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Unit1 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

Semantic barrier A “know -it-all” attitude

Organizational barrier Suppressing unofficial communication channels

Cultural barrier Importance given to punctuality

Individual barrier Messages w ith multiple meanings

Environmental barrier Overuse of computer terminology

Cultural context Gender bias

Linguistic barrier Noise of machines

Passive listening Lack of eye contact

3.Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an organization responsible for

inspecting residential buildings and for ensuring that maintenance and repair work is
carried out, sent a letter to a construction company, warning them about a lift slab
problem in a building that they had recently constructed. They strongly advised the
company to reinforce the lift slab as soon as possible at their own cost, failing which the
building would collapse. The construction company understood the letter to mean that the
problem could arise at a future date and simply filed the letter, taking no action. They
thought that it was just a way of making them spend money. Two weeks later, the
building collapsed as predicted and thirty people were crushed to death.

In the above case, communication fails because of?

a. Wrong interpretation of the message

b. Wrong channel
c. Psychological noise
d. Badly worded message
4.Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an organization responsible for
inspecting residential buildings and for ensuring that maintenance and repair work is
carried out, sent a letter to a construction company, warning them about a lift slab
problem in a building that they had recently constructed. They strongly advised the
company to reinforce the lift slab as soon as possible at their own cost, failing which the
building would collapse. The construction company understood the letter to mean that the
problem could arise at a future date and simply filed the letter, taking no action. They
thought that it was just a way of making them spend money. Two weeks later, the
building collapsed as predicted and thirty people were crushed to death.

In the above case, communication fails because of?

a. Sending the message to residents of the building.

b. Ensuring that message received is the same as message sent

c. Wording the message more accurately
d. Using the oral channel of communication

5.A supervisor in a factory questioned his night staff, because there had been several
hours of down time the previous night. “Who is responsible for this crisis?” he asked
angrily. The staff remained silent.
“ We are going to stay here till someone tells me the truth. This is not what I expected
from you”, said the supervisor. As the supervisor stood there eyeballing the night staff,
they shifted uncomfortably, looked at their watches and fidgeted. No one spoke a word.
A lot of time was wasted and relationships were under strain.
Finally, the meeting was called off. The night staff went away with no idea of what they
should do, if a similar problem arose in future.

In this case, communication breaks down because of?

a. Faulty message
b. Wrong channel
c. Feedback
d. Wrong context
6.A supervisor in a factory questioned his night staff, because there had been several
hours of down time the previous night. “Who is responsible for this crisis?” he asked
angrily. The staff remained silent.

“ We are going to stay here till someone tells me the truth. This is not what I expected
from you”, said the supervisor. As the supervisor stood there eyeballing the night staff,
they shifted uncomfortably, looked at their watches and fidgeted. No one spoke a word.
A lot of time was wasted and relationships were under strain.
Finally, the meeting was called off. The night staff went away with no idea of what they
should do, if a similar problem arose in future.

The feedback or response of the night staff to the supervisor’s message in the above case
may be described as?
a. No feedback
b. Oral feedback

c. Non-verbal feedback
d. Written feedback

7.A supervisor in a factory questioned his night staff, because there had been several
hours of down time the previous night. “Who is responsible for this crisis?” he asked
angrily. The staff remained silent.

“ We are going to stay here till someone tells me the truth. This is not what I expected
from you”, said the supervisor. As the supervisor stood there eyeballing the night staff,
they shifted uncomfortably, looked at their watches and fidgeted. No one spoke a word.
A lot of time was wasted and relationships were under strain.

Finally, the meeting was called off. The night staff went away with no idea of what they
should do, if a similar problem arose in future.

Taking the above case as an example, the communication could have been made
successful through?

a. Positive tone of voice

b. The written communication channel
c. Making the staff stay till a solution is found

d. More positively worded message

8.Prasad : Umesh, I want you to call Satish tomorrow morning at 9 am and tell him that
our company policy states that orders must be placed at least 48 hours in advance, in
order to get supplies the following working day. Let him know that we appreciate his
business. Listen to his concerns and be positive. Report back to me tomorrow. If he does
not agree to our policy, I will talk to him and see what can be worked out.

In the above situation, the communication is successful because of?

Umesh : ( paraphrases the above message)

Prasad : That’s right. We have to negotiate a realistic time with Satish. We’ll discuss this
at 10.30 am tomorrow.

Umesh : Sure. I’ll report back to you at 10.30am tomorrow.

Prasad : Great! Thanks for your help.

a. Accurately worded message

b. Right channel
c. Feedback

d. Accurate decoding or interpretation of the message.

9.Which of the following are examples of psychological noise?

a) The sender’s clothing

b) Phones ringing

c) Receiver’s pre-occupations

d) Speaker’s nervousness

e) Receiver’s negative attitude to topic/speaker

f) Highly technical subject

g) Tendency to be over critical

h) Strong views on a subject

a. a, c, d, e, g
b. c, d, e, g, h
c. d, e, f, g, h
d. b, c, d, e, h

10.Which of the following are strategies to overcome barriers to communication?

1. Ensure that message received is the same as message sent

2. Ensure that information flows in all directions
3. Use only official channels of communication
4. Conduct training programs for employees in listening skills
5. Choose oral, face-to-face channels
6. Invite suggestions from lower level employees
7. Avoid messages with multiple meanings
8. Make positive and negative information available to all

a. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
b. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8
c. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
d. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

11.Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of

communication in the communication process?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->A. <!--[endif]-->Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message,


<!--[if !supportLists]-->B. <!--[endif]-->Receiver, Feedback, Sender, Message,


<!--[if !supportLists]-->C. <!--[endif]-->Sender, Channel, Message, feedback,


<!--[if !supportLists]-->D. <!--[endif]-->Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver,


a. Sender, Channel, Message, feedback, Receiver

b. Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback
c. Receiver, Feedback, Sender, Message, Channel
d. Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback

Unit2 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

Jargon May lead to misunderstanding

Words with multiple meanings May have a negative connotation

Abstract language May be used after careful audience analysis

Sexist language May lead to several interpretations

Importance given to time May differ across cultures

Silence Cannot be avoided

Head movements Cannot be conveyed by non-verbal communication

Ideas or concepts May not be easy to understand

3.A supervisor in a factory questioned his night staff, because there had been several
hours of down time the previous night. “Who is responsible for this crisis?” he asked
angrily. The staff remained silent.

“ We are going to stay here till someone tells me the truth. This is not what I expected
from you”, said the supervisor. As the supervisor stood there eyeballing the night staff,
they shifted uncomfortably, looked at their watches and fidgeted. No one spoke a word.
A lot of time was wasted and relationships were under strain.

Finally, the meeting was called off. The night staff went away with no idea of what they
should do, if a similar problem arose in future.

Which of the following aspects of non-verbal communication is used most frequently in

the above case?

a. Time language
b. Paralanguage
c. Proxemics

d. Kinesics
4.A supervisor in a factory questioned his night staff, because there had been several
hours of down time the previous night. “Who is responsible for this crisis?” he asked
angrily. The staff remained silent.

“ We are going to stay here till someone tells me the truth. This is not what I expected
from you”, said the supervisor. As the supervisor stood there eyeballing the night staff,
they shifted uncomfortably, looked at their watches and fidgeted. No one spoke a word.
A lot of time was wasted and relationships were under strain.

Finally, the meeting was called off. The night staff went away with no idea of what they
should do, if a similar problem arose in future

A more positive message could have been conveyed in the above case through :?

a. Positive body language

b. Specific language
c. Positive tone of voice

d. Positive words

5.Prasad : Umesh, I want you to call Satish tomorrow morning at 9 am and tell him that
our company policy states that orders must be placed at least 48 hours in advance, in
order to get supplies the following working day. Let him know that we appreciate his
business. Listen to his concerns and be positive. Report back to me tomorrow. If he does
not agree to our policy, I will talk to him and see what can be worked out.

Umesh : ( paraphrases the above message)

Prasad : That’s right. We have to negotiate a realistic time with Satish. We’ll discuss this
at 10.30 am tomorrow.

Umesh : Sure. I’ll report back to you at 10.30am tomorrow.

Prasad : Great! Thanks for your help.

The purpose of communication with the customer in the above case is to;

a. Apologize to the customer

b. Sell the company’s products
c. Listen to customer complaints.

d. Persuade the customer to accept standard procedures

6.Prasad : Umesh, I want you to call Satish tomorrow morning at 9 am and tell him that
our company policy states that orders must be placed at least 48 hours in advance, in
order to get supplies the following working day. Let him know that we appreciate his
business. Listen to his concerns and be positive. Report back to me tomorrow. If he does
not agree to our policy, I will talk to him and see what can be worked out.

Umesh : ( paraphrases the above message)

Prasad : That’s right. We have to negotiate a realistic time with Satish. We’ll discuss this
at 10.30 am tomorrow.

Umesh : Sure. I’ll report back to you at 10.30am tomorrow.

Prasad : Great! Thanks for your help.

The communication channel used to communicate with the customer in the above case
may be described as:?

a. Two way non face-to-face channel

b. One way non face-to-face channel
c. Two way, face-to-face channel
d. One way face-to-face channel

7.Prasad : Umesh, I want you to call Satish tomorrow morning at 9 am and tell him that
our company policy states that orders must be placed at least 48 hours in advance, in
order to get supplies the following working day. Let him know that we appreciate his
business. Listen to his concerns and be positive. Report back to me tomorrow. If he does
not agree to our policy, I will talk to him and see what can be worked out.

Umesh : ( paraphrases the above message)

Prasad : That’s right. We have to negotiate a realistic time with Satish. We’ll discuss this
at 10.30 am tomorrow.

Umesh : Sure. I’ll report back to you at 10.30am tomorrow.

Prasad : Great! Thanks for your help.

In a situation such as the one in the above case, the most effective channel would be:

a. An email message
b. Telephone communication
c. A letter explaining the company policy

d. A face-to-face meeting

8.Identify the different aspects of body language from the following list:

1. Raising the eyebrows

2. Clenching fists

3. Yawning

4.Sitting at the head of the table

5. Scratching the head

6. Calling a subordinate to your room for a meeting

7. Speaking loudly

8. Dressing in bright colors

a. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
b. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8
c. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

9.The table lists different communication channels and one characteristic. Rate each
channel on this characteristic as either “high” or “low” and select one of the options
Channel Effectiveness for conveying
large amount of information
Oral presentations

a. High, Low, Low, High

b. Low, High, High, High
c. Low, Low, Low, High

d. Low, Low, High, High

10.Which of the following situations would require two-way/oral face-to-face channels?

1.Complaining to your superior about a difficult colleague

2. Requesting a few days of leave from work to attend a family reunion

3. Training a new faculty in distance education terminology

4. Informing the manager of a local business that you have not received a refund that was

5. Reminding your busy boss about a long overdue reimbursement for travel expenses

6. Apologizing to a customer for a defective product

7. Getting your boss’s reaction to the idea of redefining your responsibilities

a. 1, 3, 7
b. 4, 6, 7
c. 2, 3, 4
d. 3, 5, 7
11.Which of the situations listed below would require one-way non face-to-face/written

1.Complaining to your superior about a difficult colleague

2. Requesting a few days of leave from work to attend a family reunion

3. Training a new faculty in distance education terminology

4. Informing the manager of a local business that you have not received a refund that was

5. Reminding your busy boss about a long overdue reimbursement for travel expenses

6. Apologizing to a customer for a defective product

7. Getting your boss’s reaction to the idea of redefining your responsibilities

a. 3, 4, 6

b. 2, 4, 6
c. 1, 2, 6
d. 1, 6, 7

Unit3 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Mr. Subbaya, the Industrial Relations Manager of A to Z construction company, heard
through the grapevine that Mr. Ranga Reddy, a maintenance employee, had actually
taken three month’s leave to work for another employer, and not for personal reasons, as
requested by him. Since this was contrary to the labor act, the penalty for this could be

Mr. Subbaya immediately dictated a “Notice of hearing concerning dismissal action” to

his secretary and requested her to mail it to Ranga Reddy at his local address. The same
night, Ranga Reddy called Subbaya at his home to tell him that he knew about the
dismissal notice. He thought that his action was acceptable under the contract, but if it
was not, he wanted to return immediately, since he did not want to give up his permanent

When asked how he knew about his dismissal, Ranga Reddy said that his wife had called
him to tell him that she had heard the news from the mother of their son’s friend, whom
she had met at the local supermarket.
If you were Subbaya, which of the following measures would you take to suppress
grapevine leaks of this type?

a. Telephone the employer with whom Ranga is currently working

b. Tell the secretary to keep the matter confidential

c. Send email directly to Ranga Reddy
d. Telephone Ranga Reddy directly and inform him that he has been dismissed

2.Mr. Subbaya, the Industrial Relations Manager of A to Z construction company, heard

through the grapevine that Mr. Ranga Reddy, a maintenance employee, had actually
taken three month’s leave to work for another employer, and not for personal reasons, as
requested by him. Since this was contrary to the labor act, the penalty for this could be

Mr. Subbaya immediately dictated a “Notice of hearing concerning dismissal action” to

his secretary and requested her to mail it to Ranga Reddy at his local address. The same
night, Ranga Reddy called Subbaya at his home to tell him that he knew about the
dismissal notice. He thought that his action was acceptable under the contract, but if it
was not, he wanted to return immediately, since he did not want to give up his permanent

When asked how he knew about his dismissal, Ranga Reddy said that his wife had called
him to tell him that she had heard the news from the mother of their son’s friend, whom
she had met at the local supermarket.

After Ranga’s telephone call, what action should Subbaya take?

a. Pardon Ranga and allow him to return to his permanent job

b. ) Check with Ranga’s temporary employer about his conduct
c. Dismiss Ranga immediately
d. Call Ranga for a face-to-face meeting and do a thorough investigation before

taking any decision

3.Mr. Subbaya, the Industrial Relations Manager of A to Z construction company, heard
through the grapevine that Mr. Ranga Reddy, a maintenance employee, had actually
taken three month’s leave to work for another employer, and not for personal reasons, as
requested by him. Since this was contrary to the labor act, the penalty for this could be

Mr. Subbaya immediately dictated a “Notice of hearing concerning dismissal action” to

his secretary and requested her to mail it to Ranga Reddy at his local address. The same
night, Ranga Reddy called Subbaya at his home to tell him that he knew about the
dismissal notice. He thought that his action was acceptable under the contract, but if it
was not, he wanted to return immediately, since he did not want to give up his permanent

When asked how he knew about his dismissal, Ranga Reddy said that his wife had called
him to tell him that she had heard the news from the mother of their son’s friend, whom
she had met at the local supermarket.

If you were Subbaya, how would you ensure that company policies are not violated in

a. Enforce a monetary penalty to be deducted from monthly salary

b. Explain company policies and procedures orally to all new employees
c. ) Give negative feedback during performance appraisal
d. ) Put all company policies clearly in writing and include them with written

contract to employees

4.Match the external stakeholder in Set A with the appropriate channel of communication
in Set B and select one of the answers below –

Set A

1. Consumers


3. Government

4. Media

Set B

a) Conferences
b)Formal letters

c) Newsletters


Choose one answer.

a. 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
b. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d
c. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d

d. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

5.Match the external stakeholder in Set A with the objective of communication in Set B
and select one of the answers below –

Set A

1. Suppliers

2. Society

3. Bankers

4. Media

Set B

a) Highlight company achievements

b) Increase borrowing ability

c) Corporate social responsibility

d) Partnership

Choose one answer.

a. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
b. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

c. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

d. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
6.Match the reasons for external business communication in Set A with the outcome in
Set B and select one of the answers below –

Set A

1. Successful marketing

2. Positive image of the company

3. Increased shareholder value

4. Enhanced credit rating

Set B

a) More borrowing ability

b) Participation in company’s growth

c) Greater awareness of products

d) Overcome a crisis

Choose one answer.

a. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
b. 1d, 2b, 3a, 4c

c. 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a

d. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

7.Match the stakeholder in Set A with the channel of communication appropriate for each
stakeholder, in Set B and select one of the answers given below –

Set A

1. Superiors

2. Subordinates

3. Employees’ Unions
4. Shareholders

Set B

a) Conferences

b) Written contracts

c) One-to-one meetings

d) Strategy presentations

Choose one answer.

a. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4d
b. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

c. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

d. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

8.Match the stakeholder in Set A with the objective of communication with each
stakeholder, in Set B and select one of the answers given below -

Set A

1. Superiors

2. Peers

3. Subordinates

4. Shareholders

Set B

a) Building trust and confidence

b) Compliance with instructions and policies

c) Coordination of tasks

d) Problem solving

Choose one answer.

a. 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
b. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

c. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

d. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d

9.Which of the following are characteristic of a formal communication network?

1. Communication through intranet

2. Transparency gap

3. Compressed organizational pyramid

4. Friendship between co-workers

5. Information flow not structured

6.Suggestions given by employees

Choose one answer.

a. 2, 3, 4, 6

b. 1, 2, 3, 6
c. 2, 4, 5, 6
d. 3, 4, 5, 6

10.Which of the following are part of grapevine?

1. A secretary telling an employee that his boss is going to fire him

2. A co-worker telling another that the company is going to merge with another company

3. A company testing the reactions of its employees to working six days a week, instead
of five days.

4. A list of declared holidays posted on the intranet

5. A rumor that the company is laying off employees

6. A notice regarding the new mobile reimbursement policy for employees

a. 2, 3, 5, 6

b. 1, 2, 3, 5
c. 2, 3, 4, 5
d. 1, 2, 4, 6

11.Which of the following are true of lateral/horizontal communication?

1. Multi layer pyramid

2. Flattened pyramid

3.Larger span of control

4.Traditionally run organizations

5. Inter-departmental coordination

6. Teamwork

a. 2, 3, 5, 6
b. 2, 3, 4, 6
c. 2,3, 4, 5
d. 1, 2, 3, 5

Unit4 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

Question 1
Marks: 0.8/1

1.Prasad : Umesh, I want you to call Satish tomorrow morning at 9 am and tell him that
our company policy states that orders must be placed at least 48 hours in advance, in
order to get supplies the following working day. Let him know that we appreciate his
business. Listen to his concerns and be positive. Report back to me tomorrow. If he does
not agree to our policy, I will talk to him and see what can be worked out.

Umesh : ( paraphrases the above message)

Prasad : That’s right. We have to negotiate a realistic time with Satish. We’ll discuss this
at 10.30 am tomorrow.
Umesh : Sure. I’ll report back to you at 10.30am tomorrow.

Prasad : Great! Thanks for your help.

In the above situation, active listening is indicated by :

a. Non-verbal communication
b. Listening first before responding

c. Verbal communication
d. Focusing on content, vs. delivery

2.Mathew is a new professor of Marketing in a business school and has had two years’
teaching experience. The school requires that all new professors should work with a
mentor professor during the first year, regardless of previous experience. Kewal, a highly
respected and experienced professor, is assigned to mentor Mathew.

Kewal has observed Mathew’s classes and noticed that Mathew teaches straight from the
text book and does not give enough time for questions or clarifications. If students raise
their hand to say that they don’t understand, he merely refers them to the text book. If
they approach him after class hours, he scolds them for disturbing him.

Kewal has tried to fix a meeting with Mathew several times to talk about his
observations. But Mathew has always found a reason for not being able to meet. He has
even openly said that he does not need a mentor.

If you were Kewal, which type of listening would you recommend to Mathew, to make
his classes more effective?

a. Evaluative listening

b. Dialogic listening
c. Comprehension listening
d. Appreciative listening
3.Mathew is a new professor of Marketing in a business school and has had two years’
teaching experience. The school requires that all new professors should work with a
mentor professor during the first year, regardless of previous experience. Kewal, a highly
respected and experienced professor, is assigned to mentor Mathew.

Kewal has observed Mathew’s classes and noticed that Mathew teaches straight from the
text book and does not give enough time for questions or clarifications. If students raise
their hand to say that they don’t understand, he merely refers them to the text book. If
they approach him after class hours, he scolds them for disturbing him.

Kewal has tried to fix a meeting with Mathew several times to talk about his
observations. But Mathew has always found a reason for not being able to meet. He has
even openly said that he does not need a mentor.

In the above case, Mathew does not want to meet Kewal. This indicates the following
barrier to listening:

a. Gender barrier
b. Wrong assumption

c. Attitudinal barrier
d. Lack of training

4.Mathew is a new professor of Marketing in a business school and has had two years’
teaching experience. The school requires that all new professors should work with a
mentor professor during the first year, regardless of previous experience. Kewal, a highly
respected and experienced professor, is assigned to mentor Mathew.

Kewal has observed Mathew’s classes and noticed that Mathew teaches straight from the
text book and does not give enough time for questions or clarifications. If students raise
their hand to say that they don’t understand, he merely refers them to the text book. If
they approach him after class hours, he scolds them for disturbing him.

Kewal has tried to fix a meeting with Mathew several times to talk about his
observations. But Mathew has always found a reason for not being able to meet. He has
even openly said that he does not need a mentor.

Which of the following strategies should Mathew adopt to overcome his barrier to

a. Select a female mentor

b. Create a conducive listening environment
c. Show open mindedness
d. Take up a training program in listening skills

5.Match the following and select one of the answers given below –

Set A

1. Listener-speaker gap

2. Listening for emotions

3. Ego problems

4. Switching from one TV channel to another

Set B

a. Gender barrier

b. Physiological barrier

c. Bad listening habit

d. Attitudinal barrier

Choose one answer.

a. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

b. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d
c. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
d. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4 c

6.Match the following and select one of the answers given below –

Set A

1. Comprehension listening

2. Evaluative listening

3. Appreciative listening
4. Dialogic listening

Set B

a. A question and answer session, at the end of a presentation

b. Attending a foreign language class

c. A proposal to your superior for increasing the advertising budget

d. Tuning in to your favorite radio music channel

a. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4d

b. 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b
c. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

d. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a

7.Match the following and select one of the answers given below-

Set A

1. Conducive listening environment

2. Face-to-face channel

3. Active listening through non-verbal cues

4. Open-mindedness

Set B

a. Considering others’ opinions

b. Laughing at a joke

c. Job interview

d. Ensuring silence

a. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c

b. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

c. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d
d. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b

8.Match the following and select one of the answers given below:

Set A

1. Cultural barrier

2. Wrong assumption

3.Physical barrier

4.Passive listening

Set B

a. Hearing

b. A highly technical speech

c. Authority of speakers

d. Speaking a different dialect

a. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d

b. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c

c. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

d. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

9.Which of the following are characteristics of a good listener?

1. Curiosity

2. Concentration

3. Open mindedness

4. Egocentrism
5. Alertness

6. Critical nature

a. 2, 3, 5, 6
b. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 2, 3, 4, 5

d. 1, 2, 3, 5

10.Which of the following are strategies for good listening?

1. Relating the speaker’s main idea with what you know on the subject

2. Focusing on the speaker’s pronunciation

rather than his message

3. Using spare time to catch up with unfinished work

4.Engaging in dialogue with the speaker

5. Taking notes

6. Making direct eye contact with the speaker

a. 3, 4, 5, 6
b. .2, 4, 5, 6
c. 1, 2, 5, 6

d. 1, 4, 5, 6
11.Which of the following indicate effective listening in the workplace?

1.Apologizing to a customer for poor service

2. Granting a customer’s request for replacement of a defective product

3. Explaining to a complaining customer that the company was not at fault

4.Finding out why an employee is leaving the organization

5. Gathering information about a patient’s medical history

6. Criticizing an employee for lack of performance

a. 1, 2, 4, 6
b. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 2, 3, 4, 5

d. 1, 2, 4, 5

Unit5 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions

1.In which of the following situation should the active voice be used?

1. For presenting positive ideas

2. For emphasizing what has been done

3. In research reports

4. For emphasizing doer of the action

5. For more vivid imagery

a. 1, 2, 4, 6
b. 3, 4, 5, 6
c. 2, 3, 5, 6

d. 1, 4, 5, 6
2.Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below -

Set A

1.”Write to express, not to impress”

2. Metaphors

3. Jargon

4. Slang

Set B

a. Informal writing

b. “Improve” vs. “Ameliorate

c. Advertising language

d. “Data Warehouse Architecture”

a. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

b. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
c. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c

d. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a

3.Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –

Set A

1. Fog Index

2. Technique of emphasis

3. Non-sexist language

4. Sincere tone

Set B

a. Communicating with customers

b. Neutral job titles

c. Repetition

d. Length of words and sentences

a. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

b. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

c. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
d. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d

4.Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below-

Set A

1. Abstract nouns

2. Second person pronoun

3. Verbs

4.Adjectives and adverbs

Set B

a. Superlatives

b. Correct use of tenses

c. Emphasize positive ideas

d. Difficult to visualize

a. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d

b. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

c. 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b
d. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c
5.Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below-

Set A

1. Apostrophe

2. Brackets

3. Colon

4. Comma

Set B

a. Separates adjectives in a series

b. Suggests that a list will follow a statement

c. Separates a phrase from the main sentence

d. Indicates possession

a. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

b. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
c. 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
d. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

6.Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below-

Set A

1. Passive voice

2. American spelling

3. Quotation marks

4. Active voice

Set B
a. Doer of the action

b. Enclose title of an article

c. Labor

d. Negative ideas

a. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

b. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a

c. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
d. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d

7.Which of the following are examples of redundancies?

1. Consensus of opinion

2. Widow women

3. At your earliest convenience

4. But nevertheless

5. Exact same

6. Permit me to say

a. 2, 3, 4, 6

b. 1, 2, 4, 5
c. 1, 2, 3, 5
d. 2, 4, 5, 6

8.Which of the following are examples of British and American spellings?

1. “Visualise” and “visualize”

2. “Cheque” and “check”

3. “Candour” and “candor”

4. “ Stationery” and “stationary”

5. “Modernisation” and “modernization”

6. “Lose’ and “loose”

a. 1, 3, 4, 5
b. 3, 4, 5, 6
c. 2, 4, 5, 6

d. 1, 2, 3, 5

9.Which of the following are examples of frequently misused words?

1. “Affect” and “effect”

2. “Splendor” and “splendour”

3. “Anyone” and “any one”

4. “Disinterested” and “uninterested”

5. “Device” and “devise”

6. “Quiet” and “quite”

a. 1, 2, 3, 6
b. 1, 3, 4, 5

c. 1, 3, 4, 6
d. 2, 4, 5, 6
10.Which of the following are techniques of emphasizing ideas?

1. Placing the idea in the last paragraph

2. Placing the idea in the first paragraph

3.Using the passive voice to express an unpleasant idea

4. Repeating key words

5. Numbering ideas

6.Using small type, small letters and small font size

a. 1, 2, 4, 5
b. 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 1, 2, 4, 6
d. 2, 3, 4, 6

11.Which of the following sentences include “strong” adverbs?

1. He has performed brilliantly in the new job

2. Our prices are ridiculously low.

3. Our forecasts have been fantastically accurate

4. Sales have been phenomenal this year

5. He made a ridiculous presentation

6. Profits have been exceptionally high this year

a. 1, 2, 3, 6
b. 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 3, 4, 5, 6
d. 1, 2, 3, 5
Unit5 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions
1.Events are said to be mutually exclusive if the occurrence of one
a. Does not prevent the occurrence of other

b. Prevents the occurrence of other

c. Make the other to happen simultaneously
d. Stimulate the occurrence of others

2.If "m" outcomes are favourable to an event A and "n" are total outcomes of an
experiment then P(A) =
a. n / m
b. m + n / n
c. n – m / n

d. m / n

3.If the chances of occurrence of events are equal then events are called as
a. Mutually exclusive
b. Exhaustive

c. Equally likely
d. Independent

4.In axiomatic approach value of P(Ai) is

a. Greater than one

b. Between zero and one

c. Greater than zero
d. Less than zero
5.In real life it is always not possible to conduct experiment, because of
a. Selection of units
b. Low response
c. Lack of equipments

d. High cost

6.In statistical approach probability is determined

a. By personal experience
b. Before conducting experiment
c. On the basis of set theory

d. After conducting experiment

7.Probability of getting head when a coin is thrown, comes under

a. Prior approach
b. Empirical approach
c. Subjective approach
d. Conditional probability

8.Subjective approach is more suitable if sample size is

a. Greater than 50
b. Less than 600

c. Less than ten

d. Greater than 100

9.The statistical tool that deals systematically and scientifically with uncertainty is known
a. Theory of estimation
b. Games Theory

c. Probability Theory
d. Sequencing Theory
10.When we toss three coins, total outcome is given by
a. 4
b. 6

c. 8
d. 10

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