Crude Oil Pipeline (Chapters I, II & VI)

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In common usage liquid pressure is expressed in

"pounds per square inch." The derivation of this term is
best shown by reference to an open-top vessel where the
surface of the liquid is exposed to the atmosphere. If, for
example, a tube one inch square, or having a cross-section
area of one square inch, is filled to a vertical height of
2.31 feet (27.7 inches) with water having a specific
gravity of 1.0, the water will weigh one pound and the
pressure at the bottom of the tube will be one pound per
square inch. A 2.31 foot-high column of mercury, which
has a specific gravity of 13.55 would weigh 13.55 pounds
and the pressure would be 13.55 pounds per square inch.
Likewise, a petroleum oil having a specific gravity of less
than water, will exert correspondingly less pressure. The
general formula for pressure is :
Head in feet XSp. Gr.
Lb. per Sq. Inch == - - - - - - - -

Pressure in a liquid is proportional to the depth alone
and is not influenced by the size or shape of the containing vessel. This principle is illustrated in Figure 1.
Pressure in a liquid is due to the pull of gravity. However, cohesion is so weak in the liquid that the pressure
is released to go in any direction it can. In a solid, cohesion overcomes this force, and the entire mass hangs
together and presses downward only.
Since pressure in a liquid is equal in all directions at
anyone point, it is evident that at any depth the upward
pressure is equal to the downward pressure. This upward
pressure of liquids is manifested when any two containers
with open tops, 'regardless of shape or size, are connected
below the liquid levels. The liquid in one container will
flow into the other until it reaches the same height in both.
When the liquid heights become equal, the "up" pressure
on one is equal to the"down" pressure on the other.

A liquid seeks its own level, and any free liquid is

alioay s level on its surlaee. The speed with which a liquid
seeks its own level depends upon the viscosity of the liquid
(see explanation of viscosity, page 7). A liquid with a
high viscosity, such as cylinder oil, will actually pile up
for a time when run through a pipe into a free tank while
a liquid such as gasoline seeks its level immediately. (See
Figure 2).
A pplication of Liquid Pressure
If a liquid is put under pressure in a closed container,
pressure is exerted alike in all directions-downward and
upward. The hydraulic press works by the transmission of

liquid pressure based upon the above principle. Because

of the difference in pressure exerted by different liquids,
the process of settling is made possible. Two liquids of
different densities and that will not mix may be run into
the same tank and the denser liquid will settle to the
bottom of the tank and may be drawn off under the less
dense liquid. Because of the difference of specific gravity
(density) of the two materials, one will float on the other.
Oil and water are separated in this manner.

Liquids at Rest and in Motion

There are two fundamental pressure conditions of
liquids; the static pressure or head where liquids are at
rest, and the dynamic pressure or head where liquids are
in motion.

Static Head-Static head is the height from a given

point in a column or body of still liquid to the surface
of the liquid. This height is generally expressed in feet.
For water, the pressure in pounds per square inch at the
given point can be calculated by dividing the static head,
in inches, by 27.7, or dividing the head in feet by 2.31;
for example, a head of 46.2 feet of water equals 20 pounds
per square inch.
Dynamic Head-Dynamic head is a measure of the
energy of motion of a flowing liquid. It is, in effect, the
static head required to accelerate the liquid to its flowing
velocity. In Figure 3, the distance from the top of the
tank to ground level is the static head. As the liquid
flows down through the pipe, it loses static head but gains
velocity, or dynamic head. At the point of discharge, the
dynamic head begins converting back to static head as
the liquid rises until all dynamic head is converted to
static and then falls back to the ground. The "loss of
head" represents friction losses in pipe and air.
Stated another way, the liquid in the tank has potential
energy-that is, energy of position with respect to the
ground level. This is converted to kinetic energy or energy
of motion as the liquid drops through the pipe to ground
level. The kinetic energy at ground level is equal to the
original potential energy minus friction losses.
A familiar example is the garden hose. With the faucet
turned on and the nozzle turned off, the hose is filled with
water at line rressure (static head or potential energy).
Open the nozzle. Line pressure is now used up in moving
the water (converted to dynamic head or kinetic energy) .
T here is no pressure (static head or potential energy) at
the nozzle. It is all energy of motion, and this energy is
used up in carrying the water through the air.

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