Effect of Dietary Fibre Addition On The Selected Nutritional Properties of Cookies

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Eect of dietary bre addition on the selected

nutritional properties of cookies

Nermin Bilgicli a, S
enol Ibanog


, Emine Nur Herken

Department of Food Engineering, Agricultural College, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
Department of Food Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Gaziantep University, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey

Cookie samples were prepared with 030% of the wheat our substituted with bres from apple, lemon, wheat and wheat bran. The
eects of increased levels of bres from dierent sources on the nutritional properties of cookie samples were investigated (i.e. in vitro
protein digestibility, phytic acid content, total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic compounds). It was found that increasing bre
from apple, lemon and wheat sources did not change the nutritional status of the samples to a great extent (p < 0.05). However, addition
of wheat bran signicantly reduced the nutritional properties of the cookie samples.

Keywords: Phytic acid; Antioxidant capacity; Digestibility

1. Introduction
A wide variety of bre sources have been developed for
use in various foods to provide more bre. Low dietary
bre intake has been associated with a variety of diseases
such as diverticular disease, constipation, appendicitis, diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease and bowl cancer
(Cleave, 1956). Phytic acid (myo-initisol hexaphosphate,
PA) has been considered to be an antinutrient due to its
ability to bind minerals and proteins, either directly or indirectly, and thus change their solubility, functionality,
absorption and digestibility (Rickard & Thompson,
1997). Most PA-mineral complexes are insoluble at
physiological pH, which is the main cause of the poor bioavailability of the mineral complexes (Harland & Harland,
1980). The antioxidants are known to play an important
role in protection against disorders caused by oxidant
damage. The term antioxidants refer to compounds that
can counteract the damaging eects of oxygen in tissues.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 342 3601200; fax: +90 342 3601100.
E-mail address: sibanoglu@gantep.edu.tr (S
. Ibanog

Although the term technically applies to molecules reacting

with oxygen, it is often applied to molecules that protect
from any free radical (molecule with unpaired electron)
(Velioglu, Mazza, Gao, & Oomah, 1998). Studies have
shown that consumption of grains, fruits and vegetables
may reduce risk of chronic diseases and/or promote general
human health (Temple, 2000). Antioxidants are believed to
contribute to the benecial eects of grains, fruits, and vegetables through several possible mechanisms, such as
directly reacting with and quenching free radicals, chelating
transition metals, reducing peroxides, and stimulating the
antioxidative defence enzyme activities (Velioglu et al.,
A variety of bres from plant sources have been used in
cookies to improve the texture, colour and aroma with a
reduced energy of the nal product (Jeltema, Zabik, &
zturk, O
zboy, Cavidoglu, & Koksel, 2002).
Thiel, 1983; O
Lemon and apple bre have been reported to have relatively
high water holding capacity and therefore used in cakes,
breads and similar cereal products to improve the softness
and the product yield with a reduced energy value of the
product (Chen, Rubenthhaler, Leung, & Baranowski,
1988). Being a readily available and inexpensive source of

dietary bre and antioxidant properties, wheat bran is

widely used in cookies. However, it contains relatively lower
dietary bre, higher amount of crude fat and higher phytic
zavar, 2004).
acid content when compared to wheat bre (O
Enzymes can be added to cereal products to increase the
water holding capacity and to improve the softness and
elasticity of the resulting doughs with an improved texture
and volume of the nal product. Xylanase enzyme breaks
down insoluble components of the cell walls (i.e. pentozans)
resulted in solubilization of the component (Hilhorst, 1999).
The addition of various enzymes such as hemicellulase,
pentosanase, amylase, lipase, glucooxidase, cellulase and
xylanase on the chemical, physical and sensory properties
of bread has been studied extensively. Protein digestibility
is an important factor when assessing the protein quality
and nutritional status of a food product (Hsu, Vavak,
Satterlee, & Miller, 1977). To the best of our knowledge,
there is limited research on the eect of bre addition on
the nutritional properties of xylanase enzyme added cookies. The purpose of this study was to partially replace wheat
our in the formulation of wire-cut cookies with dierent
sources of dietary bre (i.e. lemon, apple, wheat bres
and wheat bran) on the levels of 15%, 20% and 30% (w/w,
based on the wheat our used) when used with 0.4% xylanase enzyme and to measure the nutritional properties of
resulting cookies (i.e. in vitro protein digestibility, phytic
acid content, total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic

bre was kindly supplied by Inallar Gda (Konya, Turkey).

Wheat bran used was obtained from a commercial wheat
our company (Selva Gda, Konya, Turkey). The xylanase
enzyme was a commercial mixture (endo-1,4 BD xylanase,
10,000 Xyl u/ml) and obtained from Polen Gda (Istanbul,
Turkey). The SSL (sodium stearoyl lactylate) emulsier
used was obtained from Trend Gda (Konya, Turkey).
The approximate chemical composition of the wheat four
and bre sources used are given in Table 1.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Cookie preparation
Wire-cut cookies were prepared according to the basic
formula given in Table 2 (AACC Method No: 1054,
1990). The 15%, 20%, and 30% of the wheat our used
was replaced with dierent bres. Xylanase enzyme was
added to the formulation at a level of 0.4%, based on the
total weight of the mixture. A control sample including
no bre and enzyme was also prepared (Table 2). The mixture was kneaded using a laboratory type mixer for 10 min
low speed. The resulting dough was manually shaped into
circular form (diameter: 50 mm, thickness: 5 mm). The
cookies were baked in an air oven at 180 C for 17 min.
The cookies were cooled down to room temperature prior
to analysis (1820 C).

2. Materials and methods

Table 2
Formulation of control cookie with no bre added

2.1. Materials


% (Wet basis, w/w)

Icing sucrose
Crystal brown sucrose
Skimmed milk powder
Table salt (NaCl)
Sodium bicarbonate
Shortening mixture
High-fructose corn syrup (42%)
Wheat our
SSL (sodium stearoyl lactylate)
Xylanase enzyme


The ingredients used in cookie production (i.e. wheat

our, icing sucrose, skimmed milk powder, sodium bicarbonate, shortening mixture, corn syrup) were obtained
from Saray A.S (Konya, Turkey). The shortening mixture
was a combination of date, cotton and soybean oils including BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated
hydroxytoluene) as antioxidant. Corn syrup was 42%
high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Apple and lemon bres
were obtained from Arosel Gda (Konya, Turkey). Wheat

Table 1
Chemical and nutritional properties of wheat our and bre sources used in cookie production (mean SD, %, w/w, dry basis)*

Crude protein (N 5.7)
Crude fat
Crude ash
Phytic acid (mg/100 g)
Total antioxidant capacity
(mmol Trolox equiv/g dry sample)
Total phenolic compounds
(mM gallic acid/g dry sample)
In vitro protein digestibility

Wheat our

Apple bre

Lemon bre

Wheat bre

Wheat bran

14.21 0.2 (a)

8.53 0.5 (b)
1.55 0.1 (c)
0.58 0.1 (d)
497.2 3.11 (b)
24.06 0.08 (a)

7.18 0.1 (d)

0.93 0.1 (c)
3.42 0.1 (b)
1.47 0.1 (b)
41.5 0.71 (d)
23.15 0.89 (a)

8.20 0.3 (c)

0.45 0.1 (c)
0.54 0.0 (d)
1.74 0.1 (b)
37.2 1.71 (d)
24.24 0.34 (a)

9.48 0.4 (b)

0.40 0.1 (c)
0.22 0.0 (e)
1.03 0.0 (c)
57.1 0.28 (c)
23.34 0.72 (a)

7.21 0.2 (d)

14.03 0.3 (a)
5.63 0.0 (a)
4.21 0.1 (a)
3348.8 5.37 (a)
19.82 1.22 (c)

1.218 0.01 (b)

1.243 0.02 (ab)

0.486 0.11 (c)

0.340 0.03 (c)

1.463 0.05 (a)

76.82 2.57 (a)

66.03 1.46 (b)

67.85 0.21 (b)

65.18 0.25 (bc)

62.36 0.51 (c)

Figures in the same raw sharing a common letter in parentheses are not signicantly dierent (p < 0.05).

2.2.2. Chemical analysis

The raw materials used and the cookie samples were
analysed for their moisture (AACC Method 44-01), ash
(AACC Method 08-01) and fat (AACC Method 30-25),
crude protein (AACC Method 46-12), cellulose (AACC
Method 32-10) content using standard methods (AACC,
2.2.3. Nutritional analysis
The in vitro protein digestibilities (IVPD) of the samples
were determined by the modied methods of Hsu et al.
(1977) and Dahlin and Lorenz (1993). Fifty millilitres of
aqueous protein suspension having 6.25 mg protein/ml
was mixed for 60 min at 5 C. Then, the samples were
placed in a 37 C water bath and the pH was adjusted to
8.00 using 0.1 N NaOH and/or 0.1 N HCl, while stirring.
Lyophilized, crystallized trypsin (Sigma Chemical Co., St.
Louis, Mo) at a concentration of 1.6 mg/ml was maintained in an ice bath and the pH was adjusted to 8.00 with
0.1 N NaOH and/or 0.1 N HCl. Five ml of enzyme solution were then added to the protein suspension, which
was being stirred at 37 C. The trypsin had an activity of
13,766 BAEE units/mg protein. A rapid decline in pH
was observed. The pH drop was recorded 15 s after enzyme
addition and at one minute intervals for 10 min. Triplicate
analysis was performed for each sample. The enzyme solution was freshly prepared before each series of the test. The
percent protein digestibility (Y) was calculated by Eq. (1)
(Hsu et al., 1977):
Y 210:464  18:1x

where x is the change in pH after 10 min.

Phytic acid was measured by a colorimetric method
according to Haugh and Lantzsch (1983). Phytic acid in
the sample was extracted with a solution of HCl (0.2 N)
and precipitated with solution of Fe(III) (ammonium
iron(III) sulphate 12 H2O). Total antioxidant capacity of
samples was determined according to the method given
by Erel (2004). This method is based on the decolourization
of ABTS [2-2 azinobis (3-methybenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate)] radical cation. The samples were extracted using
50% methanol. A modied method of Skerget et al.
(2005) was used to calculate the concentration of total
phenolics in the samples as mM gallic acid/g dry sample
using a UV spectroscopy, based on a colorimetric oxidation/reduction reaction. The oxidizing agent used was the
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The samples were extracted with
pure methanol at 40 C.
2.2.4. Statistical analysis
TARIST (version 4.0, Izmir)
software was used to perform the statistical analyses. Dierences in samples due
to addition of wheat germ/bran were tested for statistical
signicance at p = 0.05 level. Duncans multiple range test
was used to dierentiate between the mean values. Standard deviations were calculated using the same software.

3. Results and discussion

In this study, wheat our was partially replaced with
dietary bres from dierent sources in wire-cut cookies.
It is known that addition of enzymes such as pentosanase, amylase, lipase, glucooxidase and cellulase would
lead to softer and thinner wire-cut cookies (Manley,
1998). Therefore, the xylanase enzyme was added to the
formulation in order to obtain a product with improved
textural properties in this study. The chemical, physical
and sensory properties of wire-cut cookies enriched with
dierent sources of dietary bres have been reported in
our previous study (Uysal et al., submitted for publication). In the present paper, eects of bre addition
on the nutritional properties of cookies are discussed.
Table 1 shows the approximate chemical and nutritional
properties of main ingredients used in cookie formulation. It is seen that the total antioxidant capacities
(TAC) of the wheat our and the bres used are not signicantly dierent from each other except wheat bran
which has a relatively lower TAC compared to the others
(Table 1). Total phenolic compound content (TPC) of
lemon and wheat bre are found to be lower than those
of other ingredients used (Table 1). The in vitro protein
digestibility (IVPD) of wheat our was relatively higher
than the other components given in Table 1. There was
a big dierence between the phytic acid (PA) contents
of wheat our and wheat bran as compared to the other
components (Table 1). As expected, the addition of
apple, lemon and wheat bres decreased the PA contents
of the cookies since wheat our in the control formulation has a higher PA content of the added bres
(Table 1). On the other hand, the addition of wheat bran
on the 30% level caused more than a threefold increase in
the PA content of the cookies (Table 3). There was a
small but signicantly dierent increase on the TAC of
the samples upon the addition of bres (p < 0.05,
Table 3). Total phenolic compounds in the samples generally were not aected signicantly when bres from different sources were added, except the wheat bran. TPC
content of the samples increased with increasing wheat
bran addition (Table 3). In vitro protein digestibility
(IVPD) is an important factor when assessing the nutritional status of a food product. The results showed that
addition of bres to the cookie formulation decreased the
IVPD of the products. This may result from possible
complex formation between the bre components added
and the protein fraction of the samples. The mechanism
of these possible interactions requires further research.
In our previous study, it was reported that acceptable
cookie samples with decreased energy values can be produced by addition of bres from dierent sources (Uysal
et al., submitted for publication). However, the results
obtained in this study suggest that the nutritional value
of such products may be lower than that of the samples
with no external bre added.

Table 3
Nutritional properties of cookies with added bre (mean SD)*
Fibre source

Fibre level (%)

Phytic acid
(mg/100 g)

Total antioxidant activity

(mmol Trolox equiv/g dry sample)

Total phenolic compounds

(mM gallic acid/g dry sample)

In vitro protein
digestibility (%)



226. 2 1.70 (a)

207.4 0.85 (b)
200.0 1.41 (c)
183.3 2.4 (d)

22.47 0.10
21.59 0.13
21.44 0.06
21.16 0.08


1.21 0.16
1.25 0.10
1.26 0.08
1.30 0.11


73.89 0.13
70.92 0.03
70.72 0.10
70.05 0.07




219.1 5.8 (a)

198.9 2.69 (ab)
185.1 7.21 (b)
162.8 3.96 (c)

22.21 0.01
22.26 0.08
22.51 0.01
22.63 0.04


1.22 0.03
1.20 0.01
1.15 0.03
1.12 0.00


71.95 0.14
71.35 0.13
71.00 0.00
70.54 0.16




222.4 3.68
212.1 8.34
203.5 4.95
178.0 1.41


22.27 0.10
21.98 0.11
21.87 0.10
21.71 0.01


1.21 0.01
1.20 0.02
1.19 0.07
1.18 0.01


71.81 0.13
69.42 0.11
69.50 0.04
68.89 0.04


Wheat bran


223.7 5.23
475.5 7.78
525.5 7.78
714.2 6.79


22.40 0.03
21.06 0.08
20.56 0.08
20.36 0.11


1.22 0.01
1.25 0.01
1.32 0.28
1.38 0.07


71.80 0.14
68.03 0.10
66.45 0.07
65.04 0.06


Figures in the same column sharing a common letter in parentheses are not signicantly dierent (p < 0.05).

4. Conclusion
It can be concluded from the results of this study that,
although the addition of bres from dierent sources may
reduce the energy content of the cookies, bres from apple,
lemon and wheat sources may aect the nutritional status
of cookie samples negatively. The mechanism of reduced
in vitro protein digestibility when bres are added to the
cookie samples requires further research.
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