocorrelation of layer thicknesses,
ber of thin lithofacies and relatively few thick lith- and the results appear very “noisy” (fig. 5A–5F).
ofacies, which produced a distribution that had a The autocorrelation of lithofacies thicknesses ap-
significant fit to the exponential Poisson distribu- peared to capture a second overlapping frequency
tion. Thus, even with high-magnitude sea level for the 19- and 23-k.yr. greenhouse simulation that
fluctuations, a periodic driver of sediment deposi- starts negative, rises to positive, and falls again to
tion can be concealed. negative values (fig. 5A). This may represent the
These simulations closely resemble real shallow- overarching 800-k.yr. period with its depositional
water carbonate successions. Resulting exponential pattern of low-stand, transgressive, and high-stand
thickness frequencies are similar to those reported systems tracts (fig. 5A). This same 800-k.yr. pattern
from many actual carbonate successions that have was likely stifled by the magnitudes of the other
been interpreted as reflecting an absence of uni- periods in the other simulations. For time series
modal or polymodal thickness frequencies that analyses, there can be no missing time steps, but
would result from periodic forcing (e.g., Diedrich in the autocorrelation of stratigraphic units, miss-
and Wilkinson 1999). Given that our simulations ing time is an unknown. With simulations, it is
do indeed incorporate periodic changes in sea level, possible to track the missing time steps and to leave
one might expect that resulting thickness frequen- them in the analyses (as zero thicknesses in the
cies would not be exponential. In all likelihood, the simulation’s output file). But the unrealistic inclu-
complexity of the simulations (e.g., a complex sea sion of zero thickness units in the analyses still
level signal composed of one or more periods and failed to produce a more significant pattern.
magnitudes, differential subsidence across the The autocorrelation of the water-depth-ranked
shelf, seaward sediment transport, depth-depen- lithology would be expected to have a stronger sig-
dent carbonate production rates, and cessation of nal than the thickness of each layer since multiple
accumulation during exposure) may serve to distort additional factors may be involved in controlling
the periodic sea level signal, except in those incor- layer thickness. But this analysis also failed to de-
porating the high magnitudes of sea level change. tect any pattern distinguishable from noise (fig.
Indeed, simpler models incorporating uniform sub- 5G–5J). The simulations themselves are determi-
sidence, one or two cycles of sea level variation, nant and produced by a periodic driver, so one
and no sediment transport or erosion yield thick- would not expect much noise in the autocorrela-
ness frequencies that are easily differentiated from tion. However, the lithologic record resulting from
exponential Poisson distributions. In addition, the these simulations was extremely noisy, which
thickness frequency distributions are strongly de- masked the original cyclic driver. The lack of sig-
pendent on choice of bin size (fig. 4) nificance in the autocorrelation of layer thickness
This study focuses on whether a Poisson distri- and lithology seems to indicate that autocorrela-
bution of lithofacies thickness frequencies or au- tion is too crude a method to analyze for cyclic
tocorrelation of lithofacies provides a rigorous test drivers in carbonate successions.

Figure 5. Autocorrelation analysis of the lithologic unit thicknesses and lithologic type for the stratigraphic columns.
A–F, Graphs of the autocorrelation on the unit thicknesses using Pearson’s product-moment correlation. G–J, Graphs
of the autocorrelation for the type of lithology in the stratigraphic column (numerically ranked for water depth and
the distance of the bathymetric province from shore) using the Spearman rank correlation. Graphs A–D, G, and H
were calculated using stratigraphic columns taken at 120 km along the platform. Graphs E, F, I, and J were calculated
using stratigraphic columns taken at 160 km along the platform. Total sample number is the number of layers being
compared to one another at each iterative step. The solid line is the Pearson’s correlation coefficient or Spearman
correlation coefficient at each iterative step. The dashed line is the significance level at a of 0.05 as determined by
the number of layers under comparison at each iterative step.
360 T. A . D E X T E R E T A L .

The incompleteness of the carbonate strati- sedimentary successions are indeed stochastically
graphic record may act to conceal cyclic driving formed, then their predictability is negligible.
forces, in turn making it difficult to assess the qual-
ity of methods developed to measure cyclicity;
spectral analysis on such computer simulations Conclusions
also produces a noisy record with numerous peaks The simulations used a cyclic Milankovitch driver
in which the main driving frequencies are still rec- to produce cyclic stratigraphy, but the lithofacies
ognizable (Balog et al. 1997). The methods for test- thickness frequencies and autocorrelation methods
ing for the presence or absence of a Milankovitch used to analyze the resultant rock successions
driver in ancient successions must demonstrate found that these records often appeared indepen-
patterns that are distinct from what would be ex- dent of periodic orbital forcing. This indicates that
pected if the rocks were deposited independent of the factors involved in depositing cyclic sedimen-
orbital forcing. One of the problems with many of tary layers, as simulated in the model, tend to mask
the methods for detecting cyclicity is that they test the original periodic signal (such as Milankovitch
a single series (e.g., a stratigraphic column). This orbital forcing) and produce the appearance of in-
tends to miss lateral substitution of facies that oc- dependence or stochasticity. The hypothesis is that
curs at similar water depths in real settings. The the rocks are independent of extrabasinal forcing,
benefit of using simulations is their ability to cap- and these simulations indicate how difficult it is
ture information such as periods of no deposition to disprove such independence. Real rock succes-
or gaps in deposition from erosion that would oth- sions are very likely to have been historically more
erwise be difficult to quantify in real successions. complex than our simulations governed by merely
These simulations can be applied to test many of a few basic parameters. This poses a challenge to
the other methods used in the past that do appear even most cleverly designed quantitative methods
to find instances of periodic deposition, including used to test for stratigraphic patterns, with their
Markov chain analysis, Fischer plots, and spectral statistical outcomes being inherently ambiguous:
analysis. does a given outcome indicate that the record was
The method of analyzing lithofacies frequencies not formed in a cyclic fashion, or does it merely
developed by Wilkinson et al. (1996, 2003) and reflect the fact that an original cyclic driver has
Diedrich and Wilkinson (1999), which suggests that been masked by the complexity of depositional pro-
stratigraphic packages are independent of orbital cesses? It is important, therefore, to have controls
forcing, has sparked an enormous amount of re- by which these methods can be tested. The use of
search in stratigraphy. New methods are continu- simulations can provide such controls by producing
ally being developed to test for periodic drivers in synthetic data with known Milankovitch cyclic
the rock record (Bailey and Smith 2005, 2008; Mey- drivers and thus providing an independent assess-
ers 2008). Such methods include bilogarithmic ment of statistical methods applied to test real em-
thickness/frequency plots of layer thickness inven- pirical records.
tories (LTI) of Bailey and Smith (2008) and the av-
erage spectral misfit (ASM) of Meyers (2008). The
method using LTI plots posits that stratigraphy in-
dependent of orbital forcing should illustrate a This work was made possible by support from the
power-law relationship and in periodically depos- Byron Cooper Geosciences Graduate Student Re-
ited stratigraphy this power law relationship is ab- search Award and the Leonard and Melva Harris
sent (Bailey and Smith 2008). Average spectral mis- Graduate Student Award. The authors would like
fit is another method that utilizes the null to thank James D. Schiffbauer, Peter J. Voice, and
hypothesis that layers are independent of periodic- John W. Huntley for their comments on early drafts.
ity and quantifies the probability of rejecting this The authors would also like to thank Bruce Wil-
hypothesis (demonstrating that real rock packages kinson and an anonymous reviewer, whose gen-
often reject the hypothesis of independence; Mey- erous and extensive input greatly improved quality
ers 2008). Testing for cyclic drivers in the rock rec- of this project. The authors also wish to thank Scott
ord is of great importance because, if present, the Bowman, who developed the modeling software
drivers are a predictive tool in stratigraphy. If the that made this project possible.
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